Fertility Foodie Updated
Fertility Foodie Updated
Fertility Foodie Updated
Some foods have other properties that can help with even more specific issues. Your acupuncturist will help
diagnose your condition and decide which foods will best eliminate your problems.
Cook your food whenever possible to avoid using too much energy on digestion. Regardless of your
condition, remember: Avoiding foods that aggravate your condition is just as important as eating beneficial
foods. Taking care of your digestion throughout the treatment process will accelerate your progress and
benefit your fertility!
Excess heat in the body can cause inflammation and irritation. We become “hot” in several ways. Hot
pathogens, eating too many heating foods, over-activity, or a hot environment all strain our system. Cooling,
or expelling, heat is the best form of treatment. If you have too much heat, we recommended avoiding foods
with heating properties and using cooling foods in your diet.
Too much cold in the body causes contraction, obstructs blood flow and energy, and inhibits our movement.
Cold comes from the environment, viruses, inactivity, or eating too many cooling foods. We treat excess cold
through physical activity, adding foods with warming properties, and using warming methods of food
preparation. Warming foods literally warm the body in a nourishing way that encourages movement.
Dampness forms when we fail to transform or burn off moisture. Almost always associated with a weak
spleen, kidney, or lung, dampness makes us feel heavy or tired and inhibits our ability to function. This often
results in poor digestion, aching limbs, swelling, and lethargy. It is caused by sedentary lifestyles, overeating,
poorly combining foods, damp conditions, or pathogens. We treat dampness by reducing phlegm-forming
foods and avoid too much raw, cold, or sweet foods.
Qi (pronounced chee) is often described as the energy or life force in every living being. When qi moves easily
without blockages, our bodies can flow and function easier. When qi is blocked, organ function is impaired
as the qi tries to find other means to move and escape. The primary organ involved is the liver, which also
processes hormones. A qi blockage is a lot like a traffic jam in a certain part of your body. PMS is a form of
qi stagnation where your body cannot efficiently process hormones through the liver.
STASIS (Clotting)
Much like the idea behind PMS, stasis implies a lack of movement. When stasis occurs, the area of
stagnation is stickier and more coagulated, hence clotting. Where stagnation is like a traffic jam, stasis is like
a roadblock where there is no movement at all. We treat clotting similar to the treatment for PMS.
Texas Center for Reproductive Acupuncture
All of our patients should be building a foundation for fertility by eating these foods:
Almonds Congee Leafy Greens Mushrooms
Beef Dates Lentils Squash
Cherries Eggs Quinoa Trout
Chicken Figs Brown Rice Salmon
Chickpea Grapes Sweet Yams
Food Tips:
The foods we’ve listed in this handout are just examples to get you started, not comprehensive lists. If
you have a question about what property a food has, ask us!
Cook your food whenever you can. This helps your body process your meal without having to expend as
much energy on warming and digesting your food.
Buy whole foods with as few ingredients in them as possible. They’ll be easier for your body to process
and will probably taste better anyways!
Shop on the outside of the grocery store and avoid the aisles. All the fresh stuff is around the edge of the
store, while aisles typically have processed, packaged foods with fewer nutrients.
Eat foods appropriate for your condition, based on what you and your acupuncturist have discussed.
Have questions about your diagnosis or need help planning your meals? Never hesitate to contact us!
512.302.5600 or admin@texasfertilityacupuncture.com