Scirobotics Ade9548
Scirobotics Ade9548
Scirobotics Ade9548
The interest in exploring planetary bodies for scientific investigation and in situ resource utilization is ever-
rising. Yet, many sites of interest are inaccessible to state-of-the-art planetary exploration robots because of
the robots’ inability to traverse steep slopes, unstructured terrain, and loose soil. In addition, current single-
robot approaches only allow a limited exploration speed and a single set of skills. Here, we present a team of
legged robots with complementary skills for exploration missions in challenging planetary analog environ-
ments. We equipped the robots with an efficient locomotion controller, a mapping pipeline for online and post-
mission visualization, instance segmentation to highlight scientific targets, and scientific instruments for
remote and in situ investigation. Furthermore, we integrated a robotic arm on one of the robots to enable
high-precision measurements. Legged robots can swiftly navigate representative terrains, such as granular
slopes beyond 25°, loose soil, and unstructured terrain, highlighting their advantages compared with
wheeled rover systems. We successfully verified the approach in analog deployments at the Beyond Gravity
ExoMars rover test bed, in a quarry in Switzerland, and at the Space Resources Challenge in Luxembourg.
approaches. In addition, the increased redundancy allows mission on the usage of dynamically walking legged robots on steep, plan-
completion even if multiple robots fail. To control the robotic team, etary soil analogs (30) and low-gravity environments (31–33), show-
the operators send high-level navigation, remote measurement, and casing the potential of the technology. However, for these robots to
in situ measurement tasks to the robots. The robots execute these be useful in real-world scenarios, they need to be advanced beyond
tasks autonomously using their state-of-the-art mobility and navi- locomotion tasks. They have to interact with their environment in
gation systems, as well as a complementary and redundant set of realistic analog missions, for example, by deploying scientific in-
payloads. The level of autonomy allows continued scientific data struments or taking samples. We advanced in this direction at the
collection, even if communication becomes unreliable or a complete first field trial of the SRC, where we deployed a legged robot with
LoS occurs. Simultaneously, the scientists in the operations team base-mounted instruments (34).
can select and prioritize scientific targets during the mission. Heterogeneous robotic teams have been used as a viable solution
Until now, most planetary exploration robots relied on wheeled in terrestrial real-world missions. All top-ranking teams in the
locomotion. Their locomotion system did not fundamentally Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Subterra-
change since the first rover, Lunokhod 1, touched down on the nean Challenge 2021 used heterogeneous robotic teams with
surface of the Moon in 1970 (11). Other prominent examples are diverse skills (35–37). To succeed in the challenge, the teams devel-
the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV), Lunokhod 2, and Yutu 2 (11– oped robust solutions for locomotion, localization, multirobot
14) and martian rovers such as Sojourner (15), Spirit, Opportunity mapping, local planning, and exploration planning. In this work,
(16), Curiosity (17), and Perseverance (18). Although these systems we built upon these advances—specifically on the systems of our
can build on well-tested heritage technology and provide robustness team CERBERUS (35)—and addressed the unique challenges pre-
in relatively flat terrain, wheeled rovers reach their limitations on sented by analog space missions, including instrument deployment,
steep slopes, on loose granular terrain, and in unstructured environ- efficient and robust locomotion with robotic arms, redundancy to
ments. On Mars, the Spirit rover was lost in anomalously loose soil component or system failures, and validation in realistic missions
waypoints and tested capabilities such as sampling in isolated tests Analyzer XTR DS (MIRA) with a zoom lens to acquire Raman
instead of the full mission deployment. More recently, NASA Jet spectra of targets of interest. The Scientist performs an in-depth sci-
Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) built on their NEBULA solution to entific analysis of previously identified targets. It features a custom
explore analog martian caves with multiple Spot robots in the 6–degree of freedom (DoF) robotic arm with a MIRA on the
NASA BRAILLE project (41). One of the robots was equipped forearm and a custom microscopic imager (MICRO) on the wrist.
