Circuits in Human Design
Circuits in Human Design
Circuits in Human Design
- Knowledge Circuit
- Centering Circuit
- Circuit of Understanding
- Abstraction Circuit
Ego Circuit
Defense Circuit
1. FUEL. The doors that leave the centers of pressure (head and root). In the
centers of pressure there is a concern.
2. POTENTIAL. They are found at the entrance to some center of consciousness (SPLEEN,
PLEXUS OR AJNA (47,24 and 4 would be the potential doors of Ajna).
3. POSSIBILITY. You are at the exit of the centers of consciousness (spleen plexus or Ajna)
looking for the throat, there is the possibility, it is something more than the potential, it is
refined potential, all you need is the right moment
4. EXPRESSION. They are the doors that reach the throat from some center of pressure, the
expression of possibility.
Potential Fuel
Possibility 1 Possibility
For example, the current that passes through the SPLEEN and belongs to the circuit of
Channels and Types: Channels can be projectors, generators, manifestors and reflectors.
/ There are only 4 MANIFESTING channels: 21/45 Materialism, 22/12 Openness, 35/36
Transience and 20/34 Charisma
/ There is a PROTESTER GENERATOR channel on 20/34 Charisma
/ GENERATOR Channels: (5/15 - 2/14) – (29/46 - 34/10) – (34/57 - 27/50) – (59/6 – 53/42)–
(60/ - 52/ 9)
All other channels are PROJECTORS . Undefined channels and undefined gates are REFLECTOR
There are 6 circuits: Knowing, Focus, Understanding or logic, abstraction, ego and defense.
We can classify the 6 circuits into three groups of circuits: individual, collective and tribal.
We must add the Integration Channels, which are a superposition of several circuits.
Minor Circuits: Focus and Defense . The two minor circuits can be combined with any of the
other four circuits. If combined with the focusing circuit, it will provide an individual quality and
if combined with the defense circuit, it will provide a tribal quality.
Collective Circuits: The collective being is a source of reflection and projection. The
Understanding Circuit projects its patterns and formulas into the future in order to lead, while
in the Abstraction Circuit it reflects on the past to remember. The key to these circuits is
SHARING. The collective has to do with DESIRE. They long for understanding. We need to
understand each other, we have to define the limits, codify how to organize the city, share. It is
the desire to choose what I am going to share, how much and with whom. Normality is
organized here, what you teach children. The desire to share.
Tribal Circuits : Foundation of society, sexuality and civilization, roots. Its key is SUPPORT. IT IS
THE NECESSITY, you have to cook, go to work, do the shopping, everything to survive on the
material plane. We talk about money, matter, nourishing the body. It's not about desire but
about need. A big difference. There is no mind here. He feels that he is helpless.
They are the juxtaposition of the Centering and Knowing circuits, both individual circuits that
form the 6 integration channels. Of these 6 channels, two (20/579, Brain Spark Channel, and
34/10, Exploration Channel) belong to the Knowing and Centering circuits respectively. The
remaining four channels are the integration channels and are not part of any circuit.
The integration channels are concerned with how to live with oneself. It is individualism, it is
about survival, we must first know how to take care of ourselves, we are responsible for our
survival. No one else knows how to take care of you like you do. No one can see through your
Of the three existing centers of consciousness, Spleen, Plexus and Ajna, the Spleen was
chronologically the first to evolve among all other forms of life. The Integration channels
provided the first center of consciousness 4.2 million years ago in our evolutionary process. It is
what we human beings were when we began our process of individuation, the path of the hero.
The Integration channels tell us about ancient memories of survival, an important existential
dimension for the perpetuation of species. Individual definitions have great affinity with nature,
animals, plants. People with these channels are still sophisticated troglodytes.
The interest of the Integration channels is to solve their own problem, to feel comfortable, to
find a perfect way for them, tailored to their needs. A way that you don't have to fight with. If
you are fine, everything is fine. In the Integration channels we can return to the core.
DOORS: 10-I MYSELF / 2O-I AM / 34-I DO / 57-I KNOW / Channel 10-20: I AM MYSELF / Channel
10-34 I AM WHAT I DO / Channel 10-57, I KNOW I AM / 10-20-57 I KNOW THAT I AM MYSELF
The MUTATION PROCESS is found in the individual circuits. They would be marginalized by society
for their rarity if they were not the architects of change. They are necessary even if they are too
particular, unusual and marginal.
