Lesson Booklet A4 Color Print
Lesson Booklet A4 Color Print
Lesson Booklet A4 Color Print
04 | Introduction
06 | 8 Foundations Introduction
08 | Assurance of Salvation
18 | The Story
welcome to the
family of God
This book is a tool to help you know how to be a
part of God’s big family and how to help others be
a part of His family too. It is not meant to be read
by yourself, but rather it is to be used while an older
brother or sister trains you. And it is a tool for you
to use to teach other brothers and sisters how to be
part of his family too.
The following 8 lessons teach a new member
of God’s family the most important and
foundational things about how to live in
His family. These are the first steps of
following Jesus.
People try many different ways to reach God, yet fail. Why?
(Ephesians 2:8-9)
What does Jesus promise to those who follow Him? (John 10:28)
Eternal life does not only mean you will live forever; it also means that right now we
are able to live a life of holiness, righteousness, kindness, and strength. We will forever
receive the blessings of God!
Your Response
Do you know you have been saved? Yes No
Do you know you have received eternal life? Yes No
I have been saved. I have not been saved.
I still don’t know.
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new , the has gone, the
has come. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
The saved will be changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes?
When you receive this great salvation, your life is full of joy and peace! The first thing that
you should do is to share this good news. Tell five people what you have heard and learned
today. In addition, train those who believe to share and train others. In the following weeks,
continue to teach at least five more individuals weekly. This is the great news and it is God’s
will; He is willing for all to receive salvation.
Acts 2:37-38
These verses give the beginning steps for a person who wants to follow Jesus.
Read Acts 2:37-38. What do these verses say?
What are the steps given in these verses?
Repentance is to understand that you are a sinner, turn away from your sins, and ask
God to forgive you.
Water Baptism
What is water baptism?
• Baptism is full immersion in water. (Act it out)
• Symbol of dying to sin and being alive in Christ. (Romans 6:1-6)
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Who is the Holy Spirit?
• He is God. (2 Corinthians 3:17)
The Most Important Thing
Read Matthew 22:35-38 – What does Jesus teach us is the first commandment?
Read Philippians 3:7-8 – What does Paul say was the most important thing in his life?
Your first and greatest call is to know Jesus and to love Him. Building a relationship with God is just
like building a relationship with a person. It requires consistent contact and conversation with that
person. With God, we call that conversation “prayer.”
How do I Pray?
Prayer is simply a conversation with God. There are no magic words or special actions needed. You
can have your eyes closed or open. You can pray out loud or in your mind. To pray you only need to
speak to God and listen to Him.
Worship – One of the most important parts of prayer is to simply tell God how great He is and
how much you love Him (Psalm 95:6).
Can Prayer Really Change Things?
Read Matt 7:7-11 – Can we be confident that God hears us when we pray?
Prayer changes things! Like a good father, God delights to fulfill the desires and requests of His
children. We can ask with confidence that He love us, hears us, and wants to bless us.
Trainer, share a story where God answered your prayer.
To know Jesus more, we must build the habit of praying as we go throughout our day. He is with
us all the time, and He always wants to talk with us! Whether we are studying, walking, playing
basketball, or cooking, we can keep a constant connection with Him at all times.
The first step is to choose a time each day when you can spend focused time with God. Give Him
your best and least distracted time. Right now, choose the time and place that would be best for
you to focus on God, and write it down.
The final step is to commit yourself to spending time with Jesus every day. It is important to
realize that spending daily time with God will not make Him love you more, but that it will cause
you to grow in your love for God and obedience to Him. When you make spending time with Jesus
a priority, your mind will be renewed and you will be transformed, but it is your decision to set
aside the time.
Are you willing to commit to a daily time with Jesus? ________ Yes ________ No
Signature : _____________________________________________________________________ 13
Now that I have received God’s gift of salvation and relationship, He has become my Father.
Since we now have such an important relationship, it is very important that I find out who
my Heavenly Father is. And because He is my Father, when I find out who He is, I will better
understand my new identity as His child as well.
My Father is Righteous, Holy, and Hates Sin (Psalm 145:17; 1 Samuel 2:2; Psalm 5:4).
In Exodus 34:6-7, God describes himself to one of His followers. What else does this passage
teach us about who our Father is?
Who Am I?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:17 – Am I the same person I was before I received God’s gift?
No! I am a !
If I am a new creation, what is different about me now?
What Does It Mean That I’m God’s Child?
Nothing can separate me from God’s . (Romans 8:38-39)
Which qualities about your Heavenly Father are most important to you right now?
Which parts of your new identity are you most thankful for right now?
Which part of being God’s child is most meaningful to you right now?
Which part of your identity do you most need God’s help to believe?
(Take time to pray together for God to help you believe the truth.)
God has Given You a Mission
Our first calling is to know and love Jesus. But we have a very important 2nd calling as well.
Read Mark 3:13-14. What are the 2 callings that Jesus gives His followers?
In Matthew 28:18-20, immediately before He returned to heaven, Jesus gave His followers
a mission, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make
disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the
Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be
sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Our mission is to help everyone, everywhere know Jesus and follow Him. We see 3 important
instructions for how we are to fulfill our mission:
Go, not wait until they come – We should take initiative to share the gospel, not wait
passively for others to ask us about the Good News. (Burning Building Story)
Share with everybody, not some – Jesus says that we should go to all peoples, not
choose who we want to share with. Don’t prejudge who is open to Jesus. (Cure for
Disease Story)
Make disciples, not just Christians – Jesus instructs us not just to help people believe in
Him, but to teach them to obey all Jesus commanded. That means after we help people
know Jesus, we must also train them, just like I am doing right now with you.
• that Jesus died for you on the cross and rose again (Romans 10:9-11).
• to turn from your sin and follow Jesus as Lord (Acts 3:19).*
How do I start to follow Jesus?
Prayer – Begin to talk to your Heavenly Father.
Church – Join the family of God by connecting with other followers of Jesus.
Share – Tell others about Jesus so they can know Him too!
When we become a Christian, we become members of God’s family. Every spiritual child
needs to become a part of a spiritual family. God is our Heavenly Father, and all Christians
are brothers and sisters of the same family. “God’s household is the church of the living
God...” (1 Timothy 3:15).
What is a church? A church is not a building. A church is not a weekly meeting. A church is
group of any size who follow Jesus together and love each other. Let’s look at what the first
group of Jesus’ followers did when they gathered into a church in Acts 2:37-47 to get a better
picture what a church is. Read this story, make a LIST out loud together of what they did, and
then write it in the space below:
The 8 Activities
These are the basic things that healthy churches do. Each church may do these activities
differently in their culture or at their stage of maturity, but all are essential.
1. The Bible (Apostles’ Teaching) – Studying the Word of God (ex. Bible study,
preaching, Bible stories) to find out what it says and seeking to obey it. The apostles’
teaching is what we now have gathered together in the Bible.
3. Fellowship – Showing real love and care for one another and building close
friendships together.
4. Giving/Offerings – Giving sacrificially out of love to meet needs in the church and
in the community. Offerings are thank-you gifts given to God as acts of worship.
Financial offerings show our love for God and are a test of the disciple’s faith, love,
and obedience.
5. Prayer – Praying for each other, their lost friends and family, their communities, and
God’s purposes.
6. Praise – Worshipping God in praise (songs, words of praise, reading scriptures out
loud, etc.).
7. Evangelism – Sharing the gospel with their friends, family, neighbors, and
even strangers.
Are we meeting together regularly? If yes, make the dotted line solid. Then put an icon
representing each of the remaining elements inside or outside the circle. If the group
is regularly practicing the element itself, put it inside. If the group is not, put it outside
the circle.
Our goal is to get the elements that are missing into our group so that we can become a
church, and a healthy one. Let’s take some time now to draw an arrow into the circle for
any element that is missing and write down some ideas for how to add them in!
Lord’s Supper
Caring Leaders
What if our group is doing all the things a church does? Then you simply need to
commit to being a church, and this week you can become a new church!
What if our group is missing some things? Then you simply need to add those things
in, and then commit to becoming a church together. This week you can become a
new church!
Our church is a part of a bigger church called 先锋教会 that meets in small groups all
around the country. We also sometimes gather together in bigger groups, just like the
first church in Acts!
