Digital Logic Design Lab Project Report
Digital Logic Design Lab Project Report
Digital Logic Design Lab Project Report
Final Project
Group Details
Names Student ID
Project Description:
The project involves the development of a secure pin lock system for a house using an Arduino.
The system incorporates a keypad for entering the password, a latch mechanism for physical
security, and an LCD display for user feedback. Unlike traditional locks, this system utilizes a
motor to actuate the latch, providing a physical barrier to unauthorized access.
1. Keypad Connection:
The keypad is connected to the Arduino using row and column pins.
Rows and columns are mapped to specific keys using a keymap array.
2. LCD Display:
The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is connected to the Arduino to provide visual
feedback to the user.
It displays messages such as welcome messages, prompts, and feedback on
password entry.
3. Motor and Latch Mechanism:
A motor is integrated into the system to actuate the latch.
The motor is connected to the Arduino and is triggered upon successful
password entry, pulling the latch and opening the door.
4. EEPROM Storage:
The EEPROM is utilized for storing the initial password, ensuring persistence
even after power cycles.
5. Power Supply:
The entire system is powered by the Arduino board, and the motor may require
an external power source based on its specifications.
Order of operations:
1. Initialization:
Upon startup, the LCD displays a welcome message, introducing the Electronic
Lock system.
The user is prompted to enter the initial password.
2. Password Entry:
The keypad allows the user to input a 4-digit password.
Each key press is displayed on the LCD screen for visual feedback.
After entering the complete password, the system verifies it against the stored
initial password in the EEPROM.
3. Access Granted:
If the entered password matches the stored initial password, the LCD displays
"Correct Password."
The motor is activated, causing it to rotate and pull the latch, allowing physical
access to the secured area.
4. Access Denied:
If the entered password is incorrect, the LCD displays "Incorrect Password."
The user is prompted to re-enter the password for another attempt.
Components Quantity Unit Cost (Rs.) Total cost (Rs.)
Arduino 1 1750 1750
Cable a to b 1 100 100
4x4 keypad 1 130 130
Motor 1 400 400
M2M wire 30cm 1 160 160
LCD 1 300 300
Jumper wires 20 20 400
12c module 1 250 250
Battery 1 300 300
Latch 1 250 250
Extras - - 1000
Stationary - - 1000
TOTAL 6040
Circuit Diagram:
#include <Keypad.h> // the library for the 4x4 keypad
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> // the library for the i2c 1602 lcd
#include <Servo.h> // the library to control the servo motor
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,20,4); // gets the lcd
Servo servo;
#define Password_Length 8 // the length of the password, if the password is 4 digits long set
this to 5
int Position = 0; // position of the servo
char Particular[Password_Length]; // the password length
char Specific[Password_Length] = "137926A"; // the password which is called specific in the
code, change this to anything you want with the numbers 0-9 an dthe letters A-D
byte Particular_Count = 0, Specific_Count = 0; // counts the amount of digits and and checks to
see if the password is correct
char Key;
const byte ROWS = 4; // the amount of rows on the keypad
const byte COLS = 4; // the amount of columns on the keypad
char keys[ROWS][COLS] = { // sets the rowns and columns
// sets the keypad digits
bool SmartDoor = true; // the servo
// the pins to plug the keypad into
byte rowPins[ROWS] = {8, 7, 6, 5};
byte colPins[COLS] = {4, 3, 2, 1};
Keypad myKeypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS); // gets the data from
the keypad
// locked charcater
byte Locked[8] = {
// open character
byte Opened[8] = {
void setup()
servo.attach(0); // attaches the servo to pin 0
ServoClose(); // closes the servo when you say this function
lcd.init(); // initializes the lcd
lcd.backlight(); // turns on the backlight
lcd.setCursor(0,0); // sets the cursor on the lcd
lcd.print("MR REAL MAKER"); // prints the text/charater
lcd.setCursor(0,1); // sets the cursor on the lcd
lcd.print("DoorLock Project"); // prints text
delay(4000); // waits 4 seconds
lcd.clear(); // clears the lcd diplay
void loop()
if (SmartDoor == 0) // opens the smart door
Key = myKeypad.getKey(); // the word key = myKeypad which gets the value
lcd.clear(); // clears the lcd diplay
ServoClose(); // closes the servo motor
lcd.setCursor(2,0); // sets the cursor on the lcd
lcd.print("Door Closed"); // prints the text to the lcd
lcd.createChar(0, Locked); // prints the locked character
lcd.setCursor(14,0); // sets the cursor on the lcd
lcd.write(0); // prints the first character when you are on the door closed page
delay(3000); // waits 3 seconds
SmartDoor = 1; // closes the door