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Exercise 1

Programmable logic controllers Subject

Design and commissioning of a programmable logic controller Title

Components of a PLC

 To be able to explain the basic design and mode of operation Training aim
of a PLC
 To be able to configure and commission a PLC
Nowadays, programmable logic controllers form part of any automation Technical knowledge
process. Fig. A1.1 illustrates the typical configuration of an automation
solution realised by means of a PLC. The control system shown repre-
sents the simpler, non-networked group of PLC applications.

Fig. A1.1:
PC / Automation via PLC
Programming device Display/
Control unit




© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 1

The basic components of the control system are:

 Programmable logic controller (PLC)
By this, we understand the electronic modules through which all of
the system or machine functions to be controlled are addressed and
activated in a logic sequence.
 Sensors
These components are located directly on the system or machinery
be controlled, through to which the PLC is communicated actual sta-
 Actuators
These components are located directly on the system or machinery to
be controlled, through which the PLC is able to change or influence
statuses and as such the technical process.
 PC or programming device
This is used to create the program containing the logic of the system
or machinery to be controlled and to transfer this to the memory of the
PLC. At the same time, these programming tools also provide sup-
porting functions for the testing of the PLC program and commission-
ing of the controller.
 Display and control units
These enables you to monitor and influence the operation of the sys-
tem or machinery.

Programmable logic controller

The most important component of a control system is the PLC and its
program. Fig. A1.2 illustrates the system components of a PLC.

Fig. A1.2:
System components PLC-program
of a PLC

Input module Central control unit Output module

Sensors Actuators

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 1

A PLC is connected to the system to be controlled via input and output

modules. The system to be controlled supplies input signals (mostly bi-
nary) via sensors to the input modules. These signals are processed
within the main processing unit, the main component of the PLC. Prior
.to formulation of IEC standards, known as "central control unit" (CCU).
The "specification" for the processing of signals is defined in the PLC
program. The result of the processing is output to the actuators of the
system to be controlled via the output module. Thus, the design of a
PLC corresponds to that of a computer.

PLC program
PLC programs consist of a logic sequence of instructions. The control
program is stored in a special, electronic readable memory, the so-called
program memory of the PLC. Special RAMs with back-up battery are
used during the program development, since its contents can always be
changed again very quickly.
After commissioning and error-free function of the controller it is a good
idea to transfer the PLC program unerasably to a read-only memory,
e.g. an EPROM. If the program is executed, it will be processed in con-
tinuous cycles.

Input signals reach the PLC via sensors. These signals contain infor-
mation about the status of the system to be controlled. It is possible to
input binary, digital and analogue signals.
A PLC can only recognise and output electrical signals. For this reason,
non-electrical signals are converted into electrical signals by the sen-
sors. Sensor examples are:
 Push buttons, switches, limit switches, proximity sensors
Output signals influence the system to be controlled. The signals can be
output in the form of binary, digital or analogue signals. Output signals
are amplified into switching signals via the actuators or converted into
signals of other energy forms. Actuators examples are:
 Lamps, buzzers, bells, contactors, cylinders with solenoid valves,
stepper motors

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 1

Problem description A control task is to be solved via a programmable logic controller (PLC).
Familiarise yourself with the basic design of a PLC.

Positional sketch

Exercise definition 1. Components of a PLC

2. Design and commissioning of the PLC you have selected

Implementation To carry out the exercise using the worksheets, refer to Section B of the
workbook and your PLC data sheet or manual.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 1


1.1 Components of a PLC

Question 1:
What are the basic components of a programmable logic controller?

Question 2:
What are the basic modules making up the central control unit of a pro-
grammable logic controller?

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 1

Question 3:
How is electrical isolation achieved between sensor/actuator signals and
the PLC?

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 1


1.2 Design and commissioning of the PLC you have selected

Enter the technical data of the selected programmable logic controller in
the table below.

Criteria Technical data Technical data

Operating voltage
Nominal voltage
Permissible voltage range
Current consumption
Input current
Input level
Switching logic
Output voltage
Output current

Configure the PLC in accordance with the notes in the relevant data
sheet or manual.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 1

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 2

Programmable logic controllers Subject

From problem to solution – taking into consideration EN 61131 Title

(IEC 61131)
Practical steps for PLC programming

 To familiarise yourself with the basic language resources for the Training aim
configuration and structuring of a PLC program in accordance with
EN 61131 (IEC 61131).
 To be able to declare variables for use in a PLC program
 To be able to apply a systematic procedure for the implementation of
PLC exercises

Technical knowledge
Creating a PLC program
The practical steps for creating a PLC program are illustrated in
Fig. A2.1.

Fig. A2.1:
Description of control task
– Verbal description Procedure for creating
– Positional sketch a PLC program
PLC program Installation/process

Drawing up the solution

– Represented in the form of a function table
(logic control system) Planning the installation
– Representing solution in the form of FCH – Drawing the
to IEC 60848 (sequence control system) circuit diagram

Realisation of solution
– Configuring the PLC
– Declaration of PLC program variables Assembly installation
– Formulating the logic of the PLC program
into LD, FBD, IL, ST or SFC

Testing and commissioning of control system

– Transferring the PLC program to the PLC
– Carrying out function check of control system
(PLC program and installation) and correcting
program errors

Documention of the control system

– Creating program printout with comments
– Creating cross-reference list
– Attaching circuit diagrams

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 2

Description of a control task

The basic requirements for describing a control task include a verbal
description, a positional sketch and the definition of sensors and actua-
tors to be used. This information is required for the development of cir-
cuit diagrams. Moreover, it is necessary to define the allocation of
sensors to the PLC inputs or the allocation of actuators to PLC outputs.
An example of an allocation list of this type is shown in table A2.1.

Table A2.1: Resource Input/output address Comment

Example of an designation on PLC
allocation list
S1 I1.5 Push button START
3Y2 Q2.7 Cylinder 3A1 advance

Since this list forms a component part of PLC programs, it is not created
separately in the case of smaller control tasks.

Solution design
The designed solution is to give a clear representation of the function
and behaviour of the controller independent of technology. The function
table is used as a means of describing simple logic control systems. The
function chart to IEC 60848 is particularly suitable for the description of
sequence control systems.

Realisation of the solution

The realisation of the solution is divided into
 Programming of the logic of the control system (PLC)
 Incorporating the PLC program in the PLC or PLC system

An example of this is shown in Fig. A2.2 using a simple control task:

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 2

A bell is to ring either if the bell button on the front door or the bell button Example
on the apartment door is actuated.
When commencing the production of a PLC program, the resources are
to be declared in the syntax defined by EN 61131-3 (IEC 61131-3). The
PLC inputs and outputs declared in Fig. A2.2a are local variables within
the program "Bell". The use of global variables is only required for more
complex control tasks.
Following the declaration, the program body is formulated. Functions
and function blocks are available at this point in order to create a clearly
arranged program. The example is programmed in function block dia-
gram using the OR function.

Fig. A2.2:
PROGRAM Bell CONFIGURATION example Realisation of a solution
Button_FD AT %IX1: BOOL; RESOURCE Installation
Button_AD AT %IX2: BOOL;
Bell AT %QX1: BOOL;

Button_FD >=1 Bell



a) Example of a PLC program b) Example for the installation of a PLC

program in a PLC or a PLC system

In order to execute a PLC program via the PLC, it is necessary to know

how the program is to be processed: cyclically or in relation to certain
events. EN 61131-3 (IEC 61131-3) provides its own language resources
for the assignment of such sequence characteristics and for incorporat-
ing the program in the PLC or the PLC system. These are the configura-
tion language resources.

Fig. A2.2b illustrates the configuration "Example". This configuration

represents the PLC. The configuration "Example" requires the resource
"Installation". This resource is assigned to the program "Bell". The task
"T_cyclical" defines that the program "Bell" is to be processed cyclically.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 2

Testing and commissioning the controller

The program is loaded from the PC or programming device to the PLC
for the testing or commissioning of the control system. Following this, the
interaction of PLC and system must be checked.

Control system documentation

The system documentation is compiled as soon as the installation oper-
ates free of fault and the PLC program has been corrected accordingly.
The documentation basically consists of:
 the positional sketch,
 the formal solution design and
 the program printout with comments.

Problem description PLC inputs and outputs and additional variables for storing information
are to be incorporated in a PLC program. For this, you will need to famil-
iarise yourself with the basic procedure required for PLC program gen-

Exercise definition 1. Procedures for creating a PLC program Exercise definition

2. Resources of a PLC according to EN 61131-3 (IEC 61131-3)
3. Declaration of variables according to EN 61131-3 (IEC 61131-3)

Implementaion In order to carry out the exercise you will need the information from Sec-
tion B of the workbook: Chapter 6.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 2


2.1 Practical steps for creating a PLC program

Specify the five practical steps for creating a PLC program.

What activities are carried out in the step "Implementation of the solu-

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 2

2.2 Resources of a PLC in accordance with EN 61131-3

(IEC 61131-3)
The following resources are to be addressed directly. Specify the desig-
nations in accordance with EN 61131-3 (IEC 61131-3):

Input bit 14 ________________________________________________

Memory 9 _________________________________________________

Output word 3 _____________________________________________

Input 7 on 2nd. Input card ____________________________________

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 2


2.3 Declaration of variables to EN 61131-3 (IEC 61131-3)

The following data must be taken into consideration in a program decla-
ration. Use the appropriate data type in your declaration. The declaration
is to be valid locally only.
 Input for a switch S1, applied to input 2 of the 4th input card
 Temperature TEMP, applied to output word No. 1
 boolean memory with identifier PART_PRESENT, preallocated initial
value 0
 boolean memory with identifier ROBOT_INIT, preallocated with initial
value 1
 storage of a number (INT) under the name NUMBER, preassigned
the value 0

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 2

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 3

Programmable logic controllers Subject Subject

Lamp circuit Title

The assignment function

 To understand the actuation of a PLC output Training aim

 To be able to realise the logic assignment function with a PLC
 To be able to create a PLC program in accordance with EN 61131-3
(IEC 61131-3)

Each programmable logic controller has a certain number of inputs and Technical knowledge
outputs, through which it is connected with the sensors and actuators.
The program transferred to the controller contains the commands which
interconnect the individual inputs and assigns these to the correspond-
ing outputs.

The assignment function

The assignment function permits a PLC input signal to be directly trans-
mitted to a PLC output. The behaviour can be clearly described with the
help of a function table, which represents this for an input %IX1 and an
output %QX2 in table A3.1.

%IX1 %QX2 Table A3.1:

Function table for the
0 0 assignement function
1 1

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 3

In order to realise the assignment function in the individual programming

languages, you will need the commands shown in table A3.2.

Table A3.2:
The assignment function LD

%IX1 %QX2
Current rung with normally
open contact and non-stored coil.


Direct connection of specified

%IX1 %QX2
input and output.


Reading of value of specified

input to accumulator.

Storage of contents of
accumulator to specified output.


%QX2 := %IX1; Assignment of value of specified

input to the right of " := " to
the specified output on the left
of " := ".

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 3

Actuation of a push button (S1) is to cause a lamp (H1) to be switched Problem description
on. The lamp is to be illuminated as long as the push button is actuated.