with a robotic arm to take close-up images and swab samples. Figure 1B shows a system overview. Two operators on two
However, the details of this work are not yet published. Last, the mission control stations sent high-level navigation, remote mea-
first heterogeneous robotic team for planetary exploration is cur- surement, and in situ measurement goals to the robots. The “Scien-
rently operating on Mars: The Ingenuity helicopter supports the tific payload integration and deployment” section describes
Mars 2020 mission by scouting potential targets for the Persever- scientific tasks that the robot can conduct remotely using the
ance rover and inspecting targets the rover cannot access (42). CTX-FW and CTX-TH payloads and close-up investigations,
This actual Mars mission is a remarkable example of a heteroge- namely, MIRA and MICRO measurements. All data packets
neous robotic team for planetary exploration. between mission control and the robots were delayed with an
We present our teamed exploration approach with dynamically RTT of 5.0 s to simulate lunar operation. Navigation goals were
walking robots for planetary environments (Movie 1). We designed handled by the same module on each robot. Three-dimensional
a team of legged robots with a diverse set of scientific investigation (3D) remote measurement goals were only used by the CTX
skills and redundancy measures and validated our system in three imagers on the Scout and the Hybrid. The 6D in situ measurement
challenging analog environments: the ExoMars locomotion test fa- targets were processed by the Hybrid and the Scientist. The robots
cility, a quarry site, and the competition site of the SRC. We report sent feedback about their state, navigation images, a sparse map rep-
our results and lessons learned from these deployments and identify resentation, and scientific data of targets of interest to the mission
opportunities for future developments. control stations.
Fig. 1. System architecture of our team of legged robots. (A) Robotic and scientific payloads on the Scout, Scientist, and Hybrid. Robotic payloads and scientific
payloads are labeled in orange and white, respectively. (B) High-level overview of the software architecture of our system. With a balanced combination of shared
and specialized modules per robot, we designed a safe yet efficient multirobot system.
lunar habitat prototype. The mission control room was separated Locomotion validation test bed, Beyond Gravity
from the competition area with a 5.0-s RTT to communicate to We used the planetary soil test bed at Beyond Gravity (fig. S2) to
all systems in the competition area. We summarize the most impor- validate the Scout’s locomotion controller (25) on steep, granular
tant objectives and rules of the SRC in table S2. soil analogs. The test bed was initially designed to test the locomo-
tion subsystem of the ExoMars rover Rosalind Franklin. It features a
Quarry site, Switzerland 6 m–by–6 m tiltable container that can be filled with various analog
The quarry site was an active gravel quarry operated by KIBAG, sit- soil simulants. We used ESA’s ES-4 martian soil simulant (44) and a
uated in Neuheim, Switzerland. The quarry consists of poorly row of Jurassic limestone plates as martian bedrock analogs for our
sorted fine and coarse sediments, including meter-sized boulders, tests. The test bed is tiltable up to 25° at a 0.1° resolution.
leading to locomotion challenges such as sinkage and slippage, es-
pecially on steep inclines. The site includes a headwall with a Analog mission results
maximum slope of about 20°. We simulated realistic lighting con- This section provides an overview of our analog deployments: the
ditions in a lunar south pole scenario. To this end, we conducted the end-to-end deployments at the SRC and in the quarry as well as the
test at night to minimize the influence of naturally occurring light locomotion validation tests.
and illuminated the test site with a 180-W light-emitting diode
(LED) lamp (Aputure LS 120D II) at a high illumination angle of SRC mission overview
roughly 87°. As shown in Fig. 4A, the illumination led to character- During the SRC, the challenge’s core objectives provided by the or-
istic long, high-contrast shadows as expected in the vicinity of the ganizers were mapping the competition area, locating boulders and
lunar south pole. Furthermore, all communication between mission REAs, and characterizing them. On that basis, we derived goals for
control and the robots passed through a delay simulator, which the robotic system: These comprised mapping the entire competi-
created an RTT of 5.0 s. tion area, locating REA candidates and all boulders, and providing
We selected distinct boulders on the site to simulate scientific scientific data of the boulders and potential REAs to enable trained
targets of interest. Furthermore, we spread patches of basalt, ilmen- geologists to characterize them.
ite, rutile, and titanium dioxide in different mass fractions on the Figure 3F shows the mission overview of the SRC deployment.
