Bennett Marlin J 1963
Bennett Marlin J 1963
Bennett Marlin J 1963
Abstract approved
Major processor
roasted in air for a few hours at 1200 °F. A solution of 15% ammonia
in water is then used to leach the copper and zinc from the ore. The
times before losing any of its ability to complex the metals. After
that time small amounts of concentrated ammonium hydroxide should
then be added to the leaching and plating cycle. Experiments showed
0, 213 pounds ammonia used per pound of copper refined.
The copper is plated from the leach liquor at a current density
less than 5. 5 amps /ft2. By plating below this limit pure copper may
be deposited from the solution without plating zinc. After the copper
is removed pure zinc is plated at 20-30 amps /ft2.
A current efficiency of 89. 2% was obtained in plating the copper
with a power requirement of 1. 285 kwhr /lb. Cu.
The developed process has many advantages over the sulfuric
before the acid process can be employed at all. Iron and lead cause
no difficulty in ammonia leaching since they have no tendency to
The ammonia leach is much faster which in turn produces a
savings in wages and capital investment. An equal cost batch leach of
both ammonium hydroxide and sulfuric acid was conducted and the
The power cost for the ammonia process was 0. 321 cents per
pound of copper which is slightly less than the 0. 337 cents per pound
acid refineries.
submitted to
in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the
degree of
June 1963
Chemical Engineering
In Charge of Major
In Charge of Major
Dean Graduate School
Electrorefining 2
Electrowinning 4
Zinc Electrowinning 6
Relation of Variables 7
Ammonia Processes 8
Ore Samples 11
Roasting of the Ore 12
Ore Leaching 13
Metal Deposition 13
Gas Evolution 15
Electrodes 16
Copper and Zinc Separation 17
Engineering Aspects of Leaching 19
Plating Procedure 28
Leaching Procedure -
Other Considerations 32
Table Page
1 Analysis of Ore Samples 43
1 Current Density, Voltage Characteristics of
Cathodes 18
able method for these ores. The leach is preferential for copper and
zinc with large concentrations of lead and iron causing no difficulties. The
behavior is due to the copper and zinc forming ammonia complex ions.
An important advantage of the ammonia process is that both
copper and zinc maybe removed in one operation. The metals maybe ob-
tained either as a mixture or they are easily separable by the process.
The ammonia leach will eliminate the costly concentration
and leaching procedures which require many days in the past method
of operation.
Two basic methods are presently used for the electrolytic
refining of copper and zinc. These are termed electrorefining and
electrowinning. The basic difference is that electrorefining uses a
99% Cu cast made from the blister copper as the anode in a cell
whereas electrowinning uses CuSO4 as the electrolyte and plates
copper from the solution with insoluble anodes.
the copper produced in the world. The sulfide ores are the most
important sources of raw material for this process. Such ores
contain around 1% copper so they usually are concentrated by
removed from the surface, The melt is then dumped into molds to
the negative bus -bar and the anodes to the positive bus -bar. The
system is more widely used due to its greater flexibility (9, p. 145).
In the series system bipolar electrodes are used. Only the two
electrodes on the end of the series are connected to the electrical
circuit so that as the anodes go into solution pure copper is plated on
the back of the adjacent electrode. The electrolysis is terminated
before all of the anode is plated into solution since the newly plated
copper is easily stripped from the back of the electrode. This
method claims to tie up less copper than the multiple system.
the ore is washed several times, with the solutions from the first few
washes used to treat another charge of ore. Batches of strong
solution are mixed and sent to the electrolysis tanks after passing
through the dechloridizing plant.
In the electrowinning process the electrolyte contains about
20 -47% sulfuric acid and about 24 -36 g. per liter of copper. Current
densities range from 5.5 to 12 amps /ft2 and current efficiencies as
high as 90% are obtained (7, p. 210).
Zinc Electrowinning
but very similar procedures are used for zinc recovery with the
exception that the zinc ore must be roasted so that it is soluble in the
sulfuric acid leaching solution. Other methods involving pyrometal.,
lurgy and zinc distillation received a great deal of favor until a need
for very pure zinc arose making electrowinning competitive. Both
density processes are in use. Each has its advantages for the
specific ore being treated,
Relation of Variables
as mentioned before.
