HP Bench Briefs 1982 07 10

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PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE grounded soldering iron and needle-

nose pliers (see Figures 3 and 4).
This method is very effective since
it minimizes the chance of over-
Jim Bechtold. Editor heating and damaging the PC board.

Introduction looks as though this person used a

100-watt soldering gun in the area
Since there are recognized proce- indicated by the arrow. Figure 2
dures for logical troubleshooting, shows a different repaired area with
there should also be recognized pro- good solder techniques; but then the
cedures for removing the defective person made the mistake of trying
components, installing new ones, to remove the flux with a sharp-
and in general, repairing defective pointed tool.
printed circuit (PC) boards. There
are accepted procedures, and this
article will describe some of Hewlett-
Packard’s standards and methods for
PC board repair and cleanup. Figure 3. “Clip Out Method.” Each lead is
cut off as close to the body of the compo-
nent as possible.
What is so hard about replacing an
IC you ask? As you can see in Fig-
ure 1, some people do need help. It

Figure 2. After soldering a new component

in place, this person tried to remove the
excess solder flux by scraping with a sharp Figure 4. The leftover pins are removed with
tool. Definitely not acceptable. soldering iron and needle-nose pliers. A lit-
tle new solder applied to the connection will
improve the heat transfer and make the pin
Component Removal easier to remove.

Once you find the fault, the first step Another method is to unsolder each
is to remove the defective part. One lead by heating it on one side and
Figure 1. Note the overheated area indl-
method is to simply clip the part out removing the solder from the other
cated by the arrow. This board had been (as long as you don’t intend to rein- side with an antistatic soldersucker’
“reworked” in many other areas with the stall it), and then remove the pins (see Figure 5). But be careful! The
same quality of workmanship. or leads one at a t i m e w i t h a wrong soldersucker (plastic) can

Part No. 5952-01 11 QHewlett-Packard 1982

produce static potentials in excess component so its axes are as paral-
of 5 kV-more than enough to wipe lel or perpendicular to the mount-
ing base as practical (see Figure 9).
out most IC devices.
To avoid lead stressing, components /7
should not be bent into position after
one end of the component has been
soldered in place.

Component Lead Damage

Extreme care must be taken when

forming bends to prevent shaving or
distortion of the component leads.
Figure 5. Excess solder is removed from the Any nicking of the lead where dam-
holes with a hand-operated vacuum device. age to the base metal exceeds 25%
A little new solder applied to the connection of the lead diameter is unacceptable
will cause a quicker flow and make the sol-
der easier to remove.
(see Figure 10).
Figure 6. This capacitor uses beads to keep
the coating out of the hole.
No matter which method you use, Adding New Components
when you heat the hole to remove
either the pin or solder, add a little bend and component t o take the The addition of components to mod-
new solder t o the pad. This will stress. The component lead should ify the performance of a circuit may
cause the solder to flow quickly (due extend straight out from the body of be specified in an update procedure.
to efficient heat transfer) and make the component a minimum distance In general, the mounting of new
the pidsolder easier to remove. equal to the diameter of the lead components must utilize existing
before the start of the bend, and the plated-through holes, installed eye-
Component Installation radius of the bend should be greater lets o r standoffs, hollow pins, a
than one-half the diameter of the socket, or only as a last resort, the
Mounting Requirements lead. Figure 7 shows the recom- lead of another component. Compo- ”)‘
mended lead orientation. Note that nent leads should not be solder
A replacement component should the lead enters the hole approxi- “tacked” to a circuit trace, with the
always be mounted in a manner mately parallel to the axis of the exception of components that are
similar to the original component. hole. This provides sufficient stress designed for surface connections,
You should mount components so relief to allow for contraction and such as IC flat packs.
that the body of the part is as close flex of the PC board.
as practical to the board. If the com- Industry standards do not allow the
ponent is coated (such as the capac- t e r m i n a t i o n of more t h a n one
itor shown in Figure 61, the lead jumper or component lead to one
coating can extend into the hole hole. In other words, don’t try to jam
provided that the lead has wet prop- two leads into a hole that was de-
erly on the circuit side of the board signed (drilled) for just one. How-
and exhibits a n acceptable solder ever, there are special “cloverleaf”
fillet (see Figure 21). A better al- terminals, or multiple hole connec-
ternative is to use beads to keep the tors that can be inserted into the
coating out of the hole (see Figure board for accepting up to five leads.
A) Distance equal to lead diameter. Damaged Components
. . . ...

Lead Forming and Stress Relief

Figure 7. Recommended lead bending and Breaks, chips, or scratches on any
The component leads should be orientation. component are acceptable provided
formed before inserting into the they do not electrically degrade op-
board. The leads should be sup- It is not recommended (although ac- eration. Resistors and capacitors are
ported with a tool during forming to ceptable) that component leads be frequently susceptible to this type
prevent transmitting stress forces
into the component and causing an
bent under the component to match
mounting holes that are too close
of damage and should be closely in-
spected. Figures 11 and 12 are ex- -3
internal fracture. Many technicians together (see Figure 8 1. An alter- amples of typical body damage to
use needle-nose pliers between the native is to vertically mount the these components.


Figure 8. The mounting holes are too close together for this resistor. Figure 9. Acceptable end mounting when the holes are too close
This mounting is acceptable although not recommended. A better together. The use of insulation beads to space components away
alternative is shown in Figure 9. from the PC board is recommended.



Figure 10. Example of a nicked resistor lead. Figure 11. Examples of resistor damage in certain areas that is acceptable and other areas
The technician probably used side cutters that is unacceptable.
to hold the lead while bending

Soldering shows a perfect solder joint slightly

concave with good flow. Figure 14
Soldering is an art and each indi- shows an acceptable flat joint with
vidual has his or her own level of a minimum of solder, but still with
skill and personal touch. However, good flow. Figure 15 is acceptable
too heavy a touch or too hot a n iron with a maximum of solder forming
and a pad can be overheated, caus- a convex joint and still with good
ing it to become delaminated from flow. Notice that i n all the good
the board with probable damage to joints you can see the lead sticking
the component. And too light a touch through. This is one of the signs of
or too cold an iron results in a cold a good joint since it assures you that
solder joint, which can later become the lead is there. Look at the joint
intermittent. in Figure 16. Nice blob of solder,
but is it attached to a lead? This
Finished Solder Joint joint, though not recommended, is
acceptable, providing that on the
A finished connection should show component side, the lead and pad
Figure 12. Example of capacitor damage that a solid bond between the lead and have wet properly (look ahead to
is unacceptable. the circuit trace pad. Figure 13 Figure 22).


