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A Proposal
Submited as partial fullfilment of the requirements for S-1 Degree

By :
NPM. 1311040203

Study Program : English Education

Adviso r : Iwan Kurniawan, M.Pd
Co-Advisor : Rohmatillah, M.Pd



Learning English Vocabulary by Using Guessing Game in the

First Semester of Hotel Accommodation the First Grade Students
ofSMKN 3 Bandar Lampung in 2017/2018 Academic Year
By :MelsaDwiCahyani .W

In the learning process, vocabulary is one of linguistic features which influences the
communicate competence. Game is one of many ways to improve the learners
vocabulary. Game is beneficial for students, and it can help teacher to develop their
materials. Although the students has used game in learning vocabulary, the students
still get low score. The objective of this research was to know the process of learning
English vocabulary by using guessing game and to know the students’ problem in
learning English vocabulary by using guessing game.This research was about
Learning English Vocabulary by Using Guessing Game in the First Semester of Hotel
Accommodation the First Grade Students of SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung in 2017/2018
Academic Year.
In this research, the researcher used qualitative research method. The researcher used
purposive sampling technique to determine the sample. The researcher chose class
X.AP.2 as sample which consisted of 30 students. In collecting the data, the
researcher used three kinds of instruments, they were: observation, interview, and
questionnaire. The researcher used three major phases of data analysis, they were:
data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing or verification.

From the analysis, the researcher found that the teacher was applied all basic
procedures to learning English vocabulary by using guessing game, and the dificulties
of the students in learning English by using guessing game were: Firstly, students
confused about the teacher explanation about how to play the game. Secondly,
students had difficulties in confident, so some of students choose to quite in the game
activity, some of the students just acquire new vocabulary from teacher and their
textbook.Thirdly students had difficulties in pronuncing and spelling. Fourthly,
students think it was embrasingly if they wrong to say the words. The last, students
had difficulties in meaning and grammar.

Key words: Learning English, Vocabulary, Guessing Game

Alamat : Jl. LetkolEndroSuratminSukarame Bandar Lampung  (0721)703289




Student’s Name : MelsaDwiCahyani .W

Student’s Number : 1311040203
Study Program : English Education
Faculty : Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

To be tested and defended in the examination session
at Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, State Institute of Islamic Studies,
RadenIntan Lampung

Advisor Co-Advisor

IwanKurniawan, M. Pd Rohmatillah, M. Pd
NIP. 197405202000031002 NIP. 198105082007102001

The Chairperson,
of English Education Study Program

Meisuri, M.Pd
NIP. 198005152003122004


Alamat : Jl. LetkolEndroSuratminSukarame Bandar Lampung  (0721)703289



LAMPUNG IN 2017/2018 ACADEMIC YEAR by: Melsa Dwi Cahyani .W
NPM: 1311040203, Study Program: English Education, to be tested and defended
in the examination session held on: Friday, January 5th, 2018.

Board of Examiners:

The Chairperson : Syofnidah Ifrianti, M.Pd (..............................)

The Secretary : Nunun Indrasari, M.Pd (..............................)

The First Examiner : Dewi Kurniawati, M.Pd (..............................)

The Second Examiner : Iwan Kurniawan, M. Pd (..............................)

Advisor : Rohmatillah, M. Pd (..............................)

The Dean,
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty

Dr. H. Chairul Anwar, M.Pd

NIP. 195608101987031001


I hereby certify that this thesis with the title : Learning English Vocabulary by Using
Guessing Game in the First Semester of Hotel Accomodation the First Grade
Students of SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung in 2017/2018 Academic Years completely
my own work. I am fully aware that I have quoted some statements and ideas from
various sources and those are properly acknowledged text.

Bandar Lampung, January 5th, 2018

Declared by,

Melsa Dwi Cahyani .W


This thesis is dedicated to:

1. My beloved parents, Mr. Wagiman and Mrs. Harmiliana who always love me

and wish for my success. Thanks for all the motivation and pray.

2. My beloved sister, Mareta Kurnia Juwinda who always prays, supports and

give motivates to me.

3. My special friend Arga Kusuma. S who always prays, supports, and give

motivates to me.

4. My beloved friends, Suprihatin, Marchiana Dwi Lestari, Ayu Nurul Izzati,

Devi Lufita, Hasri Wahyu Ningsih, and Siti Tiara Ulfa. Who always give

supports, loves, prays, and always accompany me.

5. My beloved lecturers and almamater, UIN Raden Intan Lampung.


‫بر َوا‬
َ ‫ص‬َ ‫س ْم َع َى ْاْلَ ْب‬َّ ‫ًبو َج َعلَلَ ُك ُمبل‬ َ َ‫َواللَّ ُهأ َ ْخ َر َج ُك ْم ِم ْنبُطُىنِأ ُ َّم َهبتِ ُك ْم ََلتَ ْعلَ ُمىن‬
َ ‫ش ْيئ‬
ْ َ‫ْْلَ ْفئِ َدةَلَ َعلَّ ُك ْمت‬
ََ ‫ش ُك ُر‬
And Allah brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers knowing nothing, and
gave you hearing and sight and hearts that haply ye might give thanks.(Q.s. al-An-
Nahl : 78)


The researcher name is Melsa Dwi Cahyani W. She was born in

Lampung Tengah, on August12nd,1995. She is the First of two

Siblings of Mr.Wagiman and Ms.Harmiliana. She has one younger

sister named Mareta Kurnia Juwinda W.

The researcher started her formal study in Kindergarden of TK ABA Poncowati and

finished 2001 and then she continued her school at Elementary school of SD IT

Bustanul ‘Ulum and finished in 2007. After that she continued her school in Junior

High School of SMP IT Bustanul ‘Ulum and finished in 2010. Then she also

continued her school in Senior High School of SMA Negeri 1 Terusan Nunyai and

finished in 2013. Then she continued her study at the State University of Islamic

Studies (UIN) of Raden Intan Lampung in 2013 in Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Faculty in English Education Study Program.


First of all, praise be to Allah, the most Merciful, the most Beneficent, for His

blessing and mercy given to me during my study and in completing this final project.

Then, the best wishes and salutations be upon the great messenger prophet

Muhammad S.A.W.

This thesis is presented to the English Education study program of UIN Raden Intan

Lampung. The primary aim of writing this thesis is to fulfill a part of students’ task in

partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain S1-degree.

The researcher would like to thank the to following people for their ideas, time and

guidance for this thesis:

1. Dr. H. Chairul Anwar, M.Pd, the dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

faculty of UIN Raden Intan Lampung.

2. Meisuri, M.Pd, the chairperson of English Education Study Program of UIN

Raden Intan Lampung.

3. IwanKurniawan, M.Pd, the first advisor for her guidance and help to finish

this thesis.

4. Rohmatillah, M.Pd, the second advisor who has spent countless hours to

correct this thesis for its betterment.

5. Suniyar, S.Pd. M.Pd, the principal SMK Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung, Dian

Anggraini S.Pd, the English teacher for giving the contribution while the

researcher was conducting the research at the school, all the teachers and

staffs who have helped the writer in collecting the data.

6. All lecturers of the English Education Study Program of UIN Raden Intan

Lampung who have taught the writer since the first year of her study of UIN

Raden Intan Lampung.

7. All friends of the English Department of UIN Raden Intan Lampung,

especially beloved friends in E class.

Finally, none is perfect and neither is the final project. Any corrections, comments,

and criticism for the betterment of this final project are always open-heartedly


Bandar Lampung, January 5th, 2018

Declared by,

Melsa Dwi Cahyani .W


COVER .................................................................................................................. i
ABSTRACK .......................................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL .......................................................................................................... iii
ADMISSION.......................................................................................................... iv
DECLARATION ................................................................................................... v
DEDICATION ....................................................................................................... vi
MOTTO ................................................................................................................. vii
CURRICULUM VITAE ....................................................................................... viii
ACKNOWLEDGMEN ......................................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................... .. xi
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ xiv
LIST OF FIGURE ................................................................................................ xv
LIST OF APPENDIX ....................................................................................... .... xvi

A. Background of the Problem............................................... 1
B. Identification of the Problem............................................. 9
C. Limitation of the Problem ................................................. 9
D. Formulation of the Problem .............................................. 9
E. The Objective of the Research .......................................... 10
F. Uses of the Research ......................................................... 10
G. Scope of the Research ....................................................... 11


A. Vocabulary ........................................................................ 12
1. Concept of Vocabulary .............................................. 12
2. Kinds of Vocabulary .................................................. 13
3. Concept of Teaching Vocabulary............................... 17
4. Concept of Learning Vocabulary ............................... 19
5. Students Problem in Learning Vocabulary ................ 20
B. Game ................................................................................. 23
1. Concept of Game ........................................................ 23
2. Kinds of Game ........................................................... 24
C. Concept of Guessing Game ............................................... 27
D. Learning Vocabulary by using Guessing Game ................ 28
E. Teaching Vocabulary by Using Guessing Game .............. 29

A. Research Design ................................................................ 33
B. Research Subject ............................................................... 33
C. Data Collecting Technique ................................................ 34
1. Observation ................................................................... 35
2. Interview ....................................................................... 37
3. Questionnaire ............................................................... 38
D. Research Procedure ........................................................... 40
E. Trustworthiness of The Data ............................................. 41
F. Data Analysis .................................................................... 42


A. General Description of the Research Place ....................... 45
1. Brief History of SMK Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung ....... 45
2. Condition of School, Teachers and Staffs, and
Students’ in SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung....................... 47
B. Research Procedure ........................................................... 50
C. Research Report ................................................................ 51
1. Observation ................................................................... 51
2. Questionnaire ................................................................ 54
3. Interview ....................................................................... 62
D. Conclusion Drawing and Verifying .................................. 65
1. The Students’ Responses Towards the Uses of
Guessing Game Technique ........................................... 66
2. The Process of Learning English Vocabulary by
Using Guessing Game .................................................. 67
3. Students Problem in Learning English
Vocabulary by Using Guessing Game.......................... 68
E. Research Finding ............................................................... 69
1. The Process of Learning English Vocabulary by
Using Guessing Game .................................................. 69
2. The Students Problems in Learning English
Vocabulary by Using Guessing Game.......................... 69


A. Conclusion ......................................................................... 71
B. Suggestion ......................................................................... 72

1. For the Students ............................................................ 72
2. For the School............................................................... 73

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 74
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................ 77


Table 1.1 The Students English Score at the First Semesterof SMK
Negeri 3 Bandar Lampungin Academic Year of 2017/2018...................5
Table 3.1 The situation of Students’ of Hotel Accommodation the First
Grade of SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung 2017/2018 .................................... 34
Table 3.2 Observation Sheet (based on guessing game in the classroom) ..............36
Table 3.3 Interview Sheet .......................................................................................38
Table 3.4 Specification of Questionnaire ................................................................39
Table 4.1 Teacher and Staff in SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung .................................... 47
Table 4.2 Students in SMK Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung .........................................49
Table 4.3 Facilities and Condition of the School ....................................................49

Figure 1. Component of Data Analysis ............................................................... 44
Figure 2. Result of Questionnaire No. 1 .............................................................. 55
Figure 3. Result of Questionnaire No. 2 .............................................................. 56
Figure 4. Result of Questionnaire No. 3 .............................................................. 56
Figure 5. Result of Questionnaire No. 4 .............................................................. 57
Figure 6. Result of Questionnaire No. 5 .............................................................. 58
Figure 7. Result of Questionnaire No. 6 .............................................................. 59
Figure 8. Result of Questionnaire No. 7 ............................................................. 59
Figure 9. Result of Questionnaire No. 8 ............................................................. 60
Figure 10. Result of Questionnaire No. 9 ............................................................. 61

Appendix 1. List of Students X.AP.2.................................................................... 77
Appendix 2.Observation Sheet First Meeting ....................................................... 78
Appendix 3. Data of Problem faced by the Students in the First Meeting............ 79
Appendix 4.Observation Sheet Second Meeting .................................................. 80
Appendix 5.Data of Problem faced by the Students in the Second Meeting ........ 81
Appendix 6.The Result of Interview to the English Students ............................... 82
Appendix 7.Questionnaire .................................................................................... 88




A. Background of the Problem

Language is very important in human life. The function of language is as a

communication tool by people to conduct their activities. We are able to exchange

knowledge, beliefs, opinions, wishes, threats, commands, thanks, promises,

declarations, feelings–only our imagination sets limits. We need language to

communicate and send our expression. Without language it is imposible for us to

interact each other in daily life or learning something.

