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(A Thesis)

Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for S1-Degree




Study Program: English Education

Advisor : Rohmatillah, M.Pd

Co-Advisor : Irawansyah, M.Pd








This research was about students’ ability in using quantifiers.

Quantifiers is a word to express quantity information that comes
before noun especially in countable and uncountable nouns. It was
part of the grammatical category in learning English based on the
syllabus of the eighth grade. The aim of this research was to know the
ability in using quantifiers at MTs Al Muhajirin Pematang Pasir South
Lampung in the academic year of 2021/2022.

The research design was descriptive quantitative. The sample of

this research was taken by 35 students of the 133 students population.
The researcher used simple random sampling as the sample. The
instrument was a test of this research. The researcher analyzed the
data by calculating the students score with the percentages and the
classification of the ability of the students.

Based on the result, the students’ ability in using quantifiers was

into inadequate level. The total of the mean score of the students was
58.71. The percentage in using many and much were 63.80% and
49.28%, the percentage of students’ ability ini using some and a lot of
were 55.71% and 59.04%, the percentage of students’ ability in using
little and few were 48.57% and 51.14%. It showed that there were 4
students to the excellent level with 11.42%, 3 students included to the
good level with 8.57%, 8 students included to the adequate level with
22.85%, 14 students included to the inadequate level with 40%, and 6
students included to the failing level with 17.14%.

Keyword: Countable and Uncountable Nouns, Descriptive

Quantitative, Quantifiers, Students’ Ability


I declared that this graduate thesis entitled “An Analysis of Students

Ability in Using Quantifiers at the First Semester of the Eighth Grade
of MTs Al Muhajirin Pematang Pasir South Lampung in the
Academic Year of 2021/2022” is really my own work. I am accurately
aware of the fact that i have quoted some statements and ideas of
various sources and i duty acknowledged them in this thesis.

Bandar Lampung, April 04th 2022

Nurul Fadilla
NPM. 1711040117


ّ ٰ ‫ٰيٰٓاَيُّهَا الَّ ِذي َْن ٰا َمنُ ْٰٓىا اِ ْن تَتَّقُىا‬

ْ‫ّللاَ يَجْ َعلْ لَّ ُك ْم فُرْ قَانًا َّويُ َكفِّر‬
‫ّللاُ ُذو الْفَضْ ِل ْال َع ِظي ِْم‬ ّ ٰ ‫َع ْن ُك ْم َسي ِّٰاتِ ُك ْم َويَ ْغفِرْ لَ ُك ْۗ ْم َو‬
O believers! If you are mindful of Allah, He will grant you a
standard ˹to distinguish between right and wrong˺, absolve you of
your sins, and forgive you. And Allah is the Lord of infinite bounty.
(Q.S. Al-Anfal: 8:29)1

Javed Rana, The Absolute Reality, Quran English Translation and Commentary
by Abdullah Yusuf Ali (A’raf), (Pakistan, Lahore: Lushena Books, 2006) p.282


All praises and gratitude to Allah SWT who has almighty for blessing
me to finished my thesis. From deep of my heart, this thesis dedicates
to people who are never tired supporting and praying for me all the
time, including:

1. My beloved parents, Mr. Nurjali and Mrs. Darwati who

always give me advice, encouragement and prayer for my
future all the time. Ma, pa thank you for everything that you
have given to me, love you so much.
2. My beloved sisters, Nurma Elwinda, A.Md. Pi as my
inspiration to keep fighting when the surrender is felt, and my
younger sister, Elsa Zaskia Ramadhani as my spirit to provide
a great example for her. Thanks for your kindness and
3. My almamater UIN Raden Intan Lampung, a place to gain a
great knowledge until did it.
4. Last one, as my favorite person, wanna say big thank you to
me who always be strong to complete this thesis when many
problems and obstacles were happened. To myself, proud of


The name of the researcher is Nurul Fadilla. Her nickname is Dilla.

She was born in Batu Sangkar, Padang Sumatera Barat on July 7 th,
1999. She is the second child of three daughters from the couples Mr.
Nurjali and Mrs. Darwati. She has two sisters, her name is Nurma
Elwinda and Elsa Zaskia Ramadhani.

She began her education at TK Al Muhajirin, Pematang Pasir South

Lampung in 2004-2005 and continued the elementary school at MI Al
Muhajirin Pematang Pasir South Lampung in 2005, and finished in
2011. She continued her study to Junior High School at MTs Al
Muhajirin, Pematang Pasir South Lampung and grduated in 2014.
Then, she continued the Senior High School at SMA Islam Ma’arif,
Pematang Pasir South Lampung, which graduated in 2017. During the
studied at the school, she always followed the extracurricular at the
school, such as osis, scouts, and arts. In 2017, she decided to
continued the study at UIN Raden Intan Lampung at the Tarbiyah and
Teaching Faculty of English Education Sttudy Program.

During the studied, she took a job of Sekar Ayu Wedding Organizer
as the Make Up Artist since 2019 until now. In 2019, she also took a
Creative Program who taught about broadcasting and learning by
doing to make a simple film and all the rules about cinematography.
She also taught private English for all grades at MM Private Solution
Kedaton Bandar Lampung for four months. In 2020, she took Kuliah
Kerja Nyata (KKN-DR) program in Sidoasih South Lampung and also
tried to follow on Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) at SMK 2 Mei
Bandar Lampung.



