Block 2
Block 2
Block 2
Course Design Committee
Prof. H. Ramachandran Prof. Vijayshri Dr. Satya Raj
Department of Geography, Former Director Discipline of Geography,
University of Delhi, School of Sciences, School of Sciences,
Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi
Prof. Sachidanand Sinha Prof. Mahendra Singh Nathawat Dr. Koppisetti Nageswara Rao
Centre for the Study of Discipline of Geography, Discipline of Geography,
Regional Development, School of Sciences, School of Sciences,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, IGNOU, New Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi
New Delhi
Prof. Subhakanta Mohapatra Dr. Vishal Warpa
Prof. N.R. Dash Discipline of Geography, Discipline of Geography,
Department of Geography, School of Sciences, School of Sciences,
The Maharaja Sayajirao IGNOU, New Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi
University of Baroda, Gujarat
Dr. Vijay Kumar Baraik
Prof. Milap Chand Sharma Discipline of Geography,
Centre for the Study of Regional School of Sciences,
Development, Jawaharlal Nehru IGNOU, New Delhi
University, New Delhi
Content Editor
Prof. Gopal Krishna Panda
Department of Geography,
Utkal University, Bhubneswar, Odisha
Course Coordinators - Dr. Koppisetti Nageswara Rao & Prof. Subhakanta Mohapatra
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Environmental Geography
Unit 4: Equatorial Regions: As the title of the unit suggests we will describe and explain
human-environment relationship in the equatorial region. You will learn about the location
and extension of the equatorial region. This understanding would help you to analyse the
soil and climatic conditions of this region. You will also get an insight into flora and fauna of
the region. Based on all these understanding about bio-physical environment an attempt
has been made to critically analyse human-environment interaction in the equatorial
region. The interaction between human beings and their environment is such that the
environment influences humans and, at the same time, human beings also get influenced
by the environment.
Unit 5: Desert Regions: In this unit you will learn about the human-environment
relationship in the desert region, where conditions seem most unfavourable to human
habitation. This unit begins with a brief description of the location, extent of deserts around
the world and physical conditions in a desert. Thereafter, you will learn about how human
beings adapted to adverse conditions in a desert, developing relationships with the
environment that allowed them to survive there for centuries. The traditional human-
environment relationship has undergone a major change with the rapid growth of
population and the advent of modern technology. Today this region has been confronted
with various challenges, and you will also learn about these challenges.
Unit 6: Mountainous Regions: This unit deals with different physical and human aspects
of the mountainous regions of the world. You will study about the geographical location and
distribution of the mountain region. You will also get an idea about the climate and soil
conditions prevailing in the mountain region. This insight will greatly help you to understand
the floral and faunal diversity of the mountain regions. The study of locational aspects
along with physical parameters would also help you to envisage the kind of human-
environment relationship and comprehend the nature and types of opportunities,
challenges and constraints of mountain regions. You will also learn about various factors
which are responsible for generating major environmental problems being faced by the
mountain communities and societies. You will also be able to learn about the set of
opportunities, specificities and constraints which characterizes the interplay between
humans and its environment in mountain regions of the world.
Unit 7: Coastal Regions: Like other three units, this unit has also discussed about various
aspects related to human-environment relationship in the coastal regions. The unit begins
with a discussion on the importance of coastal regions. This will be followed by a
description of some important landform features found in this region, as well as the
importance of these features. Some prominent ecosystems and their ecological
significance have also been discussed in section 7.4. Subsequent sections discuss some
coastal hazards and environmental problems that affect this region, together with
measures that can be taken to reduce the risk from them.
We hope after studying this block, you will better understand the basic concepts of
cartography, what are maps and their types, usage of maps, and map scales in particular.
Our best wishes are with you in this endeavour.
4.1 Introduction 4.6 Human-environment
Expected Learning Outcomes relationships
4.2 Geographical Location and 4.7 Summary
distribution 4.8 Terminal Questions
4.3 Climate 4.9 Answers
4.4 Soil 4.10 References/Suggested Further
4.5 Flora and Fauna Reading
In Block 1, you have learnt about the bio-geographical regions of the world. You
now know that there are various bio-geographic regions on the earth, and each
has its distinct characteristics or features. You might be knowing that the
environment of a region has a direct influence upon the human beings residing in
that region. Human try to adapt to their environment in numerous ways. You have
already read about human adaptation to the environment in Block 1, Unit 4 of the
course on Human Geography. The focus of the present block shall be to
understand the ways of the interaction of human beings and their environment. In
this process, we shall first be dealing with the relationship between humans and
their environment in the equatorial region. Hence, the focus of the present unit is
the study of the equatorial region.
In Sec. 4.2 you will study about the location and distribution of the equatorial
region. The understanding gained in this section shall help you to analyse the soil
and climatic conditions of this region, which will be dealt with in greater detail in
Sec. 4.3 and 4.4. Further, in Sec. 4.5, you will get insight into flora and fauna of
the region. Based on all these understanding Sec 4.6 shall deal with the human-
environment interaction in the equatorial region. The interaction between human
and environment is such that the environment influences humans and, at the
same time, human influences the environment.
Fig. 4.1: Location and Distribution of the Equatorial Region in the World
As the name suggests, this region is located in and around the equator in both
the hemisphere. As depicted in the Fig. 4.1, the equatorial region is located
between 0 and 10 latitude on either side of the equator. It stretches in the
Amazon lowlands in South America, Congo basin in Africa and the East Indies,
from Sumatra to New Guinea in Asia. In otherwords, this region spread across
the continents of South America, Africa and Asia.The location and distribution of
the equatorial region is clearly shown in Fig 4.1.
This region covers about 6% area of the earth surface. Though this region covers
a small stretch of earth surface, it has ecological and economic significance for
the entire earth. We will discuss about its significance in the following section.
Explain the location and distribution of the equatorial region?
The location of a place gives insights about the climate of that region.
Considering this, can you now analyze the climatic conditions prevalent in the
equatorial region? As the name suggests, this region is located near the equator.
You might have read in the school that the sun’s rays falls perpendicular/straight
throughout the year on the equatorial region. Therefore, it is characterized by
high sunshine throughout the year. The high sunshine leads to high temperature
throughout the year. This is the reason for which, the region does not have the
presence of winters. In fact, the seasonal and diurnal variation in temperature is
not considerable. Temperatures are uniform throughout the year. The mean
monthly and mean annual temperature of the region is close to 27 C.
The mornings in the region are bright and sunny. The high amount of evaporation
in the region results in heavy convectional rainfall in the afternoons. You have
already read about the convectional rainfall in Block 3 titled Climatology in course
on Physical Geography. Thus, the region is characterized by high precipitation.
The rainfall reaches as high as 2500mm annually.
Till now you might have understood the climate of equatorial region. If we
summarise the climate of equatorial region then it can be expressed as hot and
wet climatic condition.
Why is there no winter season in the climate in the equatorial region.
4.4.1 Flora
The characteristic feature of the vegetation of this area can be summarized as:
(b) Arrangement in layers: The struggle for sunlight among the vegetation of
the region results in a distinctive layered arrangement. The top most layer
consists of the scattered ‘emergent’ crowns that have been able to protrude
from the closed canopy below. Such trees often reach up to the height of
40 m. Below this layer is the continuous layer. This layer consists of trees
which are around 15 to 30 m in height. The lowermost layer consists of the
vegetation which can tolerate shade. This layer, which is close to the
ground consists of ferns and herbaceous plants. Most of the sunlight is
stopped by the upper layers of the trees, and hence, the lowest layer is not
too dense (Refer Fig. 4.2).
4.4.2 Fauna
The equatorial region not only supports abundant and diverse vegetation but is
also home to diverse fauna. The African elephant, jaguar, are some of the
animals of this region. The Congo basin is home to the mountain gorilla, lowland
gorillas, chimpanzees as well as thousand species of birds. The poison dart frog,
margay, collard anteater are some of the other animals.
Why are plants arranged in distinct layers in equatorial region?
Name any four animal species of equatorial region.
4.5 SOIL
While you might be thinking that the profuse vegetation in the region is an
indication of soil highly rich in nutrients, but it is not so. Can you guess why this is
not so. This is because of the high temperature and rainfall. It accelerate the
process of weathering in the equatorial region. That is why most of the soils of
the tropical regions are clays which have little soluble mineral content in them.
The soils are moderate to highly acidic, which restrict the ability of the roots to
take up the nutrients of the soil. The high rainfall in the region also washes the
top layer of the soil more easily compared to any other region; thus making it
devoid of the nutrients. The soils of these regions recycle and reuse almost
everything that falls on it i.e. decayed species of animals, leaves and flowers etc.
This supports the luxuriant growth of vegetation in the soil, despite the soil being
so poor in the nutrients.
Till now, you might have realized location plays a vital role in determining climate
and soil condition. Simillarly, climate and soil plays a vital role in the growth of
vegetation. In the following section, we will discuss about flora and fauna in the
equatorial region.
Why is soil devoid of nutrients in equatorial region?
environment by adjusting their day to day activities or by modifying their
environment according to their suitability. The relationship between humans and
their environment has been important, yet a complex one. The environment of a
region bears influences on humans, and at the same time, the environment also
gets influenced by humans. There is a two-way interaction between the two. Both
of the two cannot remain in isolation. Here we shall try to understand this
relationship from both the dimensions with particular reference to the equatorial
(b)Commercial farming: The commercial farming is carried on a small scale
in the equatorial region, but generally sizeable single cash crops like rice,
citrus, opium, tea, soyabeans are cultivated. In the Amazon basin, the
people grow crops like manioc or cassava. The commercial agriculture is
also practiced in the form of large plantations of coffee, rubber and banana,
palm oil etc.