Positional sketch


1. Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit Exercise definition
2. Describing the control task by means of the function table and the
boolean equation
3. Declaration of PLC program variables
4. Formulation of the PLC program in the various programming lan-
5. Testing and commissioning of the PLC program and system

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 3

Implementation 3.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the
 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.
 Assemble the required equipment on the slotted assembly board:

Components list Quantity Description

1 Programmable logic controller

1 Interconnecting cable for connection unit
1 Connection unit
1 Signal input, electrical
1 Signalling device

 Prior to wiring: Switch off power supply!

 Establish the electrical connections.

3.2 Describe the control task by means of the function table and
the boolean equation
 Describe the behaviour of the control system irrespective of technolo-
gy by means of the function table and the associated boolean equa-

3.3 Declaration of the PLC program variables

 All variables are to be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration required for your PLC ap-
plication. These are: Designation, data type, address – only if directly
addressed variables are used – and variables comment.

The component parts of the declaration of variables in this exercise sec-

tion are represented in tabular form. If actual PLC systems are used, the
input and representation of the variables declaration is dependent on the
PLC programming system used.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 3

3.4 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC program-
ming languages
 Select one of the programming languages supported by your PLC
system. Suitable languages for the formulation of logic control sys-
tems are LD, FBD, IL and ST.

3.5 Testing and commissioning of PLC program and system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation:
Check the assembled circuit with the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation:
Switch on power supply using a standard voltage of 24 V DC!

 Load the program to the PLC.

 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document your solution.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 3

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 3


3.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the

Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the available input and
output addresses of your PLC.

+24V Circuit diagram, electrical




3.2 Describing the control task by means of the function table and
the boolean equation
Create the function table
S1 H1 Function table


Derive the boolean equation from this:

Booleam equation

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 3

3.3 Declaration of PLC program variables

Declare the variables required in the PLC program:

Declaration of variables Designation Data type Address Comment

3.4 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC program-
ming languages
Formulate the solution of the control task in one of these languages:
 Function block diagram (FBD)
 Ladder diagram (LD)
 Instruction list (IL)
 Structured text (ST)

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 3


PLC program

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 3

Question 1:
What is the behaviour of a non-stored programmed output, if the input
signal is no longer applied?

Question 2:
Describe the basic design of an output module.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 4

Programmable logic controllers Subject

Burglar alarm Title

The NOT function

 To be able to realise the logic NOT function with a PLC Training aim Training aim

Technical knowledge
The NOT function
The NOT function is used to convert binary signals into opposing
 If the signal is 0, it is evaluated as 1
 If the signal is 1, it is evaluated as 0
Table A4.1 illustrates an example of the behaviour of the NOT function
or an input %IX1 and an output %QX2.

%IX1 %QX2 Table 4.1:

Function table for NOT
0 1 function
1 0

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 4

Table A4.2 contains the commands for the implementation of the NOT
function in the individual programming languages.

Table A4.2:
The NOT function LD

%IX1 %QX2
Current rung with normally
/ closed contact and non-stored coil.


Use NOT function at

specified input.


Reading of negated value of

specified input to accumulator.

Storage of contents of
accumulator to specified output.


%QX2 := NOT %IX1; Assignment of negated value of

specified input to the output on
the left of " := ".

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 4

A thin wire has been stretched behind a display window, which breaks if Problem description
a burglary is attempted. A closed circuit is interrupted as a result of this
and a buzzer is sounded.

Positional sketch



1. Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit Exercise definition
2. Describing the control task by means of the function table and the
boolean equation
3. Declaration of the PLC program variables
4. Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC programming
5. Testing and commissioning of the PLC program and system

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 4

Implementation 4.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the
 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.
 Assemble the required equipment on the slotted profile plate:

Components list Quantity Description

1 Programmable logic controller

1 Interconnecting cable for connection unit
1 Connection unit
1 Signal input, electrical
1 Signalling device

 Prior to wiring: Switch of power supply!

 Establish the electrical connections.

4.2 Describing the control task by means of the function table and
the boolean equation
 Describe the behaviour of the control system irrespective of technolo-
gy by means of a function table and the associated boolean equation.

4.3 Declaration of PLC program variables

 All variables must be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration required for your PLC
application. These are: Designation, data type, address – only if
directly addressed variables are used – and variables comment.

The component parts of the declaration of variables in this exercise sec-

tion are represented in tabular form. If actual PLC systems are used, the
input and representation of the variables declaration is dependent on the
PLC programming system used.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 4

4.4 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC program-
ming languages
 Select one of the programming languages supported by your PLC
system. Suitable languages for the formulation of logic control sys-
tems are LD, FBD, IL and ST.

4.5 Testing and commissioning of the PLC program and system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation:
Check assembled circuit with the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation:
Switch on power supply using a standard voltage of 24 V DC!

 Load the program to the PLC.

 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document your solution.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 4

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 4


4.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the

Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the available input and
output addresses for your PLC.

+24V Circuit diagram, electrical




4.2 Describing the control task by means of the function table and
the boolean equation
Create the function table:
S1 H1 Function table


Derive the boolean equation from this:

Boolean equation

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 4

4.3 Declaration of the PLC program variables

Declare the variables required in the PLC program:

Declaration of variables Designation Data type Address Comment

4.4 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC program-
ming languages
Formulate the solution of the control task in one of these languages:
 Function block diagram (FBD)
 Ladder diagram (LD)
 Instruction list (IL)
 Structured text (ST)

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 4



© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 4

The output is set non-stored. What is the effect on the output signal, if
the wire is broken and has to be repaired?

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 5

Programmable logic controllers Subject

Press with protective guard Title

The AND function

 To be able to realise a logic AND function with a PLC Training aim

 To understand the term ’function’ according to EN 61131-3
(IEC 61131-3)
 To be able to use standard functions to EN 61131-3 (IEC 61131-3)

Functions are part of the program organisation units and therefore Technical knowledge
represent a means for configuring PLC programs. EN 61131-3
(IEC 61131-3) provides standardised functions for the solution of basic
control technology tasks.

The AND function

Only when all AND connected signals are 1, is the result 1. If one of the
connected signals is 0, then the result is also 0.

The function table for the AND function is illustrated below for the two
inputs %IX1 and %IX2 as well as %QX3.

%IX1 %IX2 %QX3 Table A5.1:

Function table
0 0 0 for the AND function
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 5

Table A5.2 contains the commands for the realisation of the AND func-
tion in the individual programming languages.

Table A5.2:
The AND function LD

%IX1 %IX2 %QX3

Rung with consecutively switching
normally open contacts


%IX1 & %QX3

The inputs and the output of the
AND function are connected with
the specified current parameters.


Reading the value of the specified

LD %IX1 input to the accumulator.
AND connection of current result
with second input.
ST %QX3 Storage of contents of accumulator
to specified output.


%QX3 := %IX1 & %IX2; The two specified inputs are

connected with the "&" operator.
The result is assigned to the
specified output.

%QX3 := AND(%IX1, %IX2); Invocation of AND function with

specified inputs as current
transfer parameters.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 5

A press stamp 1A1 is to advance only if a push button S1 is actuated Problem description
and a protective guard is closed. If one of these conditions is not met,
the press tool is to return immediately.
The position of the closed protective guard B1 is monitored by a proximi-
ty switch B1. The press tool is advanced or retracted by means of a
spring return solenoid valve (coil 1Y1).

Positional sketch




1. Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit Exercise definition
2. Describing the control task by means of the function table and the
boolean equation
3. Declaration of the PLC program variables
4. Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC programming
5. Testing and commissioning of the PLC program and system

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 5

Implementation 5.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the
 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.
 Assemble the required equipment on the slotted profile plate:

Components list Quantity Description

1 Programmable logic controller

1 Interconnecting cable for connection unit
1 Connection unit
1 Service unit
1 Manifold
1 Double-acting cylinder
1 5/2-way single solenoid valve
1 Signal input, electrical
1 Proximity switch
Plastic tubing

 Prior to wiring and tubing:

Switch off power supply!
Switch off air supply at service!

 Establish the electrical and pneumatic connections.

5.2 Describing the control task by means of the function table and
the boolean equation
 Describe the behaviour of the control system irrespective of technolo-
gy by means of a function table and the associated boolean equation.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 5

5.3 Declaration of the PLC program variables

 All variables are to be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration, which are required for
your PLC application. These are: Designation, data type, address –
only if directly addressed variables are used – and variables

The component parts of the declaration of variables in this exercise sec-

tion are represented in tabular form. If actual PLC systems are used, the
input and representation of the variables declaration is dependent on the
PLC program system used.

5.4 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC program-
ming languages
 Select one of the languages supported by your PLC system for pro-
gramming. Suitable languages for the formulation of logic control sys-
tems are LD, FBD, IL and ST.

5.5 Testing and commissioning of PLC program and system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation:
Check the assembled circuit with the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation:
Switch on power supply using a standard voltage of 24 V DC!
Increase air supply at the service unit to operating pressure (see data
sheets for pneumatic components)!
 Operation of the installation:
Keep clear of the operational parts of the installation!

 Load the program to the PLC.

 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document your solution.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 5

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 5


5.1 Drawing up the electro-pneumatic and the electrical circuit dia-

gram and constructing the circuit
Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the available input and
output addresses for your PLC.

+24V Circuit diagram, electrical




© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 5

Configure the control system.

Circuit diagram,
electro-pneumatic 1A1

1V1 4 2

5 3

5.2 Describing the control task by means of the function table and
the boolean equation
Create the function table
Function table S1 B1 1Y1

Derive the boolean equation from this:

Boolean equation

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 5


5.3 Declaration of the PLC program variables

Declare the variables required in the PLC program:

Designation Data type Address Comment Declaration of variables

5.4 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC program-
ming languages
Formulate the solution of the control task into one of these languages:
 Function block diagram (FBD)
 Ladder diagram (LD)
 Instruction list (IL)
 Structured text (ST)

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 5


Does output 1Y1 have to be set stored or non-stored?

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 6

Programmable logic controllers Subject

Bell system Title

The OR function

 Realising the logic OR function with a PLC. Training aim

Technical knowledge
The OR function
If at least one of the connected signals is 1, the result is also 1. Only if
all the connected signals are 0 is the result also 0.
Table A6.1 contains the function table for the OR connection of the sig-
nal from input %IX1 and input %IX2. The result is mapped to output

%IX1 %IX2 %QX3 Table A6.1:

Function table
0 0 0 for the OR function
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 6

Table A6.2 contains the commands for the realisation of the OR function
in the individual programming languages.

Table A6.2:
The OR function LD

%IX1 %QX3
Rung with parallel switching
normally open contacts.


%IX1 >=1 %QX3

The inputs and the output of the
OR function are connected with
the current parameters specified.
%IX1 OR %QX3


Reading the value of the specified

LD %IX1 input to the accumulator.
OR connection of current result
withsecond input.
ST %QX3 Storage of contents of accumulator
to specified output.


%QX3 := %IX1 OR %IX2; The two specified outputs are

connected with the operator "OR".
The result is assigned to the
specified output.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 6

An apartment bell is to ring if bell button S1 at the front door is pressed Problem description
or bell button S2 at the apartment door.