Alhamdulillah, first of all, thanks to Allah SWT. The Most Beneficent

and the Most Merciful for His Blessing and Mercy which is given to
the researcher during the study until finishing this thesis. Then, peace
and salutation maybe upon to the great messenger Prophet
Muhammad SAW. Who always brings us from the darkness to the

This thesis is submitted to the English study program of UIN Raden

Intan Lampung. The primary aim of doing this thesis as compulsory
fulfillment of the requirements for S1 degree. So that, the researcher
would like to say thank you to the people who always giving supports,
prayers, ideas, and guidance to finished this thesis:

1. Prof. Dr. Hj. Nirva Diana, M.Pd, as the Dean of the Faculty of
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at UIN Raden Intan Lampung
and their staff who have provided opportunities to the
researcher during the study until finished.
2. Dr. Moh. Muhassin, M.Hum, as the chairperson of English
Education Study Program at UIN Raden Intan Lampung.
3. Rohmatillah, M.Pd, as the Advisor who has provided
guidance and directed sincerely and patiently in completing
this thesis.
4. Irawansyah, M.Pd, as the Co-Advisor who has provided
guidance and direction sincerely and patiently in completing
this thesis.
5. All Lecturers, Employees, and All Staff Employees in the
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic
University of Raden Intan Lampung.
6. Wafirul Ulum, S.Pd.I, as the headmaster of MTs Al Muhajirin
Pematang Pasir South Lampung who has gizin permission to
conducted the research in this school and Zaenal Arifin, S.Pd,
as the English teacher for provided the guidance during this

7. All students of English Education study program 2017
especially C class who have giving encouragement,
entertaintment from the beginning of this study until now.
8. My close friends, Nurjannah, Nur Retno Eriyani, Nur Ulfani
who always been here to support me to finished this thesis at
the time.

May Allah bless all the time and give the return for every help they
did to the researcher. Finally, this thesis is far being a perfect,
therefore the researcher welcomes for correction, critism, and
suggestion for this thesis to improve further writing. Hopefully this
thesis can be useful to all readers.

Bandar Lampung, April 04th 2022

Nurul Fadilla
NPM. 1711040117



COVER ........... ................................................................................. i

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................ii
DECLARATION ............................................................................. iii
MOTTO ..... ..................................................................................... iv
DEDICATION .................................................................................. v
CURRICULUM VITAE ................................................................. vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..............................................................vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................... x
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................ xi
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................xii


A. Title Confirmation ................................................................. 1

B. Background of the Problem ................................................... 2
C. Identification and Limitation of the Problem ......................... 5
D. Formulation of the Problem................................................... 6
E. Objective of the Research ...................................................... 6
F. Significance of the Research ................................................. 6
G. Relevant Research ................................................................. 7
H. Systematics of the Research .................................................. 9


A. Theories ................................................................................ 11
1. Concepts of Analysis ..................................................... 11
2. Concepts of Grammar .................................................... 12
3. Concepts of Quantifiers ................................................. 14
4. Kinds of Quantifiers ....................................................... 16
5. Concepts of Ability ........................................................ 18
6. Concepts of Students Ability in Using Quantifiers ....... 20
B. Frame of Thinking ............................................................... 22


A. Place and Time of the Research............................................ 25

B. Research Design ................................................................... 25
C. Population, Sample, and Data Collecting Technique ............ 26
D. Operational Definition of Variables ..................................... 29
E. Research Instrument ............................................................. 29
F. Validity and Reliability of the Instrument ............................ 31
G. Data Analysis ....................................................................... 34


A. Result of the Research .......................................................... 37

B. Discussion ............................................................................ 47


A. Conclusion ........................................................................... 53
B. Recommendation .................................................................. 54

REFERENCES ................................................................................ 57
APPENDICES ................................................................................. 61


Table Page

3.1 Students Population .................................................................... 27

3.2 Classification of Multiple Choice Test ........................................ 30

3.3 Students Score-Category ............................................................. 35

4.1 The Students Score of the Test in Using Quantifiers of VIII D

Class ...................................................................................... 39

4.2 The Result of Students Score....................................................... 40

4.3 The Percentage Result of Students Score Classification .............. 42

4.4 The Percentage Aspect of Many .................................................. 43

4.5 The Percentage Aspect of Much .................................................. 43

4.6 The Percentage Aspect of Some .................................................. 44

4.7 The Percentage Aspect of A lot of ............................................... 44

4.8 The Percentage Aspect of Little .................................................. 45

4.9 The Percentage Aspect of Few .................................................... 45

4.10 The Average of Students Score in Using Quantifiers ................ 46


4.1 The Result of Try Out Test .......................................................... 38

4.2 The Percentage of Students Ability in Using Quantifiers ............ 42

4.3 The Percentage of Classification Quantifiers............................... 46


Appendix 1 Surat Permohonan Penelitian ........................................ 61

Appendix 2 Surat Telah Melaksanakan Penelitian ........................... 62

Appendix 3 Interview Guidelines for Teacher in Preliminary

Research ....................................................................... 63

Appendix 4 Result’s of Teacher in Preliminary Research ................ 64

Appendix 5 Instrument of Try Out Test .......................................... 65

