Gps Kids Watch Configuration Manual
Gps Kids Watch Configuration Manual
Gps Kids Watch Configuration Manual
This guide will help you configure the kids GPS watch.
1. Before inserting a SIM card into the watch, you must go to a cell phone
operator point (Tigo, Avantel, Claro, etc.) to register your watch with a name
and CC, (we recommend a new SIM, exclusive for the watch).
Remember that the watch registration is done as a GPS Tracker, not as a cell
2. Confirm that the SIM card that the watch is going to use has data (internet)
and that it is working.
4. Then you will have to configure the IP address of the GPS for which you will
have to send a text message to the phone number of the SIM that you have put
in the watch. The message should say the following:
6. Wait about 5 minutes and turn off the watch for a couple of minutes.
7. Turn it on and verify that it shows an E symbol at the top and that its date is
updated, since it is already connected to the internet.
9. Once configured, you must take the watch outside or an open place for 5-8
minutes for the watch to connect to a satellite.
Note: If when adding a device a message appears saying that it has already
been registered, it is because someone has done so previously, so you must
first unlink the registration of that app to the one that was registered. If the
problem persists please contact us.
Steps to follow to activate the SIM and make it work on the Q50 GPS
What I did was first insert the SIM into a free mobile phone, make a call to activate it and the data
was activated automatically, then insert it, with the watch off, and that's it.
If that does not happen automatically, send an SMS from your normal mobile number to the new
number that the watch will have in which it says:
(where it says xxxxxxxxx you have to put the phone number that the watch will have
Personally, the configuration and setup part is the most complicated for me, because the first time
between the app, SIM and activation it seems confusing, but following the instructions and
contacting the store support if you have any problem it is all easy to do. do. That is precisely the
good thing about having bought the product in a Spanish store is that you have an email or
telephone number to consult in case of problems in the activation or operation of the Q50 GPS
1. How to set and reset password on watches.
When we buy a phone or a computer, we all think about how to
protect ourselves, so we set a graphic password, a PIN code or use
any other available protection method. The GPS watch also has its
own protection mechanism to exclude the possibility of a
Unknown person connects to your child's watch. To set a
password, you must send the SMS command
where PASSWORD is the new six-digit password. If you forget
the new password, you can reset it. To do this, send this SMS-
command pw,123456# to the phone number on the watch.
If the parent has an Android, they can change the password on the
watch directly in the "Find My Kids" app.
Open the child's profile with the watch, then "Watch settings" -
"Change watch password."
Well, following that point, we set about the task of looking for good,
beautiful and cheap alternatives that would help us cover these needs,
and above all, without having to give them a smartphone because of what
we saw in smart watches with GPS as a alternative (it also helps us
eliminate the risk of damage and theft to a greater percentage). After
several searches on the internet and cell phone companies, we found the
Q50 GPS Smart Watch .
For those of us who live in Brazil, the cost of buying it here is
approximately R$178 + shipping, or if you get it on the famous shopping
site for approximately USD$20 + shipping, where you will receive a box
similar to this one, which guarantees that the content is protected
(watch, USB data cable, small screwdriver, user manual that says little
and nothing).
Below I am going to mention the points that must be taken into account
for the correct functioning of the watch.
This is the official watch application to connect the watch to your cell
phone, and it must be downloaded from Google Play or iTunes.
Personally, version 1 worked for me and not version 2.
2. Micro Sim Card without Pin, with Data Plan to have calls, SMS and
caller ID
It is very important that this card is not blocked or requires a pin code to
use it.
pw,123456,main,yourphonenumber# or
Since it is case sensitive, you have to make sure the first letter p is
lowercase, and separated with a comma (,) after each function, and end
it with hastag (#).
Change password
For security and to prevent other people from accessing our children's
watch, they only have to send the following command from the main cell
phone, taking into account that the maximum size is 6 digits.
What is marked in bold are the fixed commands, while the others are the
values that you must get from your internet provider. For the case of
Brazil where we use VIVO, the following details are used:
Since it is case sensitive, you have to make sure the first letter p is
lowercase, and separated with a comma (,) after each function, and end
it with hastag (#).
As soon as you receive the confirmation SMS from your watch, turn it off
and turn it on again, at that moment you should see the active E on your
1 . Enter your "License ID" located on the back of the watch, manually or
by using the barcode reader to scan the QR Code.
2. Enter your email.
3. Enter the nickname or Nickname of the watch.
4. Your phone number (not the watch)
5. Enter a password and confirm it.
6. Select the region where they are located and click the OK button.
The ID does not exist or the ID has been registered. Normally it happens
because the supplier who sold you this cell phone has registered the ID
to test it or because they have sold a used (?) or remanufactured watch.