Now look at Figures 17 and 18. Fig- Sufficient Solder?
ure 17 shows a good example of a
“cold solder joint” where the lead A finished connection should ex-
was moved before the solder cooled. hibit feathered filleting between the
Figure 18 is another “cold solder lead and either circuit or component
joint” where either not enough heat pad as shown in Figure 20. The
was applied o r t h e pad was not minimum solder is where the solder
clean. Figure 19 shows a n unac- fills at least half of the hole and the
ceptable method of removing excess lead and pad have wet properly on
solder buildup on the trace. the reverse side as shown in Figure
21. Note that you can see the lead.
Minimum solder as shown in Figure
Figure 16. Normally unacceptable solder
joint. Lead is not visible and may not be
22 is also acceptable as long as the
making contact with the solder. Refer to fillet is maintained on the compo-
Figure 22 for example of when this joint is nent side of the board. Note that the
acceptable. lead is not visible on the solder side.

Figure 13. Best solder joint. Good flow, con-

cave with ideal amount of solder, and the
lead is visible.

Figure 17. Unacceptable cold solder joint.

Lead was moved before solder cooled.

Figure 20. Example of good eyelet to circuit

trace solder fillet. In addition to lead bond-
ing, solder fillet must insure bonding of the
eyelet to pad on both sides of the board.

Figure 14. Acceptable solder joint. Good

flow, flat with minimum of solder, and the
lead is visible.
Figure 18. Unacceptable cold solder joint.
Not enough heat or not properly cleaned to
make solder flow.

Figure 15. Acceptable solder joint. Good

flow, convex with a maximum of solder, and Figure 19. Unacceptable lead and solder Figure 21. Acceptable solder fillet only be-
clipping. cause there is no eyelet.

*he lead is visible.


or below the surface of the base
laminate. Notice that both measling
and haloing denote delamination of
the board material. Besides being
aesthetically u n d e s i r a b l e , t h e y
weaken the circuit structure and in-
troduce p a t h s for l e a k a g e a n d

Trace and Pad Repairs

The decision to repair a trace or a
pad must not be made lightly. The
basic criterion is t h a t the repair
return the board to its original op-
erating condition. When you make
Figure 22. Acceptable solder fillet and lead the decision to repair or alter a cir-
placement. Note that the lead is not visible. c u i t , t h e following m u s t be
Figure 23. Acceptable measling. Delamina- considered.
Heat Damage tion localized around pad and does not Will the repair adversely affect
bridge to adjacent trace.
the designed performance and re-
liability of the circuit?
PC boards are susceptible to heat
damage due to their glass epoxy Can the repair be made neatly
laminated construction. In the wave and logically?
solder assembly process the heat re- Will your confidence in the prod-
quired to melt solder is usually uct be reduced by the resulting
closely controlled and does not cause appearance?
a n y problems. However, when Will the field be adversely af-
removing o r inserting individual fected by the repair?
components by hand with a solder-
ing iron, the heat required to melt Definitions of Damaged Traces
solder comes from a concentrated That Require Repair
source and is subject to human er-
ror. Consequently, heat damage can What type of trace damage war-
range from the minimum form of r a n t s repair? The following is a
“measling,” as shown in Figure 23, checklist.
to the worst case of a lifted pad or trace.
trace, as shown in Figure 24. Lifted from the board.
Complete break.
Measling is defined as a condition One-third or more of the trace is
existing in the base laminate in the missing because of a nick, hole,
form of discrete white spots o r burn, etc. (see Figure 26).
“crosses7’below the surface of the
base laminate, reflecting separation The trace is scratched and copper
of fibres in the glass cloth at the is visible.
weave intersection. Measling is un- Any internal traces on a multi-
acceptable if there is a continuous layer board that are connected to
path between two conductors or pads the feedthrough of a lifted pad
(see Figure 25). must be duplicated. However, un-
der normal circumstances, these
Another form of heat damage is b o a r d s would p r o b a b l y be
called “haloing.” This is a condition scrapped, since the labor costs
existing in the base laminate in the Figure 25. Unacceptable measling. Delami- would exceed the cost of a new
form of a light area around holes on nated area bridges two pads. board.


Definitions of Damaged Pads 0 An eyelet, barrel, or feedthrough ribbon results in a better final ap-
That Require Repair in which any part of the barrel is pearance; however, it requires spe-
missing . cial tools and procedures, which are
The following is a list of pad dam- usually not available at the bench
age that warrants repair. repair station.
Acceptable Methods of Trace
One-third or more of the pad that and Pad Repair Wire Jumper Repair
has a trace attached is missing or
lifted. The two common methods of repair- The wire jumper may not be used
Complete break in which the pad i n g traces use wire jumpers or to repair breaks more than half the
is separated from a trace. welded gold ribbon. Welded gold width of the trace.

