Learning is an innate nature of man which exists in his environment or for what the circumstances are
favorable. Creation of environment for learning is called teaching. The aim of teaching is to make the
learner learn. There is no meaning of until the learner is able to learn. Though man also learns without
teaching , but teaching is necessary for purposeful learning. This is the reason that teaching-learning is
taken as a joint concept. When we take teaching-learning as a joint concept ,it has five components –
learner ( student ),trainer ( teacher ), materials to be taught ( curriculum ),teaching methods and
environment for teaching-learning. It is necessary to maintain these five components properly in order
to make the process of teaching-learning effective. The factors related to them are the factors that affect
teaching-learning. This article is intended to give an insight into the factors affecting teaching-learning
As per Confucius
Learning without reflection is a waste
Reflection without learning is dangerous.
Key words – Teaching, Learning, Teaching-learning Process
1.1 Introduction
Education is a System ; Teaching is an Action ; Learning is a Process
Teaching is not complete without learning. Both teaching and learning are complement to each other.
Our goal is to empower all our students in all grades and courses in their learning and assess in a
meaningful and effective manner.
Schools are the second place after home where students’ behavior and future educational success are
shaped. At schools there are many elements or factors that can influence the teaching and learning process
that may take place.
It is accepted that the teachers are usually not born but made. Good teachers nurture their knowledge
and skills through constant and deliberate efforts. One of the prerequisite to be good teacher is to
understand the teaching learning process in more depth. This facilitates better appreciation of the
teaching profession as well as process of imparting education.
Wells, G (1982) -- Teaching has been defined as cluster of activities that are noted about teachers such as
explaining, deducing, questioning, motivating, taking attendance, keeping record of works, students’
progress and students’ background information.
B.O. Smith – Teaching is a system of action involving an agent, an end in view, and a situation including
two sets of factors –those over which the agent has to control ( class size, size of classroom, physical
characteristics of pupils etc.) and those that he can modify ( way of asking questions or ideas gleaned.)
T. F. Greens – Teaching is a task of a teacher, which is performed for the development of a child.
H.C. Morrison – Teaching is an intimate contact between a more mature personality and a less mature
one which is designed to further the education of the latter.
Edmund Amidon defined teaching as --“an interactive process, primarily involving classroom talk which
takes place between teacher and pupil and occurs during certain definable activities”.
3. Intelligence, aptitude, attitude, interest, and attention of the students : Generally, a child learns with
his conformity with his IQ. Inspite of high IQ if a child does not have aptitude and attitude for the subject,
then he can not learn properly. Besides, a child may have all the above three but if he does not have
interest in it then he would not be able to pay his attention to it and the teaching-learning process can not
be effective. It is clear that all the above factors affects the teaching-learning process.
4. Level of motivation and will to learn : It is seen that, when a student is not motivated to learn an
activity, it is difficult to teach him anything. The will to learn is necessary along with motivation. The level
of his will and motivation decides the duration of his learning.
5. Level of aspiration : Each individuals desires to attain something at each level of his life, somebody
aspires more than his ability and capability, somebody aspires according to hs ability and capability and
somebody aspires less than his ability and capability, this is called aspiration level in psychological
terminology. Because this decision is taken by the individua; himself, so it functions like self-motivation. It
has been seen in the context of child learning that a child who wants to have higher achievement in the
class, his level of aspiration is higher and he is more active, that is, his aspiration level is higher, all this is
helpful in his learning. Aspiring more than one’s ability and capability and failure to achieve it disappoints
him which obstructs his learning. Aspiration level is acceleratory only when it is according to one’s ability
and capacity.
4. Difficulty level of subject matter : The subject-matter is neither too difficult nor too easy from the
view point of the students, then teaching-learning is effective. Difficulty level of the subject-matter is
determined on the basis of age, maturity, and related previous knowledge of the students to make
teaching-learning process effective.
1.7 Conclusion :
Teaching-learning process plays an important role in education system. There are many factors that
influence the process of teaching-learning, the process of teaching-learning cannot become effective in
the absence of anyone of them. How much the students may be curious to learn but, if the teacher kills
his time in gossips, then teaching-learning cannot be possible. On the other hand, however knowledgeable
and skilled a teacher is, if the students are able and prepared to learn, then teaching-learning cannot be
possible. In the same way, content, teaching methods and teaching-learning environment have their own
important in the process of teaching-learning.
References :
1 https://www.teachthought.com/pedagogy/ducation-system-teaching-action-learning-process
5. Lal, R. B. and Joshi, S.C.( 2014 ) Educational Psychology and Elementary Statistics published by R. Lall
Book Depot, MEERUT.