Gini Silk Mills Report
Gini Silk Mills Report
Gini Silk Mills Report
This page of my In-plant Training Report is dedicated to thank all those who were helpful to me while my Project Work and without whom, the preparation of this report would have been very difficult. . Firstly I would like to mention the name of General Manager of GSML Mr. Dasgupta ji who accepted the request from our Institute and allowed us to undergo training at GSML. Our sincere thanks to our colleges training and placement officer Mr.S.S.Lavate Also not to be forgotten are all the Departmental Heads of respective departments who helped us in understanding what all we wanted to in a proper manner. And, last but not the least all the employees of GSML who were very co-operative, helpful and friendly. All in all it was a great experience at GSML.
The training in the GSML started at 10th of June,2009 I was placed in Lab from 10th till 15 july,2009 In dyeing department from 16th till 22th july, 2009 In Finishing department from 23th to 29th july,2009 In Printing department from 30th to 4th july, 2009 In between while training in all the department I had taken oppurtinity to collect information from other departments like Packing, folding, EDP, boiler ETP, ISO Information etc.
Address of head office 413 jogani industrial estate, opposite Kasturba Hospital, J.R. Boricha Road, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400011 Tel 23020610/11/12 Plant address: E-15, MIDC-Tarapur, Boisar 401506 Thane Tel 02525271333
The Flagship Company of the group, GINI SILK MILLS LTD. The process house at Tarapur is used for the dyeing and printing of fabrics. The annual capacity of the process house is 21.6 million meter. GSML is involved the manufacturing and processing of the fabric from 1963. It has expertise in the processing of the polyester cotton blend, polyester viscose blend, 100% cotton fabric, 100% polyester fabric, Lycra blended fabric etc. It processes suiting, shirting, and curtain clothes. GSML has its own brand as GINI fabrics itself and also takes work for the processing on job work basis.
Inplant Training Report Few of their esteemed buyers are -Wills Lifestyle -Westside, -Peter England, -Indigo Nation and -Shopper stop Total production per day in dyeing: 32800 mtrs. Total production per day in singeing: 35-40000 mtrs. Total production per day in finishing:60000mtrs Water consumption/day: 1200000ltrs Steam consumption/day: 96tons Electricity consumption/day:.7000KW Coal for steam/month:300000kg Coal for Thermopac:170000kgs Water/metre: 17ltrs Steam coal/mtrs: 0.2kgs Thermo coal/mtrs 0.15kgs
MACHINES IN LABORATORY NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. MACHINES Padding Mangle IFB Front loading washing machine Oven Hot Plate Infra colour HTHP Machine (24 Pot) Rota dyeing Machine (18 Pot) Water dye bath (6 Pot) HTHP Glycerin Bath (1pot 300gm 2 pot 150 gm) HTHP Glycerin Bath (12 Pot 20 grams) Weighing balance Digital (250 grams max) pH Indicator Colour Matching Cabinet Pilling Tester Crock Meter Pilling Tester Crease Recovery Tester Tearing strength Tester Tensile strength tester CCM (Premier colour scan)+PC+Printer NOS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Gini Silk mills have a moderate sized testing laboratory, in which different work like testing of chemicals, auxiliaries, dyes, water, coal etc are carried out with physical testing of fabric is also carried out. Work of shade matching is also carried out in the laboratory. As the GSM is ISO 9001:2000 certified company, its every machine should be calibrated at a particular interval. The time interval varies from machine to machine. Very sensitive electronic machines requires frequent calibration such as CCM requires daily calibration where as the thermostat in dyeing machines need an interval of 5-6 months while some simple mechanical machine requires less calibration.
STANDARDS The generalized standard for the fabric processed should be as follows 1) Skew = 2-3% 2) Shrinkage = 2.5-3% 3) Crock Fastness rating = Wet 3 and dry 4 4) Tear strength = >1000 for Warp and > 700 for weft 5) Pilling rating = 4
STAIN REMOVING For removing stains on PV fabric the fabric is dipped in 1.5gpl KMnO4 and 3%H2SO4 solution for 10-15 minutes at room temperature To neutralize chemicals, water at 30-400C is taken and 2-3gpl Oxalic acid is added with 0.51gpl H2O2. Then add fabric. The colour of KMnO4 ie purple colour gets immediately decolourised immediately. Keep it for 5-10 minutes in it and give one hot and one cold wash and dry. FOR DEFINISHING For definishing of any sample which come from the finishing department because of some fault like less water absorbency, is finish is not as per desired standard or some tonal change is there in the fabric which is to be redyed, is treated with 2-3gpl soap, 10-20gpl enzyme for half hour at 60-700C POLYESTER DYEING IN LAB In polyester fabric there are two types. Firstly piece dyed and secondly top dyed. Piece dyed fabric are fully white, while top dyed fabric are partially dyed in yarn form and then fabric is formed.