(iii) Settlements: Do you know that the environment influences the settlements
as well? The thick forests have an impact over the type of houses that can
be built and the type of settlement that is possible in the equatorial regions.
The people of the equatorial region are mostly nomadic and move from
place to place. However, in some regions, a special type of houses are
found. In the Amazon, people live in special type of house called Maloca.
These houses have steep, slant roofs and apartment like in shape. People
also reside in houses with thatched roofs over them. In Malaysia, the
villages are called ‘kampongs’. The houses in Malaysia are mainly raised
on timber stilts. The stilts enable the building to be better suited for the
natural terrain. The materials used for constructing the houses comprise of
the easily available materials from the forests which comprise of the timber,
bamboo and leaves. Moreover, the wood and bamboo that are used also
have insulating properties, and they conduct or retain little heat into the
building. Thus, it may be observed that the houses and the building
material in the region are influenced by the environment of that region
(Refer Fig. 4.4).
(iv) Climate and Human Health: The climate of a region has a profound
impact on the health of human beings. The excess heat and humidity have
negative impacts on the health of the people. Climate change has made the
people of the region more vulnerable.
Prevalence of Diseases: While the hot and humid climate supports the
growth of vegetation, it also leads to the growth of bacteria and pests.
These, in turn, are responsible for the large scale prevalence of diseases in
the equatorial region. There is large scale prevalence of vector borne
diseases in this area such as malaria, lymphatic filariasis, dengue. The
insects and animals of the forests serve as host and vectors to several
other diseases like yellow fever, leishmaniasis and Chagas disease. The
prevalence of such types of diseases makes life difficult for the people of
the region. The handling as well as consumption of bushmeat increases the
exposure to many viruses and may be the underlying causes of the
emergence of diseases including HIV and Ebola.
How have human beings adapted themselves in the equatorial regions?
(i) Deforestation: Do you know that the rainforest basins of Amazon, Congo
and Southeast Asia comprise of huge forest area? These cover over 1.3
billion hectares and roughly corresponds to one-third of the total forest area
of the world. That is huge- Isn’t it? The problem, however, lies in the fact
that even these forests are affected by the problem of deforestation. During
the decade 2000-2010, the three basins reported a net loss of forest area of
5.4 million hectares per year. The loss in the amazon basin was the highest
and amounted to around 3.6 million hectares per year in the decade. Now
that is something to worry about because while the deforestation is mainly
human induced, its repercussions shall also be faced by the humans to a
great extent. This is because these forests play a great role in regulating
the climate of the world and they are a storehouse of a range of products
and services that are vital in providing local livelihood and in the national
include soil erosion, altered hydrology, loss of biodiversity. While the
problem is initiated by human beings in the path of development, the
combined effect of all these negative impacts takes a toll on human beings.
(iv) Mining: Mining is also one of the other human induced activity, which
negatively influences the environment in tropical regions. Mining has an
impact on the environment in two ways; the first being the direct
deforestation. While the extent of deforestation caused by mining is lesser
than agriculture, it is a regionally important factor for the deforestation in the
area. The second impact of mining is the direct impact in the riverine
structures due to mining and the associated pollution from the
sedimentation in rivers and the release of toxic materials. In Amazon forest,
gold mining leads to deforestation, and the mercury used in processing
leads to contamination of fish, water as well as the air. The mercury in the
air is highly injurious to human health, and this has led to countries like
Ecuador adopting the zero mercury plan. It is important that countries too,
ratify the Minamata Convention.
(vi) Transport Infrastructure: The increase in transport infrastructures like
roads, railway and water transport are transforming the equatorial regions.
For such activities, forests are cleared, and the local inhabitants are
displaced. Moreover, the increase in transport infrastructure also results in
access to remote areas. This also brings a change in the cultural
composition in the areas.
(vii) Major Towns in the Tropical Rainforest: Reading about the dense forests
in the tropical area, you may find it hard to believe that the area also has
some important towns among which are also beautiful tourist spots. Some
of the cities are truly places for adventure and bewildering excitement, while
others are important centres of finance, economy and education.
Some of the major cities in the Amazon areas are Iquitos City and Puerto
Maldonado in Peru, Manaus City, Sanatrem and Belem in Brazil. These are
important tourist centres. The capital of Ecuador; Quito, is one of the important
cities in the country. In Colombia, Bagota and Leticia are important centres in
terms of the economy and port, respectively, in the country. In the SE Asian
region, Singapore is one of the leading cities in several amenities like high quality
education, technology, innovation, healthcare and tourism. In Indonesia, Jakarta
and Bandung are important centres. The Congo basin has comparatively lesser
number of cities because of the impenetrable forests and the political instability in
the region. However, some of the important ones are Brazzaville in the Congo,
Kinshasha and Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
What are the negative impacts of human beings in the equatorial regions?
In this unit you have studied:
Each region has its own physical and associated cultural landscape.
The equatorial region is located between 5 and 10 latitude on either side of
the equator. It stretches in the Amazon lowlands in South America, Congo
basin in Africa and the East Indies, from Sumatra to New Guinea.
The people inhabiting these areas adjust to the environment in numerous
ways by constructing houses suiting to the climate, practicing agriculture in
accordance with the environment.
2. The sun’s rays falls perpendicular throughout the year on the equatorial
region. Therefore, it is characterized by high sunshine throughout the year.
The high sunshine leads to high temperature throughout the year. This is the
reason for which, the region does not have the presence of winters.
3. The struggle for sunlight among the vegetation of the region results in a
distinctive layered arrangement.
6. The human beings of the equatorial region have adapted themselves to the
climatic conditions of the area in numerous ways.
(i) In the equatorial regions, people have modified their settlements according
to the environment. In the Amazon, people live in special type of house
called Maloca. These houses have steep, slant roofs and apartment like in
shape. People also reside in houses with thatched roofs over them. In
Malaysia, the villages are called ‘kampongs’. The houses in Malaysia are
mainly raised on timber stilts. The stilts enable the building to be better
suited for the natural terrain. The wood and bamboo that are used are
construction material has insulating properties, and they conduct or retain
little heat into the building.
(ii) The people practice numerous types of agriculture, which suits the
Terminal Questions
1. Refer to Section 4.3
2. The characteristic feature of the vegetation of the equatorial area is; diverse
vegetation and arrangement in layers.
Charity, S., Dudley, N., Oliveira, D. and S. Stolton (editors). 2016. Living
Amazon Report 2016: A regional approach to conservation in the Amazon.
WWF Living Amazon Initiative, Brasília and Quito.
5.1 Introduction Settled cultivators
Expected Learning Outcomes Mining settlers
5.2 What is a Desert? Urban dwellers
Location and causes 5.6 Environmental Problems in
5.3 The Biophysical Environment the Region
of a Desert Desertification
Climate Salinisation
Soil Problems Related to Climate
Flora and Fauna Change
5.4 Sources of Water in a Desert 5.7 Summary
5.5 Human-Environment 5.8 Terminal Questions
Relationship 5.9 Answers
Nomadic hunters 5.10 References/Suggested
Nomadic herders Further Reading
Caravan traders
You have already learnt that human beings derive all the resources they need
from their environment. The environment provides them with food and
clothing, and the space as well as material for construction of shelters. You
also know that resources are not uniformly distributed across the surface of
the earth. Over a period of time, through experimentation, observation and
exchange of ideas, people living in different parts of the earth evolved
practices that allowed them to utilise local resources to obtain food, clothing
and shelter. They developed economic and social systems that sustained
over long periods of time. However, in some places, these systems proved to
be unsustainable, and became a cause of environmental decline.
In this unit you will learn about the human-environment relationship in the
desert region, where conditions seem most unfavourable to human habitation.
The unit begins with a brief description of the physical conditions in a desert.
Thereafter, you will learn about how human beings adapted to conditions in a
desert, developing relationships with the environment that allowed them to
survive there for centuries. The traditional human-environment relationship
has undergone a major change with the rapid growth of population and the
advent of modern technology. New challenges confront these areas today,
and you will learn about these too.
Deserts may be classified into hot and dry deserts, semi deserts, coastal
deserts and cold deserts, based on the amount and distribution of
temperature and precipitation. This unit will focus only on hot and dry deserts
and semi deserts. Similarly, while sand is commonly found in deserts, all
desert landscapes are not dominated by sand. Deserts in which sand is in
abundance, completely covering the ground and leading to the formation of
dunes that resemble wave-like ridges of the ocean surface, are called erg,
meaning a sand sea. In other deserts, the wind may blow away all the sand,
leaving behind closely packed, interlocking angular rock fragments. Such a
stony desert is known as reg. In some deserts the landscape is dominated by
boulders and exposed bedrock. Hamada is the name given to such deserts.
Various factors are responsible for the location of deserts in certain areas.
The largest hot deserts, like the Sahara and Arabian deserts, are located in
the trade wind belt near the sub-tropical high pressure belts in both
hemispheres. These are places located under the descending limb of the
Hadley Cell that dominates the atmospheric circulation in tropical areas. As
the air subsides, it warms adiabatically, inhibiting condensation and
Do you find some patterns in the location of desert in the world (Refer Fig.
5.1)? Some deserts are located on the leeward side of mountains and the rain
shadow effect is responsible for their formation. The Sonoran Desert in North
America is located to the east of the coastal ranges. While moisture bearing
winds arising from the ocean bring precipitation to the western flanks of the
ranges, places to the east receive no precipitation from them as they have
already shed their moisture before reaching here.