Basic Principles of Soldering

The principle of soldering is to point may not adequately wet the The 180-degree cushion will be
form a metallurgical bond be- base metal. And overheated solder lowered substantially when the
tween metals using a filler metal may become oxidized or dissolve tip is dragged across t h e wet
(solder) which melts below 800°F small quantities of base metal, re- sponge for cleaning, and further
(427°C).Bond strength of the joint sulting in a sluggish, grainy melt lowered when the tip is applied
depends on wetting (diffusion) of or weakness in the finished joint. to t h e joint. Therefore, 700°F
the base metal by the solder. seems to be the optimum temper-
The flux-core wire solder Hewlett- ature for the tip. A note of cau-
It would be safe to say that while Packard recommends for general PC tion: the more times you wipe
most technicians can melt solder board rework is RMA P2 63/37 tin/ your iron across a wet sponge to
and form a good joint, they have lead2 with a flow point of 361°F clean the tip, the lower the tip
no idea what the tip temperature (182.8"C). The Weller WTCP series temperature plunges. This can
of their soldering iron is, or pre- soldering stations Hewlett-Packard result in cold solder joints or se-
cisely what type of flux their flux- uses have available a variety of dif- verely overheated components
core wire solder contains-prob- ferent shaped tips in 600", 700", and (holding the iron in place too long
ably the two most important fac- 800°F temperatures (315", 371", and waiting for the solder to melt).
t o r s i n p e r f o r m i n g a good 426.5"C). A 1/16" diameter screw-
soldering job. These two factors driver-type tip with a 700°F control
are usually evaluated after the tip temperature (PTA7) is normally Flux
job is done by comparing the pos- provided with the soldering station
itive vs negative results. and is the one H P generally uses. Flux aids soldering. In fact, ex-
There are many good soldering sta- cept under special conditions, sol-
tions available, but do not use sol- dering is usually not possible
Temperature d e r i n g g u n s . Soldering g u n s without it. Most of the solder used
generate far too much heat and in PC board repair is 63/37 (tin/
There are several temperatures should never be used for hand sol- lead) flux-core solder. The advan-
to consider: the temperature the dering PC boards. tage of flux-core solder is that it
solder melts at, the tip tempera- automatically ensures the correct
ture of the soldering iron (in de- Since soldering takes place below fludsolder ratio if the proper sol-
grees, not watts), and the 800"F, a n d t h e solder flows a t der has been selected. Flux-core
maximum safe soldering temper- -360"F, simple arithmetic shows the solder comes in a variety of di-
ature of the parts to be joined. In following: ameters and is filled with three
considering the maximum safe types of fluxes: rosin-based, or-
360°F solder melt temp.
temperature of the parts, remem- ganic acid (water soluble), and
+ W F wet temp. inorganic acid. Flux performs four
ber t h a t t h e proper soldering 520°F min. req. tip temp.
temperature is typically 60" to vital functions in soldering:
160°F (16"-71"C) above the soli- 700°F available tip temp.
dus temperature. This is because
solder heated just above its melting
-520°F min req.
180°F cushion
It chemically removes tarnish
films from the base metal.


1. Clean both sides of the break at 4. Flow a small amount of clear board and has no external traces at-
least 114 inch away from t h e epoxy cement neatly over the en- tached, the pad generally does not
break. tire repair and allow for proper have to be replaced, but all internal

r 2. Cut a piece of No. 22 or 24 AWG

solid tinned copper wire a mini-
mum of 1/4inch longer than the

Pad Repairs
traces must be duplicated. However,
under normal circumstances, these
boards would probably be scrapped,
break. since the labor costs would exceed
The most common pad repair is re- the cost of a new board.
3. Hold the wire on the center line placing a lifted or separated Dad on
of the trace across the break and a single-layer board.-Note that if a 1. Drill through the existing hole to
solder in place (see Figure 27). pad is damaged on a multilayer the size of the desired eyelet. Be

It displaces adsorbed air and Rosin-based Flux Rosin fluxes are also graded ac-
prevents reoxidation of the cording to density, which is the
metal surface. Rosin-based flux comes in three pri- percentage of solids in the flux.
It facilitates wetting of the sol- mary varieties. Low-density fluxes flow better
der to the base metal. R-type flux is pure rosin dissolved while high-density fluxes cover
It aids in heat transfer. in a solvent vehicle. Pure rosin has better. Inadequate coverage would
all the qualities of a good solder suggest a higher density while in-
In order for the flux to be effec- flux except that it reduces surface adequate removal of flux residue
tive, it must be operated in the oxides only very weakly. It is com- during the cleaning process may
proper temperature range. If the pletely noncorrosive and noncon- indicate a lower density. The P2
soldering temperature is too low, ductive a n d i s s u i t a b l e for in the RMA solder H P recom-
the chemical activators in the flux soldering freshly cleaned shiny mends contains 2.2% solids.
will not be released and the tar- copper. Rosin also has the prop-
nish will not be removed. Exces- erty that when set, it does not ab-
sive heating can cause the flux to To Clean or Not To Clean

r lose its wetting capabilities and

decompose, leaving a residue that
may be very difficult to remove.
sorb water.
RMA-type flux (Rosin Mildly Ac-
tivated) h a s a mild chemical
activator added to remove moder-
Clean PC boards are vital to cir-
cuit reliability. The activators
used in flux contain a number of
The three types of flux in com- ate oxide films from the metal to
ionic contaminants (primarily
mon use are: be soldered. It is essentially non-
chlorides) t h a t corrode circuit
corrosive after soldering,
Rosin-based. A combination of traces and promote current leak-
several compounds distilled RA-type flux (Rosin, Fully Acti- age under conditions of high hu-
from the sap of pine trees. vated) has more powerful activa- midity.
Organic acid (water soluble). tors for tougher soldering jobs. It
More active and more corro- is generally not recommended for However, R- and RMA-type fluxes
sive t h a n rosin-based types. hand soldering high-reliability PC may safely be left on the board
They are normally considered boards. after hand soldering. RA-type
too corrosive for hand solder- fluxes should not be used for hand
ing and are used mainly i n When selecting a flux,the idea is to soldering of high-reliability
wave soldering machines that use the lowest activation level that equipment. Should RA flux be
incorporate thorough cleaning/ will do the job. If you are having absolutely necessary for the sol-
neutralizing cycles. trouble with inadequate solderabil- dering job a t hand, or if the flux
Inorganic acid. Uses a strong ity, you could try a more highly ac- must be removed for cosmetic or
acid such as hydrochloric, hy- tivated flux (although cleaning the other reasons, the cleaning pro-
drofluoric or orthophosphoric leads a n d o r improving the heat cedure must include washing with
as the active agent. Used for transfer are usually far better solu- a bipolar solvent to remove the
soldering heavily corroded or tions). Corrosion or electrical leak- rosin and then careful washing
otherwise difficult-to-solder age problems might suggest going to in several baths of progressively
materials (such as galvanized a less activated material. Hewlett- cleaner alcoholtwater to remove
tin). It is very corrosive and Packard recommends RMA-P2- type the contaminants. A final rinse
f should never be used for elec-
trical work.
solder for all printed circuit board
of distilled or deionized water is
also recommended.


sure that the trace on the oppo-
site side is not damaged or de-
l a m i n a t e d by t h e d r i l l i n g
operation (see Figure 28).
2. Insert and stake the eyelet firmly
to the existing pad surfaces.
3. Solder the eyelet to the pad on
both surfaces of the board as
shown in Figures 20 and 28.