In piece dyeing dyeing of fabric higher temperature is used for dyeing i.e. 1300C while in top dyed fabric, the temperature of dyeing is in range of 90-1100C max and if more temperature is kep than, the dye of already dyed dibre will bleed and it will stain undyed part and the depth of top dyed part will also decrease, resulting in improper dyeing. The generalized procedure in GSM for polyester dyeing is 1.50C/minute rise of temperature till reaching the desired temperature for top or piece dyed material and a holding time of 45 minutes. Than cooling is done till 900C and the bath is drained. The dyeing bath contains of 1gpl CH3COOH, 0.5gpl leveling agent (Either of the following PDM which is having 2x power than DFT) MLR of 1:10 is maintained The Reduction clearing (RC) treatment is given only for dark shades with following chemicals, Hydro 2gpl, soda 2gpl for 5 minutes at 600C after that soaping treatment is given with 2gpl soap and 2gpl soda for 5 minutes at 600C after that single cold wash is given to it.
PREPARATION OF TINTING SOLUTION 4R (2 LITRES) 60 RED VIOLET IFBL 30 gms Dispersing Agent 10 ml Acetic Acid 4B(2 LITRES) 39.6 gms CL Blue 2RX 28.4gms Red violet IFBL 30 gms Dispersing agent 10 ml Acetic acid
Tinting solution is prepared in laboratory for the dyeing department 5 times a day so that the dye does not get precipitated and is used in the tinting of the white shades so as to give more whiteness in the cloth. AUXILLARY TESTING All the auxillarys which purchased by the GSM are tested for its solid content in terms of %. The procedure of it is as follows. 1) First weigh the empty petry dish or bowl and note its weight. 12 DHRUV R SHAH
2) Add around approx 2gms of auxillary and again weigh the weight of dish and sample in it. 3) Now keep it in oven for 3 and half hour ant 105-1100C 4) After that remove it and take the wt of crucible having auxillary in it. It will always be less than the earlier weight. So by this was the difference in the weight is calculated and the % solid content present is found out. CHEMICAL TESTING Most of the chemicals which are used for textile processing are tested in the laboratory by titration. There are standardized procedures for it to test the samples. Every staff who does the testing are suppose to test the samples in the stipulated way only. DYES TESTING Dyes testing is done by application it on the fabric only. For each and every class of dyes such as Direct dyes, reactive dyes, Sulphur Dyes, Disperse Dyes, Cationic dyes etc there are standard procedures which are to be followed and the dyeing of the new dye and the standard dye called the pill box sample is tested and are then checked on the CCM spectrophotometer meter for the strength and the tone of the new sample. If the tone and strength of the sample does not match than the sample is rejected.
WORK FLOW AND RECORD MANAGEMENT 1) Fabric is manufactured and a design no. is given to it by the weaving section 2) Fabric come to processing mill and are kept in grey department where they are given a lot no. by the grey department. 3) As per the requirement from Ginis customer or Gini itself for its own brand inform the laboratory to produce a particular range of colour shade e.g light shades, heavy shades etc, or the party gives particular shade for colour matching.
4) After that, the required group of colour is produced on the required fabric which is called as lab dip 5) After that the cuttings of the dyeing made are systematically pasted in a record book with its recipe and they are given lab numbers to it. 6) After that, the shades which have been prepared, are forwarded to Ginis head office for selection of the few best shades by means of consensus. 7) Once its passed in the office or by their customers, its informed to the dyeing department to dye the lot. 8) So not the dyeing department after getting the lab no lot no from the office or their customers tells the grey department to bring the fabric to dyeing department and at the same time inform the lab staff to provide the recipe of that lab no. shade 9) Now the lab staff searches for the lab no record they have preserved in their records and the recipe for it is forwaded to dyeing department so that they can carry out the dyeing.
