FSA Ratios Sheet 2
FSA Ratios Sheet 2
FSA Ratios Sheet 2
250 300
Average Assets so
Total Debt 100
150 250
Average Equity
Q4} cakulate the important ratios for granting ofTerm Loan ~ give your recommendations from the folio.wing
Year=> 1 2 3
Profit Before depreciation, Interest & Tax (3' in lakhs) 200 210 220
The Company arms to invest m a proJect with a capital outlay of" 450 lakhs. Dep on SLM basis. Proposed
Loan" 300 lakhs. Loan is repayable In 3 equal annual installments payable at the end of each year. The
applicable interest rate for projects with similar risk is 12% p.a. The present value of annuity factor @ 12%
for 3 years is 2.40183. Tax Rate applicable to the project is 35%. ~ound off the amounts to the nearest two
places after decimal.
QS) Following Is the B
alance Sheet of C0
mmon India Ltd.
You are required to rearrange above Balance Sheet In vertical form and compute the following ratios:
(a) Current Ratio (b) liquid Ratio (c) Debt Equity Ratio
Share Capital
Fixed Assets
Reserves 400000 Debtors 500000
~00000 ~800000
Total Sales were~ 90,00,000 and Cash Sales were 10% of the total sales. Cost of goods sold was~ 70,00,000. 11
Stock figure was 75 % of the stock figure on 31
profit before payment of tax at 50 % was it 9,00,000. Opening
March 2020. Debtors on 31 March 2020 include advances of 'I! S0,000 to suppliers. Advances were given
March 2020.
Debtors on 111 April 2019 were SO% of Debtors on 31 March 2020.
There were no non-operating expenses and non-operating incomes.
Calculate the following ratios:
b) Liquid Ratio
a) Current Ratio
d) Net Profit Ratio
c) Stock Turnover Ratio
e) Debtors Turnover Ratio and Collection Period
Q 7)
The folto\4/
ing are the Bal ance
D Ltd. as on 31 March, 2020.
QB) Based on the following info
rmation, prepare Balance Sheet of
Current Ratio 1.5
Liquidity rati o 600000
Net Working Capital s
Stock Turnover Ratio 2
Turnover Ratio to Net Fixed Assets 20%
Ratio of Gross Profit to sales 2.4 month s
Average Debt Collection per iod 0.80
Fixed Assets to Net Worth 7/25
long Term debt to Capital and Res