Avs+ofm Bypas - V1 - Gucci
Avs+ofm Bypas - V1 - Gucci
Avs+ofm Bypas - V1 - Gucci
I am writing this guide to help those who struggle with AVS + OFM.
everyone thinks that it is impossible to get past these systems but it is not, its much easier
than you think. It just needs 1 magic ingredient, patience. Patience is key here.
each account was aged the same with clean payment methods details etc, guess which
accounts were stronger, the self created ones. The bought accounts were locking with avs or
Let me begin with saying this is a very recent discovery that I have made and I will try my
best to make it make sense to you.
let’s start with looking at the origin of these accounts, where do they even come from?
Most of them are obtained using malware that steals cookies and login info from people’s
browsers. the accounts are then completely taken over by gaining control of the email
address so the owner cannot regain access to it anymore.
the accounts are then packaged together with the cookies and sold off to you as an aged
account. Now there are a few problems with this, and only recently they have been fine in
the past.
amazon has really increased their internal security measures and people don’t realize this,
the increase in AVS and OFM is not a coincidence, its because amazon have upped their
Looking at these accounts we can isolate a few issues that can lead to problems with avs /
after logging in with a new ip, adding a new payment method, new address the system can
detect that this is irregular in the accounts fingerprint. It can tell that it is not the same
person logging into this account that created it, again potential flag o the account.
once this is completed he can package the account in his control, ready to sell to you.
All of these actions are already enough to set off the amazon flagging system, not to mention
you don’t know what IP address / location they used so you cannot match it when you login.
The account is then sold to you who makes the final login, again with foreign details, and all
the points I made above from 1-5.
you then go and change all the details now for the second time, because of course you don’t
want the person you bought the account from to regain access to it.
This is a whole bunch of suspicious activity on the account before you have even made your
first order!
Now lets take all of the above information into consideration here.
you proceed to make your order on your newly bought aged account and the account gets
AVS for a 5 (£,€,$) purchase. Many of you have experienced this with total confusion, now
you know why the account was fucked before you even bought it.
You manage to get your orders through and you go for a refund, the account gets OFM after
the order is delivered or while the refund is being worked on. Again this is because the
account was previously flagged but it allowed you to make an order.
I don’t think this section needs much explanation after what we have just learnt above
The benefits of creating your own account outweigh the risks of buying an aged account that
has already been flagged, none of the issues we mentioned will exist if you do it correctly.
the account will be 1000% clean as a whistle, it is entirely up to you from that point to not
flag it with:
- A bad ip address?
- A flagged / already used payment method
- Bad address / billing + shipping
- Flagged email address / phone number
- Name Surname
Any piece of information you plug into the account must be 100% clean, never used before
do this and you will not have problems I assure you.
here is my recommendation:
We can create a bank account for you, Wise should do the job but there are other options if
you want something more specific. If you already have someone that can supply this then
great, just pick one up from them if not we can assist in this department.
Benefits on buying an account for your newly registered account:
- the bank account comes with a complete persons identity that you can use
(ID , BILLING ADRESS, DOCUMENTS, NAME, ETC) our accounts are not registered with fake
documents but we use real people to register them, they do this voluntarily for a small fee.
your only challenge at this point is finding a clean shipping address and you are good to go,
which brings us to the next section.
I honestly believe right now you do not need a reship with amazon
all the domains we do can be refunded with worldwide shipping, meaning you can ship it to
your country directly you don’t need that reship address.
- neighbors
- friends
- family
- work
- school
OK, so now you have a Brand new bank account, and clean Address you are ready to
create your account. Lets move onto that step.
For those of you that know how to use multilogin browsers such as antydolphin and proxies
here is the simple explanation:
Create a brand new profile with a strong residential proxy closest to your billing address not
shipping address, I suggest using market.bigmama.network/?invite=4CC8CP1 for good
put the proxy on auto renew and use that and only that for the profile, never ever change it.
If it is down and you cannot login, just wait until its back up don’t pull a new proxy.
before adding the proxy to your profile make sure its safe for use here
enter ip here
enter your ip adress and hit enter, make sure it has a fraud score of 0
Create your amazon account now using your new details, add your shipping, billing info etc
and buy amazon prime before you do anything.
this will be the first charge on the account to confirm the billing info and shipping info that
has been entered, do not ever change these, so make sure when you enter it its final.
Your new account is up and running now with a fresh bank account and never before used
card attached to it with a clean shipping adress, and it has successfully charged your card for
amazon prime.
- In another tab login to amazon prime video and start watching random shit, mute it and
you can let it play in the background. This replicates real user behavior and increase your
trust score against the fraud system>
do this as often as you can, sometimes don’t even log into amazon just go into prime video
and start watching something.
- make your first order for the 1 best selling book to your shipping adress let it deliver.
- continue now to order whatever it is you want, anything from 10-50 (£,€,$) (more the
better) bot do not exceed 100 yet
make about 5-10 orders like this ( 10 orders of 10-20 £,€,$ ) it’s a small investment of like
100-150 £,€,$ this is what you would pay for the aged account anyway, and buy things you
would actually use so its not a waste of money, things for your pets, things you need for your
work, car, school, whatever it is.
once your account has about 10-15 orders now you are ready to make your big purchase
(make sure the 10-15 orders are spread out between at least 2-3 weeks the longer and more
patient you are the better, like I said in the beginning the magic ingredient here is patience)
you cannot make 10 orders in 1 week then order 3k the next week it will just AVS.
