The Radiata and The Evolutionary Origins of The Bi
The Radiata and The Evolutionary Origins of The Bi
The Radiata and The Evolutionary Origins of The Bi
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 24 (2002) 358–365
The Radiata and the evolutionary origins of the bilaterian body plan
Mark Q. Martindale,a,* John R. Finnerty,b and Jonathan Q. Henryc
Kewalo Marine Lab, University of Hawaii, 41 Ahui St., Honolulu, HI 96813, USA
Department of Biology, Boston University, 5 Cummington Street, Boston, MA 02215, USA
Department of Cell and Structural Biology, University of Illinois, 601 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, USA
Received 26 November 2001
The apparent conservation of cellular and molecular developmental mechanisms observed in a handful of bilaterian metazoans
has spawned a ‘‘race’’ to reconstruct the bilaterian ancestor. Knowledge of this ancestor would permit us to reconstruct the evo-
lutionary changes that have occurred along specific bilaterian lineages. However, comparisons among extant bilaterians provide an
unnecessarily limited view of the ancestral bilaterian. Since the original bilaterians are believed by many to be derived from a radially
symmetrical ancestor, additional evidence might be obtained by examining present-day radially symmetrical animals. We briefly
review pertinent features of the body plans of the extant radial eumetazoan phyla, the Cnidaria, and Ctenophora, in the context of
revealing potential evolutionary links to the bilaterians. Ó 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
1055-7903/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
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Fig. 1. Phylogenetic relationships of the major metazoan superphyla (A) and of the phylum Cnidaria (B). (A) The ctenophores and cnidarians are the
two ‘‘diploblastic’’ eumetazoan members of the Radiata. Recent molecular evidence suggests that the cnidarians are more closely related to the
bilaterians than are the ctenophores. (B) Anthozoans, with their simple ‘‘egg to embryo to adult polyp’’ life history are the basal group of cnidarians.
The pelagic medusa represents an ‘‘invention’’ of the more derived cnidarians.
symmetry is associated with active swimming. The mo- unified source (e.g., the blastopore or cells around the
lecular and developmental changes that underlie such center of the oral–aboral axis) with definitive adult
character state transitions are not well understood. If structures obeying some kind of polar coordinate pat-
the Bilateria and Radiata are so dramatically and terning system (Fig. 2B). Cnidarians are supposed to
qualitatively different as the traditional distinctions represent this kind of radially symmetrical body plan
suggest, then cnidarians and ctenophores might reveal that is centered around their oral–aboral axis. However,
very little about the origins of bilateral symmetry, dor- symmetry is a character that displays variation within
sal–ventral polarity, and triploblasty in Bilateria. How- the phylum Cnidaria. A careful look at the phylogenetic
ever, the differences between cnidarians, ctenophores, distribution of symmetry types within the phylum im-
and bilaterians with regard to these characters are not so plies that radial symmetry was derived within Cnidaria.
clear-cut. The Cnidaria and the Ctenophora differ from Therefore, the extant radially symmetrical cnidarians
each other in interesting ways, and both phyla are more should not be viewed simply as a proxy for the hypo-
similar to the Bilateria than commonly held. For ex- thetical radial ancestors of the Bilateria.
ample, representatives of the ‘‘Radiata’’ may display Most cnidarians have a complex life cycle consisting
radial symmetry, but they more often display bi-radial of benthic polypoid and pelagic medusoid (jellyfish)
or even bilateral symmetry. The range of character stages. This biphasic life history (which may be solitary
states displayed by cnidarians and ctenophores may help or colonial) has been exploited to various degrees by
reconstruct important intermediate states on the way to different forms, some spending the majority of their life
the evolution of bilateral symmetry and triploblasty and either in one phase or the other. While the overt ap-
may call into question commonly held beliefs about the pearance of benthic hydroids and large elaborate me-
origins of these derived traits. dusae appear to be quite different, their body plans are
actually extremely similar. Both are essentially ‘‘epithe-
lial animals’’ consisting of an outer epidermis and an
2. Symmetry: are the Radiata radially symmetrical? inner gastrodermis that are basically co-planar with one
another. Separating these two layers is a largely acellular
2.1. Cnidarian symmetry properties mesoglea, consisting of extracellular matrix materials
with loose aggregations of interstitial stem cells. Both
The human mind often imposes its preconceived no- polyps and medusae have a blind gut, so that the mouth
tions of organismal complexity onto a phylogenetic also serves as the anus.
