Quantum Scio Notes
Quantum Scio Notes
Quantum Scio Notes
SCIO protocols
ELECTROACUPUNCTURE: L15..................................................................................................21
SPINAL SPINE:...............................................................................................................................23
SPORTS PROGRAMS.....................................................................................................................23
NUTRITION AND HOMEOPATHY..............................................................................................24
STIMULATE DEFENSES...................................................................................................................24
BRAIN WAVES:..............................................................................................................................24
HOMEOPATHY CONSULTATION..................................................................................................25
ACUTE INFECTION...........................................................................................................................25
BRAIN WAVES...............................................................................................................................25
NUTRITION AND HOMEOPATHY..............................................................................................26
CHILDREN-LEARNING DEFICIT....................................................................................................26
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
AUTOVARHOP?/ TEST/MP...........................................................................................................26
(15, 16, 17)........................................................................................................................................26
NEUROFOCAL DENTISTRY............................................................................................................27
In the presence of pathologies of the nervous system or chronic-degenerative pathologies, the
amalgams must be changed Analyzes TMJ and each tooth (infection, degeneration, toxins, jaw
CHRONIC NEUROENDOCRINE PATHOLOGIES..........................................................................27
AUTOVARHOP?/ TEST/MP...........................................................................................................27
(15, 16, 17)........................................................................................................................................28
We need awareness (listening to the body) and enthusiasm (hormonal release that reduces fat)........28
BACH FLOWERS :..........................................................................................................................28
SHORT SARCODES:......................................................................................................................29
BIONUTRITIONAL PROFILE...........................................................................................................31
GENOTYPE DIET...............................................................................................................................32
MUSIC THERAPY TO BALANCE THE CHAKRAS.......................................................................33
1st CHACRA: ROOT/BASE/MULADHARA- Do-396 Hz- (Red).................................................33
2nd CHACRA: SACRAL/OMBLIGO/SWADISTHANA- D - 417 Hz (Orange)-..........................33
3rd CHACRA: SOLAR/ENERGY PLEXUS/NABHI/MANIPURA- Mi – 528 Hz (Yellow)-.......33
4th CHACRA: HEART/ANAHATA- Fa – 639 Hz (Green and Pink).............................................33
5th CHACRA: THROAT/VIAHUDNI- Sun- 741 Hz (Indigo):......................................................34
6th CHACRA: FOREHEAD/Brow/Brow/AGNYA – La – 852 Hz-Indigo.....................................34
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
*First visit: C computer risk neutralization field – C show and tune harmonics – C click to further adjust – C Check room for geopathic stress – C
magnetic – C static – C resistance – C total trivector integration (until all are in red) C Electrical parameters of the body: see difference in resonant
CALIBRATION frequencies of the computer and patient, if it is high, match trivector (9) *Next visits (it would not be necessary to connect harnesses) - C computer
field and review EG-C All virtual -C Search and clear field anomalies- C adjust calibration up to > 90- C automatic calibration
*White head electrode cable on right side
*Deactivate harnesses in patients with pacemakers, hearing aids or medication dosing systems.
1st visit: 20-40; 2nd visit: 60-80
C Extra strong animation of reactivity in person before the test - C Activate field of positive
In patients with emotional instability CIQ=50
consciousness - C Activate field of quantum indeterminacy - C Intensify CIQ (go up from less to
POWER AND ACCESSORIES (anxiety, shock, bipolar, etc.) In patients with
more dense, with visits) - C Protect against remote viewing or interference - C Activate scalar
pacemakers, drug dosing systems: C Activate
virtual mode
* I/ Display VARHOP (if the VAR is very low, do AUTOVARHOP) - Start /C in each section until it is shaded (except homotoxicology) -
Retest/Test improve VARHOP (get VARHOP 101 before proceeding; if necessary do TR before test) * Check relative tuning (> 85%): if it gives
70%, we would have a 30% error
* Reactivity dysfunction: M/ERDR/E “reactivity dysfunction” - C Start correction - repeat until rectification > 90; Risk of hyperreactivity: due to
your emotions, many red bands would appear in the test (M/ERDR/E “hyperreactivity”-C Invert- C Start correction); Risk of hypoactivity (idem E
*P/Load photograph/C photo/ C load photograph/ C Prepare test/ C Test (patient with eyes open, relaxed and alone)
Each color depends on the reactivity (value) of each wave with the person's electromagnetic field. Reactance is how quickly the VARHOP changes.
* GO TO CURRENT RECTIFICATIONS to check the blockages to be treated
M.P. *I/view report- Add significant items-Save the highest 100-C Load items- C Load report- C Balance
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
*EQ the 3 most reactive blues
*Upload the 4 most reactive Bach flowers and EQ to the report (TN to include them in the Drops)
*Zap to items in stubborn patients (MP): 4540, 5111 (resistance to change), 3439 (subspace disturbances)
*C load current visit – CC highest risks (loaded in top tray) – C top areas
*Risk profile graph-Therapy-Balance highs and lows-GI-C close (below) This information is taken into account for all
* C area/ C Virtual Doctor/ C Connect to short sarcodes, homeopathy, etc. therapies, especially in Body Viewer.
*C Perverse energies- E organ on tray – C Test organ involvement- CC to load the >100 on the
lower tray- C Test+balance retained items- GI
*Therapy causes > 100- GI
*Options/Aggravations /Therapy and GI
*C Spine/ C Sarcodes (bottom-right)- C Update-C Rectify-C Organ Chart- C Therapy-Balance highs and lows -GI. See the organ with the worst
I/Table of causes and aggravations
value and treat its acupuncture point-table-)
*C NLP/C Mental and emotional factors- C Make emotional chart-C Show emotions chart and NT/Therapy
*I/Make Nelson report/C add to information file
*Search pathology/E item number/C Go/Expand name/View trivector image
*Individual reaction (repeat until rectified >85)/Evaluate allergy reactance, resonance and coherence. If there is high allergy reactance, it is in a
period of adaptation, if it gives high reactance, the patient's field attracts the disease, furthermore, if it is covalent or cohesive it is highly integrated
so this link must be destroyed ...
*Miscellaneous/ERDR (pathology already loaded)/Invert/Start correction
*Drag the item to include it in the report (and also in all the therapy that I am going to do).