Positional sketch


1. Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit Exercise definition
2. Describing the control task by means of the function table and the
boolean equation
3. Declaration of the PLC program variables
4. Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC programming
5. Testing and commissioning of PLC program and system

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 6

Implementation 6.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the
 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.
 Assemble the required equipment on the slotted profile plate:

Components list Quantity Description

1 Programmable logic controller

1 Interconnecting cable for connection unit
1 Connection unit
1 Signal input, electrical
1 Signalling device

 Prior to wiring the installation:

Switch off power supply!

 Establish the electrical connection.

6.2 Describing the control task by means of the function table and
the boolean equation
 Describe the behaviour of the control system irrespective of technolo-
gy by means of a function table and the associated boolean equation.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 6

6.3 Declaration of PLC program variables

 All variables must be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration required for your PLC ap-
plication. These are: Designation, data type, address – only if directly
addressed variables are used – and variables comment.

The component parts of the declaration of variables in this exercise sec-

tion are represented in tabular form. If actual PLC systems are used, the
input and representation of the variables declaration is dependent on the
PLC programming system used.

6.4 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC program-
ming languages
 Select one of the programming languages supported by your PLC
system. Suitable languages for the formulation of logic control sys-
tems are LD, FBD, IL and ST.

6.5 Testing and commissioning of the PLC program and system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation:
Check assembled circuit with the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation:
Switch on power supply using a standard voltage of 24 V DC!

 Load the program to the PLC.

 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document your solution.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 6

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 6


6.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the

Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the available input and
output addresses for your PLC.

+24V Circuit diagram, electrical




© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 6

6.2 Describing the control task by means of the function table and
the boolean equation
Create the function table:
Function table S1 S2 H1

Derive the boolean equation from this:

Boolean equation

6.3 Declaration of the PLC program variables

Declare the variables required in the PLC program:

Declaration of variables Designation Data type Address Comment

6.4 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC

programming languages
Formulate the solution of the control task in one of these languages:
 Function block diagram (FBD)
 Ladder diagram (LD)
 Instruction list (IL)
 Structured text (ST)

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 6


PLC program

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 6

In the case of the OR function, the output is set if at least one input
signal is set. With the exclusive OR unction, the output is set only if
exactly one of the connected inputs is set. Complets the function table.

Function table S1 S2 H1

0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 7

Programmable logic controllers Subject

Stamping device Title

Combinations of AND/OR/NOT

 To be able to realise combinations of logic connections with a PLC Training aim

 To understand the priorities of elementary operators in the individual
programming languages

Technical knowledge
Combination of logic connections
Many control tasks require the programming of a combination of logic
connections. The following are essential for drawing up a solution:
 Establishing a boolean equation which describes the logic of the con-
trol task
 Taking into consideration the priorities of the operators used for pro-
The example below deals with a combination of AND, OR and NOT
A lamp H1 is to illuminate if switch S1 and, in addition exactly one of the
switches S2 or S3 is actuated.
The relevant function table is as follows:

S1 S2 S3 H1 Table A7.1:
Function table
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0

The disjunctive normal form (DNF) can be derived from this table. The
DNF describes the control task by means of a boolean equation, which
can be easily converted into one of the programming languages.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 7

The solution method for the DNF is based on the lines in the function
table, for which the result variable (H1) has the value 1. These lines are
OR connected and lead to the boolean equation
H1 = (S1 ∧ S2 ∧ S3) ∨ (S1 ∧ S2 ∧ S3)
The realisation of the control task in the individual programming lan-
guages is listed in table A7.2.

Table A7.2:
Combination of
logic operation S1 S2 S3 H1

S1 S2 S3


S1 &
>=1 H1

S1 &

OR( S1

H1 := S1 & NOT S2 & S3 OR S1 & S2 & NOT S3;
H1 := (S1 & NOT S2 & S3) OR (S1 & S2 & NOT S3);

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 7

Since the processing of the OR command is a subsequent action in the

statement list, an opening parenthesis follows the OR command. The
closing parenthesis in the penultimate line causes the result of the pa-
renthesized expression to be OR connected with the current result (in
the accumulator).
The solution in Structured Text does not require any parenthesising
since the operators already have priorities. In order to obtain better
readability it is however a good idea to use parentheses for more com-
plex expressions.

Priorities with basic logic connections

In the graphic programming languages LD and FBD the order of pro-
cessing is implicitly specified by the graphics of the program or program
In this way, a series connection is evaluated first in a current rung before
a simultaneously existing connection is "calculated".
In the function block diagram, the order of evaluation of a network is
defined by blocks.
The instructions of an IL are processed line by line and the operators
therefore all have the same priority. If the evaluation of an operator is to
be a subsequent action, this must also be done by means of
The language ST defines a unique rule of precedence for the operators.
The boolean AND has a higher priority than the boolean OR. With math-
ematical operations, the rule multiplication before addition or subtraction

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 7

Problem description A stamping device can be operated from three sides. A workpiece is
inserted via a guide, whereby it touches two of the three proximity
switches B1, B2 and B3. This causes a pneumatic cylinder 1A1 to ex-
tend via a solenoid valve (coil 1Y1), whereby a recess is to be stamped
into the workpiece. The stamping cycle is to be triggered only if two sig-
nal generators are addressed. For reasons of safety the cylinder must
be prevented from advancing, if all three proximity sensors are contact-

Positional sketch





Exercise definition 1. Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram

2. Describing the control task by means of the function table and the
boolean equation
3. Declaration of the PLC program variables
4. Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC programming
5. Testing and commissioning of the PLC program and system

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 7

7.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the Implementation
 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.
 Assemble the required equipment on the slotted assembly board:

Quantity Description Components list

1 Programmable logic controller

1 Interconnecting cable for connection unit
1 Connection unit
1 Service unit
1 Manifold
1 Double-acting cylinder
1 5/2-way single solenoid valve
1 Proximity switch, inductive
1 Proximity switch, capacitive
1 Proximity switch, optical
1 Plastic tubing

 Prior to wiring and tubing of the installation:

Switch off power supply!
Switch off air supply at service unit!

 Establish the electrical and pneumatic connections.

7.2. Describing the control task by means of the function table and
the boolean equation
 Describe the behaviour of the control system irrespective of technolo-
gy by means of a function table and the associated boolean equation.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 7

7.3 Declaration of the PLC program variables

 All variables are to be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration required for your PLC ap-
plication. These are: Designation, data type, address – only if directly
addressed variables are used – and variables comment.

The component parts of the declaration of variables in this exercise sec-

tion are represented in tabular form. If actual PLC systems are used, the
input and representation of the variables declaration is dependent on the
PLC programming system used.

7.4 Formulation of PLC program into one of the PLC programming

 Select one of the languages supported by your PLC system for pro-
gramming. Suitable languages for the formulation of logic control sys-
tems are LD, FBD, IL and ST.

7.5 Testing and commissioning of PLC program and system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation:
Check assembled circuit with the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation:
Switch on power supply using a standard voltage of 24 V DC!
Increase air supply on service unit to operating pressure (see data
sheets of pneumatic components)!
 Operation of the installation:
Keep clear of the operational parts of the installation!

 Load the program to the PLC.

 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document the solution.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 7


7.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the

Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the input and output
addresses available for your PLC.

+24V Circuit diagram, electrical




© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 7

Configure the control system

Circuit diagram,
electro-pneumatic 1A1

1V1 4 2

5 3

7.2 Describing the control task by means of the function table and
the boolean equation
Complete the function table:
Function table B1 B2 B3 1Y1

0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1

State the associated boolean equation:

Boolean equation

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 7


7.3 Declaration of variables of the PLC program

Declare the variables required in your PLC program:

Designation Data type Address Comment Declaration of variables

7.4 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC program-
ming languages
Formulate the solution of the control task into one of these languages:
 Function block diagram (FBD)
 Ladder diagram (LD)
 Instruction list (IL)
 Structured text (ST)

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 7

PLC program

Why does the negated element have to occur in each parenthesis?

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 8

Programmable logic controllers Subject

Silo control system for two bulk materials Title

Logic control system with branching

 To be able to solve a logic control system with branching Training aim

More than one final control element is addressed even in the case of Technical knowledge
simple control tasks.
This requires the PLC to actuate not just one but several outputs. In the
graphic languages this leads to the programming of several current
rungs or networks. These networks or current rungs may be optionally
provided with a network identifier. A network identifier is required if a
jump is to be executed to this network within the program.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 8

Problem description A mixing plant permits a selection between two bulk materials per selec-
tor switch (S2). In switch position 1 (S2 = 0 signal), bulk material A
reaches a mixing container, if push button S1 is actuated
Similarly, bulk material is conveyed, if selector switch S2 is in position 2
(S2 = 1 signal) and push button S1 is actuated. Silo A is opened via cy-
linder 1A1 (solenoid valve 1Y1), Silo B via cylinder 2A1 (solenoid valve

Positional sketch




Exercise definition 1. Drawing up the circuit diagram and constructing the circuit
2. Describing the control task by means of the function table and the
boolean equation
3. Declaration of the PLC program variables
4. Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC programming
5. Testing and commissioning of PLC program and system

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 8

8.1 Drawing up the circuit diagram and constructing the circuit Implementation
 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.
 Assemble the required components on the slotted assembly board:

Quantity Description Components list

1 Programmable logic controller

1 Interconnecting cable for connection unit
1 Connection unit
1 Service unit
1 Manifold
2 Double-acting cylinder
2 5/2-way single solenoid valve
1 Signal input, electrical
Plastic tubing

 Prior to wiring and tubing of the installation:

Switch off power supply!
Switch off air supply at service unit!

 Establish the electrical and pneumatic connections.

8.2 Describing the control task by means of the function table and
the boolean equation
 Describe the behaviour of the controller irrespective of technology by
means of a function table and the associated boolean equation.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 8

8.3 Declaration of the PLC program variables

 All variables must be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration required or your PLC ap-
plication. These are: Designation, data type, address – only if directly
addressed variables are used – and variables comment.

The component parts of the declaration of variables in this exercise sec-

tion are represented in tabular form. If actual PLC systems are used, the
input and representation of the variables declaration is dependent on the
PLC programming system used.

8.4 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC program-
ming languages
 Select one of languages supported by your PLC system for pro-
gramming. Suitable languages for the formulation of logic control sys-
tems are LD, FBD, IL and ST.

8.5 Testing and commissioning of the PLC program and system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation:
Check assembled circuit with the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation:
Switch on power supply using standard voltage of 24 V DC!
Increase air supply on service unit to operating pressure (see data
sheets for pneumatic components)!
 Operation of the installation:
Keep clear of the operational parts of the installation!

 Load the program to the PLC.

 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document your solution.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 8


8.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the

Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the input and output
addresses available for your PLC.