The grey fabric comes in roll form or bale form. There are various parties who provide grey fabric for the processing, including Ginis own produced cloth which comes from the weaving department situated in Daman and Karad.Which include plain fabrics & top dyed fabrics.
Initially when the fabric come in tempo or truck its entry is done at the security department. When the fabric bales of Takas are unloaded the number of rolls or bales are counted by the security persons and kept as the record and also tallied against the partys challan. The next step in the grey room dept. is giving piece no., lot no., to the fabric and challan entry is done in the register. After that the fabrics inspection is done for faults like oil dagi, fold mark, Weaving oil grease, missing weft, hoose pick, hole etc are checked along with the length of the fabric. The length of the fabric is generally recorded half a meter less than the given. After that it is informed to the party and if the party is satisfied with the length of the cloth and the faults it have in it than the job card is made. Job card is very important thing. It is a card which have all the information of the fabric its party its length and the colour or process to be given to it. It also have information regarding which pieces are to be joined together for processing etc. After that the fabric is kept at the empty position in the grey room. The grey room have marking for identification of the fabric. After the fabric are placed the place number and all other detail are fed to the computer for easy retrieval later on when the fabric is to be processed. For giving lot no, piece no GSM make use of readymade ink called Centurys texmarker. This is yellow in color & remains on the fabric even after any of the stringent chemical processing. Weight of each and every roll or bale is taken and that is also noted. The total numbers of the workers in the grey department were 10 men and 5 womens and staff included 4 persons.
In singeing machine initially the fabric is brushed to remove loose threads and then singed. After it is passed in quenching chamber filled with water. Before that there is also steam injector on both side of the fabric to extinguish any sparks etc. After that it is passed to plating in which it lays the fabric evenly in the container.
GEARING The drive to the brush rollers is given separately by the motor, while there is other motor which gives drive to the singeing rollers, Speed-o-meter, plating rollers, other guide roller near steam quenching and guide roller before quenching. There is gas connection given to the burners. Where the gas is supplied by external LPG gas cylinders. Minimum 2Kg/cm2 pressure is required which is achieved by attaching 8 commercial cylinder simultaneously to a single line. Cylinders are kept in water, when gas is near emptying, steam is injected in it so water gets hot and all the remaining gas in the cylinder comes under pressure and full utilization of gas is done. The steam is given in machine by the steam from burner. There is a separate motor for exhaust of hot gases and a separate motor for blowing air required for burning of gases. For blend dyeing the fabric is first dyed by both dyes and then singing is done, where as for only polyester the singeing is done so as to reduce the pilling tendency. PARAMETERS TO BE CHECKED 1) There should be no creases in fabric. It should be perfectly flat 2) Speed varies with the quality generally 60-90mpm and shirting 50-60mpm is kept 3) The flame direction is to be checked whether it is perfect or not 4) Flame intensity should be checked. For heavy quality of fabric the flame intensity is kept more. COST The cost for singeing of one meter of the cloth is charged at Rupee 0.5
also processes Acrylic suiting and shirting goods in its unit. Other than suiting and shirting it has capacity to process furnishing cloth of cotton or P/C blend for curtains. TOTAL MACHINES IN DYEING DEPARTMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 Jet (U-Tube) Baby Jet (U-Tube) Horizontal Jet Winch VDR Singeing machine Jigger Dyeing Machine Jumbo Jigger Dyeing Machine Slit Machine Float Dryer 7 1 2 2 1 1 14 5 1 1
Below is the generalized sequence for some of the common sorts in GSML P/V SHIRTING P/C SHIRTING 100% COTTON SHIRTING (Top Dyed) GERY GREY Stitching Stitching Stitching Singeing Singeing Singieing Scouring in Jigger Scouring in Jigger Desize/Scouring Hand Spotting (only in Hand spotting (only in Washing(for RMG light shades) or with very light shades) or with very materials only for removal heavy spots heavy spots of stains and spots in the fabric) Jet Machine: first Stain Mercerization Dyring on vertical drying removing is done than range machine. Dyeing is carried in fresh bath. 18 DHRUV R SHAH