Deserts are also located in the interior of continents. Their interior location
prevents them from receiving moisture from the oceans. The Gobi Desert has
been formed due to the inland location as well as the rain shadow effect.
The presence of cold ocean currents also favours the formation of deserts. Air
in contact with cold ocean waters is cooled from below and this leads to
suppression of rainfall. The formation of the Kalahari Desert in Africa and the
Atacama Desert in South America is aided by the effects of the Benguela and
Humboldt currents respectively.
What is a desert? Where are the major deserts of the world located?
5.3.1 Climate
Desert climate is one of extremes. As you have already learnt, aridity is the
defining characteristic of a desert and some places can be extremely arid,
receiving precipitation as an exception rather than as a rule. Highest
maximum temperatures too are recorded in deserts, as the sun shines
strongly in the cloudless skies during the day. However, the lack of moisture
also allows terrestrial radiation to escape quickly, so that it can get quite cold
soon after the sun sets.
Hot deserts are generally warm throughout the year. Mean annual
temperatures are above 20˚C. They are extremely hot in summer, with
daytime temperatures well in excess of 40˚C. Places such as Jacobabad
(Pakistan), Death Valley (California, USA) and Azizia (Libya) have recorded
temperatures higher than 50˚C. The clear skies and low humidity also allow
for high diurnal and annual ranges of temperature. This is more so in sandy
deserts than rocky deserts. Hot, dry winds, such as the khamsin in Egypt and
the sirocco in northern Africa, blow sand across the desert, making conditions
even more difficult.
the moisture they bring evaporates in no time. The Atacama Desert in
northern Chile in South America is the driest place in the world. Some
weather stations in this desert have never recorded any rain.
Mists are common in the coastal parts of deserts like the Atacama and the
Kalahari. The fog that forms over the ocean is blown inland by the wind.
Moisture from fog drip is sufficient to support a vegetation cover on the
coastal hills.
5.3.2 Soil
Desert soils form under arid conditions. In the absence of water, leaching
plays a limited role in soil formation. As a result, soils are rich in soluble
mineral nutrients, sometimes excessively so. Soil horizons too are poorly
developed. Soils are deficient in organic matter owing to the lack of
vegetation. The absence of organic matter makes the soils pale in colour,
pale grey and pale red being common colours. Sometimes a layer of calcium
carbonate, or some other soluble salt, forms on or close to the surface.
Despite this, soils are quite fertile and a range of crops are produced
wherever irrigation is available. The Nile Valley in Egypt, the Imperial Valley in
USA, and the Indus Valley in Pakistan are agriculturally productive but the
soils need careful management as they are vulnerable to salt build-up and
water logging.
The only parts of the desert that are devoid of life are the areas of shifting
sand dunes. A continuous vegetation cover is absent, plants are scattered,
and shrubs are the dominant form of vegetation, especially in Asia and Africa.
Plants are usually low in height, although the Saguaro cactus in the Sonoran
Desert is almost tree-like in height. Most plants are xerophytes that can
survive with very little water and can withstand long periods of drought. There
are some halophytes (salt tolerant plants) too. Some xerophytes have deep
tap roots that allow them to make use of groundwater reserves. Others
develop a network of lateral roots that spread horizontally to make use of soil
moisture from a large area. Some body parts, like the stems and roots, of
some plants are modified to store water, while others have thick bark, small
and waxy leaves to reduce losses from evapotranspiration. Plants may bear
sharp spines, or may be strongly scented to protect themselves from grazers.
Others camouflage themselves to resemble stones or dung in order to avoid
being eaten by animals. In the very dry parts of the desert seeds can lie
dormant for years and then suddenly spring to life after a shower of rain.
These ephemeral plants can complete their life cycles at incredible speeds.
Below given figure depicts various types of plant species found in the desert
(Fig. 5.2).
Fig. 5.2: Major Plant species found in the Hot Deserts of the world
Animals living in the desert show a similar range of adaptation. Only a few
large animals, such as the ibex, oryx, foxes, jackals, wild asses and the
camel, are found here. Most of them live in the margins of the desert. The
camel is a large mammal very well adapted to survive in deserts. Famous as
the ‘ship of the desert ‘, it was vital to the survival of several desert dwelling
communities, as we shall see later. The other animals are mostly smaller in
size. They include rats, lizards, snakes, spiders and scorpions. Most of them
are nocturnal, which enables them to avoid the high daytime temperatures.
Animals like the kangaroo rat and pocket mouse can survive without drinking
water as they can meet their water requirements from the food they eat. The
light coloured bodies of animals in the desert reflect sunlight. Moisture loss is
reduced by the absence of sweat glands in the body, and dry excrement.
Multitudes of insects can be found in the brief period of plant growth.
What are the major characteristics of the climate of a desert?
rivers are the Nile in Egypt, the Tigris and the Euphrates in Iraq, the Indus in
Pakistan and the Colorado in the Imperial Valley in the USA. These are very
large rivers but there are many smaller rivers that flow through deserts in
other parts of the world. People living in the desert have utilised their water
from ancient times. For example, the Nile supported the Egyptian civilisation
while the Indus supported the Harappan civilisation. Can you name some
other similar kind of civilizations and associated rivers?
Also found in the desert are channels that are dry except in the rainy season.
Such channels are called wadis in Arabic speaking countries. Although the
channel is dry on the surface, water is available below the surface. This water
can be accessed with the help of wells. In some places natural springs may
provide water. As in the case of exotic rivers, the source of water in natural
springs too lies outside the desert.
Apart from these natural sources of water, communities living in deserts have
devised various innovative means of obtaining a permanent supply of water.
The qanat or kariz is an example of an indigenous system of transporting
water common in South West Asia, especially Iran (Refer Fig. 5.3). In this
system water is transported by gravity through underground tunnels from
alluvial aquifers to an agricultural settlement. The water thus brought to the
villages is shared through a system of community management which
ensures that the distribution is equitable and its use is sustainable.
Today, many countries in the region are obtaining a part of their supply of
water from the sea. For example, nearly all of Dubai’s water supply comes
from desalination plants that remove salt from seawater and make it fit for
domestic and commercial use.
1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
(i) A permanent source of water in a desert and the vegetated area around
it is known as an _________.
(ii) Channels that are dry except in the rainy season are called
__________ in Arabic speaking countries.
The San are an excellent example of one such group. Also known as
Bushmen (a term considered derogatory today) the San are the indigenous
people of southern Africa, having lived here for thousands of years. They are
found in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa, and are around 100000 in
number. They live in migratory groups, each of which has about 50 members.
They have an excellent understanding of the flora and fauna of the land they
live in. They are aware of the nutritional, medical, recreational and lethal
properties of local plants. They are also skilled trackers and hunters, trapping
and hunting animals for food. They dig pitfalls near waterholes and cover
them carefully in order to trap animals that come to drink water. More
commonly, they hunt animals using poison-tipped reed arrows and wooden
clubs. They also eat lizards, snakes, frogs, worms and ant eggs. Wooden
sticks are used to dig holes in the sand to find water. Sometimes they also
squeeze water from succulent roots. While moving from place to place in
pursuit of animals, they carry water in ostrich egg shells. Since it is not
possible to store food they eat well when food is available and starve when it
is not.
Being constantly on the move, they do not have many possessions, nor do
they build elaborate shelters. They live in caves, under rocky overhangs or in
crude huts made by sticking a few branches in the ground and covering them
with animal skin and grass. Their clothing is similarly made from animal skin.
Domestication of animals and cultivation of plants are not practised by them.
Contact with other cultural groups, both African and European, has played
havoc with their way of life. Their traditional weapons were useless against
these groups and they were soon driven away from their land. New diseases
led to a decline in their population. European hunters destroyed the herds of
animals which were the source of their food.
The traditional lifestyle of the San is looked down upon and they are
encouraged to take up farming, a skill that they do not possess. Governments
have relocated them under the pretext of preserving wildlife and ecosystems.
However, many suspect that the real reason for the relocation may be the
mineral resources of the land that they lived in.
The Bindibus living in the Australian desert have a similar lifestyle. They do
not cultivate land or raise animals. The only animal they have domesticated is
the Dingo, a wild dog. The Bindibus are hunters and gatherers, and the Dingo
assists them in tracking and running down animals like kangaroos and
rabbits. They use few implements like digging sticks, grinding stones, spears
and the boomerang. Their tools and weapons are made of stone and wood
as metallurgy and pottery making are unknown to them.
Animals provide herders with milk, cheese and meat for food. The hide and
leather obtained from their skin are used to make items of clothing, tents,
footwear and water bags. The hair and wool become raw material for cloth,
mats, ropes, rugs and carpets. Surplus products are traded with merchants
and cultivators to obtain food grains, dates, medicines and manufactured
products like utensils and weapons. In order to minimise risk, nomadic
herders also hunt and gather, and whenever possible, grow crops and work
for wages. Examples of nomadic herders are the Bedouins of Arabia, the
Tuaregs of Western Sahara, the Bishari of north east Africa and the Kurds
of Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Syria.
For thousands of years these lands have been able to support nomadic
communities as the seasonal rotation of pastures allowed them to maintain
their fertility and resilience. In the past few decades however, rising human
and animal populations, and pressure from competing land use has led to the
degradation of land and threatened the nomadic lifestyles that they supported.
Governments too are encouraging the sedentarisation of nomadic groups and
generally neglect pastoral communities. As a result, their traditional
importance is being lost and meat is now being imported from other countries,
like Australia. Migration along traditional routes has been disrupted by the
creation of international boundaries, many of them imposed without regard for
the traditional culture of the area.