+24V Ciruit diagram, electrical




© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 8

Configure the control system

Circuit diagramm,
electro-pneumatic 1A1 2A1

1V1 4 2 2V1 4 2

1Y1 2Y1
5 3 5 3
1 1

8.2 Describing the control task by means of the function table and
the boolean equation
Complete the function table:

Function table S1 S2 1Y1 2Y1

0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1

State the associated boolean equation:

Boolean equation

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 8


8.3 Declaration of the PLC program variables

Declare the variables required in the PLC program:

Designation Data type Address Comment Declaration of variables

8.4 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC program-
ming languages
Formulate the solution of the control task into one of these languages:
 Function block diagram (FBD)
 Ladder diagram (LD)
 Instruction list (IL)
 Structured text (ST)

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 8

PLC program

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 9

Programmable logic controllers Subject

Fire alarm Title

Setting an output

 To be able to set and store an output of a PLC Training aim

 To be able to understand function blocks to EN 61131 (IEC 61131)
 To be able to use the standard function blocks SR flip-flop and RS

Storage operations form part of the elementary PLC operations and ap- Technical knowledge
ply in cases where a briefly occurring signal status is permanently
stored. Typical examples of storage operations are the permanent set-
ting or resetting of output signals. The standard function blocks SR and
RS are available for the realisation of storage functions.

Function block SR, dominant setting flip-flop

Function block SR (Fig. A9.1) contains a dominant setting flip-flop.

Fig. A9.1:
Function block SR

The typical behaviour of the SR function block is therefore as follows:

 A 1-signal at set input S1 sets the flip-flop, i.e. the value of Q1 be-
comes 1.
 A 1-signal at reset input R sets the value of Q1 at 0 only if a 0-signal
simultaneously applies at the S1 input.
 If a 1-signal applies both at the S1 and the R input output Q1 is set.

Realisation of storage function "Set" in the individual programming

The solutions for the following example are listed in table A9.1.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 9

Example Lamp H2 is to be illuminated via actuation of a push button S2.

Table A9.1: VAR

The storage function Set S2 AT %IX3 : BOOL; (* Push button S2 at input IX3 *)
H2 AT %QX4 : BOOL; (* Lamp H2 at output QX4 *)
SR_H2 : SR; (* SR-flip-flop named SR_H2 *)
(* For storage of status *)
(* of H2 *)

SR flip-flop SR_H2 for storage of
SR status of variable H2.
S2 S1 Q1 H2 Direct assignment of value of Q1
R at variable H2.

S2 H2
Rung with normally open contact
and set coil.

LD S2 Reading of value of S2
S H2 Setting of the variable H2
CAL SR_H2 (S1 := S2) Invocation of flip-flop SR_H2 with
current transfer parameter S2.
LD SR_H2.Q1 Reading of output value Q1 of
flip-flop SR_H2.
ST H2 Assignment of read value to the
variable H2.

SR_H2 (S1 := S2); Invocation of flip-flop SR_H2 using
a current transfer parameter.
H2 := SR_H2.Q1; Assignment of output value Q1 of
SR_H2 to the variable H2.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 9

Buzzer H1 is to be switched on by pressing an indicator push button S1. Problem description

Positional sketch


1. Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit Exercise definition
2. Declaration of the PLC program variables
3. Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC programming
4. Testing and commissioning of the PLC program and system

9.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the
 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.
 Assemble the required equipment on the slotted assembly board:

Quantity Description Components list

1 Programmable logic controller

1 Interconnecting cable for connection unit
1 Connection unit
1 Signal input, electrical
1 Signalling device

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 9

 Prior to wiring the installation:

Switch off power supply!

 Establish the electrical connections.

9.2 Declaration of the PLC program variables

 All variables are to be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration required for your PLC ap-
plication. These are: Designation, data type, address – only if directly
addressed variables are used – and variables comment.

The component parts of the declaration of variables in this exercise sec-

tion are represented in tabular form. If actual PLC systems are used, the
input and representation of the variables declaration is dependent on the
PLC programming system used.

9.3 Formulation of PLC program into one of the PLC programming

 Select one of the languages supported by your PLC system for pro-
gramming. Suitable languages for the formulation of logic control sys-
tems are LD, FBD, IL and ST.

9.4 Testing and commissioning of the PLC program and system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation:
Check the assembled circuit with the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation:
Switch on power supply using a standard voltage of 24 V DC!

 Load the program to the PLC.

 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document your solution.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 9


9.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the

Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the input and output
addresses available for your PLC.

+24V Circuit diagram, electrical




© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 9

9.2 Declaration of the PLC program variables

Declare the variables required in your PLC program:

Declaration of variables Designation Data type Address Comment

9.3 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC program-
ming languages
Formulate the solution of the control task in one of these languages:
 Function block diagram (FBD)
 Ladder diagram (LD)
 Instruction list (IL)
 Structured text (ST)

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 9


PLC program

Mark the characteristics applicable to a function or function block.

Characteristic Function Function block Set of function

and function block
Name  yes  no  yes  no
Input parameters  one  several  one  several
Output parameters  one  several  one  several
Component part of the
declaration of variabls
 yes  no  yes  no

Status information  yes  no  yes  no

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 9

Which status information is stored in the SR function block?

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 10

Programmable logic controllers Subject

Drill breakage monitoring Title

Setting and resetting of an output

 To be able to set and reset a stored output of a PLC Training aim

Technical knowledge
Function block RS, dominant resetting flip-flop
Function block RS contains a dominant resetting flip-flop.

Fig. A10.1:
Function block RS

The behaviour of the block represented in Fig. A10.1 is as follows:

 A 1-signal at reset input R1 sets the value of Q1 to 0, irrespective of
which value applies at input S.
 A 1-signal at set input S sets output Q1 to 1 only if a 0-signal simulta-
neously applies at the R1 input.
 If 1-signals apply both at inputs S and R1, output Q1 is reset.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 10

Realisation of the "Reset" storage function in the individual pro-

gramming languages
The solutions for the example below are listed in table A10.1.

Example Actuation of push button S2 is to cause lamp H2 to be switched off.

Table A10.1:
The storage function
S2 AT %IX5 : BOOL; (* Switch S2 at input IX5 *)
H2 AT %QX6 : BOOL; (* Lamp H2 at output QX6 *)
RS_H2 : RS; (* RS flip-flop named RS_H2 *)
(* For storage of status *)
(* of H2 *)


RS flip-flop RS_H2 for storage of
RS status of the variable H2.
S Q1 H2 Direct assignment of value of
S2 R1 Q1 to the variable H2. 1 cm


S2 H2
Rung with normally open contact
and reset coil.

Table A10.1:
The storage function
reset (continuation)

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 10


LD S2 Reading of value of S2
R H2 Resetting of variable of H2
CAL RS_H2 (R1 := S2) Invocation of flip-flop RS_H2 using
current transfer parameter S2.
LD RS_H2.Q1 Reading of output value Q1 of
flip-flop RS_H2.
ST H2 Assignment of the read value to
the variable H2.


RS_H2 (R1 := S2); Invocation of flip-flop RS_H2 using

a current transfer parameter.

H2 := RS_H2.Q1; Assignment of output value Q1 of

RS_H2 to the variable H2.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 10

Problem description The drill on a drilling unit is monitored by means of a drill breakage sen-
sor (B1).
If the drill is broken, the sensor interrupts the circuit. A buzzer (H1) is to
sound in this event. The buzzer can only be switched off via push button

Positional sketch


Exercise definition 1. Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit
2. Declaration of the PLC program variables
3. Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC programming
4. Testing and commissioning of the PLC program and system

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 10

10.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the Implementation
 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.
 Assemble the required equipment on the slotted assembly board:

Quantity Description Components list

1 Programmable logic controller

1 Interconnecting cable for connection unit
1 Connection unit
1 Signal input, electrical
1 Signalling device
1 Proximity switch, optical

 Prior to wiring the installation:

Switch off power supply!

 Establish the electrical connections.

10.2 Declaration of the PLC program variables

 All variables are to be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration required for your PLC ap-
plication. These are: Designation, data type, address – only if directly
addressed variables are used – and variables comment

The component parts of the declaration of variables in this exercise sec-

tion are represented in tabular form. If actual PLC systems are used, the
input and representation of the variables declaration is dependent on the
PLC programming system used.

10.3 Formulation of PLC program into one of the PLC programming

 Select one of the languages supported by your PLC system for pro-
gramming. Suitable languages for the formulation of logic control sys-
tems are LDR, FBD, IL and ST.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 10

10.4 Testing and commissioning of the PLC program and system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation:
Check assembled circuit with the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation:
Switch on power supply using a standard voltage of 24 V DC!

 Load the program to the PLC.

 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document your solution.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 10


10.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the

Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the input and output
addresses available for your PLC.

+24V Circuit diagram, electrical




© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 10

10.2 Declaration of the PLC program variables

Declare the variables required in the PLC program:

Declaration of variables Designation Data type Address Comment

10.3 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC pro-
gramming languages
Formulate the solution of the control task into one of these languages:
 Function block diagram (FBD)
 Ladder diagram (LD)
 Instruction list (IL)
 Structured text (ST)

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 10


PLC program

What is the resulting program sequence if a set dominant flip-flop is
used instead of a reset dominant flip-flop?

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 10

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 11

Programmable logic controllers Subject

Activating a cylinder Title

Signal edges

 To be able to describe the function of signal edges Training aim

 To be able to use the standard function block R_TRIG for the recogni-
tion of a rising signal edge

PLC applications frequently require the detection and evaluation not of a Technical knowledge
signal itself, but of the point of change of a signal. These signal changes
are described as edges.

Fig. A11.1:
rising rising Edges
edge edge

falling falling
edge edge

Rising (positive) edges mark the instant, during which a signal change
takes place from 0 to 1.
Falling (negative) edges mark the instant, during which a signal change
takes place from 1 to 0.
Function block R_TRIG for rising edge detection.This standard
function block is used for the detection of a rising edge.

Fig. A11.2:
Function block R_TRIG

If a signal change takes place from 0 to 1 at input CLK, output Q as-

sumes the value 1 during a program cycle.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 11

Function block F_TRIG for falling edge detection

This standard function block is used for the detection of a falling edge.

Fig. A11.3:
Function block F_TRIG

If a signal change takes place from 1 to 0 at input CLK, output Q carries

a 1-signal during a program cycle.

Realisation of edge evaluation in the individual programming lan-

Edge evaluation has been programmed in the languages FBD, LD, IL
and ST for the example below.

Example Actuation of a push button S1 causes a lamp H1 to be switched on. Re-

peat actuation of push button S1 switches off the lamp again.

Table A11.1: VAR

Evaluation of a S1 AT %IX1 : BOOL; (* Push button S1 *)
rising edge
H1 AT %QX1 : BOOL; (* Lamp H1 *)
R_TRIG_S1 : R_TRIG (* Rising edge of S1 *)
RS_H1 : RS; (* Flip-flop for H1 *)

Examining signal S1 with function
block R_TRIG_S1 for rising edge.
Depending on the status of lamp H1,
a positive results leads to H1
being switched on or off.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 11

Table A11.1:
LD (Continuation)
S1 H1 H1
Detection of a positive edge by
P / S means of a special edge contact.
Depending on the status of the
lamp, this may be switched on in
S1 H1 H1
the first rung and switched off in
P R the second rung.

CAL R_TRIG_S1 (CLK := S1) Invocation of function
block R_TRIG_S1.
LD R_TRIG_S1.Q Depending on the result of
ANDN H1 the edge evaluation, the
lamp switched on ...
S H1

R H1 or off.