One of the most important language that we must learn is English. According to

Susanna in Souriyavongsa says that English is not only used as an official language in

many nations, but also influence on many different cultures in a large number of

countries; it is the central language of communication in the world-wide.1 Based on

the theory mentioned above most people use English as a medium of communication

in their interaction. In other words, people from different nation use English when

they meet and interact one another.

Khader and Mohammad in Souriyavongsa say that English language is a global

language which can be used for communication with native-speakers and non-native

Thongma Souriyavongsa,“A Research Paper: Factors Causes Students’ Low English Language
Learning: A Case Study in the National University of Laos”. International Journal of English
Language Education, Vol.1 No.1 (2013), p. 181.

speakers in the world-wide, especially in the education section, all university students

need it for their studies in order to search information and obtain knowledge

therefore, a lot of university through out the world need to include English language

as one of their educational tool requirements. 2 In Indonesia, English has become one

of compulsory subjects taught at junior and senior high schools. Based on Depdikbud

in khasanah says that English as an international language needs to be taught for the

development of science and technology, culture age, and also the relationship

between countries in the world.3 Therefore in Indonesia’s curriculum, English

becomes one of subjects which is taught at all levels of education in Indonesia.

Mastering English as a foreign language of course is not a simple as learning

English as a national language.

“Teacher and student must master and understand what the strategy

that suitable to be used in English teaching and learning process.In

the learning process, listening, speaking, reading and writing are the

targets to be achieved through the language components such as

structure, vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation. They are intended

to support the development of that basic competences.”4

Ibid, p. 181.
Ika Kurniawati Khasanah, “The Use of Picture-Guessing Game in Implementing Team-Pair-Solo
Teachnique to Improve the Students’’ Ability to Write Descriptive Text, (Classroom Action Research
at SMA N 1 Subah for Grade X in the Academic Year of 2012/2013”.(Semarang State University,
Semarang, 2013), p. 1
Bayu Nurbaeti, “Teaching Vocabulary Using Realia Media at the Third Grade Students’ of SD N
1 Tegalmunjul-Purwakarta (The Objective of the Research Paper)”.(STKIP Siliwangi, Bandung,
2013), p.1

Vocabulary is one of linguistic features which influences the communicate

competence. Based on Nurbaeti in his research paper explained that vocabulary is a

central to language and it is significant to language learners. Therefore, to develop the

students’ ability in mastering English, it cannot be separated from the mastery of

vocabulary, because it can be a measurement of the students understand in English

and to build their confidence in speaking English up. In the other hands, by mastering

the vocabulary, it can be a bridge for the students to extract any information then can

enlarge their knowledge.5 It means that by enriching students vocabulary,

automatically they will be easy to communicate with other people from other

countries so that it can enlarge their knowledge.

In mastery English we must learn vocabulary first. Based on P.Bintz in his

journal explained that learning vocabulary is fundamentally about learning definition

of words.6 The learners have to master English vocabularies before mastering

English. They will not be able to express their fell clearly if they do not master

vocabulary before. There are many ways to improve the learners vocabulary but as a

teacher we must be able to choose good technique to teach them. To make the

learners or students feel interested in learning vocabulary and make them easy to

improve their vocabulary the teachers have to use good technique in teaching. It

means that the techniques here are all those activities that contain of fun and games

activities. The kind of activities should be simple, interesting and enjoyable, for

Ibid, p. 1
William P.Bitz.“Teaching Vocabulary Across the Curriculum”.International Journal, (2011),

example is game. Playing game in teaching vocabulary is very important, because

teaching through game can create a fun situation and of course it can increase

students’ motivation.

Game does not only help the students to encourage their learning but also can

help the teacher to create useful and meaningful context.7 It means that game is not

only beneficial for students, but it can help teacher to develop their material, and it

can make teacher more creative in teaching vocabulary. Games help and encourage

many learners to sustain their interest.8 It means that games can make the students

enjoy the English class activities especially in overcoming the problems of learning

vocabulary, because they learn in situation where they are given stimulus to practice

the vocabulary of the target language.

There are so many kinds of games that can be used by the teacher, such as

guessing game. Guessing game is a game in which the object is to guess some kind of

information, such as a word, a phrase, a title, or the location of an object. Guessing

game can be played pairs, or groups. By playing guessing game students can focus

more to the lesson.

Based on preliminary research that was conducted at SMK Negeri 3 Bandar

Lampung, the researcher found that learning vocabulary by using guessing game has

been applied. From the result of interview, the teacher said that she had applied this

Tengku Nor Rizan, et. al, “Young Learners’ Perceptions of Learning English Using Language
Games in a Non - Formal Context”. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,Vol.6 No.6 S5, (2015),p. 4
Ibid, p. 4

game.9(see appendix page 78) Although the students has used game in learning

vocabulary, the students still got low score. From the result of preliminary

observation that was conduct in three meetings at X.AP.2 the researcher found that

the students were not too interesting in learning English vocabulary by using guessing

game. The students got some problems in their vocabulary activity such as meaning,

spelling, grammar, and meaning.10(see appendix page 81) Most of them got scores for

their vocabulary test below the criteria of minimum mastery at school. The students’

achievement score of English test can be seen from table 1.

Table 1.1
The English Score at the First Grade of
SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung in the Academic Year of 2017/2018.
No Class <76 ≥76 Total
1 X AP 1 18 12 30
2 X AP 2 22 10 32
3 X AP 3 21 8 29
4 X. KC.K 1 14 24 29
5 X. KC.K 2 11 19 27
6 X. KC.K 3 17 21 28
7 X. KC.R 1 16 22 29
8 X. KC.R 2 15 17 27
9 X. KC.R 3 16 20 26
10 X. BOGA 1 11 18 29
11 X. BOGA 2 10 21 31
12 X. BOGA 3 12 18 30
13 X. BOGA 4 14 20 29
14 X. TB 1 13 18 31
15 X. TB 2 12 16 28
16 X. TB 3 13 21 29
17 X. UP 1 17 11 28
18 X. UP 2 12 18 30
19 X. UP 3 11 18 29
Total 275 276 551
Precentage 49,9% 50,1% 100%
Source : Document of English Score at the first grade of SMK Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung.

Preliminary Research Interview to Mrs. Dian Anggraini, S.Pd. Appendix, (SMKN 3 Bandar
Lampung: 2017)
Preliminary Research Observation in X.AP.2. Appendix, (SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung: 2017)

From the table above, it can be known that English learning achievement of

students in SMK Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung was still not optimal yet, although the

teacher has used game in teaching vocabulary. There were 275 students of the 551

students who passed the test based on the criteria of minimum mastery (KKM) and

there were researcher found 276 students who failed. In this case the students’ score

of KKM in SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung is 76 and there were half of all students who

got the score under 76. It means that students who got difficulty in vocabulary by

using guessing game were 49.9%. Thus it can be concluded that the students still get

difficult to learn vocabulary by using game.

Based on the data of preliminary research, from 6 majors in this school the

students from hotel accommodation who got the lowest score. So that in this research,

the researcher was conducted the research in hotel accommodation. As such, the

researcher wanted to know the learning process of English subject in SMK Negeri 3

Bandar Lampung by observing the game used by English students in learning process

of vocabulary by using guessing game. In addition, the researcher wanted to found

information about the problems faced by the students in learning English process of


There were some previous researches by using Guessing Game. One of the

researchers was conducted by Tika Pratiwi, entitled Teaching and Learning

Vocabulary through Picture Guessing Game to The Seventh Grade Students of MTs

Mathla’ul Anwar Sidowaluyo South Lampung in Academic Year 2013/2014. The


researcher used qualitative research. The population of the researcher was the seventh

grade students’ of MTs Mathla’ul Anwar Sidowaluyo South Lampung in academic

year 2013/2014. The subjects of the research were 40 students. The result of the

research showed that picture guessing game is the good technique which can be

implemented in the process of teaching learning English vocabulary. The result

showed that teaching learning process was done on three meetings, and the teacher

used guessing game in teaching learning vocabulary by using picture guessing game,

students looked active in the class, but some of them looked less responsive in

learning vocabulary. The problem faced by the teacher in teaching vocabulary

through picture guessing game are time consuming, difficult to handle students’

activity. The problem faced by the students in learning vocabulary through picture

guessing game are some students had difficulty in managing time given by the


The second previous research that conducted by Danis, entitled The

Implementation of Guessing Game Technique in Teaching Students’ Speaking Skill

(A Qualitative Study of Second Graders in Junior High School) in Bandung.

Indicators of speaking can be achieved by the Guessing Game. Based on her

observation, students just already knew what guessing game was and it was the first

time they played guessing game in their speaking class. They rarely played such a

game. It was the reason for the students that faced some struggles in learning

speaking skill. The results of the research were the students had less motivation to

practice speaking in the class. It was seemed in the first meeting of the observation.

The students tend to be quite than answered a simple question. Besides, they were

afraid to speak up for describing things in front of the class. Incorrect speaking in

English, afraid to pronounce some key words, to make mistake, even to share their

feeling are such kind of their problem which they faced in their speaking class.

Based on the explanation of previous research studies, it can be concluded that

there are significant differences of previous studies to this research. The differences

are in these previous studies that had been done by Pratiwi, she said that the

difficulties faced by the students in learning vocabulary through picture guessing

game are some students’ had difficulty in managing time given by the teacher and the

students had less motivation. Another previous study that had been done by Danis,

the students knew what guessing game was, but they rarely did a game in speaking so

they felt very hard in played guessing game because they afraid to speak in front of

the class, and they had less motivation.

From the explanation above, the researcher conducted a research entitled

Learning English Vocabulary by Using Guessing Game in the First Semester of Hotel

Accommodation the First Grade Students of SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung in 2017/2018

Academic Year.

B. Identification of the Problem

From background above, the researcher identified the problem as follows :

1. The students got low score.

2. The students got some problems with their vocabulary learning.

3. The game had given to the students in learning vocabulary but not

effective and not maximal.

C. Limitation of Problem

The limitation of the problem was on the process of learning English

vocabulary by using guessing game and the problem of students in learning

English vocabulary by using guessing game in First semester of the First Grade

of SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung in 2017/2018 Academic Year.

D. Formulation of the Problem

From identification and the limitation of problem above, the problem can be

formulated into :

1. How was the process of learning English vocabulary by using guessing game

in the first semester of hotel accommodation the first grade students of

SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung in 2017/2018 academic year?

2. What are the students’ problems in learning English vocabulary by using

guessing game the first semester of hotel accommodation the first grade

students of SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung in 2017/2018 academic year?


E. The objective of Research

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objectives of the research

are as follows :

1. To know the process of learning English vocabulary by using guessing game

the first semester of hotel accommodation the first grade students of SMKN

3 Bandar Lampung in 2017/2018 academic year?

2. To know the students’ problems in using guessing game in learning English

vocabulary the first semester of hotel accommodation the first grade students

of SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung in 2017/2018 academic year?

