78.EMAT Formulas
78.EMAT Formulas
78.EMAT Formulas
[Updated: 11/Sep/2020]
1) We have considered average access time between the cache and the main
memory, by default. However, one can consider the access time per instruction as
well. This depends on the question and the assumptions made in the question.
2) Here, we have assumed no cache updation mechanism (i.e, a cache miss will lead
to main memory access, no updation of cache is involved). In the GATE Exam, it is
recommended that the students should read the question carefully, and note
down the assumptions made in the question, and derive the formula accordingly.
3) We have also assumed that TLB hit implies no page fault.
4) Memorizing these formulas is highly discouraged.
K-level paging, tlb, main memory.
M = memory access time
t = tlb access time
h = tlb hit ratio, (1 - h) = tlb miss ratio
K = no. of page table levels
K-level paging, TLB, Main memory, page fault, Disk access given
K-level paging, TLB, Main memory, Page fault, Page fault service time given (PFST)
EMAT = h(t+M) + (1-h)[t + KM + (1-P)(M) + P(PFST)]
TLB, Cache, Main memory, K-level paging.
TLB, Cache, Main memory, K-level paging, Page fault, Disk access.
EMAT = h(t+Tc) + (1-h)[t + KM + (1-P)(Tc) + P(M+D)]
TLB, Cache, Main memory, K-levels, Page fault, PFST.
EMAT = h(t+Tc) + (1-h)[t + KM + (1-P)(Tc) + P(PFST)]
Case 5, with dirty (d)
EMAT = h(t+Tc) + (1-h)[t + KM + (1-P)(Tc) + P[(1-d)(M+D) + d(M+2D)]]
TLB, Cache, Main memory, K-level
EMAT = h[t+Tc] + (1-h)[t + KTc + Tc]
TLB, Cache, Main memory, K-level, Page fault, Disk access
EMAT = h[t+Tc] + (1-h)[t + KTc + (1-P)(Tc) + P(M+D)]
TLB, Cache, Main memory, K-levels, Page fault, PSFT
EMAT = h[t+Tc] + (1-h)[t + KTc + (1-P)Tc + P(PFST)]
Case 9, with Page dirty
EMAT = h[t+Tc] + (1-h)[t + KTc + (1-P)Tc + P[(1-d)(M+D) + d(M+2D)]]
Note: Tc = aC + (1-a)M = average access time between Memory & Cache. We assume that on
cache miss, the page is fetched from main memory, and the cache update time is negligible.
Similarly, in the case of page fault and TLB miss.