PC Board Cleaning
There are two major reasons for
cleaning an instrument, assembly,
and PC board-to get rid of inter-
mittents and to improve cosmetic
appearance. A thoroughly cleaned
Figure 26. Example of trace damage that can be repaired. unit is viewed by many technicians
and customers as the sign of a qual-
Repair Procedure: Recommended Repair ity repair. However, beauty is often
only skin deep. A PC board that ap-
22 or 24 Ga. Solid
pears clean to the naked eye might
Tinned Wire (Soldered)
be covered with contaminants (from
improper cleaning) that can com-
bine with airborne moisture to cause
extensive corrosion.
And what about intermittents?
Bump the instrument and it quits;
wiggle or reseat the PC boards and
t h e i n s t r u m e n t s t a r t s working
again; wiggle a cable, connector, or
switch and the display jumps. Many
of these types of intermittents are
the result of dirt and/or corrosion
-~ between movable metal contact sur-
Figure 27. Wire jumper repair on damaged trace.
faces. A good cleaning could solve a
lot of your intermittent problems.
Obviously the instrument and re-
lated PC boards should be cleaned
of dust, dirt, oil, corrosion products,
and any other contaminants that
could affect surface resistivity or
otherwise degrade their perfor-
mance. However, cleaning a con-
taminated PC board should be an
all-or-nothing proposition. Here is
why. Solvents (including alcohol),
applied to a PC board will dissolve
trace contaminants and spread them
over the board surface. These con-
taminants, if not completely re-
W moved by a thorough cleaning and
rinsing, can cause serious long-term
problems such as corrosion and in-
Figure 28. Pad repair using a new eyelet. Note that the solder fillet insures eiecrrici con- termittent connections. A cursory
neition from eyelet to pad on both sides of the board. spot cleaning might improve the


cosmetic appearance of a board, but Recent research here a t HP has re- its activators (chlorides, bromide
reliability is almost certain to suffer. vealed that solder flux from RMA- etc.). Now, instead of having
P2 solder does no harm if left in harmless blob of rosin flux with tl
/1 Solder Flux Rosin Removal- Not
Recommended and Why
place on a PC board after a hand
soldering operation; the rosin is in-
activators trapped, you have a pl
tential time bomb ticking away. TI
ert and nonconductive. However, activators are water soluble. If tl
Hewlett-Packard recommends that when you dissolve it with a chemi- instrument is stored in a humid el
solder flux rosin from RMA-P22 sol- cal, attempting to remove it from vironment, all it takes is a litt
der not be disturbed and that it be the board, it is like pouring oil on time and moisture to start the co
left on the board following a com- water; the rosin flux dissolves and rosion process. This is why mar
ponent replacement. spreads all over the board, releasing Hewlett-Packard manufacturing d
visions have switched to RMA-I
solder exclusively for hand solde
ing components, since it contains fi
fewer chlorides than RA3 solder. R
fer to the insert on “Soldering” fc
more information on solder a r
And in most cases you cannot sc
the residue with your naked eyl
The board looks clean but it is no
Under these conditions, it is ver
possible t h a t a board t h a t look
clean is actually of lesser qualil
than one with blobs of undisturbc
solder flux. Refer to Figure 29 fc
an example of leftover flux, and 1
Figure 30 for an example of corrl
sion caused by the activators.
Other Cleaning Techniques Nc
Figure 29. Example of residue flux left on the board from improper cleaning.
Several common cleaning tecl
niques and materials have bee
found to. hurt PC board reliabilil
and should be avoided. For exampl
Dipping loaded PC boards is nl
recommended because of potei
tial solvent contamination ar
damage to some components. TI
dirty solution flows into all tl
hard-to-clean areas (switches, r
lays and other enclosed parts) thi
can’t be adequately rinsed. TI
solution can also attack electr
lytic capacitors and other plast
Vapor degreasing of loaded P
boards is not recommended for tl
same reasons as dipping. Vapo
can penetrate hard-to-clean are;
just as easily as the liquid solven
Ultrasonic cleaning of PC boarc
is not recommended because tl
vibration can cause IC intern
bond wire failures.


_1_1 -~ - - --
Cotton-tipped swabs are not rec- surface and lower contact resis- 1. When applying the solvent, hold
ommended for cleaning because tance. Always wipe off excess the edge connector up. This pre-
of the fibers they leave behind. contact oil, leaving behind a va- vents t h e dissolved flux from
Foam-tipped swabs7 are better.
Paper-type cloths (e.g., Kim-
por-thin film. Less works better. running onto the connectors and
possibly causing future intermit- CI
wipes) are not recommended for 5 . To clean BNC connectors use a tents and corrosion. Use Relia-
cleaning because they tear, dis- round pointed toothpick and ap- solve No. 5649 or MS-190HD9 to
integrate and leave fibers behind. ply a small amount of MS-180 or dissolve the solder flux. Use a
Lint-free cloth8 is considerably Cramolin to the point. Gently in- short-bristled brush and rub the
hetter sert the point into the center area vigorously.
conductor of the BNC connectors
2. Next, generously rinse the re-
General Cleaning Procedures and spin the toothpick between
paired area with an 80120 solu-
your fingers.
tion of isopropyl alcohol4 and
The following cleaning procedures deionized water, keeping t h e
are meant to be general in nature 6. The final step is to clean the edge
board's edge connector up. This
and applicable to the majority of PC connector. Refer to that heading
rinse should flood the entire PC
boards. The steps are graduated for the instructions.
board and always be done with a
from simple cleaning (assuming only clean and fresh alcohollwater so-
a dusty board), up to major washing lution. You should rinse t h e
with strong solvent for flux re- Solder Flux Rosin Removal-
board several times, holding it
moval. Pick the minimum step that When You Must
over a large container to catch
suits your cleaning needs. the excess runoff. Allow at least
Proper flux removal is a three-step two minutes for final air dry.
1. Dust and residue can often be re-
process; it takes one wash and two NOTE
moved from the surface of a PC
rinses. The following solvents are
board using compressed air. But
recommended because they are bi- From this point on, the PC
first check that the air is ade-
polar. That means they contain two board should only be handled
quately filtered; compressors are
kinds of solvent, one to dissolve the by its edges. Never touch the
notorious for adding oil and water
to the air they compress.
rosin and one to dissolve the acti-
vators in the rosin. Once you have
circuit traces with your fin-
aers-thev leave oily finger-
them both dissolved and spread all prints, which cause corrosion
2. If it is (and to over the board, then you have to re- (see Figure 31). We do not rec-
wash the board' use a move the rosin, the activators, and ommend the use of gloves un-
low-foaming, nonionic soap that
the bipolar solvent. less they are clean and fresh.
can be completely rinsed off the
board. Be sure to clean the board
thoroughly and then rinse it sev-
eral times with clean water. Note
that this type of wash will not
remove the rosin flux.
3. After all the washing, remove as
much water a s possible with
clean air and bake a t approxi-
mately 70°F (150°C)for one hour
to dry.

