10 Ways To Combat Anxiety
10 Ways To Combat Anxiety
10 Ways To Combat Anxiety
anxious feelings
when you coped successfully with a
challenging situation. Picture what
happened, where you were and what
you did to prove you can overcome
difficulties and face issues head-on.
Acting as if you’re not worried by
something is a great way to lessen
your fear. If you behave confidently,
other people will pick up on it
and respond positively, too. Body
language is a great way to ‘fake’
confidence, so try these ideas:
When facing a challenge, visualise Making simple tweaks to your
how it could turn out positively. For language – in your head and what
example, if you’re feeling anxious you say to others – can make a
about driving to a new place, imagine big difference to how you feel.
yourself arriving there safely and calmly. Try replacing ‘but’ with ‘and’. For
Seeing yourself coping makes your example, “I went to the shop but
brain believe it’s possible. Your positive forgot the milk,” is very final, while,
thoughts need to feel believable, “I went to the shop and I forgot
however, or your mind won’t accept the milk. I’ll buy some after lunch,”
them as real possibilities. is much more positive. Avoid
extremes like ‘always’ and ‘never’.
You’ll need a range of strategies
‘Flow’ is when the mind is so
to keep anxiety at bay. It’s important
engaged that there’s no room for
to build a support network, talk
worry or anxiety. Find something
about your worries if you can and Worrying about a party invite or
that will help you completely switch
surround yourself with positive getting a task finished at school
off to take you into this state. It
people who’ll make you feel good can mean your mind going over
could be a gripping book, a puzzle
about yourself. And keep a handy the same problems. If you’ve got
or exercise – anything that will
plan written down on paper, or on a plan, you have a more positive
make it hard for your thoughts to
your phone. This could include: focus and that will help you get
wander off into anxiety territory.
out of the cycle of anxiety. Try
following these steps:
A reminder to accept your
• Identify the problem and
NOTE IT DOWN A reminder to breathe the worst-case scenario
Write down your more positive • •
thoughts, especially when you first Photos of things and places Identify the best-case
start trying to cut down on negative that help you feel calm scenario
ones. Try an app called Thought • •
Names and contact details Look for options and
Diary Pro (iOS) to quickly note down
of supportive friends and solutions, and choose one
a situation, your reactions and
thoughts, and how you might change
• •
these in the future. Alternatively, just Break your solution down
A list of activities that help into manageable steps
grab a notepad. you use up anxious energy •
Review the outcome