In ICs the key is POWERMENT.
In ICs everything revolves around acoustics. The word and the TONE.
Knowledge Circuit
Its cycle is PULSE . Now I know, now I don't know. His knowledge is in the now, he knows just
because, he has that gift in his mechanics. You don't know through logic, it's a different process.
He doesn't know through memories, through his experience. You know because of your
individualistic personality.
The circuit of knowledge as it passes through the emotional center cannot have clarity in the here
and now.
They are individualists, they come to be different, they don't like being told what they should do,
they refuse influences.
They need to be listened to when they need to explain themselves. They are not as social as
collectives. They need a worthy cause to move forward, they must be passionate, love what they
They are creative, geniuses, artists, mystics, geeks, weirdos or innovators.
They attract the attention of others and know how to maintain it while expressing themselves.
They EMPOWER others by being an example with their own uniqueness.
Agents of evolution, change and transformation of society.
• The mutation that comes from individualists must always go through a phase of struggle,
necessary to overcome the resistance that society puts up to progress. Here we have someone
willing to defend what he knows . Although he also struggles trying to find the words that allow
him to express himself. At the same time, they are here to explain what others do not understand
or cannot make sense of.
• The Knowledge circuit shares its inspiration with others, provoking them with its passion, with its
originality. He will look for a reaction in you, an interest that allows him to explain what he knows
and what you still don't understand.
• It will impact you and lead you to a mutation, to take a quantum leap, providing you with a
purpose, a direction, it will be an inspiration, an example for you, it will give you a structure by
proposing an appropriate direction to follow. They will do it with diplomacy and grace, simply by
being themselves.
Let's explore the circuit of knowledge through its three currents: the mental, the spleen and
the plexus:
• The mental current begins in the Head with the channel of Consciousness 61/24 , design
of a thinker. INSPIRATION is born at door 61 and RATIONALIZED at door 24 . They are
moments of insights. This channel invites you to THINK . The 42/23 structuring channel is a
process of metamorphosis in the throat, in which we translate previous thoughts into
words . It is the channel where an individualist manages to explain himself to the world.
• The current of the Spleen begins on channel 28/38 , of struggle , an invitation to fight for
something worthwhile, to possess knowledge based on solid VALUES . He will question any
knowledge that doesn't work. The fuel or adrenaline of the fight channel pushes the
INTUITION channel to share its knowledge , to channel 20/57 of the cerebral spark . Door
20 then tries to explain itself. It is intuition operating in the now, when you allow yourself
to be guided by your intuition.
• The current of the Solar Plexus begins at the door of the Spirit 55/39 Releasing Emotions
wants to provoke the spirit of others in a stimulating way. It is a sifted channel of the
sadness of the emotional wave, a romantic, creative energy , an individual process. It has a
creative potential in the midst of the melancholy that usually accompanies the artist, and
also a self-destructive one that finds its expression through gate 12, which deals with the
articulation of the sound of the voice . On channel 12/22 of APERTURA , the emotions
provoked in the previous channel are expressed in the throat . People who can always
express their emotions. Full of charm and grace, they try to create a suitable environment
to inform the tribe of their knowledge.
• The Energy Format: The three channels that unite the Root and Sacral centers generate
the energy field for the individual, logical and abstract process. It is in gate 3 where the
energy pulse is generated, which is limited by gate 60, gate of limitation, forming the
mutation channel that pushes the energy towards the search for spirit , for evolution.
3/60 of the mutation is a source of melancholy.
❖ Tantric Direction: between the sacral and the G. Compass channel 2/14 with its gate 2
ensures an adequate direction towards evolution.
❖ ROLE: from the G to the Throat. On 8/1, Channel of Inspiration is the one that has the
greatest impact on society. Inspire others more than yourself. Individual expression of
direction . One has to embody a true inspiration for others.
Centering Circuit
• Focused on behavior
• Follow your own convictions
• Create competitiveness
• Empowers others to love themselves and follow their own path in life.
• They feel like they don't fit into society.