4. For spot cleaning slide and ro-

tary switches use aerosol solvent
MS-1805 followed by a light ap-
plication of electronics-grade
contact oil such as Cramolin6 or
No Noise6. These products do a
minor amount of cleaning, in dis-
solving oxidation or tarnish, but
do not attack metal, including 6
gold or silver plating. A vapor-
thin film is all that is required
to seal the pores in the metal Figure 31. Example of the corrosion process started by a fingerprint.


- - - -
I n many cases t h e gloves
(through constant use) are ac-
tually more dirty and contam-
/7 inated than your bare fingers.

3. Generously rinse the PC board

several times with clean and
fresh DI (deionized) or distilled
water. Both must be stored in
poly plastic bottles. Again, hold
the board by its edges over a
large container to catch the ex-
cess runoff. Allow five minutes
for drying, or in some cases, it
may be necessary to oven dry the
board to remove all traces of
moisture. Allow one hour at 70°C
(158°F). Figure 32. Example of corrosion (from the activators in solder flux) next to an edge connector.

PC Board Edge Connector


Perhaps one of the most critical

areas in your instrument, the PC
board edge connector contacts and
mating female sockets are most sus-
ceptible to contamination causing
/1 intermittents. Look at Figures 32
through 36 for examples of why you
want to thoroughly clean the edge
connectors. Remember t h a t these
a r e magnified photographs-you
normally cannot see this contami-
nation with your naked eye.

Figure 33. Example of dirty edge connector. Note the crushed fibers and lint from a cotton
AlcohollWater and Contact Oil swab and paper-type cloth.

In the event that dissolved solder

flux rosin and accompanying acti-
vators have found their way to the
edge connector area, the alcohol/
water combination is the first step
in the cleaning process. 100% alco-
hol will not dissolve all components
of the contamination, since the flux
activators are water soluble. We
have found that an 80/20 solution of
alcohol/water is the optimum mix.
20% water is enough to dissolve the
activators but not enough to gen-
erate damaging static electricity.

3 Electronics-grade contact oils such

as Cramolin6 or No Noise6 do a mi-
nor amount of cleaning, in dissolv- Figure 34. Example of pore corrosion (mag 50x) on edge connector. The arrow points to an
ing oxidation or tarnish, but do not eruption.


Work the cloth back and forth
parallel to the contacts so any
contamination is not pushed up
against the edge of the contact.
The lint-free cloth provides the
mechanical action needed to pol-
ish the contacts and free the area
between the contacts of most all
contamination. Discard the cloth.

3. Wet (sparingly) another piece of

cloth or foam-tipped swab with
contact oil and wipe the contacts.
Because of the lint problem, do
not use a cotton swab. Allow the
coating to remain for a short pe-
riod of time to dissolve any re-
m a i n i n g h a r d p a r t i c l e s of

4. While you are waiting for the

contact oil to dissolve any corro-
sion on the PC board contacts,
you can clean the mating female
connectors. Apply a small amount
of MS-180 to a foam-tipped swab.
Insert the swab into the female
connectors, working it back and
forth to clean the contacts. An-
other method is to wrap the lint-
free cloth over t h e edge of a
dummy PC board, soak the cloth
with cleaner, and insert it into
the socket several times. Watch
out for PC card alignment keys
in the sockets.

5. Back to the PC board. Wipe off

the contact oil with another piece
of clean cloth. There will be times
that the lint-free cloth will show
dark residues picked up from the
contacts. This is the oxide being
removed. If there appears to be
more oxide film on the contacts,
reapply the contact oil and leave I TABLEOFREFERENCES
it in place a few more minutes. REF. NO. DESCRIPTION MFR. NO. MFR. NAME HP PART NO.
Wipe it off again to see if more
residue comes off. 1 low static AS 196 Soldapullit 8690-0227
solder sucker 8690-0253
repl. tips Soldapullit
6 . Use a foam-tipped swab and
lightly apply a thin coating of
RMA P2 I Alpha Metals I 8090-0098 I
contact oil to the contact sur-
faces. Insert the card into the fe-
male socket several times-the
contact oil will migrate to the fe-
male contacts. Remove the PC
card and wipe off any excess oil,
leaving only a vapor-thin coat-
ing. Remember, less is better.

Do not use an eraser-any type
of eraser-to clean contacts.
An eraser is highly abrasive
and will remove the precious
metal plating.
Also, the glue in the eraser
leaves behind a film that is ex-
tremely difficult to remove and
can later cause intermittents.
Also, rubbing an eraser back
and forth across the contacts is
a potential static generator.

' 1 1tJIh I
I ILI ~ 1
141T-7B-S. Serials 1502A and below Elimination of
potential safety hazard
1335A-15. Serials 1949A and above. Clarification of
the intensity limit adjustment.
141T-12. Serials 1145A through 1802A. Directions for
replacing the 00141-66519 Low Voltage Power 1336A X-Y DISPLAY
Need Any Service Supply Board.
141T-134. All serials. Elimination of potential safety
1336A-3. Serials 1809 and below. Intensity limit circuit

Notes? hazard.
3468-2. Serials 2037A00994 to 2037A01454. Serial
1340A-2A. All serials. Improved CRT for model 1340A
X-Y displays.
They're free! number label installed backwards. 1340A-4. All serials. Proper input attenuator settings
and compensation adjustment.
Here's the latest listing Of Service 4288-2. Serials 0994~06225and below. Preferred re- 1611 LOGIC STATE ANALYZER
Notes. They recommend modifica- placement for L7. 10266A-1. Option A09 (6809 Microprocessors) serials
2227A and below. New A9 personality board to
tions t o Hewlett-Packard instru- 436A POWER METER correct synchronization.
ments t o increase reliability, 436A-4. All serials. Troubleshooting for noise.
improve performance, o r extend 1304A X-Y DISPLAY 1727A-1. Serials 2137A00450 and below. Modification
their usefulness. 1304A-7. All serials. Defective component alert. to prevent CRT movement.


