Submitted As A Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For S1-Degree
Submitted As A Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For S1-Degree
Submitted As A Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For S1-Degree
Adriyani Fushshilat
Vocabulary mastery is as the students‟ ability to use or to understand all words of the
language. Vocabulary of a foreign language is not only memorizing the words, it
should be thought in meaningful content and practice to communicate. It must be
impossible to learn English without vocabulary. If the students have lack of
vocabulary, they can not express their ideas, and is impossible to communicate
effectively among people. The objective of the research is to know whether there is
significant influence of using word wall media on the students‟ vocabulary mastery at
the first semester of the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Katibung Lampung Selatan in
the academic year 2018/2019.
The research methodology of this research was quasy experimental design, in this
researcher, the population of the research was the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1
Katibung Lampung Selatan. The sample of this research was two classes consist of 30
students as experimental class and 30 students as control class. In the experimental
class the researcher used word wall media and textbook in control class. The
treatments were held in three meeting in which 2 x 40 minutes for each class. In
collecting the been tried out before giving the treatment, the instrument was given in
pre-test and post-test. Before giving treatment, the researcher gave pre-test and post-
test for both of classes. After giving pre-test and post-test, the researcher analyzed the
data using SPSS to compute independent sample t-test.
From the data analysis computed by using SPSS, it was obtained that Sig. = 0,361 and
α = 0.05. It means that Ha is accepted because Sig. < α = 0.05. Therefore there is a
significant influence of using word wall media on the students‟ vocabulary mastery at
the first semester of the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Katibung Lampung Selatan.
The writer‟s name is Adriyani Fushshilat whose nick name is Ani. She was born in
Jaya Pura, on 6 April 1997. She is the third child of four siblings from Mr. Suyatno
and Mrs. Surati. She has one brother whose name is Zanuar Shaleh, S.Kom, and two
The writer her official study at the elementary school and graduated in 2002. She
continued her studies to SD Negeri 2 Gedong Air and graduated in 2008. After
completing her studies in elementary school, the author proceeded to SMP Negeri 7
Bandar Lampung and graduated in 2011. All of the three schools that she rescued
were in Bandar Lampung. After that, she continued his studied in Lampung to SMAS
Perintis 1 Bandar Lampung and graduated in 2014. Then she continued his studies to
I hereby state that this thesis is completely my own work. I am fully awere that I have
quoted some statements and ideas from various sources and those are properly
Declared by,
Adriyani Fushshilat
NPM: 1411040205
1. My beloved Father, Suyatno and Mother, Surati, who have given the best
2. My beloved brother Zanuar Shaleh and my beloved sisters Nurhayati and Aini
First of all, all praise is addressed to God, the Merciful, the Most Gracious, for this
blessings and grace given to me during my studies and in completing this final
assignment. Then, may his greetings and honor of the great prophet Muhammad
This thesis is presented at UIN Raden Intan Lampung English Education course. The
main purpose of writing this thesis is to meet some of the taks of students in
Therefore, the researchers would like to thank the following people for their idea,
1. Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Mukri, M.Ag. Rector of UIN Raden Intan Lampung.
2. Prof. Dr. H. Chairul Anwar, M.Pd, dean of Tarbiyah Faculty and Teacher
Study Program.
4. Drs. Yosep Aspat Alamsyah, M.Ag. the first advisor for this guidance and
5. Septa Aryanika, M.Pd, second Co-advisor who has given guidance and
7. All students of English Education Study Program from UIN Raden Intan
8. Dear friends of Tambah Rejo Squad : Bagus Kunta Adjie, Ganda Rusman
Maulana, Ibnu Rusdi, Tri Widodo, Laila Mudrika, Zarah, Meta Marciria, Suty
Lestari, Khusnul Khotimah, Ismawati, and Zalfia Khafianti, who always give
Finally, the writer is fully aware that there are still a lot of weaknesses in this thesis.
Any correction, comments and criticism for the improvement of this thesis are always
open-heartedly welcome and the writer hopes that this thesis will be useful for the
The Writer
Adriyani Fushshilat
NPM: 1411040205
COVER ................................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ..............................................................................................................ii
DECLARATION ......................................................................................................iv
MOTTO ....................................................................................................................v
CURRICULUM VITAE ..........................................................................................vii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................viii
TABLE OF CONTENT ...........................................................................................x
LIST OF TABLE......................................................................................................xiv
LIST OF FIGURE....................................................................................................xv
LIST OF APPENDICES..........................................................................................xvi
A. Conclusion ...........................................................................................................68
B. Suggestions ..........................................................................................................69
1. Suggestion for The Teacher ............................................................................69
2. Suggestion for The Students ...........................................................................70
3. Suggestion for The School .............................................................................70
4. Suggestion for The Other Researchers ...........................................................71
REFERENCES .....................................................................................................72
Table 1 The Students‟ Score for Vocabulary Mastery tt Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1
Katibung Lampung Selatan in 2017/2018 Academic Year ................................... 4
Appendix 7 Key Answer of Pre Test Instrument Before Validity ........................ 135
science, tourism, and the diplomatic circle.2 It means that language is important for
human because without language, people cannot interest and cannot live perfectly
learning to use that language to communicate both in spoken form ( listening and
In language learning there are four skills, they are listening, speaking,
reading and writing. Brown says the ability to write has become an indispensable
Sanggam Siahaan, The English Paragraph, (Yogyakarta:Graha Ilmu, 2008), p.1
Lies Sercu, Foreign Language Teachers And Intercultural Competence An International
Investigation, Cromwell Press Ltd, Canada, 2005, p.1
H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Clasroom Practices ( San
Fransisco: Longman, 2004), p.218
important for human life. It is the reason why it is a central of human‟s interest of
science to study.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher assumes that human being
who needs communication with each other realizes that language is very
form. Futhermore, Setiyadi said that language is a system for expressing meaning. 4
from the elementary to the university level. The study of foreign language as the
main lesson for the students who learn their first foreign language. They study of
foreign language by mastering the four skills namely: listening, speaking, reading
and writing.