R_TRIG_S1 (CLK := S1); Invocation of function block

RS_H1(S:= R_TRIG_S1.Q & NOT H1, Invocation of flip-flop

R1:= R_TRIG_S1.Q & H1); RS_H1.

H1 := RS_H1.Q1; Status of flip-flop RS_H1

is mapped to H1.

Since the conditions for switching the lamp on and off are mutually ex- Comment
clusive, a set dominant flip-flop may also be used instead of a reset
dominant one.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 11

Realisation of edge evaluation without special edge function blocks

If a PLC system does not support special function blocks for the detec-
tion of edges, memories may be used for the detection of signal
PLC programs are continually cyclically processed. In order to detect a
signal change, it is necessary to check whether the status of a signal
has changed from one processing cycle to the next. To do this, the old
signal status has to be stored and compared with the new current status.
Fig. A11.4 illustrates the method used to detect a rising edge.

Fig. A11.4: VAR

Detecting a rising edge Signal AT %IX1 : BOOL; (* current input signal *)
S_Edge AT %MX1 : BOOL; (* detects edge of the *)
(* input sígnal *)
S_old AT %MX2 : BOOL := 0; (* stores old status of *)
(* input signal *)
RS_S_old : RS; (* flip-flop for memory *)
(* S_old *)


Signal & S_Edge


S_Edge S Q1 S_old
Signal R1

The signal to be examined is represented by the variable "Signal". The

old status of the variable "Signal" is stored in the memory "S_Old". If a
rising edge occurs, the memory "S_Edge" assumes the value 1 for one
processing cycle.
It should be noted that the memory "S_Old" must maintain the value 0 at
the program start (in the machining cycle).

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 11

The program parts shown have been formulated in the language FBD as
an example.
The evaluation of a falling edge may be realised as illustrated below.

VAR Fig. A11.5:

Signal AT %IX1 : BOOL; (* current input signal *) Detecting of a falling edge
S_Edge AT %MX1 : BOOL; (* detects edge of the *)
(* input signal *)
S_old AT %MX2 : BOOL := 0; (* stores old status of *)
(* input signal *)
SR_S_old : SR; (* flip-flop for memory *)
(* S_old *)


Signal & S_Edge


Signal S1 Q1 S_old
S_Edge R

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 11

Problem description A cylinder is actuated by means of a spring-returned solenoid valve (coil

1Y1). Two proximity switches signal the positions "extended" (1B2) and
"retracted" (1B1). Push button (S1) is used to actuate the cylinder in
such a way that it advances from the retracted end position into the op-
posite direction. The cylinder must advance only once per push button
actuation. To trigger a second movement of the cylinder, the push button
must be released and actuated afresh.

Positional sketch




Exercise definition 1. Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit
2. Declaration of the PLC program variables
3. Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC programming
4. Testing and commissioning of the PLC program and system

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 11

11.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the Implementation
 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.
 Assemble the required equipment on the slotted assembly board:

Quantity Description Components list

1 Programmable logic controller

1 Interconnecting cable for connection unit
1 Connection unit
1 Service unit
1 Manifold
1 Quick push-pull distributor
1 Single-acting cylinder
1 5/2-way single solenoid valve
1 Signal input, electrical
1 Proximity switch, inductive
1 Proximity switch, capacitive
Plastic tubing

 Prior to wiring and tubing:

Switch off power supply!
Switch off air supply at service unit!

 Establish the electrical and pneumatic connections.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 11

11.2 Declaration of the PLC program variables

 All variables are to be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration required for your PLC ap-
plication. These are: Designation, data type, address – only if directly
addressed variables are used – and variables comment.

The component parts of the declaration of variables in this exercise sec-

tion are represented in tabular form. If actual PLC systems are used, the
input and representation of the variables declaration is dependent on the
PLC programming system used.

11.3 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC pro-
gramming languages
 Select one of the languages supported by your PLC system for pro-
gramming. Suitable languages for the formulation of logic control sys-
tems are LD, FBD, IL and ST.

11.4 Testing and commissioning of the PLC program and system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation:
Check assembled circuit with the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation:
Switch on power supply using a standard voltage of 24 V DC!
Increase air supply to operating pressure (see data sheets for pneu-
matic components)!
 Operation of the installation:
Keep clear of the operational parts of the installation!

 Load the program to the PLC.

 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document your solution.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 11


11.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the

Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the input and output
addressed available for your PLC.

+24V Circuit diagram, electrical




© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 11

Configure the control system.

Circuit diagram,
1A1 1B1 1B2

1V1 4 2

5 3

11.2 Declaration of the PLC program variables

Declare the variables required in your PLC program:

Declaration of variables Designation Data type Address Comment

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 11


11.3 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC

programming languages
Formulate the solution of the control task into one of these languages:
 Function block diagram (FBD)
 Ladder diagram (LD)
 Instruction list (IL)
 Structured text (ST)

PLC program

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 11

Question 1:
What is understood by a negative edge?

Question 2:
What effect does the period of actuation have on the program

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 12

Programmable logic controllers Subject

Bonding of components Title


 To be able to use standard function block TP for pulse time response Training aim

A large number of control tasks require the programming of time. Technical knowledge
Through EN 61131-3 (IEC 61131-3), standard function blocks are
available for timers with different time response.
Timers are available for the realisation of a pulse time response, a
switch-on signal delay and a switch-off signal delay.

Function block TP, pulse timer

Standard functon block TP (Fig. A12.1) is a pulse timer

Fig. A12.1:
Function block TP

The response of function block TP is as follows:

 Function block TP is started via a short or long signal at input IN.
 Once the timer has started, a 1-signal applies at output Q for the time
specified at input PT.
 The current timer value (the time, which has elapsed since the start)
is available at the output ET.
 The timer can only be started again once it has expired.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 12

Programming of a pulse timer in the individual languages

The use of a pulse timer in the individual languages is illustrated with the
help of the example given below.
Example Workpieces are clamped securely for a period of 12 seconds for a
machining process by means of a special device on a cylinder 1Y1. The
process is triggered by acuating a start button S1.

Table A12.1:
Use of a pulse timer VAR
S1 AT %IX1 : BOOL; (* Push button S1 *)
1Y1 AT %QX1 : BOOL; (* Coil 1Y1 for cylinder *)
TP_1Y1 : TP; (* Pulse timer named *)
(* TP_1Y1 for clamping process *)


Timer function block TP_1Y1,
connected with the current
S1 IN Q 1Y1
T#12s PT ET


S1 1Y1
Interconnecting timer function block
TP_1Y1 into the rung.
T#12s PT ET

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 12

Table A12.1:
IL Use of a pulse timer

CAL TP_1Y1 (IN := S1, PT := T#12s) Invocation of function

block TP_1Y1.
LD TP_1Y1.Q Reading of output Q of
ST 1Y1 Storage of current result
to Y1.


TP_1Y1 (IN := S1, PT := T#12s); Invocation of function

block TP_1Y1.

1Y1 := TP_1Y1.Q; Assignment of output Q

of TP_1Y1 to 1Y1.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 12

Problem description Two components are to be bonded together with the help of a pneumatic
cylinder 1A1. To do this, the bonding surfaces are pressed together with
a defined force for 5 seconds. The time is commenced once the cylinder
advanves from its reacted end position (sensor 1B1=1). Once the 5
seconds have expired, the cylinder is to return to the initial position. The
bonding process is started by a push button S1.

Positional sketch



Exercise definition 1. Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit
2. Declaration of the PLC program variables
3. Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC programming
4. Testing and commisioning of the PLC program system

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 12

12.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the Implementation
 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.
 Assemble the required equipment on the slotted assembly board:

Quantity Description Components list

1 Programmable logic controller

1 Interconnecting cable for connection unit
1 Connection unit
1 Service unit
1 Manifold
1 Quick push-pull distributor
1 Single-acting cylinder
1 5/2-way single solenoid valve
1 Signal input, electrical
1 Proximity switch, inductive-magnetisch
Plastic tubing

 Prior to wiring and tubing:

Switch off power supply!
Switch off air suplp at service unit!

 Establish the electrical and pneumatic connections.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 12

12.2 Declaration of the PLC program variables

 All variables are to be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration required for your PLC
application. These are: Designation, data type, address - only if
directly addressed variables are used - and variables comments.

The component parts of the declaration of variables in this exercise

section is represented in tabular form. If actual PLC systems are used,
the input and representation of the variables declaration is dependent on
the PLC programming system used.

12.3 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC

programming languages
 Select one of the languages supoprted by your PLC system for
programming. Suitable languages for the formulation of logic control
systems are LD, FBD, IL and ST.

12.4 Testing and commisioning of the PLC program system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation:
Check the assembled circuit with the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation:
Switch on power supply using a standard voltage of 24 V DC!
Increase air supply on service unit to operating pressure (see data
sheet for pneumatic components)!
 Operation of the installation:
Keep clear of the operational parts of the installation!

 Load the program to the PLC.

 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document your solution.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 12


12.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the

Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the input and output
addresses available for your PLC.

+24V Circuit diagram, electrical




© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 12

Configure the control system.

Circuit diagram,
electro-pneumatic 1B1

1V1 4 2

5 3

12.2 Declaration of the PLC program variables

Declare the variables reqired in your PLC program:

Declaration of variables Designation Data type Address Comment

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 12


12.3 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC

programming languages
Formulate the solution of the control task into one of these languages:
 Function block diagram (FBD)
 Ladder diagram (LD)
 Instruction list (IL)
 Structured text (ST)

PLC program

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 12

Question 1:
Specify the name and the function of the parameters of the pulse timer.

Question 2:
What is the response of the timer, if a new start signal is given prior to
the timer expiring?
Complete the diagram.

Time response of
Pulse timer
IN 1
t0 t1 t2 t3

t0 t0 + PT

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 13

Programmable logic controllers Subject

Embossing device Title

Switch-on signal delay

 To be able to realise a switch-on signal delay by using the standard Training aim
function block TON

Technical knowledge
Function block TON, Switch-on signal delay
The standard function block TON is used to generate a switch-on signal

Fig. A13.1:
Function block TON

The behaviour of function block TON is as follows:

 Function block TON is started by means of a 1-signal at input IN.
 Upon expiry of the time specified at input PT, output Q carries a 1-
signal. The 1-signal at output Q applies until the input signal IN re-
verts to the value 0.
 If the duration of the input signal IN is shorter than the specified time
PT, the value of output Q remains a constant 0.
 The current timer value (the time, which has elapsed since the start)
is available at output ET.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 13

Programming of a switch-on signal delay in the individual lan-


The use of a switch-on signal delay is demonstrated in the following ex-


Example The door of a bus will only close when the boarding area has been clear
for a specified period (5 seconds). This is monitored by means of a light

Table A13.1:
Use of a VAR
Switch-on signal delay B1 AT %IX1 :BOOL; (* Light barrier *)
1Y1 AT %QX1 :BOOL; (* Coil 1Y1 for cylinder for closing *)
(* the door *)
TON_1Y1 :TON; (* Switch-on signal delay named *)
(* TON_1Y1 for closing of door *)


Connecting the inputs and outputs
of function block TON_1Y1
B1 IN Q 1Y1
with current parameters.
T#5s PT ET


B1 1Y1
Interconnection of function block
TON_1Y1 into the rung.
T#5s PT ET

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 13

Table A13.1:
IL Use of a Switch-on signal
delay (continuation)

CAL TON_1Y1 (IN := B1,PT := T#5s) Invocation of function block

LD TON_1Y1.Q Reading of output Q of
ST 1Y1 Storing of current result
to 1Y1.