F. Uses of the Research

The uses of research are as follows :

1. Theoretically, to enrich previous research that related to the use of guessing

game toward students English vocabulary.

2. Practically.

a. Teacher: Give the information of the English teacher of SMKN 3 Bandar

Lampung, the students’ problem in learning English vocabulary by using

guessing game.

b. Students: By understanding their problems in learning vocabulary by using

guessing game, the researcher can try to find the best solution to help the


c. Researcher: The researcher conducted the process, and problems in learning

vocabulary using guessing game and also it will be useful as a references for

the next researcher who wants to conduct research about students’ learning

English vocabulary by using guessing game.

G. Scope of the research

1. Subject of the research

The subject of this research was the first semester students of the first grade

students of SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung in 2017/2018 academic year?

2. Object of the research

The object of the research was the process of learning vocabulary especially

by using guessing game

3. Place of the research

The place of the research conducted at SMK Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung. It is

located on Jl. Cut Mutia No.21 , RT.1/RW. 5, Gulak Galik, Teluk Betung

Utara, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35214.

4. Time of the research

The research conducted at the first semester of 2017/2018 in the Academic




A. Vocabulary

1. Concept of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of language elements that important in English. Vyogotsky in

Thornbury says that a word is a microcosm of human consciousness.1 It means that if

the vocabulary is assumed like the cells that make up the organs in the human body,

so it is a component of language that we must learn first before the four skills in


Hornby says that vocabulary is the total number of word in a language,

vocabulary is a list of words with their meanings. 2 It means that vocabulary is items

of word which has different meanings and vocabulary is a listing of all words that are

thaught and learned in the foreign language.

Richard and Renandya say that vocabulary is a core component of language

profiency and provides much of the basis for how learners speak, listen, read and

write.3 It means that vocabulary is a centre of all language, it is used by every skills in

english. vocabulary has important role in developing another skills.

Scott Thornbury, How To Teach Vocabulary (England: Pearson Education Limited, 2002), p. 1
A S Hornby, “Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English”, English Dictionary
(5th ed) (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), p. 1662
Jack C. Richard and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of
Current Practice (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p.255

Based on theories above it can be concluded that vocabulary is collection of

words in one languagethat have different meanings. Vocabulary is centre of language,

because it is used when we learn the four skills in english andthey are used by all

people from all countries and profession as a communication tool.

Vocabulary is the most important things in studying English. Students’ will be

easy to understand the meaning of words when they listen, speak, read, and write in

English, by mastering vocabulary. We must learn vocabulary, because it is the

fundamental of us to express ourself and as a tool to understand the meaning of

everyone expression. Without vocabulary it is impossible to learn language.

2. Kinds of Vocabulary

Vocabulary has some kinds that needs to be learnt. There are types of vocabulary

that are explained by the experts. One of explanations is explained by Thornbury. He

explained that there are at least eight kinds of vocabulary.4 There are noun, pronoun,

verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, determiner. Those can be described

as follows:

In learning vocabulary there are classifications of word. According Thornburry

some the words class. The classification of wordshare:

Scott Thornburry, Op.Cit, p. 13

a. Nouns

Noun is a word that is the name of person, a place, a thing, or activity or a

quality idea. Noun can be used as the subject or object of a verb. Noun can be

divided into some classes:

a) Proper noun is a noun that indicates the specific name of thing. It begins

with a capital letter. Examples: Robin, Alice, London, and Civil War.

b) Common noun is a noun that names of general thing, not a specific

thing. Examples: country, company, boy and girl.

c) Countable nouns is noun that indicates something you could actually

count. For example, you could count pig: one pig, two pigs, three pigs.

d) Uncountable noun is a noun that indicates something you cannot count.

For examples: furniture, advise, information, and news.

e) Abstrack noun is a noun that names of idea, not a physical thing.

Examples: hope, knowledge, trouble, ability, and success.

f) Concrete noun is a noun that names of physical thing. For examples:

table, floor, beach, coffee and children.

b. Pronouns

A pronoun is a word which is considered equivalent to a noun that is replaced.

a) Subjective Pronoun

A subjective pronouns act as the subjects of a sentence. The subjective

pronouns are she, he, it, I, you.

b) Objective pronouns

An objective pronoun acts as the object of the sentence. It receives the

action of the verb. The objective pronouns are her, him, it, me, them, us, and


c) Reflexive pronouns

A reflexive pronoun refers back to the subject of the sentences. The

reflexive pronouns are herself, himself, itself, myself, ourself, themself, and


d) Possessive pronouns

A possessive pronoun tells you who own something. The possessive are

hers, his, its, mine, ours theirs, and yours.

e) Demonstrative pronouns

A demonstrative pronoun point out a noun. The demonstrative pronoun are

that, these, this, those.

f) Interrogative pronouns

An interrogative pronoun is used in a question. It help to ask something.

The interrogative pronoun are what, which, who, whom, and compound

word ending in “ever”, such as whatever, whichever, whoever, whomever.

g) Indefinite pronouns

An indefinite pronouns refers to an indefinite, or general, person, or thing.

Indefinite pronouns include all, any, both, few, each, everyone, many,

neither, none, nothing, several, some, and somebody.


c. Verbs

Verbs are a word which is used in describing an action, experience, or state. In

activities (run, walk, look, for), accomplishment (build, kill), achievement

(recognize, find), and states ( know, love, have). For example in sentence:

- We walked to the store yesterday

d. Adjective

Adjective is a modifier that used to highlight quantities or attributes.

The types of adjective are:

a) Determiners

They are articles (the, an, a), demonstrative adjective (this, that, these,

those), possessive adjectives (my, your, her), numeral adjective (fourth,

first, tenth, third) and adjectives of indefinite quantity (some, few, all).

b) Descriptive adjectives

They usually indicate an inherent quality (old, young, new) or a physical

state (blue, red, and yellow) size or age.

e. Adverbs

Adverbs is a word that describe or modify verbs, adjectives, and other

adverbs. Adverbs express ideas of time, place, cause, degree. (carefully,

politely, much).

f. Preposition

Preposition is a word which is used to show the way in which other

connected. For example: in, on, beside, at, between.

g. Conjunction

Conjunction is a word that connects sentences, phrase or clause. For example:

and, but, and etc.

h. Determiner

Are words place in front of a noun to make it clear what the noun refers to.

There are several classes of determiners:

a) Definite and indefinite articles: a, an, the.

b) Demonstratives: this, that, those.

c) Quantifiers: a few, a little, much, many, a lot of, most, some, any and


d) Possessive: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

e) Numbers: cardinal, ordinal number.

3. Concept of Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary is important in learning language because without vocabulary the

learners cannot communicate to other people. The quality of students’ language

depends on to the extent of their vocabulary knowledge. According to Brown in

Nurbaeti teaching is a process hawing or helping someone to learn how to do


something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with

knowledge, causing to know to understand.5

Brown offers some techniques for teaching vocabulary, among other are:

a. To determine the goal of teaching, such as:

b. To improve the reading vocabulary skills of ESL students

c. To teach ESL students word-building skills

d. To teach ESL students to guess word a meaning from context clues.

e. To get students to make word building; that is derived from suffixes,

prefixes and roots.

f. To definition clues, which comprises the parentheses and footnotes, and

synonyms and antonyms.

g. To inference clues; these clues have three types, such as example,

summary, and experiences. 6

Based on the explanation above, it can be said that the English teacher should

be able to choose and use appropriate technique that is suitable to attract students

attention and encourage them to know the form and the meaning of the words


Bayu Nurbaeti, Op.Cit, p. 2
H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. (4th ed). (San Francisco:
Pearson Longman, 2000), p. 8

4. Concept of Learning Vocabulary

Learning is activity to gain knowledge or skill by studying. Learning is the

process of gaining knowledge and expertise.7 It means that learning is treat or action

that do by the students, to get new knowledge and skill. Learning as the

transformative process of taking in information that when internalized and mixed

with what we have experienced changes what we know and builds on what we do.

It’s based on input, process, and reflection. It is what changes us.8 It means that

learning is an action or process from learners to get new knowledge from some

information and mixed with experience from tutor, teacher, or from another source.

Learning is a process that leads to change, which occurs as a result of experience and

increases the potential of improved performance and future learning. 9 It means that

learning is process that guided us to the next level of study, it is caused as the result

of impression and increases the skill that had to learned.

Based on the theories above it can be concluded that learning is an activity, or a

process to get knowledge from any sources. Learning also as a guided for learners to

continue to the next steps, or levels. In learning English, students should be able to

understand words being used because by understanding the vocabulary of the target

language, it will be easier for them to get the idea of what they have learnt. Based on

Malcolm Knowles, Elwood F. Holton Iii, Richard A. Swanson, The Adult Learner (6th ed)
(California: Elsevier Inc, 2005), p. 17
Tony Bingham, Marcia Conner, The New Social Learning (1st ed) (California: Berret-Koehler
Publisher, Inc, 2010), p. 19
Susan Ambrose, How Learning Works (1st ed) (California: Jhon Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2010),
p. 23

theories above, it can be concluded that learning vocabulary is extremely large.

Nobody ever learns all the words in any language, but they can enlarge the number of

words they have. With learning vocabulary the students can help in many ways at

reading and writing ability will improve as they learn new words, and the more words

they know the better their chance will be to do well on the vocabulary questions, in

the school.

5. Students’ Problem in Learning Vocabulary

Vocabulary learning is central to language acquisition, whether the language is

first, second, or foreign. However in the practice of learning vocabulary in the

classroom, there are some problems which often happen in process of learning

vocabulary. Huyen and Nga say that even though students realize the importance of

vocabulary when learning language, most students learn vocabulary passively due to

several factors.

a. They consider the teacher's explanation for meaning or definition,

pronunciation, spelling and grammatical functions boring. In this case

scenario, language learners have nothing to do in a vocabulary learning

section but to listen to their teacher.

b. Students only think of vocabulary learning as knowing the primary

meaning of new words. Therefore, they ignore all other functions of the


c. Students usually only acquire new vocabulary through new words in their

textbooks or when given by teachers during classroom lessons. For

example, learners find many new words in a text and then ask the teacher

to explain the meanings and usage's.

d. Many learners do not want to take risks in applying what they have learnt.

Students may recognize a word in a written or spoken form and think that

they already "know the word", but they may not be able to use that word

properly in different contexts or pronounce it correctly.10

Thornbury states that some factors that make some words more difficult than

others are:

a. Pronunciation: research shows that difficult to pronunce are more difficult

to learn potentially difficult words will typically be those that contain

sounds that are unfamiliar to some groups of students.

b. Spelling: sound spelling mismatches are likely to be the cause of errors.

Either of pronunciation of spelling, and can contributes to a word’s

difficulty. Words that contain silent letters are particularly problematic.

c. Length and Complexity, long words seem to be more difficult to learn

that shorts ones. Dealing with complex word also tends to be more difficult

than the simple one.

Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen and Khuat Thi Thu Nga, “Learning Vocabulary Through Guessing
Games (The Effectiveness of Learning Vocabulary Through Games)”. Asian EFL Journal, Vol. 5 No.
4 . (2003), p.3

d. Grammar, also problematic is grammar associated with the word grammar

of phrasal verb is particularly troublesome. Some phrasal verbs are

separable, but others are not

e. Meaning, when two words overlap in meaning, students are likely to

confuse them. Words with multiple meaning can also be troublesome for

students’. Range connotation, and idiomatically, words that can be used in

a wide range of context will generally be perceived as easier that their

synonyms with a narrower range. Uncertainty as to the connotations of

some words may cause problems too.11

Based on theories above, it can be concluded that in learning vocabulary, the

students may have some problems. Some of those problems are:

a. They confused about what the teachers explanation for meaning.

b. Students only think of vocabulary learning as knowing the primary

meaning of new words. Therefore, they ignore all other functions of the


c. Students usually only acquire new vocabulary through new words in their

textbook or when given by teacher during classroom lessons.

d. Many learners do not want to take risks in applying what they have learn.

e. Lack of understanding of words construction make some word are difficult

(pronunciation, spelling, grammar, meaning).

