Energy in Italy Illah
Energy in Italy Illah
Energy in Italy Illah
Consumption primar
Population y Import. GHG emissions
Production n
energy net *
electricity G1
1990- +4% -3% +26% -7% +32% -23%
Energy resources
Italian oil production only meets a fraction of demand.
Italy's fossil fuel reserves are limited, but its renewable energy potential, particularly
for hydropower and solar energy, is considerable. The German Federal Agency for
Earth Sciences and Raw Materials (BGR) estimated at the end of 2020 that Italy had
80 million tonnes (Mt) of proven and economically recoverable oil reserves, with
additional potential resources of 1,540 Mt. By the end of 2020, Italy had produced a
cumulative total of 219 Mt of oil, indicating that a significant portion of its resources
has already been depleted. At the 2020 production rate of 5.4 Mt per year, Italy's oil
reserves would be exhausted in about 15 years. Since 2010, these reserves have
decreased by 39%.
For natural gas, Italy's proven recoverable reserves were estimated at 46 billion cubic
meters (Gm³) at the end of 2020, with additional potential resources of 405 Gm³.
Cumulative production until 2020 was 781 Gm³, showing substantial depletion of
resources. With a production rate of 4.4 Gm³ per year in 2020, the proven reserves
would be exhausted in approximately 10.5 years. These reserves have decreased by
30% since 2010.
In terms of national energy production, Italy produced 4.5 Mt of oil in 2022, equivalent
to 92 thousand barrels per day (kbl/d), which was a 7.9% decrease from 2021 and a
17% decrease since 2012. This production covered 7.5% of Italy's domestic oil
consumption. Additionally, Italy produced 3.2 Gm³ of natural gas in 2022, or 0.11
exajoules (EJ), which represented a 63% decline over the past decade and covered
4.7% of domestic gas consumption.
These figures underscore Italy's dependency on imports for its energy needs and
highlight the potential benefits of expanding its renewable energy capacity,
particularly in solar and hydropower, to enhance energy security and reduce reliance
on fossil fuel imports.
National energy production
In 2022, according to the Energy Institute , Italy produced 4.5 Mt of oil, or
92 kbl/d (thousand barrels per day), down 7.9% in 2022 and 17% since 2012 w 5 ,
covering 7.5% of domestic oil consumption w 6 . It produced 3.2 Gm 3 of natural gas,
or 0.11 EJ , down 63% in ten years w 7 , covering 4.7% of domestic gas consumption w
. It no longer produces coal.
% var.
Source 1990 % 2000 % 2010 % 2020 % 2022
2022 2022/1990
Coal 12 1.1 0.1 2.7 0.2 0 0 0 0% -100%
30. 35.
Biomass-waste 36 3.4 73 6.2 426 521 509 38.2% +1330%
9 5
Total RES 274 25. 413 35. 856 61. 1,083 73. 1,013 76.1% +270%
9 0 9 9
Total 1,060 100 1,180 100 1,382 100 1,465 100 1,331 100% +26%
either at the level of its initial acquisition (production in Italy or import): we then
speak of “ primary energy consumption ”; in order to restrict the analysis to
domestic consumption only, energy exports are subtracted; in Italian statistics,
international bunkers (consumption of planes and ships destined for foreign
countries) are kept in domestic consumption, while in international statistics they
are subtracted;
either at the level of their consumption by the end user, after all the cascade of
transformations (refining, electricity production, etc.), transport and distribution
that they undergo before reaching them; we then speak of “ final energy
consumption ”.
Production flows, international exchanges and energy transformation are
summarized in a table in the form of a Resources/Employment balance sheet, called
" national
energy balance sheet ":
Resources PJ % Jobs PJ %
- - 74.9
Exports Final energy consumption 4686
1228 19.6% %
Conversion losses 865 67% Industry 1213
Own consumption 302 24% Transportation 1466
Transmission/distribution 27.3
117 9% Residential 1280
losses %
Tertiary 596
Agriculture + fishing 126 2.7%
% var.
