Literary Texts
Literary Texts
Literary Texts
A literary text is any text in which the characteristics of some literary genre are
recognized, such as narrative, poetry, theater or essay.
From the point of view of Linguistics, the literary text is one where the poetic
function of language predominates, that is, where the composition of the text
fundamentally attends to the form of the language itself, its beauty and its ability to
recreate imaginary worlds for us. .
Some of the characteristics of literary texts are complete creative freedom in terms
of composition: the form, style and tone of the text (it can be sad, happy, bitter,
ironic, festive); in the use of literary figures, such as metaphor, metonymy or simile,
to enrich the text and enliven the reader's imagination; in the management of
discursive resources such as narration, description, dialogue, exposition or
argumentation, to drive the text; as well as the fictional nature of which the literary
text is made.
Literary texts are classified according to four genres, called literary genres, which
classify them based on the methods they have to elicit an aesthetic or playful effect
in the reader, and which are as follows:
Narrative . When we talk about narrative we talk about short story, novel ,
micro-story, chronicle and other forms of story, real or imaginary, fantastic or
realistic. In them, emphasis is placed on the characters , the plot and above
all on the figure of the narrator, who is the one who tells the story,
generating similar expectations, tension and emotions for the reader.
Poetry . The freest and most complex of the literary arts, it has practically
no specific format that defines it, except the idea of describing a subjective
state of being: feelings, life perspectives, reflections or even a certain
degree of narration , but without defined characters, narrators or plot. It is
about the creation of its own language, which in the past had to have
rhymes and verses counted by syllables, but this practice is considered
archaic today.
Dramaturgy . The drama is intended for representation in theater , film or
television . It includes characters and settings, in situations that are
occurring in front of the viewer himself, without being mediated by the figure
of a narrator at all.
Rehearsal . This genre consists of the reflective and explanatory approach
(expository and argumentative) of any topic that interests the author,
through an exposition exercise that seeks to offer subjective points of view
and novel perspectives, instead of scientifically proving a hypothesis or
demonstrating a theory. .
These genres are called classical literary genres, and they have two types of
structures: internal and external:
Narrative genre:
- Internal structure: introduction, middle and end.
- External structure: paragraphs and chapters.
Dramatic genre:
- Internal structure: introduction, middle and end.
- External structure: paintings, acts and scenes.
- External structure: verses grouped in stanzas.
•Narrative texts. These are compositions written in prose. They contain a story
about some real or fictitious event, displaced in time and space. Among this type of
Text, the novel and the story stand out.
•Dramatic texts. These Texts offer as an overview the conflict between two or more
person/s; The development of the work is aimed at presenting how this conflict
develops and what its connection is.
The dramatic texts. They are written to be represented and give the idea that
events are happening at that moment, even when they are past events; The story
is told directly by the person(s).
Comedy: When a light tone predominates in the work and has a happy ending, it is
said to be a comedy.
Academic texts
Academic texts can be defined in many ways, but in any case there are certain
characteristics and regularities that are specific to them. Although these regularities
(the consequence, in turn, of a series of accepted regulations) are neither "natural"
nor universal, they constitute the legitimate parameters within which science is
transmitted and produced.
This entry summarizes a guide that I prepared for the research methodology
subject of which I am in charge. Here I seek to succinctly define what an academic
text is and what are the elements that characterize it. Likewise, I attempt a
classification that, despite responding to the Venezuelan context, can be applied
almost the same to any country.
The monograph is a research work on a particular topic. It is characterized by
maintaining scientific rigor with regard to its writing and production. This means
that aspects such as the language used and the sources from which the
information provided in the development of the work comes must be taken into
Encyclopedic article
Encyclopedia articles constitute a fundamental source of knowledge that is
required for every student. They are texts that transmit knowledge from all
disciplines of human knowledge.
An essay is the expression of the author's thoughts about a topic. In the academic
field it is common to write essays to motivate the student to express their opinion
about a topic with arguments.
Text commentary
Commenting on a text involves talking about what it has discussed. It can be like a
summary of the topic, explaining the most important aspects. This is an extremely
important exercise to demonstrate the level of reading comprehension.
Below, the comment of a journalistic text.
The analyzed text corresponds to the journalistic genre. This is a journalistic
chronicle. The author begins by recounting the details of Mr. Andrés' assumption of
a new presidential term. The writer uses first-person narration to describe the event
he has witnessed.
In general terms, academic texts usually share the same structure, with some
differences depending on the typology to which they correspond and which we will
discuss in the next section. Next, we present the parts that make up the structure
of an academic text and the order in which they are presented.
In the introduction, the author presents the topic he is going to discuss, makes his
declaration of intentions, etc. It is from this first part of the document that the reader
forms an idea of the text they have in their hands and can decide if they are
interested or not, if they should read it or not, if they should read it in its entirety or
not. Generally, this part is the last one to be written, since in it we say what we are
going to talk about. Therefore, to do it correctly, we will need to have our text
In the body, the author properly develops the theme; For this development, he
uses the information he has obtained from the different sources he has consulted.
Not only does it expose what is found in the sources, but it also works on that
information, either by comparing positions of different authors, showing its own
opinions, etc. It is here where the reader will be able to find the development of the
argumentative core of the exhibition.
In closing, the author presents the conclusions he has reached in his work.
Likewise, you can present recommendations, suggestions, etc. In this part, the
results of the analyzes that have been carried out are stated and it is where the
new knowledge that may have been obtained in the research carried out is
recorded. Since this part represents, to some extent, a balance of the research,
new topics could also be left open to develop in the future.