Scott Thornbury. Op.Cit, p. 27-28

From the explanation above its show that they did not confidence to use their

vocab. their motivation in learning vocabulary still low, they just learn in the

classroom, and only know new words if their teacher give some text or new words.

B. Game

1. Concept of Game

Game is effective and efficient in improving students communicative ability.

Game is very simple way to make students interest in English classroom. Students

want to sit and listen to the teacher explanation and try their best to remember

vocabulary. Hadfield says that a game is activity with rules, a goal and an element of

fun.12 It means that games should be regarded as an integral part of the language

syllabus, not as an amusing activity for Friday afternoon or for the end of the term.

Game is a form of competitive play or sport with rules.13 It means that game is a fun

activity that has many steps. Games should not be as an activity that do in the end of

learning process or to filling the void of time when the material has been completed

and the time has not run out, but games must be as an alternative activity to replace

the boring learning process.

Games can make the student more fell comfortable in the classroom, they will

become brave to elaborate and explore their knowledge about vocabulary. Besides as

a technique to develop students vocabulary, with games students will be more active,

Jill Hadfield, Intermediete Vocabulary Game (Edinburg: Pearson Education Limited, 1999), p.
A S Hornby, Op.Cit, p. 486

help each other, and interest to try the new things. Finding an effective way to

motivate learners is always the interest of teachers, researchers, and linguists. By

game the students will be more motivated, and more interested to know much

vocabulary, moreover the students were silent will begin to dare express their


Based on theories above, it can be concluded that games are the important thing

that can help students in learning English vocabulary, games should not be used as an

entertaining activity, but it can also be a good learning techniques to replace the

boring learning activities. Games can increase the students’ knowledge about

vocabulary and can develop their ability to remember words. Games can make

student more confidence, help each other, and students can be more sociable.

2. Kinds of Game

As stated above, the main purpose of using games in English classes is to

practice students different skills, especially their communicative ability. A variety of

techniques in using games is an important part of involving games into lessons. Lewis

and Bedson in Kupečková classify the game as follows:

a. Movement games: the type of game when learners are physically active

(Find your partner). All children can be involved and the teacher usually

just monitors the game. Movement games have clearly given rules and they

can be either competitive or cooperative; it depends on the concrete game

or how the teacher designs it.

b. Board games: games played on the board in this case. Teacher needs

whatever kind of boards (black, white or interactive board). They can be

played in all types of grouping and teacher needs to prepare some material

in most of board games. This type of the game can be either competitive or

cooperative; it deals with the type of grouping. Teacher can operate as a

controller, organizer, participant and facilitator.

c. Matching games: games involve matching correct pairs (e.g. Vocabulary

Scramble). They need to have material prepared. Learners cooperate to

reach the goal of the game. The goal of the game and the type of grouping

can make the game cooperative (learner in pair, learners of one group,

whole class) or competitive (pair/group vs. pair/group).

d. Card games: familiar game with board game. The cards have an important

value in the game (What is that card?) so material is required in this case.

e. Desk games: these games can be played as an individual work game or

pair and group game. Desk games need material and they can work both

competitively and cooperatively. For example scrabble or memory game

are competitive games whereas puzzle is cooperative game.


f. Role-play games: it can be either the game it self or an element of other

games. It needs active performing of the learner cooperating in pairs or

smaller groups. Material is not necessary but can be useful.

g. Task-based games: belongs to popular games nowadays, especially

because of its connection with cooperative schooling. Usually pairs or

groups work on meaningful task in the way they enjoy. Learners obey clear

rules and they have got a chance to practise all language skills.

h. Computer games : are a very popular type of the games nowadays. It can

be played either at school or at home. It requires individual or pair work

and learners practise their reading and writing skills.

i. Guessing games: based on the principle when one holds the information

and another tries to guess it. There exists a wide variety of guessing games

with teacher as a participant or facilitator. Teacher needs to prepare none or

some material and learners practice their speaking and listening skills while

cooperating. Learners follow given instruction and rules which do not have

to be strict.14

Based on theories above, it can be concluded that there are many kind of games

that can help students’ to memorized vocabulary, not just depend on textbook or

Deguang Zhu. “Using Games to Improve Students’ Communicative Ability”. A Journal of
Language Teaching and Research. Vol. 1 No. 4 (July 2012), pp. 803-804

teacher explanation, game can be an alternative way, to increasing their motivation to

learn vocabulary.

C. Concept of Guessing Game

Guessing game is one of some game in teaching technique. This game is played

by several teams in the class. Guessing game is a game in which the object is to guess

some kind of information, such as a word, a phrase, a title, or the location of an

object. According to Webster in Khasanah, guessing game is a game in which the

participants compete individually or in teams in the identification of something

indicated obscurely (as in riddles or charades).15 According to Klippel the basic rule

of guessing games is eminently simple, one person knows something that another one

wants to find out.16 It means that guessing game are game that can be played by

making a group or not. If we want to make groups, one group will give question

about something and another group will guess the answer from question.

The students use the context to guess the meaning of the English words. It can

be a tool to introduce, review and reinforce new vocabulary to students. It can make

the students to be more memorizing the words. Philips suggests that guessing game is

used to present vocabulary, to practice guessing meaning from context.17 It means

that guessing game is not to be taught but to be present, an activity which can help the

Ika Kurniawati Khasanah, Op.Cit, p. 22
Friederike Klippel, Keep Talking, Communicative Fluency Activities for Language Teaching
(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991), p. 22
I Ketut Purnata, “Teaching Vocabulary by Using Guessing Game to The Seventh Grade
Students’ of SMP N 4 Pupuan in Academic Year 2012/2013”. (a Thesis Mahasaraswati Denpasar
University, Denpasar, 2013). p. 24

students remember many words, so the students can get the meaning from the

context. According to Klippel says that the basic role of guessing game is very

simple. One person knows something that the other one wants to find out. He further

states as the person guessing has a real urge to find out something, guessing games

are true communication situations and as such are very important for foreign

language learning18. They are generally liked by students of all ages because they

combine language practice with fun and excitement.19

Based on theories above, it can be concluded that guessing games is a game in

which a person or participant knows something and competes individually or in a

team to identify or to find out the answer. Guessing game is flexible, it can be played

by making group or couples, it can be played inside or outside classroom. Guessing

game can be used as a tool to convey much new vocabulary. It can make the students

interested in vocabulary and help the students to memorize the vocab.

D. Learning Vocabulary by Using Guessing Game

Stainess in Al Zaabi suggests that there is no mystery to learning through play.

When children play, they cannot help but learn and develop.20 It means that learning

vocabulary using game is not a taboo, and it is commonly used by teacher to teach

English vocabulary. Game can make the students learn to remember the words that

have just heard. Similarly, Moon in Al Zaabi argues that when we use games with

Friederike Klippel, Op. Cit, p. 22
Ika Kurniawati Khasanah, Op.Cit. p. 22
Haifa Rashed Al Zaabi. “The Use of Memory and Guessing Games in Teaching Vocabulary”. A
Reasearch Paper, p.82

young learners, we appeal to their sense of fun and arouse their interest. Games give

them a real purpose for using language and provide opportunities for them to use

language more freely. 21 It means that game can make the students dare to develop

their skills, they will feel challenged when they see another friends more capable.

Moreover, according to Rixon in Al Zaabi says that games help students revise

vocabulary and recalling something that happened in a game may help a student

remember the language connected with it, and vocabulary games provide a good

chance for students to learn something from one another.22 It means that by playing

game students can remember another vocabulary that associated with previous


Based on theories above, it can be concluded that by using guessing game in

learning vocabulary the students feel fun, enjoy in the game and competitive to each

other. It is because most of students naturally like game in their lives. By playing

game students take parts and used vocabulary more naturally.

E. Teaching Vocabulary by Using Guessing Game

The goal of learning vocabulary is to make students master the material of

vocabulary and make the students to be able to use the words with find the meaning

of words. According to Case, guessing game is a game in which the object is to guess

some kinds of information, such as: a word, a phrase, a title, and the location object.

ibid, p.82
Loc. Cit

Steps of guessing game according to Lishikawa:

a. Divide the whole class into group and the number of students in each group

is defend the condition of the students in the class,

b. Each group has to come to in front of the class.

c. Each student in the group receives the topic that they take randomly and

the students have to hold the topic that they get, and may not show the

topic to their friend.

d. Each student has to tell to his/her partner or group about the material that

they get without mentioning it. So the students have to describe the topic

with their own words.

e. And others student in each group has to try to guess what their friend says.

f. This activity continues after all students get the part to describe the

material. Which group that finishes this game quickly is the winner of this


Here are some of the procedures in apply guessing game technique in the

classroom according to Herault:

a. Divide the class into two groups. Have each of these groups sit together

and tell them they must come up with a team name.

The Use of Guessing Game in Teaching Speaking an Experimental Study” (On-Line), tersedia di (06 Oktober 2017).

b. Tell each team that they must select a teammate to go to the front of the

classroom and face their team. Explain both teams that you will be giving

their selected teammate a secret word that can be anything.

c. This person can say only 2 words, YES or NO.

d. Each team will then rotate asking questions to their teammate who is

standing at the front of the classroom. They will continue to ask questions

until one of the teams has correctly guessed their respective word.

e. The winning team will get three options:

a) They can make the other team come to the front and sing a song in


b) They can make the other team come to the front and do 20 jumping


c) They can leave the classroom first and the losing team must wait to

leave until each person from the winning team has left the classroom.24

Based on the procedure of playing guessing game above, it can be concluded

that, there are many ways to apply the guessing game, the teacher just need to adapt

the games based on the situation on the class and students.

Here are the procedure of guessing game that had been applied by the teacher in

the hotel accommodation classes:

Stephanie Herault, “Guessing Game” (On-Line), tersedia di: (06 0ktober 2017).

a. Divide the whole class into group and the number of students in each group

is defend the condition of the students in the class,

b. By using pictures of popular characters, call one student away from group

c. Show the student a card (make sure that the students recognizes the

individual on the card) and then stand in front of the class and his/ her

classmate from the student group ask the questions in order to guess who

the individual is.

d. Student may as questions such as:

a) Are you male or female?

b) Are you a real person?

c) Are you a child or an adult?

And so on

f. Each team will then rotate asking questions to their teammate who is

standing at the front of the classroom. They will continue to ask questions

until one of the teams has correctly guessed their respective word.

g. The winning team will get two options: They can make the other team

come to the front and sing a song in English or they can make the other

team come to the front and do 20 jumping jacks.




A. Research Design

In this research the researcher used qualitative research. Berg in Satori and

Komariah says that qualitative research (QR) thus refers to the meaning, concepts,

definitions, characteristics, metaphors, symbols, and descriptions of things.1 Creswell

in Satori and Komariah says that qualitative research is an inquiry process of

understanding based on distinct mythological traditions of inquiry that explore social

or human problem. The researcher builds a complex, holistic picture, analyse words,

reports detailed views of informants, and conduct the study in natural setting.2 By this

qualitative research, the researcher focuses on the students’ process and problem in

learning vocabulary by using guessing game.