Source 1990 % 2000 % 2010 % 2020 % 2022
2022 2022/1990
Coal 613 526 7.3 572 7.9 213 3.7 310 5.2% -49%
Hydraulic 114 1.9 159 2.2 184 2.5 171 3.0 102 1.7% -11%
Geometric, solar,
125 2.0 181 2.5 245 3.4 391 6.8 402 6.8% +223%
Biomass-waste 39 0.6 94 1.3 530 7.3 613 589 9.9% +1396%
13. 20.
Total RES 278 4.5 434 6.0 959 1,175 1,093 18.4% +294%
2 4
125 2.0 160 2.2 159 2.2 116 2.0 155 2.6% +24%
Total 6,136 100 7,182 100 7,274 100 5,756 100 5,951 100% -3%
The total primary resources produced in Italy or imported in 2018 was 172.3 Mtoe .
Primary energy consumption is massively dominated by fossil fuels: 73.9% (coal:
5.4%; oil: 34.5%; natural gas: 34.0%); renewable energies cover only 20.5% of
needs, and the electricity import balance provides the remaining 5.6% s 1 .
Renewable electrical energies cover 34.5% of gross domestic electricity
consumption s 3 ; thermal renewable energies provide 10.9 Mtoe ,
including 7.9 Mtoe of biomass and 2.6 Mtoe of heat pumps;
agrofuels provide 1.25 Mtoe (biodiesel) s 4 . Here we find the discrepancies between
the statistics of the IEA and those of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development
(MDE), already noted in the chapter “National energy production”, in particular the
undervaluation by the IEA of renewable energies electricity (hydroelectric, wind and
solar production).
Final energy consumption
For technical reasons, it is temporarily impossible to display the graph that should
have been presented here.
Data source: International Energy Agency 1
% var.
Source 1990 % 2000 % 2010 % 2020 % 2021
2021 2021/1990
Biomass-waste 36 0.8 66 1.2 378 6.7 341 7.6 371 7.5% +928%
Total 100 5,394 100 5,600 100 4,498 100 4,931 100% +2%
change %
Sector 2010 2015 2016 2017
* production corrected for the effects of variations in precipitation (hydro) and winds (wind), according to the rules of Directive 2009/28/EC.
** including renewable share of urban waste.
*** renewable share
Distribution by sector
Sector 1990 % 2000 % 2010 % 2020 % 2021 2021/199
Residential 1,091 22. 1,155 21. 1,482 26. 1,280 28. 1,280 26.0% +17%
7 4 5 4
12. 13.
Tertiary 342 7.1 483 9.0 711 594 596 12.1% +74%
7 2
Agriculture 122 2.5 122 2.3 114 2.0 116 2.6 118 2.4% -3%
Unspecified 16 0.3 7 0.1 7 0.1 2 6 0.1% -64%
Non-energy uses
436 9.1 353 6.5 400 7.1 283 6.3 245 5.0% -44%
Total 4,813 100 5,394 100 5,600 100 4,498 100 4,931 100% +2%
the very rapid growth in demand, stopped in 2008 by the economic crisis;
the overwhelming preponderance of fossil fuels;
the massive use of electricity imports (in blue);
the recent contribution, still modest but rapidly growing, of new renewable
Production [ edit | edit code ]
In 2022, according to the Energy Institute , Italy produced 287.3 TWh of electricity,
down 4% from ten years, or 1.0% of world production and 10.2% of that of the
European Union w 12 . The share of fossil fuels is 63.9% (natural gas: 54.4%, coal:
6.1%, oil: 3.4%), that of renewable energies (EnR) is 34.9%, of which 9 .8%
hydroelectricity and 25.1% other RE, and that of other sources 1.3% w 1 . The share of
solar power is estimated at 9.6%, that of wind power at 7.2% and that of other
renewable energies (geothermal energy, biomass, waste) at 8.3% w 2 .