Jesus does not promise that those who follow Him will have a perfect life. Sometimes
followers for Jesus will face persecution or difficulties. How should we respond when we
face these things? Read 2 Corinthians 12:10 aloud and write below why Paul is content
with the many hardships he faces:
In John 16:33 Jesus is talking to the people that wanted to follow Him. Read this passage aloud.
Where does Jesus say we will find peace?
Who does Jesus say will have tribulation?
Why does Jesus tell us to “take heart?”
Circle below how we are instructed to act when we face trials and persecutions:
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom
of heaven. “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds
of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in
heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:10-12)
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the
testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that
you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4)
Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance,
and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put
us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit
who has been given to us. (Romans 5:3-5)
Read Luke 6:27-28 aloud. Write down how we should act toward those who persecute us.
What things have you endured because of the name of Jesus? It might be that your friends
laugh at you, your family will not let you go home, you lose your job, your boyfriend/
girlfriend leaves you, you get arrested, people call you names, you have less money because
you gave the rest away, or many others. Take some time now to list them.
Now take some time and list some potential situations you could face in the future.
For whose sake do we endure hardships?
The Bible teaches us that we should hate those who persecute us:
Yes No
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”
(2 Timothy 1:7) 23
One of the greatest gifts that God has given us is the Bible. God reveals himself to us in its
pages. It shows us how to know Him and how to please Him with our lives. It is our primary
source of truth and wisdom.
This is a pattern you can use when you are by yourself or when we study the Bible together
in our training group. Every time you study the Bible, you should try to answer these
three questions.
The Power
You have the ability to understand the Bible because of the Helper that God has sent to live
in your life—the Holy Spirit. How does He help you? (John 14:26)
Before you begin studying the Bible on your own or as a group, always ask the Holy Spirit to
fill you and guide you into understanding the truth of the Bible and give you the ability to
obey it.
Going Deeper
It is helpful to study a book of the Bible passage by passage from the beginning to end over
the course of days or weeks. Each time, use the three questions to study the Bible passage.
READ a passage of Scripture (usually between a paragraph and a chapter). If it is not too
long, read it two or three times. If in a group, have someone read it out loud.
PRAY: Ask for the Spirit to guide you to understand and obey it.
Check out the plan below to start studying Mark in your personal time with Jesus or during
your small group.
You are about to embark on the great adventure of training someone
else in how to follow Jesus. This is a special part of God’s plan for
every Christian. He has called each of us to pass on what we know to
others, even if we have only been following Him for a week!
This section gives you all the information you need to begin training
others to be a part of God’s family. It includes detailed guides of what
to do for the first 8 times you train someone. Make sure to ask the
person who trains you to help you prepare and practice for the new
small group you will start. If you don’t feel clear about the 7 parts of a
small group, check out Appendix 1 on page 82.
God is using you to help grow His family. Remember, you don’t just
want to train those in your group to follow Jesus. You also want to
train them to train others who will train others! 27
What to Do
• Connection
• First, take some time to connect and chat together.
• “I want to share with you a lesson today that is incredibly valuable for anyone
who chooses to follow Christ, but first I want us to each share something that
we are thankful for.”
• Each person shares what they are thankful for. It is often helpful for you as the
trainer to go first.
• Lesson
• Take out enough copies of the Assurance of Salvation Lesson for each person
to have one.
• Go step by step through the entire lesson.
• Sections 1-3 give another opportunity to share the gospel.
• Here are 2 stories you can use to help recommunicate the gospel
in this section:
Kruschev and the Worm –
We can try to fool ourselves that there is no God or that we really aren’t separated from
him. After the Soviet Union sent its first cosmonauts into space, Kruschev pounded his
shoe on the table at the UN and declared, “Today we sent cosmonauts into space but
when they looked around, they did not see God. This is proof that there is no God!” The
next day, a major newspaper printed this article: “One day a worm dug his way up out of
the ground in the middle of Red Square in Moscow. That day he looked for Kruschev but
did not find him. He returned to his friends below and told them, `That proves it! There is
28 no Kruschev!’”
Parable of Twin Brothers –
Identical twin brothers grew up having very different lives. One became a criminal and
the other a judge. The last time the criminal brother was imprisoned, he came to the
courtroom for sentencing in the courtroom. To his surprise, the judge was his brother. The
criminal thought to himself, “Ah! I’ve been saved!” But his brother sentenced him to death
for his crimes.
The day before the criminal was to be executed in front of a firing squad, the judge came
to visit his brother in jail. He told him: “Quick! Change clothes with me! That way you will
not have to die.” The criminal brother said: “What a great idea! I’ll just walk out of prison.
But before you reveal who you are, give me time to get away.” The criminal brother left the
prison a happy man.
The next morning at the time for his execution, he decided to go near the prison walls to
celebrate his escape. At the appointed time, however, he heard gunshots. He thought: “Was
someone else scheduled to die at the same time as me?” He climbed to where he could
look in the courtyard, and there lying on the ground was his dead brother.
Horrified and weeping, the criminal brother fled to the judge’s house. The door was open.
Inside on a stand was a letter addressed to the criminal. It said: “Brother, you committed
crimes deserving death. As a judge, I must do what is right and punish you. But as your
brother, I love you. Therefore, I decided to die in your place. From now on, I beg you to start
a new life. You are free.”
The judge’s actions are similar to what Jesus did for us. He must judge our sin but He also
chooses to take our place and calls us to live a new life for Him.
• By the end of this lesson it should become very clear whether the person has
genuinely made a decision to trust in Christ or not.
• Next Steps
• If you find the person still has not fully made the decision to follow Jesus,
use it as an opportunity to continue to share Christ with him and address
whatever barriers are keeping him from Christ. Many times you can lead
someone to make a more complete decision to follow Christ right there
after doing this lesson!
• If you find the person has fully made a decision to follow Jesus, take the
following important steps:
• Celebrate with them again in their decision.
• Either go over the Baptism Lesson right then or setup a time to meet again
to do the Baptism Lesson.
• Get a Bible – Help the new believer to get a Bible of their own.
• Get a Lessons Book – If you want the new believer to use the lessons in
booklet format, make sure to bring a booklet to the next meeting. If you
prefer to do the lesson as individual sheets, you can just print out the next
lesson for them.
• Setup a Regular Weekly Training Group Time – You can invite them to a
training group you already lead or start a new training group with them.
But before you leave your time with them, try to establish a regular, weekly
time when you can meet together to train them.
Congratulations! You can become a child of the Heavenly Father (John 1:12)! From this point
on, you can have a new relationship with God and receive all of His promises.
People try many different ways to reach God, yet fail. Why?
(Ephesians 2:8-9)
What does Jesus promise to those who follow Him? (John 10:28)
Eternal life does not only mean you will live forever; it also means that right now we
are able to live a life of holiness, righteousness, kindness, and strength. We will forever
receive the blessings of God!
Your Response
Do you know you have been saved? Yes No
Do you know you have received eternal life? Yes No
I have been saved. I have not been saved.
I still don’t know.
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new _____________, the ________ has gone, the _______ has
come. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
The saved will be changed. Have you experienced any of the following changes?
When you receive this great salvation, your life is full of joy and peace! The first thing that
you should do is to share this good news. Tell five people what you have heard and learned
today. In addition, train those who believe to share and train others. In the following weeks,
continue to teach at least five more individuals weekly. This is the great news and it is God’s
will; He is willing for all to receive salvation.
How and When to Use This Lesson – The Baptism Lesson is often used in one of three
different ways:
• Immediately after being saved – After someone gives their life to Christ, if there
is enough time and it is appropriate, you can share this lesson with the new
believer immediately.
• Immediately after doing the Assurance of Salvation Lesson – If there is enough
time, you can do this lesson immediately after you have confirmed a new believer’s
salvation through the Assurance of Salvation Lesson.
• In the next meeting after doing the Assurance of Salvation Lesson – If there is not
enough time to do it immediately, do the Baptism Lesson with the new believer as
soon as possible after doing the Assurance of Salvation Lesson.
What to Do
• Connection
• First, take some time to connect and chat together.
• “I want to share with you today the first step of how to follow Jesus, but first
let’s take a minute for each person to share something they are thankful for.”
• Each person in the group shares what they are thankful for. It is often helpful
for you as the trainer to go first.
• Lesson
• Take out enough copies of the Lessons Booklet or the Baptism Lesson for each
person to have one.
• Go step by step through the entire lesson. Give the new believer opportunities
to ask questions. Explain clearly what baptism is so there is no unnecessary
fear of the unknown. For example: it’s done fully-clothed, they’re only under
water for just a few seconds, etc.