Increasing the temperature decreases the electrical power
consumption but increases the heat requirement. It also increases
the solubility of the anode in electrorefining.
Addition of free acid decreases power consumption but if too
much acid is added it will hinder the copper content of the electrolyte.
Glue and other addition agents improve the density and smooth-
Ammonia Processes
Very little work has been done with ammonia leaches. One
copper oxide and copper carbonate from the leach liquors. Hydrogen
reduction is then employed to obtain metallic copper (15).
No known attempt to date has been made to plate directly from
an ammonium hydroxide leach as is done with sulfuric acid leach
During this study the basic project of recovering the copper and
zinc from Oregon ores underwent several changes of attack. An
attempt was originally made to plate the copper and zinc as a brass
from a cyanide solution. Later a cyanide leach was tested as a
means of copper removal only. Both of these treatments proved
Electrowinning the copper and zinc from an ammoniacal solu-
tion was then investigated. This procedure worked well
since both copper and zinc dissolved in the leach by forming the
complex ions, Cu(NH3)4 ++ and Zn(NH3)4 ++
The cupric ammonia complex ion has an equilibrium greatly
favoring the complex. The dissociation constant for Cu(NH3)4 ++ is
5 x 10 -15. Rapid solution of the copper was therefore attained
by an ammonium hydroxide leach. The copper associated with the
complex was then easily plated from this basic solution. The
characteristic blue color of the complex was an aid. in deter. -...
mining the concentration of the copper and indicating when the major
share of the copper was removed from the plating bath.
Zinc also has a pronounced tendency to form an ammonia
complex ion. Although the zinc complex is not quite as stable as that
of the copper, the equilibrium still greatly favors the complex. The
The high lead and iron concentration which was present in these
ores did not affect the process since these elements have no ten-
dency to form complexes in such solutions. This is a distinct ad-
vantage because the desirable copper and zinc can be leached from
the ore in one simple process without prior purification of the ore.
Ore Samples
Two samples of ore were used in the study. The first sample
contained O. 96% copper and 10. 1% zinc. This sample was too finely
ground so that many problems were encountered; such as the fines
being carried over from the leaching process. Determination of
copper was complexed and could be plated from the solution along
with some zinc. The concentration of both elements in solution was
It was then found that roasting the ore increased the amount of
after roasting could have been caused by two factors. The sulfides
of the two metals are not as easily complexed as the oxides. Cupric
sulfide is one of the most insoluble compounds of the Cu ++ ion. The
equilibrium constant for the decomposition of CuS to Cu ++ and S= is
4x10 ®36 which is much smaller than the dissociation constant for
the cupric ammonia complex. The zinc sulfide equilibrium constant
for dissociation to Zn ++ and S is 1 x 10 -20 which is also much
smaller than the dissociation constant for the ammonia complex.
Another possibility is that the copper and zinc are tied up in
complex ore forms such as sulfates or large hydrates and roasting
breaks down these compounds.
After the ammonium hydroxide leach, a small amount of copper
was still insoluble in nitric acid. This copper is probably in the
form of silicates since it was also insoluble in cold H2SO4. A large
percentage of silicon was present in both ore samples so this con-
clusion is quite possible.
Ore Leaching
Metal Deposition
Gas Evolution
possible that the majority of the ammonia would react with the H2O
in the solution to again produce NH4OH. The likely cathode reactions
Cu (NH3)4++ -
= Cu + 4NH3
Cu++ + 2e -- Cu
and then,
The gas emitted at the cathode would then be hydrogen from the
decomposition of water.
This evolution of gas at the cathode represents a loss in power
and will reduce the efficiency of the plating tanks. There was a
limiting current density such that no gas was evolved from the
during most of the work. After a long period of use the carbon was
attacked by the solution. A brown film appeared on the anode but it
did not flake off or cause any other problems.
deposit was easy to remove from the smooth stainless steel cathodes.
At high current density there was little difference in the adherence of
Once it was established that only copper and zinc were being
plated from the solution, tests were started to find a simple chemical
separation of the metals either before or after the ammonia leach.