The circuit of centering is even more individual than knowing. Its presence in any design makes it
even more individual.
There are no centers of consciousness involved, no access to the throat, emotional or root. It
has the mechanical nature of a pure generator that is centered. But there are motors, there is a
lot of energy in centering: the sacral and the heart, centers that we both represent in red but
that cannot connect directly but through the Center of the Being. The ego cannot control life but
it can be one with love. The doors that reach G are not doors of direction, they are doors of love.
And through the love of yourself, your own being of gate 10, the bearing of the step and the
universal love of gate 25, the love of life, no matter what the conditions are.
It is a kind of vortex that attracts others powerfully. IT IS the power of being centered,
This is the circuit of the eternal, the timeless. The eternal is an internal reality, it has nothing to
do with the throat, with the outside world. Just like in defense, whether you feel protected or
not has nothing to do with what is happening outside, sometimes nothing is happening outside
and you feel very threatened. The same with being centered.
Being centered is having the absolute conviction that you are living for yourself, that your life is
yours, it is free, you don't owe it to anyone, and the only purpose it has is for you to do with it
what you want.
In this circuit is the inner strength to not want to be anything other than what you are, it is
about assuming what you are to discover where it takes you, what life has prepared for you. It's
the surprise
People who have defined these two channels of focusing are people who work with their hearts,
not with their heads, they go as if they had nothing to hide, they go as if we were all worthy of
being loved and respected and as if everyone owed them the respect that they feel for
• At channel 10/34 we have the ability to follow our own convictions, no matter how
unusual they are. Door 10 arrives, door of love of one's own being. This circuit always
brings with it the enhancement of individuality in those around you. You just have to
have your own convictions without imposing them on others.
❖ When you are centered there is an opportunity for initiation, channel 25/51, Initiation
will find you, it is a projected channel. The true shaman, gate 25, lacks any personal
power, something comes to him and passes through him, he does nothing.
The collective circuits represent those things that make us the same, that are common to all,
what makes us similar, what makes us members of the same species and the key is to SHARE.
We share our HUMANITY. We share our beliefs in the abstraction circuit, based on our culture,
our past experiences, our ability to reflect and find meaning in our experiences, and the logical
circuit of the opinions of the formulas of the patterns that lay the foundation from which
humanity projects its future.
Collective circuits are the furthest from knowledge, they have nothing to do with the individual,
but with the human species, with the collective. They are sharing channels. These two collective
circuits, although they are symmetrical in their structure, are different in their operation.
CIRCUIT OF UNDERSTANDING, also called LOGIC, is what we learn through the community, over
ABSTRACTION CIRCUIT It is the one that learns from one's own experiences.
Circuit of Understanding
They are fundamentally scientific. They desperately seek recognition to serve and give direction.
They often have an excellent sense of taste.
They are natural leaders of society since they look at the future from a non-emotional
They keep their heads in all circumstances.
The circuit of logic or circuit of understanding passes through the spleen. With this circuit we
understand life, nature, humanity. It is a very routine circuit, very disciplined. To understand this
circuit is to understand the patterns that are meticulously repeated, exact patterns, formulas,
not beliefs. It's a science circuit.
Two CENTERS OF CONSCIOUSNESS involved SPLEEN and AJNA. Emotion does not participate,
logic is cold, impersonal, you cannot be sentimental and objective at the same time.
Two MOTOR CENTERS intervene in the circuit of understanding or logic, the ROOT and the
SACRAL, therefore this means that there is much more energy available to know than in the
circuit of knowledge with three motor centers involved). The EGO CENTER does not intervene in
this circuit either since the information has no owner, it is the work that can be sold.
Two centers of pressure HEAD and ROOT, so these centers of pressure push us so that our
understanding expands, so that we learn. A mental pressure that leads to finding new formulas,
to asking new questions and another energetic pressure on the ROOT so that we can get it going,
to carry out the experiment. It is a circuit of experimentation with formulas. This means that
there is also a way to connect with understanding through the body, it is not an emotion, but it
is a sensation, the body understands life, it is not scared. This understanding through the body is
called TASTE.