*Make the pink first and then the yellow. Eye! electrochelation in people on anticoagulants –bruises or bleeding-
RECOMMENDED THERAPIES P/TR *Double therapy, starting from the 2nd visit (with two alarm reactions, close program)
*Maximum therapy only with dentistry, pain therapy and point probes (no alarm)
SUPERCONSCIOUS REDUCTION *E worrying condition-C Start superconscious link- C Balance everything- GI
PANEL *Homotoxicology, if the person is hydrated and with the emuntoria in good condition, if not, SCIO detoxification
M/Superconscious reduction panel *Nutrition
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
* C Test and balance energy flow in the spine -TN subluxations- CC in vertebrae graph to know organs,
emotional causes and affirmations- C Neuroemotional Complex - C Test and balance emotions (repeat until the
love index doubles the frustration index and all balanced vertebrae)- C Retest and balance energy flow (repeat
until disabled)- C in yellow box to close. Substance can be loaded for ↑ effect.
* Work each vertebra - C in subluxated vertebra or highlighted with the red square in graph - C Perform specific
therapy. Give the patient the new thought pattern in writing so that he can read it while you balance him * C
Sarcodes -CCCCC Mental focus - Red CC-Lilac CC-Yellow CC- C Make report
SPINAL AND SARCODES * C Sarcodes (bottom-right)- C Update-C Rectify-C Organ Chart- C Therapy-Balance highs and lows -GI.
P/Spine and Sarcodes See the organ with the worst value and treat its acupuncture point-table-)
* C Alersodes (allergy test)-Testing groups-Allergenic information-TN more reagents-Allergies table- C
Relates the emotions and reflexogenic zones of the spine emotional connection for an allergen
* C digestive/lymphatic/skeletal/muscular/sinus system, etc./ E “pancreas”/C Search/C chosen item/C
reset/Search for the item number and CC and lower it to the lower trays/C therapy to indicated items * Sarcodes
Timed Therapies / Sports Therapies- C Superconscious Report -C Repair Everything / Sports Injuries / Stimulate
Chosen Hormones / Overall Conflict Reduction
Increase mental focus/Release emotional stress/Relieve pain/injury, etc.- C Coordination, memory,
concentration, willpower (C Start, adjust time: 9 min-C-5 min)
Repeat unconscious search/ C Start
Restore holistic organ health
*Full scan/ /TN of the smallest (SCALAR frequency of tables)
* CC in the smallest chakra: music therapy
CHAKRAS * C load items for extra aura cleaning- C Cybernetic correction- C Ok- TN of the 4 emotional blocks for
P/Facial, body exploration and chakra therapy NLP
*SCIO-AFE therapy for psychological disturbances- C Start psychological stabilization (C Finish with
Diseases begin in the subtle bodies
* C Retest: up to a new aura color (red: primary foci of flow interruption/pain/degeneration; violet:
Start-move FG with the left mouse button across the screen and leave it in the desired color-move BG with the
right mouse button and leave it in the desired color The color is loaded on the frequency screen
* E RIFE frequencies from Lexicom, tables or kine (5 min for the first session, 2 min for the following
P/TR Do not sweep
* E SCALAR frequency of the smallest chakra (table) or 24,000,000/24,000,000 (relaxing).
To load water with frequencies (C Activate tray-C Start)
* E MORA BICOM frequency: up:33; below 122 or 130 (enf. mild), 133 (ill. chronic), 970 (organism
Cleaning RIFE: 10,000/10,000 or 10,000/3,176; Acidosis/back
cleansing) or that of the CP (table). C Activate oscillation- C Automatic interaction.
pain/hypertension/chronic allergies/migraines: 10,000/58
* E SCHUMAN WAVES: CP (resistance to change unconscious brain) / Organic relationship
RIFE end of session: 3,176
(hypothalamus spleen lymph lung skin kidney liver large intestine toxins endocrine) / Emotional block (ECFTC) -
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
*Remove the “1” –C Start
* C Relaxation 12 sec
* C Interrupt hypothalamus/vesicle link until excellent (releases anxiety and sadness)
* C NLP/ C Mental and emotional factors - C Make an emotional chart -C Load upper and lower items or
CC 4 ECFTC blocks - C zap emotions 60 sec - GI (you can also reverse causes/balance highs and lows from the
NLP graph).
P/PNL/ * Covert thought pattern CC every secret (social, personal and transcendent) C zap: what prevents us from
reaching enlightenment
*Enter after the superconscious reduction panel/TN of mental fixation/E in * Emotional and biological flow (degree of emotional balance, the bars indicate the phase it is in, the red values
the lower box of the main panel. Choose from Therapies/Unconscious are the most reactive today) - E condition - C Test and balance flow charts - C Affirmation ** Test unconscious
choice of therapy and EAF SCIO Therapies (antidegeneration, reactivity - E age (10-20-30-40 to remove onion layers) - C Start unconscious test (or with emotion on a tray) - C
inflammation, etc.): Balance emotional profile/C Restore traumas and conflicts and repeat with 20.
Determine type of condition/Select pathologies/C Close/C Path of the condition/CC in trauma or conflict
Therapies/Dispel karma, therapist patient and others around You can go from here to spinal and sarcodes or homotoxicology for repetitive conditions
We have to achieve an atmosphere of empathy and never judge our patient E question (with yes/no answer)
C Affirmations for spiritual growth
*To integrate the suffering, you must accept the condition, cell death
CCC Atom, is the line of life
appears and rebounds towards regeneration. When the conflict is resolved.
* Stimulate awareness the action and condition are stressful, although the dragon emotion is the axis. The root
cause in pink-adaptive behavior patterns leading to conflict in green-adaptation to the present in yellow)/Expand
**The SCIO is an evoked potential system (neural response to a stimulus),
results/C layers from top to bottom/
to bring the patient to the point of resentment, on the line of life
C Metaanalysis 1: Spiritual Matrix or SAF (Survial Awareness Form), fusion and confinement indicates the
energy of conception (fusion must be high), fear and dissatisfaction is the phase of the first contractions of labor,
***First the causes appear, then patterns of adaptive behavior that the
anger and helplessness are set In the expulsive, sadness and separation are established when cutting the umbilical
patient has implemented that produce conflicts and if they do not integrate,
cord (all of these must be low). The values in red are the most reactive today/CC from phases of the iqda to the
the current situation appears in yellow. The SCIO works on acceptance
right (conception) , values do not change until the Retest
C Meta-analysis 2: Personal evolution and emotional dynamics/C Balance the highlighted items. The mental
fixation or pathology can be entered in the box below /Explore condition
* Explore brain - C Exp. Brain nutrition- C Explore cancer (degeneration) - C Add additional therapies-C Load-C
Start (Germanic New Medicine). You can click outside and continue working *Individual NLP: addiction,
hysteria, anxiety, psychosis, sexual disorder.