terrain to create realistic REAs for a lunar prospecting mission. We first deployed the Scout to map the area and used the navigation
cameras and CTX-FW to help the operations team prioritize the
targets of interest. After the first LoS, we decided that we had
enough targets of interest to deploy the Scientist. The Scientist’s
Fig. 3. Performance of our team of legged robots during the SRC. (A) Overview of the competition area. (B) Postprocessed high-resolution map of the exploration area
and the associated path of the Scout. The region in the blue dotted box corresponds to (C). (C) Online mesh map of the Scout for target identification. (D) Postprocessed
high-resolution height map and scientific acquisition paths of the Hybrid and the Scientist. (a and b) Thermal images acquired during the SRC. (c) Example of the rock
instance segmentation of a Navcam image. (d) Example of the rock instance segmentation of a CTX image. (E) Example of a panorama image with rock instance seg-
mentation acquired during the SRC. (F) Mission summary of the SRC.
Fig. 4. Performance of our team of legged robots during the analog mission on the Neuheim quarry site. (A) Experimental test yard with a variety of scientific
targets. (B) Postprocessed and shaded high-resolution map of the Neuheim quarry site with the path of the Scout. (C) Rock segmentation results under low-illumination
conditions. (D) Postprocessed high-resolution elevation map of the Neuheim quarry test site. (E) Mission summary of the end-to-end analog deployments at the quarry.
The Scout, the Hybrid, and the Scientist were all deployed sequentially with an overlap of the Hybrid and the Scientist. The whole mission duration was 68 min.
task was mainly to focus on potential REAs. After 76 min, we de- localization and mapping systems on a relevant scale. We accord-
ployed the Hybrid to support the boulder characterization with the ingly defined the following mission goals for the deployment at
thermal imager and the MIRA. the quarry: exploring and mapping an area of at least 1000 m2
We mapped 95% of the competition area, located seven of eight and identifying at least five targets of interest, such as boulders or
boulders, and identified 18 potential REAs. We prioritized five terrain patches. To test our instruments, we set the goal to acquire
boulders for closer investigation, taking CTX-FW images of all of measurements of at least five targets with each instrument (CTX,
them and MIRA measurements of three boulders. In addition, we filter wheel, thermal imager, MIRA, and MICRO).
investigated 6 of the 18 potential REAs with MICRO and MIRA, Figure 4E shows the mission overview of the quarry deployment.
taking several measurements per target when the data quality was We did not use the CTX-FW on the Scout and limited the use of the
insufficient. MIRA on the Scientist because the hardware malfunctioned. Thus,
The SRC deployment illustrates several advantages of the teamed according to our redundancy concept, we deployed the Hybrid early
exploration approach. Three robots operated simultaneously for 20 to take over the CTX tasks of the Scout and the MIRA tasks of the
min because of the two mission control stations that could be used Scientist. The Scientist deployed once the operations team had iden-
interchangeably to interact with all robots. During this time, the tified and prioritized enough targets of interest to maximize the
Scout was completing the map in yet unexplored areas, and the payload utilization on the Scientist.
Hybrid and the Scientist were collecting scientific data to character- In a total mission time of 68 min, we mapped an area of 1375 m2
ize the targets of interest. Our autonomy features and intuitive and identified 12 targets of interest (10 boulders and 2 area patches).
graphical user inteface (GUI) further supported deploying three We collected 16 CTX and thermal images of seven rocks, MIRA
robots with two operator stations. In addition, because the environ- spectra of six rocks, and MICRO images of three rocks and two
ment was already known after the Scout deployment, the Scientist area patches (two MICRO datasets of the same area patch). Using
could deploy MICRO and MIRA every 3 to 5 min, which would be our two control stations, we could efficiently control the Hybrid and
Fig. 5. Locomotion capability of our customized ANYmal over different challenging planetary analog terrains. (A) ANYmal climbs a steep sandy slope at around
20° on the Neuheim quarry site. (B) ANYmal escapes from the analog lunar impact crater rim during the SRC. (C) ANYmal escapes from deep foot sinkage in the loco-
motion validation test bed. (D) ANYmal walks over a high bedrock step.