TON_1Y1 (IN := B1, PT := T#5s); Invocation of function block


1Y1 := TON_1Y1.Q; Assignment of output Q

of TON_1Y1 to 1Y1.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 13

Problem description A workpiece is to be embossed by activating a start button (S1). In order

to ensure that the embossing cycle is not triggered inadvertently, the
embossing cycle is to be triggered only after 3 seconds have expired.
During this time the start button must be permanently actuated. The po-
sition of the cylinder 1A1 is established by means of the proximity
switches 1B1 (retracted) and 1B2 (extended).

Positional sketch



Exercise definition 1. Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit
2. Declaration of the PLC program variables
3. Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC programming
4. Testing and commisioning of the PLC program system

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 13

13.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the Implementation
 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.
 Assemble the required equipment on the slotted assembly board:

Quantity Description Components list

1 Programmable logic controller

1 Interconnecting cable for connection unit
1 Connection unit
1 Service unit
1 Manifold
1 Quick push-pull distributor
1 Single-acting cylinder
1 5/2-way single solenoid valve
1 Signal input, electrical
1 Proximity switch, inductive
1 Proximity switch, capacitive
Plastic tubing

 Prior to wiring and tubing:

Switch off power supply!
Switch off air supply at service unit!

 Establish the electrical and pneumatic connections.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 13

13.2 Declaration of the PLC program variables

 All variables are to be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration required for your PLC
application. These are: Designation, data type, address - only if
directly addressed variables are used - and variables comments.

The component parts of the declaration of variables in this exercise

section is represented in tabular form. If actual PLC systems are used,
the input and representation of the variables declaration is dependent on
the PLC programming system used.

13.3 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC

programming languages
 Select one of the languages supoprted by your PLC system for
programming. Suitable languages for the formulation of logic control
systems are LD, FBD, IL and ST.

13.4 Testing and commisioning of the PLC program system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation:
Check the assembled circuit with the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation:
Switch on power supply using a standard voltage of 24 V DC!
Increase air supply on service unit to operating pressure (see data
sheet for pneumatic components)!
 Operation of the installation:
Keep clear of the operational parts of the installation!

 Load the program to the PLC.

 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document your solution.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 13


13.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the

Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the input and output
addresses available for your PLC.

+24V Circuit diagram, electrical




© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 13

Configure the control system.

Circuit diagram,
1A1 1B1 1B2

1V1 4 2

5 3

13.2 Declaration of the PLC program variables

Declare the variables reqired in your PLC program:

Declaration of variables Designation Data type Address Comment

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 13


13.3 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC

programming languages
Formulate the solution of the control task into one of these languages:
 Function block diagram (FBD)
 Ladder diagram (LD)
 Instruction list (IL)
 Structured text (ST)

PLC program

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 13

The embossing cycle has been initiated. However, the start button is
released before the 3 seconds have expired. What effect does this have
on the program execution?

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 14

Programmable logic controllers Subject

Clamping device Title

Switch-off signal delay

 To be able to realise a switch-off signal delay by using the standard Training aim
function block TOF

Technical knowledge
Function block TOF, switch-off signal delay
The standard function block TOF (Fig. A14.1) is used to generate a
switch-off signal delay.

Fig. A14.1:
Function block TOF

The behaviour response of function block TOF is as follows:

 Function block TOF is started via a 1-signal at input IN. Output Q
simultaneously receives the value 1.
 After the input signal IN has reverted to the value 0, the 1 signal con-
tinues to be applied at output Q for the time specified at the PT input
and then returns to the value 0.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 14

Programming of a switch-off signal delay in the individual lan-


The use of a switch-off signal delay is demonstrated in the following:

Example The door of a furnace includes a lock so that it cannot be opened in-
stantly during the burning process. If a signal is given to open the door,
this will only be unlocked after 10 minutes has expired.

Table A14.1:
Use of a VAR
switch-off signal delay Door_closed AT %MX1 : BOOL; (* Memory for latching of *)
(* furnace door *)
1Y1 AT %QX1 : BOOL; (* Coil 1Y1 for cylinder *)
(* opening of furnace door *)
TOF_Door : TOF; (* Switch-off signal delay *)
(* named TOF_Door *)


Connection of inputs and outputs
of function block TOF_Door with
Door_closed IN Q 1Y1
current parameters.
T#10m PT ET


Door_closed 1Y1
Interconnection of function block
TOF_Door into the rung.
T#10m PT ET

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 14

Table A14.1:
IL Use of a switch-off signal
delay (continuation)

CAL TOF_Door (IN := Door_closed, PT := T#10m) Invocation of

function block
LD TOF_Door.Q TOF_Door.
Reading of output
ST 1Y1 Q of TOF_Door.
Storage of current
result to 1Y1.


TOF_Door (IN := Door_closed, PT := T#10m); Invocation of

1Y1 := TOF_Door.Q;
Assignment of output
Q of TOF_Door to 1Y1.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 14

Problem description A workpiece is to be clamped by activating the start button S1. When the
workpiece is clamped by cylinder 1A1, cylinder 2A1 extends and em-
bosses the workpiece. Since the workpiece requires time to cool down, it
remains clamped for a period of 3 seconds. This time is started with the
advancing of cylinder 1A1.

Positional sketch




Exercise definition 1. Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit
2. Declaration of the PLC program variables
3. Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC programming
4. Testing and commisioning of the PLC program system

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 14

14.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the Implementation
 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.
 Assemble the required equipment on the slotted assembly board:

Quantity Description Components list

1 Programmable logic controller

1 Interconnecting cable for connection unit
1 Connection unit
1 Service unit
1 Manifold
1 Quick push-pull distributor
1 Single-acting cylinder
1 Double-acting cylinder
1 5/2-way single solenoid valve
1 5/2-way double solenoid valve
1 Signal input, electrical
4 Proximity switch, inductive
Plastic tubing

 Prior to wiring and tubing:

Switch off power supply!
Switch off air suplp at service unit!

 Establish the electrical and pneumatic connections.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 14

14.2 Declaration of the PLC program variables

 All variables are to be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration required for your PLC ap-
plication. These are: Designation, data type, address – only if directly
addressed variables are used – and variables comment.

The component parts of the declaration of variables in this exercise

section is represented in tabular form. If actual PLC systems are used,
the input and representation of the variables declaration is dependent on
the PLC programming system used.

14.3 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC

programming languages
 Select one of the languages supoprted by your PLC system for
programming. Suitable languages for the formulation of logic control
systems are LD, FBD, IL and ST.

14.4 Testing and commisioning of the PLC program system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation:
Check the assembled circuit with the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation:
Switch on power supply using a standard voltage of 24 V DC!
Increase air supply on service unit to operating pressure (see data
sheet for pneumatic components)!
 Operation of the installation:
Keep clear of the operational parts of the installation!

 Load the program to the PLC.

 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document your solution.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 14


14.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the

Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the input and output
addresses available for your PLC.

+24V Circuit diagram, electrical




© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 14

Configure the control system.

Circuit diagram,
electro-pneumatic 1B1 1B2 2B1 2B2
1A1 2A1

1V1 4 2 2V1 4 2

1Y1 2Y1 2Y2

5 3 5 3
1 1

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 14


14.2 Declaration of the PLC program variables

Declare the variables reqired in your PLC program:

Designation Data type Address Comment Declaration of variables

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 14

14.3 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC

programming languages
Formulate the solution of the control task into one of these languages:
 Function block diagram (FBD)
 Ladder diagram (LD)
 Instruction list (IL)
 Structured text (ST)

PLC program

Through which signal is the time for the switch-off signal delay started?

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15

Programmable logic controllers Subject

Lifting device for packages Title

Linear sequence

 To be able to design and represent simple sequence control systems Training aim
in accordance with IEC 60848.
 To be able to program a sequence control system consisting of a lin-
ear sequence
 To be able to use the programming language Sequential Function

Technical knowledge
Sequence control systems
Sequence control systems describe processes, which proceed in several
clearly separated steps.
The transition from one step to the next is dependent on the process
statuses. It is possible for the process to be branched into partial pro-
cesses in relation to the process statuses established.
The program of a sequence control system must therefore fulfil three
basic exercises:

Fig. A15.1:
Fuctions of a
Executing actions: • Setting and resetting control program
of outputs
Step • Setting and resetting
of memories
• Setting and starting
timers and counters

Interrogating events: • Interrogating inputs and

Transition conditions • Interrogating timers
(Step enabling condition) • Interrogating counter status

Establishing paths for

• Selecting path
program continuation:
• Following parallel path

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15

General representation of a sequence control system

Function chart in accordance with IEC 60848 is for the description and
planning of a sequence control system. This permits a clear, graphic
representation of the behaviour and function of a sequence control sys-

Fig. A15.2:
Example of a
control program

1 Establishing initial position

Workpiece in magazine and cylinder 1A1

retracted and cylinder 2A1 retracted

2 S Cylinder 1A1 to advance 1

2.1: Cylinder 1A1 extended and

workpiece ejected

3 S Cylinder 2A1 to advance 1

3.1: Cylinder 2A1 extended

4 S Cylinder 2A1 to retract 1

4.1: Cylinder 2A1 retracted

5 S Cylinder 1A1 to retract 1

5.1: Cylinder 1A1 retracted

The example shown above describes the following control task:

A workpiece is made available from a magazine for further machining.
The workpiece is ejected from the magazine by a cylinder 1A1, and then
transferred onto a conveyor belt via a slide by means of a second cylin-
der 2A1.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15

Programming of a sequence control system in Sequential Function

Sequence control systems can be easily and clearly programmed in a
sequential function chart. The sequential function chart is derived from
the function chart in accordance with IEC 60848.
The example shown Fig. A15.3 illustrates the use of sequential function
hart for the control task mentioned above.