• Stories
Charging a Battery Illustration –
When talking about the Supernatural Language we receive when we are
baptized in the Holy Spirit, you can share the following: “The Bible says in
1 Corinthians 14:4 that when we pray in tongues it builds us up. It is like
recharging our spiritual battery. God gave us this language as a special tool
to recharge our spiritual battery whenever we are feeling low on power. Just
like we charge our phones daily, take time every day to recharge your spiritual
battery by praying in tongues.”
Share your Baptism and Infilling Story – Be prepared to share your story of when
you were baptized with water and filled with the Holy Spirit. Your story will help
answer a lot of their questions and relieve a lot of their fears. Make sure you
share both your baptism in water and baptism in the Holy Spirit experiences
with those in your group during the appropriate part of the lesson.
• Next Steps
• Setup a specific time for the new believer to be baptized. Make sure they
understand what they need to bring when they will be baptized (change of
clothes, towel, hair brush, etc). If for some reason the new believer is unwilling
to do this, you should dig to find out why. Are they unsure about their
commitment to Christ? Do they feel unprepared or unworthy? Are they scared
of going under water? Try to help them overcome whatever barrier they are
facing so they can obey Jesus’ command to be baptized.
• If you have not yet setup a regular time to do a training group with the new
believer, make sure to do this before you leave. Having a clear time is one of
the most important factors in whether this new believer will be trained to
follow Jesus.
• If the new believer doesn’t yet have a Bible or Lesson Booklet (and you want to
use one), make sure to help him get one this week.
Acts 2:37-38
These verses give the beginning steps for a person who wants to follow Jesus.
Read Acts 2:37-38. What do these verses say?
What are the steps given in these verses?
Repentance is to understand that you are a sinner, turn away from your sins, and ask
God to forgive you.
Water Baptism
What is water baptism?
• Baptism is full immersion in water. (Act it out)
• Symbol of dying to sin and being alive in Christ. (Romans 6:1-6)
• Welcome your trainees, and let them know that this will be a time where you will train
them to be a part of God’s family.
• If you don’t all know each other, have a time for each person to introduce himself.
• Have each person share an area of their life where they need God’s help and pray for
each other.
• In general, the pastoral care part of a training group is an important time to listen,
show God’s love, and make people feel welcome and accepted.
• Explain to your trainees that each time you are together you will take time to worship
God. Worship is to tell God how great or valuable He is.
• Have each person spend 5 minutes writing a letter to God worshipping Him. (Re-
member to bring paper and pens to do this activity.)
• Afterwards let each person share his/her letter with the group.
If any of the group members haven’t been baptized yet, check to see if they are willing to
follow this first step of following Jesus. If they have already set a time to be baptized, you
can discuss any questions they have about their baptism. If they just got baptized, ask
36 them what they thought and felt about their baptism experience.
Do Lesson 1 – Knowing and Loving Jesus (pp. 42)
• Ask each group member to take notes as you go through the lesson.
• The goal of this lesson is to help each group member begin to build their new
relationship with God.
• When going over the hand model - have each group member write the part of prayer
next to the corresponding part of the hand.
• Thumb = Worship – Just like we can use our thumb to say 赞, our thumb
reminds us to 赞美 or worship God.
• Forefinger = Thanksgiving – With our forefinger we can point to heaven to help
us remember where all the good things in our life come from.
• Middle Finger = Confession – My middle finger reminds me to confess my sins
to God, so he can cleanse me and enable me to stand tall.
• Ring Finger = Intercession – My ring finger reminds me to pray for the needs of
others around me.
• Pinkie Finger = Petition – Just like my pinkie finger is small and weak, it reminds
me to ask God for help in my personal needs and weaknesses.
• My Palm = Listening – Just like my palm is the biggest part of my hand,
listening should be one of the biggest portions of my time praying. Prayer is a
conversation; God and I both take time talking and listening.
Key Stories
• When talking about “Prayer Changing Things”, share a personal story about how God
answers prayer. If you don’t have a story like that yet, share a story you know from
one of your Christian friends.
• When discussing spending “Daily Unhurried Time with God,” share the story of how
you started spending time with God and how that affected your life.
Your Heavenly Father’s Heart
A young student worked hard to pass an important exam that would enable him to get
into a good middle school. He really wanted a new bicycle to ride thirty minutes to the
new school, but doubted he would get it since his family was so poor. One day, however,
as he passed his parents’ bedroom, he heard his father comment to his mother that he
would buy a new bicycle for the young student. The son was overjoyed. That night before
bed, he asked his father for a new bicycle. But his father said, “No!” The son was perplexed
but did not give up because he knew his father’s heart! As he persisted, his father finally
said, “Yes.” The next day he had a new bicycle.
The son said: “Because I knew my father’s heart, I never gave up. If I didn’t know his heart,
I probably would have given up.” So if we know our heavenly Father’s heart, we will have
more confidence to do what He wants us to do.
Our heavenly Father tells us what his heart for our friends and family is in the Bible. (Read
1 Timothy 2:1-3). God wants all people to be saved, so he invites us to pray for all people.
Throughout the Bible, we see many examples where God chooses a person to save along
with his whole household. One example was a man named Cornelius (Acts 10-11). He
was an important army officer who was seeking God. God wanted to save him, so he sent
Peter to share the good news with Cornelius. When Cornelius found out that God wanted
to save him, he gathered everyone who belonged to him, all his relatives and close
friends. And God saved them all; God saved Cornelius and all who belonged to him.
The point is that God not only wants to save you, He also wants to save all who belong to
you. God chooses you to save you and all those who belong to you. This is your heavenly
Father’s heart. If you know His heart, then you will not give up asking Him for what is
in His heart. As you pray through your name list and witness to your friends and family,
don’t give up on them. Keep loving them and sharing with them. Be persistent.
(If there is time you can share the following story as well)
There was a Chinese-American medical doctor who saw God do this same miracle. When
he was very young, his family emigrated from Hong Kong to the States. When he went to
the States he decided, “I will become a medical doctor and make a lot of money and have
a good reputation.” He became a doctor but was not satisfied. He thought, “I want to be
the head of my department.” So he studied and got a Ph.D.
After this he landed a job at a very famous hospital in Los Angeles as the head of the
department. He was only 40 years old. There were many very well known doctors
working under him. At this hospital he became very rich. He had everything. He had
three daughters and was very happy. He was really pleased with his life.
But one day, he received a report after his annual check-up. He was told: “You have a
tumor in your liver that is the size of a golf ball. You need to prepare to die. Even with an
operation, there is not much chance. You will not live longer than six months, but you
could die much sooner.” That night he could not sleep. He thought to himself, “What can
I give to my family after I die? My oldest daughter is only 16 years old and hasn’t even
finished high school. I can’t even go to her high school graduation.” He decided to make 39
recordings of birthday and graduation greetings for his daughters but felt that no
one would listen to them after he was gone. As he thought about his death, he could
not sleep.
Then he remembered, “When I was a teenager in Hong Kong, I joined a church.” After he
came to the States, he never went to church. Now he thought again about Jesus, but he
didn’t know how to pray. Finally he found the telephone number of the pastor in Hong
Kong, and tried to call him. He got through to the pastor and told him his whole story.
The pastor led him to read Psalm 103:1-5 and told him, “If you repent and turn to God, he
will save you and perhaps heal you.” So, in the middle of the night, he asked Jesus to help
him. He knelt down and prayed with the pastor on the phone. When he hung up, he felt
very peaceful, because he had eternal life. Now he could face his own problems!
He had received salvation, and thought to himself, “I cannot wait.” So, at midnight, he
woke up his wife. His wife said, “Why are you waking me up?” He said, “I have given you
everything, but I haven’t given you eternal life. Tonight, I received eternal life. I want to
share this with you.” Right there in his bedroom, he led his wife to follow Jesus.
They both thought, “We can’t wait.” So, at midnight, they woke up their three daughters.
The mother said, “Dad has given you everything. You go to a very good private school. He
has given you everything. But he has not given you something very important: eternal life.”
The father said, “I will lose my life very soon. But I have received eternal life, so I can face
my problems. I know where I will go when I die. I want to share the gift of eternal life with
you.” So that night, the whole family became Christians. They held hands, knelt down in the
living room, and prayed together. They were very happy.