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
* C Search condition- E pathology –C Balance or report a condition- Check boxes- C Explore the probability of
diagnosis: (1-10: C Balance the condition energetically) or (>85 high priority within the stress pattern of the
*C Search condition- E pathology –C Show text and go to therapy- C Quick calibration – C Bioresonance quick
LEXICOM test - TN max and min frequencies for TF ( if quick test does not turn on the first time- C Automatically balance )
*Right mouse button-CAdd new name- E “condition” double space and name of the person -Paste word on the
blue screen: hormones, vitamins (from N), homeopathic (from AH), nosodes, isodes, alersodes from MP ,
sarcodes and aggravations from spinal, blockages, homeopathic from BV (risks and synt. homeopathic), emotional
situation from BV (emotions), social, psychological and environmental situation from NLP, covert thought
pattern, and then treating the whole set from PR- Right Button-Delete
Establishes subtle therapies, improves communication between the 12 polymorphic fields, until reaching the
physical (the densest)
*Start-CC yellow panel to see result. Disturbances in the different dimensions of subspace appear in bold. The
goal is to disable all of them.
*C quick phase review
*Activate recommended therapies/Treat as necessary or Balance degeneration/Cancer exploration/Treat / Blood
sugar disorder (if tumor is related)/Destroy cancer virus or stimulate fatty acids if necessary
TIMED *Improved superlearning-C emotional maturity- C communication- C motivation- C Start- C Timed therapies- C
P/Timed therapies, music and super learning They raise the voltage and close- see percentage and repeat up to > 85% (morning exam: 1 min; long-term: 5 min) *SCIO Superlearning, see
amperage to the maximum. Set the time to 2 minutes where the Auto Focus does and that is where you have to do accelerated learning *Music therapy (only reads midi
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
*C Calculate- C Basic homeopathy from the examination - C possible concerns- C best items as- C Balance items
as- C constitutional homeopathic -C see constitutional values – C in the highest homeopathic (see high resonance:
treat accordingly subtle and coherence=probability deficiency:>85- prescribe homeopathy) and TN of the miasm
to work on it in homotoxicology or balance remedies for miasms of the matrix - C Add to report
*C Progressive list of homeopathics - C Search for the best individual similar - C Explore matrix by resonances of
*C in digestion/ CC all until rectified or inactivated/C balanced nutri-energetic/Search in matrix for the reason for
consultation/ CC item (goes to the lower tray)/GI/C test supplement /C complements (depending on coherence
NUTRITION and HOMEOPATHY <85=probability of deficiency, not giving physically)
Enter from superconscious reduction panel or from homotoxicology *C Stress and cortisol -C Balance hormones and CC in the iqda column until corrected > 85 * C Good foods or
allergies - C allergic items /C order by value (eliminate all red foods from the diet, for 3 months, to make the
person more flexible, by reducing their food intolerances ). E number of the intolerant item on the tray/test
supplements/C supplements and if the intolerance continues on the next visit, look for emotional connection on the
allergic desensitization screen
BRAIN WAVES C Start- Mark τ - C Stimulate- mark β - C Start up to α: 80-85 β: <30-40 τ : 85-101 δ: <10 γ: <5 (immaturity
P/EEG-ECG Frequencies/Brain Wave Pattern Therapy and slow reasoning=1). The first value in the right column: 50-65 and the others below. You can C the wave
Sort the brain puzzle (α: stress β: worry τ : awareness δ: restorative sleep γ: immaturity )
EEG and ECG are biofeedback systems If a yellow screen appears, continue and when finished make an energy link
Correct brain-heart COHERENCE: 20,000 (average of frequencies-lower zone iqda).
*Biofeedback/Balance magnetic polarity and geopathic stress/reduce spinal stress/reduce nervous stress
*Relaxation/Stimulate creativity/Relax muscles deeply
*Organic system/brain/adrenal stimulation
*Additional/Stability corpus callosum/liver
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
E positive affirmation- C Start
Transforms etheric negative energy into healthy positive energy. Do not use with storm or in patients who have
P/Electro hymnosis
undergone radiotherapy
*C Rx rejuvenation (quantum-green death; energetic, tissue, metabolic age)- C items until rectified >85. Treat
those >100, especially DHEA and collagen.
REJUVENATION *CCCCCCC Atom: past lives, emotional work (onion layers)-Start unconscious search- E as primary conflict
what comes out in emotional connection- C Release conflict (repeat until deactivated). A weekly session (very
important in sun allergies)
BLOOD THERAPY *C Recommended action therapy- C Superconscious blood exploration-C Therapy to the item chosen above
P/Dark field blood analysis *C Pleomorphic Planel- CC >100 and < 50
NELSON REPORT C make medical report Nelson-C Add to information file- C It can be opened at the beginning to copy
I/ Nelson Report unconscious selection next visit data on therapies
* If trauma remains (refers to physical): P/Sports programs/sports injuries
* If it remains miscellaneous (refers to emotional): NLP
* Rectify everything
Turn off SCIO 1 minute between patients
*SCIO super rectification (up to > 85)
* Adjust the power of the loaded drops during the therapy : Activate tray/Take energy from
tray/amplify pattern/test item reaction (it gives us the reactivity of the therapy and the prepared drops , the higher
the % indicates that it is good for you), If it is low, Explore power /C in the lower box iqdo/Check harmonic
reactivity of the person to the item above (X, decimal, Ccentesimal), CC in the power/s/Send energy to tray
(modifies the wave amplitude , the greater the amplitude, the more subtle the effect -> dilution): idem * Make
some harmonic drops : If we want to work with another product/vaccine we have to clean the conveyor / explore
power / write item name in box / start exploration / show harmonics / check harmonic reactivity /balance (passes
HOMEOPATHIC ACTIVATION frequency to patient) or clear conveyor/energize conveyor/duplicate homeopathic .
* Make alersode , vaccine, treatment intolerances or allergies, psoriasis scales or isode (toxic) : activate
tray/invert pattern. Also give skin sarcode
* Manufacture nosode and generate defenses against sputum, diabetic ulcer, acne: activate tray/amplify
pattern. Also give skin sarcode
*Load homeopathic list/ Explore potency/review potency/zap+duplicate (doubles it in water) * Homeopathic
repertorization to assign polychrests/complement questionnaires/start calculation/Multiple
*Saved remedies/E the remedies the patient needs (Ex. Belladonna 10X Thuja 20C)
ANAID C Back up visits
*Have the sound connected and listen to the “excellents” until the end.