means learning the meanings of word. In teaching learning process, teacher acts as
a facilitator who helps the students in developing language skills. In this case, the
Ag.Bambang Setiyadi, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, (Yogyakarta; Graha
Ilmu,2006) , p.10
Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary, (England: Longman, 2002), p.13.
teacher should be able to choose and to create situation of class into relax
other components and skills of language, and it is hope that students are able to
mention kinds of word around them which are not easy to make them memorize on
their mind. In other words, the students have difficulty in following the teaching of
vocabulary, the teacher will be able to createed English as a first subject and lose
the stereotype about English as scary subject. Based on the statement above the
Katibung South Lampung at March 1st 2018, the researcher found some problems
faced by the students at eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Katibung South Lampung.
By interviewing the English teacher Nurmalasari, S.Pd,. The researcher found that
vocabulary. The researcher also had inteviewed students. They said they felt
bored, confused, difficulty to remember vocabulary, and the students often hear
the sound of vocabulary without seeing the spelling accurately when they were
taught English in the classroom. It was caused by the English teacher who may not
reflect students‟ need. Show that, the result of preliminary the researcher knew that
vocabulary mastery to the English teacher to know the students‟ vocabulary score.
Table 1
The Students’ Score of Vocabulary Test of
SMP Negeri 1 Katibung in 2017/2018 Academic Year
No Class Score Total
<72 ≥72
1 VIII A 20 10 30
2 VIII B 17 15 32
3 VIII C 19 11 30
4 VIII D 18 14 32
5 VIII E 24 7 31
Total 98 57 155
Source: Document of Students’ score for English Test at the eighth grade
students of SMP Negeri 1 Katibung in 2017/2018 Academic Year
Based on the table above, it can be seen that there are more students who
get low score or get score below the criteria of minimum mastery (KKM) of the
school, there are 118 students failed category (62,23%) and 64 students in passed
category (36,77). It can be infered that the achievement of the students in learning
vocabulary got low because the criteria of minumum mastery (KKM) in SMP
Negeri 1 Katibung is 72. The English teacher said that the students felt nervous
and did not have motivation in learning English especially vocabulary, one of the
to support teaching vocabulary. The researcher gave word wall as media to solve
the problem. A good teacher tried to find a good media in teaching learning
process in order that the students will be enjoyable, interested, and also challenged
words are printed in a large font so that they are easily visible from all student
seating areas. These words are refered to continually through out a unit or term by
“Improving students‟ vocabulary mastery through word wall at the fourth grade of
SDIT Wahdatul Ummah Metro in the academic year of 2013”. The research
focuses on students‟ vocabulary mastery through Word Wall Media allows the
Nurmalasari, S.Pd, the English teacher in SMP Negeri 1 Katibung
Cronsberry, Jennifer, Word Wall A Support For Literacy in secondary School Classroom,
(Canada: Curriculum Service Canada, 2004), p. 3
Wall. So, it can be concluded that Word Wall Media all may give positive effect in
Nurcahyani is the research with the title “The effectiveness of using word wall
Bandung in the academic year of 2016” found that word wall media as the media
in teaching vocabulary can be increased, the researcher showed the word wall
media to the students‟ vocabulary mastery, he used word wall media to students‟
vocabulary deal with part of house, especially noun and verb then used repeated
measures T-test. The previous of Dian word wall media to the vocabulary mastery,
he used word wall media to look students‟ vocabulary especially noun on the short
story then used pre experimental. Meanwhile the researcher used word wall media
to the students‟ vocabulary mastery especially noun, verb, and adjective then the
Ridho Istianto, Improving students’ vocabulary mastery thought word wall at the fourth
grade of SDIT WAHDATUL UMMAH METRO in the Academic Year, (Lampung: Teacher Training
and Education Faculty Lampung University, 2013) , p.i.
Dian Rizky Nurcahyani, The Effectiveness of Using Word Wall Media Towards Students
Vocabulary Mastery Of Eighth Grade In Mts Negeri Bandung in the Academic Year , (Tulungagung:
Tarbiyah faculty The state institute of islamic studies (IAIN) Tulungagung, 2016), p.i.
Based on the reasons mentioned above, the researcher expects this media
can improve the students‟ vocabulary mastery in descriptive text especially noun,
verb and adjective. So, the researcher conducted the research in title “The
the First Semester of Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Katibung South Lampung in
From the background of the problem above the researcher identifies the
problem as follow:
2. The students still find difficulty to improve their vocabulary, because they felt
4. The technique was used by the teacher may not reflect students‟ need.
5. The students often hear the sound of vocabulary without seeing the spelling
research on the influence of using word wall media towards students‟ vocabulary
mastery at the first semester the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Katibung South
Lampung in the academic year of 2018/2019. The focus of vocabulary kinds on
this research was noun, verb, and adjective that was included in the syllabus at the
first semester of the eighth grade in SMP Negeri 1 Katibung Lampung Selatan.
mastery at the first semester the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Katibung South
word wall media towards students‟ vocabulary mastery at the first semester the
eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Katibung South Lampung in the academic year of
vocabulary learning.