When they stood up, the second daughter, who was only 12 years old, said, “Dad? Jesus
loves us, is that right?” He said, “Yes.” So she said, “I think Jesus loves you, too. Make an
appointment for surgery. We will pray for you and ask Jesus to heal you.” So they all knelt
down again and prayed for the father.
The next day, the doctor made an appointment for surgery. After five days, several doctors
operated on him. When they performed the surgery, they could not find a tumor. There
was only an indention in the liver the size of a golf ball. So they closed the incision and told
him, “You’re healthy. Jesus has already removed the tumor for you.”
God through you can save your whole family, just like he did for the doctor. It is in your
heavenly Father’s heart to save your whole household. He can start this week!
During the practice time this week you will help each person in our training group make a
list of all the people in their life that do not yet know Jesus. This is very important because
these are the people they will begin praying for and sharing the gospel with. This is their
“circle of relationships” that God wants to save!
What to do:
• Transition (1 minute) – Say, “Because Jesus wants to save the people in our circle of
relationships, we want to be clear on who those people are so we can help them
find salvation in Jesus. So we are going to try to think of all the people in our circle
of relationships.”
• Make a List (5-10 minutes) – Have each person in the training group make a list of all
their friends, family, and acquaintances that don’t know Jesus yet. Help them keep
brainstorming until everybody has at least 15 names written down. Some categories
that might help people remember are: family members, classmates, people in their
clubs, coworkers, or neighbors.
• Pray for Spirit’s Guidance (1 minute) – Say, “Ok, now we are going to pray and ask the
Holy Spirit to highlight 5 people for us that we will start praying for this week.” Then
pray and ask the Holy Spirit to do just that.
• Focus on Five (2 minutes) – Have them choose 5 people from their list to focus on
praying for this week.
• Practice Praying (10 minutes) – Finally, spend about 10 minutes praying for
the different people on your lists by name. Specifically, ask God to give you
opportunities to share the good news with people on your list. Ask God to save
these special people in your circle of relationships.
• Conclusion (1 minute) – “This week every time you spend time with Jesus, don’t
forget the intercession part of prayer [hold up your ring finger]. Take time when
you pray every day to pray for these 5 people, that God would rescue them from
their sins.”
• PRAY – Invite each person to ask the Holy Spirit to give them a goal of what to do this
week regarding spending regular time with Jesus and praying for their lost friends.
• LISTEN – Then take a minute for everyone to listen to what the Holy Spirit says.
• SHARE – Afterwards, have each person share with the group their goal for the week.
Encourage people to write down their goal if they might forget.
• PRAY – Then pray for each other that God will help you accomplish your goals and use
you this week to help others know His great love. 41
The Most Important Thing
Read Matthew 22:35-38 – What does Jesus teach us is the first commandment?
Read Philippians 3:7-8 – What does Paul say was the most important thing in his life?
Your first and greatest call is to know Jesus and to love Him. Building a relationship with God is just
like building a relationship with a person. It requires consistent contact and conversation with that
person. With God, we call that conversation “prayer.”
How do I Pray?
Prayer is simply a conversation with God. There are no magic words or special actions needed. You
can have your eyes closed or open. You can pray out loud or in your mind. To pray you only need to
speak to God and listen to Him.
Worship – One of the most important parts of prayer is to simply tell God how great He is and
how much you love Him (Psalm 95:6).
To know Jesus more, we must build the habit of praying as we go throughout our day. He is with
us all the time, and He always wants to talk with us! Whether we are studying, walking, playing
basketball, or cooking, we can keep a constant connection with Him at all times.
The first step is to choose a time each day when you can spend focused time with God. Give Him
your best and least distracted time. Right now, choose the time and place that would be best for
you to focus on God, and write it down.
The final step is to commit yourself to spending time with Jesus every day. It is important to
realize that spending daily time with God will not make Him love you more, but that it will cause
you to grow in your love for God and obedience to Him. When you make spending time with Jesus
a priority, your mind will be renewed and you will be transformed, but it is your decision to set
aside the time.
Are you willing to commit to a daily time with Jesus? ________ Yes ________ No
Signature : _____________________________________________________________________
• Have each person share something they are thankful for this week.
• Ask if anyone has any specific needs that the group can pray for.
• If anyone has needs, take time to pray for them together.
• Share with the group, “As we learned last week with the hand model, another way
that we can worship God is through prayer. We do that simply by telling God some-
thing we love about Him or think is wonderful about Him. Let’s spend some time
doing that together today. I’ll go first and tell God out loud something that I think is
wonderful about Him. It can be as long as 1 minute or as short as 1 sentence. Then af-
ter I pray the next person in the circle does it, and then the next person. We will keep
going around the circle worshipping Jesus together for 5 to 10 minutes.”
• After 5-10 minutes, when you finish one of your turns to worship, simply say, “In the
name of Jesus we pray, Amen,” to signify the end of this special worship time.
• How was your experience praying for your lost friends this past week?
• If they did the things they committed to do, take time to celebrate that to-
gether. Give them encouraging feedback, like, “That’s awesome that you took
time to pray for your lost friends. God will use that in their lives!” Be genuine
and enthusiastic!
• If they did not do the things they committed to do, take time to encourage
them (not criticize them).
• If people did not really pray for their lost friends, take time right then to pray
44 for their lost friends again.
Do Lesson 2 – Who is God and Who Am I (pp. 50)
• Ask your group members to take notes as you go through the lesson.
• The goal of this lesson is to help each group member know who God is and
understand their new identity as His son or daughter.
• Share the following story at the beginning of the lesson to help each group member
understand what happened when they were saved:
Once upon a time there was a little girl who lived in an orphanage. Her parents
had died when she was very little. The orphanage was very poor so she had only
a bowl of rice and a few vegetables to eat every day. She had no toys. She was
receiving no education.
One day the king was traveling through that town and he suddenly entered the
orphanage. When he saw how poor and hungry the children were, the king’s
heart was broken. As he was walking through the orphanage, he saw the little
girl and looked right into her eyes. He saw her weakness and helplessness, and
he loved her. In his heart he chose her. So he walked over to the little girl, knelt
down, and said, “Little one, I want you to come with me. I want you to become
my daughter. Are you willing?”
The little girl was so happy she couldn’t talk. Finally, she said, “Yes, yes, I am
willing.” Then the king took her hand and led her out of the orphanage. She
rode with him in his carriage, and she was brought back to his palace. There
she was shown a beautiful bedroom with closets full of exquisite clothing and
servants who would fill her every request. She was given a hot bath and years of
dirt were washed off her body. Then she was clothed in the dress of a princess.
Then the servants led her to eat a sumptuous feast together with the King. After
dinner, the king came close, knelt down, and said to her, “You are my daughter.
From now on you will be called by my name. Everything that is mine is now yours.”
When the little girl found a new father, she was given a new identity and her
life was transformed in every way. It is the same for us when we join God’s
family. Our heavenly Father gives us a new identity, and our lives are
transformed forever.
• Below are the words that are intended to fill the blanks. However, it is more
important that those you train learn how to find truth in the Bible than that they use
the exact right word in the blank. If a group member chooses a different word that is
true from the Bible passage you are looking at, it is fine if they write that in the blank.
• “Who Is My Heavenly Father” Section
• My Father is the Eternal, All-Powerful CREATOR.
• My Father is GOOD.
• My Father is LOVE.
• Make sure to share the Egg and/or Water pictures to help give them a
better understanding of the Trinity.
• Egg Analogy – In an egg there are 3 parts: the yolk, the white, and
the shell. They are all a part of one egg. In the same way God has 3
persons: the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit. But they are all part
of one God.
• Water Analogy – Water can exist in 3 different states: steam, liquid
water, or ice. But it is all water. In the same way God exists in 3 different
persons: the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. But they are all God.
• “Who Am I” Section
• No, I am a NEW CREATION.
• No, I am the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God.
• No, I am FREE from sin.
• No, I am God’s CHILD.
• “What Does It Mean That I Am God’s Child” Section
• Nothing can separate me from God’s LOVE.
• I have an INHERITANCE along with Jesus.
• I can approach God with BOLDNESS and CONFIDENCE.
• I now share in His same NATURE.
• I show Him I love Him through OBEDIENCE.
• He DISCIPLINES me for my good.
• He will give me GOOD THINGS if I ask.
• “Reflection” Section
• This is an extremely important part of the lesson because this is where
they allow the Holy Spirit to apply these truths to their life. Do not skip this
section no matter what.