Appendix 6 Answer Key of Try Out Test ......................................... 69

Appendix 7 Instrument of Test ........................................................ 70

Appendix 8 Answer Key of Test ..................................................... 74

Appendix 9 Validation Form of Test ................................................. 75

Appendix 10 Validity of Instrument ................................................. 77

Appendix 11 Reliability of Test ....................................................... 79

Appendix 12 Students Score of Test ................................................ 80

A. Title Confirmation

In understanding the title of this research, and to avoid

misunderstanding, the researcher would explain the ability of the
students in learning materials about quantifiers. It was to provide
information to the teacher in focusing the ability of the students in
the criteria of the level ability. It would to make sure the correct
grammatical in learning English that related about quantifiers in
countable and uncountable nouns.

The analysis is the process to know the information about a

specific thing by describing data in the research. Ability is the
quality to create and comprehend the level in learning English.
This research was to know the ability of the students in their
material about quantifiers in countable and uncountable nouns and
also help how to avoid misunderstanding the material by analysis
the eighth grade students of MTs Al Muhajirin Pematang Pasir
South Lampung in the Academic Year of 2021/2022.

Quantifier is a word that serves to express a number that comes

before the noun. It was to determine whether an object could or
could not be the right amount in the sentences. Quantifiers are one
of the materials that must be known by the students, because it is
one of the materials on their syllabus. Students' ability in using
quantifiers was to know how the ability of the students in using
quantifiers. The quantifiers are many, much, some, a lot of, little,
and few.

MTs Al-Muhajirin referred to this research was the first

semester of the eighth grade, located in South Lampung, precisely
in Pematang Pasir South Lampung. The researcher means by the
titled of the research about An Analysis of Students’ Ability in
Using Quantifiers at the First Semester of the Eighth Grade of
MTs Al Muhajirin Pematang Pasir South Lampung in the

Academic Year of 2021/2022 would know the ability of the

students in learning quantifiers.

B. Background of the Problem

English is a tool of communication for people who have been

famous in the country. It can be useful in the real life. It is one of
a part of language, the one who uses in communication with
people. By using the English language, we can express our ideas
and feeling. 1 It is talking about how can people communicate with
others to share information. The importance to use is when
communicating with other people. The occurrence of this
communication, to realize their ideas that will be conveyed. It is
about how the way we interact with others in one circle to know
the communication talking about.

As an international language in the world, common people use

to interact with all of the countries to know it.2 To understand the
use of language has the correct and appropriate structure rules, we
must have a good comprehension to acquire the major skills as
they may understand the general messages is transmitted by the
speaker.3 In learning, it must be corrected to enable
comprehension of the situation. It is also related to grammar.
Grammar is something that cannot be forgotten, it is a key in
learning English.

In learning, grammar needs to be clearer and more effective

manner.4 Grammar covers concepts to understanding the aspects
to make a correct sentence. Grammar is the system of rules
governing the conventional arrangement and relationship of words

Erisa Kurniati, “Teaching Pronunciation by Using Games and Audio
Visual Media,” (2016): p, 237.
M. Junaidi, “The Students Ability in Using Countable and Uncountable
Nouns: At Second Year Students of Smpn 1 Aikmel in East Lombok”, Jurnal Studi
Islam dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Vol., 2, No., 1, (2019): p, 23.
Ibid., 24.
M Strumpf & A. Douglas, “Golden’s concise English grammar”, (Kuala
Lumpur: Golden Books Centre SDN, 2004) p.14

in sentences. Grammar tells us how to construct a sentence (word

order, verb and noun system, modifiers, phrases, clauses, etc). 5
However, since grammar is important to their development of
English mastery, they must learn it well.

Grammar has a structure to make it complete in the sentence. It

is word by word that can be concluded in the sentences to be
expressed. Many difficulties are faced by English teachers during
the process of teaching grammar since grammar needs to be not
only memorized but also understood by the students. It relies more
on the concepts. The students comprehend is the concept, they
could be easily develop their ability on solving problems
concerning grammar. The rules to master how can the language
sentences will know by people are using good grammar in the
sentences of learning English.

One of them is expressions of the number of nouns. This

expression tells how quantity can be correct in each category of
countable and uncountable nouns. There are so many expressions
used to express quantities and amounts in English. In the syllabus
of the eighth grade students, the students should be able to master
the material about quantifiers. Quantifiers provide information
related to the noun which is one of the concepts in learning
grammar. So, we must careful when making sentences using
quantifiers. The quantifiers that have learned by the students were
many, much, some, a lot of, little, and few. Which expression use
depend on whether the noun is countable or uncountable depends
on the sentence that you want to make.

Expression of quantity is used only with count noun; some

only with a non-count noun; some with either count or the non-
count.6 It means that the expression of quantity is used for
countable and uncountable nouns also there can be used for both.

H. Douglas Brown. Teaching by Principle: An Interactive Approach to
Language Pedagogy. (London: Longman, 1994) p, 362.
Azar, Betty Schrampfer, Understanding and Using English Grammar
Third Edition, (Bank Street, White Plains, NY: Pearson Education , 1999), p, 119.

