ADHD Detection and Intervention in The Classroom
ADHD Detection and Intervention in The Classroom
ADHD Detection and Intervention in The Classroom
FROM LA RIOJA “ü ■ E ■ •%
December, 2020
Detection and intervention of ADHD in the classroom
1. Based on the description of Miguel's behavior, what subtype do you think he is? Justify your
answer in relation to the criteria we have seen in class.
Cognitive aspects
Ability Aim Development of the activity
1) Working Organize and The student is presented with an image of an urban
memory maintain useful landscape, instructed to observe the details for 30
information for the seconds, and then the image is removed. You are
development of then instructed to remember as much as possible.
specific tasks. of items with characteristics
specific, for example: blue elements or those whose
name begins with the letter A.
2) Strengthen the The student is told that the planning of a trip is
Planning organization of going to be simulated so, with guidance and support
steps and from the teacher, they must choose from one
structuring of the
Behavioral aspects
Technique Aim Development
1) Token economy Establish in the A list is created in the company of the
program classroom a series of student with those reinforcers that have the
desirable behaviors most weight for him. Next, 3 objectives are
that strengthen the established, for example: 1) pay attention to
performance and the teacher's instruction (you are asked to
completion of tasks. repeat what the teacher has said and the
appropriate response is rewarded), 2)
Follow the steps indicated by the teacher (It
is evaluated by direct observation) and 3)
finish the task on time. These objectives that
serve in turn