Capacity Building Roundtable Workplan
Capacity Building Roundtable Workplan
Capacity Building Roundtable Workplan
“Para. 33. […] Achieving real and sustained progress in the various dimensions of digitalization requires skills development and effective training, in particular in
developing countries …” Report of the Secretary General (A/74/821) on Roadmap for Digital Cooperation
(Ver. 29 March 2021, Continually updated)
Lead Multi- Methodology
Entities (Implementing Supporting
Key Actions Outputs / Deliverables / Activities Time-line of Actions Success criteria stakeholder (Cost of
/Organi Forum/Platfor Secretariat
Partners implementing
zations m)
Key Action 1 1.1 Expand mapping and analysis of April 2021: - Point-in-time ITU, TBD – - Using existing Initial survey: USG & Special
digital capacity development current UNDP landscape will UNDP and ITU https://www.s Advisor to SG
Expand mapping of - Expand number of
initiatives and needs landscape of leverage resources urveymonkey.c on Digital
existing digital survey respondents by
digital capacity existing om/r/78RZM2 Cooperation,
capacity direct solicitation,
1.2 Provide a report (format tbd) that development research on G together with
development starting with suggested
lays out the landscape of initiatives topic UNDP & ITU
initiatives contacts identified by Related
providers of digital capacity identified
(undertaken by first round of survey visualization/re
development at various levels (in/outside of UN
UNDP and ITU) respondents (Sept. sults analysis
(national, regional, international) system)
2020) method to be
and insights on identified needs determined.
for policymakers, enterprises, and - Short-term progress - Analysis
conducted on Existing
individuals. update, in Jan. 2021
the survey platforms such
results, which as DIAL online
- Final submission in April catalog will be
are made public
2021 considered
(format tbd)
Key Action 2 2.1 Launch a broad cross-sector Dec. 2021: - Participation by USG’s Potential (TBD) Existing USG & Special
multi-stakeholder network existing capacity Office, members of platforms will Advisor to SG
Launch a broad - While the mapping
(MSN) for digital capacity development ITU, the MSN: be considered on Digital
multi-stakeholder exercise is underway
development with ToR and initial providers UNDP CUTS Int., Cooperation,
network to (Key Action 1), convene
membership DIAL, ILO, ITC, together with
promote holistic, initial consultations to
- No. of successful UNCTAD, ITU and
inclusive discuss scope and TORs
2.2 Develop a ‘clearing-house- matching cases UNESCO, UN UNDP
approaches to and identify initial
function’ operating through the Habitat
digital capacity members of the multi-
network to connect requests for - Positive feedback
development for stakeholder network,
support to potential providers of from Member
sustainable Oct. 2020– March 2021
capacity development for States and
development, - Using insights from the
guidance, funding and advice stakeholders
including a new survey/mapping
joint facility for (e.g. on digital readiness, needs exercise, develop an
assessments, digital strategy - Setting up the
digital capacity open-ended transparent
support, digital literacy and Joint Facility for
development led record / tracking
technical skills training, etc.) capacity
by ITU and UNDP mechanism of existing
capacity development
2.3 ITU and UNDP to launch, partnering with
together, a “Joint facility for existing
- Building on the mapping
digital capacity development” initiatives
exercise, refine, then
with ToR and an online presence, agree on TORs, including
as a key contributor to the multi- the clearing-house
stakeholder network and its function for the multi-
clearing-house function. stakeholder network, in
2021, and launch the
network by Dec. 2021
- In complement to the
above actions, ITU and
UNDP to consult and
develop ToR for the
Joint Facility with the
aim to launch the facility
by April 2021.
Lead Multi- Methodology
Entities (Implementing Supporting
Key Actions Outputs / Deliverables / Activities Time-line of Actions Success criteria stakeholder (Cost of
/Organi Forum/Platfor Secretariat
Partners implementing
zations m)
Key Action 3 3.1 Presence on the ground to enhance Dec. 2021: - Mapping of ITU, TBD - TBD TBD USG & Special
support to national capacity existing in- UNDP, Advisor to SG
Strengthen - Present mapping of
building efforts and amplify country UN UNV on Digital
capacity building existing (UN) presence
country-level support while presence to Cooperation,
support, at the and in-country focal
strengthening the digital capacity support digital together with
country level, in points in Jan. 2020
building community technology UNV
particular in areas - Compile available UN
3.2 UN Country Team, through their - Integration of
such as increasing services, focusing on
resident coordinators to serve as in- UNV programme
Internet digital capacity building
country focal points on digital into GIGA as a
connectivity and in Feb. 2020
cooperation pilot for UN
growing digital - Launch possible pilot
3.3 “UN Digital Services Corps” - UN Digital Service
economies with UNV supporting
actors to work with local young Corps
professionals in supporting rural- - Creation and
- Develop scope for the
centric initiatives, possibly through deployment of
broader “Digital Service
the UN Volunteers (UNV) the UN Digital
Corps” programme -
programme. Promote more use of Service Corps
ToRs (e.g. mission,
emerging technologies to provide, - No. of success
monitor and finance internet stories or
community task)
connectivity solutions that fit
- Launch the UN Digital
- Testbed: integration of UN Digital country needs
Service Corps by end
Service Corps (UNV) in GIGA for capacity