*We work on the “quantum” or present moment. Noise must be removed to leave harmonic frequencies.
* Superspace is always connected : transmission of information through space channels (quantum vacuum) without physical support. The patient's electromagnetic field (EPR) recognizes the
resonant patterns of the Scio.
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
* If the program gives 4 alarm reactions (2 in maximum therapy) , schedule the patient for the next week.
* It takes 386 people thinking the same thing to integrate information. If many more people think positively, we would achieve a change in consciousness .
* In people with very low VARHOP, do not test until the energy field is raised with the recommended therapies.
*↑↑ Resonant frequency pattern (> 10,000) indicates nerves, physical pain, unprocessed emotions, degeneration: Disconnect the patient, relax and resume therapy.
*Always open the three doors: chakras, NLP and subconscious.
*Do not minimize screens , send them back on the desktop so they continue working (control+escape or C lower window clasp) .
*Close the screens on the buttons inside the therapies, never on the upper X
*If the lexicom is blocked: DVD 1: 1C/Clasp 32/Disease/Instal/OK DVD2: Spanish patch/update lexicom/ok
* P/TR/RIFE autofrequencies
*P/Dark field analysis/pleomorphic panel/CC>100 and <50; ZAP candida, herpes, etc.
* P/biofeedback/relaxation/oxygen stimulation
* P/TCMS/C Timed therapies/C Enable TC/C Stimulate oxygenation, until rectified > 85
* in MP, E “cancer”, “arthritis”, “degeneration”, etc./EQ
* P/NLP/C Scan Brain/C Scan Brain Nutrition/C Scan Cancer/Start, repeat until rectified>85
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
* Balance multiple items : I/Empty-A items- C Load report- C Load items- C Balance
* ctrl.+Z : activates zap button; ctrl.+ V : activates balance button: I: remedies –nosode, isode, sarcode, alersode - (balance) @: bacteria (zap) #: virus (zap) *: parasite (zap) ^: fungus
(zap) }: condition (zap/individual reaction). ZAP IS THE INTERFERING WAVE
* Test item energy : From MP select item or E item number- C-Go -C Expand name- C See trivectorial image- C Load remedy picture- C chart- C Close:
-Energy pattern: energy pattern of the first contact or acquired from the couple (preventive therapy)
-Coherent energy: the person's field has focused its attention on the energetic pattern of the item
-Cohesive energy: There is attraction
-Covalent energy: The energy pattern has already impacted the person's energy field. The condition may be incubating or already showing symptoms. M/ERDR/Invert * Individual
reaction of an item : stimulates the field and testa. Total reactance is the degree of attraction, React. allergy is the degree of repulsion, Difference, the lower it is, the greater the need,
Resonance: high values indicate that the energy pattern is very present, Coherence: low values indicate that the patient has used subtle electromagnetic information: ↑R and ↑C : supplement;
↑R and ↓C: SCIO and drops; ↓R t ↑C: physical imbalance, give supplement if it is an essential nutrient; ↓R and ↓C: nothing
A item on yellow tray - C individual reaction (Coherence > 80: justifies giving the item as a nutritional supplement; very low coherence, subtle therapy - drops - is useful)
* Improve the reactivity of an item : if the item has a TM/ERDR/C value Correct excessive reactivity; if it is • , C Animate reactivity to item or small shake.
* Item/submatrix relationship : A item to tray/s - C submatrix - C Testar up or down or both
* Ratio of 2 items : A item to yellow and pink trays- C Test on both trays- CC until “excellent”
* Complex/ancestral items : From MP- A to red tray- C Mental, causal, etheric and balancing resonances
* Harmonic coupling of 2 items (item/remedy, condition/emotion, miasm/emotion, etc.): From MP- A to violet tray at least 2 items- C Check harmonic compatibility: EPR screen appears.
Fourier's harmonic chaos must be low and the resonance and coherence the higher the better (- C Homeopathic focus - C Emotional focus - C General focus
* Relate an item to the spine or homotoxicology -CC item and load it into report-C Close report- C Chiropractic connection of this item to Spine or C Tissue connection of this item to
* Enter item in MP : M/ERDR/E in tray the name - the button is activated - C Take frequency from test tray (repeat until grinding 100 and the three rows are the same) - C Add item to matrix -
Select empty field - C Edit name- E description item “own”- C Save name
Backup: c/CLASP32 CASTELLANO/data/copy all the files “remedy.extension” and “conscida.extension” and save in a folder
* Relate homeopathic with chakras or miasmas : E “Chakra” and A to red tray-C submatrix of homeopathic- C Testar up- CC to excellent
* Search for related items , example acidosis: E “acidosis” or “ph” always with a space before; I/Empty report-enter search items-Load report-P/Homeopathic activation-C Load from MP-
There is an empty tab that says “enter resonant frequencies, use any standard”- E 5000, 9999 (vitality) or 10,000-Energize transporter and duplicate remedy
* Find out if there is a polarity problem : E “magnet” and see what color the items are. If the “positive magnetic is red, apply magnetic therapy “2”; If the negative is red, apply magnetic
therapy “10”. ADJUST MAGNETIC POLARITY in RIFE (top)
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
DNA: works with radiofrequency information, the “codes” that have been lost
* CCCCCC atom- C Telomere Repair (do not minimize, send back)- C Scan and balance until repair > 90%-CCCC atom- C hum DNA up to bars close to 1,000
Autorife : detects aberrant wave patterns or metabolic error (viruses, bacteria and fungi). Release stressful patterns FROM THE GROUND
* C Initial scan- C Retest and balance all (up to OK resonances)
If the pH is acidic, you have to work on a mineral level (Ca and Mg), if it is alkaline, work on the emotional level.
Autovarhop : Repairs effects of shock or trauma on the physical body (Germanic New Medicine). Interesting to work on traumas from Unconscious Reactivity and the different memories
* E injury- C all options except homotoxicology- CCC injury repair until rectified
* C-System Diagnosis- C Quick Test-Upload Report
* C Organ electrical patterns- C Adipose tissue therapy
* C Fourier Transformation- C Stabilize heartbeat- C Stabilize blood pressure
* C Trivector patterns- C Test and balance
* C Autonomous nervous system- C stabilization of vagus nerve- (then sympathetic and parasympathetic)
Correct brain-heart COHERENCE: 20,000 (average of frequencies-lower zone iqda).