Story of the Samaritan Woman (John 4)
fOne time Jesus met a woman who had a lot of problems in her life. She was a part of
a rejected minority people called the Samaritans. She had been divorced five times—
completely rejected by a husband 5 times. She felt great shame and didn’t want Jesus to
know this shameful secret.
But through His supernatural power, Jesus already knew her story. And He told her that He
knew. She began to recoil in shame, but Jesus didn’t reject her. He showed her kindness
and told her that He would give her eternal life.
She began to trust in Him. And she ran back to her town and began telling everyone there
about Jesus’ great power and how she thought he must be from God. Then her whole
relational circle, her whole village came to meet Jesus.
John 4:39-42 tells us what happened next, “Many of the Samaritans from that
town believed in Him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever
did.” So when the Samaritans came to Him, they urged Him to stay with them, and He
stayed two days. And because of His words many more became believers. They said to
the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for
ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”
Because this one woman was willing to share her story of meeting Jesus, even the
shameful parts, many of her friends, family, and neighbors all believed in Jesus too.
God often uses our stories of how He changed our lives to help others open their hearts to
Him as well.
Story of how God used your testimony – [Share a story of how you’ve shared your
testimony to help someone hear about God’s love. It might even be a story about someone
in your training group!]
Our stories are important because to anyone who knows us they are powerful evidence for
the existence and goodness of God. So He wants to use our stories of how He changed our
lives, even the shameful parts, to help others come to know Him. So today we are going to
learn how each of us can share the story of how God changed our lives so we can start to
share it with our friends and family.
Make sure there are paper and pens for each person in the group for this activity.
How to Do It:
• Introduction (1 minutes) – “Our salvation story is one of the most powerful
things God uses to help others come to know Him, so it is very important for
us to prepare to share how God saved us. Today we are going to spend some
time preparing together to share a 2-minute version of our salvation story.”
• Writing My Testimony (5-10 minutes) – Have each person in the group use half
a piece of paper (you can use the backside of the paper you used to write their
name list last week or a new piece of paper). Draw 2 lines to divide the sheet
into 3 even sections. Then title the 3 sections: Who I was before Christ, How
Jesus saved me, and How Jesus changed me.
• Who I Was before Christ – Write down the problems in your life that Jesus
needed to save you from. Be honest about your weakness and sin; Jesus
already took away your shame. It is most powerful if you can share a story
that is an example of your problems.
• How Jesus Saved Me – Simply tell the story of how you made the decision
to follow Jesus. Don’t just summarize; actually briefly tell the story of the
events that led you to that point. Share the things that happened in your
mind to convince you Jesus was real and that you should follow Him.
• How Jesus Changed Me – Tell how Jesus has begun to change your
life since you gave your life to Him. Has he taken away your feelings of
shame or guilt? Has he helped change your behavior? Has he changed
something in your heart? Write down how Jesus has changed you.
• Say Your Testimony Out Loud (5 minutes) – Have each person in your group
read their testimony out loud 2 times and then make any changes they want
after hearing it out loud . People can all just say it out loud at the same time, or
if that is impractical in your space take turns saying it out loud.
• Share Your Testimony with Feedback (5-10 minutes) – Break up your TG into
pairs or groups of 3 and have each person share their testimony naturally as
they would with a friend. Then give each other feedback on things that were
done well and ways they can make it even more powerful.
• INTRODUCTION – “Now that we know how to share the story of how God changed
us, it is time for us to start sharing it with the people God wants to save in our circle of
relationships. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit who he wants us to share our testimony with this
• PRAY - Invite the Holy Spirit to come and highlight for each of you someone that you
can share your testimony with this week. Ask Him to give you each specific names.
• LISTEN – Then take a minute for everyone to listen to what the Holy Spirit says.
• SHARE – Afterwards, have each person share with the group who they felt the Holy
Spirit tell them to share their testimony with that week. Encourage people to write
down their goal if they might forget.
• PRAY – Then pray for each other that God will give each of you the opportunity to share
your testimony this week so that others can know His great love too.
Now that I have received God’s gift of salvation and relationship, He has become my Father.
Since we now have such an important relationship, it is very important that I find out who
my Heavenly Father is. And because He is my Father, when I find out who He is, I will better
understand my new identity as His child as well.
My Father is Righteous, Holy, and Hates Sin (Psalm 145:17; 1 Samuel 2:2; Psalm 5:4).
In Exodus 34:6-7, God describes himself to one of His followers. What else does this passage
teach us about who our Father is?
Who Am I?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:17 – Am I the same person I was before I received God’s gift?
No! I am a !
If I am a new creation, what is different about me now?
Which qualities about your Heavenly Father are most important to you right now?
Which parts of your new identity are you most thankful for right now?
Which part of being God’s child is most meaningful to you right now?
Which part of your identity do you most need God’s help to believe?
(Take time to pray together for God to help you believe the truth.)
• Have each person share something they are thankful for this week.
• Ask if anyone has any specific needs that the group can pray for.
• If anyone has needs, take time to pray for them together.
• “Another way we can worship God is with singing and music. Even if you aren’t a great
singer, God loves to hear us worship Him in this way. Let’s practice singing a song
together right now.”
• When people are new to singing worship, it can be easier if there is background mu-
sic. If possible, you can play an MP3 on your phone. If you have a speaker to make it
louder, that is even better.
• Choose 1 simple song to teach them this week. They won’t know it right away so play
it 2 or 3 times so they can learn it and sing along. One good choice is “开启双眼” in
the appendices on page 84. Simply search for the song on 优酷 to learn the tune if
you don’t know it.
• If they did the things they committed to do, take time to celebrate that to-
gether. Give them encouraging feedback, like, “That was very bold how you
shared your testimony. Great job!” Be genuine and enthusiastic!
• If they did not do the things they committed to do, take time to encourage
them (not criticize them).
• If people did not share their testimonies, ask what problems they encountered
that kept them from sharing. Then think together about how to overcome
those obstacles.
This training group is special in that the vision casting section, lesson, and practice time are
all combined as we learn about how to share God’s Good News.
• God Has Given You a Mission
• Our 2 Callings are to: BE WITH HIM and BE SENT TO PREACH.
• Each of the 3 Instructions from Matthew 28 comes from one of the phrases that
• Make sure to share the illustrations:
Burning Building Illustration –
If you saw a building on fire, you wouldn’t wait for someone to ask you if
there were a fire. No! You would start yelling to everybody, “Fire! Fire! Run
away! Be saved!” It is the same with sharing the gospel. We can’t simply wait
for people to ask us about Jesus. Every person’s sin will lead them to death
and eternal separation from God. This is a danger greater than fire. We must
take the initiative to tell people about God’s way of salvation!
Cure for Disease Illustration –
If I was a doctor and I discovered the cure for Ebola, I wouldn’t simply
tell the people I liked best about it. I wouldn’t only tell those who were
convenient to tell. I wouldn’t even tell only those I thought would believe
me. I would tell everyone who needed the cure. Every person on earth is
infected with a disease worse than Ebola. Their sin sickness has a 100%
fatality rate. And you have the cure. You must tell everyone. It would be
wrong to hold back the cure.
• How Do I Share about Jesus
• Have people practice saying a transition sentence from their testimony to the
good news so it becomes very easy and natural for them.
• First, model sharing the good news using the Good News sheet. Have them take
notes on stories or ideas you share as you go through the sheet. It’s fine if your
sharing is not perfect, but humbly share with them any mistakes you made that
you were aware of. Make sure that you share the illustrations and drawings. On
the Good News sheet: * indicates a story or illustration. ^ indicates a time to do
a drawing.
We, as people, are often trying to get to God, so we try to get to Him on our
own. Sometimes we will try to do good things, believing that maybe if we
do enough good, it will balance out the bad things. But does that change
our sin? Do we still make mistakes? Correct! Even when we do good, we still
have sin that separates us from God.
Then there are some that believe if they do religious activities, they can get
to God; such as going to church, praying, going to temple, etc. But even if
that person does religious activities, does that change their sin problem?
Right! It doesn’t! They still have sin and are still separated from God.
(2b) – Poisoned Water Illustration – If I have a cup of pure, clean water that I am
going to give you, but you watch me add one drop of poison, would you still
drink it? (No) Even though it’s just one drop? Right! One drop of poison in the
water is enough! Sin in our hearts is like the poison in the water. Even a little sin
pollutes our heart and separates us from God.