The quarry deployment showed the importance of the redun- science outputs. In addition, adapting our system to allow sample
dancy concept. We could still fulfill six of seven mission goals return to a lander with more capable scientific instruments would
despite two malfunctioning payloads. Although we did not experi- be a valuable expansion to increase the mission’s scientific output.
ence a robot failure in the deployments, our redundancy concept One lesson from our field deployments is that an RTT of 5 s in
would allow us to still accomplish most mission goals. the communication between mission control and the robot notably
Our payload selection features a balanced mix of remote and in affected operations. Standard, reliable protocols such as the Trans-
situ science, but it was subject to budget and time constraints. Other mission Control Protocol (TCP) are not suitable in this setting.
instruments, for example, x-ray fluorescence spectrometers (XRF), When using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), we had to
as used by other teams at the SRC, performed better at identifying reduce the data size of products, such as point clouds and images,
REAs. Further expanding our scientific instrument suite, for to decrease the probability of a single packet loss occurring within
example, with an XRF or laser-induced breakdown spectrometer the transfer of a data product. Furthermore, every operator interac-
(LIBS), would increase the quality and diversity of the mission’s tion cost valuable mission time. We tackled this issue by providing
Fig. 7. In situ measurement task workflow. (A) The operator selects the desired target in the depth camera interface to define the instrument pose. The pose can be
adjusted using a 6-DoF interactive marker. The robot receives the 6-DoF goal and uses it to deploy the scientific instruments at the desired location. (B) Boulder mea-
surement using the MIRA Raman spectrometer and associated data products. (C) Boulder measurement using MICRO and associated data products. (D) Ground patch
measurement using MICRO and associated data products.
Fig. 8. Examples of scientific data products at the SRC. (A) Multispectral visual data acquired by the CTX-FW of boulder #5. The images show a vesicular basaltic
boulder. (B) MICRO and Raman data products of a REA candidate. The images and spectra show the basaltic soil of the competition area. The relative reflectance has
an arbitrary scale.
lightweight, expressive data to the operators, such as the mesh map, A key finding in our deployments was the importance of the
and using task-level autonomy. Hence, every task execution only human aspect: The robots could execute single tasks autonomously,
required one operator interaction. However, a more in-depth anal- but the human operators still had to prioritize and allocate tasks.
ysis of suitable protocols and compression technologies could This decision-making can be time-consuming and difficult, espe-
further alleviate this problem. cially because the operators must balance the time required for
the decision-making process with the mission time. An algorithmic
approach to decision-making and task allocation could improve the wide-angle cameras (front and rear) to provide RGB image
mission return. The algorithm could either aid the operations team streams. We customized all robots with two high-power, air-
or, ideally, be implemented in an autonomy module on the robots cooled LEDs at the front and rear to illuminate dark environments.
to allow longer-term or even full-mission autonomy. However, Because the Scout is the desired mapping robot, we exchanged the
besides semantic scene understanding, this requires automatic in- four RealSense D435 with two Robosense RS-Bpearl LiDARs (front
terpretation of scientific data products such as images and and rear) for more accurate elevation mapping (“Elevation
spectra, which is an open challenge. Furthermore, more robot-to- mapping” section) and dense point cloud mapping (“Dense point
robot communication is needed to build collaborative maps, allo- cloud mapping” section). In addition, we added Sevensense’s Al-
cate tasks without mission control in the loop, and allow for more phasense Core visual-inertial sensor as a high-performance naviga-
involved interaction and collaboration between multiple robots. tion camera array on the Scout. It features three monochrome and
A higher level of autonomy will additionally improve the four color cameras (front, left, right, and top). Each camera has 0.4
system’s scalability to applications with even more challenging com- MP and a field of view of 126° by 92.4° (horizontal by vertical). In
munication, such as Mars exploration. Moreover, it will allow addition, four high-power, air-cooled LEDs are encapsulated in the
scaling of the approach to a higher number of robots without in- same housing. The Alphasense Core allows the operator to quickly
creasing the workload on the operations team. Required modules gain a first overview in an unknown environment and enables RGB-
to increase the level of autonomy are a safe, multi-goal planner to colored mapping (“Dense point cloud mapping” section).
