Chapter 6 E-Commerce
Chapter 6 E-Commerce
Chapter 6 E-Commerce
:Review Questions
What advantages does use of an extranet provide versus more -1
?.conventional methods of communication-over the phone, via fax, etc
.Using extranet, the information will be accessible across the specified network
It is easily accessible by everyone within the network who has their user ID and
.It is faster than conventional methods of communication
What measures can you take to control access to the master production -2
?schedule so that only authorized customers may enter their data
:Critical Thinking
What potential start-up issues may be involved in preparing your craft -1
brewery customers to use this new system? How will you overcome these
Can you identify any other purposes for the extranet in addition to one- -2
?way communication of production schedules
:Review Questions
Provide a strong justification for creating a new B2B Web site for your -1
These are useful for connecting business partners and include the transaction
between two different businesses like manufacturers and wholesalers or
.wholesalers and retailers
In what ways would this new B2B Web site differ from a typical B2C Web -2
:Critical Thinking
The Web site design team believes that the firm's Web site should -1
incorporate a design and features similar to some of the best B2C Web sites.
What do you think this means? Can you offer some specific design ideas and
?features that should be included
B2C includes the transactions performed between the companies and the
consumers or the customers; the end users of the company are referred to as
.consumers or customers
What are some potential issues the team faces in implementing and -2
?operating this Website
:Review Questions
What challenges can you expect in trying to set up and run a Web site with -1
?global appeal? How might you address these
:Critical Thinking
What issues might come up in trying to deliver your product to customers -1
?in a foreign country
What after sales service issues might arise and how could you handle -2
:Review Questions
Define the basic functions that this Web site must perform in order to -1
meet the basic needs of the laundry service as well as attract and maintain
the interests of students. What are some things you might do to entice
?students to return time and time again to your Web site
What actions can you take to increase traffic and draw students to your -2
?Web site
These include meta-tags, use website traffic data analysis software, provide
.keyword rich content, and add new content
:Critical Thinking
Can you identify additional laundry-related services that might be added -1
to your basic wash, dry, and fold offering that would be attractive to
students? How could the initial Web site design allow for these potential
What steps might you take to personalize the Web site so that the -2
?students feel welcome each time they visit
Students log on to the website after providing the personal information,
.account details, and payment details to access the website
Chapter 7, Technology Infrastructure Required to
.Support E-Commerce and M-Commerce
:Review Questions
What parameters might be used to measure the current performance of -1
?the Web site
What are the pros and cons of having a third party host and operate your -2
?Web site
:Critical Thinking
Management is concerned that the migration to chip and-sign EMV cards -1
will increase the level of online consumer fraud. Do you have any ideas to
?combat this increase in fraud
Yes. Combat the increase in online customer fraud because of the migration to
.chip and sign EMV cards
What other potential risks and opportunities lie in the future of B2C -2
It is the form of e-commerce through which Customers can directly deal with
an organization and can avoid intermediaries to sell their products directly to
.Chapter 7, Review Questions
Briefly define the term electronic commerce, and identify six forms of -1
.electronic commerce based on the parties involved in the transactions
Organizing and conducting business with a customer in digital mode with the
.help of the internet
Business to Business (B2B) .1
Business to Consumer (B2C) .2
Consumer to Consumer (C2C) .3
Consumer to Business (C2B) .4
Business to Administration (B2A) .5
Consumer to Administration (C2A) .6
Organizations get the product from the manufacturers and sell those to the
.consumers, the actual end users
?What is disintermediation -3
.Lower the usage of middleman between the developer and the end user
What region of the world represents the world’s largest and fastest B2C -4
The region that represents the world’s largest and fastest B2C market is the
.Asia-Pacific region
Why is the market for m- commerce in North America maturing much later -8
?than in other regions of the world
Outline specific actions online shoppers can take to ensure that they are -9
.dealing with a legitimate and reputable Web site
Research retailers online to make sure that they are legitimate, and check
.whether the website is secure
Language issues .1
Service issues .2
Payment issues .3
Content issues .4
Economical issues .5
Technical issues .6
.What is an electronic exchange? Provide an example -11
What is the difference between blind, premium blind, and premium -13
?networks for mobile advertising
What is meant by retargeting? What percent of all online shopping carts -14
?are abandoned
Identify and briefly discuss three reasons for the steady growth in B2C -1
Organizations were just required to gather state deals on online buys in the
.event that they worked a physical store in the state
Identify and briefly discuss the five stages consumers experience in the -4
.sales life cycle that must be supported by a successful e-commerce system
Awareness .1
Evaluation .2
Purchase .3
Product and support experience .4
Bonding .5
Identify and briefly discuss three key challenges that an organization faces -5
in creating a Successful e-commerce operation. What steps can an
?organization take to overcome these barriers
Key challenges
Absence of online verification of customers .1
Maintain customer loyalty .2
Customer service .3
Services should send some verification code through SMS to validate the .1
.customer’s identity
By displaying the address, answering calls, and adding a live chat option on .2
.the website can help build trust among customers
Transparent and responsive, and to keep customers abreast of the situation .3
.as soon as possible
Briefly discuss three models for selling mobile ad impressions. What are -6
?the primary measures for the success of mobile advertising
Blind Networks, Premium Blind Networks, and Premium Blinds. Click through
.rate is the core reason for the success of mobile advertising
Discuss how you might go about increasing the amount of traffic to your -7
.Web site
Briefly describe the differences between a credit, charge, debit and smart -9
Identify and briefly describe three m commerce applications you have -10
?What Is 3D Printing
3D printing is a process of building an object one thin layer at a time. It is
.fundamentally additive rather than subtractive in nature
To many, 3D printing is the singular production of often-ornate objects on a
desktop printer. In the early days of 3D printing, the market focused more on
consumer intent than industrial value. The term was understandably adopted
by the mainstream media when fused deposition modeling (FDM) first
appeared in the 1980s because the FDM process worked very much like a 2D
inkjet printer. Instead of a print head laying down a single layer of ink, the 3D
print head deposited multiple layers of build material typically delivered as a
thermoplastic filament. Upon completion of one layer, the print bed would
.drop incrementally to make room for the deposition of the next layer