Irrigated agriculture was also carried out along other rivers such as the Tigris
and the Euphrates. In the absence of rivers irrigation was provided with the
help of underground tunnels, or qanats, described in an earlier section. Oases
also provided water for irrigation, but the effort required to raise water was so
great that their use was limited in the past. The availability of pumps in recent
times has greatly facilitated its use.
The construction of dams and extensive networks of canals has changed the
desert landscape in many areas. Better control over the supply of water has
enabled modern farmers to cultivate two, and even three, crops every year,
instead of just a single one. The Aswan dam on the Nile in Egypt has brought
more than 400000 hectares of desert land under cultivation. Dams on the
Indus in Pakistan, the Tigris and the Euphrates in Iraq, Syria and Turkey, and
the Colorado in the USA have similarly transformed life in many parts of the
desert. However, the development of canal irrigation has brought along its
own set of problems. The natural fertilisation provided by the floodwaters
along the Nile is no longer available, as the Aswan Dam has controlled floods.
More than a hundred million dollars have to be spent in adding chemical
fertilisers to the soil. Salts also build up in the soil as the rate of evaporation is
very high, and additional costs are incurred in flushing them out. Water
logging and increased moisture in the soil has also brought in diseases like
a. Name some groups of nomadic hunters and briefly discuss their lifestyle.
5.6.1 Desertification
The term desertification was at one time used to refer to the march of the
desert into neighbouring areas. Today it is used more broadly to include a
number of processes which lead to a decline in the productive potential of
land in arid and semi-arid areas. This happens largely as a result of human
activity, although natural factors like climate change may also be responsible
for it. Desertification is said to be moderate if reduction in productivity is
between10% and 25%, severe if it is between 25% and 50%, and very severe
if it is more than 50%. Gullies and sand dunes may become visible in the case
of very severe desertification. Desertification is a serious global problem that
affects more than a billion people across the world, especially in the cattle
rearing areas in semi arid and arid parts of sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East
and West Asia. It usually begins when the natural vegetation in an area is
partially or completely removed (to make way for agriculture or to find fuel
wood), increasing the proportion of bare ground. This leads to several
changes in soil, like reduction in organic content, decline in capacity for water
retention, and loss of structure, which lower its fertility. Reduced fertility
results in a further reduction in vegetative cover, increasing vulnerability to
erosion by wind and water. Eventually the character of the land may change
to such an extent that the local climate is changed due to changes in the
albedo and energy budget. Overgrazing, over-cultivation, deforestation,
surface mining without land reclamation, faulty irrigation techniques, and use
of heavy farm machinery are some of the human activities that contribute to
5.6.2 Salinisation
All soils contain some salts and the salt content of the soil is known as its
salinity. An increase in the concentration of salts in soil is called salinisation.
Salinisation is a problem faced in many irrigated areas, especially where
evaporation rates are high. All the water applied to the fields is not absorbed
by plants. Much of the water evaporates directly from the soil, leaving the
salts behind. Accumulation of soluble salts of sodium, magnesium and
calcium in soil takes place to such an extent that soil fertility is adversely
affected The presence of salty ground water may also contribute to the
problem. When the fields are flooded by irrigation water without proper
drainage, the water table is raised and the salty underground water reaches
the upper layers of the soil. When it evaporates, it leaves a deposit of salt in
the surface layer of soil, which is sometimes visible as a white crust. More
scientific methods of irrigation can go a long way in checking this problem,
while helping in conserving water at the same time.
What are the major reasons for the emergence of environmental problems in
these regions?
In this unit you have studied:
Plants and animals living in the area show amazing adaptation to these
harsh conditions.
Human beings too have lived in deserts for centuries, displaying a range
of food habits, clothing and economic activity suited to the specific
environmental conditions in the parts they inhabit.
2. Explain how human beings have adapted to the physical conditions found
in deserts.
Self-Assessment Questions (SAQ)
1. A desert is an arid area where evapotranspiration is higher than
precipitation. Deserts are located in the trade wind belt, in high pressure
belts where air tends to descend, on the lee side of mountains, in the
interiors of continents, and in coastal areas adjacent to cold currents.
4. a. The San of the Kalahari and the Bindibus of Australia are examples of
nomadic hunters in the desert. They live in small migratory groups and
are skilled hunters. They have few possessions and live in simple
Terminal Questions
1. Your answer should include brief description about physical conditions
namely climate and soil and biological features namely plants and
animals. For detail please refer to section 5.3.
2. You must discuss how hunters, herders, agriculturists, traders and city
dwellers have adapted to life in the desert. For details refer to section 5.4.
6.1 Introduction 6.7 Human-environment
Expected Learning Outcomes relationships in the mountain
6.2 Geographical Location and regions
Distribution 6.8 Environmental Problems in the
6.3 Climate Mountainous Region
6.4 Soil 6.9 Summary
6.5 Flora 6.10 Terminal Questions
6.6 Fauna 6.11 Answers
6.12 References/Suggested Further
In previous units 4 and 5, you have learnt about the equatorial and desert regions
of the world. You came to know about the important features of these two major
geographical regions along with their an exposure on the type of juxtaposition of
human-environment relationships and their spatial variations across the different
regions of the planet earth. These two units of Block 2 made you learn that the
environment of a region exerts a dominant impact on the human beings and their
range of economic activities. In this Unit 6, you will explore that mountainous
regions are high altitude areas above the mean sea level on the surface of the
earth. The physical element of elevation manifests into the localized interferences
with the elements of weather and climate, drainage, soil, flora and fauna.
Mountainous areas of the world constitute very important second order landforms
while the continents are the first order landforms. Mountains make up nearly one-
fifth land area of the entire world and support millions of people living there in
relative isolation in dispersed settlements. Nearly half of the world's population
depends on mountainous areas for their basic needs. It includes the availability of
water, food, fuel wood and timber, grazing grounds, mineral resources, herbs and
medicinal plants, hydroelectricity, recreational activities and tourism. All over the
world, these mountainous regions are known for their complex environments and
unique bio-geographical niches. Usually, mountainous regions are characterized
by unduletting terrain, specific set of natural and cultural resources, diversified
ecological zones showing the effect of altitude, and greater degree of biological
diversity and human cultural ingenuity to cope with the forces of nature in a
harmonious manner. Mountainous regions entail one more specific characteristic
as they are also unique entities on multiple aspects such as social, cultural,
economic and political as well. Mountains are considered identical to borderlands
all across the world. Other than mountains, another physical entity which is taken
as a natural point for political divisions is river to demarcate the boundary
between two political entities. A mountain serves as boundary between different
cultural groups but also houses certain distinctive cultural groups which are
known for preserving their centuries old cultural values and norms.
This unit is organized into various sections dealing with different physical and
human aspects of the mountainous regions of the world. You will study about the
geographical location and distribution of the mountain region from Section 6.2.
This will enable you to find, identify and locate the distribution of mountain
regions on a world map.In the next Sections 6.3 and 6.4, you will get an idea
about the climate and soil conditions prevailing in the mountain regions of the
world. This insight will greatly help you to understand the floral and faunal
diversity of the mountain regions discussed in Sections 6.5 and 6.6. The study of
locational aspects along with physical parameters will definitely help you to
envisage the kind of human-environment relationship and comprehend the nature
and types of opportunities, challenges and constraints of mountain regions in
Sec. 6.7. In Sec. 6.8, you will learn about the spatial and non-spatial factors
which are responsible for generating major environmental problems being faced
by the mountain communities and societies coinciding with the rise and spread of
global economic forces. You will be able to learn about the set of opportunities,
specificities and constraints which characterizes the interplay between humans
and its environment in mountain regions of the world.
Fig. 6.1: Map showing the geographical location and distribution of the mountain
regions of the world.
Describe the geographical location and distribution of the mountain regions of the
Many of you are aware of the fact that location of a given place on globe
invariably governs and determines the climate or weather conditions of that
region. The climate is considered as a fundamental natural constituent that helps
to sustain and nurture any kind of natural environment be it mountain, desert,
coastal or plain environment. Owing to the factors of diverse terrain and variable
nature of energy and available moisture content, mountain areas are generally
characterized by climatic contrasts within a span of one kilometer or even lesser
distance. If you have had done a trekking in a mountainous area, you might have
experienced such contrasts while ascending and descending a mountain or a
summit. On this basis, will you be able to tell us and highlight the climatic
conditions that prevail in the mountain regions of the world? Is it identical or are
there spatial variations across the mountain regions in different latitudes and
altitudes? Are there any other factors which govern the climate of a region in
such places etc.? Such kind of questions along with many other queries may
crawl into your cognitive faculty. Mountain regions are magnificent features on
the face of the earth characterized by the sharp rise from the surrounding
territory, generally taken as 300 metres above mean sea level globally with some
variations depending upon the location of a particular mountain region. The
geographic regions having a lesser elevations than this are known as hills. Such
enormously high rising arrangement of mountains not only influences the climate
of a surrounding area but also affects the wind patterns and distribution of
precipitation. From this discussion, we can guess that the height of the mountain
ranges may have led to striking alterations in the climate of a region. Such
changes have not only led to the significant transformations of the surrounding
physical landscape but also vastly influenced the type as well as suitability of
natural habitats for their living organisms .
As the mountain regions which are situated far away from the equator experience
moderate sunshine hours. It gives birth to the prevalence of moderate
temperature conditions during short summer months and low to very low
temperature conditions in winter months. You know that temperature decreases
at a rate of approximately 6.5 degree Celsius per 1000 metres of elevation..
Other factors which govern the temperature values are sun-drenched and shady
portions in the mountain slopes. The southern parts of the mountain slopes
receive ample amount of sun’s energy as compared to northern parts in the
northern hemisphere. The amount of solar radiation received on the face of the
earth’s surface increases directly in proportion to the altitude of the mountains.