Lampung about the influence of using word wall media towards students‟
vocabulary mastery.
The subject of the research was the students of the first semester of the
The object of the research was the use of word wall towards students‟
vocabulary mastery.
country where English is not the native language is the definition of English as a
taken to apply students who are studying general English at the schools and
the student learn target language in their own country because they need to learn
target situaton.
in their daily coversation. English teacher have essential role to make student
understand and enjoy the material. It is necessary to make student comfort and
enjoy in learning english. Michelle Maxom states that as soon as student feel
confident that they can use English for whatever purposes they need, they often get
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice Of English Language Teaching, (Singapore: Logman Group
UK Limited, 3rd Edition, 2001), p.39
on their lives.11 So, when students‟ feel confident to use English as their daily
communication, they know more vocabulary, use many tense, and able to
English as a foreign language is the teacher should prepare the material instruction
and the application of new techniques well. Because language teaching and
learning can be regarded as process, the first role is to facilitate the communication
B. Concept of Vocabulary
According to Thornbury, a language have words. He also says that the new
coming of words is never stop. It means that vocabulary is the vital part of
speak, they are removing the words from their mouth by using their language.
According to Hiebert and Kamil, “Vocabulary is the set of words for which is
known the meanings when it is speak or read orally and the set of words also that
Michele Maxom, Teaching English As A Foreign Language For Dummies, ( England:
Wiley, 2009), p.20
Scott Thornbury, How Teach Vocabulary, (Logman: Person Education Limited, 2009), p.1
Scoot Thornbury, Ibid. p.1
an individual can used when writing.14 In order to able to communication in
English, the students should master adequate personal English vocabulary that
making sentence, students must know words which they want to use. Vocabulary
is the important to be master, because with the vocabulary the student can express
their idea and communication with each other well. Vocabulary is important in
communication to other people, So, the quality of the students‟ language depends
that contain words with the meaning in language. It is clear for us that vocabulary
Elfrieda H. Hiebert and Michael L. Kamil, Teaching And Learning Vocabulary Bringing
Researsch to Practice. (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, London, 2012), p.3
Abdul Cahya, A Study on Teaching Vocabulary Implemented by Real Object, available at: Marh 8th, 2018 at
03.25 PM
According to Harmer there are some aspects of vocabulary that should be
1) Word Meaning
Word do not just have different meanings, however. They can also be
stretched and twisted to fit different context and different use. We say that
describing a color. In such context black and yellow mean something else. It
is frequently stretch throw the set our metaphorical an idiom use. For
example: “You are an apple in my eyes” this idiom expression show that it
3) Word Combination
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Cambridge 2003),
p. 18
Although words can appear as single item which are combined in a
sentence. (The mongoose bit the snake), they can also occur in two or more
down). They often combine with each other in ways which competent
often find strange. The kinds of word that go together in one language are
often completely different from the kind of word which live together in
4) Word Grammar
the use of word based on the use of certain grammatical pattern such as noun,
uncountable nouns. The former can be both singular and plural. We can say
vocabulary: they are word meaning, extending word use, word combination
and word grammar. In this research the researcher focused on the word
meaning and word grammar because idioms and word combination do not
Mastering vocabularies means mastering the meaning and the ways to use
learn foreign languge easier. There are four types of word classess in the
1. Noun is related with name of something like place, plant, people and others.
For example: john, student, home, table, rose, rabbit leadership, human body.
comparison. For example : beautiful girl, good job, long hair, and other.
4. Adverb is related with the how the process, time and where the thing happen.
are some criteria commonly used in measuring it, and they are word form,
meaning and use.20Based on the statement above, the researcher assumes the
Lynne Cameron, Teaching Language to Young Learner, (Cambridge: Combridge
University Press, 2001), p. 72
Marcella Frank, Modern English a Practical Reference Guide, (New York University,
1972), p. 6
I.S.P Nation, Learning Vocabulary in another Language, New York: Cambridge University
Press, 2011, P.40
understand all words of the language, including Noun, Verb, Adjective, and
Adverb. The researcher also says that mastery vocabulary of a foreign language is
not only memorizing the words, its should be thought in meaningful content and
practice to communicate.
vocabulary is important because we are able to speak, write, and listen we have to
know vocabulary first. A person said to „know‟ a word if they can recognize its
Harmer says, we saw some of the many ways we can explain meaning, and
when teaching vocabulary this is a major part of the teacher art. Students need to
see word in context to see how they are used. According, the best way, perhaps, of
introducing new words is for students to read texts or listen to audio tracks and se
understand the language; the learner should know the complexity of words, the
According to Scott Thornbury, “here are the five of factors that have
Jeremy harmer, The Practice of Language Teaching (4th Ed) (Essex: Longman, 2007),
1. The level of the learner
2. The learner likely familiarity with words
3. The difficulty of items
4. Their teaching ability
5. Whether items are being learned for production (in speaking and writing) or
for recognition only (in listening and reading). 22
From the statement above that students have different level and teacher
encourage their students to gain success in learning the language. The media and
the meaning of the words. We do not just memorize or write that the teacher
E. Type of Vocabulary
Vocabulary has some types that need to be learnt. There are types of
Thornburry. He explained that there are at least eight types of vocabulary. 23 There
determiner. The researcher just focuses on nouns, verbs, and adjectives in this
research because they are included in syllabus. Those can be describes are:
a. Noun
Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary, (England: Longman, 2009), p. 75-76
Ibid, p.4
According to Frank, noun is one of the most important parts of speech.
