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Irfina Wahyuni
KATA PENGANTAR............................................................................................................. 2
A. Kesimpulan ...................................................................................................................... 12
B. Saran ................................................................................................................................ 12
Critical Journal Review (CJR) sangat penting buat kalangan pendidikan terutama buat
mahasiswa maupun mahasiswi karena dengan mengkritik suatu jurnal maka mahasiswa/i ataupun
si pengkritik dapat membandingkan dua jurnal dengan tema yang sama, dapat melihat mana
jurnal yang perlu diperbaiki dan mana jurnal yang sudah baik untuk digunakan berdasarkan dari
penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh penulis jurnal tersebut, setelah dapat mengkritik jurnal maka
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C. Manfaat CJR
Dari kajian yang telah dilakukan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi semua
pembaca khusunya mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan tata riasuntuk mengetahui tentang sebuah
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D. Identitas journal yang diriview
Nama Juornal : The Adaptation Differences in Terms of Gender on Students in Ulumul Qur'an
Stabat Islamic Boarding School
Penulis : Windaniati
Vol dan Hal : Vol. 32 Nomor 1
Abstract This research aims to adjustment see the difference self in terms of gender performed
by students of boarding schools, where good adaptability are in case there is no excess, no
emotional obtained psychological mechanism, a feeling of frustrated personal, ability to learn,
the utilization of the experience of the past, realistic and objective stance and rational
considerations and direct self. Where the subject of the research is male and female students
Class VII MTs ulumul qur'an Stabat that add up to 60 students using simple random sampling
technique. Measuring instrument used is liket scale consisting of 64 item and after do try out at
40 students, a valid item becomes 55 item. Based on the data analysis noted that: there is a
significant difference in adaptability on student boarding schools in terms of gender, the results
of data analysis with the correlation of the T-Test revealed differences with the coefficient of
T-Test, F = 1,377 with P = 0000 < 0050. It is declared that the adaptability of male students is
higher than female students. Females students having adaptability which are with the empirical
mean 145.17 and hypothetic 137.5. Based on the analysis of the data, then the hypothesis
presented in this research were declared admissible, namely distinction adaptability according
to the gender in which conformity to higher male than female.
I. Introduction An individual is not born in a condition capable of adjusting or unable to
adjust, Harton & Sunarto (in Safura & Supriantini, 2006). Many individuals who suffer
and feel unable to achieve happiness in their lives, because of their inability to adapt
well in family life, school, work, and in society in general, Mu'taadin (in Safura &
Supriantini, 2006). The problem of adjustment in schools can arise when children enter
a new school level, such as junior high school, Hartono & Sunarto (in Safura &
Supriantini, 2006). At the junior high school (SMP) students are at the stage of
adolescent development, precisely the early adolescents namely those aged 12 to 15
years, Monks (in Safura & Supriantini, 2006). At this time difficult developmental tasks
for students are those related to social adjustment, Hurlock (in Safura & Supriantini,
2006). In this social adjustment also requires the ability of individuals to follow these
changes or also called personal adjustment, Mappiare (in Safura & Supriantini, 2006).
In Bernard (in Safura & Supriantini, 2006), there are three problems related to
adaptation in schools, namely with peer groups, conformity with teachers, and
adjustment with parents, teachers and students.
II. Review of Literature 2.1 The Definition of Students According to the Indonesian
Dictionary (KBBI), students are students at the academy. According to a pedagogical
perspective, students are a type of creature that grants education, in the sense that
students are called 'homo educandum' creatures. Students or students are the core
components in educational activities, students or students as the main problem in
educational interactions. According to Hamalik (2010) students are unique individuals
who have physical, psychological, and intellectual readiness and abilities that are
different from each other, as well as only in the process of activating behavior and
learning processes, are following or adjusting to all activities and demands made by the
teacher. According to Khan (in Patrecia, 2013) understanding students are students who
come to an institution to acquire or learn science at any age, from anywhere, anyone, in
any form, at any cost to improve their intellect and morals in order to develop and
cleanse their souls and following the path of kindness.
III. Result and Discussion This research was conducted on male and female students who
attend the Islamic boarding school in Ulumul Qur’an Stabat. The address is K.H.Wahid
Hasyim. No.3 Kwala Bingai, Stabat. This boarding schools consists of Madrasah
Alliyah (MA) level and Madrasah Tassanawiyah (MTs) levels. With Madrasah
Tsanawiyah led by Mr. Rusman.S.Ag. The total number of class VII students who are
in MTs ulumul Qur’an Stabat is 126 students. At the time of the research the subject of
this research were students of class VII MTs ulumul Qur'an Stabat consisting of 26
students VII-1, 27 students VII-2, 25 students VII-3, 22 students VII-4 and 26 students
VII- 5.