For example, many children are impoverished. In using many as

an example of a countable noun, because children are plural.
Another example: how much money do you need for your
university tuition? Much is a quantifier for an uncountable noun
or something that cannot be counted as money. The students
should be able to make them correctly in the sentences and also in
the grammatical system of English language that can be interacted
the communicating as good as possible.

Based on the preliminary research in MTs Al Muhajirin, the

researcher interviewed the teacher of the first semester of the
eighth grade students in this school his name was Mr. Zaenal
Arifin, S.Pd. The interview was held on Saturday, January 30,
2021. Mr. Zaenal who has taught the students since they still in
the seventh grade, Mr. Zaenal said that the students have known
about quantifiers, but the students have limited knowledge when
differentiating about the material, he also said that most of the
students in the first semester of the eighth grade still lackness
when they learning English, especially when they answer the
specific test related to the quantifiers.

The students were afraid to learn English because most of them

said that English was difficult to learn. Mr. Zenal also said
sometimes the students were lazy to practice when learning
English, especially in learning grammar. 7 They said the grammar
was hard to memorize especially about the difference formula in
every function such as countable and uncountable nouns. When
the students were in the seventh grade, the teacher taught the
students from the basic one to acquaint English. It started from
part of speech, especially nouns who is an object in the sentences.

Mr. Zaenal said “I always said to the students that a noun is

something that can see in our life”, it was to make the students
could be easier remember the material. They still hard to

Zaenal Arifin, “Teaching and Learning English in the Second Years
Students’ of Mts Al Muhajirin”, Interview, January 30, 2021.

distinguish the example of uncountable noun like money. What is

the reason money as uncountable noun, besides the teacher always
said we could not be counted money as one money and two
money, because money could be counted as the quantity of
nominal not about the items so that money as uncountable noun.

From the explanation above, the students sometimes get

wrong, and difficult to distinguish countable and uncountable
nouns in the sentences which one was related to the quantifiers.
The researcher would like to analyze by giving a test. The
purposed of the research was to find out the ability of students in
using quantifiers and to give information on whether the teacher
needed to explain more knowledge and give strategy in the
teaching-learning process to the students. Therefore the researcher
purposed on the research by the titled “An Analysis of Students’
Ability in Using Quantifiers at the First Semester of the
Eighth Grade of MTs Al Muhajirin Pematang Pasir South
Lampung in the Academic Year of 2021/2022.

C. Identification and Limitation of the Problem

a. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of this research, the researcher
1. The students had the lack knowledge to distinguish
quantifiers in the countable and uncountable nouns.
2. The students got confused about identifying countable and
uncountable nouns.
3. The students’ ability in using quantifiers should be

b. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the problem, the focus of this research was the
students’ ability in using quantifiers especially the quantifiers
in the syllabus of the eighth grade students. The students have
learned this material when they were in the first semester of
the eighth grade. There are many aspects of quantifiers, but in

this research the quantifiers only focused on the syllabus of

the eighth grade students of junior high school those
quantifiers were many, some, a lot of, much, little, and few.

D. Formulation of Problem
Based on the background of this research, the researcher
formulated: how is the students’ ability in using quantifiers at the
first semester of the eighth grade of MTs Al Muhajirin Pematang
Pasir South Lampung in the Academic Year of 2021/2022?

E. Objective of Research
The objective of this research was to know how is the students’
ability in using quantifiers at the first semester of the eighth grade
of MTs Al Muhajirin Pematang Pasir South Lampung in the
Academic Year of 2021/2022.

F. Significance of the Research

This research was expected to know the result of the research
could used:
1. Theoretically, this research was to give the information about
the ability of the students in the expectation that the students
in the future could increase their ability in learning English
material. The result of this research was to give useful for the
teacher about the ability of the students in using quantifiers
especially in using the quantity of noun. The form of noun
was usually such as countable and uncountable.
2. Practically
a. The researcher
The researcher hoped that this research would obtain more
understanding about the rules of using quantifiers.
b. The teacher
The researcher hoped that this research would be useful to
give the information about the students’ ability in using
quantifiers, so that the teacher could emphasize about the
materials especially about quantifiers.

c. The students
The researcher hoped that the students could provide
information of the ability in using quantifiers, so they
would know their ability and it would make them to
increase the understanding about quantifiers.

G. Relevant Research

To do this research, the researcher must have several studies

related to research to support this research. There are three
relevant studies to be described. The first research conducted by
Elisa Kurniasih entitle “A Study on the Ability in Using Countable
and Uncountable Noun of the Eight Grade Students’ of SMP
Negeri Kupang in the School Year 2018/2019”. The focus in this
research was to know the ability level of the eighth grade students
of SMP Negeri 5 Kupang in the school year 2018/2019 in using
countable and uncountable nouns especially in using a singular
and plural noun. 8 It found the students’ ability level in using
countable and uncountable nouns is 7.06. It is classified as fairly
good according to the standard of measurement. The most number
faced by the students in using countable and uncountable nouns
from the test was number 4 which is the word “furniture”. This
number is classified as uncountable nouns that only 3 (10.71%)
students answer correctly and 25 (89.29%) students answer

The second was conducted by Indah Sari Lumbantoruan, from

the English education program, Teacher Training and Education
Faculty, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat with the title " Students’
Ability in Using Quantifiers Some and Any in Sentences at SMPN
29 Padang”. This study aims to determine the ability of junior
high school students in using some and any quantifiers in the

Elisa Kurniasih, “A Study on the Ability in Using Countable and
Uncountable Noun of the Eight Grade Students’ of SMP Negeri Kupang in the School
Year 2018/2019”. (The Research of S1 Degree of English Educational Study
Program Teacher Training and Educational Sciences Faculty Widya Mandira Catholic
University, Kupang 2019), p, 4.

sentence. The result is based on the percentage of the test, it is

found that students' ability to use quantifiers some and any in the
sentence are moderate.9 The results data analysis (12.14%) which
gained the high ability, (71.2%) who gained the moderate ability,
and (16.7%) who gained low ability.