Its arrangement with the verb helps to form the sentence care which is
There are some main types of nouns, namely common nouns (words
for people, place, and things are called common noun), proper nouns (the
1. Common Nouns
These are names of everyday things that we can see, hear, and touch.25
hammer, bicycle, truth, pen, table, saw, calculator, crayons, sofa, axe,
Marcella Frank, Op. Cit, p. 7
Dykes Barbara, Grammar for Everyone, (Victoria Acer Press, 20011), p. 22
television, pencil, loyalty, drill, ferry, fridge, book, lamp, ladder, train,
These common nouns are words for animals: dog, puppy, cat,
kitten, cow, calf, horse, foal, sheep, lamb, goat, kid, frog, tadpole, etc.
These common nouns are words for places: bank, airport, hotel
gas station, library, park, museum, farm, mall, zoo, theater, factory,
2. Proper Noun
- The people‟s names people‟s names are proper nouns. Such as: Robbin
Howard Sargeant, Basic English Grammar, (Essex: Saddleback Educational Publishing,
2009), p. 7-8
- The names of the days of the week and the moths of the year are proper
- The names of special days and celebrations are also proper nouns.
- The names of people who live in a particular country are also proper
perceived by the sentence, we can see, touch, smell the object (flower,
ovens and exercises, things we can count. Many countable nouns are
b. Verbs
The verb is part of the backbone of any sentence, joining the noun or
Ibid, Pp. 8-9
Marcella Frank, Op.Cit, Pp. 6-7
Howard Sargeant, Op.Cit, p. 11.
The verb lives in what grammarians call the predicate, which contains
the verb plus all the words that relate specifically to it. The verb gives the
subject its action or expresses its state of being. 30 Sentences are complete only
if they contain both a subject and a verb. Most verbs describe actions, so they
called action verb. Action verb tell what people or thing are doing. Here
common action verbs such as: drink, eat, etc.31 There are at leats seven kinds
of verbs. There are transitive verbs, transitive verbs, intransitive verb, copular,
ambitransitive verbs, regular and irregular verb. In this research the researcher
1. Transitive Verb
Transitive verbs are verbs that take a direct object in the sentence. 32 To
identify them we can ask the question what is the/did the subject-verb?
Here the verb is tasting and the subject is he. If we form the question, what
2. Intransitive Verb
Phyllis Dutwin, English Grammar Demysfied, (New York: McGraw Hill, 2010), p. 30.
Howard Sargeant, Op.Cit, p. 52.
Marjolijn Vespoor and Kim Saute, English Sentence Analysis: An Introductory Course,
(Amsterdam: John Banjamins Publishing Company, 2000), p. 65
Intransitive verbs are that do not take an subject or object attribute
in the sentence.33 It is testing us about the action the subject but there is no
Example: - He is running.
- He is turning arround.
- He is in London at the moment.34
c. Adjective
word that gives more information about a noun or pronoun, and it can be used
before or after noun.36 Besides, it can be group of word. Hence, its most usual
position is before the noun or pronoun that is modifies, but it fills other
positions as well. They give information about people, place, and things.
a high mountain
a black shoes
Ibid, p. 65
Ibid. p. 65
Dykes Barbara, Grammar for Everyone, (Victoria Acer Press, 2011), p. 26
Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English (England: Logman, 1998),p. 37
Example: a beautiful woman
a rich family
- Adjective about what things are made of. They refer to substances
a paper bag
a Japanese lady.37
F. Concept of Media
information. Devired from latin word meaning the term refers to anything that
instructional purpose.
Media also derived from the Latin word “Medium” that means
Howard Sargeant, Op.Cit, p.32-33
“Between”. The term refers to anything that carries information between a source
and receiver. The specific word, the understanding from media in learning process
method and technique can be used to send the message or information from source
to receiver. In this case source is teacher and receiver is a student. Media can used
Based on Patel, There are three types of teaching and instuctional material as
1) Visual aids:
2) Audio aids :
Azhar Arsyat. Media Pembelajaran, ( Jakarta: Grafindo Persada, 2005) p.3
Drs. Daryanto, Media Pembelajaran, Perannya Sangat Penting Dalam Mencapai Tujuan
Pembelajaran, ( Yogyakarta: Grava Media 2013), p.4
a. Audio Cassette Player
b. Radio
c. Television
d. Film Proyector40
teaching learning process. We can use those media depend on our need. Then for
the teachers, they can use various types media to help them teaching in the class.
words are printed in a large font so that they are easily visible from all student
seating areas. These words are referred to continually throughout a unit or term by
the teacher and students during a variety of activities. 41 According to LeDale, word
wall is the tool ties together effective teaching strategies and social interaction. 42A
word wall helps to created a print rich envirounment for student, can be a
Dr. M. F. Patel and Praveen M. Jain, English Language Teaching (Methods, Tools, &
Techniques), (Sunrise Publishers & Distributors: Jaipur : 2008) , p. 59
Cronsberry, Jennifer, Word Wall A Support For Literacy in secondary School Classroom,
(Canada: Curiculum Services Canada, 2004) , p.3
Le Dale Southerland, The Effect of Using Interactive Word Wall to Teach Vocabulary to
Middle School Students, (University of Nourth Florida: Theses and Dissertations, 2011), p. 65
wonderful tool that is designed to promote group learning. Word wall is a tools or
According to LeDale, word wall are often used in the elementary grades
for multiple purpose.43 Word wall include many of the teaching media researched,
and elementary teachers have found this tool to be successful in teaching various
available that have studied the used word wall media to teach intermediate school
students, because word wall media have been shown to be improve in teaching
of words and word parts used to help students learn vocabulary. They, provide a “
decoration of word wall. Teacher can be organized by topic concept or simply list.