IV. V. Conclusion There is a significant difference in adjustment between male and female
in the Islamic Boarding School of Ulumul Qur’an Stabat Islamic Boarding School,
where T score= 9,411; sig = 0,000 which turns out to prove that there are significant
differences in adjustment between male and female. Thus, the hypothesis that there is a
difference in adjustment between male and female, is accepted. In this case it is stated
that Islamic boarding school of male students have a high adjustment with an empirical
mean of 169.73 and a hypothetical mean of 137.5. Islamic boarding school of female
students have low adjustment with an empirical mean of 145.17 with a hypothetical
mean of 137.5
Abstract. SMK Negeri 7 Semarang has 64 classes consist of 9 departments. The transition
period of learning system from SMP to SMK creates various students’ adaptation ability.
Based on the psychological scales, there were 7 of 36 students (20%) of Class X TKR 1
who had low or less adaptation ability. The objectives of this reaserach are: (1). to know
the effectivity of the Cognitive Restructuring Technique in increasing students’ adaptation
ability of Class X TKR 1 SMK Negeri 7 Semarang; (2). To know the significancy of the
increasing of the students’ adaptation ability through Cognitive Restructuring Technique
for students of Class X TKR 1 SMK Negeri 7 Semarang. This is a Guidance Counseling
Action Research. The subjects were 10 students of Class TKR 1. Data were collected
through observation, psychological scales, and interviews. The quantitative and qualitative
data were analized descriptively and comparatively, by comparing the conditions in
precycle, cycle 1, and cycle 2. The result showed that (1). based on the observation, the
indicator of adaptation and good category of restructuring cognitive in cycle 1 increased
62%, from 15% to 77%, subjects with enough category decreased from 56% to 18%,
whereas subjects with less category decreased from 29% in cycle 1 to 5% in cycle 2; (2).
based on the measurement of adaptation ability through psychological scales of
adaptation, high category of adaptation increased from)% in precycle and cycle 1 to 50%
in cycle 2, medium category increased from 30% in precycle to 80% in cycle 1, and
decreased to 50% in cycle 2. The decreasing happened because in cycle 2 there were some
subjects belonged to the high category. Subjects in less category were 50%, they
decreased to 20% in cycle 1 and 0% in cycle 2. Subjects in low category were 20% in
precycle, and they decreased to in cycle 1; (3). the average scores of the students’
adaptsation ability increased 26.40% from the early condition to cycle 1.Students’
adaption ability increased 11.65% from cycle 1 to cycle 2 after the imrpovement in cycle
2. Thus, in average, the subjects in this research could increased to 41.12%. Restructuring
Cognitive could increase the students’ peer relations and productivity and could decrease
students’ dependency, hostility, and withdrawal.
A. Perbandingan jurnal
2. Bahasa yang digunakan Bahasa yang digunakan pada Sedangakan bahasa yang
jurnal utama memiliki bahasa digunakn pada jurnal
yang logis dan mudah di pahami. pembanding sama dengan
jurnal utama yaitu
menggunakan bahasa yang
mudah di mengerti atau
mudah dipahami.
Kedua jurnal tersebut sama-sama bagus. Kelebihan dan kekurangannya sulit ditemukan. Namun
menurut saya jurnal utama mempunyai kelebihan yaitu menampilkan beberapa gambar. Namun
jurnal kedua memiliki kelebihan yang sama” dilengkapi dengan materi yang luas mengenai
penjelasan mata kuliah PPD dan pembaca dapat tertarik membaca dengan melihat beberapa
penyesuaian diri adalah suatu proses yang mencakup respon mental dan tingkah laku, dimana
individu berusaha untuk dapat berhasil mengatasi kebutuhan-kebutuhan di dalam dirinya,
ketegangan-ketegangan, konflik-konflik, dan frustasi yang dialaminya. Individu yang mampu
menyesuaikan diri dengan baik adalah individu yang dapat mempersepsikan diri sendiri secara apa
adanya sesuai dengan realitas. Individu seperti ini mampu merumuskan tujuan hidup yang
realistis, yaitu yang sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kesempatan yang ada dalam lingkungan
Saya menyadari bahwa kajian review yang telah saya lakukan ini tidak terlepas dari
kekurangan, seperti halnya pepatah yang mengatakan, “tak ada gading yang tak retak, tak ada
satupun manusia yang sempurna.” maka saran dan kritik yang bersifat membangun dari pembaca
sangat saya harapkan sehingga dapat dijadikan bahan evaluasi untuk kedepannya lebih baik.
Akhirnya, semoga kajian ini memberikan manfaat bagi pembaca dalam menambah wawasan
dalam keilmuan tentang pengkajian sebuah jurnal. Amin.
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