Use the order form at the rear of 1332A-15. AII serials. Modification to improve reliabil- 1740A OSCILLOSCOPE
ity of the power supplies. 1740A-20. All serials. Troubleshooting tip to correct
Bench Briefs to the notes that 1332A-16. All serials. Clarification of display low bandwidth and slow risetime caused by con-
relate to your instruments. bandwidth. taminated delay line.


1741A-3A. All serials. Modification instructions for 3495A-7. All serials. Spare parts and troubleshooting 3779D-1. All serials. Compatibility between 3779D
state display, option 101 kit, p/n 01741-69501. information. and 37798 for single channel looping.
1741A-13. All serials. Troubleshooting tip to correct 3779D-2. Serials 2146U and below. Modification to
low bandwidth and slow risetime caused by con- 3496A SCANNER improve low level gain measurements.
taminated delay line. 3496A-16. Serials 1740A00343 and below. Preven- 37791)-3. Serials 2213U and below. Protection of re-
tion of serious scanner damage. lays at switch-on.
1742A OSCILLOSCOPE 3496A-4C. All serials. Improved option 008 (signature 3779D-4. Serials 2213U-00193 and below. Incorrect
1742A-5. All serials. Troubleshooting tip to correct low analysis) confirmation test. power rating on termination resistors.
bandwidth and slow risetime caused by contami- 3496A-5A. Serials 1801A00819 and up. New scanner
nated delay line. analog board design and new scanner center bar 3780A PATTERN GENERATOR
design. 3780A-24. Serials 2020U01730 and below. Preferred
1743A OSCILLOSCOPE replacement of resistors A30R1, and A30R2.
1743A-6. All serials. Troubleshootingtip to correct low 3497A DATA ACQUISITION/CONTROL UNIT 378OA-25. All serials. Modification to improve per-
bandwidth and slow risetime caused by contami- 3497A-IO. All serials. Operational verification of the formance.
nated delay line. thermocouple compensated option 020. 3780A-26. Serials 2020U01730 and below. Directions
for replacing diodes A3OCR1, CR2. 3, 4, 5, 26, 27,
1744A-6. All serials. Preferred replacement for 3580A-10. All serials. Instructions for ordering re-
A16CR3 bridge rectifier. placement A2 local oscillator and A16 combining 3783A 30CH PCM ALIGNMENT MONITOR
1744A-7. All serials. Troubleshootingtip to correct low boards. AND ERROR DETECTOR
bandwidth and slow risetime caused by contami- 3783A-1. Serials 1947U-00151 and below. Possible
nated delay line. 3581NC WAVE ANALYZER instrument malfunction in noisy environment when
3581A/C-8. 3581A serials 1352A02090 and below; option 002 is fitted.
3060A CIRCUIT TEST SYSTEM 3581C serials 21 14A01525 and below. Instructions 3783A-2. All serials. Preferred replacement for re-
3060A-OB. Service note index for the 3060 system. for ordering replacement A2 local oscillator and chargeable battery.
3060A-23A. All serials. System support package for A16 combining boards.
3060A board test system.
3060A-386. All serials. Improved option 008 (signa- 3585A SPECTRUM ANALYZER 3785 A/B JITTER GENERATOR &
ture analysis) confirmation test. 3585A-28. All serials. Replacement procedure for re- RECEIVER
3060A-396. All serials. List of configuration/ lays A l K l through K9 and A l K l l through K14 on 3785A-1. Serials 212811-00116 and below. Mcdifica-
confirmation/diagnostics software revisions. the A1 board. tion to limit the bias on capacitors A36C1, C2 (and
3060A-47. All serials. Modification to prevent option C3 for OPT 001) under no signal conditions to re-
100 stimulus input and ground relay confirmation 3724A BASEBAND ANALYZER duce the possibility of degradation of these com-
failures. 3724A-1. Serials 2212U-00156 and below. Modifica- ponents.
3060A-46. All serials. Correct installation of option 100 tion to prevent erroneous results in scan mode 37858-1. Serials 2131 U-00111 and below. Modifica-
stimulus cable. when using 40Hz bandwidth. tion to limit the bias on capacitors A36C1, C2 and
3060A-49. All serials. Addition of a low impedance C3 under no signal conditions to reduce the possi-
logic ground connection to eliminate spontaneous 3746A SLMS bility of degradation of these components.
FAOFFS and FBOFFS during board testing. 3746A-1. All serials. Preferred replacement for A5Q1,
3060A-50. All serials. Improved field diagnostic of Q3, Q5 and A10Q2, Q4, Q5.
analog relay failures.

3746A-2. All serials. 10 MHz precision frequency ref-
erence assembly (option 013) retrofit kit.

