Design-Oriented Circuit Dynamics (EDN Feucht 2013)
Design-Oriented Circuit Dynamics (EDN Feucht 2013)
Design-Oriented Circuit Dynamics (EDN Feucht 2013)
Circuit dynamics is often the hardest aspect of circuit design and deserves some
systematic attention. Reading through this series will put you back in school, but if I
succeed in my goal in writing it, you will come out of it with a few clear and powerful ideas
on how to design dynamic circuit response. Happily, as is so often the case in electronics,
the higher math transforms into the complex-number algebra of the s -domain and results
in a sometimes-intensive application of high-school math.
Some engineers have lapsed into the habit of designing circuits by diddling with them on
SPICE until the desired behavior results. This is the counterpart in older days of putting
adjustments into prototype circuits and tweaking them. In both cases, it is experimentally-
driven design. A blunter way of putting it is that it is designing without the illumination of
methods of analysis that guide design toward optimal solutions. In this article, we look at
some aspects of circuit analysis that lead to simpler methods for design.
The problem of how to algebraically determine the bandwidth and s -domain poles and
zeros of transistor circuits has its roots in the mathematics of transfer-function
polynomials and their relationship to circuit structure. Some of the theorems in the theory
of equations reveal what the coefficients of the transfer function polynomials must be and
from them have developed techniques for finding dynamic circuit response – primarily
bandwidth – of transistor amplifiers.
The techniques are all algebraic rather than numerical so that the effects of circuit
elements on performance for design can be identified in the equations and their effects
evaluated. A roughly historical progression of refinement to simpler, more intuitive
methods is shown below.
The dynamic response of circuits is most easily (and most often) determined by computer
circuit simulation. This method numerically solves the basic circuit equations in matrix
form as a matrix inversion problem. The solution is the circuit behavior. Symbolic circuit
computation can produce results in parametric form, but the math expressions (for a
circuit of any complexity) are unwieldy (or of “high entropy”) and generally difficult to
interpret and apply to design.
Both numerical and symbolic computer solutions do not reveal the kinds of insights into
the relationship between circuit structure and behavior that is desired for design because
neither make explicit the higher circuit principles which bring a clarifying simplicity to the
analysis. Design-oriented analysis emphasizes higher-level principles involved in the
circuit. The methods of analysis in the chart attempt just that and some of the underlying
ideas common to them are brought out in this series so that a clearer view of the whole of
design-oriented analysis leaves us with a few simple “metaconcepts”.
Circuits and their Polynomials
We begin with some general observations about circuits and transfer function poles and
zeros. Each independent reactive element (capacitance or inductance) in a circuit
contributes an s to the circuit equations, either in s ·L or 1/s ·C . In the basic loop or node
equations, some reactances combine into one effective reactance because they are in
series or parallel. A less obvious dependence is capacitors that form a loop, as is the
case in the hybrid-pi model of a BJT stage, with the loop shown below.
dependencies to be reduced to single effective reactances for the following general circuit
theory. Thus the three Cs are equivalently 2 Cs at the 2 nodes.
Reactive elements, having two terminals, can each be viewed as connected across a port
into the rest of the circuit. The resistance of the circuit at the port (or “looking into the
circuit” at the port) is the driving-point resistance which forms a time constant with the port
reactance. These time constants relate to poles or zeros in the transfer function(s) of the
circuit. For two poles and two zeros, a transfer function in normalized form is
The linear coefficient, a 1 , of the s term is a sum of time constants of each reactance with
a circuit resistance that is the port resistance of the reactive element with the other
reactive elements set to zero (Cs open, Ls shorted). With Cj = 0 pF, j i , the open-
circuit resistance of Ci can be found. By setting Ci to zero, all the higher-degree terms
are set to zero too, leaving only the Ci open-circuit resistance.
For port 2,
The above two-port argument does not prove that the linear term in D (s ) is the sum of
OCTCs, only that the other capacitor ports must be open-circuited to find the port
resistance Rjj . If each of the capacitors is to contribute to the linear-term coefficient, they
must appear in it in a term without other capacitances as products in order to form a time
constant of unit s to cancel the s–1 unit of s .
Thus the coefficient must be a sum of time constants of each capacitor. To eliminate the
effects of the other capacitors in D (s ) they are set equal to zero (that is, open-circuited).
Then only the resistance of capacitor Cj remains in the linear term and is thus Rjj . The
higher-degree terms of D (s ) go to zero leaving the pole s ·Rjj ·Cj + 1, where Rjj is the
resistance of the port of Cj with ports of other capacitors open-circuited.
Pole Time Constants and OCTCs
When the time constants in the coefficients are combinations of products of the OCTCs in
a 1 , then the poles (or zeros) correspond to the OCTCs as pi = –1/τi . For a circuit with all
real poles, D (s ) is the product of the pole factors
The s terms are the OCTCs. After the OCTCs are found, the coefficients of the terms of
higher degree are determined. However, not just any τi in a 1 appearing as a sum of time
constants in a 1 from circuit analysis are OCTCs. The τi in a 1 must be grouped together
with a common Ci factor in each term for the terms to be OCTCs.
For the time constants of poles or zeros, every term in am has a unique set of conditions
(opened and shorted ports) that isolate the τi in am as having a port resistance at port i .
A term in the transfer function polynomials can be isolated by setting all other terms to
Other reactive factors are eliminated by shorting port i so that a given Ci goes to infinity or
opening it to set Ci to zero. In the polynomial, to short Ci , divide all am by Ci . All terms
not containing Ci as a factor are set to zero. When any Ci is opened, an = 0. This
scheme of isolating terms is the basis for the method of Cochrun and Grabel to find the
circuit poles, and of the n Extra Element Theorem. A. M. Davis worked out methods
based on it. For n = 3, a 2 can have the form of a polynomial with complex roots:
One of the issues to be addressed is whether the OCTCs associated with reactive
elements are the only way to determine the poles and zeros of transfer functions and port
impedances, or whether they can be calculated from time constants at nodes instead.
The answer generally is no , though the differences in value can be subtle and therefore
misleading, as will be shown in a subsequent article.
In this article, some of the basic insights needed for organized algebraic (and hence
design-oriented) analysis of circuits have been reviewed. With the transfer function of a
circuit, the bandwidth or risetime can be determined by various methods, the subject of a
forthcoming article.