Le Dale Southerland, Ibid, p, 1
Shere Salinas and Evan Ortlieb, Best Vocabulary Practices to Support Mathematics in the
Age of Common Core Standars, Journal of Studies Education, Volume 1 ( United States: Corpus Shisti
Independent School District,2011), p.6
Each year students must learn and use thousands of new words in their
various subject discipline studies. They are requirend to perform complex task
using new vocabulary. The use of word wall in a classroom can be ahighly
during a lesson, offer visual reinforcement which can be very helpful for students.
Word wall activities engage students while they learn key vocabulary, whether it
it.45 Function of word wall as media is not just for learn about vocabulary, but it
can develop english skills, like as listening, speaking, reading and writing.
From that statement above, the researcher concludes that Word Wall is
process. Word Wall media is group of words which are displayed in large visible
Function of word wall as media is not just for learn about vocabulary or
speaking ability, but it can develop English skills, like as listening, speaking,
Cronsberry, Jeniffer, Op.Cit., p.3
According to Dewa, Ketut, and Marhaeni, the application of the word
wall on the students to make students have opportunity to explore the ability. So,
that when the learning process occours students are able to develop the skills they
have optimaly.46 According to Cronsberry, there are many creative ways to use
Word Walls to engage students in learning. The activities may be full lessons, or
brief exercises that encourage students to refer to the Word Wall and review key
terms. Shorter activities encourage students to „play with‟ language and can be
media there are procedure, Cronsberry says in „ Word Wall A Support for Literacy
Mystery Word
2. Assist students in unscrambling the word, give clues, either about the word‟s
asking students to write vocabulary related spelling pattern by the clues has given
Dewa Ayu Oka Trisnawati, Ni ketut Suarni, A.A.I.n. Marhaein, Pengaruh Metode
Pembelajaran Visual Word Wall dan Assesment Projek Terhadap Kemampuan Kosa Kata Bahasa
Inggris Siswa SD Kelas V Gugus I Kecamatan Giayar, e-journal Program Study Penelitian dan
Evaluasi Pendidikan , Volume 3( Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha :2013), p. 8.
Chonsberry, Jennifer, Word Wall A Support for Literacy in Secondary School Classroom,
(Canada:Curriculum Service Canada, 2004) , p.7
Ibid, p.7
by researcher. After that, students can make their word with Word Wall as media
for help their imagination. Students can develop their vocabulary well.
Word wall is a media that should be used not only in show or view. 49
Cronsberry says, there are some advantages and disadvantage of using word wall
Alam Setiadi, Upaya Peningkatan Vocabulary Siswa Dengan Media Word Wall, Availebel
0_%20Alamsetiadi08's%20Weblog.html.on October 5th 2017 at 10.52 AM
Cronsberry, Jeniffer, Loc. Cit, p. 3
Based on the statement above, this vocabulary media helps students to
construct and build their own ideas become a simple text. Futhermore, through this
memorable and the students too often open the list of words in the
learning process.51
construct and build their own ideas become a simple text. But, students need a
lot of time in the classroom to make word wall as media and only considered as
J. Theories of Textbook
a. Concept of Textbook
Alam Setiadi, Upaya Peningkatan Vocabulary Siswa Dengan Media Word Wall, Availebel
0_%20Alamsetiadi08's%20Weblog.html.on October 5th 2017 at 10.52 AM
There are many kinds of media that can be used in the process of
programs, for example, a speaking text might provide passage for students to
read and discuss.52 It means that we can use textbooks in many ways which
The print media are some of the oldest media in education. This
category of media are useful for informational or motivational
purposes. They are used to convey verbal information through
print. They form the most widely used media in education and
they include textbooks, periodicals encyclopedia, newspapers,
magazines, file records minutes, and so on.53
From the statement above, textbook is the print media that can give
techniques such as choral repetition (where the students repeat a word, phrase,
Jack C. Richards, Curriculum Development in Language Teaching (New York: Press
Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 2001), p. 254.
Onasanya, S.A, Selection and Utilization of Instructional Media for Effective Practice
Teaching (Institute Journal of Studies in Education Vol. 2 No. 1 June 2004, ISSN 0795-2199), p. 128.
(where individual students repeat a word, phrase, or sentences at the teacher‟s
urging) and cue-response drills (where the teacher gives cue) these have
similarities with the classic kind of audio-lingual that has been presented, they
carry more meaning than a simple substitution drill. Latter the students, using
the new language, make sentence of their own, and this is refer to as
1. Presentation
In this stage, the teacher presented the new material of the students.
The teacher did it by asking the students some questions related to the
2. Practice
the students. In this step, the teacher use textbook media of teaching to help
the teacher explain the material easily. The teacher gets the students to
repeat the sentence from the picture in the textbook. This activity is used to
know the students‟ progress in the material that has been explained before.
3. Production
out to know how far the students understand the material. It is also used to
learning. The end point of PPP cycle is a production, which some trainers
have called „immediate creativity‟. Here the students are asked to use the
This media can be used with a whole class, small group, pairs, or individual to
lead students to inquiry about words and adding them to their vocabulary.
2. Textbooks can provide support for teachers whose first language is not
From the statements above, it means that textbook is the basic media
for learn, it can make easily for teacher to explain and understand the
material for the learners. Textbook can also support the teacher and
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Languge Teaching, 3nd Ed, (Edinburgh Gate:
Logman), p. 80
Jack C. Richards, Op. Cit, p. 255
students in teaching and learning process because it matches the needs of
real issue.
appropriate to the context, the language should be clear and based on the
understand the material. But, students need other media that it can makes
not current and relevant, students only see one perspective on a concept or
K. Frame of Thinking
media and technique in order to easier the students to memorize and enjoy to make
to increase students‟ vocabulary mastery because the students often hear the sound
The researcher thought that word wall seems can give influence students‟
mastery is vocabulary. It means that the students can increase in their vocabulary.
