Christ The King Academy: Topic/Lesson Defining Social Science As The Study of The Society Content Standards
Christ The King Academy: Topic/Lesson Defining Social Science As The Study of The Society Content Standards
Christ The King Academy: Topic/Lesson Defining Social Science As The Study of The Society Content Standards
Core Subject : DISCIPLINES AND IDEAS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES (D.I.S.S.) Date: ___________________
Gr. /Sec : Grade 11 – Humanities and Social Sciences Academic Track
Performance The learners shall be able to connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations.
Learning a. Define Social Sciences as the study of the society.
Competencies b. Distinguish Social and Natural Sciences and Humanities.
Specific Learning At the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to:
Outcome 1. Understand the definition of Social Sciences.
2. Evaluate one’s behavior using the concepts of Social Science.
3. Do a role playing depicting concepts from Social Science.
Resources Arcinas. Myla M. The Padayon Series. Disciplines and Ideas in Applied Social Science. Phoenix
Publishing House. 2016.
Lesson Outline
INTRODUCTION Daily classroom routines and articulations of objectives. Classroom daily routines that will start with
an opening prayer, greetings, alignment of
chairs, and checking of attendance. The
teacher will articulate the learning goals
MOTIVATION There will be a picture analysis. The teacher will prepare pictures of
different natural phenomenon and let them
guess the underlying behaviors behind
these phenomenon. This will prepare them
to evaluate social phenomenon through a
scientific method.
INSTRUCTION / After having the attention of the learners, The teacher will The teacher will facilitate groupings and will
DELIVERY conduct a brainstorming activity. give them different pictures of social
phenomenon for them to evaluate using
scientific method.
PRACTICE The learners will evaluate their own characters and values The teacher will set the instructions and
as a person through a reflection paper. guidelines for the activity.
ENRICHMENT Role Playing Activity of a specific Social Phenomena. The teacher will jot down some few
comments and suggestions about the role
play as well as cite some aspects to be
appreciated. A criteria for grading will be
followed during the scoring.
NOTA BENE: ___________________________________________________ Prepared by: JOHN ISIDORE G. GEMENTIZA