The last was conducted by Kory Gustian Marindra, Lisa

Tavriyanti, Ernati, at English Department of Bung Hatta
University with the title "An Analysis of the Second Year Student’s
Problems in Using Quantifiers in Writing Simple Sentence in
Simple Present Tense at English at English Department of Bung
Hatta University”. This research was aimed to describe the
problems faced by the second-year students of the English
Department of Bung Hatta University in using quantifiers in
writing simple sentences in simple present tense. 10 Based on data
analysis, it was found that 6 students (16.21%) have problems in
using quantifiers in writing simple sentences in the simple present
tense. Specifically, the data analysis of the writing test, showed
that 5 students (13.51%) had a problem in using quantifiers for
plural countable noun and 6 students (16.21%) had a problem in
using quantifiers for uncountable noun.

Some differences between the previous research and this

research were about the specific material to be used, because in
this research only focused in the material related to the syllabus of
the students in the first semester of the eighth grade students and
also about the technique to collecting the data. It would know the
information about the ability of the students in using quantifiers as
related about noun who become a basic thing to learn English. So,
the result of this research could hope the teacher to solve the
problem of the students in learning English especially in

Indah Sari Lumbantoruan, "Students’ Ability In Using Quantifiers Some
and Any In Senteces At SMPN 29 Padang." STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. Padang.
Kory Gustian Marindra, Lisa Tavriyanti, Ernati. "An Analysis Of The
Second Year Student’s Problems In Using Quantifiers In Writing Simple Sentece In
Simple Present Tense At English at English Departmen Of Bung Hatta University."
Bung Hatta University, Vol., 2, No., 5, (2013): p, 3.

distinguishing quantifiers in the structure of grammar and also in

learning part of speech by the first semester of the eighth grade
students of MTs Al Muhajirin Pematang Pasir South Lampung.

H. Systematics of the Research

The researcher discussed this research chapter by chapter as


Chapter I was about an introduction that presents the reason

would do by the researcher. It was to know the general description
of the research and the purpose of the research. It also consists of
title confirmation, the background of the problem, identification
of problem, formulation of problem, objective of the research,
significance of research, previous related research, and systematic

In chapter II, the researcher needed to tell the related theories

of the research that the researcher uses to do the research. It
presented the theories of concepts of analysis, concepts of
grammar, concepts of quantifiers, kinds of quantifiers, concepts of
ability, concepts of students ability in using quantifiers. Further,
the theoretical of the framework also presented in this chapter.

In chapter III, the researcher needed to tell the description of

the clarification in the research. It is why the researcher presented
the general description to analyze the ability of the students those
were time and place of research, research design, population
sample and data collecting technique, research instrument, validity
and reliability of instrument and data analysis.

In chapter IV, the researcher needed to tell the research

finding. It was to know all of the results in the research in the
reality of the data based on the students result.

In chapter V, the research needed to tell the conclusion of the

research recommendation. It is why the researcher presented the
conclusion and recommendation of the research.

A. Literature Review
1. Concept of Analysis

In research, to know something as real information to

describe is through analysis. The analysis is a method by
which a thing is separated into parts, and those parts are given
rigorous logical, detailed scrutiny, resulting. 11 By analysis, the
researcher could get authentic data as a result of a problem to
be solved by the researcher. It was help the researcher to
described as a technique in research to identify a subject to
answer a phenomenon as a cause do the research.

To make a complete problem, it would do by analyzing

data by the researcher as making specifically in a result of
research. The analysis is to collect information that can be
used to develop a profile of the language needs of a group of
learners to be able to decide on the goals and content of the
language course. 12 It defined as an idea of the reality of the
result information in the research. The process of analyis can
make sure the result of the analysis as deeply as possible in
the natural achievement to describe the objective in the

The concept of analysis is one of the strategies used to

develop objectives of analysis that will measure tools in the
analysis.13 Concept is defined as an idea, a mental image of

Meita Fitriyan, “A Textbook Analysis of “When English Rings The Bell”
An Textbook for the Seventh Grade of Junior High” . (A Thesis of English Language
Education Languages and Arts Faculty Yogyakarta State University, 2013) p, 14
Trilanti, Eka Sustri, Fitri Rayani, An Analysis on The Students’ Ability in
Understanding Vocabulary at First Year Students of English Education Study
Program (TBI) STAIN Padangsidimpuan” English Education,Vol., 1, No., 2, (2013):
p, 104.
Dara Febriana, “Empowerment: A Concept Analysis”, Procedings of The
Annual International Conference Syiah Kuala University, Vol., 1, No., 1, (2011): p,

reality, or an abstraction and serves as an essential part of

theories. 14 In my opinion, the process of analysis was to know
problems in certain criteria to interpret the meaning. An
analysis of the research as a method to describe a part of the
problem in the research as natural data by seeing the result of
the students.