3747A/B SLMS
3747A/B-25. Serials 2143U-00136 and below. A315
4935A-3A. All serials. Battery retrofit.
4935A-5. Serials 2206A and above. New A4 Trans-
mitter board to improve performance.
4935A-6. Serials 2206A and below. Modification to
3325A-10A. Serials 1748A-04251 and above for parts broadband power detector -
thermopile protection prevent fuse blowing.
8120-3108 and 1251-6567. Serials 1748-04401 retrofit kit.
and above for parts 8120-3216 and 1251-5064. 4942A TRANSMISSION IMPAIRMENT
List of new PC board connectors and cables. 3763A ERROR DETECTOR MEASURING SET
3763A-6. Serial 2150U00706 and below. Addition of 4942A-8. All serials. A23 power supply modification to
delay to ensure that printer prints local time and improve performance.
3453A-3A. All serials. Modification to improve the re-
liability of the synchronization circuit which syn- 3771A/B DATA LINE ANALYZER 4943A TRANSMISSION IMPAIRMENT
chronizes the DSRU actions in a dual DSRU 3 7 7 1 A B 2 2 A . 3771A serials 2217U-00380 and MEASURING SET
3060A System. below; 37718 serials 222711-00163 and below. 4943A-11. Serials 2015A and below. A23 power sup-
Modification to eliminate possible HP-IB malfunc- ply modification to improve performance.
3456A DIGITAL VOLTMETER tion in the parallel poll mode.
3456A-13. Serials 2201A05331 and below. Modifica- 3771A/B-25. 3771A serials 2217U-00380 and below; 5001D MICROPROCESSOR EXERCISER
tion to improve digital circuitry performance. 3771B serials 2227U-00163 and below. Modifica- 5001D-1. Serial numbers listed in text of note. Modifi-
3456A-15. Serials 2201A04796 and below. Modifica- tion to ensure enough range in A35R53 amplitude cation to correct instrument.
tion to improve performance of main controller to phase conversion for phase jitter measurements
board (A4). adjustment. 5045A IC TESTER
3456A-16. Serials 2201A and below. Modification to 5045A-26. All serials. Change to A26Q2 to improve
make A3 PC board assembly compatible with the 3777A CHANNEL SELECTOR reliability of printer paper advance circuit.
listed serials. 3777A-4. Serials 2147U and below. Modification to
eliminate a race hazard in the HP-IB handshaking
routine between 3779 and 3777A. 5061A CESIUM BEAM FREQUENCY
34656-5. All serials. Charging instructions to extend 3779C PRIMARY MULTIPLEX ANALYZER 5061A-11A. All serials. Replacement kit for A10 os-
battery life. 3779C-1, All serials. Modification to improve compati- cillator assembly part number 05061-6170.
bility between 3779C and 3779A for single channel 5061A-12. Serials 2120A01869 and below. Replace-
3468A MULTIMETERS looping. ment for A15 power regulator assemblies part
3468A-1. All serials. Battery retrofit kit installation 3779C-2. Serials 2144U and below. Modification to numbers 05061-6099 and 5061-6017.
instructions. improve low level gain measurements.
3779C-3. Serials 221511 and below. Protection of re- 5245L ELECTRONIC COUNTER
3478A DIGITAL MULTIMETER lays at switch-on. 5245L-10. All serials. Recommended Readout Display
3478A-2. Serials 2136A00101 through 2136A00845. 37790-4. Serials 2215U-00193 and below. Incorrect replacement for the 5245L-48 and 05245-60040
Explanation of 3478A error messages at turn-on. power rating on termination resistors. readouts, which are no longer available.


1 ~
53038-2. Serials 1940 and below. Replacement part 5420A-27A. Serials 2116A00766 and below. Prefer- 8672A-11. Serials 221 1A and below. Modification kit
for high frequency binary, part number 1820-0736. red on/off power switch P/N 3101-2329. to retrofit option H34.
5420A-28. All serials. Modification to improve HP 8672A-12. K22 Downconverter option. All serials.
Fuse rating change for 220-240 Vac operation.
5316A-1A. Serials 2120 and below. Improved Chan-
nel C Relay, part number 0490-131 7.
5420A/HP-IB controller compatibility.
54208-1. All serials. Modification to improve HP
5420B/HP-IB controller compatibility.
8672A-13. Serials 221 1A and below. Modification kit
to retrofit option H38.


5423A STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS 8684A-1. Serials 2203A and below. New cables are
53278-1 1. All serials. Preferred replacement part for ANALYZER required when A14 oscillator replaced.
high frequency binary IC A18U4 (P/N 1820-0736). 5423A-2. All serials. Modification to improve HP 86848-1. Serials 2201A and below. New cables are
5423A/HP-IB controller compatibility. required when A14 oscillator replaced.
53278-1 1. All serials. Preferred replacement part for 5427A VIBRATION CONTROL SYSTEM 9571A DTS-70
high frequency, binary IC A18U4 (P/N 1820-0736). 5427A-9A. All serials. Modification to prevent 544518 9571A-188. All serials. List of components in the
C-Supply power-up problem. product support package for the 9571A.
9571A-22. All serials. Modification to the probe card to
53278-1 1. All serials. Preferred replacement part for 5451C FOURIER ANALYZER SYSTEM
high frequency binary IC A18U4 (P/N 1820-0736). improve detection capability when searching for
5451C-2A. All serials. Special bottom cover to elimi- short or long pulses.
nate electromagnetic interference in the HP model
5328A/H99, 5328AF/096, 5328AF/098, 181AR variable persistance oscilloscope. 10266A PERSONALITY MODULE
5328A/H42, C96-5328A 500 MHz (161 1A Option A09 (6809 Microprocessor)
5328A-348. All serials. HP-I8 verification program 6140A-3. Serials 21 18A-00424 and below. Modifica- 10266A-1. Serials 2227A and below. New A9 person-
using the HP 85A controller. tion to avoid parasitic oscillations. ality board to correct synchronization.

5335A-78. All serials. 5335A HP-IB verification pro- 6253A-3/64568-3/6459A-3. Serials 2038A00805 and 10275A-1. All models shipped prior to 3/22/82. Mod-
gram using the HP 85A controller. below. Installation of new AC power connectors for ification to correct monitor selection switch S1
5335A-10A. All serials. Modification to enhance inter- 250 VAC (opt. 001, 002) and 480VAC (opt. 003, failure.
polator performance. 031, 032).
5335A-11. All serials. Modification to prevent front 37203A HP-IB EXTENDER
panel lockup problem. 64568 SCR-3 POWER SUPPLY 37203A-7. Serials 2040U04080 and below. Modifica-
5335A-12. Serials 2120 and above. Adjustment pro- 6253A-3/64568-3/6459A-3. Serials 2042A01383 and tion to prevent possible HP-I8 bus lock-up.
cedure for new A6 rear panel assembly part below. Installation of new AC power connectors for
number 05335-61006. 250 VAC (opt. 001, 002) and 480 VAC (opt. 003, 44422A THERMOCOUPLE COMPENSATED
5335A-13. Serials 2120 and below. Modification to 031, 032). RELAY MULTIPLEXER ASSEMBLY
make the new A3 input amplifier assembly (p/n
44422A-1. All serials. Operational verification proce-
05335-60003) compatible with the A2 amplifier 6459A SCR-3 POWER SUPPLY dure of the thermocouple.
support (p/n 05335-60002). 6253A-3/6456B-3/6459A73. Serials 2043A01704 and