C Start- mark τ and C Stimulate- mark β - C Start up to α: 80-85 β: <30-40 τ : 85-101 δ: <10 γ: <5. The first value in the right column: 50-65 and the others below (α: stress β: worry τ :
awareness δ: restorative sleep γ: immaturity )
If a yellow screen appears, continue and when finished make an energy link
Correct brain-heart COHERENCE: 20,000 (average of frequencies-lower zone iqda).
SCALAR : Chakra therapy from outside to inside (physical impact) RAISE ENERGY TO 101
* C Balance everything
*Release upper chakras (mental and emotional clarity), middle (gastrointestinal disorders), lower (increases libido and orgasms).
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
*C Start-move FG with the left mouse button across the screen and leave it in the desired color (frame)-move BG with the right mouse button and leave it in the desired color (background)
MAXIMUM THERAPY: only use with point probes, pain therapy or neurofocal dentistry
*Power and accessories (IQ <60)
*Chakras/Complete exploration/Load items for extra aura cleansing/4 obstacles appear in secretion pathways/TN
*NLP/Mental factors/CC 4 items/Zap emotions 60 sec
* C Maximum Therapy (move the lower dial to the right): Bad VAR: Trivector; PPy PE: Rife; 5 wrong: VARHOP (takes 8 minutes)(T
*Rectify/Rectify all/Rectify everything to the maximum
*Recalibrate/Close/Therapies (Test only if you are going to treat allergies or dentistry)
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
*Always after Risk Profile
*Start program/ Show affirmations/Load specific animations/Load unconscious choices
*SCIO therapies/ Automatic focus detection
*Cleansing therapies/ Aura cleansing (parasitarisms, worries, or obsessions)
-Red: strength, passion, desire, anger, sex, rage, nervous tendency. Dark red indicates strong temperament and impusivity. PHYSICAL
LEVEL -Orange: creativity, cordiality, consideration. Orange with gold indicates self-control.
- Yellow : mental activity, optimism. New opportunities for learning and wisdom. Yellow with gold, it feels important. Red yellow, shyness.
- Green : sympathy, calm, trust, good therapist. Dark green , jealousy, obsession, resentful of the world, closed heart, self-centered.
- Blue: calm, silence , good color, but sometimes indicates depression or bad : ideal job. MENTAL LEVEL
Indigo/violet : vital search, practical sense. Dark violet indicates obstacles and misinterpreted feelings.
-Pink: color of concord, more loving, compassion, love of art/beauty. Dark pink : jealousy, envy and immaturity.
- Loose
loose black : color of protection, hides something, obsessions, imbalances in certain areas that the person must work on with meditation, exercise and
-Nblack guy stuck to the degeneration, cancer, perverse, imponderable energies, wind blow, excess heat, fire or humidity. DOUBT, FEAR, GUILT, STEAL ENERGY
body purity, true, although it is often the first color that can be seen.
- Arrón: earth loving person. It is establishing new roots.
-Flashes: present, past or future pregnancy or great creativity.
*Start program/ Complete spinal therapy (works alone)/ Complete developmental therapy of the condition and old traumas / Complete acupuncture exploration (works
*Load organs/Load therapies/Miscellaneous/View added therapies
*Miscellaneous/Homeopathic Extras/C probable unconscious medical history/ SINTRA TRANSLATOR /C most reactive items for today
*Start program/Show affirmations (TN for Orgon)/Show mental conflicts/Show condition states
*Sacred geometry/Unconscious
*Therapies: exploration
Relieve pain/ Anti-infection/ Clear allergies/ Dissolve adipose tissue/ Stimulate nutrient absorption
*Psychological therapies: Addiction/Anxiety/Emotions/Stabilize right brain-iqdo/Relaxation
*Self-focus emphasis: Degeneration/ Psychic energy stabilization/ Infection/ Inflammation/ Trauma repair/ Neuroimmune repair
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
*Prayers have an inward meaning, modifying our vibration, to be able to achieve what we want simply by attracting it.
*Home panel/About/Prayer wheel/Use your own prayers/Add prayer file/Save/Choose beliefs
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
* C from bottom to top the phases, within each phase from inside (endoderm) to outside (ectoderm); and in each embryonic layer C red (most active phases) and fuchsia /CC in tissue
E organ/E active principle in allopathic Rx/C continue testing of nosode and isode/ C Balance the 5 highest (when closing, items appear in pink, CC until rectified/Add to report/C
Stimulate detoxification or ED of allopathic medication
CC to items in blue (below)/
AMPERAGE < 80 (blocked lymphatic circulation)
Detox from scio /Start detox stimulus (stop when rectified 100)
As long as he continues to consume, he must give him the item so that he reduces his addiction to the addictive substance.
As soon as he stops smoking or cocaine, give him the reverse pattern so he doesn't fall back into it.
*Relaxation 12 seconds
*Therapies/Release addiction, addictive behavior/Stimulate creativity
* Individual NLP: Addiction
EEG /Brain waves/ C Attention deficit and brain fatigue/ C Calculate and continue/ C Repair dyslexia and dysphonia/ General learning repair, LEAP
P/TR/Automeridians and allergies /Allergic desensitization/Release mental fixation and balance mast cells
BIOFEEDBACK: Release mental fixation
*C/Clasp32 (English)/Program/Interfacetype (do not open the animation)/Send it to the desktop and change its name (“Anti-smoking interface type”)
* C Type anti-smoking interface before entering the program
*Only works with scio box (close clasp)
*The patient must go 3 hours without smoking previously (so that he has mono)
*FIRST VISIT (evaluates and does therapy): C information/C new visit/C information and TN of nicotine (NIC), tar (TAR) and CO2 (CO)/E in information table/C Therapy panel/C
Evaluate, When finished, smoke a cigarette and put the ashtray with the butt on the tray/then C Therapy. You can take the cigarette butt and put it in the clasp.
* SECOND VISIT: only do therapy
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
*Body viewer/Therapies/Clear allergies
*Irid: Balance Liver, adrenals, lymph (to eliminate mast cells); thalamus, hypothalamus and epiphysis (rejuvenation and sun allergy)
*P/Test allergies- C Test food groups- TN of the main allergy (appears in red above the box on the right)/ C Good foods by value and eliminate all red ones from the diet
* See individual reaction : CC to an allergen and load it in the lower tray - C Test individually (> 85 eliminate from the diet) - C Transfer item to test - A to yellow tray - relate to
submatrices or see three-dimensional image.
* Allergen information/empty report /CC to an allergen and upload it to the report. Another option is to work on the allergy plex of the main alert /test individually.