The diurnal range of temperature also remains high due to the differential heating
and cooling effect of the mountains. The values of temperature as well as crop
growing season in one agricultural year consequently declines with rising altitude.
In higher climates of the Himalayan Mountains, the farmers are able to grow and
reap only a single crop in one agricultural year due to harsh environmental
conditions. Mountains receive more precipitation as opposed to lowlands in the
form of snow during the winter months. This stored water is used during the brief
summer months to grow the crops channelized through gravity channels known
as ‘Kuhls’ in Kullu and Lahaul area of western Himalayas. Further, mountain
regions are characterized by the seasonal and diurnal variation in temperature to
a considerable extent. Temperature values seldom exceed 30 degree Celsius
during peak summer months in different locations of the Himalayan ranges and it
plummets below minus 30 degree Celsius in some parts of the mountain regions
in a year. The mean monthly and mean annual temperature of the mountain
region remains approximately15 C.
The mornings in the mountainous regions remains cool and moderate. Due to its
location, orographic rainfall is common. Thus, the region experiences
precipitation mainly in the form of snowfall during long winter months. The annual
precipitation is around 989 milimetres in some parts of the mountainous regions
in Himalayas.
6.4 SOIL
The soil of mountain regions is characterized by typical conditions unlike other
geographical regions. The rugged topography, cold climatic conditions and other
factors puts serious impediments on the proper development of soil horizon. The
soil profile is not fully developed except on the river terraces or in similar
geomorphological units like that of a plateau or plain region. Here, the soil profile
is often characterized by skeletal soil cover, stony character, thinness and
immature mountain soil. It further varies with the altitudinal variations across the
different segments of mountain regions. It is characterized by stony clay with thin
soil cover. There is a difference in the soil cover between low lying portions near
the river terraces and higher areas in the mountain uplands or highlands. The
prevalence of near sub-zero temperature values for a significant portion of the
year coupled with heavy snowfall often triggers the process of mechanical
weathering in the mountainous regions. The soils of the mountain regions are
stony clay having very poor mineral content. The soils are highly acidic in nature,
which retards the growth of plants as roots cannot absorb the required nutrients
from the soil. The intense and heavy snowfall in the region also damages the top
soil layer more prominently as opposed to other geographical region. In this
manner, the soil profile generally remains devoid of the much required soil
nutrients for the plant growth.
You may be well aware about the fact that the good soil cover or soil profile offers
the most suitably required ideal conditions for any growth and sustenance of
vegetation cover in any geographical region across the globe. You will study the
flora or vegetation cover in the next section.
In the preceding section, you have already learnt about the climatic conditions of
the mountainous regions. The low temperature and scanty to moderate rainfall in
the mountainous region allows the growth of rich and varied vegetative cover and
few of which are medicinally valuable. The characteristic feature of the flora of
this area can be summarized as under:
Natural Vegetation
One of most common and conspicuous feature that characterizes the natural
vegetation is altitudinal zonation in the mountain regions. A clearly striking
feature is the change in the type of vegetation with the increasing altitude.
However, initially, the vegetation cover may resemble with that of a low-lying
surrounding regions. The vegetation and climate belt changes with increasing
altitude in a similar way as it changes from equator towards poles on a globe in
mountainous regions of the world. The altitude of both snowline and treeline often
shows an increase towards the mountainous regions of the equatorial areas.
However, the location of mountains near the equatorial regions are greatly
influenced and affected by the many physical and other factors comprising wind
system, exposure to sun shine, moisture content, evaporation rate and snow
depth etc. The mountain areas found in the temperate latitudes are commonly
grass producing regions having two distinct zones. First one is located near the
village boundaries mostly at valley bottoms and second one is located at the
higher reaches as alpine pastures particularly in Alps and Himalayans and similar
mountainous regions. If you happen to be a mountain resident or have visited the
mountainous regions, then you may have noticed the diverse types of natural
vegetation changing with the increasing altitude. In the higher altitudinal areas,
especially in the cold desert regions like in some Himalayan valleys (Ladakh,
Zanskar, Lahaul-Spiti, Manas and Malari etc. of India), the vegetation cover
virtually starts disappearing as you keep ascending away from the foothills
barring few xerophytic plants like juniper and very few resilient varieties of shrubs
having medicinal values. Owing to altitudinal gradient and prevalence of varied
climatic conditions, the mountainous region supports diverse types of natural
vegetation. The types of natural vegetation vary with altitude, slope aspects,
amount of sunshine and topographical characteristics. The mountainous region is
considered as a storehouse of medicinal herbs and plants along with numerous
plant species. The diversity of vegetation ranges from xerophytic coniferous
forests to temperate evergreen forests. Some of the prominent plant species are
pine, cedar, junipers and shrubs such as seabuckthorn (with medicinal
properties) etc.
The mountainous regions do not only contains diverse variety of natural
vegetation but also are home to many faunal species including a few endangered
species. The snow leopard, ibex, yak, llama are few large animals which are
native to diverse mountainous regions of the world. Mostly, two broad types of
faunal life exist in the mountainous regions of the world. First category covers the
animals living in the elevation of the natural forests. Second category covers the
alpine animals living in the uplands in the mountainous regions with most of the
animals being herbivores. These animals tend to migrate during the onset of
winters at the time when grasses dry up due to cold and low temperature to the
lower and slightly warmer elevations as like that of transhumance activity in
which the Gaddis (Shepherd community), Gujjar of lower shivalik Himalayas and
Bakerwals of Jammu region tend to migrate with their animal flocks. The major
mountainous ranges of the world are home to many animal species as well as
thousands of species of birds.
These animals and birds are of paramount importance both from the
sustainability of ecosystem services and well being of the human communities
and societies Hence, all of you will certainly agree with us that the faunal
diversities must be preserved.
Discuss the major characteristics of climate in mountainous regions of the world.
Fig. 6.2: The schematic diagram highlighting the two-way process between
humans and their physical environment.
By now, it is certainly a well known fact to all of you that the natural environment
of any geographical region influences the human habitation or settlements,l
economic activities, health and many other socio-cultural pursuits. It is commonly
believed that mountains are not suitable geographical locations for human
habitation. However, it is not true in reality. Besides harsh environmental
constraints and adversities, many of the mountainous regions are suitably
inhabited across the globe. Mountains offer variety of natural resources, scenic
natural and cultural attractions like snow-clad mountain ranges, waterfalls,
temples, forests, alpine pastures and recreational avenues etc. to boost tourism
activities . The Ural mountains situated in Eastern Europe is the repository of
metallic minerals like iron ore. Cement is extracted from the sedimentary rock
strata from some parts of lower Himalayan Mountains. In the Rockies mountain
of North America, many economically valuable minerals such as gold, zinc,
copper and silver etc. are commercially extracted. Some of the mountain regions
are settled as an administrative units like that of Shimla in Himachal Pradesh by
the Britishers to avoid the intense heat of plains. Many mountains have also
provided a refuge to the people who were driven out and rendered homeless
during the period of wars, struggles and conflicts. Mountains are known for their
closed societies, self-centeredness who likes to preserve their cultural norms and
The proximity to mountains not only influences but also has a direct impact on
the house types built in different parts of the mountainous regions. The houses
generally used to be built with the locally available natural resources including
rocks, sand, soil, timber and wood etc. However, with the passage of time,
modern type of houses has now become a common and popular trend. In many
areas, an amalgamation or fusion may also be evident in the types of houses
built. In the mountainous area of western Himalayas particularly in Kullu valley, a
special type of earthquake resistant houses known as ‘Katkuni House
Structures’ were used to be built completely on the basis of locally available
construction materials, which has now almost started vanishing from the region
due to the popularity of modern style of architecture brought from the plain
regions. Such houses can still be seen in the remote villages of kullu valley and
other portions of Himachal Pradesh. This is a special kind of architectural style
which is known to withstand the shocks of earthquake (as evident from the
devastating massive Kangra Earthquake of 1905), but also offers a unique
architecture vista of style superimposed on the cultural landscape to the outside
visitors. All across the mountainous regions of the world, houses are generally
built on the basis of locally available materials with minor variations therein and
natural environment particularly precipitation and temperature exert a direct
influence on the same.
Highlight the major features of human-environment relationship in the mountain
There are many kinds of environmental problems which have cropped up in the
recent past directly as a result of the indiscriminate use of natural resources
fuelled by the accelerated rate of economic activities. We will broadly try to
highlight some of the pertinent issues and problems here in order to sensitize you
about these ever-mounting problems of these regions. As you have studied in the
previous sections that people are living in the mountainous regions from the time
immemorial,people have evolved a suitable mechanisms and adopted standard
non-consumerist lifestyles for their survival keeping in mind the specific natural
environmental conditions of the area which they inhabited. Initially, before the
advent of industrial revolution, this relationship used to be harmonious whereby
humans lived in close harmony with the forces of nature. However, soon after the
industrial revolution particularly in the last one and half centuries, this symbiotic
relationship has started taking a complete u-turn by inducing anthropocentric
interferences in the environment. Such disturbances induced due to the global
economic forces have completely altered the delicate balance and greatly
disturbed the ecological balance of the mountainous regions. Such kind of
unhealthy human-environment relationship has led to many problems related with
the use, misuse and overuse of natural resources. You may have encountered
the range of such problems being faced by the inhabitants of mountainous
regions probably through news, social media or other mediums. You are well
aware that a mountain ecosystem are tremendously delicate systems and
provides range of ecosystem services to the people living in both mountains as
well as surrounding low-lying territories. One of the most essential and tangible
ecosystem services is the provision of potable water which mountains provide
through an extensive network of perennial river systems. Nowadays, with the
increase in economic activities like tourism, trade, reckless and haphazard
urbanization, solid waste management, air and water pollution, overgrazing,
unscientific agricultural practices in consonance with the rise in population growth
are taming these river systems all across the world to generate hydro-electric
power and irrigation. The morphology of mountain rivers have started suffering a
huge toll both in its volume and quality of water. The activity of tourism is also
seen to be changing the cultural landscape of the native region and resulting into
negative cultural influences. You are well aware that mountain headwaters also
form a part of the hydrological cycle which you have learnt in your first semester
course. Because of the onslaught by various economic activities, this delicate
balance has taken a serious jolt eventually seen to be manifesting into range of
human-induced serious problems. Such vast and high intensity spatial changes
may cause an irreversible damage to the harmony and fragile ecosystems of the
mountain regions in future.