'7 5335A-14. All serials. Field installation procedures for

option 040.
below. Installation of new AC power connectors for
250 VAC (opt. 001, 002) and 480 VAC (opt. 003,
031, 032).
59300-10002 HP 85A HP-IB TEST TAPE
(REV. D)
5340A MICROWAVE FREQUENCY 59300A-28. All serials. List of HP-I8 test tapes and
instructions for counter-type products from HP
COUNTER 6942 MULTIPROGRAMMER Santa Clara Division.
5340A-14A. Serials 2008A06750 and below. Conver- 6942A-7. Announcement of HP 14711A field sewice
sion to LED digital display. kit for the 6942A multiprogrammer. 64100A LOGIC DEVELOPMENT STATION
64100A-10. Serials 2149A thru 2212A and 2150G.
5342A MICROWAVE FREQUENCY 80128 PULSE GENERATOR Wavy display caused by ripple on the +12v supply.
COUNTER 80128-6. Serials 2110A and below. Preferred re- 64100A-12. Serials 2149A02177 thru 2212A03000.
5342A-34. Serials 1808A-00525 and below. Recom- placements for A6 resistors. Unspecific intermittent problems.
mended replacement for the A1 6 Amplitude Option
board (05342-60016). 8552NB SPECTRUM ANALYZER, IF 64110A MAINFRAME
5342A-35. All serials. Front panel replacement parts SECTION 64110A-1A. All serials. Media not recognized during
and procedure. 8552A-14. All serials. Procedure for converting the boot from Flexible Disc.
5342A-36. Serials 2207A and below. Additional LOG mode scale factors in the IF Section to read
capacitor required when changing IC A3U5 (part directly in dBWV. 64262A 8048 EMULATOR SUBSYSTEM
number 1820-0982) on the A3 Direct Count Boards 64262A-1. Emulator Pod Serials 2201 and below.
with board series numbers 2202 and below to pre- 85538 SPECTRUM ANALYZER Hardware and software modifications to prevent
vent miscounts in the frequency range 1 MHz to 25
85538-3. Serials 1937A and below. Modification to user interrupts from being acknowledged during
MHz. emulator background operations.
improve frequency response below 100 kHz.
64262A-2. Emulator Pod Serials 2208 and below with
5343A MICROWAVE FREQUENCY 85588 SPECTRUM ANALYZER Serial Suffix 00210 and below. Modification to clear
COUNTER port 2 when using an Intel 8243 I/O expander chip.
85588-21. Serials 1914A through 2147A. Preferred
5343A-12. All serials. Front panel replacement parts replacement for the A1 1/A13 bandwidth filter
and procedure. board. 645XX PROM PROGRAMMER
5343A-13. Serials 2207A and below. Additional 85588-22. Serials 21 1EA and below. Recommended 64510A-1. All serials. Modification to correctly read
capacitor required when changing IC A3U5 (part replacement for third converter assembly A9. data from the 8741 EPROM.
number 1820-0982) on the A3 Direct Count Boards
with board series numbers 2202 and below to pre- 8656A SIGNAL GENERATOR 64601A TIMING ANALYZER CONTROL
vent miscounts in the frequency range 1 MHz to 25 8656A-15A. Serials2141A, 2135A, 2131A, 2127A and BOARD
MHz. below. Modification to improve the +24 Vdc fuse, 64601A-1. Serials 2148A00206 and below. Modifica-
A1 OF1. tion to correctly locate SA test point TP 12.
5383A-2. Serials 21 16 and below. Preferred replace- 8662A SYNTHESIZED SIGNAL GENERATOR 64941A FLEXIBLE DISC DRIVE
ment part for high frequency binary, IC A1 U1 (part 8662A-6. Serials 2201A00950 and below. Reference 6494lA-1. All serials. Correct procedure when booting
number 1820-0736). oscillator shield. from the Flexible Disc.


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0 141T-78-S 0 1744A-7 0 3496A-5A 0 3779D-4 0 53278-11 0 5451C-2A 0 10266A-1

0 141T-12 0 3060A-08 0 3497A-10 0 3780A-24 0 5328A-348 0 6140A-3 0 10275A-1
0 141T-13-S 0 3060A-23A 0 358OA-10 0 378OA-25 0 5335A-78 0 6253A-3/ 0 37203A-7
0 3468-2 0 3060A-388 0 3581NC-8 0 3780A-26 0 5335A-1OA 64568-3/ 0 44422A-1
0 4288-2 0 3060A-39B 0 3585A-28 0 3783A-1 0 5335A-11 6459A-3 0 59300A-28

0 436A-4 0 306OA-47 0 3724A-1 0 3783A-2 0 5335A-12 0 6942A-7 0 64100A-10

0 1304A-7 0 3060A-48 0 3746A-1 0 3785A-1 0 5335A-13 0 80128-6 0 64100A-12
0 1332A-15 0 3060A-49 0 3746A-2 0 37858-1 0 5335A-14 0 8552A-14 0 64110A-1A
0 1332A-16 0 3060A-50 0 3747NB-25 0 4935A-3A 0 5340A-14A 0 85538-3 0 64262A-1
0 1335A-15 0 3325A-1OA 0 3763A-6 0 4935A-5 0 5342A-34 0 85588-21 0 64262A-2

0 1336A-3 0 3453A-3A 0 3771NB-22A 0 4935A-6 0 5342A-35 0 85588-22 0 6451OA-1

0 1340A-2A 0 3456A-13 0 3771NB-25 0 4942A-8 0 5342A-36 0 8656A-15A 0 64601A-1
0 1340A-4 0 3456A-15 0 3777A-4 0 4943A-11 0 5343A-12 0 8662A-6 0 64941A-1
0 1727A-1 0 3456A-16 0 3779C-1 0 5001D-1 0 5343A-13 0 8672A-11
0 1740A-20 0 34658-5 0 3779C-2 0 5045A-26 0 5383A-2 0 8672A-12

0 5061A-llA
0 5061A-12
0 5245L-10
0 1743A-6 0 3496A-18 0 3779D-2 0 53038-2 0 5423A-2 0 9571A-188
0 1744A-6 0 3496A-4C 0 3779D-3 0 5316A-1A 0 5427A-9A 0 9571A-22

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