Hine 1980
Hine 1980
Hine 1980
Effects of electrolytic bubbles on the IR drop of caustic soda solution i n a
vertical cell of one meter height were studied u n d e r both free and forced con-
vection. Three pairs of L u g g i n - H a b e r probes were positioned near the anode
and the cathode to determine the solution IR drop d u r i n g electrolysis. A sec-
tioned electrode having 10 segments was employed to obtain the c u r r e n t dis-
t r i b u t i o n from the bottom to the top of cell. The superficial resistivity of the
solution containing gas bubbles agreed well with the B r u g g e m a n n equation.
The solution IR drop decreased significantly w h e n adequate conditions or cell
geometry for solution circulation were provided. The anode-to-cathode gap was
found to be the most i m p o r t a n t p a r a m e t e r for reduction of the solution IR drop
i n a vertical cell.
A n i m p o r t a n t item in the voltage balance of an This paper is concerned with Item 2, the effect of
i n d u s t r i a l electrolytic cell is the IR drop in the electro- electrolyte circulation on the performance of gas-
lyte across the gap b e t w e e n the electrodes. When the evolving cells, p a r t i c u l a r l y with reference to c u r r e n t
electrode reaction evolves gas, the presence of gas distribution and voltage drop in the electrolysis gap.
bubbles dispersed i n the electrolyte m a y greatly i n - The experiments were designed to reveal f u n d a m e n t a l
crease the IR drop. This is p a r t i c u l a r l y true if the relationships, and thus to be useful in the design of
electrode is not perforated, in which case all the i n d u s t r i a l electrochemical cells.
evolved gas must pass through the electrolysis gap. I n the previous report, an empirical equation for the
There are several ways of m i n i m i z i n g the u n w a n t e d conductivity of the gas-solution m i x t u r e as a function
" b u b b l e effects." of the c u r r e n t density and the solution velocity in a
1. Use of perforated electrodes, which p e r m i t some, n a r r o w channel was presented (10). I n addition to the
if not all, of the evolved gas, to be removed from the articles quoted in Ref. (10), useful papers with respect
electrolysis gap. to the b u b b l e effects on the c u r r e n t distribution and
Thus, in a m a l g a m - t y p e chlorine cells equipped with the voltage balance i n electrolytic cells can be found
horizontal block anodes of graphite, these blocks m a y (11-13). F u n k and Thorpe studied the void fraction
be machined and perforated in various ways to m i n i - and the c u r r e n t distribution in a water electrolysis cell
mize accumulation of chlorine gas bubbles on the (11). They concluded that the slip ratio, UjUl, in this
underside of these blocks (1-4). Also, m o d e r n a m a l g a m case was nearly unity, which was of great importance
cells equipped with "spaghetti"-type metal anodes in defining the void fraction and in the analysis of
almost eliminate the b u b b l e effect. hydrodynamics or pressure drop i n electrolytic cell.
In m o d e r n d i a p h r a g m - t y p e chlorine cells equipped Although there is no doubt that the IR drop and the
with vertical dimensionally stable anodes (DSA), overvoltage near the electrode are affected by bubbles,
which are u s u a l l y perforated, a m a j o r part of the e n h a n c e m e n t of mass and heat transfer is also of i m -
evolved chlorine is removed from the electrolysis gap portance to electrolytic gas evolution. The thickness
by passing through the perforations. This also permits of the h y d r o d y n a m i c film or the b o u n d a r y layer along
closer spacing b e t w e e n anode and diaphragm. Thus the the electrode is reduced, and hence the heat transfer
IR drop can be minimized. coefficient i n the cell is increased by circulation of the
2. Recirculation of electrolyte decreases the gas void electrolytic solution (14-22). MacMullin et al. studied
fraction in the electrolysis zone, and thus improves the the e n h a n c e m e n t of heat transfer in a n electrolyzer,
conductivity of the two phase m i x t u r e of electrolyte where h y d r o g e n evolution took place at the cathode
and gas in the gap. (17). The gas evolution promotes rapid circulation of
Thus, in older d i a p h r a g m - t y p e chlorine cells, equip- the electrolyte resulting in a significant increase of
ped with solid graphite blade anodes, a r e t u r n path is the fluid film heat transfer coefficient, by a factor of
provided which allows the anolyte b r i n e to recirculate 2to3.