(3c) – Judge Story Part 2 – As the son is sitting in jail, the door suddenly opens
and his father walks in. Shocked, the son asks “Father, what are you doing
here?!” The father responds, “Son, you are free!” “How?! How am I free?! I haven’t
paid even a little bit of money! How can I be free?!” the son asks. The father
smiles and says, “Son, I sold everything. I sold our house, our car, I gave all of
the money I had saved. I even sold your mother’s wedding ring. Because son,
I would rather be with you. I would rather have relationship with you than
have all of the stuff in the world.” But do you know, at this point, the son has a
decision to make. He can choose to receive his father’s gift; a gift he can never
pay back. Or he can reject what his father has already done and choose to pay
his own price.
^ (3c) – Bridge Drawing Part 2 – Draw how when Jesus died on the cross, his
death made a bridge between God and man so that we can again join his
family. (You can draw a bridge in the shape of a cross.)
What Jesus did for us on the cross is he paid the price for our sin! So when
God looks at us, he doesn’t see the sin because Jesus already paid the price
for our sin!
And because he paid the price for us, our relationship with God can be
restored! A bridge is built!
* (After Acts 3:19) – Jesus Driving Your Car Illustration – Before we have a
relationship with God, it’s like we are driving our own car, and we make all of
the decisions on our own. (Use some examples “Well… that college looks ok,
I guess I’ll go there. -or- That guy is really handsome! Become my boyfriend!)
But the reality is, I don’t know what’s best and sometimes my decisions aren’t
the best! But as we begin a relationship with God, it’s like I step out of the car,
hand Jesus the keys and say, “Ok, Jesus, can you please drive?” I then get in the
passenger seat and Jesus and I begin to drive together! As we come up on two
roads, I’m not sure which is best. One road looks like the best to me, but Jesus
smiles, and says “Nope, that other road is the best.” Because I know Jesus knows
what is best for me and because I trust him, I say “Ok, Jesus, if you say that is
the best road, let’s go! And together Jesus and I go!”
• Then, have each group member practice sharing the good news. Split up into
pairs if necessary to do this.
• Give them feedback after they share. Make sure to be very encouraging,
highlighting anything they have done well. But also honestly tell them the most
important areas for improvement. Here are 3 common needs for improvement:
• It is very natural for someone to skip most of the parts that are not written
out on the page their first time doing it. Make sure you remind them of
how important the stories and drawings are.
• Instead of making it conversational, the person just talks the whole time.
Teach them how to ask questions to make it a conversation.
• They are so focused on saying the right things, he doesn’t smile or show
any love. Help the person see how important showing love and joy is when
sharing the gospel.
• INTRODUCTION – “Now that we know how to share the Good News of God’s love,
it is time for us to start sharing it with the people God wants to save in our circle of
relationships. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit who He wants us to share the gospel with
this week.”
• PRAY - Invite the Holy Spirit to come and highlight for each of you someone that you
can share the gospel with this week. Ask Him to give you each specific names. It will
often be the same people they shared their testimony with last week.
• LISTEN – Then take a minute for everyone to listen to what the Holy Spirit says.
• SHARE – Afterwards, have each person share with the group who they felt the Holy
Spirit tell them to share the gospel with that week. Encourage people to write down
their goal if they might forget.
• PRAY – Pray for each other that God will give each of you the opportunity to share the
gospel this week so that others can experience the joy of knowing Him.
God has Given You a Mission
Our first calling is to know and love Jesus. But we have a very important 2nd calling as well.
Read Mark 3:13-14. What are the 2 callings that Jesus gives His followers?
In Matthew 28:18-20, immediately before He returned to heaven, Jesus gave His followers
a mission, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make
disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the
Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be
sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Our mission is to help everyone, everywhere know Jesus and follow Him. We see 3 important
instructions for how we are to fulfill our mission:
Go, not wait until they come – We should take initiative to share the gospel, not wait
passively for others to ask us about the Good News. (Burning Building Story)
Share with everybody, not some – Jesus says that we should go to all peoples, not
choose who we want to share with. Don’t prejudge who is open to Jesus. (Cure for
Disease Story)
Make disciples, not just Christians – Jesus instructs us not just to help people believe in
Him, but to teach them to obey all Jesus commanded. That means after we help people
know Jesus, we must also train them, just like I am doing right now with you.
• that Jesus died for you on the cross and rose again (Romans 10:9-11).
• to turn from your sin and follow Jesus as Lord (Acts 3:19).*
How do I start to follow Jesus?
Prayer – Begin to talk to your Heavenly Father.
Church – Join the family of God by connecting with other followers of Jesus.
Share – Tell others about Jesus so they can know Him too!
• Ask each person to share the thing in their life they most need prayer for right now.
• Take time to pray together for each person.
• If they did the things they committed to do, take time to celebrate that to-
gether. Even if they didn’t share the whole gospel or if it didn’t go very well,
celebrate the steps they did take. Give them encouraging feedback, like,
“Wow! That’s your first time sharing God’s good news with someone. Excel-
lent!” Be genuine and enthusiastic!
• If they did not do the things they committed to do, take time to encourage
them (not criticize them).
• If people did not share the gospel, ask what problems they encountered
that kept them from sharing. Then think together about how to overcome
those obstacles.
Do Lesson 4 – Church (pp. 68)
• Ask each group member to take notes as you go through the lesson.
• The goal of this lesson is to help each group member understand what the church is
and to help your training group become a church!
• The 8 Activities
• These 8 activities all come from Acts 2:37-47. The list you make together as a
group will be very similar to these 8 activities.
• Make sure you give group members an opportunity to ask any questions they
have as they learn about what a healthy church does.
• Church Circle Activity
• Doing this activity will make clear what you still need to add for your training
group to become a church.
• Make sure to discuss how you can add any of the 8 activities that are missing so
that you can become a church.
• Response Section
• If you already have all 8 activities, take time to commit to being a church together.
• If you don’t have all 8 activities, do what is necessary to add them in so you can
become a church right away.
• While our bigger church across China is called 先锋教会, if you want, you can
even pick a special name together for your church.
• Preparation – You will need to bring a small loaf or bun of bread and a bottle of
purple grape juice to the training group.
• “We learned that one of the things the church does together is eat the Lord’s
Supper. This is when we eat bread and drink wine or grape juice to remember how
Jesus’ body was broken and His blood was shed for us. I thought we could do this
for the first time together right now.”
• Read 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 again.
• Explain – “During the special meal He had with His disciples the night before He
died, He took the ordinary bread they were eating and He told them when they
ate it together, they should remember how His body was broken for them. Then
He took the wine they were drinking and said that whenever they drank it togeth-
er, they should remember how His blood was shed for them. And in this way we
should never forget the sacrifice Jesus made to set us free from our sins. And so we,
His disciples, still do this together to this day, so we never forget how He died for us.”
• Bread
• Have each person break a piece of bread from the loaf, but ask them not to eat
it yet. Then ask people to take a moment of silence to think about how Jesus
allowed His own body to be broken so that they could be saved and to repent
for any sin they have allowed in their lives. Then pray out loud thanking Jesus
for the sacrifice of allowing His body to be broken for us. Finally, invite each
person to eat the bread which symbolizes Christ’s body.
• Wine or Juice
• Ask people to take another moment of silence to think about how Jesus al-
lowed His blood to be shed to cleanse our sins. His blood takes away the guilt
and shame for the sins we just repented from. Then pray out loud thanking
Jesus for allowing His blood to be shed for us. Pass around the glass or bottle
of juice allowing each person to drink the juice that represents His blood shed
for us.
• Conclusion
• “No matter how busy we get, let us never forget that Jesus came to earth and
died for us so that we can be free. And let us tell everyone we know, so they
can receive His sacrifice too.”
God’s Power
When we share the gospel with our friends and family, we are never doing it by ourselves.
In fact, God gave us a very special promise when He gave us His mission to share the
gospel with everyone.
He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and
make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And
surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:18-20). Jesus told us that
He had all authority, and then He promised us that He would always be with us. When we
share the gospel, we don’t do it alone. Jesus works with us, and He uses his great power.
After that the Bible says, “Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the
Lord worked with them and confirmed His word by the signs that accompanied it” (Mark
16:20). Jesus did what He promised! His followers started telling others about Jesus and
His great love. But they weren’t alone! Jesus is alive and He worked with them, by doing
miracles. And He will work with you today!