B. Research Subject

In this research the researcher used purposive sampling technique. According to

Teddlie and Yu say that, purposive sampling technique are primarily used in

Djam’an Satori, Aan Komariah. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, (Bandung : Alfabeta, 2014), p.
Ibid. p. 24

qualitative studies and may be defined as selecting units based on specific purposes

associated with answering a research study’s questions.3 Based on Maxwell in

Teddlie and Yu says that purposive sampling is a type of sampling in which,

particular setting, persons, or events are deliberately selected for the important

information they can provide that cannot be gotten as well from other choices.4 It

means that in this research, the researcher was determining who as a subject or object

based on the aim of researcher. The researcher chose a subject or object as an analysis

unit. In this research the researcher chose hotel accommodation major as the subject

because in this class the most students have low score.

Table 3.1
The situation of Students of Hotel Accommodation
The First Grade of SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung 2017/2018
No Class Total Average
1 X. AP. 1 32 72
2 X. AP. 2 30 70
3 X. AP. 3 29 71

In this research, average score class X. AP 1 are 72, average score class X. AP. 2 are

70, average score class X. AP. 3 are 71. From the data above average score highest

are X,AP 1 and lowest are X.AP 2. Thus, class X.AP 2 as the subject because average

score lowest than class X.AP 1 and X. AP 3.

Charles Teddlie and Fen Yu. “Mixed Methods Sampling (A Typology with Example)” A Journal
of Mixed Methods Research, Vol. 1 No. 1, (January 2007), p. 77
Ibid, p. 77

C. Data collecting technique

The researcher was used three kinds of instrument. There were observation,

interview and questionnaire. Observation was conducted to get the data of certain

activity. Interview was conducted to students to answered the questions that given by

the researcher. Questionnaire was conducted to the students to confirm the answer

given by the researcher. The steps are as follows:

1. Observation

Observation is the way to get data of research. According to Arikunto

observation method is scientific term that refer to research activities have survey and

write systematically the phenomenon and fact in the research field.5 Observation

method is the data collecting method which is used to collect research data this

research the writer observes the situation.6 It was used to get data of language

switching in teaching learning process, it know and interpret setting happened activity

of teacher and students in the classroom.

In this research the researcher function as observer to get the data, the researcher

was not involved directly in the classroom activity. The researcher was made a note

during learning process by using the instrument. The researcher was used

specification as follows.

Suharsimi Arikunto, Op.Cit, p. 127
Kusumah Wijaya dan Dwitagama Dedi. Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Cetakan ketiga)
(Jakarta: PT. Indeks, 2009), p.9

Table 3.2
Observation Sheet (based on guessing game in the classroom)
No Activities Yes No Note/Explanation
1 Make 4 group and the number of
students in each group is defend
the condition of the students in the
2 By using pictures of popular
characters, call one student away
from group
3 Show the student a card (make sure
that the students recognizes the
individual on the card) and then
stand in front of the class and his/
her classmate from the student
group ask the questions in order to
guess who the individual is.
4 Student may as questions such as:
a) Are you male or female?
b) Are you a real person?
c) Are you a child or an adult?
And so on
5 Each team will then rotate asking
questions to their teammate who is
standing at the front of the
classroom. They will continue to
ask questions until one of the teams
has correctly guessed their
respective word.
6 The winning team will get two
options: They can make the other
team come to the front and sing a
song in English or they can make
the other team come to the front
and do 20 jumping jacks.

2. Interview

Interview is kind of verbal communication that has a purpose to conduct

information. Esterberg in Sugiono says that interview is a meeting of two people to

exchange information and idea through questions and responses, resulting in

communication and joint construction of meaning about a particular topic.7 For this

study, interview was addressed to obtain additional information about students’

attitudes toward guessing game activity and benefits perceived by them through

guessing game activity, together with their suggestion for implementing guessing

game. In addition, the information from the interview could support and clarify the

data from the observations and questionnaires.

The interviews were conducted with six students as the samples. The researcher

assumed that six students represent all numbers of the class.8 The researcher used

one-to-one types to interview the samples. According to Lodico, there are five types

of interview; they are one-to-one, group interview, structured interview, semi

structured interview, and unstructured interview.9 One-on one interview is the one of

the interview types, where the researcher asks questions to the interviewer and

records answers from only participant in the study at a time. The interview was

recorded by voice recorder. To avoid misunderstanding and made students answered

Sugiono, Op.Cit. p.317
Jhon .W. Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed Methos Approaches (3rd
ed) (California: SAGE Publications, 2009), p. 181
Marguirite Lodico, Methods in Educational Research (USA: Wiley Inprint, 2010), p.139

to the questions more easily, the questions were delivered in Indonesian. The data can

be collected as many as possible from this interview.

Table 3.3
Interview sheet
No Categories No Total
(Students’ Problem in Learning Vocabulary) Item Item
1 They confused about what the teachers explanation 1
for meaning.
2 Students only think of vocabulary learning as 2
knowing the primary meaning of new words.
Therefore, they ignore all other functions of the
words. 6
3 Students usually only acquire new vocabulary 3
through new words in their textbook or when given
by teacher during classroom lessons.
4 Many learners do not want to take risks in applying 4
what they have learn.
5 Lack of understanding of words construction make 5,6
some word are difficult (pronunciation, spelling,
grammar, meaning).

3. Questionnaire

In this research, the researcher has given the questionnaire to the students.

According to Babbie in Acharya states that a questionnaire is defined as a document

containing question and other types of items designed to solicit information

appropriate to analysis.10

Bidhan Acharya, “Questionnaire Design (A working paper)”, Education Journal (University
Grants, June 2010)

Based on theories above the researcher concluded that questionnaire is a data

collecting technique that forms like a document and obtain questions to give to the

respondent that aims to get information. The researcher has given questionnaire to

the students in order to know the further opinion about their difficulties in learning

vocabulary. The researcher did the questionnaire after the process of learning

vocabulary by using guessing game technique. The aim was to find out problems face

by the students in learning vocabulary by using guessing game technique activities.

Furthermore, in this research, the researcher was made specification of Questionnaire

as follows:

Table 3.4
Specification of Questionnaire

No Categories No Total
(Students’ Problem in Learning Vocabulary) Item Item
1 They confused about what the teachers explanation 1
for meaning.
2 Students only think of vocabulary learning as 2
knowing the primary meaning of new words.
Therefore, they ignore all other functions of the
words. 9
3 Students usually only acquire new vocabulary 3, 4, 5
through new words in their textbook or when given
by teacher during classroom lessons.
4 Many learners do not want to take risks in applying 6
what they have learn.
5 Lack of understanding of words construction make 7, 8, 9
some word are difficult (pronunciation, spelling,
grammar, meaning).

D. Research Procedure

In this research, the researcher was used the procedure of the research as follows:

a. Formulating the research questions and determining the focus of the


b. Determining the cases, the way of collecting and analysing the data as well

as the way of reaching the conclusion.

c. Preparing the instruments (Observation, Interview and Questionnaire) of

collecting the data

d. Finding the subject of the research. The researcher determines the class

which become the subject of the research. The subject of this research is

students’ at first semester of hotel accommodation the first grade of SMKN

3 Bandar Lampung in the academic year of 2017/2018.

e. Collecting the data from the subject of the research through observation,

interview and questionnaire.

f. Documented the collecting data.

g. Evaluating and analysing the data to come at the fixed result of the research.

h. Reporting the result of the data analysis to induce the research finding.

E. Trustworthiness of the Data

In the qualitative research, Trustworthiness has four criteria:

a. Credibility: is evaluation of whether or not the research findings represent a

“credible” conceptual interpretation of the data from the participants’

original data.

b. Transferability: is the degree to which the findings of this inquiry can apply

or transfer beyond the project.

c. Dependability (stability of the data): is an assessment of the quality of the

integrated process of data collection.

d. Conformability (neutral and objective): is a measure of how well the

inquiry’s findings are supported by the data collect.11

From the explanation above the researcher chose the credibility to reveal data as

the real of the subject. This qualitative research used some methodologies to keep the

credibility of data in order to have more accurate conclusion. To make the credible

data, triangulation was employed. According to Setiyadi, triangulation is the

combination of two methods or more in collecting data about the attitude the subject

of the research. Because the attitude of human being is quite complex, the use of

single method in collecting the qualitative data is often considered not enough.12

Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, Kuantitatif dan R&D (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2012),
Ag Bambang Setiyadi, Op.Cit, p.243

In this research, the researcher was used triangulation. There were many kinds

of triangulation: time-triangulation, place-triangulation, theory-triangulation, method-

triangulation, and research-triangulation. The researcher was used two type of

triangulation. They were time triangulation especially longitudinal triangulation, and

method triangulation. In time triangulation the researcher was collected the data from

the same group at different times and some method triangulation, the researcher used

three data collecting techniques, and they were observation, interview and


F. Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of organizing the data in order to obtain regularity

of the pattern of form of the research. Data analysis was conducted to create

understanding of the data and to enable the researcher to present the result of this

research to the readers. In this research, the writer analysed the data by qualitative

descriptive with steps as follows:

a. Data Reduction

Data reduction means refers to the selecting, focusing, simplifying,

abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in written-up field notes or

transcriptions. The data reduction/transforming process continuous after

field work, until a final report is completed.13 It means that in data reduction

the researcher notes all the data that appear in detail for the first research

Matthew B. Miles, A. Micheal Huberman. Qualitative Data Analysis (2nd ed) (London: SAGE
Publication. Inc, 1994), p. 10

untill the final report was complete. In this step the researcher discard the

irrelevant data. The activity is to select the data that suitable with the focus

of the problem. In this step the researcher discarded the irrelevant data.

b. Data Description

Data display is an organized, compressed assembly of information that

permits conclusion drawing and action.14 It means that data display can be

made if the information from conclusion drawing has completed. The

activity is to explain the data in order to be meaningful. Data description was

finished in the form narrative, graphic, or table. Through the presentation of

these data, the data organized, arranged in a pattern of relationship, thus it

will be more easily understood.15 It means that with make a grapihic or a

table the data can be read easily.

c. Data Conclusion

The third steam of analysis activity is conclusion drawing and verification.

From the start of data collection, the qualitative analyst is beginning to

decide what things mean is nothing regularities, patterns, explanation,

possible configuration, casual flows and propositions.16 It means that data

conclusion is the last step of analyze the data. After get all the information

and transform it into notes. The researcher makes a grapich, and table to

Ibid. p. 11
Loc. Cit
Matthew B. Miles, A. Micheal Huberman. Op.Cit. p. 12

explain it in detail. After analysed the data the researcher was made a


Data display


Figure 1
Components of data analysis: interactive model



A. General Description of the Research Place

1. Brief History of SMK Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung

SMK N 3 Bandar Lampung was estabilisted on September 1, 1965 with the name

SKKA Preparation. SKKA Preparation was addressed at Jl. General Sudirman No. 74

TanjungKarang. In January1968 with SK. NO. 88 / IDTK 5/1968, SKKA was

renamed SKKA Negeri, and started its own building on Jl. Cut Mutia No.21

TelukBetungwhich is the assistance of the governor of KDH Tk I Lampung, namely

Mr. ZainalAbidinPagarAlam.Based on SK Mendikbud No.0290/1976 On December

9, 1976 SKKA Negeriwas changed to SMKK NegeriTanjungKarang, then on April

22, 1997, based on SK Mendikbud No. 036/0/1976 transformed into SMK Negeri 3

Bandar Lampung.At the beginning until1980it was opened the center of cooking and

sewing, then in 1980 increased to 3 departments there are Cooking, Sewing, and

Housekeeping (TLRT). In the school year 1995/1996 opened Beauty Class, then in

the school year 1997/1998was opened the Department of Hotel Accommodation and

the last, at the school year 2002/2003 it was opened the Department of Tourism

Services (UJP).