freely. The recirculation is d r i v e n by the gas lift effect Flow of the gas-electrolyte m i x t u r e along the verti-
i n the a n o d e - d i a p h r a g m gap (5, 6). cal electrode during cell operation is a "two-phase flow"
I n n e w e r d i a p h r a g m - t y p e chlorine cells, equipped or a "backmix flow" depending on the liquid flow
with b o x - t y p e DSA's, the inside of the DSA can be velocity and the void fraction of bubbles (23-25). I n
utilized as a downcomer for recirculating the anolyte. some cases, gas bubbles grow in size, and cover the
Box-type electrodes Can also be used in cells for electrode surface; thus the overvoltage becomes high.
water electrolysis, to improve the circulation of caustic On the other hand, some gas bubbles leaving the elec-
potash electrolyte, thus decreasing the void fraction trode disperse i n the solution, and the IR drop between
of hydrogen on one side of the diaphragm, and of oxy- two electrodes increases. That is, the "bubble effects"
gen on the other (7, 8). are classified into (i) the surface reduction of the work-
3. Miscellaneous, such as electrolysis u n d e r high ing electrode, and (it) increase i n the resistivity of
pressure, which decreases the volume of the gas b u b - the electrolytic solution.
bles, and improves conductivity (7, 9). Tobias and his collaborators published a series of
* Electrochemical Society Active Member. excellent papers on the effect of bubbles on the cur-
1 P r e s e n t a d d r e s s : R e s e a r c h L a b o r a t o r y , T h e J a p a n C a r l i t Com- rent distribution and the ohmic resistance (26-28).
pany, Sibukawa, Japan.
K e y w o r d s : g a s , cell, r e s i s t i v i t y , c o n v e c t i o n , They propose B r u g g e m a n n ' s e q u a t i o n
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Vol. 127, No. 2 B U B B L E EFFECTS 293
p/po = (1 - e)-3/2 [1] trode gaps prior to the experiment. This procedure
was i m p o r t a n t for obtaining reproducible results.
to correlate the resistivity vs. gas void fraction i n Each electrode segment had a s h u n t i n series, a n d
electrolytic cells. The gas void fraction is closely re- was connected to a common copper bus bar. The volt-
lated to the b u b b l e size, i.e., the larger the b u b b l e size age drop i n a s h u n t was measured to obtain the c u r r e n t
the smaller is the void fraction in general. Bubbles passing. The gas void fraction and the solution re-
i n w a t e r grow i n size, b u t coalescence of electrolytic sistance increase with the level from the bottom to the
bubbles is very limited, and is affected greatly by the top of the cell. Therefore, the c u r r e n t d i s t r i b u t i o n along
solution composition (29,30), for reasons that are u n - the vertical electrode is demonstrated by the variation
clear at present. of the currents carried by the different electrode seg-
The experiments described in this paper were con- ments.
ducted in a vertical cell, one m e t e r high, to d e t e r m i n e Electrolytic solution, mostly 2N NaOH at 40~ was
the b u b b l e effects on the operating conditions and the circulated b e t w e e n the thermostated reservoir and the
cell geometry. Solution circulation b y gas lift action space behind both electrodes to keep the t e m p e r a t u r e
a n d forced flow is also discussed. constant, even in the case of blocked convection.
Oxygen and h y d r o g e n were liberated at the anode
Experimental Procedure and the cathode respectively, during electrolysis, and
A vertical Lucite cell one m e t e r high, as shown in were mixed because there was no separator i n the cell.