Fossil thermal 8.0 70.2 133.3 178.2 217.8 218.9 158.8 181.7 63.4% +2%
including coal n/a n/a n/a 35.8 30.5 44.4 15.0 27.5 9.6% -23%
including oil n/a n/a n/a 102. 85.9 21.7 10.0 15.6 5.4% -85%
Hydraulic 46.1 41.3 47.5 35.1 50.9 54.4 49.5 30.1 10.5% -14%
less Pumping n/a -1.4 -3.3 -4.8 -9.1 -4.5 n/a n/a n/a
Geothermal energy 2.1 2.7 2.7 3.2 4.7 5.4 6.0 5.8 2.0% +81%
Total RES 48.2 42.6 46.9 38.4 48.5 80.3 118.9 102.0 35.6% +166%
0.05 0.5 2.2 2.4 2.3 0.8% x44
56.2 116.1 182.5 216.6 276.6 297.6 280.5 286.7 100% +32%
production no. 1
Own consumption 1.4 5.0 9.0 20.5 28.8 21.8 20.2 21.5 7.5% +5%
Net production 54.9 111.1 173.5 196.1 247.8 275.8 260.3 265.2 92.5% +35%
Sources: Terna for the years 1960 to 1980 d 1 ; International Energy Agency 3 for 1990-2020.
The economic crisis at the end of 2008 caused electricity demand to fall by 6.2% in
2009; after a slight recovery, it fell in 2016 below the 2009 level. The strong increase
in renewable energies (+47% since 2010) made it possible to reduce production
based on fossil fuels by 27% between 2010 and 2020; the drop in demand caused by
the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 is, however, partly responsible for this decline in
In 2018, gross electricity production in Italy reached 289.7 TWh , down 2.1%
compared to 2017; thermal power plants provided 66.5% of production and
renewable energies 33.5%: hydraulic 17.4%, solar 7.8%, wind 6.1% and geothermal
2.1% (note: this statistic includes biomass and waste in thermal energy). Net
production was 279.8 TWh , including 2.3 TWh intended for pumping 15 .
Gross power factor
1960 1980 2000 2010 2015 2017 2018 2018
(MW) 2018
Classic thermal 4,556 30,654 78,341 68,597 64,045 64,021 +13.4% 34.4%
Hydraulic 11,468 15,904 21,893 22,560 22,838 22,911 +10.9% 25.2%
Geothermal 287 440 627 772 821 813 813 +30% 85.7%
Wind+Photovoltai +8109
370 9,406 28,063 29,448 30,372 15.4%
c %
* Load factor 2018: the calculation takes into account the staggering of commissioning.
change %
Sector 2010 2015 2017
Wind 487 5,814 2,734 9,162 5,579 9,766 +68%
Solar 155,977 3,470 687,759 18,901 774,014 19,682 +396%
Bioenergy :
Solid biomass 142 1,243 369 1,612 468 1,667 +230% +34%
Biogas 451 508 1,924 1,406 2,117 1,444 +369%
total bioenergy 669 2,352 2,647 4,057 2,913 4,135 +335% +76%
total RES 159,895 30,284 696,867 51,483 786 808 53,259 +392% +76%
change %
Sector 2010 27 2015 2017 2018
Hydraulic 43,393 45,537 45,933 36,199 46,047 -29.2% +6.1% 48,786
Wind 9,126 8,787 14,844 15,298 17,742 17,198 +94.4 +95.7% 17,716
Solar 1,906 22,942 24,378 22,654
Geothermal +15.3
5,376 6,185 6,201 6,105
energy %
Solid +53.6
4,308 6,290 6,615
biomass %
of which
part +18.3
2,048 2,428 2,422
renewal. %
waste **
Biogas 2,054 8,212 8,299
9,440 n/a 19,396 19,367 19,378 19,303 +105% n/a 19,153
share of
gross final 22.4
20.1% 33.2% 33.5% 31.3% 34.1% 34.5%
consumpti %
* production corrected for the effects of variations in precipitation (hydro) and winds (wind), according to the rules of Directive 2009/28/EC.