framework. This was clearly the case for hypotheses on Recent evidence from morphology, ribosomal DNA
the evolution of the coelom and the phylogenetic posi- sequence analysis, and mitochondrial gene order agrees
tion of the acoelomate flatworms (Adoutte et al., 2000; that the class Anthozoa (the corals and sea anemones) is
Balavoine, 1997). Likewise, it is easy to conceive of a the sister group to a clade containing the other three
phylogenetic series in which ‘‘simple’’ animals were classes (Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, and Cubozoa; Bridge
constructed on a radially symmetrical platform (Fig. et al., 1992, 1995; Kim et al., 1999; Medina et al., 2001;
2A) in which morphogenetic patterning signals (pres- Odorico and Miller, 1997; Fig. 1). The notable feature of
ently of unknown identity) simply diffused out from a the anthozoans is that they display only the polyp phase
360 M.Q. Martindale et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 24 (2002) 358–365
Fig. 2. Axial properties of a ‘‘radially’’ symmetrical metazoan. Patterning must occur in two orthogonal directions, along the longitudinal (oral–
aboral) axis (A) and radially from this axis (B). Cross-sections through the body column of extant anthozoans (C) and (D) show that in addition to
rotational planes of symmetry (R), both hexacorals (C) and octocorals (D) show either two or one plane of mirror symmetry (M). (E)–(H) Mi-
crographs of the embryos of the anthozoan Nematostella vectensis. Lateral (E) and oral (F) views of gastrulating embryos (roughly 275 lm in di-
ameter) showing a symmetry plane (dotted line) that runs through the slit-like blastopore (bp). (G) Lateral view of a late planula stage (swimming
direction toward top of page) showing the two mesenteries (mes) on either side of the oral–aboral axis (375 lm in length). (H) Newly settled four
tentacle (tn) stage polyp (oral–aboral length ¼ 400 lm excluding tentacles) showing the planes of mirror symmetry through the oral–aboral axis. ap,
aboral axis; ep, epidermis; gs, gastrodermis; mes, mesentaries; mg, mesoglea; mt, mouth; op, oral pole; pd, pedal disk; ph, pharynx; rm, retractor
muscle; sg, siphonogliph; tn, tentacles.
of the life cycle. Anthozoan polyps, which may be polyp buds a free swimming medusae. The medusa
dioecious or hermaphroditic, produce gametes and represents the sexual phase of the life cycle and gener-
generate embryos that develop into a ciliated free- ates gametes that form planula larvae, which give rise to
swimming non-feeding planula larvae. The planula benthic polyps. In agreement with recent phylogenetic
generates tentacles at its posterior pole and metamor- analyses, it is thought that the ancestral life cycle of
phoses directly into a benthic adult polyp. In almost all cnidarians was entirely polypoid, and that the medusa
other cnidarians (save two groups of hydrozoans, the was an ‘‘invention’’ to facilitate dispersal in the ancestor
trachyline hydromedusae, and the siphonophores), the of the ‘‘Medusozoa’’ (Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa plus
M.Q. Martindale et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 24 (2002) 358–365 361
Cubozoa). Thus, studying the anthozoans and the em- lineages of cells in the other two quadrants. The 2M
bryonic formation of the polypoid adult is most relevant macromeres in the quadrants that do not generate the
to the discussion of bilaterian origins. anal canals make longitudinal and circumpharnygeal
If one takes a close look at a cross-section through muscle cells, while the 2M macromeres that form anal
the body column of the anthozoans, they display either canals make neither longitudinal nor circumpharyngeal
one (hexacorals) or at most two (octocorals) distinct muscles. The anal canals and differential formation of
planes of mirror symmetry (see Willmer, 1990 for re- these muscle cell fates disrupt the ‘‘simple’’ embryonic
view). Furthermore, since the basic adult symmetry and adult mirror symmetry of ctenophores. Furthermore,