Fig. 1, was fabricated. The anode and the cathode, Thus, for one F a r a d a y passed, 1/4 mole 02 plus 1/2 mole
each 89 cm long a n d 3 cm wide, were made of 304 H2 were evolved.
stainless steel (SS) plate 3 m m thick. Heavy copper The polarization curves on a small SS electrode were
bus bars were employed to minimize the IR drop obtained in a separate cell containing NaOH solution.
in the SS electrodes. The anode-to-cathode gap was The potential vs. c u r r e n t density was found to be a
adjusted b y the l e a d - i n shafts with P T F E spacers of straight line over a wide range of c u r r e n t density
different lengths in the range 0.5-3 cm. A PVC back- above 2 A / d m 2. The sum of the slopes of both anodic
plate was positioned to provide a space of an adequate and cathodic polarization curves was 0.340 ~ - c m 2 i n
size for the electrolyte. For e x p e r i m e n t s u n d e r forced 2N NaOH at 40~
circulation, a shield plate was provided at the cell
bottom as shown i n Fig. lB. The electrolytic solution Results and Discussion
was p u m p e d up from the i n l e t to the Cell top through Solution resistivity vs. gas void fraction.--F~gure 2
the interelectrode gap, and sent back to the reservoir. illustrates three types of flow p a t t e r n i n a vertical cell:
Three pairs of the L u g g i n - H a b e r probes made of blocked convection (mode 1), n a t u r a l circulation
P T F E were positioned at tile cell bottom, the center, (mode 2), and forced circulation (mode 3). I n mode 1,
and at the top to obtain the solution IR drops at these the gas-liquid m i x t u r e rises to the cell top, a n d the
respective points. The potential was referred to the solution treed of gas bubbles comes down t h r o u g h a
Hg/HgO electrode. The L u g g i n probes were inserted part of the electrode gap, thus complicating the flow
into the electrode plate from the back side so as to pattern. I n mode 2, the gas-solution m i x t u r e rises
avoid disturbance to solution flow. Because the outer through the electrode gap b y gas lift action and the
d i a m e t e r of the Luggin tip was thick (6 ram), an solution flows down through the downcomer w h e n the
equation proposed by B a r n a r t t was used to calibrate circulation path is provided. Separation of gas bubbles
the potential deviation (31). from the solution is stimulated b y rapid flow, and
A sectioned electrode with 10 segments, also made hence the gas void fraction decreases in this case. On
of SS, was used to d e t e r m i n e the c u r r e n t distribution. the other hand, w h e n the solution containing gas b u b -
The distance of the segments from a flat plate counter- bles is forced into the reservoir from the cell top by
electrode was adjusted carefully Lo equalize the elec- pump, the gas void fraction m a y be still f u r t h e r re-
duced, as in mode 3.
I n Fig. 2, H represents the level of electrolyte before
the c u r r e n t is t u r n e d on. With c u r r e n t on, the level i n -
creases by AH, due to h o l d - u p of gas bubbles i n the
15 electrolyte.
x For mode 1, b ---- 0, and the average gas void frac-
tion ea is
COUNTER ea = AH/[H + AH], a p p r o x i m a t e l y [2]
For mode 2
~ 36 L
K i
/ \1
102 (:
,Itl /\ /
s JJ.
- Ui \1
E kaJ,-b-J
Fig. 1. A vertical cell. Drawing B shows a shield plate for ex-
periments under forced circulation. Fig. 2. Flow pattern in vertical cells
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294 ,I. EZectrochern. Soc.: E L E C T R O C H E M I C A L S C I E N C E A N D T E C H N O L O G Y F e b r u a r y 1980
a § b ~H I.e
ea = - - - - , approximately [3]
a H-t-AH
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:E 0.97
0.8 o 88.0 CM o
t- )-
z~ 62.3 P- 1.47
[] 44.5
~" 0.6 W
> 1.97
> z 2.50
o_ I0
W t--
_J .._1
o 5
0 I0 20 30 40
0.5 1.0 1.5
Fig. 7. Circulation velocity as o function of the current density
CURRENT DENSITY, ix / l a and the electrode gap in a cell, mode 2.
r e t- / / o se CM / / I BLO EO\ 60
u,. | = .47 L
4~ A 1.97
3 [- o 2.50 /
2Lf f I fl .... I I I ( / 2
5 e e ,o 3o 4o 6o ,s 20 I- ^ CIRCULATIONVELOCITY I
Fig. 8. Log-log plots of the flow velocity
vs. current density at
different gaps between two electrodes. Natural circulation, mode 2.
I ~
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