Through analysis, the research considered the items level

of analysis. It helps to find the effectiveness of analysis which
to concerns how easy the items that can included into easy or
difficulty in the analysis of something. It also to know the
power of the item who can give to the students that studied
about the material in learning English, it can get the result of
the score bout the material through analysis the data by the
students. It compares the result of the ability by the students in
the anlysis of the level in learning English.

In the conclusion, by analysis, the researcher could know

the information based on the purposed of the problem in the
material to be explained after the research has been done. It
can concluded by describing the data result in seeing the score
of the students so that the researcher can make the conclusion
by the analysis. It was also to know the level of the concepts
to be developed as a describing the result which would be
associated by analyzing the data in the research.

2. Concept of Grammar

In learning English, to make people understand English we

must know about grammar. The important way to master in
learning English is a grammar. Grammar is combination of
several words into a sentence. To make a good sentence, it
must have an understanding following the principles of the
English language. It was a role that regulates the relationship


of each word in a sentence to become a sentence that is well


Grammar is a arrangement of language that govern words

and it’s correlation to get meaningful sentences. 15 By studing
more about the rules of grammar, students can understand the
meaning of sentence what the speaker or writer produced.
Furthermore, grammar helps us to establish meaningful
sentence by using structure and guiding us how to combine a
sentence together to create a good language in
communication. This indicate that, studying about structure
such as word order, verb, noun, clause, modifier and so on are
the rules that should be learned by students in grammar.

Grammar also has meaning specificallly in the sentences to

the different ways that can make understanding. Grammar is
the rules that say how words are combined, arranged and
changed to show different meanings. 16 It means grammar has
an influence to the sentence in every paragraph. It could be
concluded grammar is a study of rules how combine a word to
make a good sentence.

To use language perfectly, one thing to master is about

grammar. Schmidt defined “grammar as a description of the
structure of a language and how linguistic units such as words
and phrases are combined to produce sentences in a
language”. It usually takes into account the meanings and
functions these sentences have in the overall system of the
language.17 Grammar is one of the competence to learn by the

H. Douglas Brown, Principles of English Language Learning and
Teaching (5th Ed) (New York: Pearson Education, 2007), p. 362.
ST. Jumaida M, “Improving Students’ Grammar Ability by Using Board
Game at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Malangke Barat”. (The Research of s1
degree English Education Department of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty State
Islamic Institute of Palopo, 2018), p, 14.
Sasan Baleghizadeh & Elnaz Oladrostam, “Teaching Grammar for Active
Use: A Framework for Comparison of Three”, TEFLIN Journl, Vol., 22, No., 1,
(2011): p, 72.

students. It is discourse competence that should be achieved

by junior high school. Learning language has its own rules in
the sentence structure of a language. This is intended so that
there is no misunderstanding in the use of language.

Morover, grammar is one of basic part of language which

has the rules to compose a group of words in a sentence which
intend to produce meaningful sentences. This indicate, the.
grammar is not only elaborates how the utterances are
produced, but also givea means to produce some.
possible.structures. that have. never been applied before,
thatmay be functional for learners who prefer. to apply the
language.in. a. creativity way so that they able communicate
easily. Also, it can use to improve their skill in writing
especially in producing kind of sentences correctly and
meangfully in language communication.

In particular, there is language learning carried out by

students at school, where they started learning from the basic
level which aims to make them know the aspects of grammar
in language learning. In practicing in real life the students
could use grammar as something good. Most students usually
had difficulty in learning English language. Because the
language cannot leave or avoid grammar to help
misunderstanding in learning English.

3. Concept of Quantifiers

To learn grammar in English as a basic ability, students

must be able to learn a concept more specific to know about
the material. One of them is to know a quantity in the noun to
be included in the sentence. The quantity of something we
called as quantifiers in learning English. Quantifiers are a kind
of determiner that denotes the quantity of the noun regard
quantifiers as amount words that tell the amount of the noun.18

Tyas Gita Atibrata, “Indonesian Students’ Error in the Use of
Determiners”, Rainbow, Vol., 1, No., 1, (2012): p, 113.

Quantifiers provide quantity information about the nouns that

follow them. A noun can be place, thing, idea,
emotion, or quantity.

There were several definitions of quantifiers, the researcher

in this research had written some definitions of it. It was
important to explain quantifiers to some definitions. Firstly,
quantifiers are ubiquitous in natural language and, in addition
to providing information about quantity, they serve important
discourse functions. Secondly, quantifiers were ubiquitous in
natural language and include expressions of quantity.

Quantifiers can be classified in terms of their meaning.

Some quantifiers have a meaning of inclusiveness. 19 Others
quantifiers are noninclusive and have a meaning related to
size and quantity. Most quantifiers are used at the beginning
of a sentence functioning as determiners and others at the end
of it, functioning either as pronouns or adverbs. 20 It showed
the quantity of a noun in the sentences.