Inplant Training Report Dyeing on Jigger Jet Machine first Stain removing is done than Dyeing is carried in fresh bath. Dyeing on Jigger Stenter for application of finish on the fabric Dry finishing
Slit machine for Checking of any faults in the fabric also for very high level of squeezing. Wet Finishing
Below things as per requirement. Sanforizing (zero-zero) Calander/Shriner Calander Deca finish Folding Checking Packing Delivery
Slit machine for Checking of any faults in the fabric also for very high level of squeezing. Wet finishing Below things as per requirement Sanforizing (zero-zero) Calander/Shriner Calander Deca finish Folding Checking Packing Delivery
Below things as per requirement. Sanforizing (zero-zero) Calander/Shriner Calander Deca finish Folding Checking Packing Delivery
Piece Dyed Suiting Grey Stitching Singeing Scouring Drying on VDR Heat setting on stenter Polyester dyeing on Jet Reduction clearing (For Dark Shades) Drying on VDR Cotton Dyeing on Jigger Drying on VDR Finishing on Stenter Below things as per requirement. Sanforizing (zero-zero)
Top dyed Suiting Grey Stitching Singeing Washing Drying on VDR Finishing on Stenter Below things as per requirement. Sanforizing (zero-zero) Deca finish Folding Checking Packing Delivery
HAND SPOTTING DEPARTMENT The hand spotting department is a department whose work is to remove the stains from the cloth. There are many stains on the fabric which gets on it while its manufacturing on the loom, while transporting while storing in grey room etc. These stains need to be cleaned off, other wise the processed goods will loose its value in terms of money and company may even lose it potential customers. Hence hand spotting department is very crucial in any processing department. In this department there were 8 workers who use to pull the fabric on a slant table lit with good light and they pull the cloth towards them and check each and every meter of the cloth which have spots on them. Generally all light colored clothes are hand spotted. There are various chemicals used to remove the stains the most used solution was containing in it 2 kg FG 2 Kg EO 100 ( Stain removal) 2 Kg Oxalic Acid In 25-30 liters of water. There are also ready made solutions and solvents available for removal of grease, oil etc. JIGGER DYEING GSML have in all 19 jigger dyeing machines all them made by the manufacturer Shakti Textile Engineering PVT LTD Mumbai-400069
All the machines were equipped with Stop Reverse Forward Buttons on it. Additionally to atomize the machine sensors were put so that if one end is complete the machine automatically stops and again starts in the anti direction, hence less number of workers are needed in all. In jigger machine the loading time varies as per the length of the fabric and its condition varies between 10-45 minutes. All the jigger machines are run approximately at the speed of 6575 meters per minute. The small jigger machines are having capacity for 150kg where as the jumbo jiggers are having capacity of around 250-300kg of clothes. For soaping, washing etc the fabric is not rolled very perfectly or very evenly as no problem of unevenness is there like in dyeing but in dying in jigger the fabric is rolled or wrapped on the roller in a very evenly manner and very perfectly, evenly and very tightly. Below are the few recipes on jigger dyeing machine for Stain removing, scouring, Dyeing . For Stain removing before scouring Sulpharmer- 1kg OelamineTec C1kg 1Kg
At 800C for 2 ends Bleaching of Cotton in P/C blend H2O2SodaSoap1.5kg 500gm 200gm
Sodium Silicate- 500gm For 6 ends at 850C then drain Then 2 Ends for Hot wash then drain Then
Inplant Training Report 2 end for Cold wash then drain Then 2 ends in Acetic acid then drain
ONE STEP SCOURING BLEACHING IN P/C BLEND H2O2 Soda Soap Silicate Caustic Helix Then 1 Hot wash for 2 ends then drain Then 1 Cold wash for 2 ends then drain Then 2 ends in Acetic acid then drain BLEACHING FOR READY MADE GARMENT FABRIC (RMG) Caustic 1.5kg Corex 0.3kg Sulfarmer 0.3kg Olemine 0.3kg Soap 0.2kg H2O2 1.5kg Silicate 0.5kg Soda 0.5kg 0 Give the treatment at 60-70 C for 6 ends.And drop the bath Then for neutralization Bleaching powder 1.5kg Soda 0.5kg At room temperature for 6 ends and then drop the bath Peroxide H2O2 Silicate Soda 1.5kg 0.5kg 0.5kg 22 DHRUV R SHAH 1.5kg 500gms 200gms 500gms 50gms 65gms
Inplant Training Report Soap 0.3kg Give this treatment at 800C for 4 ends and then drop the bath. Neutralization Acetic acid 0.500 Give this treatment for 2 ends and drop the bath.
