DB Unit1 2023
DB Unit1 2023
DB Unit1 2023
Satisfactory Implement and Deploy Database
2.Design Not staisfactory goto Requirements
Text Book:
■ Fundamentals of Database Systems
- Elmasri and Navathe, Addison Wesley, 6th Ed.
Basic Definitions
Database: A collection of related data.
■ Easy Access
■ Inconsistent Data
■ Redundancy
■ Atomicity
■ Concurrency
■ Security
Typical DBMS Functionality
■ Other features:
❑ Protection or Security measures to prevent
unauthorized access
❑ Presentation and Visualization of data
Example of a Database
■ Mini-world for the example: Part of a
UNIVERSITY environment.
■ Some mini-world entities:
❑ (academic) DEPARTMENTs
■ Stand-alone end-user :
❑ Maintain personal databases
■ Application programmer:
❑ Implement the specifications as programs
❑ Then they test, debug, document and maintain
these canned transactions.
Software engineers should be familiar with the capabilities
provided by the DBMS to accomplish their tasks.
Workers behind the Scene
■ The people who are associated with the design,
development and operation of the DBMS software and
system environment
1. DBMS system designers and implementers
2. Tool developers
3. Operators and Maintenance personnel
1. DBMS system designers and implementers:
❑ Security problems
■ 1. Controlling Redundancy:
- Solve the problems of
- Multiple entry of same data
- Wastage of memory
- inconsistent data
3.Object Oriented Applications and the need for more complex databases
■ Data Model:
❑ A set of concepts to describe
■ Schema Diagram
❑ An illustrative display of (most aspects of) a
database schema.
■ Schema Construct
❑ A component of the schema or an object within
the schema, e.g., STUDENT, COURSE.
Example of a Database Schema
Schemas contd…
■ Database State
❑ The actual data stored in a database at a
the database.
❑ Also called database instance (or
occurrence or snapshot).
■ The term instance is also applied to
individual database components, e.g. record
instance, table instance, entity instance
Example of a database state
■ Distinction between database schema &
database state
❑ The database schema changes very infrequently.
❑ The database state changes every time the
database is updated.
• The DBMS is partly responsible for ensuring that
every state of the database is a valid state—that
is, a state that satisfies the structure and
constraints specified in the schema.
■ Uses a implementation/Representational
data model to describe conceptual schema.
❑ External schemas at the external level (or
view level) to describe the various user views.