The mountainous regions are very important for human beings both in the
mountainous as well as surrounding low-lying regions as it harbours and provides
a variety of natural resources. They greatly help to regulate the local, regional
and global climate regime along with hydrological cycle. They provide a range of
essential ecosystem services to the people in its different forms. Therefore,
mountainous regions hold great importance not only to its inhabitants at local
level, but also to many other stakeholders at regional levels. No doubt, the spatial
interaction has greatly brought a plethora of modern benefits to the human
beings. It has interfered in the natural harmony by inflicting a lot of problems also.
Such benefits are not free from serious impediments. Some of the prominent
ones are loss and destruction of natural vegetative cover, change in climatic
regime, decrease in the amount of snowfall resulting into water shortage due to
global warming, melting glaciers and receding snowline have affected the
availability of surface water (both for agricultural and drinking purposes with
spatial variations therein across the mountainous regions), rising air and water
pollution, drying of natural sources of water, solid waste management etc. Such
imbalances caused on account of spatial interaction aimed towards holistic
development which takes place between man and his environment may
eventually disturb the delicate ecological set-up of mountainous regions. This
may result into the severe hiccups across a chain of ecological services which
originates from the mountainous regions and benefits the populace both in the
mountainous regions as well as surrounding plains and other geographical
regions. One of the most significant and pressing challenges surrounding the
management of the world’s water resources are being confronted by the global
community in general and mountain communities in particular. The production
patterns necessitated by the consumerist behaviors have started endangering
our most critical life-providing resources like water through water pollution and
over-extraction without thinking about the sustainability in the long- run. Although,
the factors of population growth and global climate change have definitely
induced a major pressure on such crucial resource systems. However, the most
important factors are driven by the social, economic and political forces that
necessitate the unsustainable resource utilisation in an overall context in the
name of so-called paradigm of modernization and development without judicious
utilization of life providing ecosystem services. Some of the major environmental
problems are dealt under major sub-heads as under:
Deforestation: With the domestication of plants and animals, human beings had
started clearing the natural tracts of forests in bulk for meeting the different
needs. You know that natural forests play a major role to control and regulate not
only the local climatic pattern but also affect the climate of entire world in a cause
and effect relationship. They not only provide various ecosystem related services
but also harbor a range of natural products which provides a source of livelihood
to encapsulated human societies thereby broadly contributing in the economic
development of a nation.
forests of the world, it is happening due to the expansion of agriculture land,
overgrazing, expansion of infrastructural facilities like dams for hydroelectric
generation, various types of roads and creation of tourist and recreational
amenities. One of the key principles of ecology states that a minor disturbance in
one part of nature may induce effect in its other parts as well. Sometimes, such
disturbances are within the ecological limits (naturally reparable) and sometimes
they may cross such limit especially when augmented by the human actions and
may invoke a irreparable damage to the entire life providing systems of the planet
earth. Similarly, deforestation has also led to the increase in the temperature
decrease in the amount of precipitation (both rainfall during summers and
snowfall during winters), shifted and pushed the tree line to the higher altitudes,
led to glacier recession, water deficit, loss of biodiversity etc. to name a few
prominent associated and triggered issues and problems.
In the light of above discussion, it is not a difficult proposition to assume that the
better and greater knowledge and appreciation of mountain resources and their
specificities as well as judicious utilization and not exploitation by the human race
may have far reaching implications for the current and future generations alike.
The ongoing economic slaught in the name of so-called trajectories of
development aimed towards the wanton devastation of natural resources be it
water, forest, soil, minerals, precious floral and faunal species etc. have already
reached an alarming stage at many parts of the mountainous regions. Some of
the mistakes which humans have committed may be avoided in the near future
for the upkeep and benefit of most complex and spectacular second order
landform systems of the planet earth i.e. mountains which is a life providing
systems to the thousand and millions of people all across the world. The current
crisis of pandemic has made all of us more and more vulnerable than we would
have had even imagined in our distant dreams. It has radically upset our
mechanisms and capacities to appraise, administer and cope up with risks
particularly related to human health, and pushed us to believe that in order to
solve such colossal problems necessitates global cooperation in which the active
assistance of all stakeholders at independent level is very much required in a
holistic way. We may compare this situation with the kind of environmental
problems which has started threatening and crippling the life providing ecosystem
services of the mountainous regions, thus besides disturbing the delicate
ecological set-up, it may also jeopardize the aspirations of populace in the long-
Whenever you happen to visit a mountain region, try to observe some of the
discussed points and make a list of unwanted activities that is causing
destruction to the fragile ecological set-up.
Illustrate the key impacts on environment generated by the human actions owing
to human-nature interactions in the mountain regions of the world?
In this unit, you have learnt the following key things:
Unlike other regions, you came to know that mountain regions have its own
complex set of physical and cultural landscape..
Mountain regions are located in the margins and interior parts of almost all
the continents in two major zones.
These are the storehouses of many resources like timber, water, fodder and
fuelwood and variety of minerals etc.
It spans across the greater mountain ranges, chains and belts of the world
across the continents.
2. Describe the two-way process that takes place in a variety of ways between
the humans on one hand and their natural environment on the other hand in
the context of mountain regions.
(Hint: You may discuss and include a case study of any one mountain region
with which you are reasonably familiar).
2. As the mountain regions are situated far away from the equator mainly
concentrated towards the margins of continents, it is characterized by high
altitudinal character and hence moderate sunshine hours. These are
generally characterized by very severe cold conditions during winter months
with heavy snowfall and moderately warm conditions with scanty rainfall
during summer months depending on the side of a mountain range.
3. It is a two-way interaction that takes place between the human and their
environment. Such interaction is determined by the interplay between three
factors like knowledge, skill level and set of available technological inputs
4. Some of the prominent ones are loss and destruction of natural vegetative
cover, change in climatic regime, decrease in the amount of snowfall
resulting into water shortage due to global warming, melting glaciers and
receding snowline have affected the availability of surface water (both for
agricultural and drinking purposes with spatial variations therein across the
type of mountainous regions), rising air and water pollution, drying of natural
sources of water, solid waste management etc. These issues and problems
have started upsetting the entire range of ecosystem services in a major
Terminal Questions
1. Your answer should cover the major features of the soil. You may refer to the
Sec. 6.6.
2. While answering this question, you should cover the two-way processes
between the humans and their natural environment in the mountainous
regions of the world and highlight the major points and underlying
peculiarities. You may refer to the Sec. 6.7.
Price, M.F., Byers, A.C., Friend, D.A., Kohler, T and Price, L.W (editors).
2017. Mountain Geography: Physical and Human Dimensions. Rawat
Publications, New Delhi, Indian Reprint.
7.1 Introduction Mangroves
Expected Learning Outcomes Coral Reefs
7.2 Coastal Regions and Their 7.5 Coastal Hazards
Importance Cyclones
Sites for human settlements Tsunamis
Economic importance Rising Sea Level
Ecological importance Other Environmental Problems
7.3 Coastal Landform Features s 7.6 Summary
Beaches 7.7 Terminal Questions
Deltas 7.8 Answers
Estuaries 7.9 References/Suggested
7.4 Coastal Ecosystems Further Reading
The regions you have studied so far in this block are identified on the basis of
a typical climate or vegetation type. They are also generally located in a
particular latitudinal belt. Now we shall study a region that can be found in
every part of the globe, from the hot and humid tropics to the icy cold poles.
Coastal regions have no precise definition but they can broadly be said to be
the regions of interaction between land and oceans (and also large inland
seas). Among the most dynamic regions of the world, they are affected by
physical, biological and cultural processes that operate on spatial scales
ranging from local to global, and on time scales ranging from sudden to
As mentioned earlier, coastal regions are found in all parts of the world. Soil
and vegetation vary just as much as the climate. These regions extend over
land as well as over the oceans, and contain numerous landforms and
ecosystems. They are densely populated and support a variety of economic
activity. The intensity of human activity has created a number of problems that
are now increasingly evident. These regions are also vulnerable to some
hazards, such as cyclones and tsunamis and the impact of global climate
change. These are some of the issues that will be discussed in this unit.
The unit will begin with a discussion on the importance of coastal regions in
section 7.2. This will be followed by a description of some important landform
features found in this region, as well as the importance of these features in
section 7.3. Some prominent ecosystems and their ecological significance will
be discussed in section 7.4. Subsequent sections i.e. Section 7.5 will discuss
some coastal hazards and environmental problems that affect this region,
together with measures that can be taken to reduce the risk from them.
Coastal regions are very important as preferred spaces for human habitation,
as well as for their immense economic and ecological value. However, the
attraction these regions hold is proving to be self destructive as it has become
the reason for many problems that contribute to their degradation. The
importance of these regions is discussed in the following sections.