The Circuit of Understanding, when passing through the Spleen, is reflected in sensations related
to the survival of the species. It is a knowledge of the body that tries to keep its species
integrated, that what is good for one is good for all. This pattern allows you to flow with
everyone, to stay united with others in the same flow. It is actually a current of PURIFICATION
with taste, with impulses.
Abstraction Circuit
CYCLIC operating mode. Change is cyclical, so is confusion, oppression, ideas,
peace…. After peace, the conflict begins again and then calm again. Life is
cyclical. Progress is cyclical, progress begins, the fat cows and decrease begins,
the low tide, the decline. Every gate in this circuit is cyclic.
The Abstraction Circuit reflects on its experiences in order to learn from them
Try to share your experiences, feelings, emotions and reflections. Nervousness is
inherent to them because they are governed by DESIRE. Desires are cyclical,
they are had, they are achieved and they disappear. The feelings are cyclical,
sadness appears and then is replaced by hope, joy...
Patience is necessary for these people
For these people the experience is what counts, more than the results. They are
here to learn from experience and become wiser as they age. Based on THE
PAST. They process their images from the past to share their experience in the
present in a useful way.
They do not need to understand their decisions until they are done with the
Your tour includes the EMOTIONAL center. Clarity comes after the experience in
the cycle, by reflecting on it. The emotional system does not have access to
clarity at any present moment, it only has clarity a posteriori, when the
hormonal biochemistry has passed, the anger has passed and you see things in a
fairer and more objective measure. At the moment of anger, expressing it at
that moment makes neither you nor others understand it. Clarity comes later.
They are not here to do just one thing, they are not specialists, they cover the
whole world. From their past experience they obtain a panoramic view of their
experience from which they draw consequences. His vision is not in the detail,
but in the global.
They get bored easily. It is the unbearable lightness of being. How ephemeral
passion is, how quickly feelings change. What made you incredibly curious
yesterday bores you today.
They have a deep need for freedom.
Sexuality moves them deeply.
They love traveling and the outdoors.
Subjected to the cycle of hope and pain, their suffering makes them deeply
It is a potential awareness because most emotional people cannot wait until
later. They rush in and commit. All the excitement of the nervous system
imposes on them. Emotional people are very excitable people.
In the Abstraction circuit it deals with the path of collective experience, of the EXPERIENCE of
the human being. Without this circuit the EVOLUTION of the human species would not have
been possible in the way it has been. Here we do not use the experimental and scientific path of
Logic, but rather lived experience. Through this circuit we discover the validity of our past
experiences. It is the circuit of history. History allows us to learn in life without having to start
from scratch.
This circuit is very fragile, it is not connected to any center of consciousness. Here everything is
transitory, there is no stability or security. The only reliable thing is change and change brings
Connect with three Pressure centers: a lot of available energy, a lot of pressure to experience,
desire, desire to live. In Abstraction DESIRE rules, always with expectations. From experience
they know that if they do such a thing, this will happen…. There is pressure to grow, to be older,
mature, you want to have the balance that you lack, feeling that life pushes and you can't stop.
There is no connection with the Spleen, responsible for health and well-being, a very toxic and
helpless circuit. There is no sense of measure, it has no limits, it likes excess.
It does not connect with the Center of the Ego, life cannot be controlled. You have to choose
between controlling or living life.
* The journey of the Abstraction Circuit beginning with the current of sensitivity begins at
gate 41 of Contraction located in the Root Center. Gate 41 contracts to reduce
energy expenditure, specifically so that feelings do not grow in all directions but
in the direction that promises the possibility of satisfying your fantasy. In this
door is the force of DESIRE. A very voracious appetite for feelings that are found
in door 30, the door of Feelings. Both form the 41/30 recognition channel and
immediately these desires become an emotional energy field. In a burning need
for something, to fulfill a fantasy. Life driven by desire.
❖ This emotion is expressed in the throat through the channel of the Jester of a
Thousand Paths 35/36 . In this channel you are there to have access to the
constant possibility of a crisis. Gate 36 is inexperience with life. Then look for the
experience. And crises provide it. It is through crisis that change occurs.
❖ Energy format , from the Root to the Sacral Center, maturation channel 42/53.