So instead of registering it, try first entering the application with the
following information:
If you still do not have access, all you have to do is contact the seller of
your watch and ask for help changing the password to access the
Problem #2
This is the classic and most common error reported by users of this
Error message “Device Not Connected To The Internet” even if you have
a data connection, so you need to update your IP_Url.
1. Check the status of your watch by sending the following SMS from your
cell phone pw,123456,ts# or pw,523681,ts# to the watch. Note: If you
changed the password, that is the digit you should include in that
You will receive the following message
upload:600S; (Current update mode)
GPS:NO(0); (GPS Signal 0-100)
GPRS:NO(50); (GPRS Signal 0-100)
pw,123456,ip,,8001# or
If everything goes well, you will now be able to configure the watch
through the application. Follow the process that you must continue
entering through the setting / adjustments option.
SOS number
Here they are going to place 3 numbers. the reason? because when the
child presses the SOS button he will call each of those numbers in their
respective order until one answers. If no one answers, pressing the
button again will start the calling process again.
Monitoring / Voice
This is the "spy" mode of the watch, that is, you will be able to hear
what is happening around your child, but without him/her knowing, since
it will be in "silence/Mute" mode on our side.
Contacts / Telephone
Here they will include the list of numbers that can call the watch. For
this version of the application you can include up to 10 numbers.
Tip: If for some reason this remote command does not work and you need
to turn off the watch manually, press the SOS button 5 times, the L1
button once and the L2 button once.
Account settings
To enter you have to enter through the "My / Me" button at the bottom of
the application.
I hope it has been useful to you and if you have any questions or
comments, please let me know and I will be happy to help you whenever I
As a user of the GPS kids watch based
on the MTK 6261 processor (whether it
is called Q50 or W5), I have found that
many users on the Internet have had
problems setting it up.
The application to manage the watch depends on its identification number
(Device ID). I have had to use SeTracker and 安全守护- Ãnquán Shǒuhù -
Security Guard - Guardia de Seguridad . I've seen that there is also the Guan
Aixing app, but I haven't used it yet (I don't have a watch that uses that app).
The application that allows you to register the watch is the one that
corresponds to it.
To verify which server the watch is connecting to, you can send it an SMS
command with the text pw,123456,ts# (assuming the watch has the default
password of 123456). The watch also answers with an SMS. To tell it to
connect to a specific server, you must send the SMS with the text
pw,123456,ip,<server_ip>,<port># . For example, to indicate to connect to
SeTracker in North America, the text pw,123456,ip,,8001# would
be sent.
Commands via SMS
The watch will respond to messages from the numbers it has registered as
primary or slave. Here are some useful commands to use with the watch:
Command Description
Syntax: Sets the main phone number that the
pw,<password>,center,<principal_number># watch will manage. It is the phone
Example: number that will receive notifications
pw,123456,center,5512345678# via SMS, such as low battery level, the
watch was removed, or an SOS was
Syntax: Sets the secondary phone number that
pw,<password>,slave,<secondary_number># the watch will manage. This phone
Example: number will not receive notifications.
Syntax: Assign a new password for the watch.
Syntax: Ask the watch to report its location.
Syntax: Requests the watch to return its current
ts# status and basic settings.
Syntax: Sets the first phone number that will be
sos1,<call_number_1># called if the SOS button is pressed. It
Example: will also be in quick access number
sos1.5512345678# "1".
Syntax: Sets the second phone number that will
sos2,<call_number_2># be called if the SOS button is pressed.
Example: It will also be in quick access number
sos1.5523456789# "2".
Syntax: Sets the third phone number that will
sos3,<call_number_3># be called if the SOS button is pressed.
Syntax: Ask the watch to call the indicated
monitor,<phone_number># phone number in monitor mode. The
Example: watch's speaker will not be activated,
sos1.5512345678# so whoever receives the call will be
able to hear the environment where
they are, without the child or anyone
around them noticing the call.
Syntax: Set the language and time zone of the
lz,<language>,<time_zone># watch.
Example: Language 0 is English, and language 1
lz,0,-6# is Chinese.
The time zone is with respect to
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For
example, "-6" for Mexico City, during
winter time.
Proximity Sensor
Using the MIT App Inventor I designed an APP for Android, which takes
advantage of the watch's Bluetooth capability to check its proximity, and
notify when the connection is lost. That is, give a warning when the child with
the watch moves away from the person using the application.