REACTIVE DYEING In GSML generally Reactive H class dyeing is performed on the cotton fabric. The generalized procedure for it is as follows. For 150 kg of cloth in jigger the recipe for reactive H class dyeing is as follows. Dye As per the % shade Urea 200gms Salt 10kg or as per the % shade Insert the cloth in this bath at 800C and give 6-10 ends depending on the shade. Than in the standing bath itself add Sodium carbonate Na2CO3 Give 6 ends Than in that bath itself add Caustic soda NaOH Give 6 ends and then drop the bath. 750gms 4kg
Give washing in the fresh bath at 85-900C for 4 ends Then add acetic acid 1kg and give 2 ends for making the pH neutral Then add cationic dye fixing agent Sandofix WEI 1kg in the same bath and give 6 ends for assuring proper fastness at pH 4.5-5.5 and temperature at 25-35C Then drain the bath.
Soaping Then give soaping for removing unfixed dyes. Soap Poly EO 500gms Temperature of 45-50C and give it for 6 ends and finally Drain the bath. ACRYLIC DYEING For the Cationic goods or acrylic goods the generalized procedure for the scouring and Reduction clearing are as below SCOURING Hydros Cold Give 4 end and drop the liquor Give treatment with below solution Liquor Ammonia EO 100 Give 6 ends at 80-90C After that give neutralization treatment Poly acid/Acetic acid 98% For 2 ends and drop the bath. 0.3-0.5kg 1.5kg 0.2kg 0.4kg
REDUCTION CLEARING TREATMENT FOR CATIONIC GOOD ON JIGGER H2O2 1.5kg Soda 0.5kg Soap 0.2kg Silicate 0.5kg Give 6 ends at 70C and then give neutralization in fresh bath. Neutralization Acetic acid 0.5kg 24 DHRUV R SHAH
Finally drop the bath. JET DYEING There were total of 8 U tube jet and 2 horizontal Jet dyeing machine with one Baby jet U tube dyeing machine which was used for the sampling purpose. The U tube jet machine were built by Bhagyarekha-Devrekha (Surat) Their maximum working pressure was 4kg/cm2 and working pressure is 2.5kg/cm2 7 jet were having capacity of around 150kg where as one other was having capacity of 250kg and was generally used for suiting. Where as the baby jet had capacity of 25kg. Where as the Horizontal jet dyeing machine belonged to Sanjay Engineering PVT LTD. Dombivali. Their Maximum working pressure was 6kg/cm2 and working pressure was 2.5kg/cm2 This jet dyeing machine had capacity of 175kg. RECIPES The generalized recipe for jet scouring of Top dyed RMG garments on U tube are as follows Corex 0.5kg Sulfarmer 0.5kg Olemine 0.5kg EO-100 0.2kg Emulsay 0.5kg H2O2 1.0kg Silicate 0.33kg Give the above treatment for 40minutes at 60C. After that drain the bath and give hot wash Poly acid 0.25kg White UDI 0.07% 4B 0.035% 4R 0.007% ED 0.5kg Give the above treatment for 20 minutes at 65C
Inplant Training Report After that for whitening of cotton part give below treatment White UBR 0.35gms Salt 2gms Acetic acid 0.25gms Give above treatment for 15 minutes at 45C. For Optical brightening of T/D RMG on jet the following recipe is used White UDI 4B 4R Ranipal 2B Halio BS 0.07% 0.035% 0.007% 0.1% 0.01%
JET DYEING MACHINE WASHING After the processing of dark shades on jet dyeing machine when ever light shade processing is to be done then at that time washing of the machine with the following chemicals is necessary to remove any stains or dye particles which could affect the colour of the light shade. HCl Caustic Hydro DFT 4kg 3kg 3kg 1kg
GSML has a finishing department in which chemical and mechanical finishing to the fabric is given. The finishing department have the following machinery as follows.