In globalization today the people need of human resources are ready and tough

with a variety of challenges, so that SMK Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung as one of the

formal educational institutions and non-technical vocational responsible for the

procurement of personnel, not just free from problems which is being.

There are the departments in SMK Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung, among others:

1. Catering Industry

2. Fashion Design

3. Beauty Skin Care

4. Hairstyles

5. Hotel Accommodation

6. Tourism Services Business.

SMK Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung’s Identity

Name : SMK Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung
NSS : 401126006004
NIS : 400040

Jalan : Cut Mutia No.21 RT 01/ RW 05
Kelurahan : Gulak-Galik
Kecamatan : TelukBetung Utara
Kota : Bandar Lampung
KodePos : 35214

Telp./Fax. : (0721) 482037 / 471561

E-mail :

2. Condition of School, Teachers and Staffs, and Students’ in SMKN 3 Bandar


Table 4.1
Teacher and Staff in SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung

No Name M/F Diploma Explanation

1 Suniar F M.Pd Head Master
2 Endang Martin F M.Pd Head of Travel Business
3 Budi Miharti F S-1 Head of Restaurant Department
4 Rosmini F S-1 English Teacher
5 Solichin M S-1 Vice-Principle Curriculum
6 MHD. Amin M S-1 Moslem Relegion
7 Surya Atmil M S-1 Vice-Principle
8 Sutiadi M S-1 Moslem Relegion
9 TuttiYuniEtti F S-1 Head of Restaurant Department
10 Suharno M S-1 English Language
11 RinaSusiyani F S-1 English Language
12 RictaChairani F S-1 Head of Beauty Skill Department
13 Yuhanis F S-1 Travel Business
14 Cory Pardede F S-1 Beauty Skill
15 Fatimah BA F S-1 Mathematic
16 Suyatmi F S-1 Beauty Skill
17 ErinalLutfi M S-1 Mathematic
18 JhonySuhendra M S-1 Travel Business
19 WirdaWahyuninAyu F S-1 IPA
20 Dian Anggraini F S-1 English Language
21 HusniThamrin M S-1 Mathematic
22 DhieniYushri F S-1 France Language
23 Nurhuda Budi pamungkas M S-1 Computer
24 Nurlina F S-1 Conceling
25 Hasmidiana F S-1 Conceling
26 Nuraminah F S-1 Restaurant
27 Elliani F S-1 Restaurant

28 DwiSumarni F S-1 Restaurant

29 SyarifSulthon M S-1 Travel Business
30 Efa F S-1 Beauty Skill
31 Nora Shinduhidayati F S-1 Beauty Skill
32 YuniRamadhani F D-3 Beauty Skill
33 leniNorita F D-3 Hotel Accommodation skill
34 Rosmawizar F D-3 Head of Hotel Accommodation
35 KurniaEkaNingrum F S-1 Hotel Accommodation skill
36 Netty F S-1 Pattern Making Skill
37 Hamurwany F S-1 Head of Pattern Making
38 WelasGiatnozar F S-1 Hotel Accommodation skill
39 F. Ishudiarty F S-1 Pattern Making Skill
40 Budi Raharti BA F S-1 Pattern Making Skill
41 Trisna Amir F S-1 Pattern Making Skill
42 Amy PujiRisyatun F S-1 Design Skill
43 Harmini F S-1 Pattern Making Skill
44 Kun Marettin F S-1 Vice-Principle of Public Relation
45 Mulyadi M S-1 Pattern Making
46 BowoPrasetyo M S-1 Head of Administrative
47 Erni Dahlia F M.MPd Personel Affairs Coordinator
48 Indah Indriani F S-1 Coordinator of Financial
49 Sulistiyowati F S-1 Coordinator of Rilater Affairs
with Students’
50 Sudiyo M S-1 Coordinator of Facilities and PDG
51 Mahayati F S-1 Associate Librarian
52 SitiMukhawanah F S-1 Library Staff
53 Daryono M S-1 Technician
54 Ako M S-1 Cleaning Service
55 Rahmayani M S-1 Security
Source :Teacher Documentation of SMK Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung

Table 4.2
Students in SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung
No Class Department Male Female Total of Students’
1 X Catering Industry 55 63 118
Fashion Design 8 80 88
Beauty Skin Care - 84 84
Hairstyles - 82 82
Hotel Accommodation 45 46 91
Tourism Services Business 37 50 87
2 XI Catering Industry 40 55 95
Fashion Design 10 74 84
Beauty Skin Care - 78 78
Hairstyles - 74 74
Hotel Accommodation 35 44 79
Tourism Services Business 20 45 65
3 XII Catering Industry 30 45 75
Fashion Design 7 70 77
Beauty Skin Care - 64 64
Hairstyles - 78 78
Hotel Accommodation 30 38 68
Tourism Services Business 25 30 55
Total 342 1.100 1.442
Source: Documentation Students’ of SMKNegeri 3 Bandar Lampung

Table 4.3
Teacher and Staff in SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung
No Room Name Total Condition
1 Headmaster’s Room 1 Good
2 Administration’s Room 1 Good
3 Teachers’ Room 7 Good
4 Library 1 Good
5 Classroom 24 Good
6 Practice Room 7 Good
7 Guidence and Counseling 1 Good
8 Osis Room 1 Good
9 Toilet for Teachers’ 2 Good
10 Toilets for Students 4 Good
11 Parking Spot for Teacher 1 Good
12 Parking Spot for Students 2 Good
13 Computer Room 1 Good
14 Aula 1 Good
15 Canteen 3 Good
Source: Facilities and Condition Documentation of SMKNegeri 3 Bandar lampung

B. Research Finding

In this part the researcher would like to discuss about the finding of the

process learning English vocabulary by using guessing game and the students’

problem in learning English vocabulary by using guessing game.

The research conducted in SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung started from November

7th, 2017 up to November 17th, 2017. In this research the researcher includes the

date or planned schedule of work as follows:

a. On November 7th, the researcher met the teacher to discuss the lesson plan and

technique to be used.

b. On November 8th, the researcher conducted the first observation on the first


c. On November 10th, the researcher conducted the second observation on the

second meetingand in the end of class the researcher gave questionnaire to the


d. On November 13th, the researcher conducted interviewto the students and

asked the data of school such as history, profile, and so on.

1. The Process of Learning English Vocabulary by Using Guessing Game

The researcher employed an observation to know how is the process of

learning English vocabulary by using guessing game and the problem that

may rise in the process of learning. The observation conducted in two

meetings, and the teacher applied all the procedures in guessing game. The

result were, the students still confused although the teacher had to explained,

its because some of students not focus and talked with each other, and the

students did not have a confidents to apply the words that had they known in

real situation. So in learning process most of students chose to quite.

2. The Students Problems in Learning English Vocabulary by Using

Guessing Game

The researcher employed a questionnaire and interview to know the

students’ problem in learning English vocabulary by using guessing game.

Based on the result of questionnaire and interview that answered by the

students, the problems are:

a. The students confused about the teacher explanation about how to play

the game.

b. The students had difficulties in confident. They were still doubt to apply

the words. So some of students chose to quite in the game activity.

c. Some of the students just acquire new vocabulary from teacher and their

textbook. They did not find new vocabulary by their self from another


d. The students had difficulties in pronuncing and spelling. They got

difficulties when the teacher asked to say the words. The students think it

was embarrassing if they are wrong to say the words. The students had

difficulties in meaning and grammar. They got difficulties to remind

many words and formulas.


C. Discussion

The researcher did the research through observation, interview, and

questionnaire as instruments to know the process of learning. The researcher

found out some results of the research in the process of learning vocabulary by

using guessing game technique in English subject in SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung.

In the observation the researcher observed the process of learning in the

classroom. The researcher interviewed the students to know the students’

problem then the researcher gave questionnaire to the students to know their

responds and their problems in learning English vocabulary by using guessing


1. Observation Report

The observation was conducted to know how the process learning vocabulary

by using guessing game. The researcher observed the students, the learning

process, and the situation of classroom process. The observation was also used to

know the procedure of learning vocabulary by using guessing game that was

applied in the classroom. In the observation process, the researcher prepared an

observation sheet. This observation was conducted in learning vocabulary by

using guessing game activities in two meetings. The data of observation have

been identified as described in the following discussion.The observation consists

of six points. The explanation of the application of those basic procedures can be

seen it (the appendix of observation page 84). In this process the researcher as

observer who observed the students’ learning process, the teacher as a tutor and

mediator, the students as participants.

a. The First Meeting

In the first meeting, the teacher started class by greeting the students and then

checking the students’ attendance. Then the teacher made a brief explanation and

also some questions about guessing game. The teacher introduced about guessing

game and how to play it. She gave some examples of how to play guessing game.

Before the game was played, the teacher makes 4 groups in this class, every

group consist of 8 until 7 students. Every group has one volunteer to come up.

The teacher used superhero pictures like Avenger (Black Widow, Hulk, Iron-

man, Thor and Captain America). Then the teacher asked the volunteer from

each group to come up. The teacher gave the card/picture to the all-volunteer that

was come up. One volunteer got one card /picture. The students from each group

had given chance to guess and ask questions, one student only has 2 chances to

ask and guess. Only 1 volunteer until the object has guessed, and change to

another volunteer. To guess the object, the student that raised their hand and

guessed the object correctly, will get 2 points. The students asked the physical

appearance (gender, part of the body) from a superhero. The volunteer is just

only allowed to talk yes or no.


After that, the game played. Some of the students looked confused to follow

the game so they chose to quite, then the other students looked interesting and

active to follow the game. They looked enjoy this game. Every group that could

guess the object will get 2 points. The first group that had reached 10 points wins

the game, and then the group that lost would do a punishment. They sang a song

with dance.

The last point of observation was to know the students’ problem. After the

researcher observed the class activity, the researcher noted that the students got

difficulties when the teacher explained about the game. Some students played

attention while other did not care and talked to each other. When the game

played some of students are interested and activated, and other students just quite

and did not follow the game. The data of problem faced by the students in the

first meeting can be seen in (Appendix 3 page 85)

b. The Second Meeting

The observation consists of six points. The explanation of the application of

those basic procedures can be seen in (appendix 4). In this process the researcher

as observer who observed the students’ learning process, the teacher as a tutor

and mediator, the students as participants.

Before the game was played, the teacher makes 4 groups in this class, every

groups consist of 8 until 7 students. Every groups has one volunteer to come up.

The teacher used actress and singer Hollywood (Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars, Brad

Pitt, and Angelina Jolie), then the teacher asked the volunteer from each group to

come up. The teacher gave the card or picture to all volunteer that was come up.

One volunteer got one card or picture. The students from each group had given

chance to guess and ask questions, one student only has 2 chances to asked or

guessed. Only 1 volunteer until the object has guessed, and change to another

volunteer. To guess the object, the student that raised their hand and guessed the

object correctly, will get 2 points. The students asked the physical appearance

(gender, part of the body) from a superhero. The volunteer was just allowed to

talk yes or no.

After that, the game was played. Almost all of the students looked active and

interesting in this game. Only some of the students that still quite and did not

follow the game. Every group that could guess the object correctly will get 2

points. The first group had reached 10 points wins the game. Then the group that

was lost would do a punishment. They sang a song with dance.

The last point of observation was to know the students’ problem. After the

researcher observed the class activity, the researcher noted that almost all the

students interested and activated to follow this game. Only some students that

still quite and did not follow the game and talked to each other. The data of

problem faced by the students in the second meeting can be seen in (Appendix 5

page 87).