By using word wall, the students be more active, creative, fun, exciting and
Word wall media can help the students easy to learning English, especially
vocabulary. The students also can think freely by using their sentences based on
that word wall media will be increase students vocabulary mastery and give self-
L. Hypothesis
Based on the theories and frame of thinking, the researcher purposes the
following hypotheses :
A. Research Design
cause and effect relatioships.57 One is the experimental class, which used word
wall media and another is control class which used ordinary media. Ordinary
media is the media usually by the teacher there before using word wall media.
Sugiyono says that, “Experimental research is research method used to look for
Experimental design refers to the conceptual frame work which the experiment is
1) Pre experimental design, this section presents two design that have been as pre
unfortunately one finds that this design is still used in educational research.
2) True experimental design, the design is this category is the most highly
Marguerite g.Lodico, Dean T. Spaulding, and Khatrine H. Voegtle, Methods and
Educational Research ( United States of America: Jossey-Bass 2006, p.12)
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kualitatif , kualitatif dan R&D (
Bandung: Alfabeta 2016, p.7)
3) Factorial experimental design, the design consist of two or more factors, each
with discrete possible, and whose experimental units take on all possible
4) Quasi experimental design, the goal of the experiments is to use design that
procedures. Besides, Setiyadi says that true experimental has three criteria,
namely is there is control group, both of the subject are choosen by random,
pre-test will be given to see the begining students‟ ability from both of groups.
know the students‟ vocabulary mastery by using Word Wall. The researcher used
does not provide full control, it is extremely important that researchers be aware
of the threats to both internal and external validity and considers these factors in
their interpretation.59
as an experimental class and the other one as a control class. In this research, the
students in the experimental class was given the treatment (X) by using Word
Donald Ary, Lucy Cheser Jacobs, and Chris Sorensen. Eighth Edition, Intoduction to
Research in Education, (Canada, Wadsworth Cengange Learning 2006). p. 310
Wall, the students is the contol class (O) was given treatments by using textbook
media. After getting the data, the researcher will analysis them by using
G1 (Random) = T1 X T2
G2 (Random) = T1 O T2
Where :
1. The independent variable of the research was word wall media in teaching
vocabulary (X),
mastery (Y).
Sugiyono,Op.Cit, p. 111.
The operational definition of variable used to describe the variables
this research. It is also aim in other the research has clarity about the data needed,
so the researcher investigates the data that was related with the variables of this
in the front of real things that can be seen, heard or teacher directly the make
only memorizing the words, its should be thought in meaningful content and
practice to communicate.
research is the students at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Katibung South
Table 2
The Total Number of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP NEGERI 1
Katibung in 2017/2018 Academic Year
1 VIII A 10 20 30
2 VIII B 15 17 32
3 VIII C 17 13 30
4 VIII D 15 17 32
5 VIII E 11 20 31
TOTAL 68 87 155
Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta, Bhineka Cipta:2006), p.
John W. Creswall, Education Research : Planning Conducting, Evaluating Quatitative and
Qualitative Research 4th ed, (Boston,: Pearson Education, 2012), p. 142
3. Sampling Technique
Cluster random sampling occurs when the population is already divided into
random sampling, the researcher took the sample from group of class. Steps
1. The first, the researcher provided five pieces of paper, each piece of paper
3. Then, the researcher shaken the rolled papers to determine both of the
classes, one paper is for the experimental class and another paper is for
research, the researcher used test as the instruments to got the data through
1. Pre-test
material that is test related to K13 and the suitable with the students‟ level. It
are administered to the students in the control class and experimental class in
2. Post- test
after the treatment. After knowing the student‟s score at the post test, so the
researcher can compare their scores before and after gave treatment to draw
The research instrument is a tool to got data that used by the reseacher.
In this reasearch the reseacher used a test to get the data about vocabulary
mastery with the noun, verb, and adjective with the topic about descriptive
animal, people, and place. The test items are made based on the indicators of
syllabus of English curriculum and they is gotten from course book. The
Based on the table 3 above, the pre test items after validity with 2 aspect :
word meaning and word grammar. In aspect word meaning in subject noun are 6
items consisting of 3 even numbers and 3 odd numbers, in subject verb are 2
items consisting of 1 even number and 1 odd number, in subject adjective are 3
items consisting of 1 even number and 2 odd numbers. Besides that, in the aspect
of word grammar, noun there are 8 items consisting 5 even numbers and 3 odd
numbers, in subject verb there are 2 items consisting 2 even numbers, in subject
adjective there are 4 items consisting 2 even numbers and 2 odd numbers. The
total of the pre test and post test items after validity are 25 items with 12 even
Table 4
The Specification of Test for Post Test After Validity Test
Sub- O Distribution
Aspect Indicator Even Total
Indikator dd Odd Even
Concrete - 1 1 - 10
Abstract 1 - 1 9 -
Common - 1 1 - 18
Countable - 1 1 - 20
Uncountable - 1 1 - 16
Word Proper 1 - 1 15 -
Meaning Tansitive 1 1 2 21 2
Intransitive 1 - 1 23 -
- 1 1 - 4
1 1 2 3 8
Concrete 1 1 2 1 12
Abstract - 1 1 - 6
Common 1 1 2 19 14
Contable - 1 1 - 24
Uncontable 1 - 1 11 -
Word Proper 1 - 1 17 -
Grammar Tansitive 1 - 1 13 -
Intransitive 1 - 1 7 -
1 - 1 5 -
1 1 2 25 22
13 12 13 12
Total 25
25 25
Based on the table 3 above, the pre test items before validity with 2 aspect :
word meaning and word grammar. In aspect word meaning in subject noun are 6
items consisting of 4 even numbers and 2 odd numbers, in subject verb are 3 items
consisting of 1 even number and 2 odd numbers, in subject adjective are 3 items
consisting of 2 even numbers and 1 odd number. Besides that, in the aspect of word
grammar, noun there are 8 items consisting 4 even numbers and 4 odd numbers, in
subject verb there are 2 items consisting 2 odd numbers, in subject adjective there are
6 items consisting 1 even number and 32 odd numbers. The total of the pre test and
post test items after validity are 25 items with 13 even numbers and 12 odd numbers.