Solubilities were used as a basis for the methods tried. Zinc oxide
is soluble in KOH, dilute H SO4 and NH4C1. A leach with each of
2 4
these chemicals was tried before the NH OH leach but difficulties
were experienced in each case. The dilute KOH did not dissolve
After the combined copper and zinc plate was obtained, acetic
Stainless Steel
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo
Electrode Potential, volts
acid and KOH washes were tried since zinc should be soluble in these
chemicals. Copper was also soluble in acetic acid while the zinc was
only partially soluble in the KOH.
After most of the copper was plated from the electrolyte a large
share of the soluble zinc was recovered as Zn(OH)2 by making the
solution almost neutral. When the NH + concentration is reduced so
that there is not enough of the ion to complex the zinc, the Zn ++ ions
combine with the remaining hydroxide ions to produce Zn(OH)2. This
white, flocculent precipitate was then easily filtered from the solu-
tion. The same thing occurred after repeated use of the leach liquor
on new ore samples had caused the liquor to become neutral. This
would be one possibility of zinc and copper separation rather than to
one that was not agitated. In both cases it is seen that the copper
copper occurred and then a crust was formed on top of the ore so
that the copper in lower layers was not completely contacted by the
leach liquor.
For the process to be economical the ammonium hydroxide
leach must be reusable a number of times or must be recoverable if
some chemical change occurs. Experiments were conducted to
1 0
400 0.6
U 0.5
o 0.4 Not Agitated
0,3 20. 072 g #2 ore
1 2 ? 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Time, hours
for 30 minutes with 400 ml. of 50% NH4OH, This short time period
again indicates how rapidly the zinc and copper are complexed by
the ammonia. After leaching each sample with the original solution
the ore was filtered from the solution and contacted with fresh
All of the soluble copper in the ore was removed from the
first three samples. In each case no blue color was obtained with a
fresh NH4OH leach. With the fourth sample a small amount of the
lost in the air could be bubbled through H2O and NH4OH recovered.
Since NH3 is not very expensive it will probably be economical to
two processes was made. The basis used was July, 1962 cost data.
From this we have 100% sulfuric acid by the tank car - $25.00 a ton
on the west coast and ammonia by refrigerated tank car - $94. 50 a
This coincides with a 35. 3% NH4OH leach as compared with the 50%
the NH4OH concentration up to 50%. This was done to give the same
50% NH4OH solution used for the standards. These samples were
then run in the colorimeter to determine the copper concentration.
The large amount of soluble iron in the ore caused difficulties
in the sulfuric acid process. The flocculent Fe(OH) 3 was so fine that
A countercurrent, three stage leaching process was also inves-
tigated as a possible improvement on the batch leaching used in
most sulfuric acid plants. Again bench scale apparatus was used to
study a simulated constant flow process. Fresh samples of ore,
each weighing about 20 grams, were added to the beakers with 400
ml. of fresh 50% NH4OH. Each was leached for 30 minutes and then
the ore samples and the leach liquor were moved along counter-
currently by one stage and again leached for 30 minutes. After this
NH4OH Leach
1. 0
20. 727 g #2 ore
0. 9 o
0. 8
. 7
(1 O. 6
20. 0792 g #2 ore
O. 5
0. 3
0. 2
0. 1
0 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time, hours
was removed. However upon dissolving the ore in HNO3 and then
neutralizing the solution with NH4OH a very light blue color of corn -
plexed copper was formed. This copper was originally either in the
form of insoluble silicates, which are also insoluble in cold H SO
2 4
or a small pert of the ore was not sufficiently exposed to air during
Three stage countercurrent leaching should be sufficient to
get the maximum solution possible. The reduction in residence
process for copper and zinc recovery from ores. Various important
factors, as indicated in the experiments, affect the economics of the
Plating Procedure
letting the leach become neutral and filtering the Zn(OH)2 precipitate.
This could cause a loss in leach liquor if a continuous flow process
is used. The economics of recovering the zinc as the hydroxide
would depend on whether it is cheaper to use the leach for as many
is that the deposit would flake off of the cathode. It would then be
possible to devise a continuous flow plating process with the deposit
removed by moving belts. No scraping equipment would be needed.
The major disadvantage is that some means of separating the
copper before being sent to the tank house. The current density
limit may be raised above 5.5 amps /ft2 if all efforts are made to
concentrate the electrolyte.