visit identified targets, automatic target identification and prioriti-
zation as stated above, and automatic task allocation to the robots Science payloads
based on the robot-specific skillset. The Scout carries an ANYbotics inspection payload comprising a
In this work, we used legged robots with different scientific in- 10× optical zoom camera and a spotlight on a pan-tilt unit. We aug-
vestigation skills but almost identical locomotion skills. In future mented the zoom camera with a spectral filter wheel. The filter
combination with the linear actuator and an autofocus routine, to representation. To this end, we maintained an octree-based map
acquire sharp images of the samples, independent of the precise with a voxel size of 30 mm on the robots.
placement of the instrument. Using MICRO’s multispectral First, we merged and filtered the point clouds of all LiDAR
images, trained geologists can perform petrographic assessments sensors on the robot. After registering the point cloud into the
that are more detailed than the analyses based on CTX-FW. dense map using the pose estimate of the SLAM system, we
clipped the map at a 2-m height to remove unnecessary data. Fur-
Legged locomotion in planetary environments thermore, we applied an outlier filter by removing points that did
We used a reinforcement learning (RL) approach to design our lo- not have at least five neighbors within a 200-mm radius. Last, we
comotion policy because RL approaches have shown robust perfor- applied a multirobot crop filter to reject points that lie on the
mance in challenging environments (24, 25, 48). We based our work other robots. The mapping pipeline additionally maintained a col-
on the perceptive locomotion pipeline originally published in (25), orized map by projecting the RGB information from the navigation
which has already been successfully used in other field deployments cameras onto a copy of the point cloud.
such as the DARPA Subterranean Challenge (49). In this pipeline, After the mission, we fetched the high-resolution point cloud
the control policy was trained in two stages: First, we trained a map from the robot, simulating long-term data transmission.
teacher policy with all ground truth information. Then, we First, a GPU-based preprocessor calculated the surface normals at
trained a student policy to output the same action as the teacher each point using the nearest 40 points. Subsequently, we used a stat-
from noisy and limited information. istical noise filter and a radius filter to filter the map. The statistical
We used the existing controller from (25) on the Scout. On the noise filter considered the nearest 10 points and filtered out-of-dis-
Hybrid and the Scientist, however, the scientific payloads and the tribution points (SD > 2σ). After the preprocessing, we reconstruct-
robotic arm can lead to big disturbances for the controller, resulting ed a triangle mesh with a tree depth of 12 using the Poisson surface
in reduced robustness and inefficient motion. Therefore, we devel- reconstruction method (52) included in the open3D library (53) to
cloud data into the elevation map in parallel based on the robot’s the ToF distance measurement as feedback. The two-stage approach
odometry. allowed MICRO to accurately make contact with the target surface,
even if the original 6D in situ measurement target was not precisely
Instance segmentation on the surface. We provide information on the arm controller in
We applied a boulder instance segmentation network to autono- Supplementary Methods.
mously identify each boulder instance in the RGB images to contex-
tualize the scientific data. We built our approach on Mask R-CNN Autonomy
(57). The network predicts each boulder instance’s bounding box, We used behavior trees (BTs) (58) to handle the autonomous task
outline, and confidence. We fine-tuned the original model on a execution on the robots. The modularity of BTs allowed us to reuse
custom-built dataset containing hundreds of images collected in modules across the different robots. The BT on the robot processed
the first field trial of the SRC with instance labels. In this custom- all operator interactions and started, monitored, and stopped the
built dataset, ANYmal acquired the images in a dark analog lunar requested task. In this way, the operator set high-level objectives
terrain, similar to the setting in the final challenge. We deployed our while retaining the ability to stop or change the task easily. We
rock instance segmentation network on the mission control PC to show more details of our BTs in Supplementary Methods.
segment navigation and CTX images. Figure S7 shows several pre-
diction results, indicating the network’s robust performance under Autonomous local navigation
variable light conditions and different input cameras. The operators guided the robots via high-level navigation goals. We
specifically avoided a fully autonomous approach because we pre-
Scientific payload integration and deployment ferred that the operations team select and prioritize scientific
The operator could send 3D remote measurement targets to request targets during the mission in unknown environments.
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