G. Scoring System
used in scoring the students‟ work. The highest score was 100.The score of pre-
S x 100
n : Total items63
H. Research Procedure
In this research, the researcher was conducted three steps, they are as follows:
1. Planning
Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan, (J akarta : Bumi Aksara, 2013)
Before the researcher appliying the research procedure, the researcher
make some planning to run rthe application well. There were some steps that
plan. The procedure of making planning of the research can be seen as follows:
b. Preparing Try-out
The researcher was prepared a kind of test (called try-out test) that
gave to the students. The researcher was prepared the try-out for pre-test.
The total number of test 50 questions. Then, the researcher evaluate the
test items to get good items that is given in pre-test and post-test.
c. Preparing Pre-test
students. The theme of the material about descriptive text. These material
are based on syllabus at the second semester of SMP Negeri 1 Katibung
South Lampung.
2 Application
After making the planning the researcher gave try-out to apply the
reseach procedure that has already been planned. There are some steps in
c, and d). Try-out test gave to evaluate the test items before uses to pre-
This tes is multiple choicee with 4 options (a, b, c, and d). The
analysis of the try out. It means that only the valid and reliabel test items
the treatment in the control class and experimental class. In the control
class, the teacher conducted the treatment by using textbook, while the
experimental class the researcher gave the treatment by using word wall.
Both control class and experimental class were given three treatments.
The test is multiple choice with 4 options (a, b, c, and d). The
analysis of the try out. It means that only the valid and reliable test items
3. Reporting
The last point that have done in this research procedure was reporting.
They were:
a. Analyzing the data that are already receive from try-out test.
b. Analyzing the data that are already receive from pre-test and post-test.
A good test is test that has validity. The test can be said valid if the
words, a test is valid if the test can really test what needs to be test correctly.
Sugiyono, Op. Cit., p. 173.
The researcher analysed the test from content and construct validity to
a. Content validity
instrument and the scores from the questions are representative of all the
Content validity can be found by related the material of the test with the
curriculum for SMP. It means that the researcher gave the test to the
based on the curriculum for the eight grade of SMP Negeri 1 Katibung
b. Construct validity
validity is concern with whether the test is actually in line with the theory
kind of the test that is used to measure the students‟ vocabulary mastery.
John W. Creswell, Educational Research; Planning and Conducting Quantitative and
Qualitative Research,(Boston: Pearson, 2012), p.618.
Ibid. p.618.
c. Item Validity
The researcher gave some question to know valid or not the question
that give the students. The item validity calculated to measure the validity of
the test items. In this researcher used Product Moment to calculated the data
obtained from the try out to find the item validity of each item. The formula
is as follows:
∑ ∑ ∑
√{ ∑ ∑ } { ∑ ∑ }
= number of cases
obtained m hen it is said that the item number has been significant or
correlation coefficient. The rxy value is the correlation coefficient value of each item
Ibid, h. 87
before the question is correlated, then the correted item-total correlation coefficient is
√ ( )
Novalia and Muhamad Syazali, Olah Data Penelitian Pendidikan, (Bandar
Lampung:Aura,2014), p.38
A test is reliable if the test is able to give constant result even though
Sugiyono states that the reliable instrument which is if use to measure the
To got the reliability of the test, the researcher used Cronbach Alpha
reliability. The score got from two raters; they were the researcher and the
English teacher. To see the reliability of the test, the researcher used formula
as follows:
( )( )
∑ : Sum of p x q
Suharsimi Arikunto, Op. Cit., p. 221.
Sugiyono, Loc. Cit.
Novalia and Muhamad Syazali, Op. Cit, p. 39
Furthermore, to know the degree or the level of the reliability of writing test
3. Data Analysis
The data gain is statistically analyz by using Strategy and steps as the
b. Normality Test
are as follows:
c. Homogenety Test
J. Hypothesis of Test
are fulfilled, the researcher used independent sample t-test. In this case, the
Social Science) for hypothetical of test. The purpose of using SPSS in this case
vocabulary mastery at the first semester of the eighth grade of SMP Negeri
Ho: There is no a significant influence of word wall media towards the students‟
vocabulary mastery at the first semester of the eighth grade of SMP Negeri
A. Data Collection
a. Control Class
was the first meeting where the reseacher conducted pre-test in order to
minimum score was 32 and the maximum score was 56. There were 3
students who got the score 56, 1 student who got the score 32, 26
students who got the score lower than 56. The mean of the pre-test was
b. Experimental Class
was the first meeting where the reseacher conducted pre-test in order to
minimum score was 40 and the maximum score was 60. There were 4
students who got the score 40, 3 students who got the score 60, 23
students who got the score lower than 60. The mean of the pre-test was
a. Control Class
vocabulary mastery after the treatment. The minimum score was 60 and
the maximum score was 68. There were 13 students who got the score
60, 5 students who got the score 68, 12 students who got the score lower
than 68. The mean of the post-test was 62,93. (See appendix 18).