** renewable share of urban waste.
The share of renewable energy in Italian gross electricity production increased from
16.0% in 2003 to 43.1% in 2014, then fell to 35.1% in 2017 g 10 . This relapse is due to
the sharp drop in hydroelectric production: 36.2 TWh in 2017 compared to
58.5 TWh in 2014, or -38.2% g 2 .
Hydro 21.4 26.9 31.7 32.7 28.9 26.4 32.9 36.3 28.1 25.6 22.0 28.4
Wind 20.4 18.8 18.0 20.0 17.8 21.1 20.5 20.2 19.2 21.8 21.1 19.9
Solar 13.7 13.2 13.3 13.6 15.1 14.9 14.2 13.8 14.0 13.2 14.3 13.9
89.4 88.4 84.0 81.2 83.6 82.5 83.6 82.3 86.0 88.1 87.1 85.1
Bioenergy 43.3 44.9 43.7 45.6 43.4 43.5 49.3 52.4 53.7 53.1 53.1 47.8
The load factor (or utilization rate) is an essential technical characteristic of a means
of producing electricity: according to this criterion, geothermal energy is by far the
most efficient energy, and solar the least available; but other criteria are also
important, in particular controllability (possibility for the electrical system manager to
quickly stop/start a power plant, or at least to modulate its power, according to
instantaneous consumer demand); from this point of view, hydraulic power plants
equipped with a reservoir are very valuable; finally, the criterion of production cost is
obviously crucial; the load factor of bioenergy is affected by the seasonal nature of
most cogeneration plants in which it is used to supply heat networks.
Source 2010 2015 2017
numbe numbe
MW number MW MW number MW
r r
Solid biomass 142 1,243 369 1,612 468 1,667 +230% +34%
sludge 47 15 78 44 78 45 +66%
animal droppings 95 41 493 217 602 235 +534%
agricultural and forestry +1168 +585
81 110 973 746 1027 753
waste % %
total bioenergy 669 2,352 2,647 4,056 2,913 4,135 +335% +76%
The table above does not take into account hybrid power plants, which produce
electricity from fossil fuels with additional biomass. In terms of number of power
plants, biogas dominates with 72.6%, but in terms of installed capacity, solid biomass
comes first with 40.3%, followed by biogas: 34.9% and bio-liquids: 24. 8%. Biogas
units have an average capacity of 0.7 MW , while solid biomass units have an
average of 3.6 MW g 13 .
From 2003 to 2017, the power of bioenergy units increased at the rate of 10% per
year, but this growth slowed down from 2013 (+2.5% only in five years); the average
size of units has decreased significantly: 1.4 MW in 2017 compared to 4.3 MW in
2005 and 4.8 MW in 2009 g 14 .
GWh 2010 2015 2017 n
urban waste 2,428 2,422 +18%
others 3,862 4,193 +86%
vegetal oils 4,190 3,700 +38%
1960 1980 2000 2010 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Enel, a pioneer in the field of “ smart meters ” that can be interrogated remotely,
began installing 16 million new generation meters in 2017 with the aim of becoming a
leader in the Internet of Things and better managing intermittent flows provided by
solar and wind energy 19 .
International trade
Related article: International electricity exchanges .
Italy began importing electricity in 1926, but these imports remained low until 1961; in
1962 they passed the TWh threshold, then they fluctuated without ever exceeding
4 TWh ; in 1979 began a very rapid rise: from 2.1 TWh in 1978, imports rose to
5.4 TWh in 1979, reached 11.1 TWh in 1983, then 20.9 TWh in 1984, 31.3 TWh in
1988, 40.7 TWh in 1998, 50.97 TWh in 2003; since then, they have tended to
decrease, with fluctuations linked to hydraulicity : 46.4 TWh in 2015, 37.0 TWh in
2016, 37.8 TWh in 2017, 43.9 TWh in 2018 d 1 .
Italy's import balance in 2022 amounts to 42.99 TWh , or 13% of gross electricity
consumption. In 2021, the import balance was (42.79 TWh ), placing the
country 1st in the world among electricity importers, ahead of Iraq (41.46 TWh ) and
the United States (39.31 TWh ) 3 .
In 2018, Italy imported 47.17 TWh of electricity (+10%) and exported 3.27 TWh ;
the import balance of 43.90 TWh represents 13.2% of the country's demand 15 .