After that the classroom atmosphere turned into noisy. The students looked

active, they looked confident to follow this game, and they had understood to do

this game. The teacher looks difficult when she wanted to make calm situation.

2. Questionnaire Report

The questionnaire was made to support the data from observation and the

interview. Through this instrument, the students’ problems also can be

identified. The questionnaire was given and answered by the whole students

of class AP.2. the number of students was 30 students. The questionnaire was

distributed to the students by taking ten minutes after the study time in the

classroom. The questionnaire consisted of 9 questions (see Appendix 6 page


a) The first questions are “Do you confuse when the teacher explains

meaning from a word in learning English using guessing game?”

Result of Questionnaire No.1

47% 40% Yes


From the chart above 12 or 40%, students chose option A (Yes) indicating that

they confuse when the teacher explains meaning from a word in learning

English using guessing game. The second respond showed that 4 or 13%,

students chose option B (No) indicating that they understood when the teacher

explains meaning from a word in learning English using guessing game. The

third respond showed that 14 or 47%, students chose option C (Sometimes)

indicating that sometimes they got difficulties when teacher explain meaning

from a word in learning English using guessing game.

From the data about the first question above investigated that the students’

difficulties in understanding explanation meaning of words in learning

English by using guessing game.

b) The second questions are “Do you think that learning vocabulary just

connects to the meaning of the words in learning English using guessing


Result of Questionnaire No.2

47% 23%

From the chart above it showed that 7 or 23%, students chose optionA (Yes)

indicating that they did not know the other function of learning vocabulary.

The second respond showed that 16 or 54%, students chose option B (No)

indicating that they knew the other function of learning vocabulary. The third

respond showed that 7 or 23%, students chose option C (Sometimes)

indicating that they little knew the other function of learning English


a) The third questions were “Do you only accept the new vocabulary from

teacher and textbook in learning English using guessing game?”

Result of Questionnaire No.3

33% No

From the chart above, it showed that 15 or 50%, students chose option A

(Yes) indicating that they only accept the new vocabulary from the teacher

and textbook in learning English vocabulary by using guessing game. The

second respond showed that 10 or 33%, students chose option B (No)

indicating that they did not only accept the new vocabulary from the teacher

and textbook in learning English vocabulary by using guessing game, they

found new vocabulary from another source. The third respond showed that 5

or 17%, students chose option C (Sometimes) indicating that they did not only

accept the new vocabulary from the teacher and textbook in learning English

vocabulary by using guessing game, sometimes they found it in another


b) The fourth questions were “Do you get much new vocabulary from learning

English by using guessing game?”

Result of Questionnaire No.4

60% No

From the chart above, it showed that 18 or 60%, students chose option A

(Yes) indicating that they got much vocabulary from learning English

vocabulary by using guessing game. The second respond showed that 7 or

23%, students chose option B (No) indicating that they did not get much

vocabulary from learning English vocabulary by using guessing game. The

third respond showed that 5 or 17%, students chose option C (Sometimes)

indicating that sometimes they got much vocabulary from learning English

vocabulary by using guessing game.

c) The fifth questions were “Do you become more motivated to get new


Result of Questionnaire No.5

27% Yes
23% No

From the chart above, it showed that 15 or 50%, students chose option A

(Yes) indicating that they became motivated to get new vocabulary from

another source not only in learning vocabulary by using guessing game. The

second respond showed that 7 or 23%, students chose option B (No)

indicating that they did not become motivated to get new vocabulary from

another source. The third respond showed that 8 or 27%, students chose

option C (Sometimes) indicating that they did not too motivated to get new

vocabulary from another source did not only in learning vocabulary by using

guessing game.

d) The sixth questions were “Do you often apply vocabulary that was you knew

in learning English by using guessing game?”

Result of Questionnaire No.6

30% Yes

From the chart above, it showed that 15 or 50%, students chose option A

(Yes) indicating that they often applying the vocabulary that they knew in

learning English vocabulary. The second respond showed that 6 or 20%,

students chose option B (No) indicating that they never applied the vocabulary

that they knew in learning English vocabulary. The third respond showed that

9 or 30%, students chose option C (Sometimes) indicating that they

sometimes applying the vocabulary that they knew in learning English


e) The seventh questions were “Do you get difficulties in pronuncing, in

learning English by using guessing game?”

Result of Questionnaire No.7

27% 43% Yes


From the chart above, it showed that 13 or 43%, students chose option A

(Yes) indicating that they got difficulties in pronuncing in learning English

vocabulary by using guessing game. The second respond showed that 9 or

30%, students chose option B (No) indicating that they did not get difficulties

in pronuncing in learning English vocabulary by using guessing game. The

third respond showed that 8 or 27%, students chose option C (Sometimes)

indicating that sometimes they got difficulties to pronuncing in learning

English vocabulary by using guessing game.

f) The eight questions were “Do you get difficulties to spelling in learning

English by using guessing game?”


Result of Questionnaire No.8

60% No

From the chart above, it showed that 11 or 60%, students chose option A

(Yes) indicating that they got difficulties to spelling in learning English

vocabulary by using guessing game. The second respond showed that 12 or

23%, students chose option B (No) indicating that they did not get difficulties

to spelling in learning English vocabulary by using guessing game. The third

respond showed that 7 or 17%, students chose option C (Sometimes)

indicating that sometimes they got difficulties to spelling in learning English

vocabulary by using guessing game.

g) The ninth questions were “Do you get difficulties in meaning a new word, in

learning vocabulary in learning English by using guessing game?”

Result of Questionnaire No.9

27% Yes

From the chart above, it showed that 13 or 50%, students chose option A

(Yes) indicating that they got difficulties in meaning a new word in learning

English vocabulary by using guessing game. The second respond showed that

6 or 23%, students chose option B (No) indicating that they did not get

difficulties in meaning a new word in learning English vocabulary by using

guessing game. The third respond showed that 11 or 27%, students chose

option C (Sometimes) indicating that sometimes they got difficulties in

meaning a new word in learning English vocabulary by using guessing game.

From the data above, it showed that some of the students in X.AP.2 did

not too happy in learning English vocabulary by using guessing game because

the first questions answered (yes) by half of the students. It means that the

students did not understand when learning English vocabulary by using

guessing game. The second questions answered (no) by many students. It

means that the students had known the other function of vocabulary, not only

knowing the meaning. The third, fourth, and fifth questions were answered

(yes) by many students. It means that the students only got a new vocabulary

from the teacher, and their textbook, but half of the students were motivated to

get new vocabulary from another source. The sixth questions were answered

(yes) by any students. It means that the students had known how to apply the

words that were they got. The seventh, eight, and ninth questions were

answered (yes) by half of the students. It means that the students’ got

difficulties in pronouncing the words and memorizing the meaning. They also

had difficulties in spelling word of vocabulary in learning English vocabulary

by using guessing game.

3. Interview Report

To support the data of observation, the researcher had employed and interview

to the six students to investigate the problems faced by the students during

learning vocabulary. The interview was holding on Thursday, November 9th,

2017. There were six questions that the researcher asked to the teacher (see

appendix of interview page 88).

a) The first question of interview was intended to investigate the students’

opinion about students’ comprehension in teacher explanation when learning

English vocabulary by using guessing game. Did the students’ understand

about teacher explanation?

Five from six students were liked learning English vocabulary by using

guessing game. The reasons were because by using guessing game learning

English became more fun, enjoy, and curious. The students’ more concentrate

and fast respond whit the teacher explanation. Learning English vocabulary by

using guessing game is very helpful. One student was answered just so so,

because she thinks that game can break her focus in learning.

b) The second questions of interview wereintended to investigate the students’

opinion learning English vocabulary did the students become energetic and

more motivated when learning English vocabulary by using guessing game?


Four from six students answered yes. It means that the students were

energetic, and motivated when they learning English vocabulary by using

guessing game, because they felt easier to understand, and they though lose in

game was embarrassingly thing for them. So they motivated to learning

English vocabulary using guessing game. Two from six students were just so

so, because they did not like English and they cannot focus because of game.

c) The third questions of interview were intended to investigate the students’

opinion about learning English vocabulary. Did the students like learning

English vocabulary by using guessing game?

Five from six students were liked learning English vocabulary by using

guessing game, the reasons were because learning process become more

challenging, game can sharpen their brain, game was fun, and more play than

material. One student actually interested in guessing game, but just a little. So

it can be concluded that the students very liked learning English vocabulary

by using guessing game.

d) The fourth questions of interview wereintended to investigate the students’

opinion about how often the students applied the vocabulary in learning

English vocabulary by using guessing game.

Four from six students answered that they often apply the words. Especially,

when they want to made sentence. Learning English vocabulary by using

guessing game was very helped the students to reminded the words easier.

e) The fifth questions of interview were intended to investigate the students’

opinion about the students’ difficulties in pronuncing, spelling, grammar, and


Five from six students got problems in pronuncing. The reasons were because

many strange words. How to pronunce was not same with the words. So it

made the studentsstill confused. All students had problem in spell the words,

especially in H, I and R.

Three from three students got difficulties in meaning. The reasons were

because game can break their concentration, and made the students dizzy.

Another three studentsdid not get the difficulties in meaning the words. The

reasons were, because guessing game can make the students fell fun and

enjoy, so they can reminded the words easier. All the students had difficulties

in grammar, because it was too dizzy to remind the formula.

f) The sixth questions of interview were “What the benefit that was you got

from learning English by using guessing game?”

From the table above it showed that they got many benefit when using

guessing game in learning English vocabulary. They extremely enjoy learning

English by using guessing game. They can remind the words easier.

All the students got many difficulties, especially in pronuncing, grammar and

meaning. Another problem was they did not confident although the teacher

had to explain. Actually the students very like to play guessing game.

Although. They still confuse but theyhad motivated. Of course learning

English by using guessing game the students will confident to speak English

C. Conclusion Drawing and Verifying

In this step, the researcher drew the conclusion and verified the answer of

research question that was done in displaying the data by comparing the

observation data, interview data, and questionnaire data. In this part, the data

explained in data display are going to be discussed deeply in order to make a

finding of the research. In this part, the discussion and findings are divided into

two parts:

1. The Process of Learning English Vocabulary by Using Guessing Game

The researcher employed an observation to know how is the process of

learning English vocabulary by using guessing game and the problem that

may rise in the process of learning. The observation conducted in two

meetings, and the teacher applied all the procedures in guessing game. The

result were, the students still confused although the teacher had to explained,

its because some of students not focus and talked with each other, and the

students did not have a confidents to apply the words that had they known in

real situation. So in learning process most of students chose to quite.


2. The Students Problems in Learning English Vocabulary by Using

Guessing Game

The researcher employed a questionnaire and interview to know the

students’ problem in learning English vocabulary by using guessing game.

Based on the result of questionnaire and interview that answered by the

students, the problems are:

e. The students confused about the teacher explanation about how to play

the game.

f. The students had difficulties in confident. They were still doubt to apply

the words. So some of students chose to quite in the game activity.

g. Some of the students just acquire new vocabulary from teacher and their

textbook. They did not find new vocabulary by their self from another


h. The students had difficulties in pronuncing and spelling. They got

difficulties when the teacher asked to say the words. The students think it

was embarrassingly if they wrong to say the words. The students had

difficulties in meaning and grammar. They got difficulties to remind

many words and formulas.

These findings supported by the theory from Huyen and Nga, and Thornbury. All

the students’ problems that got by researcher was same whit the theory of Huyen

and Nga, and Thornbury. (see students’ problem in chapter 2 page 20).


A. Conclusion

The result of the research shows that guessing game is the good technique which

can be implemented in the process of learning English vocabulary. Guessing

game is not only easy to be implemented both by teacher and students, but also

can increase the students’ motivation and participation in learning process.