The Bible shows us 5 ways God will often work together with us while we share the good news.
First, He will heal the sick. God loves to heal the sick! Jesus did it all the time when He was
on earth and through His followers after He went back to heaven. When we are sharing the
good news, we can ask God to heal the sick in Jesus’ name. He will work with us just like
He promised.
Second, He will answer our prayers. It’s not just healing the sick; God will do many miracles
to show others that He is real and good if you ask Him to.
Third, He will give you special information to help someone believe. One time when Jesus
was sharing with a woman in the Bible who He’d never met before, God let him know that
her heart was broken from being rejected by many men. This allowed Jesus to show her
the areas of her life where she needed God’s love. God will work with you in this same kind
of way when you share.
Fourth, He will change a person’s heart. One way that God works with us is by changing the
hearts of people that don’t believe in Him yet, so that they are willing to believe. Only God
has the power to do this, but He will work with you.
Fifth, He will change us. God works with us by changing our own lives so we give a better
testimony about Him. He will make us more loving, help us stop sinning, and make our
behavior more honorable.
There was once an emperor that for many years had no son. Finally, in his old age, his wife
became pregnant, and 9 months later delivered a healthy baby boy. The emperor was full
of joy!
The emperor called together 12 of his servants and said, “I want you to go out throughout
every town in the empire declaring this good news, “A new emperor has been born! And
I have received great honor in my old age.” I want every subject of the empire to hear the
good news.
One servant said, “But how will we make the people believe us?” The king replied, “Put one
of my rings on each of these servant’s hands. And give them a written declaration sealed
with my personal seal.”
Another servant said, “The empire is vast and the distance far. How can twelve of us
tell everyone?” The emperor thought and then said, “I will send a message with each of
you declaring that every resource of the empire must be released to you to help you
accomplish this mission.” Any horse you need, any money you need, any army you need…
it is all at your disposal. All of my resources and authority are at your disposal to proclaim
this good news.”
Then the 12 servants rode out of the city with all haste and used the king’s resources and
authority to declare in every city and village the good news that a new emperor was born.
God has called each of us to go out and proclaim the Good News that a new king, Jesus,
was born on this earth. And just like the emperor, He will work with us with all His authority
and resources. We are not on our own.
You can be certain that Jesus himself is with you when you are telling others about Him.
And you can be confident that He will use His great power to work together with you to
help others come to know Him.
• Break up into pairs and practice sharing the Good News with each other again.
Make sure to give each other both encouraging and constructive feedback
after you share. If anyone in your group doesn’t have this book, be prepared to
have extra Good News sheets on you in case they forgot theirs from last week.
• People will get more and more effective each week at sharing the gospel as
you take time to practice together.
• INTRODUCTION – “Sharing the good news is not something we do just once. It is
something we want to build as a habit in our lives so that we can help our whole circle
of friends know Jesus. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit who He wants us to share the gospel with
this week.”
• PRAY - Invite the Holy Spirit to come and highlight for each of you several names of
people that you can share the gospel with this week. Ask Him to give you each specific
• LISTEN – Then take a minute for everyone to listen to what the Holy Spirit says.
• SHARE – Afterwards, have each person share with the group who they felt the Holy
Spirit tell them to share the gospel with that week. Encourage people to write down
their goal if they might forget.
• PRAY – Pray for each other that God will give each of you the opportunity to share the
gospel this week so that others can experience the joy of knowing Him.
When we become a Christian, we become members of God’s family. Every spiritual child
needs to become a part of a spiritual family. God is our Heavenly Father, and all Christians
are brothers and sisters of the same family. “God’s household is the church of the living
God...” (1 Timothy 3:15).
What is a church? A church is not a building. A church is not a weekly meeting. A church is
group of any size who follow Jesus together and love each other. Let’s look at what the first
group of Jesus’ followers did when they gathered into a church in Acts 2:37-47 to get a better
picture what a church is. Read this story, make a LIST out loud together of what they did, and
then write it in the space below:
The 8 Activities
These are the basic things that healthy churches do. Each church may do these activities
differently in their culture or at their stage of maturity, but all are essential.
1. The Bible (Apostles’ Teaching) – Studying the Word of God (ex. Bible study,
preaching, Bible stories) to find out what it says and seeking to obey it. The apostles’
teaching is what we now have gathered together in the Bible.
3. Fellowship – Showing real love and care for one another and building close
friendships together.
4. Giving/Offerings – Giving sacrificially out of love to meet needs in the church and
in the community. Offerings are thank-you gifts given to God as acts of worship.
Financial offerings show our love for God and are a test of the disciple’s faith, love,
and obedience.
5. Prayer – Praying for each other, their lost friends and family, their communities, and
God’s purposes.
6. Praise – Worshipping God in praise (songs, words of praise, reading scriptures out
loud, etc.).
7. Evangelism – Sharing the gospel with their friends, family, neighbors, and
even strangers.
Are we meeting together regularly? If yes, make the dotted line solid. Then put an icon
representing each of the remaining elements inside or outside the circle. If the group
is regularly practicing the element itself, put it inside. If the group is not, put it outside
the circle.
Our goal is to get the elements that are missing into our group so that we can become a
church, and a healthy one. Let’s take some time now to draw an arrow into the circle for
any element that is missing and write down some ideas for how to add them in!
Lord’s Supper
Caring Leaders
What if our group is doing all the things a church does? Then you simply need to
commit to being a church, and this week you can become a new church!
What if our group is missing some things? Then you simply need to add those things
in, and then commit to becoming a church together. This week you can become a
new church!
Our church is a part of a bigger church called 先锋教会 that meets in small groups all
around the country. We also sometimes gather together in bigger groups, just like the
first church in Acts!
Take time to ask:
• How did it go when you spent time with Jesus reading the Bible and praying this
past week?
• If they did the things they committed to do, take time to celebrate that
together. Even if they didn’t share the whole gospel or if it didn’t go very well,
celebrate the steps they did take. Give them encouraging feedback, like, “You
are really blessing God how you are sharing with your friends. He loves that!” Be
genuine and enthusiastic!
• If they did not do the things they committed to do, take time to encourage
them (not criticize them).
• If people did not share the gospel, ask what problems they encountered that kept
them from sharing. Then think together about how to overcome those obstacles.
Do Lesson 5 – Perseverance in Persecution (pp. 74)
• Ask each group member to take notes as you go through the lesson.
• The goal of this lesson is to help each group member know the right way to think
about and respond to persecution.
• This lesson is based on doing a number of activities to look at key scriptures. Make
sure to do all the activities.
• Personal Persecution Story – Share a story of a time you have personally experience
persecution. This could be a time you were mocked for being a Christian, you were
rejected when sharing the gospel, or even resistance your family has given to your
faith in Christ.
• Persecution in the World Story – Reza is a pastor in Iran. One morning about 8
years ago the police came to his house and arrested him because he was following
Christ and sharing the gospel. He was taken to the most infamous prison in Iran—
Evin Prison. He was kept in solitary confinement for weeks simply for following
Jesus. Reza is not alone. Every day Christians around the world are put in prison for
their faith. Even more shockingly, every day there are Christians around the world
who are martyred because they believe in Christ. Persecution is very real in our day.
• Take time to pray for Christians and churches in China that are experiencing
• Take time to pray for someone who has persecuted you recently.
• If any of your group members led someone to Christ, help them practice either
the Baptism Lesson or leading a training group on the Loving and Knowing
Jesus Lesson.
• Have anyone who has not led anyone to the Lord yet continue to practice sharing
the gospel with a partner and receive feedback.
Our First Calling
There once were 2 young people who fell in love when they were college students. Soon
after the graduated and were married. The young man was hired by a large company and
began to quickly succeed in his career. Because he wanted to earn money for his new
wife and their future, he would work 7 days a week for 14 or 15 hours a day.
However, he and his wife hardly saw each other and they began to grow more and more
distant. One day he came home and his wife was gone, but there was a note sitting on
the table. It said, “When I married you, I did not marry you for your hard work or your
service. I married you so we could have a loving relationship. You’ve given me more
money and service than I ever dreamed of, but I have lost the one thing I want: time with
72 you. I have moved back to my mother’s house. If you want a real relationship, please
come find me.”
It can be very easy for us as Christians to make the same mistake as the young man. In an
effort to serve God, we neglect the most important thing: our relationship with Him.