16,31 13,98 13,71 15,38 1,03 1,05 15,50 12,94 12,65 14,58
France 810 806
6 7 7 6 8 8 6 9 9 0
26,18 20,97 21,59 22,54 1,32 1,26 1,13 25,35 19,65 20,32 21,40
Swiss 824
0 7 2 0 2 5 9 6 5 7 1
1,538 1,443 1,332 1,417 40 68 120 24 1,498 1,375 1,212 1,393
6,223 6,468 5,894 6,739 81 171 151 60 5,743 6,297 6,142 6,679
1,04 1,52 - -
Malta 0 0 35 11 902 632 -867 -621
4 5 1,044 1,525
50,84 43,18 42,89 47,17 4,47 6,15 5,13 3,27 46,37 37,02 37,76 43,89
9 1 5 0 1 4 4 1 8 6 1 9
Exports to France are intended for Corsica, via two 220 kV submarine cables ( Italy-
Corsica-Sardinia direct current link ), one from Sardinia, the other from the continent,
near the Island of Elba.
For technical reasons, it is temporarily impossible to display the graph that should
have been presented here.
% var.
Sector 1990 % 2000 % 2010 % 2020 % 2021
2021 2021/1990
6.7 3.1 8.5 3.1 10.7 3.6 10.1 3.7 10.8 3.7% +60%
Agriculture 4.2 2.0 4.9 1.8 5.6 1.9 6.3 2.3 6.6 2.3% +56%
Total 214.6 100 273.0 100 299.3 100 275.2 100 289.1 100% +35%
ENEL has allocated 300 million euros for the deployment of 12,000 charging stations
for electric cars, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2017 19 .
Heat networks
The heat produced by cogeneration plants (93%) as well as by boiler rooms (7%)
and distributed by heat networks represented 131 PJ in 2021, or 2.6% of the
country's final energy consumption, intended for 65% in industry, 23% in the
residential sector and 10% in the tertiary sector 1 . It was produced in 2022 from fossil
fuels for 82.7% (coal: 0.6%, oil: 16.7%, natural gas: 65.4%), renewable energies for
14.9% (biomass : 12.1%, waste: 2.3%, geothermal energy: 0.5%) and non-renewable
waste for 2.4%. Production increased by 20% between 2005 and 2022 3 . Italy's heat
production reaches 231 PJ in 2022. In 2021, it was 224 PJ , or 1.3 % of the world
total ( 11th in the world), to compare with Germany: 470 PJ ( 3rd ) . rank), France:
191 PJ ( 13th rank ) and Russia, world number 2: 5,619 PJ (32.3%, behind China) 3 .
Energy policy
In July 2020, the government of Giuseppe Conte adopted a tax system called
“superbonus”, intended to facilitate work for the energy transition ranging from
thermal insulation to solar panels through the replacement of windows. This system
takes the form of a tax credit spread over five years. It is equal to 110% of the
investment amount and is transferable: certain households in financial difficulty have
the possibility of transferring this tax credit to construction companies which resell
them to a banking establishment, the latter being responsible for subsequently
recovering money from the state. This measure turned out to be very costly:
according to the National Energy Efficiency Agency, the cumulative amount of
investments approved for the tax deduction is around € 65.2 billion , or 3.5% of
GDP. The government of Giorgia Meloni reduces the tax credit to 90% of the amount
of the work instead of 110% and subjects it to resource conditions, then in mid-
February 2023, it ends the transferability of these credits. tax 30 .
Environmental impact
Greenhouse gas emissions
In 2022, energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Italy amounted to 306
Mt CO 2eq, or 12% of European Union emissions, behind Germany (617 Mt , or
24.1%) and ahead of Poland (295 Mt ) and France 284 Mt. In 2021, they were
320 Mt , or 0.9% of global emissions, far behind China (30.3%), the United States
(13.4%), India (6.5%), Russia (6.0%), Japan (2.7%) and Germany (1.7%); the
European Union totaled 7.1% G 1 .
CO2 emissionsrelated to energy
emissionsof Italy linked to energy reached 5.03 t per capita in 2022, 25% higher
CO 2
than those of France: 4.03 t . In 2021, they were 5.24 tonnes, 23% higher than the
world average: 4.26 t/inhabitant . Compared to other major economic powers, Italy
emits much less CO 2per capita than the United States: 13.76 t/inhabitant ,
Germany: 7.50 t/inhabitant and China: 7.07 t/inhabitant G 6 .