- besides making orders logging into the account daily browsing around for random things,
adding them to basket, making wishlists, opening images on reviews, just using the account
like that daily will also generate healthy cookies and increase trust score.
small tip the item that you actually wanto refund, keep that in your Wishlist / cart save
for later .. so when you buy it the system will see it as something you were always going to
buy, something you always wanted.
Now 3-4 weeks later you are ready to buy your refunded items, just add them to cart
checkout you should have 0 issues, no OFM, no AVS 100% clean account.
I will teach you below how to use it, its very simple. Multilogin software incase you do not
know what it does just creates a virtual computer within your own computer that you can
use, that virtual computer will have totally spoofed and new identity to your own so amazon
has no way of linking the account to any other device.
this is important because if you just make a new account on your pc, phone that has already
logged into amazon the account will be flagged instantly and wont work.
this software spoofs everything and makes amazon think it’s a totally brand new computer
that has never been used before.
1. Download and install antydolphin + create an account (can use your real details for this no
problem) amazon wont have access to these
2. Lets set up and take you through antydolphin and how to use it
on login you will be presented with this screen, this is your dashboard where you can control
your profiles.
3. Lets go ahead and get a good IP adres that is the first step, cant do anything without a
good IP adress.
once you have loaded some credits on bigmoma and you are ready to rent an ip adress, go
ahead and apply your filters to get the correct ip for your billing adress. Country, city etc.
4. Head over to my proxies, and before anything we are going to test the quality of the
proxy. Check its fraud score to do this, on the very left hand side click the ip adress to copy it
and paste it into https:// www.ipqualityscore.com/free-ip-lookup-proxy-vpn-test
In this case, we got a proxy that is low risk and has a fraud score of 27
this is not bad but we wanto be 100% clean right, so lets find one that has a fraud score of 0
head back over to my proxies in big moma and refund this one
Refund this one and lets tr again from step 1, go back to shop filter country etc and add
another proy, test it again until you find one that is fraid score 0.
sometimes you are lucky and get it first time sometimes you need 10-15 minutes trying
again and again but you will get one.
also some countries are more burnt, like USA, GERMANY, FRANCE, but keep looking.
if you cannot find one in your city zip, take the next nearest location and search again.
make sure to turn on auto renew also or you lose the ip after 24hrs
you do not need to touch any other settings just click create profile on the top right now
now in the browser window that opens you can start creating your amazon account, login to
you email etc.
this profile runs off if the spoofed details and the ip address you assigned it, so whatever you
do on it has 0 trace to your actual computer.
when you are done just click stop and all the session info is saved, you wont need to login
again to your accounts in the profile everything is saved, when you start it again everything
will open up and load to the exact same pages you left it logged into.
never log out of your amazon account, just stop the profile when you are done.
if you still are stuck and need help with this part feel free to message me and I will help you.
note that now in this profile you can log into the bank account associated to the amazon
account, etc everything can be done here safely.
if you want to farm many accounts at once, just make multiple profiles.
- AVS / OFM is a patience game, farm your account patiently and you will have no issues,
people that come to me and say I ordered 3 orders and the following week made 3k order
and got avs don’t understand this. It is the number 1 important thing
once you start doing it becomes easier and easier, I warm up 10-20 accounts at a time and
hit them the following month, repeat and repeat.
- With your new bank account you will need to also give that some activity, add the vcc to
your uber, apple pay and use it for your lunch, coffees, whatever daily stuff, train ticket.
If you buy your account from me I will give you a free guide on how to load it using crypto.
- If you do get AVS and you bought the account from me, we can maybe unlock it as we have
the real documents. They will unlock it
- Apple items are higher security, iPhone 15 right now is the highest security item meaning
has the highest chance to trigger their verification systems.
if you are reading this and the latest iPhone is not the 15 anymore, same applies whatever
the latest iPhone is at the time of reading this, that is the highest security item.
so if you can di the iPhone 14 pro max instead of 15, still good resale.
- make sure you have enough money in your big momma account to keep your ip running for
the 3-4 weeks every day. Usually that is like $20-30
- after that account has been refunded you can use it legit but cannot use it for another
refund again
- add a profile picture in your amazon account, helps increase trust. Don’t add a stupid
anime picture, take a selfie of an actual person from google.
This has been proven to work, basically what you wanto do is the email address and name
associated to the amazon account.
create Linked In + Facebook account with it. Give same pp as amazon too
AVS actually has the ability to search for your digital identity in this way, and when it finds
these 2 hits a facebook + linked in it helps very much.
I hope this guide was helpful, I spent quite a bit of time and research to put this together for
I made this free out of my own passion for the community and I hope you guys can help
each other with it where you can, no more avs no more ofm.
I would appreciate your feedback too, and stop paying these random kids on telegram for
bullshit methods or bypass.
this is the final ofm / avs bypass guide there is nothing better.
if you need any refunds done or assistance with the guide you can reach me