It is the force that drives you to finish the cycles, to finish what you have started,
to commit yourself. This format marks the frequency of the circuit so that its
behavior is cyclical. It requires the maturation of the cycle to be able to move on
to another experience. Between increase, gate 42, and development, gate 53,
MATURATION is completed.
❖ Tantric channel, 46/29 of DISCOVERY . Door 29 is the ability to say yes and door
46 is that of love for the body , being in the right place and time. It is the
channel of immersion. Every time an abstract person enters a new experience,
they are designed to lose themselves in that experience until it concludes. To live
an experience you have to immerse yourself in it thoroughly, without
expectations. Here resistances are put aside and the desired experience enters.
❖ This circuit is expressed in channel 33/13 of the PRODIGO , which also connects
to the throat. Door 33, in addition to evoking memories, is a very spiritual door
that leads to revelation. Here we have a witness to the development of life
without any expectations. Door 33 knows how to listen, it is the one to whom
they confess their secrets. The 13th reflects on its memories, and expresses
them in door 33.
Ego Circuit
This is the tribe circuit. The tribe revolves around family and community. The
tribe has its roots in our fertility to reproduce and in our need to offer custody to
our children.
Circuit dedicated to negotiation and agreements. Business revolves around
effort and the need for rest.
It is the material circuit, governed by the ego.
One in three humans have a DEFINED EGO. People with an undefined heart
center have low self-esteem, competitive behaviors, comparisons, trying to
show their value to others. Always trying to prove his worth. A defined Ego does
not need it.
It is willpower. It is necessary for the tribe to meet its needs and obtain
It operates under the mechanics of the manifestor: it produces the material
necessary for survival, going out to find a life and finding a paid occupation in
the world. Make money and distribute it.
This circuit is desperate to obtain social recognition in order to control the
process of what manifests.
Touch is essential. To touch or not to touch.
Everything is a contract: “This for that.”
They always try to find the balance between work and rest. Business requires
effort and therefore rest
Sense of smell. “When someone doesn't smell good to them, they can't interact
with pleasure.
They need to work and be valued for their work.
They enjoy working in a group.
They have the need to be well established in the material world.
Their biggest concern is having enough money, food, affection, warmth.
One of the functions of this circuit is to sharpen your ability to control life, tame
it, take it where you want it to go. Gardening, raising cattle, having children is all
about domesticating life.
One in three humans has a DEFINED EGO. A defined ego has the quality of being
your best representative. Nobody like you to sell you The Center of the Ego is
the structure of society, it is the system itself formed by all of us. We project
outward our interest, our ambition, our sensitivity towards the needs of others.
The Ego Circuit contains two centers of consciousness, the instinctive body of the Spleen and the
Emotional. It lacks mental connection, money has no ideology or opinion. Money is not
concerned with saving humanity, it is only concerned with expanding its checking account and
prospering. In this circuit the expression is through the ego center, not the mind.
The Ego circuit does not connect with the G center, it has no direction. Money doesn't want to
go anywhere. There is no love in money. The ego is designed to take care of itself and meet your
basic needs, to take care of your interest. The Ego has no identity. Fame and money do not
create a true identity.
There is also no sex in the Ego. In almost all societies, sex is usually taboo. It is because sex,
except its application for the reproduction of new workers, does not intervene in the Ego circuit.
In the Ego Circuit there are three motor centers: Heart, Solar Plexus and Root. Despite having so
much energy and pressure, there is only one door to the throat, we all have to check out and pay
the necessary price. In life everything has a price
The Root pressure center drives you to access resources, products, matter. Material is needed to
sustain the system, in the food chain some live at the expense of others. It is the tribute that
must be paid.
The EGO is a STONE, we are all the philosopher's stone, we are matter, talking carbon. Grit up
and move forward, something in you wants to continue living despite everything. There is a drive
that makes us want to live, even if we do not understand why we are here. The design believes
that spiritual paths that deny the ego are giving up a very important part of us that is responsible
for supplying us and surviving. It's not bad to have an ego but how you handle it. There is no
need to hide a defined ego, it is time to restore the dignity of the human ego.