We must remember what Jesus said in Matthew 22:47-38, “Love the Lord your God with
all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest
commandment.” The first and most important commandment is simply to love God. To
have a relationship with Him. To know Him. This is God’s greatest desire for us.
One time (in Luke 10:38-42) Jesus went to visit the home of a brother and 2 sisters named
Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. While Martha worked hard to prepare food for Jesus and His
disciples, her sister Mary simply sat at Jesus’ feet listening to Him. Martha became very
angry that Mary left her to do all the work and asked Jesus to correct her.
However, Jesus simply said, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many
things, but only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be
taken away from her.”
Spending time with Jesus is the one thing that is necessary. It is even better than doing
things for Him. We want to tell other people about Jesus every week. We want to serve
Jesus in every way we can. But be careful not to just do things for Him and neglect
spending time with Him. This week try to spend time every day just talking and listening
to Him.
• INTRODUCTION – “Let’s ask Jesus if He has any specific goals for us this week about
spending time with Him.”
• PRAY - Invite the Holy Spirit to come and speak something specific to each of you this
week about how to spend time with Jesus.
• LISTEN – Then take a minute for everyone to listen to what the Holy Spirit says.
• SHARE – Afterwards, have each person share with the group what they felt the
Holy Spirit guiding them to do. Encourage people to write down their goal if they
might forget.
• PRAY – Pray for each other that God will help you all to fulfill the greatest
commandment (to love God) this week.
Jesus does not promise that those who follow Him will have a perfect life. Sometimes
followers for Jesus will face persecution or difficulties. How should we respond when we
face these things? Read 2 Corinthians 12:10 aloud and write below why Paul is content
with the many hardships he faces:
In John 16:33 Jesus is talking to the people that wanted to follow Him. Read this passage aloud.
Where does Jesus say we will find peace?
Who does Jesus say will have tribulation?
Why does Jesus tell us to “take heart?”
Circle below how we are instructed to act when we face trials and persecutions:
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom
of heaven. “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds
of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in
heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:10-12)
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the
testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that
you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4)
Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance,
and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put
us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit
who has been given to us. (Romans 5:3-5)
Read Luke 6:27-28 aloud. Write down how we should act toward those who persecute us.
What things have you endured because of the name of Jesus? It might be that your friends
laugh at you, your family will not let you go home, you lose your job, your boyfriend/
girlfriend leaves you, you get arrested, people call you names, you have less money because
you gave the rest away, or many others. Take some time now to list them.
Now take some time and list some potential situations you could face in the future.
For whose sake do we endure hardships?
The Bible teaches us that we should hate those who persecute us:
Yes No
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”
(2 Timothy 1:7)
“Another way we can worship God is with thanksgiving. Psalm 69:30 says, “I will praise
the name of God with a song; I will magnify Him with thanksgiving.” Just like we can use
songs to worship God, we can use thanksgiving too. So today let’s take time to thank God
for what He has done for us as an offering of praise to Him.”
• Go around in a circle having each person thank God for something good He has
done for them. If you have time, go around the circle two or three times.
• If anyone has started a training group, ask how that went as well.
• If they did the things they committed to do, take time to celebrate that
together. “You really remembered your first call to love Jesus this last week.
Way to go!” Be genuine and enthusiastic!
• If they did not do the things they committed to do, take time to encourage
them (not criticize them).
• If people did not share the gospel, ask what problems they encountered
76 that kept them from sharing. Then think together about how to overcome
those obstacles.
Do Lesson 6 – Bible Study (pp. 80)
• Ask each group member to take notes as you go through the lesson.
• The goal of this lesson is to help each group member be able to study the Bible to
find and obey its truth.
• Also, this is the last of the Eight Foundations Lessons. This lesson will help you
transition to studying Bible passages (instead of lessons) in future meetings of your
training group.
• How Do I Study the Bible Section
• What are the 3 things that Ezra did? 考究,遵行,和教训耶和华的律法.
“For practice today, we will practice studying the Bible with these 3 questions together.
Let’s open our Bibles to Psalm 119:9-16. Let’s look at this passage together and ask the 3
big questions: What does this passage say? What can I obey? Who can I share it with?”
• Have 2 different people read the passage out loud.
• Ask the 3 Questions:
• Ask, “What does this passage say? What truth do you notice here? What sticks
out to you?”
• Then ask, “Ok, how can we obey the truth we are seeing in this passage? I don’t
just mean how could a Christian obey it in general, but rather, ‘How will you
personally obey this passage this week?’” Give each person a chance to answer
this question.
• Finally ask, “Who in your life could you share this passage and these truths with
this week?”
• Close the study time in prayer.
Jesus has a plan to bring His love and kingdom to every part of this world—
Multiplication. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus said to his disciples, “Therefore go and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And
surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” He wants every Christian to help
others follow Him, but one of the commands that we must teach others to follow is
that they should make disciples too. He wants every disciple to make disciples who
make disciples.
In 2 Timothy 2:2, a Christian named Paul teaches Timothy, a young man he discipled,
how he should pass on what he has learned to others. He said, “And the things you have
heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also
be qualified to teach others.” There are 4 generations of believers in that verse: Paul (me),
Timothy (you) and the “many witnesses,” “reliable people,” and “others.” Paul understood
God’s plan to help the whole world know and worship Him. I help my circle of friends
know Him, then each person in my circle of friends helps their friends know Him, and that
process continues until every person has heard the good news about Jesus.
And now I am training you. God is going to use you to train others. And those you
train will train others too. This is God’s transforming love echoing through multiple
generations of believers.
These verses are not just for special people. And they are not only for people who have
followed Jesus a long time. In Acts 16:25-33, the Bible tells the story of a man who
worked in a prison. Through seeing a miracle and the love of Christians, he decided to
follow Jesus. That same day he helped his whole family to follow Jesus too. In fact, the
Bible tells many stories about how people began to help their friends and family follow
Jesus the very same day they started following Him.
Imagine that there are 2 men. One is able to preach the gospel so powerfully that every
year he helps 10,000 people come to know Jesus. The other man shares the gospel with
his friends and then trains them to share with others. Let’s say every year he helps only 1
person to know Jesus, but he also trains that person to follow Jesus and also help others
know Him. After 1 year, the evangelist would have led 10,000 people to Christ. The other
man would have only led 1 person to Christ. After 2 years, the evangelist would have led
20,000 people to Christ, but from the other man there would be 4 Christians because
both the original man and the other disciple would have both led someone to Christ.
After 5 years, the evangelist would have led 50,000 to Christ, and from the other man
there would be 32 believers as they continue to multiple. However, after 33 years, the
evangelist would have won 330,000 people to Christ, but the discipler would have won
8,589,934,592—more than the population of the world. Multiplication is more powerful
than addition. Every disciple making disciples who make disciples is Jesus’ plan to change
this world. And each of us has a very important part in that plan. I believe that very soon
you will start training others just like I am training you right now. Then we can both play a
78 part in God’s great plan of multiplication.
One of the greatest gifts that God has given us is the Bible. God reveals himself to us in its
pages. It shows us how to know Him and how to please Him with our lives. It is our primary
source of truth and wisdom.
This is a pattern you can use when you are by yourself or when we study the Bible together
in our training group. Every time you study the Bible, you should try to answer these
three questions.
The Power
You have the ability to understand the Bible because of the Helper that God has sent to live
in your life—the Holy Spirit. How does He help you? (John 14:26)
Before you begin studying the Bible on your own or as a group, always ask the Holy Spirit to
fill you and guide you into understanding the truth of the Bible and give you the ability to
obey it.
Going Deeper
It is helpful to study a book of the Bible passage by passage from the beginning to end over
the course of days or weeks. Each time, use the three questions to study the Bible passage.
READ a passage of Scripture (usually between a paragraph and a chapter). If it is not too
long, read it two or three times. If in a group, have someone read it out loud.
PRAY: Ask for the Spirit to guide you to understand and obey it.
Check out the plan below to start studying Mark in your personal time with Jesus or during
your small group.
*我吩咐你们的一切,都要教导他们遵守。。。” 耶稣要求我们各位门徒都去帮助别人
1. 牧师的关怀
2. 问责
3. 敬拜赞美
4. 学习圣经
5. 练习
6. 意象呈现
7. 定下信仰成长的目标 / 祷告
心、和力量充满你们! 83
哈利路亚, 我称颂你。