1 2 2 1 1 1
CHECK POINT BEFORE AND AFTER FINISHING 1) Before finishing CheckWhether shade is ok or not CheckGoods are stain free Check Width and pH
2) Check Mangle Pressure and temperature Check Finishing solution it should be clear and uniform Check pH it should be slightly acidic 3) While FinishingCompare finishing with standard sample Check speed, finishing width Finishing width will be 1-2 cm higher then required width
VDR Vertical drying machine is used to dry the fabric so that they can be finished on the stenter or else wet fabric will not pick up the finishing solution and there will not be proper finish on the fabric.
VDR consists of total 8 Teflon coated rollers which are steam heated from internally. First the fabric from the trolley passes over the guide rollers and then passes through the trough containing water and it is squeezed by padding mangle whose nip pressure is kept 3.5kg/cm2 and then it passes over the heated Teflon coated rollers. The rollers are heated to a tune of 125 to 130C and then again collected in the trolley. In some case where the fabric have to be given wet finish are not dried particularly polyester blend, where as 100% cotton are generally dried fully or almost dried and then given finish. The speed is adjustable, for higher weight fabric like suiting sets are dried at very slow speed, where as thin shirting are dried at higher speed. STENTER Stenter is a machine used for drying, curing and heat setting of fabric. There were 2 five chamber stenters in GSML. Both the machines are automated and are based on the inverter system which consumes 40% less electricity on motors etc. The name of manufacturer is SM energy teknik and Electronic Ltd, Situated in Vadodara and having office in Thane. It was of the year 95 The model no was ECON 2100 Pin stenter Each stenter requires 5-6 workers in all for each machine The speed and temperature of the stenter is kept around 40m/min and 150-170C for shirting and 25m/min and 180-190C for suiting. 1) In the stenter the fabric is first dip into the trough having finishing solution then it passes through the three padding roller having pressure of 4kg/cm2 then the fabric move upward
where the stenter situated for saving place and reducing the temperature at the working place. 2) Above it passes from many guide rollers and reaches bowing rollers 3) The bowing rollers are adjusted to minimize the bowing and skewing effect of weft yarns on the fabric 4) Then it passes through the tension rollers which reduses or increases the tension on the fabric. 5) It then passes through the uncurl roller which uncurls the fabric if it is curled. 6) Then it passes over the over feed rollers which over feeds the cloth as per the requirement. 7) Then the fabric fits on the pin properly because of the sensors and enters the chambers and comes out of the other side and is piled on the trolley. FINISHING RECIPES Recipes for finishing depends on the feel which is needed to achieve. The customers provide samples of the fabric they need and the similar finish is to be achieved on the fabrics. Hence combination of different finishes are to be formulated and fabric is finished. Stenter machine is basically used for 3 purposes 1) Heat setting of synthetic fabric 2) Curing which is done when the finish applied on the fabric needs to be cross linked or fixed on fabric for giving desired effect 3) Drying
RECIPES Few of the generalized recipes for finishing in GSML are as below. For Softeneing
Isotex Softex Polyacid Make total volume to 100litres. width for wet finishging
It will work for 1200-1300 meters for shirting of 36 width and 750meters for fabric of 58
For dry finish 100 litres will work for 450-500mtrs of suiting of 36
CALANDERING MACHINE In calancdering machine the fabric gets little shine and good drape to the fabric is given. Width of the fabric reduces in the process by 1 For export quality of goods two time calandering is done to get effect on both sides of fabric The machine is equipped with a 37KW motor and is a 7 bowl calander machine Fabric is many times not passed through all the rollers as the width reduces very much beyond requirement.
In this machine the fabric is taken thought the tension rollers and passes through the guide roller and then passes through the metallic rollers and Cellulosic polyamide coated rollers. No two metal rollers are in contact with each other. And then after passing through the guide roller the piler piles the fabric in the trolley.
SCHINER MACHINE Schiner machine is a type of calendar which give shine to the fabric and hence increases the lusture of it to a very high extent.