Other references:
1. ↑Return higher to:a b c d e f g h i j k l m et n (en) Energy Statistics Data Browser: Italy - Balances
2022 [ archive ] , International Energy Agency , December 21, 2023.
2. ↑Return higher to:a and b World Development Indicators - Italy: population [ archive ] , World Bank .
3. ↑Return higher to:a b c d e f g h i et j (en) Energy Statistics Data Browser: Italy - Electricity 2022 [ archive ] , International
Energy Agency , December 21, 2023.
4. ↑ (en) Snapshot of Global PV Markets 2023 [ archive ] [PDF] , International Energy Agency -Photovoltaic
Power Systems Program (PVPS), April 2023, page 14.
5. ↑Return higher to:a and b (de) Kurzstudie Reserven, Ressourcen und Verfügbarkeit von Energierohstoffen
2011 [ archive ] (pages 38, 48, 58), Federal Agency for Earth Sciences and Raw Materials (BGR),
December 8, 2011.
6. ↑ Sylvain Zibber, “ The Italian economy 1895 – 1914 (1/2) [ archive ] ”, on Les Yeux du Monde ,April 24,
7. ↑ Priolo Gargallo refinery ISAB NORD [ archive ] , Euro-petrol.
8. ↑ Company profile [ archive ] , Saras.
9. ↑ SONATRACH signs an agreement with Esso Italiana (Exxonmobil group) for the acquisition of the
Augusta refinery and three oil terminals [ archive ] , Euro-pétrole, May 9, 2018.
10. ↑ From refinery to biorefinery [ archive ] , ENI, 2020.
11. ↑ Transitgas and Fluxys want to increase the potential of the Swiss gas pipeline [ archive ]
12. ↑ (in) TAP official website. [ archive ]
13. ↑ The Trans Adriatic Pipeline is Complete [ archive ] , TAP, October 12, 2020.
14. ↑ Federal Office of Energy (Switzerland), Energeia Magazine, May 2009, Italy in search of greater
energy autonomy .
15. ↑Return higher to:a b c and d (it) Dati Generali [ archive ] , Terna , 2019.
16. ↑ The “Eugenio Montale” power plant [ archive ] , on the ENEL website .
17. ↑ (it) Dati statistici - Impianti di generazione [ archive ] , pages 33, 54, 62-64, Terna website
18. ↑ Enel launches a call for projects for 23 power plants [ archive ] , Les Échos of July 15, 2015.
19. ↑Return higher to:a b and c Italian Enel promises the end of fossil power plants in 2035 [ archive ] , Les Échos ,
August 9, 2017.
20. ↑ Yann Le Guernigou , “ EDF will help Enel to build EPR power plants in Italy ”, ,February 24,
2009 ( read online [ archive ] , consulted onDecember 21, 2009).
21. ↑ Nuclear: Italy will do without [ archive ] , newspaper Libération of 04/20/2011.
22. ↑ In Italy, nuclear power creates controversy at the top of the State [ archive ] , Les Échos , September 3,
23. ↑ Italy lifts the nuclear taboo [ archive ] , Les Échos , December 23, 2021.
24. ↑ Nuclear power is coming back into favor among Europeans [ archive ] , Les Échos , March 28, 2023.
25. ↑ Italy's new look at nuclear power [ archive ] , SFEN , October 27, 2023.
26. ↑ Italian government begins discussions to reintroduce nuclear energy [ archive ] , EurActiv , September
22, 2023.
27. ↑Return higher to:a and b (it) [PDF] Rapporto Statistico Impianti a fonti rinnovabili - Anno 2012 [ archive ] , GSE
website (see pages 13, 47, 66 and 78).
28. ↑ (en) About Terna [ archive ] , English version of the Terna site.
29. ↑ (en) Energy Statistics Data Browser - Electricity consumption per capita, France 1990-
2022 [ archive ] , International Energy Agency , December 21, 2023.
30. ↑ Italy forced to significantly increase its public deficit [ archive ] , Les Échos , March 1, 2023.