properties of virtually all animals are generated during the anal canals serve to eliminate wastes and complete the
the embryonic period, one should look at early gastrula formation of a ‘‘through-gut.’’ A through-gut was present
and post gastrula stages of development of anthozoans in the ancestral bilaterian, but is not found in any cnid-
such as the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. arian. The anal pores in extant ctenophores are admit-
These embryos display two clear planes of mirror sym- tedly quite small, and the majority of fecal material is
metry. This kind of biradial mirror symmetry represents expelled via the mouth. However their presence cannot be
a special case of bilateral symmetry. The ‘‘radial’’ sym- simply dismissed (as suggested by Hyman, 1940) when
metry of medusae is an adaptation for pelagic life that evaluating the origins of the bilaterian digestive tract and
permits multidirectional locomotion in a three-dimen- symmetry properties. The presence of anal pores may still
sional environment without continuous reorientation of reflect an intermediate stage in the evolution of the bila-
the body plan. Pelagic medusoid forms (e.g., jellyfish) terian through gut if the ancestral eumetazoan had such
show the strongest tendencies toward true radial sym- pores with the loss of these pores in the Cnidaria. Cte-
metry. However, since the medusa itself is believed to be nophores therefore remain an enigma. The presence of
derived within the phylum, the body plan of the medusa anal canals and pores might represent vestiges of a
may be irrelevant to the symmetry properties of the through-gut, yet their presence breaks an otherwise good
ancestral eumetazoan or the ancestral bilaterian. example of a bilaterally symmetrical organism.
Fig. 3. Symmetry properties of ctenophores seen from the aboral pole. (A) Although ctenophores have been characterized as being biradially
symmetrical through their sagittal (S) and tentacular (T) axes, neither of these are planes of simple mirror symmetry. (B) The presence of the anal
pores (red) that connect the anal canals to the gut define the anal plane (A) and insure that every plane drawn through the oral–aboral axis is a plane
of rotational symmetry (R) as illustrated by rotation through the plane of the anal axis (R0 ). ao, apical organ; ap, anal pores; cf, ciliated furrows; cp,
comb plates; pf, polar fields; tb, tentacle bulb; tn, tentacle.
have shown that all mesodermal cell types, including the stand the evolutionary origins of muscle cells. All bila-
parietal muscles, are generated from endomesodermal terians that have been proposed to be basal triploblasts
precursors (Martindale and Henry, 1995, 1999). This is (including acoel flatworms; Ruiz-Trillo et al., 1999)
of interest as these precursors must migrate across the generate muscle from endomesodermal lineages (Henry
basal laminae or move to their future location before the et al., 2000), while many also generate muscle from ec-
basal lamina on ectodermal derivatives is generated. toderm, suggesting that muscle/mesoderm originated
It has been assumed by positional arguments that from endodermal precursors in metazoan evolution.
epitheliomuscle cells of cnidarians are generated by the While muscle tends to be arranged differently in the
epithelial sheet they are located in, however, cell lineage Radiata relative to the Bilateria, this is not to say that
studies have never been performed on these forms. Such cnidarians and ctenophores do not have sheets of con-
studies are clearly important if one would like to under- tractile muscle cells as commonly occurs in bilaterians.
M.Q. Martindale et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 24 (2002) 358–365 363
Sheets of striated muscle cells have been reported in the the fact that virtually all species of ctenophore, unlike
subumbrellar plate of some derived hydromedusae cnidarians, are self-fertile hermaphrodites.