The ego is fundamental for our health, for our immune system, it corresponds to the THYMOUS
GLAND, which is what designs the basic structures of self-defense at a biochemical level, at a
level of SMELL, of our SENSITIVITY. It has nothing to do with the head. It determines our
predisposition to heal from illness. There is a direct connection between the ego and the
immune system, the spleen. It is the ego that alarms us that we are tired, hungry or alone.
Of the five channels contained in the Ego circuit, four are PROJECTED CHANNELS and one is
MANIFESTED, with no generated channel existing. It is very difficult to be self-employed, to have
your own business, anyway you need others to do business. Everything is an invitation in the
market, you can't force people to come into your business, you can only treat them kindly so
they come back and give them good prices, interest.
The Ego Circuit as it passes through the Spleen is called the current of Sensitivity , it creates a
more primary, basic, material instinct. It is the same instinct that animals have, the PREDATOR
instinct driven by their survival needs, such as eating. Instinct is prior to any intuition. Intuition
can contemplate the reality of the world only when instinct is satiated.
❖ Then, in the Surrender channel on 26/44 , gate 44 is cold, gate 26 is hot. Cold-blooded
animals have 44 but not 26. In this channel hot meets cold. This channel has a lot of
violence. The 44th claims to be responsible for the survival of the tribe, it contains the
memory of that tribe's past. It is the door of manipulation, in it we control the willpower
of any ego. In 26 we have the archetype of the soldier, he can tell you exaggerated
stories, the carpet salesman, the marketing manager, the public salesman. It is the
channel that magnifies the tribe, fanatically, above the other tribes. Forophism,
partisanship. Terrorists, fanatics. In addition to being a fearsome force, it is also a
beautiful life force, a force to capture the attention of a tribe.
❖ Gate 49, istidine. Channel 19/49, Synthesis Channel . He has been a very powerful force
for the tribe. Gate 19 presses for the law of need, food, shelter, protection, social ties,
even a religion that integrates you into your tribe. If resources fail, the tribe rebels. Gate
19 is a gate that acts as a bridge between species, it is the gate of the sacrificer and the
sacrificed. It is the door to the emotional principles of the tribe, where we learn to
control the breeding of animals with which the tribe had to nourish itself. In the 19th we
share with animals the instinct to meet our most basic needs. In door 19 we also see the
force that drives us to mate to preserve the tribe. It is the door of dowries, where
money, resources, are associated with marriage.
The support forces on the emotional side of this circuit have LOYALTY as their motto. The tribe
cannot survive without the loyalty of its members. It is a loyalty that disappears if resources fail.
C OMMUNITY Channel 40/37. Gate 40 is the gate of the stomach and gate 37 is the gate of the
mouth. It refers to the needs of the community related to nutrition, clan resources. Door 37 is
the door of AFFECTION , it is the glue between the members of the tribe. It is the affection you
feel for your loved ones. Gate 40 is a tense gate, one of the two gates of denial: 40 and 26. Door
40 says I DON'T NEED YOU, because if you come to me, I must also work for you, to provide for
your needs. Door 37 offers 40 affection, tells 40 how wonderfully it does everything. Come let
me give you a hug. Door 40 says: No, enough, I've worked enough, I need a break. It is the door
of denial.
THE channel of the Ego Circuit that accesses the Throat, 45/21 THE LINE OF MONEY is the one
that the tribal rulers have embodied, blood heirs of a lineage that has ruled the human tribes. 21
is the door of control , the door with an unbreakable will. And 45 is the working door. It is a
complete channel, it is a good production team in which the businessman relies on the factory
director to make money.
Defense Circuit
In the group of tribal circuits, we have the DEFENSE CIRCUIT, also called THE SACRAL SMILE, the
power of attraction of the Sacral center. It is one of the two MINOR CIRCUITS, smaller but
atomic and powerful.
It ensures that the power of the fertile is reproduced so that the species continues. The selfish
gene that fights for its own survival. Defend the species and continue the process throughout
the centuries. Chaotic and blind, genes secure our future often at the expense of our own lives.
It is the power of bonding based on sexual roles and the range of our compassion that gives us
the power to guard.
On the splenic side: “Let's make money together.”
On the emotional side: “let's give each other support”
Agreements to work together in privacy for the good of the progeny.
Maintain and expand the genetic side.
It is a generated circuit, it generates intimacy and awareness of care.