 Step => Classification into actions

 Transition => Description by means of transition condition
 Alternative branch and junction
 Parallel branch and junction

When the PLC program is started, the step designated as initial step S1
automatically becomes active. A system is frequently moved into the
initial position as a result of the initial step. In the example shown, step
S1 is a void step. If the subsequent step enabling conditions – cylinder
1A1 and 2A1 are retracted and the magazine contains workpieces – are
met, step S2 is set and step S1 reset. It should be noted that the step
names represent names in the sense of EN 61131-3 (IEC 61131-3).
They must therefore start with a letter or an underline. In addition, inso-
far as this is possible for the process concerned, a feedback variable is
specified in the third field of each action indicating the end of the action.
In step S2, cylinder 1A1 is extended by setting coil 1Y1. When this cylin-
der has reached its forward end position and the workpiece is in the cor-
rect position (B6 = 1), step S2 is reset and step S3 activated. Cylinder
1A1 remains extended as a result of the S-qualifier. In step S3, cylinder
2A1 advances due to coil 2Y1 being set and transfers the workpiece to a
slide. Cylinder 2A1 retracts again once it has reached its forward end
position. If sensor 2B1 signals that the retracted end position of cylinder
2A1 has been reached, cylinder 1A1 also retracts. Sensor 1B1 now sig-
nals the end of the sequence and the program returns to the start. The
complete step sequence is repeated again.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15

Fig. A15.3:
Example of VAR
sequential function chart 1Y1 AT %QX1 : BOOL; (* Coil 1Y1 for cylinder 1A1 *)
2Y1 AT %QX2 : BOOL; (* Coil 2Y1 for cylinder 2A1 *)
B5 AT %IX1 : BOOL; (* Workpiece in magazine *)
B6 AT %IX2 : BOOL; (* Workpiece ejected *)
1B1 AT %IX3 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 1A1 retracted *)
1B2 AT %IX4 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 1A1 extended *)
2B1 AT %IX5 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 2A1 retracted *)
2B2 AT %IX6 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 2A1 extended *)



B5 &
2B1 S2 S 1Y1 1B2

B6 &
S3 S 2Y1 2B2


S4 R 2Y1 2B1


S5 R 1Y1 1B1


© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15

Generating a step sequence by means of RS storage elements

The step sequence may be generated by using storage elements if the
programming language Sequential Function Chart is not supported by a
PLC program.
Each step is assigned an RS flip-flop. This stores the status of the step.
The relevant flip-flop is set, if the step is in the process of being execut-
ed; if the step is inactive, the flip-flop is reset.

Fig. A15.4:
Representation of a step
Step n-1 &
S Q Step n
Step enabling
condition for step n
Step n+1 R

As shown in Fig. A15.4, the start conditions for any step n (within a step
sequence) are:
 The preceding step n-1 is set
 The step enabling condition for step n is met
Each step is reset by the set subsequent step.
In this way, the individual steps of a step sequence are processed con-
The structure of a step sequence is set out in detail in Fig. A15.5. The
language FBD is used for the programming of the control task in Fig.
A15.2. All actions occur as boolean actions.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15

Fig. A15.5: VAR

Example of a step
sequence with 1Y1 AT %QX1 : BOOL; (* Coil 1Y1 for cylinder 1A1 *)
RS storage elements 2Y1 AT %QX2 : BOOL; (* Coil 2Y1 for cylinder 2A1 *)
B5 AT %IX1 : BOOL; (* Workpiece in magazine *)
B6 AT %IX2 : BOOL; (* Workpiece ejected *)
1B1 AT %IX3 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 1A1 retracted *)
1B2 AT %IX4 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 1A1 extended *)
2B1 AT %IX5 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 2A1 retracted *)
2B2 AT %IX6 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 2A1 extended *)
RS_S1 : RS; (* Flip-flop for Step S1 *)
RS_S2 : RS; (* Flip-flop for Step S2 *)
RS_S3 : RS; (* Flip-flop for Step S3 *)
RS_S4 : RS; (* Flip-flop for Step S4 *)
RS_S5 : RS; (* Flip-flop for Step S5 *)
RS_1Y1 : RS; (* Flip-flop for Coil 1Y1 *)
RS_2Y1 : RS; (* Flip-flop for Coil 2Y1 *)


(* Programming of step sequence *)

1B1 &
2B1 RS (* Setting of *)
S Q1 (* flip-flop for *)
(* Step S1 *)
RS_S2.Q1 R1

RS_S1.Q1 &
1B1 RS_S2
B5 RS (* Setting of *)
S Q1 (* flip-flop for *)
(* Step S2 *)
RS_S3.Q1 R1

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15

Fig. A15.5:
RS_S2.Q1 & Example of a step
RS_S3 sequence with
1B2 RS storage elements
B6 RS (* Setting of *) (continuation)
S Q1 (* flip-flop for *)
(* Step S3 *)
RS_S4.Q1 R1

RS_S3.Q1 &
2B2 RS (* Setting of *)
S Q1 (* flip-flop for *)
(* Step S4 *)
RS_S5.Q1 R1

RS_S4.Q1 &
2B1 RS (* Setting of *)
S Q1 (* flip-flop for *)
(* Step S5 *)
RS_S1.Q1 R1

(* Programming of power section *)

RS_S2.Q1 S Q1 1Y1 (* Cylinder 1A1 *)
RS_S5.Q1 R1

(* Coil 2Y1 for *)
RS_S3.Q1 S Q1 2Y1 (* Cylinder 2A1 *)
RS_S4.Q1 R1

The programming of the step sequence requires an extension of the

declaration section in Fig. A15.3.
An RS flip-flop is additionally required for each step. Moreover, the sta-
tuses of coils 1Y1 and 2Y1 are stored by means of flip-flops.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15

The program consists of

 Step sequence
 Power section (for activation of outputs)

Problem description A roller conveyor is monitored by a proximity switch B5 as to whether a

package is present. If this is the case, the package is picked up by a
cylinder 1A1 (lifting cylinder) and then transferred to another conveyor
by means of cylinder 2A1 (transfer cylinder).
Cylinder 1A1 is to retract first, followed by cylinder 2A1. The cylinders
are retracted and advanced by means of solenoid valves (coils 1Y1 and
2Y1). The cylinder positions are monitored by means of proximity
switches 1B1 to 2B2.
On the feed side, packages have been previously arranged in such a
way that they reach the lifting device individually.

Positional sketch



© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15

1. Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit Exercise definition
2. Describing the control task in function chart to IEC 60848.
3. Declaration of the PLC program variables
4. Formulation of the program into a sequential function chart
– Programming transition conditions directly in one of the languages
– Specifying actions as boolean actions
5. Testing and commisioning of the PLC program system.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15

Implementation 15.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the
 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.
 Assemble the required equipment on the slotted assembly board:

Components list Quantity Description

1 Programmable logic controller

1 Interconnecting cable for connection unit
1 Connection unit
1 Service unit
1 Manifold
2 Double-acting cylinder
2 5/2-way single solenoid valve
1 Proximity switch, optical
4 Proximity switch, inductive-magnetisch
Plastic tubing

 Prior to wiring and tubing:

Switch off power supply!
Switch off air supply at service unit!

 Establish the electrical and pneumatic connections.

15.2 Describing the control task in function chart to IEC 60848

 Create the program in function chart to IEC 60848.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15

15.3 Declaration of the PLC program variables

 All variables are to be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration required for your PLC ap-
plication. These are: Designation, data type, address – only if directly
addressed variables are used – and variables comment.

The component parts of the declaration of variables in this exercise

section is represented in tabular form. If actual PLC systems are used,
the input and representation of the variables declaration is dependent on
the PLC programming system used.

15.4 Formulation of the PLC program into the sequential function

 Design the sequence structure consisting of steps and transitions.
 Program the transition conditions directly in one of the languages
FBD, LD or ST.
 Formulate the actions associated with the steps directly as Boolean
 Create the step structure by mapping the steps onto storage ele-
ments if the sequential function chart is not supported by your PLC.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15

15.5 Testing and commisioning of the PLC program system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation:
Check the assembled circuit with the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation:
Switch on power supply using a standard voltage of 24 V DC!
Increase air supply on service unit to operating pressure (see data
sheet for pneumatic components)!
 Operation of the installation:
Keep clear of the operational parts of the installation!

 Load the program to the PLC.

 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document your solution.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15


15.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the

Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the input and output
addresses available for your PLC.

+24V Circuit diagram, electrical




© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15

Configure the control system.

Circuit diagram,
electro-pneumatic 1B1 1B2 2B1 2B2
1A1 2A1

1V1 4 2 2V1 4 2

1Y1 2Y1
5 3 5 3
1 1

15.2 Describing the control task in function chart in accordance

with IEC 60848
Create the program in function chart in accordance with IEC 60848.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15


15.3 Declaration of the PLC program variables

Declare the variables reqired in your PLC program:

Designation Data type Address Comment Declaration of variables

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15

15.4 Formulation of the PLC program into a sequential function


PLC program
in sequential function chart

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15


Question 1:
What is the function of a step without associated actions?

Question 2:
What is the response of the sequential function chart program if the ac-
tion of step S3: "Cylinder 2A1 to advance" is programmed as a non-
stored action?

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 15

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 16

Programmable logic controllers Subject

Lifting and sorting device for packages Title

Alternative branching

 To be able to program a sequence control system with alternative Training aim


Technical knowledge
Sequence control system with alternative branching
There are sequence control systems, where several different sequences
may occur. A sequence is selected depending on the signals originating
from the process applied.

Fig. A16.1:
Example of a sequence
control system with
alternative branching
1 Check initial position

small part large part

2 S clamp part 1 4 S clamp part 1

2.1: part clamped 4.1: part clamped

3 N stamp part 1 5 N stamp part 1

3.1: part stamped 5.1: part stamped

6 S unclamp part 1

6.1: part unclamped

7 N eject part 1

7.1: part ejected

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 16

A stamping tool, which stamps small or large parts by means of two dif-
ferent cylinders, represents an example of such a sequence control sys-
Fig. A16.1 illustrates the function chart to IEC 60848 for the above men-
tioned example.
Alternative branching is represented by as many transitions below the
horizontal line as there are different sequences possible.
In order to select one option only, the transition conditions must be mu-
tually exclusive.
Two sequences are available for selection in the example given. If a
small part is detected, only steps 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 are processed. If a
large part is present, the program branches to step 4, 5, 6 and 7 after
step 1.

Programming of a sequence control system with alternative

Sequence control systems represented in function chart to IEC 60848
are very easily programmed in sequential function chart. In the program
listed below, the transition conditions have been formulated in the lan-
guage ST.
The initial step S1 is active after the start of the program. S1 is a void
step in this instance, i.e. no actions have been assigned to this step.
If all the cylinders are retracted and a small part is present, step S2 is
set and step S1 reset. The part is then clamped, stamped, declamped
and finally ejected.
If a large part has been detected (B5=1 and B6=1), steps S1, S4, S5, S6
and S7 are executed consecutively.
Following this, processing of the steps starts with step S1 again.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 16

VAR Fig. A16.2:

Example of a sequential
B5 AT %IX1.0 : BOOL; (* small or large part *)
function chart
B6 AT %IX1.1 : BOOL; (* for large part only *) with alternetive branching
1B1 AT %IX2.0 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 1A1 retracted *)
1B2 AT %IX2.1 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 1A1 extended *)
2B1 AT %IX2.2 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 2A1 retracted *)
2B2 AT %IX2.3 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 2A1 extended *)
3B1 AT %IX2.4 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 3A1 retracted *)
3B2 AT %IX2.5 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 3A1 extended *)
4B1 AT %IX2.6 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 4A1 retracted *)
4B2 AT %IX2.7 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 4A1 extended *)
1Y1 AT %QX1.0 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 1A1: clamping *)
2Y1 AT %QX1.1 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 2A1: stamping small *)
3Y1 AT %QX1.2 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 3A1: stamping large *)
4Y1 AT %QX1.3 : BOOL; (* Cylinder 4A1: ejecting *)



B5 & NOT B6 & 1B1 & B5 & B6 & 1B1 &

2B1 & 3B1 & 4B1 2B1 & 3B1 & 4B1

S2 S 1Y1 1B2 S4 S 1Y1 1B2

1B2 1B2

S3 N 2Y1 2B2 S5 N 3Y1 3B2

2B2 3B2

S6 R 1Y1 1B1


S7 N 4Y1 4B2


© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 16

In the above example, the actions for steps S3, S5 and S7 are pro-
grammed as non-stored. This is indicated by the qualifier N. The boole-
an variables 2Y1, 3Y1 and 4Y1 therefore only carry a 1-signal while the
associated steps are active.
If the sequential function chart is not available for programming, the step
sequences may also be generated in this instance by means of using
storage elements.