*Search item: E food and enter
ALLERGY THERAPY: Reduces mast cells, responsible for transmitting information to the thymus. They produce histamine and IgE. 4 weekly allergic desensitization therapies are
necessary, since in the second therapy there are still 30% of the mast cells treated in the first). Efficacy in digestive allergies, gastritis, colitis, celiac disease, lactose intolerance 100%; in
asthma, eczema 95%; in chronic migraines, lumbago and epicondylitis, long-standing urticaria 80%; and psoriasis, alopecia or vitiligo 50%
Many allergies have a chronic infection/inflammation component (sinusitis, asthma, rhytnitis, gastritis). If the patient improves from the allergy but the infection component persists
(cold, fatigue, neuralgia, joint pain, sweating, cardiovascular discomfort, sleep disturbance, bloating, depression, craving for sweets): C Zap candida. Warn the patient of healing crises (up to
2-3 days later). EYE! The patient should be on Varhop 101 and well hydrated. Warn of the possible healing crisis or vicariation
*P/TR/Automeridians and allergies/Allergic desensitization/ Load report items /Insert symptoms and areas/ Continuous therapy
*NLP/Emotional picture/balance neurotransmitters/Stimulate; Therapies/Release emotional allergies
*Dark field blood analysis/Recommended action therapy/Superconscious exploration/Pleomorphic panel
*E “miasm”-EQ most reactive items- A most reactive item to yellow tray-C emotions submatrix- C Test up- CC up to excellent
*Zap items 660, 672, 701, 719
*Polymorphic trans (many allergies are due to rigidity or inflexibility of the person, karma, cosmopathies or perverse energies)
*Timed/general immune stimulation/anti-inflammation and allergies
*C Rx rejuvenation (quantum-green death; energy, tissue, metabolic age) - C items until rectified >85. Treat those >100, especially DHEA and collagen.
*EEG/Brain waves/ Corpus callosum/Limbic system
*Nutrition/digestion and adrenal balance. Balance or supplement with omega-3, B 5 (500 mg/day), B 6 (600 mg/day), magnesium (100 mg/day), vitamins C (1000 mg/8h) and E (400 IU/day)
, coenzyme A.
*Follow Coherent Diet and Nelson's rules of the stomach (annex)
*Adrenal massage with tapping of the fists in circles, for 3 minutes.
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
Excessive production of cortisol causes death of hippocampal neurons and damages the corpus callosum. Our thoughts control hormonal production, and this in turn influences emotions.
The limbic system influences memory. Fear and anxiety inhibit this system.
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
6229, 2889, 7597, 1083, 4544, 7812
*Quick phase review
*C Sympathetic stimulus, the parasympathetic is balanced depending on the first.
*Enable therapies/Reduce paranoia and mistrust
BRAIN WAVES. Put the puzzle in order (before NLP)
*Hypothalamus-vesicle link
*Therapies/Rx for depression, self-harm and loss of support
*Emotional and biological flow
* Covert thought pattern
*Unconscious reactivity
*Stimulate creativity
*Stimulate understanding
*Biofeedback/reduce spinal stress/reduce nervous stress
*Additional/Stability corpus callosum
*Relaxation/Relax muscles deeply/Release subconscious negativity
HOMEOPATHY: Ignatia, Aconitum, Lycopodium, Gelsemium, Argentum nitricum, Arsenicum, Phosphorus, Nux vomica
Neutrophils encapsulate tumor, preventing it from feeding and depriving it of oxygen. Hyaluronic acid prevents the immune system from attacking cancer cells
*Autofocus emphasis: neuroimmune degeneration/repair/DNA
* Eliminate cancer foci
IRID. Anatomy/Degeneration
TEST: E “mycobacterium leprae”- EQ (Biomagnetic pair)
TIMED C Enable timed therapies :
*Balance degeneration-Cancer exploration- E “type cancer” (Example “group 3 type c” as it appears in Cancer Text)- Start cancer therapy/ Soften effects of chemo or radio
*Destroy cancer virus (if turned on)
*Blood sugar disorder (if turned on)
*Stimulate fatty acids
* Explore brain- C Exp. Brain nutrition- C Explore cancer (degeneration) - C Start (German New Medicine), until rectified >85
*Mental and emotional factors-Make emotional chart (load highs and lows)-zap emotions 60 sec.
*Unconscious reactivity.
RISK PROFILE: C Cancer- C homotoxicology connection
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
ALLERGY THERAPY : C Treat excess mast cells - C Release mental fixation - Start desensitization
BLOOD DARK FIELD: Recommended action therapy/Pleomorphic panel/Blood therapy ( white blood cell imbalance/pleomorphic stabilization )
NELSON KETO DIET: 24 hours with only water or diluted juice and chew organic parsley 100 times (2 times/week) or fast for 36 hours.
These types of tumor have been tested for their resonant frequencies and energetic trivector patterns. This information is entered into the system for a modulation therapy. The main causes
of cancer are toxicity, viruses, deficiency or imbalance of fatty acids, and emotional concerns that disturb the immune-mental or neuro-reticular link, and radiation from chemotherapy and
surgery are also aggravating factors.
Group 2 - Muscle tissue - Myoma and myosarcoma (too rigid with self and others).
(A) Leiomyoma: Thin muscle tissue.
(B) Rhabdomyoma: Fine striated muscle tissue, constant severe headache, fight against life and against others.
Group 3 - Elements of the nervous system (struggles with progressive and new ideas, emotional fears).
(A) Neuroma: Nervous character, rejection of feelings and emotions towards others.
(B) Ganglion Neuroma: Nerves and ganglia cells, rejection of feelings.
(C) Glioma: Glia tissue, incorrect beliefs, mental rigidity.
(D) Neuro-epithelioma: rejection of the unconscious.
(E) Astrocytoma: toxic reasoning or toxic ideas
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
(B) Teratoma: made up of tissues and organs of one, two or three germ layers, monodermal, bidermal, or tridermal type.
(C) Embryoma: Consisting of tissue from three germ layers in greater or lesser order imitating a fetus.