b. Experimental Class
vocabulary mastery after the treatment. The minimum score was 64 and
the maximum score was 80. There were 3 students who got the score 64,
2 students who got the score 80, 25 students who got the score lower than
80. The mean of the post-test was 71,93. (See appendix 19).
Based on the result of pre-test and post-test score, it found that there
was influence between the experimental class and the control class where the
pre-test and post-test score of the experimental class were higher. It could be
seen from the mean in pre-test score of control class was 46,4 and in the post-
while the mean of pre-test score of experimental class was 50,46 and in the
post –test was 71,93. It meant that the most improvement was in the
experimental class.
B. Data Analysis
vocabulary mastery that were tested in pre-test can be see in Figure 1 and
Figure 2.
Figure 1
Graphs of Pre-Test Result in Control Class
Figure 2
Graphs of Pre-Test Result in Experimental Class
showed that the score of pre-test in control class was N was 30, mean was
46.40, standard deviation was 6.179, median was 48, variance was 38.180,
the highest score was 56 and the lowest score was 32.
result of N was 30, mean was 50.47, standard deviation was 6.532, median
was 52, variance was 42.671, the highest score was 60 and the lowest
score was 40. It can be concluded that the result of mean score pre-test in
and Figure 4.
Figure 3
Graphs of Post-Test Result in Control Class
Figure 4
Graphs of Post-Test Result in Experimental Class
showed that the score was N was 30, mean was 62.93, standard deviation
was 2.958, median was 64, variance was 8.754, the highest score was 68
the result of N was 30, mean was 71.93, standard deviation was 4.711,
median was 72, variance was 22.20, the highest score was 80 and the
lowest score was 64. So, the result post-test in experimental class was very
was 50.46 in pre-test and post-test was 71.93. It can be concluded that the
score in experimental class increased and the score in control class did not
The researcher did her normality test to know whether the data has
normal distribution or not. The hypothesis for the normality test are
formulated as follow:
Table 5
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Based on the Table 5, it can be seen that Sig (ρvalue) in the table of
Kolmogorov-Smirnov was 054 and α = 0.05. It means that Sig (ρvalue) > α
The researcher did her normality test to know whether the data is
formulated as follow:
Table 6
,003 1 58 ,958
Based on the Table 6, it can be seen that Sig (ρvalue) based on mean
was 958 and α = 0.05. It means that Sig (ρvalue) > α and H0 is accepted. The
calculated based on the gain of the experimental and control class. (See
After the researcher knew that the data are normal and
towards the
Year of
Year of
While the criteria for acceptance and rejection of the hypothesis are:
Table 7
Lower Upper
Equal 8,860 48,792 ,000 9,00000 1,01581 6,95843 11,041
variances 57
equal variance assumed = 0.361, and α = 0.05. It means that Sig. (ρvalue) <
it can be concluded that there was influence of using word wall media on
the students‟ vocabulary mastery at the first semester of the eighth grade
Year 2018/2019.
C. Discussion
The researcher result has shown that there was significant influence of
using Word Wall Media on the students‟ vocabulary mastery. From the result
above, it can be seen that the average score of students‟ descriptive text that
were taught by using Word Wall Media was higher than those who are taught
by using textbook.
After the beginning, the pre –test was administered to know the
students‟ vocabulary mastery before they were given treatments by word wall
media. The result showed that the average score of control class was 46.40
and the average score of experimental class was 50.46. The normality and
homogeneity test showed that the data were homogenous and normal.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the two groups, experimental class and
control class had the same mastery at the beginning of the research.
Afterward, the students were taught by using word wall media in the
experimental class and using textbook in control class. The material was three
The average score control was 62.93 and the average score in the
Therefore, learning vocabulary would be more effective and would make the
students be more active in the class if the teacher used helpful and interesting
media. Due to use word wall media can make the students active and
It was also supported by the result of the data analysis. It showed that
Selatan. Word wall encouraged the students to be more active and can
encouraged the students to be more active and can develop their motivation in
data and testing of hypothesis, the result of the calculation found that the null
hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was
the researcher‟s assumption at the beginning of the research that Word Wall
A. Conclusion
After conducting the research and analyzing the data, the researcher
the data calculation in the previous chapter where null hypothesis (H o) was
rejected, and alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted, it means that the
researcher's assumption is true that is to say, word wall media can give a
they got higher scores after the researcher gave the treatment by word wall as
test in experimental class was 50.46 and post-test in experimental class was
71.93 and the mean score of pre-test in control class was 46.40 and the mean
score of post-test in control class was 62.93. It showed that the students‟ pre-
test and post-test score in experimental class were higher than students‟ post-
Based on the result the data analysis, the researcher concluded that
there was influence of using word wall on the students‟ vocabulary mastery at
B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusion that has been stated above, the researcher would like
b. The teachers should give more chances to the students to be more active
that they are able to do those activities by themselves and the researcher
mastery in vocabulary.
b. The students should practice the vocabulary they have to learn with
learning English such as cassette, CD, and the other related media so
that the students can practice the media to increase their knowledge.
b. The school should provide other facilities like multimedia room and
English competency.
d. The school should provide another facility for students to practice their
English competency.
c. In this research, the researcher used Word Wall media to help students
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