Quantifier is a word that serves to express a number that

comes before the noun. It is to determine whether an object
can or cannot be the right amount in the sentences. For
example, many and much refer to large quantities, some to
moderate quantity, and little and few to small quantities.
Quantifiers are words that describe the number or amount of a
noun. Some quantifiers have a meaning of inclusiveness.
Other quantifiers are noninclusive and have a meaning related
to size and quantity.

Quantifier is a part of determiners. Many pronouns

quantifiers can be followed by phrases with count or noncount
nouns. A noun can be a place, thing, idea, emotion, or
quantity. Quantifiers can be classified into two forms, namely:
Ali Hussein Hazem, “Using Quantifies in English University Students:
Problems and Strategies”, (2017): p, 82.

quantifiers in countable noun and quantifiers in uncountable

noun. Quantifiers in countable noun provide quantity
information about nouns that follow them.

Quantifiers provide quantity information about the nouns

that follow them. A noun can be place, thing, idea, emotion,
or quantity.21 To uses quantifiers, sometimes students difficult
to distinguish in the sentences even the students know about
quantifiers and the students have learned in the class. The
thing that makes the students cannot to differentiate because
they are different in using in the countable and uncountable in
specific thing to know the quantity of something.

4. Kinds of Quantifiers

There are many kind of expression of quantity like much,

many, a lot of, and many more. The uses of quantifiers are to
determine the quantity or amount of something either
countable noun or uncountable noun, here some quantifiers
have the same meaning, but they are different in function.
There are some kinds of quantifier. The researcher took the
quantifiers that frequently used in daily communication.The
following are some kind of expression of quantity.22
Quantifiers that are used with uncountable noun such as little,
much and the quantifiers that used with both of quantifiers
countable or uncountable nouns.
a. Much and Many
Much and Many is used in negative sentences and
questions. Much used with uncountable nouns such as
money. Many could be used in positive sentence and
count nouns such as dogs.

Kory Gustian Marindra, Lisa Tavriyanti, Ernati, Op.Cit. p, 2.
John Eastwood, Oxford Guide to English Grammar, New York:
Oxford University
Press 1994, p380

b. A Lot of and Lots of

A lot of and Lots of could be used with both count and
uncountable nouns. A lot of and lots of used in positive
c. A Little and Little
A little and Little indicate a quantity or number. It used
for uncountable nouns.
d. A Few and Few
A Few and Few indicate a quantity or number. It used
for countable nouns,
e. Some
Use some in positive sentences when there is neither a lot
nor a little and it could be used with both countable and
uncountable nouns.
f. Any
Any used with countable and uncountable nouns in
question or negative sentences to state that something
does not exist.
g. Enough and Plenty of
Enough and Plenty of could be used with countable and
uncountable noun, but plenty of means that more than
h. Each and Every
Each and Every could be used when referring to the
individuals in a group. these words before a singular noun
to talk about all the members of a group. A subject with
every or each takes a singular verb.
i. A Large
A Large could be used as adjectives with "amount of"
with uncountable and countable nouns to express large
quantities. This form is often used to exaggerate just how
much there is.
j. A Tiny / Small / Several
This expression could be used as adjectives with "amount
of" to express very small quantities. This form is often
used in exaggeration to express how little there is of

k. A Tiny / Small / Several

This expression could be used as adjectives with "amount
of" to express very small quantities. This form is often
used in exaggeration to express how little there is of

5. Concepts of Ability

Ability is a term to know something directly in every

people, ability is like a specific knowledge to do something
expertly and well. 23 Ability is the physical and mental power
or skill needed to do something.24 It was to find out the ability
of students in using material quantifiers that related to the
noun is to give information to the researcher how were the
ability of the students.

Ability is the capacities power to do something physical or

mental.25 Appropriate social communication requires that
children have adequate language to support their social
interaction. In order for a school age child to communicate
appropriately and successfully, he or she needs to be
linguistically competent. Indeed, language is the primary
means by which school age children succeed in establishing
and maintaining social relationships. The pivotal role that
language plays in teacher-related.

The quality of being able to do something, especially the

physical, mental, financial, or legal power to accomplish
something. Beside it, according to “second-generation
transformational grammar”, ability is the knowledge of the
original speaker/listener not consciousness, sneaking,

Junaidi, “The Students Ability in Using Countable and Uncountable
Nouns: At Second Year Students of Smpn 1 Aikmel in East Lombok”, p, 24.
Colin Mclntosh. Cambridge Advanced Leaner’s Dictionary, Fourth
Edition, (Camridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013) p, 2.
A. S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Dictionary of Current English
(Cambridge: Oxford
University Press, 1987), p. 41.

intrinsic, implicit, intuitive and is not limited to its language.

So the language ability is the ability to create and comprehend
sentences, including sentences which they have never hear

The ability is the quality to create and comprehend the

level in learning English. it has characteristic of the every
person in understanding the material in the teaching learning
process. It to know how the students get the material well. It
means ability is something who have in every people in
learning material. For the students, it was to know how is the
ability of the students in learning material who in their
syllabus to learning quantifiers is as a basic one to be able to
master by the students of the eighth grade.

There are some components of language ability from the

perspective of language Ability, which was subdivided into
organizational and pragmatic competence. These were further
subdivided into grammatical, textual, illocutionary, and
sociolinguistic ability. Strategic ability, a notion built on
model of communicative ability, and formulation of strategies
of communication, which would in turn have three
components: assessment, planning, and execution.
Psychophysiological mechanisms, in which we can
distinguish the visual from the auditory channel and the
productive from the receptive skill.