*Recommended action therapy
*Pleomorphic panel: CC >100 and < 50. If there are many >80 or <50: treat globally
REWARD FUNCTION: insulin, neurotensin, prostaglandins
TIMED : Enable therapies-Add additional therapy-Balance degeneration/Sugar disorders/Balance Diabetes/ Stimulate fatty acids/ Stimulate insulin
REWARD FUNCTION: endorphin, leucine, morphine, all opioid type transmitters, anti-pain enzyme inhibitor,
*Start Meridian Therapy-CC all activated until they are balanced or shaded-C Retest
*SEG quadrant therapy for pain/
* Digitoacupuncture- C Acupuncture diagram- C Conscious test- C Superconscious point search- TN of several- Load points from the screen-E the points in the “boxes with an 11” and fill
the trays with physical, psychic and religious disorders- C Start - Up to >100 in resonance and coherence - C close (all 3 screens) - C Acupuncture dialogue - C Repair everything (the right
column must remain with “3 zeros”)
LEXICOM: Calibrated resonance of the condition to do Frequency Therapy
* C Test and balance energy flow in the spine -TN subluxations- CC in vertebrae graph to know organs, emotional causes and affirmations- C Neuroemotional Complex - C Test and
balance emotions (repeat until the love index doubles the frustration index and all balanced vertebrae)- C Retest and balance energy flow (repeat until disabled)- C in yellow box to close.
Substance can be loaded for ↑ effect.
* Work each vertebra - C in subluxated vertebra or highlighted with the red square in graph - C Perform specific therapy. Give the patient the new thought pattern in writing so they can read
it while you balance them.
CNE-Pain-Cranial Sacrol
*Open mind/ Neuropeptide balance/Brain nutrition (migraines)
* Individual NLP- E “neurosis”
TIMED: deep muscle relaxation/ Rx injury and pain/ Automatic pain therapy/Treat injured tissue/Stimulate oxygenation/Build muscle
SHORT SARCODES: treat area of pain
* Superconscious Report/C Fix All
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
*Repeat unconscious search/Restore holistic organ health
NEUROFOCAL DENTISTRY: TMJ/Muscle Sarcodes TMJ : Indicates the result of the test of the jaws and muscles in relation to the temporomandibular joint and the cervical spine.
BODY: Organ system/Total anatomy examination/or other area of pain
*Biofeedback/Balance magnetic polarity and geopathic stress/reduce spinal stress/reduce nervous stress
*Additional-calm inflammation
REWARD FEATURE: gamma globulin
BODY: Self-Focus Emphasis-Neuroimmune Repair
IRID: Anatomy/Unconscious Search-Stimulate Neuroimmune Connection
TIMED: Enable Therapies/General Immune Boost
SHORT SARCODES: thymus, spleen
SPINAL AND SARCODES: Timed sarcode therapies-Set time-Select spleen-C Start (repeat with immune system, lymph, liver)
NLP: Special Tools/ Therapies EAF-SCIO
BLOOD DARK FIELD: Scio immune stimulation and blood cleansing
REWARD FUNCTION: serotonin, gaba (mental fatigue), dopamine (nerves when faced with a challenge)
*Quick phase review
*Improved superlearning
*Enable therapies / Correct bad behavior in children / C Automatic therapy-neurological repair
* C Start- mark τ and c stimulate- mark β- C Start until α : 80-85 β : <30-40 τ : 85-101 δ : <10 γ : <5. The first value in the right column: 50-65 and the others below.
( α : stress β : worry τ : awareness δ : restorative sleep γ : immaturity). If a yellow screen appears, continue and when finished make an energy link.
* C Attention deficit and brain fatigue- C Calculate and continue/ C Repair dyslexia and dysphonia/ General learning repair, LEAP
*Relaxation 12 sec.
*Hypothalamus-vesicle link
*Explore brain-Nourish
*Therapies/Control anger (address impulse control disorders)/Stimulate construction of self-image and release negativity
*Unconscious reactivity
*Relaxation/Improve behavior in children and stimulate super-learning/Release psychic pain/Release subconscious negativity
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
*Avoid addictive behaviors
Homeopathic repertorization /fill the questionnaires/Load homeopathic list/check potency/Balanced and zap
Saved Remedies /Write the remedies the patient needs to have on file
Homeopathic medicines are harmonized with the patient's field, so be careful with high dilutions
*Stimulate lucid dreaming skills for the next week
*Therapies/sleep rhythm pattern alteration
*Enable recommended therapies/Relaxation and sleep therapy
* Additional/Decrease snoring
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
*Allergy desensitization: E information –C Load items from report- C Start (see Allergies)
SPINAL SPINE : work cervical area
*Brain nutrition
*Therapies/Release emotional allergy/Release addiction, stop addictive behavior
* Rx injury and pain
*Enable timed therapies/Automatic Therapy-Pain
*Relaxation/Stimulate creativity/Relax muscles deeply
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
In the presence of pathologies of the nervous system or chronic-degenerative pathologies, the amalgams must be changed
Analyzes TMJ and each tooth (infection, degeneration, toxins, jaw tension)
INFORMATION: Load NOSODES by value/Drag the most reactive to the pink tray/C Test item in tray/Yes 100% C Zap, if not C Give value to the item and test again. Repeat for
INFORMATION: Test with Clifford report (indicates the infection or inflammation detected)
ATM / Dental charts /C Test and balance/C Add one (until you have 4 red teeth)/C to see reflex areas of the treated tooth (copy in lexicom)/CC in the most reactive ones to balance until
grinding > 85 (start more values tall)
ATM/Dental lights /C Retest Dental lights/TN to use on other screens
ATM / Connection to the 5 elements / CC to the most reactive value up to 100%
TMJ/Muscle Sarcodes TMJ : Indicates the result of the test of the jaws and muscles in relation to the temporomandibular joint and the cervical spine.
*Start ATM test/Press by pieces (assess the differences in reactivity with the normal position) CC at the highest values.
*Do the same procedure with the rest of the movements: protruding jaw, move jaw to the left, move jaw to the right, open the mouth to the maximum, frown, smile/ C assessment of jaw
displacement/ C Results
*Choose the appropriate therapy: muscle balance, trauma, pain or nerves
*CC Skull or on the acupuncture points you are interested in treating: touwei, sizhukong, taiyang, tongzilizo, xiaguan, qianzheng, jiache.
REWARD FUNCTION: somatostatin, all opioid type transmitters, leucine enkephalin, prostaglandins, serotonin, dopamine, GABA (leave open and modify) FIND CAUSE:
*Viruses: 1896 (encephalitis), 1967 (mononucleosis), 5299 (fecal), 1850 (CMV), 2046 and 5298 (papilloma), 2047 and 2042 (poliomelitis), 1894 (Epstein Barr)
*In MP, E “allergy”, “emotional”, “spiritual”, “chronic fatigue”, “karma”, “miasma” “subspace” and TN of the two highest and lowest of each submatrix.