Moreover, the students also showed an improvement in their English ability

especially their vocabulary.

Having discussed the result of the research, it can be concluded that:

1. Learning process was done on two meetings, the classroom atmosphere in

learning English vocabulary by using guessing game looked active in

learning English vocabulary by using guessing game technique, but some of

them looked less responsive in learning vocabulary.

2. The problems faced by students in learning English vocabulary by using

guessing game are:

1. The students confused about the teacher explanation about how to play

the game.

2. The students had difficulties in confident. They were still doubt to apply

the words. So some of students chose to quite in the game activity.


3. Some of the students just acquire new vocabulary from teacher and their

textbook. They did not find new vocabulary by their self from another


4. The students had difficulties in pronuncing and spelling. They got

difficulties when the teacher asked to say the words. The students think it

was embarrassingly if they wrong to say the words. The students had

difficulties in meaning and grammar. They got difficulties to remind

many words and formulas.

B. Suggestion

After the researcher has done the research at SMK Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung,

the researcher would like to give some suggestion as follows:

1. For the students

a. The students should be more focus in learning process, do not talk to each

other too much when the teacher explain the material.

b. Although the students just acquire new vocabulary from teacher and their

textbook, the students should memorize it. Better for students be more

active to enrich their self with vocabulary. They must find new

vocabulary from another source like song, or movie. Do not just acquire

new vocabulary from the teacher.

c. The students should be feeling confident to apply the words. So that they

can improve their ability in learning English. The students should practice

the vocabulary that they have learned in real situation, more practice can

make their pronunciation, and spelling better. If the students keep doubt

to say and apply new word, their ability will never develop.

2. For the Teacher

a. The teacher should explain how to play the guessing game with show

a video recorder.

b. The teacher should more pay attention to the students that choose to

quiet and did not join the game. Ask them to come up, and guide

them. So that they will be more confident.

c. The teacher should give the students homework. Ask them to find 5

until 10 new vocabulary from song. If the students did not do the

homework, give them a punishment.

d. The teacher should give the students a task to find a song lyric. And

ask them to come up and practice it in front of the class.

3. For the School

The school should provide some media (LCD) to support the students in

learning English.
Appendix 1

No Name of Students’ Male/Female

11 GALUH Male
13 ISMA DEWI Female
16 M. ANDIKA Male
24 RAHMAT Male
Appendix 2
Observation Sheet (based on guessing game in the classroom)
The application of Procedure (First Meeting)

No Activities Yes No Note/Explanation

1 Divide the whole class into group The teacher make 4 groups in
and the number of students’ in each √ this class, every groups consist
group is defend the condition of the of 8 until 7 students. Every
students in the class, group has one volunteer come
2 By using pictures of popular The teacher uses superhero
characters, call one student away √ pictures like Avanger (Black
from group Widow, Hulk, Iron-man, Thor
and Captain America). And
teacher asks the volunteer from
each group to come up.
3 Show the student a card (make sure The teacher gives the
that the students recognizes the card/picture to the all volunteer
individual on the card) and then that was come up. One
stand in front of the class and his/ √ volunteer one card/picture. The
her classmate from all group ask student that raised their hand
the questions in order to guess who and guesses the object correctly
the individual is. wins 2 point for their team.
4 Student may as questions such as: The students asked the physical
a) Are you male or female? appearance (gender, part of
b) Are you a real person? √ body) from superhero. The
c) Are you a child or an adult? volunteer are just only allowed
And so on to talk yes or no
5 Each team will then rotate asking The students from each group
questions to their teammate who is had gave chance to guess and
standing at the front of the ask questions, one students only
classroom. They will continue to √ have 2 chances to ask/guess.
ask questions until one of the teams Only 1 volunteer until the object
has correctly guessed their had guessed, and change to
respective word. another volunteer.
6 The winning team will get two Every group that can guess the
options: They can make the other object will get 2 points. The
team come to the front and sing √ first group to reach 10 points
asong in English or they can make wins the game. And the group
the other team come to the front was lost will do a punishment.
and do 20 jumping jacks. They sing a song with dance.
Appendix 3

Data of Problem Faced by the Students in the First Meeting

No Aspect Explanation
1 They confused about what The researcher noted some of students had
teacher explanation difficulty to understand the game.
2 Students’ only think of Some students are confused when they
vocabulary learning as ask/guessed the picture,, besides they
knowing the primary meaning actually know the meaning of the word.
of new words. Therefore, they They confused when say physical
ignore all other functions of appearance from an object.
the words.
3 Students’ usually only acquire When the students guessed the object,
new vocabulary through new they just say the same vocabulary that had
words in their textbook or given by teacher before game was started.
when given by teacher during
classroom lessons.
4 Many learners do not want to Some students were doubted to say their
take risks in applying what vocabulary, because they still afraid if
they have learned. they were wrong that was embarrassingly.
So they choose to quite.
5 Lacks of understanding of Pronunciation Some students had
words construction make difficulty in pronuncing
some word are difficult word.
(pronunciation, spelling, Spelling Sometimes the students
grammar, and meaning). were still wrong in
spelling when the
teacher ask them
especially in (h, r, e, i,
Grammar The teacher did not teach
about grammar in this
Meaning When the teacher said in
English, she must
translate in bahasa
Indonesia because many
students cannot
understand the meaning.
Appendix 4

Observation Sheet (based on guessing game in the classroom)

The application of Procedure (Second Meeting)

No Activities Yes No Note/Explanation

1 Divide the whole class into group The teacher make 4 groups in this
and the number of students’ in each √ class, every groups consist of 8
group is defend the condition of the until 7 students. Every group has
students in the class, one volunteer come up.
2 By using pictures of popular The teacher uses actress and
characters, call one student away √ singer Hollywood (Taylor Swift,
from group Bruno Mars, Brad Pitt, and
Angelina Jolie). And teacher asks
the volunteer from each group to
come up.
3 Show the student a card (make sure The teacher gives the card/picture
that the students recognizes the to the all volunteer that was come
individual on the card) and then up. One volunteer one
stand in front of the class and his/ √ card/picture. The student that
her classmate from all group ask raised their hand and guesses the
the questions in order to guess who object correctly wins 2 point for
the individual is. their team.
4 Student may as questions such as: The students asked the physical
d) Are you male or female? appearance (gender, part of body)
e) Are you a real person? √ from superhero. The volunteer are
f) Are you a child or an adult? just only allowed to talk yes or no
And so on
5 Each team will then rotate asking The students from each group had
questions to their teammate who is gave chance to guess and ask
standing at the front of the questions, one students only have
classroom. They will continue to √ 2 chances to ask/guess. Only 1
ask questions until one of the teams volunteer until the object had
has correctly guessed their guessed, and change to another
respective word. volunteer.
6 The winning team will get two Every group that can guess the
options: They can make the other object will get 2 points. The first
team come to the front and sing √ group to reach 10 points wins the
asong in English or they can make game. And the group was lost
the other team come to the front will do a punishment. They sing a
and do 20 jumping jacks. song with dance.
Appendix 5

Data of Problem Faced by the Students in the Second Meeting

No Aspect Explanation
1 They confused about what The researcher noted that almost all
teacher explanation students understand the game.
2 Students’ only think of Some students were almost understood
vocabulary learning as when they ask/guessed the picture, besides
knowing the primary meaning they actually know the meaning of the
of new words. Therefore, they word. They confused when say physical
ignore all other functions of appearance from an object.
the words.
3 Students’ usually only acquire When the students guessed the object, they
new vocabulary through new just say the same vocab that had given by
words in their textbook or teacher before game was started.
when given by teacher during
classroom lessons.
4 Many learners do not want to Some students were still doubted but not
take risks in applying what too much as the first meeting, the
they have learned. researcher noted that the students had
some confident. But some students So
they choose to quite.
5 Lacks of understanding of Pronunciation Some students had
words construction make difficulty in pronouncing
some word are difficult word.
(pronunciation, spelling, Spelling Sometimes the students
grammar, and meaning). were still wrong in
spelling when the teacher
ask them especially in (h,
r, e, i, g).
Grammar The teacher did not teach
about grammar in this
Meaning When the teacher said in
English, she must
translate in bahasa
Indonesia because many
students can not
understand the meaning.
Appendix 6


Date/day :
Name :
1. Q: Jika guru memberikan penjelasan tentang vocabulary menggunakan

guessing game apakah kamu bisa lebih mudah memahaminya?


2. Q: Apakah belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan permainan guessing game

membuat kamu menjadi bersemangat dan lebih termotivasi?


3. Q: apakah kamu menyukai cara belajar vocabulary menggunakan permainan

guessing game?


4. Q: Apakah kamu sering menggunakan kosa kata yang telah kamu pelajari saat

sedang belajar bahasa inggris?


5. Q; Selama belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan permainan guessing game,

apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan seperti pengucapan, pengejaan, arti, serta

tata bahasa. Atau kamu memiliki masalah lainnya?

6. Q: manfaat apa yang kamu dapatkan dari belajar bahaa inggris menggunakan

permainan guessing game?

Appendix 7

List of Questionnaire to the students

The list of questionnaire refers to studdents

Responden :

Hari/tanggal :

Tempat :

Petunjuk pengisian:

a. Bacalah pertanyaan-pertanyaan dibawah ini sehingga anda memahami

maksudnya. Kuesioner ini di susun untuk mengetahui pendapat anda tentang
pelajaran bahasa Inggris, khususnya dalam vocabulary. Kuesioner ini tidak
berpengaruh terhadap nilai Bahasa Inggris anda, maka jangan ragu untuk
menjawab setiap pertanyaan yang diberikan dengan sejujur-jujurnya.

b. Berilah jawaban dengan memberikan silang (X) pada jawaban yang tersedia,
A,B. Atau C.

1. Apakah kamu kebingungan ketika guru menjelaskan arti dari sebuah kata pada
saat belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan permainan guessing game?

A. Ya B. Tidak C. Kadang-kadang

2. Apakah kamu berfikir bahwa belajar vocabulary hanya berhubungan dengan arti
dari kosa kata saja tanpa mengerti penggunaan dari kosa kata tersebut pada saat
belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan guessing game?

A. Ya B. Tidak C. Kadang-kadang

3. Apakah kamu hanya menerima kosa kata baru dari guru dan buku pada saat
belajar bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan permainan guessing game?
A. Ya B. Tidak C. Kadang-kadang
4. Dengan belajar bahasa Inggris melalui bantuan “guessing game” apakah kamu
mendapatkan lebih banyak tambahan kosa kata bahasa Inggris?

A. Ya B. Tidak C. Kadang-kadang

5. Dengan adanya belajar bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan guessing game

apakah kamu menjadi lebih termotivasi untuk mencari kosa kata baru?

A. Ya B. Tidak C. Kadang-kadang

6. Apakah kamu sering menggunakan kosa kata yang telah kamu ketahui (membuat
sebuah kalimat atau berbicara) pada saat belajar bahasa Inggris dengan
menggunakan permainan guessing game?

A. Ya B. Tidak C. Kadang-kadang

7. Apakah kamu memiliki kesulitan pronunciation (pengucapan) dalam belajar

bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan permainan guessing game?
A. Ya B. Tidak C. Kadang-kadang

8. Apakah kamu memiliki kesulitan spelling (ejaan) dalam belajar bahassa inggris
dengan menggunakan permainan guessing game?

A. Ya B. Tidak C. Kadang-kadang

9. Apakah kamu merasa kesulitan dalam mendefinisikan (mengartikan) sebuah

kosakata baru, dalam belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan permainan
guesssing game?

A. Ya B. Tidak C. Kadang-kadang

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