Fped 07 00310
Fped 07 00310
Fped 07 00310
reported, while anti-phospholipid Ab and anti-cardiolipin test results were completely normalized in 2 months. The
Ab test results were negative. The pathological report of the patient’s condition remained stable during the last 3 years of
liver biopsy showed features of lobular hepatitis with marked outpatient clinic follow-up without relapse. No renal or central
lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, bridging and confluent necrosis, nervous system involvement of the SLE was noticed. However,
and prominent interface activity, which were compatible with after a 3-year course of treatment, remission of the AIH was
AIH (Figure 1). Albumin was infused for 3 days to correct not achieved (ANA titer, 1:80). The liver function test results
the hypoalbuminemia (1.92 g/dL). Antibiotic therapy with remained in the normal range (AST, 14 U/L; ALT, 7 U/L).
ceftazidime was administered in response to the positive blood Other rheumatic laboratory workups showed a normal complete
culture of Acinetobacter and the fever episodes gradually blood cell count, elevated ESR (40 mm/h), anti-ds DNA Ab
subsided. As the patient met the type I AIH and SLE Systemic (<40.5 WHO unit/mL), normal complement levels (C3 120.0
Lupus Collaborating Clinics (SLICC) diagnostic criteria (1), and C4 15.5 mg/dL). Abdominal sonography showed no evidence
intravenous methylprednisolone 40 mg Q12H was administered of liver fibrosis or cirrhosis. Her maintenance medication
and then tapered according to the liver function test results included prednisolone 5 mg QOD, azathioprine 50 mg QOD, and
and bilirubin level, followed by oral prednisolone 50 mg/day. hydroxychloroquine 200 mg QOD.
Follow-up lab data after a 5-day-course of methylprednisolone
showed improved liver enzymes (AST, 160 U/L; ALT, 226 U/L); DISCUSSION
serum IgG (2,990 mg/dL); total bilirubin, 6.3 mg/dL (direct
bilirubin, 3.96 mg/dL); and anti-dsDNA Ab level (201.3 WHO Once a patient meets the newest SLICC criteria (1) for SLE and
unit/mL). She was discharged with satisfactory clinical remission. International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group scoring for AIH,
The steroid-sparing agent, hydroxychloroquine 200 mg QD AIH–SLE overlap syndrome should be considered. According to
was administered to treat SLE since the first pediatric rheumatic the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases practice
outpatient clinic follow-up. Over 2 months, moon face developed guidelines, a revised original scoring system of the International
and her body weight increased from 55 to 66 kg, and another Autoimmune Hepatitis Group for the diagnosis of AIH was
steroid-sparing agent azathioprine 50 mg/day was administered established (5, 7). In our case, AIH was diagnosed based on the
after 6 weeks of steroid treatment in parallel with the decreasing aggregate scores including female sex (+2), ALP:AST (or ALT)
ESR and remission of the facial malar rash. The prednisolone ratio < 1.5 (136:931 or 136:507) (+2), elevated serum globulin
was gradually decreased to a maintenance dose of 5 mg/day or IgG (> 2.0×) (+3), ANA, SMA (anti-SM Ab) or liver kidney
in 3 months. An 80% reduction in transaminase levels was microsome type 1 > 1:80 (+3), negative hepatitis viral markers
achieved by 4 weeks of treatment, while the liver function (+3), negative drug history (+1), average alcohol intake <25
FIGURE 1 | Pathological findings of the liver biopsy showed marked lymphoplasmocytic infiltration (LPI), bridging necrosis (BN) and confluent necrosis (CN), and
prominent interface activity (IH), findings compatible with autoimmune hepatitis.
g/day (+2), and histological features of interface hepatitis (+3). nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, hepatic arteritis, and nodular
The pre-treatment aggregate score was 19 total points, which regenerative hyperplasia (20, 21). However, AIH is an
indicated a definite diagnosis, and 21 total points for the post- autoimmune disease with liver inflammation whose exact
treatment aggregate score (+2) because of complete treatment cause remains unclear.