Australia’s population dwells along the coast. This makes the coastal areas
among the most densely populated parts of the world. What is more, the
population here is growing faster than in non-coastal areas, so the share of
world’s population living here can be expected to increase in future. They are
also the sites of many towns and cities. Of the world’s 17 largest cities, 14
have coastal locations. A large proportion of medium-sized and smaller cities
are also located along coasts.
There are many factors that make coastal regions attractive to human beings.
Coastal plains are fertile areas, immensely suitable to agriculture. Fishing is
another important economic activity. The salubrious climate adds to the
attraction of the region. Although, as mentioned earlier, climate varies greatly
with latitude, climate near the coast is less extreme and generally more
humid, than climate in the interior locations along the same latitude.
While oceans separate land masses from each other, they also serve as
waterways, a very important source of transport. Trade across the oceans has
been carried on for centuries, leading to the emergence of several port cities
which serve as gateways to international trade. Locations near the mouths of
navigable rivers have the additional advantage of being connected to inland
The scenic beauty of coastal areas, the attraction of sunny beaches and the
lure of water sports draws tourists to this region. It is estimated that 50% of
international tourists travel to places near the sea. Coastal tourism makes a
vital contribution to the economy of several nations, and is particularly
important in the case of small island states (like the Maldives), where more
than 90% of the economy is organised around tourism.
Many mineral and non mineral resources are obtained from coastal lands
and waters. These include sand, gravel, limestone, clay and salt. Nearly 30
per cent of the global output of crude oil comes from off shore drilling, notably
in the North Sea and Gulf of Mexico.
Several critical inputs for industry are readily available here. Physical and
financial infrastructure is well developed in the urban areas. The dense
population provides plentiful supply of skilled and unskilled labour. Access to
low-cost marine and inland transport ensures an easy supply of raw material
from the hinterland as well as from overseas. It is equally easy to transport
finished products to national and international markets. Use is made of sea
water for the process of manufacture, as also for cooling, and unfortunately,
even for dumping industrial wastes.
As the world is trying to break its reliance on fossil fuels, coastal regions offer
a number of alternative sources of energy that are sustainable and non-
polluting. Onshore, offshore, and now even floating wind farms catch
prevailing winds and use their kinetic energy to generate electricity. Similarly,
the energy of waves, tides and ocean currents is being harnessed, although
this technology is still in its infancy and very few commercial projects have
actually been initiated.
Why do people prefer to live in coastal regions?
A number of erosional and depositional features are found along the coast.
They are controlled by geology (especially rock type and presence of weak
zones) and the intensity of wave and wind action. Coastlines are classified
into erosional and depositional coastlines, depending on whether erosion
or deposition is the dominant process. The sea moves progressively inland in
areas where erosion is dominant, producing cliffs, stacks, bays and inlets.
The dominance of depositional processes causes land to extend into the sea.
Beaches, dunes, bars and tombolos are common along depositional
7.3.1 Beaches
In popular perception, beaches are the landforms most commonly associated
with coasts. A beach is a depositional feature, and is a strip of land covered
with loose, water-borne sediments, located on the shores of a sea or lake.
On sheltered coasts, the sediments comprise mainly sand and mud, while
pebbles and even boulders accumulate on more exposed coasts. These
sediments are produced by erosion and weathering carried out by wind and
water. Longshore drifts are the agents that create most beaches. The upper
limit of an active beach is the high-water mark. The lower limit is usually
submerged under water. Beach sands are mostly composed of quartz. In
tropical latitudes, skeletal remains of marine organisms may add a calcareous
element to the sand.
Beaches are very important as recreation sites. In addition to this, they also
play an important role in protecting coasts from erosion. They reduce the
power of waves, winds and storm surges and stop them from destroying
structures built along the coast. They are also the nesting grounds for many
organisms. Beach sands sometimes contain valuable minerals like titanium,
zirconium, tin, uranium and even gold, in concentrations large enough to
make them economically significant.
7.3.2 Deltas
Most rivers eventually discharge their water into oceans or lakes. At the point
of discharge, the velocity of the water is so low that it is unable to keep
sediments in motion. As sediments are deposited at the mouth of the river, a
delta is formed. Coarser sediments are deposited first while the finer clay
particles are carried further into the ocean. The river channel itself is
subdivided to form many distributaries. Although the name delta is derived
from the triangular Greek alphabet of the same name, deltas have a variety of
shapes. Thearcuate Nile delta exhibits the classic triangular or fan-like shape,
while the Mississippi delta resembles a bird’s foot. Cuspate or V-shaped
deltas form when the river flows into a sea with strong waves, as in the case
of the Tiber River in Italy. The Ganga combines with the Brahmaputra to form
the largest delta in the world. The width of this delta along the coast is about
350 kilometres. The mangrove forests found in this delta are known as the
Sunderbans after the sundri tree found in them.
Deltas are densely populated and used intensively by humans. While they
constitute just 1 per cent of all the land in the world, they house nearly half a
billion people. The fertile soils and plentiful supply of water for irrigation make
them the food baskets of many countries. Frequent floods replenish nutrients
and add fertile silt to the land. Deltas also serve as nurseries for many
species of fish, and both subsistence and commercial fisheries are
practised here. The mangroves and marshes contained in them are home to
many unique species of plants and animals and are especially important
for several types of migratory birds.
Climate change, land use change and river management schemes affect
the supply of water and sediments to deltaic areas, causing them to disappear
at an alarming rate. Construction of dams has reduced the volume of water in
most river systems as water and sediment are now discharged into reservoirs.
This affects water temperature, sediment replenishment and prevents the
migration of fish. Many wetlands are lost to development as land is ‘reclaimed’
to create new farmland and structures for flood protection. Rise in sea level
adds to the loss as more and more land is submerged under water. Cyclones
wash away muds and sand as new channels are cut into deltas. The Ganga-
Brahmaputra delta, home to 150 million people, is sinking rapidly as human
activity modifies the land. Decrease in the amount of sediment brought by
rivers, and modification of delta channels to accommodate shrimp farming,
are the primary reasons for this.
7.3.3 Estuaries
A partially enclosed water body at the mouth of a river, through which water
flows into the sea, is called an estuary. St. Lawrence River forms the largest
estuary in the world. (Estuaries may also be created when a river flows into a
freshwater lake. These are called freshwater estuaries.) Here freshwater from
the river mixes with saltwater from the oceans to form brackish water. Many
estuaries were formed when river valleys were drowned either as sea level
roseor land level fell. The effect of tides can be felt in estuaries, and
sometimes a wall-like wave of water from the sea travels up the river in the
form of a tidal bore. The rise and fall of tides affects the level of water and
salinity. Salinity also changes with season, being higher in the dry season and
lower in the rainy season when the flow of fresh water from the river
Estuaries may support very productive ecosystems, but they are also very
fragile. Human activity poses a threat to the survival of many estuaries. The
discharge of untreated sewage and industrial wastewater, chemical-laden
runoff from agriculture, and pollution from ships and oil spills, are adding
toxicity to the estuarine environment. Land reclamation, dredging and
overfishing also add to the damage.
i) How can coastlines be classified?
7.4.1 Mangroves
Salt marshes, estuaries, deltas and tidal flats in calm and shallow coastal
areas support dense thickets or forests of salt-tolerant trees and shrubs.
These are called mangroves and they are found along 8% of all coastlines.
They are more common in tropical areas where they line nearly 25% of the
coastlines. Root modifications, like pneumatophores and stilt and prop roots
allow plants to breathe and remain erect even as they are periodically
submerged in water. The dense network of interlacing roots traps sediments
to help the growth of the mangrove further into the sea through coastal
As buffers between marine and terrestrial communities, mangroves provide
many ecosystem services. They absorb the energy of winds, waves and
storms and thus help in stabilising shorelines by reducing erosion more
effectively than concrete structures built by human beings. They trap
sediments and filter pollutants, thereby improving water quality. Aquatic and
amphibious species find homes in mangroves while birds like pelicans and
egrets nest in the branches. A variety of other animals, including large
predators, also live in these forests. The Sunderban mangrove forest is
famous as the largest home of the Royal Bengal Tiger, and it also houses
many other rare and threatened species like the Estuarine Crocodile, Fishing
Cat and Gangetic Dolphin (See Fig. 7.1).
Mangroves are also very important for local communities as they provide
them with valuable resources. Shrimp and many other commercially important
species of fish and crustaceans are harvested from the water bodies located
within them. Fish farms have been developed in many parts by locals for
carrying out aquaculture and mariculture. They are important for methanol
production; provide commercial timber, charcoal, and several plant products
that are used by the pharmaceutical industry. The economic value of this
ecosystem is estimated to be around US $10000 per hectare per year.
Despite their great value, these fragile ecosystems are regarded by many as
wastelands to be reclaimed for more productive use. Already about half the
world’s mangroves have been lost to human encroachment. The remaining
areas face grave threats from overuse, and unplanned development. Large
tracts have been cleared to make way for agriculture and aquaculture. The
demand for fuelwood from a rapidly growing population also creates pressure
on the vegetation. Cities and ports too have developed at the cost of
the coast. They build hard external skeletons from carbonates dissolved in
sea water and these hard calcium-rich shells accumulate to form rock-like
structures called coral reefs. The Great Barrier Reef of Australia is the most
famous coral reef in the world. Corals live symbiotically with photosynthetic
algae, providing them shelter in return for food. Corals are abundant near
submerged banks where nutrients are supplied by upwelling currents. In open
oceans corals create circular or horse-shoe shaped islands known as atolls.