Schiner machine consist of two rollers only one metal roller which is eternally heated by coils and another big roller over it of cellulose. Temperature is maintained between 115-140C and the nip pressure is 12-30 ton or 40kg/cm2 80kg/cm2
COMPRESSIVE SHRINKAGE MACHINE (ZERO-ZERO OR SANFORISING MACHINE) Sanforising machine is used to compress the material and prevent the fabric form getting shrinkage later on while in use. The machine was manufactured by Dhall Ltd, situated in Ahemadabad In this machine the fabric passes through many guides and then reaches the nip of the steam heated roller and rubber blanket. The cylinder is heated to 105-115C when the rubber belt is wet and when the roller presses the fabric over rubber belt the water forms high pressure steam the forces the warp yarns to come closer and hence achieve shrinkage. After that the fabric passes through the Felt roller which give more fuller feel to the fabric. The rubber belt is 12 feet long and the thickness is of 2.5 The length is constant on all machine of all make but the width varies from machine to machine DECATISING MACHINE (DECA) Decatising machine is a machine used to increase the bulkiness of the fabric and full ness of the fabric by means of steam and pressure
There are two deca machine made by Dalal engineering and marketed by kumar Enterprises Gujarat. The machine was manufactured in year 2006 and other in 1996. 1) In decatising machine the fabric is rolled in-between the wrappers with a definite pressure of around 1.5-2kg/cm2 for piece dyed and 5-6kg/cm2 for top dyed goods 2) Once the whole fabric is rolled up and loaded in the machine the fabric is steamed. The steam from the rollers comes out from the layers of wrappers and fabric and gives a fabric a soft and fuller feel 3) Steam is given for a time of 2-10minutes depending on the fabric. 4) After that the unloading of the fabric is done at one end and at the same time fabric is load4d from other side. 5) Both rollers works simultaneously but the fabric which is rolled and unrolled are independent of each other. Total of 4 workers are required per machine.
GSML has a printing department on the 2nd floor of the mill with a automatic flat bed printing machine. The machine has 8 screen hence 8 colour printing is possible. The department. Printing of Brasso, vat discharge, disperse, pigment etc printing is done here.
Inplant Training Report SCREEN MAKING Design for the printing is made by the GSMLs artist or is provided by the customer.
After the making of design and finalizing of the design the design is passed to the tracing and screen making department. The tracer traces the screen on a tracing paper and then from a small tracing the same design repeat is made on a special exposing film called Technova and repeats depending on the size of the screen are exposed on the film and then that is dipped in ammonia solution where the exposed part black and remaining remains transparent. Now that film is used to expose the printing screen. Printing screen is made with various quality of mesh size depending design to be printed. If the design is sharp higher mesh no. is selected and if design is a blotch then lower mesh no. is selected. The mesh are make of Generally nylon or Polyester. The mesh if stretched on the stretching table and sticked on the frame with a adhesive on the sides of the frame and then after dyring photo emulsion in a dark room is applied on it.
The photo emulsion is prepared by Photoemulsion Ammonium dichromate PVA Poster colour 100gm 6-7gms 900gms 1-2gms
After even application of photoemulsion it is allowed to dry in the dark for half hour and after that it is taken of the exposing by the Technova film.
The exposing is done on the screen for 6-8 times to cover the whole are of the screen. It is exposed in UV light for 30-50seconds and after exposing is complete it is kept in the water tank where the unexposed part gets loose and is washed off after 1 hour and the exposed part gets hard After drying a coating of lykar is applied on the whole screen, so its life increases. ACTUAL PRINTING GSML has a automatic Flat bed screen printing machine in its department with 8 colour capacity. The production in 12 hours is around 3500mtrs The manufacturer of the machine is Tex Print Engineers LTD (Ahemadabad) Once the screen preparation is over then the screen is put and fit on the machine and depending on the number of colour that many screens are put one after the other. After putting the screens the fabric is layed on the rubber belt coated with adhesive so that the fabric does not move while the printing is going on. Afte that the paste is poured in between the two squeeges and printed on the fabric. All colour are printed and then proper final setting of screen is done so that print comes at the exactly same place where it is indented for. Or else there will defective printing and the cloth will not look proper. Below are the few generalized recipes of the printing at GSML The gum for the different type of paste is earlier prepared and as per the requirement of the paste in department the gum is mixed with the other components. Disperse Paste
Gum L.V Ctiric Acid (pH) Pine oil (Anti foaming ) Loop accelerator Resist salt Water Total
8% 1% 1% 2% 1% Remaining 100kg
Brasso paste Brasso Gum L.V Urea Glycerine Perminal KB Water Total 50% 8% 2% 2% 1% Remaining 100kg
Pigment paste Binder SLN EO 100 Fixer CCL DAP (Depth enhancer) Kerosene Total 15% 1.5% 3% 1% 80% 100Kg
After the application of the print paste to the fabric the fabric move ahead and again get stationary for another part to get print. After the printing the fabric move to the cuing chamber which is kept at 140-190C for different type of the fabric.