response). According to serology, AIH is further subdivided into Lupus hepatitis and AIH–SLE overlap syndrome have not
2 types: type 1 positive for anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) and/or been clearly differentiated due to similarities in their clinical
antismooth muscle antibody (SMA), while AIH-2 is positive for and biochemical features; however, this is important since their
antiliver kidney microsomal antibody type 1 (anti-LKM1) and/or complications and therapies differ. Compared to hepatitis in the
anti-liver cytosol type 1 (anti-LC1) (8, 9). setting of SLE, AIH–SLE overlap syndrome has a more aggressive
Classification as having SLE by the SLICC criteria (1) requires histological pattern and untreated AIH has a poor prognosis
that a patient satisfy at least 4 of 17 criteria, including at least 1 (5-year survival rate, 50%; 10-year survival rate, 10%). High-dose
of the 11 clinical criteria and one of the six immunologic criteria, prednisone (1–2 mg/kg daily) is administered for up to 2 weeks to
or biopsy-proven lupus nephritis in the presence of antinuclear treat AIH-SLE overlap syndrome, while lupus hepatitis is treated
antibodies (ANA) or anti-double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, and
antibodies. Our patient met 4 criteria of the SLICC criteria immunomodulators (3, 22).
for SLE proposed in 2012 by the Systemic Lupus Collaborating Due to its numerous similarities with lupus hepatitis, AIH was
Clinics (1), including acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus, previously called lupoid hepatitis, while histological examination
positive ANA titer, positive anti-dsDNA Ab on 2 occasions, of the liver shows specific changes in AIH. In AIH, the typical
and low complement level (C3, C4, or CH50). Therefore, the histological feature of AIH is interface hepatitis, characterized
diagnosis of AIH–SLE overlap syndrome was established. by a dense inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes
The therapeutic management of SLE is highly individualized and plasma cells, which crosses the limiting plate and invades
and is based on clinical condition, including predominant disease the surrounding parenchyma (9). Other common histological
manifestations, disease activity and severity, organ involvement, finding include panlobular hepatitis with bridging necrosis
and previous treatment response. Among patients with SLE (9). Some features may also suggest the diagnosis of AIH is
with any degree and type of disease activity, administration emperipolesis and liver cell rosette formation (9, 18). These
of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine was suggested, unless features appear in AIH but not lupus hepatitis. In contrast to
these agents are contraindicated (10, 11). The benefits of AIH, lupus hepatitis presents as lobular hepatitis, atrophy and
hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine in SLE include relief of necrosis of the central hepatic cells, fatty infiltration, and an
musculoskeletal manifestations, constitutional symptoms, and inflammatory infiltrate consisting mainly of lymphocytes. Lupus
mucocutaneous manifestations (10). Also, hydroxychloroquine is hepatitis patients frequently have a positive test for ribosomal
steroid-sparing agent. Additional therapy, such as non-steroidal P antibody (21, 23), and there appears to be an association of
anti-inflammatory drugs, or glucocorticoids, is based upon the antiribosomal P antibody and lupus hepatitis (24). In short, AIH
severity of disease and the combination of manifestations. has a more aggressive histological pattern than the majority of
Overlap syndrome was usually used in the context of cases of hepatitis in SLE (25). The liver biopsy in our case revealed
overlap of autoimmune hepatitis with primary sclerosing prominent interface activity, acute lobular hepatitis with bridging
cholangitis (PSC) or primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), also called and confluent necrosis, and an inflammatory infiltrate consisting
autoimmune sclerosing cholangitis (ASC). Although the case of lymphocytes and few plasma cells, which support the diagnosis
number is few, overlapping case of SLE and AIH has been of AIH.
occasionally diagnosed and reported (12, 13). Pediatric sclerosing AIH–SLE overlap syndrome reportedly responds rapidly
cholangitis also has autoimmune features similar to AIH type 1, to steroid therapy and has a generally good prognosis (6).
