Beginning Teacher Appraisal
Beginning Teacher Appraisal
Beginning Teacher Appraisal
Objective: To identify and assess performance on critical areas of teaching that should result in
optimal learning for all Students.
Preamble: The appraisal is aimed at enabling the Teacher to do self-evaluation and position his
or her performance on a continuous path of excellence, evidenced by optimum school outcomes.
Assessment is organized into six (6) Guiding Principles
A system of professional credits is used to add value to the outcomes of the appraisal, leading to
professional growth and excellence.
2. A maximum of 100 professional credits can be obtained.
3. Teacher must score at least 75% of credits in each Guiding Principle in order to be
appraised as ‘Proficient’
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
teach the problems. Used ICT facilities for 4
subject(s) for meaningful engagement of
which he or 2.2 Ensure interactive Students in learning activities
she is teaching and learning Showed visual representation 4
responsible environments of groupings and other
collaborative / interactive
2.3 Engage in reflective techniques employed in the
thinking and action teaching and learning
research process.
Interpreted and paced 6
2.4 Uses language curriculum to meet Students’
appropriately and learning needs
effectively in classroom Showed (Audio/Visual 4
communication representation) projects /
activities undertaken to
improve knowledge of
subject areas
Sources: Classroom
observation, Mentorship/
Principal report, student
assessment, Copies of
assessment plans (diagnostic)
implemented to establish and
meet Students’ performance
targets; records of student
assessment to advance
Students’ learning; class
Section credits 23
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
educational needs) that strategies to meet the diverse
impact student learning needs of Students-enabled
3.3 Knowledge of the learning for all Students,
principles of inclusive including those with
education and their exceptional needs
applications. Created opportunities for 3
3.4 Knowledge of different Students to develop self-
learning styles and discipline and leadership
approaches of Students qualities- developed positive
3.5 Knows and understands values and attitudes among
Students’ skills, interests children
and previous learning Developed and used 3
and the effect of these diagnostic assessment
on learning approaches, kept student
3.6 Knows of gender records and undertook
differences with an comparative analyses
emphasis on how boys showing growth and progress
learn and develop of individual Students.
3.7 Manages classroom Demonstrated how Students’ 3
behaviour to enable learning was reinforced
learning. through integrating and
3.8 Assures and maintains a correlating teaching across
safe physical and subject areas
psychological Worked with Students to 3
environment prepare individualized work
plans as grade appropriate
Had classroom rules and 2
procedures that were known
to and understood by
8. Developed strategies to 3
motivate all Students to
learn.- managed to achieve
equity in high performance of
girls and boys
Sources: Incentive
Programme / rewards system;
Samples of critical incident
reports (log books, register,
memorandums, meeting
minutes and any
document/record that
indicates an incident), lesson
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
plans, workplans, Students
assessment records,
Section credits 23
4. Demonstrated continuous 14
professional development
GP #4 4.1 Rigorously assesses 1. Showed personal 3
Teacher ones’ performance in assessment records. Had joint
sharpens his the teaching and teaching and learning projects
or her learning process, with peers – eg. Action
professional collaborates with peers research
skills to critically examine 2. Participated in 3
ones’ teaching and development workshops,
learning performance, professional development
creates a personal plan days’ activities, and QEC
for improvement and activities
shares successful 3. Actively involved in core 2
practices with peers. curricular activities
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
interest to the learner community
5.2 Engage community activities/projects, e.g
members to build trust, national celebrations.
to foster open 3. Actively participated in 3
communication and to parents’ day and parent
work collaboratively Teachers meetings
with parents to benefit Sources: signed document
Students’ achievement acknowledging and verifying
level receipt of documents sent
5.3 Engage parents and home by Teacher, invitations
community in to meetings, functions.,
promoting values and community project work, etc.
attitudes that are
consistent with national
educational goals
5.4 Put professional
responsibility in the
forefront in face of
challenges involving
the community
Section credits 9
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
Sources: Mentor’s report,
peer assessment, guidance
counsellors, student report
and any other relevant
records, a reference letter
from the Principal/VP or
HOD. Teacher’s personal file,
Log Book
Sections credits 8
Performance Summary
Guiding Principles (GP) Optimum Exemplary Proficie Needs Unaccept Total no.
credits nt improve able profession
Above 90 ment al credits
credits At least Below 50
75% in 50 to 70 credits
each credits
GP1 - Teachers know the 23
subject that he or she teaches
Professional follow-up