*Search for a relationship of the “karma” and “miasma” items (A to yellow tray) with emotional submatrix/CC up to excellent
*C Chromosomes and TN 3 + high to use in Trivector-DNA (enter separated by two spaces) - DNA buzz
*Zap items stubborn person: 4540, 5111, 3439
*See individual reaction of the pathology, it usually has a low allergy reactance-Miscellaneous/ERDR/ Encourage reactivity to item
BODY VIEWER: SCIO Therapies/Child Therapy and Autism Repair
*Ears and others/ C ear anatomy (CC eardrum –eardrum-to unlock fear)
CHAKRAS (9-14)
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
*Mental and emotional factors
*Therapies/Connect cerebral hemispheres/Dispel karma of the person, of the therapist/Balance fear and paranoia/Release emotional allergy/
*Unconscious reactivity Dispel negative thought patterns (complaints, depression, low self-esteem, addictions)
LEXICOM: Search condition and TN RIFE frequencies
ENERGY LINK: Select 1 minute- C Start spiritual ascension- select 0 minutes and repeat up to 100%- C Reset. Balances miasmas, superimposition
energetic, it can be used in radionics 40 minutes before the visit.
*Relaxation/Balance psychological disorders/Balance psychosomatic disorders/Release psychic pain/Release subconscious negativity/Reverse psychic attacks (release karma from someone
who wants to harm the patient)/Restore myelin in nerves (sclerosis)
*Relaxation/Stimulate creativity/Relax muscles deeply
*Organic system/brain/adrenal stimulation
*Additional/Corpus callosum stability/Release karmic ties
*Polymorphic trans
*Brain waves
*Adrenal balance and ADRENAL MASSAGE (press your fists in circles, for 3 minutes)
We need awareness (listening to the body) and enthusiasm (hormonal release that reduces fat)
ENERGY LINK: Select 1 minute - C Start spiritual ascension - select 0 minutes and repeat up to 100%
IRID: Gallbladder and thyroid
ZAP: cellulite/ amoebas
NLP: anxiety
*Adipose disintegration Rx
*Enable therapies/ Blood sugar disorder/ Stimulate fatty acids
LEXICOM: Calibrate bulimia and perform frequency therapy
EEG: organ electrical patterns/adipose tissue therapy
SPORTS : stabilize hormones/liver, adrenaline, IGg and IGf
*IMPATIENS: for when you feel impatience with the slow process of losing weight.
*GENTIAN: you feel discouraged or a failure.
* GORSE: for pessimists and those who need hope.
*HORBEAN: for when you know you should lose weight but you can't find the day and always say it starts tomorrow.
*CHESTNUT BUT: for when you make several attempts but return to old habits, so you will learn from the experience and not repeat the same mistakes.
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
* CRAB APPLE: for those who feel ugly and end up becoming obsessed.
* LARCH: to have confidence in us.
Coherent diet. A new me in two weeks. Amil López Viéitez. Ed. University Service 2009 (bookstores and http://a1000.bubok.com/ ) .
Activate your metabolism with the Coherent Diet. Ed. Cydonia 2011 (bookstores) E-book ( http://a1000.bubok.com/ )
A: Drag AH: Homeopathic Activation BV: Body Viewer C: 1 click (left mouse button) CC: double click (left mouse button) CIQ: Quantum Indeterminacy Field (QIF) CNE: Neuro Complex
Emotional CP: Primary Condition E: Writing ECFTC: Body, Facial Scan and Chakra Therapy EG: Geopathic Stress EQ: Balance RPE: Electrophysiological Reactivity GI: Save
report I: Information and Reports L: Lexicom M: Miscellaneous MP: Main Matrix N: Nutrition P: NLP Programs: Neurolinguistic Programming PR: Risk Profile R:
Resonance TCMS: Timed Therapies Music and Superlearning TM: Take notes (on paper or word) to use later TR: Recommended Therapies TF: Frequency Therapies VI:
Empty Z Report: Zap
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
Metabolic grounds Trends Treatment
Immune disorders, frequent infections/ ENT Allergies, asthma, skin disorders
Deficiency (rashes, eczema, hives) Menstrual disorders, hot flashes in menopause, etc. Omega 3
LAST STEP: Finish the therapy by listening to all the joint tones
VB 20 and 21: harmonizes and tones the liver and calms pain. Headaches, upper respiratory infections, neck pain, torticollis, colds, dizziness, hypertension, cerebrovascular diseases and eye
VB30: Rheumatic pain, lower extremity paralysis, low back pain and sciatica
V 2: Relieves pain and improves visual acuity. Headache, frontal sinusitis, eye diseases, rhinitis and migraines
V 10: Rebellious liver qi (migraines, dizziness)
V 13: Chronic lung problems, they occur with heat and are generated by yin deficiency. Chronic cough with little yellow phlegm. Chronic bronchitis. Asthma
36E: abdomen, stomach blockage, ulcer, etc.
MC6 (pericardium): thorax, chest, angina, regulates emotions
SJ5 (triple heater): external etiology, fever
V C6 (JM): navel, lower abdomen, prostatitis, impotence, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea
IG4: neck up, face, mouth, teeth, eyes, nose (not ear)
P7: dorsal back
V 40: lower back, low back pain, sciatica
TR 10 (SJ): lymphoid tissue
V 23 (BL)
R9 (K): kidney
IG4, 11: intestine and skin
H3, 6 (LV)
B6, 10 (SP)
North: right palm
Amil Lopez. SCIO protocols
North: pituitary
North: area of pain or inflammation
North: right palm
North: pineal
South: sole foot iqdo
North: right foot plant
North: pituitary
South: sole foot iqdo
North: right palm
North: right foot plant
North: pituitary
South: left palm
South: sole foot iqdo
Pineal-Pineal (NS, back-front)
Front (NS horizontal)
Throat-throat (NS), if only one is not balanced
Sternum-sternum (NS)
Navel-navel (NS)
Genital area-Genital area (NS, if there is a genital problem NN): improves the genitourinary system
Adductor-Adductor (NS): stabilizes the first chakra
Pineal-Pineal (NS, back-front): balances hormones and emotions
Thyroid-Thyroid (NS horizontally)
Thymus-Rectum (SN): enhances the immune system
Liver-Spleen (NS): improves digestion and weight loss
Ascending colon-descending colon (NS): promotes the elimination of toxins
Genital area-Genital area (NS, if there is a genital problem NN): improves the genitourinary system
Adductor-Adductor (NS): stabilizes the first chakra
Heart-Heart (NS): solar plexus
Navel-Navel (NS):