In this term refers to the students ability in using

quantifiers also related to the quantity of countable and
uncountable nouns. Countable noun is the noun which can be
counted such as book, pen, toys, etc. They can be used in
article, numeral and plural form. Uncountable noun is the
noun that can not be counted such as sugar, water, sand and so
on. In order the specific field of discussion as well as focusing
on the problem of this study. The researcher needed to draw a
certain scope of this investigation. This study intended to find

out the knowledge the students in using quantifiers especially

countable and uncountable nouns.
6. Concepts of Students Ability in Using Quantifiers

The main thing to analyze in this research was about

quantifiers that one of the material have learned by the
students in the eighth grade of Junior High School. As a basic
one to use in the sentence, we would understand with noun
first as one kind of part of speech. A noun is the name of a
thing. Everything that exists has a name, whether you can see
it or not.26 It means a noun is one of the most important to
learning English as basic in the part of peech who has most
important thing in the sentence, so without noun it could not
make a sentence correctly.

Quantifiers are the words that quantify (provide quantity

information about) the noun that follows them. 27 There are
several types of quantifiers used to make a sentence in the
English language which grammatical correctly. In the
learning, a basic English quantifiers is express the
quantification of noun. It was also determined a countable and
uncountable nouns. Quantifiers have the function to mention a
quantity of countable and uncountable nouns in the sentences.

Countable noun is the name of things that can be counted

to describe person, animal, place or thing which the noun
names, or to tell the number of quantity. 28 Uncountable noun
is the name of thing that cannot be counted that are considered
abstract, thing that you cannot touch.29 So, it has relationship

Nurma Dhona Handayani & Frengky Silitonga, “EFL Students’ Ability to
Identify Singular and Plural Nouns in Paragraph”, ELLITE Journal of English
Languge, Literature, and Teaching, Vol., 01, No., 2, (2016): p, 118.
Fitriadi Lubis, dkk, “The Correlation Between Students’ Ability in
Identifying Nouns and Adjectives to Analyzing Compound Noun and Compund
Adjectives of Students’ IAIN Padangsidimpuan”, Tazkir, Vol., 01, No., 2, (2015): p,

when they will use in the sentence to make the good sentence
based on the grammatical in English language.

The basic thing must be able to the students which learn

English in the school. They must have an ability in using
quantifiers because they have learned as a basic level in
English. Ability is the physical and mental power or skill
needed to do something. Ability is the capacities power to do
something physical or mental. Ability seems as a skill because
the skill is ability to do something expertly and well. 30 In this
term refers to the students’ ability in using quantifiers,
because since the teacher have explained about the basic skill
in learning grammar the students never be given an exercise to
the specific material like quantifiers as the one of material in
the first semester of the eighth grade of junior high school.

The following syllabus of the first semester of the eighth

grade could know about quantifiers that can be seen as the
material to teach by the teacher. In the materials, quantifiers
provided the materials.
a. Some
Some used some in positive sentences when there is
neither a lot nor a little and it could be used with both
countable and uncountable nouns.
We have some friends who work Japan.
b. Little
Little indicated a quantity or number. It used for
uncountable nouns.
John has a little experience in coaching.
c. Many
Many could be used in positive sentence and count nouns
such as dog(s).
There aren’t many dogs left to be adopted.

Junaidi, “The Students Ability in Using Countable and Uncountable
Nouns: At Second Year Students Of Smpn 1 Aikmel in East Lombok”, p, 24.

d. Much
Much used in negative sentences and questions. Much is
used with uncountable nouns such as money.
I do not have much money to buy the toy.
e. Few
Few indicated a quantity or number. Its use for countable
Larry owns few books on English literature.
f. A lot of
A lot of could be used with both count and uncountable
nouns. A lot of used in positive sentences.
There is a lot of money in my wallet.

Based on the explanation above, students’ ability in

using quantifiers was an ability to use quantifiers
correctly in the sentence as a good grammar in learning
English. The eighth grade students were able to master
quantifiers related to their syllabus that have taught by the
teacher. The researcher wanted to know how is the ability
of the students in using those quantifiers with would give
25 multiple choice questions, so that the researcher would
see the ability by the result of students score when the test
have been applying and the researcher would get the real
data to know how is the ability of students in using

B. Frame of Thinking

In this research used theory about the material to identifying

quantitiy of noun. To use quantities in a sentence called
quantifiers. It was closely related to the use of a noun in a
sentence. There were differences related to countable and
uncountable nouns where each type of quantifiers have difference
in the use of the sentence to indicate the quantities of noun. In
learning English which one noun was a basic things to know as a
part of speech, the students must be able to identify the noun as

countable and uncountable nouns to identify the quantifiers in the

quantity of sentences.

The quantifiers should be able to master by the students. There

were so many kinds of quantifiers, but in this research the
researcher only focused about many, much, some, a lot of, little,
and few. By knowing the rules for using quantifiers, students
could make the sentences with correct grammar and catch the
meaning of the sentences clearly in identifying the quantifiers in
the correct countable and uncountable nouns.


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