Corals are often called the rain forests of the sea as numerous other life
forms subsist on them. They support more species per unit area than any
other marine ecosystem. Covering less than one per cent of the ocean floor,
these diverse ecosystems support 25% of marine life. They support marine
food chains by supplying nitrogen and other nutrients. They act as natural
breakwaters to protect coastlines from damage from waves and tropical
storms. Corals are also of great interest to geologists and climate scientists as
they contain in them a record of climatic events that occurred over a million
years. Pharmaceutical companies too use marine extracts in drugs that treat
cancer, arthritis and heart diseases. The fishing industry is supported by
corals as they serve as spawning grounds and nurseries for many species of
fish that are food for human beings. Corals also serve as magnets that attract
tourists. Reef adjacent tourism accounts for around 70 million trips every
year. Altogether, it is estimated that nearly 500 million people around the
world depend on coral reefs for food, income and protection from hazards.
i) What are mangroves and corals?
The interaction of terrestrial, marine and atmospheric processes in coastal
regions makes them highly vulnerable to a wide variety of natural hazards.
Vulnerability is further increased by human activity that takes place with scant
regard for the environment. This section will examine some of the major
hazards that affect this region.
7.5.1 Cyclones
Tropical cyclones (also called hurricanes and typhoons) are giant storms that
spin across the ocean waters and cause death and damage to property and
environment when they make landfall. They form as intense low pressure
centres over oceans where surface water temperature is greater than 26˚C,
allowing mass transfer of moisture from oceans to the atmosphere. The
spinning motion is induced by the rotation of the earth. Low pressure at the
centre of the system causes air to move inward and upward at speeds in
excess of 118 kilometres per hour. These strong winds generate waves
which can rise more than 7 metres above the surface of the ocean (which is
already raised due to low atmospheric pressure). Towering cumulonimbus
clouds arranged in spiral bands around the eye are a characteristic feature of
these cyclones. Torrential rain falls from these clouds, causing rivers in the
affected areas to overflow their banks.
Cyclones cause extensive damage over wide areas. Strong winds can uproot
trees and hurl them against buildings. Electricity poles and telephone towers
are knocked down, disrupting power supplies and telecommunications. Roofs
may be blown off buildings, exposing the interiors to damage by rainwater.
Damaging as these winds are, the maximum damage in a cyclone comes
from the storm surge – a huge mass of water driven onshore by strong
winds. As mentioned earlier, low pressure in the centre of the cyclone causes
a rise in sea level. Winds push this bulging water towards land, flooding
coastal areas under water several metres in depth. Heavy rain and
overflowing rivers make the floods even worse. Several deaths are caused
due to drowning. Bhola, a cyclone that struck Bangladesh (East Pakistan at
that time) in 1970, killing more than 300,000 people, is the deadliest cyclone
in history. Inundation by seawater damages fertile agricultural land and it
takes many years and a lot of money and effort to restore its fertility. Beaches,
lagoons, mangroves, coral reef and dune systems are also damaged by
cyclones and they regain equilibrium only after a long time. Cyclones can
damage valuable infrastructure in ports, harbours and cities, causing great
economic loss. Hurricane Katrina, which affected the USA in 2005, and
Hurricane Harvey, that affected the USA and some neighbouring countries in
2017, inflicted damages worth US $ 125 billion each, and are believed to be
the costliest cyclones yet. The IPCC predicts that global climate change will
lead to an increase in the frequency and intensity of these storms. This will
not only cause loss of life and property, but will also damage coastal
ecosystems while simultaneously reducing their ability to recover.
7.5.2 Tsunamis
Giant sea waves, triggered by sudden movements of the sea floor due to
submarine earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or landslides, are known as
tsunamis. The name tsunami is of Japanese origin, and means a harbour
wave. True to their name, they are hard to detect in the open oceans where
they have a long wavelength and are less than a metre in height. They travel
across oceans at speeds of up to 700 kilometres per hour (almost as fast as a
jet plane), reaching places far removed from their place of origin. They lose
speed once they reach shallower coastal waters, but register a huge increase
in height, and unleash their destructive energy over a vast area. The height of
a tsunami can be up to 30 metres, which makes it as high as a 10-storey
Tsunamis have the potential to cause large scale death and destruction. A
massive underwater earthquake in the Banda Aceh region of Indonesia
(known as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake) in 2004 triggered tsunamis that
affected coastal regions in South Asia and Africa. The death toll was more
than 230000, and there was extensive damage to property. The incursion of
seawater contaminated soil and groundwater as far as 3 kilometres from the
shoreline. Coastal ecosystems like coral reefs were also severely damaged.
In 2011, the Tohuku earthquake struck Japan. With a magnitude of 8.9, it was
the strongest earthquake ever recorded in the country. It triggered a string of
tsunamis, some of which affected locations on the other side of the Pacific
Ocean. More than 15000 deaths occurred in Japan, a country among the best
prepared of all to face an earthquake and its aftermath. A 15 metre tsunami
hit Japan and caused a severe humanitarian crisis. Apart from causing other
damage, it disabled power supply and cooling to three reactors of the
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station. The ensuing accident caused
radioactive releases from the plant into the atmosphere and the ocean. Some
workers lost their lives in trying to stabilise the reactors while others suffered
harmful doses of radiation. Thousands of residents living around the plant had
to be evacuated amidst fears of possible exposure.
or total loss of production in nearly a third of world’s cropland and damage to
valuable port and other infrastructure. Not only does rise in sea level pose a
threat to human beings and their structures, it is also a cause of damage to
coastal ecosystems like deltas, mangroves and coral reefs. Increased coastal
erosion will lead to loss of beaches and dunes. Saltwater intrusion will
increase the salinity of groundwater resources, thereby leading to a decline in
water quality.
Coastal engineers and other experts are looking into protective and adaptive
measures to cope with rising sea levels. Building walls and barriers to protect
coastal areas from flooding are among the measures being suggested. Not
only are these measures expensive, they also have their limitations. A
detailed discussion on this issue is beyond the scope of this unit.
Fig. 7.3: Marine Pollution affecting Aquatic Life.
It is clear that coastal regions are extremely important. However, they also
face several grave threats and long term planning and large investments are
needed for their protection. Strategies for coastal protection must consider
entire coastlines and not focus on just large cities or vital installations.
i) What is a tsunami?
ii) What are the threats to coastal areas from rising sea levels?
In this unit you have studied:
They are very important from the economic and ecological points of view.
They support a dense and growing population, providing food and
livelihood to millions of people.
Other problems like pollution and decline in coastal fisheries also afflict
these areas. It is necessary to find ways of sustainably using the
resources of these fragile regions.
2. Identify major coastal hazards and their causes. What measures can be
taken to protect life and property from their impact?
Self Assessment Questions (SAQ)
1. i) People like to live in coastal regions because of the climate, fertile land,
livelihood opportunities in industry, fishing and tourism, and ease of
ii) Deltas are important because they support a dense population, they
support agriculture and fisheries, and they are home to many unique
ii) Coral reefs support many diverse species. They support marine food
chains, offer coastal protection, scientific value, support fishing and
attract tourists.
ii) Rising sea levels will lead to submergence of agricultural land and
large cities. They also threaten coastal ecosystems.
Terminal Questions
1. Mangroves and coral reefs are the major ecosystems found in coastal
regions. You must discuss the services provided by these. Humans are
destroying them by overexploitation, encroaching into their areas, altering
the properties of water and climate change.
Artesian wells : This happens when a layer of pervious rock lies between
two layers of impervious rock. If the pervious layer is
exposed in an area which receives enough rainfall, it
may be filled with water. Natural pressure may force the
water to rise up in a well bored into it at a lower level.
Environmental : The adverse effects generated due to the over-
problems: exploitation of natural resources such as deforestation,
mining, construction of dams and climate change etc.
Deforestation: : It refers to the cutting and permanent removal of trees.
Desertification: : It refers to the march of the desert into neighboring
areas. Today it is used more broadly to include a
number of processes which lead to a decline in the
productive potential of land in arid and semi-arid areas.
Exotic river: : An exotic river has its source in a rainy area beyond the
margins of the desert. The volume of water that flows in
them is so large that they can carry it across the desert.
Estuary: : A partially enclosed water body at the mouth of a river,
through which water flows into the sea.
Great green wall : It was a movement started in the Sahel region along the
movement southern edge of the Sahara to combat the problem of
desertification. Initiated in 2007, this movement planted
an 8000 km line of trees bordering the Sahara in the
Halophytes : Plants that are salt tolerant.
Mountains : Any significant elevation on the face of the earth’s
surface from the surrounding territory with impressive
scale usually taken as 300 meters above the mean sea
Oasis : A permanent source of water in a desert and the
vegetated area around it.
Qanat or Kariz : An indigenous system of transporting water common in
South West Asia, especially Iran. In this system water is
transported by gravity through underground tunnels from
alluvial aquifers to an agricultural settlement.
Salinisation : An increase in the concentration of salts in soil.
Slash and burn : In this type of agriculture, vast tracts of land are cleared
agriculture method for cultivation and then abandoned for a new land until
the old one regains its fertility.
Storm surge : A huge mass of water driven onshore by strong winds.
Transhumance : A practice associated with the animal husbandry
whereby the nomadic grazing communities move with
their animal flocks for grazing with the change in
seasons from lower parts to the high alpine mountain
Tsunamis : Giant sea waves triggered by sudden movements of the
sea floor due to submarine earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions or landslides.
Wadis : Channels those are dry except in the rainy season. Such
channels are called wadis in Arabic speaking countries.
Xerophytes : Plants that can survive with very little water and can
withstand long periods of drought.