Problem description Packages are conveyed past a linear measuring device on a roller con-
veyor in order to establish their size. There are two different package
sizes: Short and long packages. The linear measuring device supplies
an 0-signal for a short package and a 1-signal for a long package.
Following this, the packages reach a lifting platform. The sequence is
started by means of START button S1. The packages are lifted by a
lifting cylinder 1A1. The packages are then sorted: Short packages are
transferred to a second conveyor via transfer cylinder 2A1, and long
packages onto a third conveyor via cylinder 3A1. Lifting cylinder 1A1 is
to retract again only after cylinders 2A1 or 3A1 have reached their end
The cylinder positions are monitored by means of proximity switches
1B1 to 3B2. Cylinder 1A1 is advanced and retracted by means of a dou-
ble solenoid valve via coils 1Y1 and 1Y2. Cylinders 2A1 and 3A1 are
advanced and retracted by means of solenoid valves (coils 2Y1 and

Positional sketch

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 16

2A1 3A1


1. Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit Exercise definition
6. Describing the control task in function chart to IEC 60848.
7. Declaration of the PLC program variables
8. Formulation of the program into a sequential function chart
– Programming transition conditions directly in one of the languages
– Specifying actions as boolean actions
9. Testing and commisioning of the PLC program system.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 16

Implementation 16.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the
 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.
 Assemble the required equipment on the slotted assembly board:

Components list Quantity Description

1 Programmable logic controller

1 Interconnecting cable for connection unit
1 Connection unit
1 Service unit
1 Manifold
1 Quick push-pull distributor
1 Single-acting cylinder
2 Double-acting cylinder
2 5/2-way single solenoid valve
1 5/2-way double solenoid valve
1 Signal input, electrical
1 Proximity switch, capacitive
1 Proximity switch, optical
4 Proximity switch, inductive
Plastic tubing

 Prior to wiring and tubing:

Switch off power supply!
Switch off air supply at service unit!

 Establish the electrical and pneumatic connections.

16.2 Describing the control task in function chart to IEC 60848

 Create the program in function chart to IEC 60848

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 16

16.3 Declaration of the PLC program variables

 All variables are to be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration required for your PLC ap-
plication. These are: Designation, data type, address – only if directly
addressed variables are used – and variables comment.

The component parts of the declaration of variables in this exercise

section is represented in tabular form. If actual PLC systems are used,
the input and representation of the variables declaration is dependent on
the PLC programming system used.

16.4 Formulation of the PLC program in sequential function chart

 Design the sequence structure consisting of steps and transitions.
 Program the transition conditions directly into one of the languages
FBD, LD or ST.
 Formulate the actions associated with the steps directly as Boolean
 Create the step structure by mapping the steps onto a storage ele-
ment, if the sequential function chart is not supported by your PLC.

16.5 Testing and commisioning of the PLC program system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation:
Check the assembled circuit with the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation:
Switch on power supply using a standard voltage of 24 V DC!
Increase air supply on service unit to operating pressure (see data
sheet for pneumatic components)!
 Operation of the installation:
Keep clear of the operational parts of the installation!

 Load the program to the PLC.

 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document your solution.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 16

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 16


16.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the

Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the input and output
addresses available for your PLC.

+24V Circuit diagram, electrical




© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 16

Configure the control system.

Circuit diagram,

1B1 1B2 2B1 2B2

1A1 2A1 3A1 3B1 3B2

1V1 4 2 2V1 4 2 3V1 4 2

1Y1 1Y2 2Y1 3Y1

5 3 5 3 5 3
1 1 1

16.2 Describe the control task in function chart to IEC 60848

Create the program in function chart to IEC 60848.

Question 1:
What is the sorting criteria according to which the packages are evaluat-

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 16


Question 2:
How do you ensure that just one sequence step is selected during pro-
gram execution?

16.3 Declaration of the PLC program variables

Declare the variables reqired in your PLC program:

Designation Data type Address Comment Declaration of variables

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 16

16.4 Formulate the PLC program in sequential function chart

PLC program
in sequential function chart

Specify the transition condition, which is always true. Why are such tran-
sition conditions formulated?

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 17

Programmable logic controllers Subject

Stamping device with counter Title

Counting cycles

 To be able to realise counting cycles by means of using the standard Training aim
function modules CTU or CTD

Counting cycles form part of the basic operations of a PLC. EN 61131-3 Technical knowledge
(IEC 61131-3) defines the three standard function blocks CTU (incre-
mental counter), CTD (decremental counter) and CTUD (incremen-
tal/decremental counter) for the realisation of these operations.

Function block CTU, incremental counter

Function block CTU (Fig. A17.1) realises an incremental counter. Its
interface is defined by means of three input and two output parameters.

Fig. A17.1:
Function block CTU

The characteristic behaviour of an incremental counter is as follows:

 A 1-signal at reset input R sets the current counter status CV at 0.
 Thereafter, the value CV of the counter is increased by 1 with each
rising edge at input CU.
 A 1-signal applies at output Q as soon as the current value CV is
equal or greater than the preselect value PV. Output Q carries a 0-
signal as long as current counter status CV is less than the preselect
value PV.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 17

Function block CTD, Decremental counter

Function block CTD (Fig. A17.2) being a decremental counter is coun-
terpart to function block CTU.

Fig. A17.2:
Function block CTD

The behaviour of a decremental counter is as follows:

 A 1-signal at the LD input sets the current counter status CV equal to
the preselect value PV.
 Each rising edge at the CD input decreases the current counter sta-
tus CV by 1.
 Output Q carries a 0-signal as long as the current counter status CV
is greater than 0. Only if the current value is less or equal to 0, does a
1-signal apply at output Q.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 17

Use of function block CTU in the individual programming lan-

The use of the function block is demonstrated on a small packaging
12 parts each are to be packed into one box. When a box has been Example
filled, another is made available. Each packaging cycle is triggered via a
memory M_init. The individual parts are detected by means of a sensor
B1. The status of the counter is mapped onto a memory M_new.

Table A17.1:
VAR Application of an
B1 AT %IX1.0 : BOOL; (* detects part to be packaged *) incremental counter
M_init AT %MX1.0 : BOOL; (* detects whether counter *)
(* needs to be initialised *)
M_new AT %MX1.1 : BOOL; (* detects whether new box *)
(* is required *)
CTU_1 : CTU; (* Incremental counter named *)
(* CTU_1 for counting cycle *)


Function block CTU_1,
connected with the current
B1 CU Q M_new
M_init R
12 PV CV


B1 M_new
M_init Interconnection of function block
CTU_1 in the rung.

12 PV CV

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 17

Table A17.1
Application of an
incremental counte IL

CAL CTU_1 (CU := B1, R := M_init, PV := 12) Invocation of

function block
LD CTU_1.Q Reading of output Q of
ST M_new Storage of current results
to M_new


CTU_1 (CU := B1, R := M_init, PV := 12); Invocation of

function block
M_new := CTU_1.Q; Assignment of output Q of
CTU_1 to M_new

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 17

10 parts at a time are stamped on a machine. The program cycle is Problem description
started by means of a push button S1. The proximity switch B4 signals
"Part in magazine". A part is fed towards the machine by means of a
cylinder 1A1 and clamped. It is then stamped via cylinder 2A1, and sub-
sequently ejected by means of an ejecting cylinder 3A1.
The clamping cylinder 1A1 operates via a double solenoid valve with two
coils 1Y1 (clamping) and 1Y2 (unclamping). Cylinders 2A1 and 3A1 are
powered by spring-return solenoid valves with the coils 2Y1 and 3Y1.
The cylinder positions are monitored by means of the proximity switches
1B1 to 3B2.

Positional sketch




© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 17

Exercise definition 1. Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit
2. Describing the control task in function chart to IEC 60848.
3. Declaration of the program variables
4. Formulation of the program in sequential function chart
– Programming the transition conditions in one of languages FBD,
LD or ST
– Specifying the actions
5. Testing and commisioning of the PLC program system.

17.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the
 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.
 Assemble the required equipment on the slotted assembly board:

Components list Quantity Description

1 Programmable logic controller

1 Interconnecting cable for connection unit
1 Connection unit
1 Service unit
1 Manifold
1 Quick push-pull distributor
1 Single-acting cylinder
2 Double-acting cylinder
2 5/2-way single solenoid valve
1 5/2-way double solenoid valve
1 Signal input, electrical
1 Proximity switch, capacitive
1 Proximity switch, optical
1 Proximity switch, inductive
4 Proximity switch, inductive-magnetisch
Plastic tubing

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 17

 Prior to wiring and tubing:

Switch off power supply!
Switch off air suplp at service unit!

 Establish the electrical and pneumatic connections.

17.2 Describing the control task in function chart to IEC 60848

 Create the program in function chart to IEC 60848.

17.3 Declaration of the PLC program variables

 All variables are to be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration required for your PLC ap-
plication. These are: Designation, data type, address – only if directly
addressed variables are used – and variables comment.

The component parts of the declaration of variables in this exercise

section is represented in tabular form. If actual PLC systems are used,
the input and representation of the variables declaration is dependent on
the PLC programming system used.

17.4 Formulate the PLC program in sequential function chart

 Design the sequence structure consisting of steps and transitions.
 Program the transition conditions directly in one of the languages
FBD, LD or ST.
 Formulate the actions associated with the steps. For actions consist-
ing of more than once boolean variable, it is mandatory to input an
action name.
 Create the step structure by mapping the steps onto storage ele-
ments if the sequential function chart is not supported by your PLC.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 17

17.5 Testing and commisioning of the PLC program system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation:
Check the assembled circuit with the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation:
Switch on power supply using a standard voltage of 24 V DC!
Increase air supply on service unit to operating pressure (see data
sheet for pneumatic components)!
 Operation of the installation:
Keep clear of the operational parts of the installation!

 Load the program to the PLC.

 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document your solution.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 17


17.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the

Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the input and output
addresses available for your PLC.

+24V Circuit diagram, electrical




© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 17

Configure the control system.

Circuit diagram,

1B1 1B2 2B1 2B2

1A1 2A1 3A1 3B1 3B2

1V1 4 2 2V1 4 2 3V1 4 2

1Y1 1Y2 2Y1 3Y1

5 3 5 3 5 3
1 1 1

17.2 Describing the control task in function chart to IEC 60848

Create the program in function chart to IEC 60848.

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 17


17.3 Declaration of the PLC program variables

Declare the variables required in your PLC program:

Designation Data type Address Comment Declaration of variables

© Festo Didactic 093314

Exercise 17

17.4 Formulate the PLC program in sequential function chart

PLC program
in sequential function chart

When does the status of a counter change?

© Festo Didactic 093314

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