and the differential diagnosis depends on cholangiography (8). However, there have been no randomized controlled treatment
The co-occurrence of AIH and SLE is rare, especially in the trials in children with AIH, and very few reports have
pediatric population (3, 14). The reveal prevalence of overlapping documented the efficacy of regimens similar to those used
SLE and AIH still remained unknown. Balbi et al. (15) reported in adults (5). For children, prednisone is the preferred
in multicenter cohort study that AIH in pediatric SLE patients regimen and usually administered initially at a dose of 1–2
confirmed by biopsy was observed in 7/847 (0.8%) and all were mg/kg daily (maximum 60 mg daily), but tapering schedules
diagnosed during adolescence. The majority occurred before or vary. Moreover, the early administration of azathioprine (1–2
at SLE diagnosis [5/7 (71%)]. Irving et al. (16) reported incidence mg/kg daily) or 6-mercaptopurine (1.5 mg/kg daily) for
of AIH is 11.6% (42.1% of the patients with GIS involvement), all children without contraindications is also recommended
and the incidence of AIH was significantly higher in children because of the significant deleterious side effects of long-term
than adults (9.8 vs. 1.3%; p < 0.001). A case series and review intermediate- or high-dose corticosteroid therapy on linear
of the literature by Beisel et al summarized previous cases of growth, bone development, and physical appearance (5). In 2016,
overlap syndrome (17). All of the pediatric cases reported to date Czaja presented new treatment guidelines for AIH in which
including ours are summarized in Table 1. prednisone or a combination of prednisolone and azathioprine
SLE patients have a 25–50% chance of developing abnormal is the mainstay of therapy (4). Mieli-Vergani (8) reported
liver test function in their lifetime, and the most common in 2018 that the conventional treatment of AIH consists of
causes include hepatotoxic drug use, coincident viral hepatitis, prednisolone, and the timing for the addition of azathioprine
Mackay et al. (18) 16 F Failure to thrive, jaundice, non-erosive Cortisone Not reported Progression
arthritis, oral aphthous lesions
Usta et al. (3) 12 F Jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, Prednisolone 3 years Stationary
polyarthralgia, malaise, arthritis, Hydroxychloroquine
butterfly-type facial erythema Chloroquine
Deen et al. (19) 13 M Articular involvement, cardiopulmonary Prednisolone Not reported Remission
involvement Azathioprine
13 F Splenomegaly, articular involvement Prednisolone Not reported Remission
17 F Jaundice, ascites, cutaneous involvement, Prednisolone Not reported Remission
proteinuria > 0.5 g/day, cardiopulmonary Azathioprine
involvement Chloroquine
11 F Jaundice, cutaneous involvement, articular Prednisolone Not reported Remission
involvement, proteinuria > 0.5 g/day, Azathioprine
cardiopulmonary involvement Chloroquine
Lai et al. (2015) 16 F Jaundice, cholestatic hepatitis, malaise, Prednisolone 3 years Remission
butterfly-type facial erythema Azathioprine
Battagliotti et al. (13) 16 F Jaundice, renal and articular involvement, Prednisolone 2 years Remission
butterfly-type facial erythema Mycophenolate mofetil
as a steroid-sparing agent varies according to the protocol with good response to immunosuppressive treatment and
used in the different centers. Approximately, 85% of the good prognosis of AIH. Since the case number is still few,
patients eventually require the addition of azathioprine despite further discussion should be done if more cases reported in
using which kind of protocol. Budesonide, mycophenolate the future.
mofetil, and calcineurin inhibitors can also be considered in
selected patients as frontline or salvage therapies. Our patient
responded very well to corticosteroid therapy (initial dose, CONCLUSION
1 mg/kg/day), and the initial intravenous methylprednisolone
40 mg Q12H for 4 days was soon tapered to oral prednisone For children with SLE and impaired liver function, screening
1 mg/kg/day. for AIH should be considered because these two can occur
Martínez Casas et al. (26) reported that adult patients with together as overlap syndrome. Vice versa, Overlapping
AIH-PBC had greater progression to cirrhosis (22.2 vs. 13.1%, of SLE and AIH should be suspected when AIH patients
p = 0.038), even in those who achieved partial or complete present with a malar or other skin rash. Liver biopsy plays
biochemical remission without relapse. Also these adult patients an important role in establishing the differential diagnosis
had greater indication of orthotopic liver transplantation (p = of SLE with liver impairment or overlap with AIH. The
0.009), but no differences in mortality. However, Rodrigues et al. prompt diagnosis and adjustment of further treatment
(27) reported statistically significant difference of prognosis and plans can improve disease outcomes and prevent liver
response to treatment was observed between the pediatric AIH disease progression.
and ASC groups.
According to previous studies of overlap syndrome, disease
relapse is common, and long-term low-dose prednisone or ETHICS STATEMENT
azathioprine therapy remains the treatment of choice after
multiple relapses (3). After previous relapse and retreatment, This patient and her parents provided all of the clinical
28% of patients can achieve a treatment-free state (28). Only and laboratory information and samples and agreed to the
a small minority of patients will progress to cirrhosis and case publication.
require liver transplantation. Despite the disease severity at
presentation, the response to corticosteroids with or without
azathioprine is generally excellent in children (3, 5). However, CONSENT TO PUBLISH
there seems to be a non–relapsing association in the case
reports of AIH-SLE overlapping in the recent years. Sönmez Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for
et al. (12) reported 8 pediatric SLE-AIH overlapping patients publication of this case report and any accompanying images.