An increase in temperature will increase the cathode effici-
ency and permit a higher current density to be used. If any waste
heat is present in the plant such as in the ore after roasting some
exchange with the electrolyte should be considered. The effect of a
Leaching Procedure
the tank house. This is one means of increasing the limiting current
not be economical.
Other Considerations
- -a
Leaching Tanks
Spent ore
Zn Cu
plating plating
tanks tanks
copper and zinc may be recovered in one simple process with very
little extra cost for electrowinning the second metal. The only
extra cost is the power cost for additional plating and the equipment
cost for expansion of the tank house. Brass companies at the pre-
sent have a large demand for pure zinc free of iron and lead which
is exactly what this process produces at a cost which should be
discussed earlier the H2SO4 leach for copper requires a two stage
leaching - flotation procedure to obtain most of the copper. Ferric
sulfate must be added to make the copper sulfide soluble which in
turn reduces the cathode efficiency. The ferric ion is so
detrimental that only a few plants operating on sulfide ores have gone
on stream.
The sulfuric acid process for zinc sulfide ores requires that the
ore be roasted. A complicated leaching process is then needed since
the smallest amount of impurities causes problems in the zinc sulfate
the complicated flow sheets for sulfuric acid plants (10, p. 339).
this rapid but will surely show an advantage over the H2SO4
This expected savings intime also means a savings of money.
Shorter leaching time will allow a lower original equipment invest-
ment and less manpower to run the equipment. The total copper
acid process requires 23 -37 days (3, p. 27) and any reduction in
A cost of . 321 cents per pound of copper was needed for the
ammonia process with . 337 cents per pound used by the acid pro-
cess for sulfide ores. This comparison shows the ammonia plating
procedure to be cheaper even without the added advantage of also
refining the zinc from the same leach liquor.
The current efficiency is much higher than for the sulfuric
acid process as seen in Table 2. Plating pure copper at a low
current density from an ammonia electrolyte gave a current effi-
ciency of 89. 2 %. The acid process on sulfide ores has only a 65%
current efficiency. -
equipment. Lead lined tanks and lines are needed in many places.
cost of flotation and the cost of larger equipment for either type of
Expecially, on the type of ore that has been used as a basis for this
experiment, the ammonia leach is superior. The developed process
should make the electrowinning of copper and zinc from these ores
competitive with the metals obtained by acid electrowinning. Other
predominately sulfide ores should also prove to be useful.
The process is simple by comparison to other procedures.
Both copper and zinc of a high purity will be obtained without the
Date 2 -7 -62
Report - 1L33 - CS - 691
Lab 2 - 743
Sample description:
Cu 0. 96
Zn 10. 1
S 37.0
Pb 17.7
Fe 25. 4
Ore sample
Sample description:
Cu 2. 26
Zn 14. 4
S 21. 5
Pb 7. 04
Fe 11. 8
Si 15. 7
Per cent total Cu 91. 5 81. 96 86. 39
Per cent total Zn 80 (80 - 90)
Chemicals Used:
Pounds of leach /lb. Cu , 213 NH3
Cost of leach/lb. Cu,
Ob. 1. 005
L 2
1. 1
0. 9
0. 7
0. 3
0. 2
0. 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
°A) Transmission
Experimental Data
Countercurrent Leaching
Current density,
amps /ft2 3.46 3.46 4.62 4.62
Weight of copper
plated, grams - 0'42 .,, 0. 39 --0'4l -_ 0. 4
Sample Calculations
Current Efficiency:
For the reaction Cu++ + 2e -- Cu
53. 6 amp - hr. should plate 63. 54 g Cu
amp - hrs = 0. 09
(4. 5) 63. 54
60. 1
equiv 0. 428
Power Costs:
kwhr 0. 09(3. 0)4. 5
lb. Cu = 1000(0. 428)0.002205
kwhr = 1.287
lb. Cu
Chemical Costs:
Total wt. of #2 ore = 86. 331 g
Total wt, copper = 0. 0226(86. 331) = 1. 95 g Cu
Wt. of copper
complexed = 1.77 g
Loss of ammonia
20% of fourth sample not complexed as Cu (NH3)4