For the brasso quality of print washing is necessary. The generalized recipe for the brasso wash is as follows. NaOH H2O2 Soap Meta silicate Polyacid 1.5kg 3kg 0.5kg 0.5kg 1kg
The wash is given at 70C for 45 minutes. In that time the carbonized cotton is removed and net effect at printed area can be seen clearly.
GSML have total of 2 boiler made by the Shakti Boilers Dombivali. 1) 4 ton/hr Horizontal fire tube boiler actual production 3 tons/hr 2) 1 ton/hr coil boiler actual production 600kg/hr It also have one thermopac heater machine and one non working oil fire boiler. The maximum operating pressure is of 10kg/cm2 but normally it is operated at 7kg/cm2 pressure. 1) Hand firing is used in steam boiler. Water is sparyed on coal initially so that the small particles of coal stick to the big ones. 2) Two feed pumps of multistage having 6-7 propellers in each are used to feed water to boiler
3) Mobery is connected at outside boiler having a float in it over boiler water which indicate the feed pump to work or stay off as required. 4) Coal is used as the firing medium A grade goal generates 7kg of steam from 1 kg. The small water boiler gets heating from the thermopac oil heated in thermopac. This is installed to overcome the problem of low capacity and pressure drop. The water for the boiler needs to be softened. It is treated in Anion resin tank which reduces the ppm to 5-10 and ph 7-8.5 which is standard for feed water to boiler. The resin needs to be charged after 70000ltrs of tank water or 210000 ltrs of water of MIDC. From the resin chamber the water gets into storage tank and from there to the boiler as required. The condensed steam is also utilized which reduces the energy consumption to great extent.
THERMOPAC 1) There is a installed thermopac for the heating of the oil for heating the stenter chambers. 2) Thermopac is heated by coal and is fired by machines in the fire box and is grinded to small particles for proper and maximum energy from coal. 3) The oil used her is of Servo named Thermia Plus. 4) The oil is heated to 245C and the return oil is of around 220C 5) This oil is also used to heat water in the small boiler.
Thermopac and boiler are weekly maintained and checked for the basic parts and once in a year the full opening and checking of the each and every part is done.
3) After that depending on the pH of the water alum or Lime is added to neutralize the water. 4) After that it goes to the calri flocculator where the sedimentation of the sludge takes place 5) The sludge collected at bottom is taken to dry. 6) Where as the water is passed from the sand filter and then through carbon filter to filter the small particles in it and then the water is checked for COD and pH and the let out of the company.
GSML purchases the electricity from the electric company and also has in house DG plant to run the full plant. They have a 750KVA transformer which is generally run at 75% capacity. The daily consumption is of around 7000 units and power factor is to be maintained at 0.99. The electricity to the machine in following way 1) Metering Box which is sealed 2) High tension breaker for 11000V
Inplant Training Report 3) Step Down transformer from 11000V to 433V 4) Low tension Breaker 5) Power house 6) Machines
EDP (electronic Data processing department) is the a small department with 5 computers. The main function of the EDP department is to entry all the details of the processing of the fabric by lot number and also to input the stage at where the fabric is currently. It deals with all the data collection in the unit, like pay to workers, staff, dispatch details, grey department details, processing details etc and to coordinate with the head office of the GSML situated at Mumbai. There is always online connection with the head office so that the staff in the HO can view the complete position of the company.
They have a software to commutate with each other. All the computers in the company at tarapur, karad, daman and the head office are connected to each other and can share data with them
The new things which come to the plant are first checked if they are as per the standards. If it is Dyes, chemicals etc it is cheeked in the Laboratory and after the report of lab they accept the item an feed that data in computer. If it is not ok then the items are rejected. All the items in the stores are kept as their names so that it become very easy for the staff to find them when ever it is required. The installation of a stable ERP system is going after which all the departments of whole plant and other weaving plant and head office will get connected to each other and the paper work will reduce very much and will also result in proper and easy functioning of the mill and also save space for saving the hard copies