個人資料蒐集、處理及利用同意書 Form of Consent for Personal Data
個人資料蒐集、處理及利用同意書 Form of Consent for Personal Data
個人資料蒐集、處理及利用同意書 Form of Consent for Personal Data
1985/09/28 365002848
聲明事項 星宇航空股份有限公司(下稱「星宇航空」)為蒐集、處理、利用您的個人資料,依個人資料保護法書面告知以下事項,在
Statement 您簽署此同意書時,即表示已仔細閱讀、完全瞭解並同意接受本同意書之內容。
To collect, process, and use your personal data, STARLUX Airlines Co., Ltd. (“STARLUX”) issues its statement of the following to
inform and acquire your consent according to the Personal Data Protection Act. Your signature below indicates that you have
completely read, fully understood and accepted the contents set forth in this form of consent.
1. 星宇航空基於履行雙方契約內容(包括但不限於購票、訂位及其他個人化服務等)可能會蒐集、處理及利用您的個人
STARLUX may collect, process and use your personal data to fulfill the contractual content of both parties (including but
not limited to booking tickets, seat reservation and to provide personalized services). The personal data are as follows :
personal Information, contact information, payment information, travel information, membership information, health
information, business information, technical information, your interest, preferences and opinions, and interaction
between you and STARLUX.
2. 星宇航空不主動蒐集、處理及利用健康、宗教或其他特殊或敏感之個人資料。但若您同意提供前述特殊或敏感個資,
STARLUX does not proactively collect or deal with any health, religion or any special or sensitive personal data. However, if
you agree to provide any special/sensitive personal data as aforesaid in order to procure our personalized services (such as
assistive devices or special meals), STARLUX will collect, process and use such special/sensitive personal data provided
by you in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations.
3. 星宇航空將於特定目的存續期間或依相關法令所定或因執行業務所必須之保存期間保留您的個資(以期間最長者為
準),並得將您的個資提供予國內外之主管機關或其他業務相關之第三方。 .
STARLUX will retain your personal data within time period of specific purpose, the data retention period required by laws,
or the retention period in accordance with its business needs (the longer period to be applied), also, the personal data may
be shared to any jurisdictions where the governance authorities or the institution in relation to relevant business are located.
4. 您得自由選擇是否提供個人資料予星宇航空,若您拒絕/未提供之相關資料為星宇航空提供服務所必須,則星宇航空可
You may decide whether or not to provide STARLUX with the related personal data; however, STARLUX may not be able
to provide the service or transaction as required if STARLUX is not receiving the required personal data. You may lose certain
right of or benefit if you provide incorrect, unture, outdated or incomplete information.
5. 如立書人為旅客之法定代理人,請檢附旅客與其法定代理人之身分證明文件。
If this agreement is signed by the guardian of the passenger, the passenger and the guardian’s related identification
document must be provided.
6. 本同意書未盡事宜,僅依星宇航空之隱私保護政策辦理,詳情請參考星宇航空官方網站。若您欲行使個資相關法律所
⚫ 地址:臺北市內湖區南京東路六段 382 號 15 樓
⚫ 電話:+886 2 27911199
This form of consent shall be in line with STARLUX’ Privacy Policy, please visit STARLUX Website for further information. If
you want to exercise any right in accordance with any applicable data protection law, please contact STARLUX in
writing, by telephone with following contact information:
⚫ Address: 15th Floor, No. 382, Section 6,Nanjing East Road, Neihu District,Taipei City 11470, Taiwan
⚫ Tel: +886-2-27911199
旅客簽名 法定代理人簽名 日期
Signature of Passenger Signature of Guardian Date
FORM PPP-0010-00