(Fautin and Mariscal, 1991; Schmid, 1974), and some Data from developmental regulatory genes also sup-
ctenophores have been reported to have striated fibers port a close affinity between Cnidaria and Bilateria: the
(Hernandez-Nicaise, 1991). It is doubtful that these sit- presence of definitive Hox genes (Finnerty, 1998; Finnerty
uations are homologous to the striated muscle seen in and Martindale, 1997; Martinez et al., 1998) and ParaHox
vertebrates, however, and raises questions as to the genes (Finnerty, 1998; Finnerty and Martindale, 1999),
legacy of muscle cell evolution in the Metazoa. Did de- the genomic linkage of a Hox gene to an even-skipped
finitive muscle cells evolve more than once, and is stri- ortholog (Finnerty, 2001), and the expression of Hox
ated muscle homoplastic? The situation in ctenophores genes in a manner colinear to their genomic organization
appears distinct from cnidarians in the sense that their (Finnerty and Martindale, in preparation). Although
muscle cells are not part of an epithelial structure. cnidarians do not appear to possess central or paralog 3
Furthermore, it is true that neither ctenophores nor class Hox or paraHox genes (Finnerty, 1998, 2001;
cnidarians have a true mesodermal sheet of cells at any Finnerty and Martindale, 1997; Martinez et al., 1998),
stage of the their development, unlike what is seen in there are reasons to believe that they might have lost them
bilaterians. Recent discoveries that cnidarians possess (Kourakis and Martindale, 2000). This conclusion is
components of the bilaterian muscle cell developmental based on the fact that anthozoans possess anterior and
pathway (Spring et al., 2000; Finnerty et al., in prepa- posterior class Hox and ParaHox genes (Finnerty and
ration) argue that the eumetazoan ancestor had these Martindale, 1999), but phylogenetic reconstruction ar-
genes available for use in a myogenic regulatory cascade. guments suggest that the ancestral protoHox cluster
possessed four genes prior to the duplication that gave rise
to the definitive Hox and ParaHox clusters. Hence, both
4. What taxon is the sister group of the Bilateria? central and paralog three gene families may have been lost
in cnidarians (Kourakis and Martindale, 2000). Whether
The power and accuracy of phylogenetic inference in this potential loss in Hox/ParaHox genes was accompa-
reconstructing the evolution of the Bilateria will depend nied by modifications in the adult plan, as appears to be
on the accuracy of the phylogenetic hypothesis relating the case for soil nematodes, remains to be seen. Cteno-
non-bilaterians to Bilateria. All three of the logical pos- phores are still being surveyed for the presence of Hox
sibilities for the evolutionary relationships of Cnidaria, genes. However, there appear to be far fewer, if any, au-
Ctenophora, and Bilateria have received support (re- thentic Hox genes in this phylum.
viewed in Collins, 1998): (1) Cnidaria as sister group to the
Bilateria; (2) Ctenophora as sister-group to the Bilateria;
(3) Cnidaria as sister group to the Ctenphora, composing 5. Conclusions
a larger clade known as the Coelenterata. Unfortunately,
the poor fossil record has provided little or no insight into The data reviewed here suggest that cnidarians, and
this question due to the soft-bodied nature of cnidarians perhaps ctenophores, should be regarded as primitively
and ctenophores (Collins et al., 1983). bilaterally symmetrical animals and that bilateral sym-
On morphological and embryological grounds, ar- metry might have evolved prior to origins of the Bila-
guments have been made for a closer relationship be- teria. Bilateral symmetry, therefore, should not be
tween the ctenophores and the bilaterians (Lang, 1881). regarded as a defining feature (shared derived character
Several characteristics including: the presence of defini- state) of the Bilateria. If bilateral symmetry is truly
tive muscle cells, multiciliated cells (cells possessing homologous among Radiata and Bilateria, then dorsal–
multiple cilia that virtually all bilaterians-except cnida- ventral polarity is likely to be a homologous trait as
rians-possess; Ax, 1996; Nielsen, 1987; Rieger, 1976), well. Bilateral symmetry requires polarity along an axis
their more complex behavior mediated by an apical, through the single plane of mirror symmetry. A cross-
neural sense organ, a simplified through-gut, and pres- section through a bilaterally symmetrical anthozoan (a
ence of a highly stereotyped cleavage program (Mar- hexacoral) reveals such axial polarity. This axis of po-
tindale and Henry, 1997) suggest that ctenophores may larity might be homologous to the dorsal–ventral axis
represent the sister taxon to the Bilateria. of Bilateria. We are currently looking for molecular
However, recent molecular phylogenies based on 18S and morphological indications of dorso–ventral polar-
rDNA support the notion the Cnidaria are more closely ity during the development of both ctenophores and
related to bilaterians than ctenophores (Kim et al., 1999; cnidarians to determine whether all eumetazoans were
Medina et al., 2001; Podar et al., 2001; Wainright et al., once built on a bilaterally symmetrical platform. The
1993). Interestingly, ctenophores apparently have the presence of definitive mesoderm may also fail to dis-
least amount of genetic divergence than any other ani- tinguish the Bilateria from the Radiata. If the muscle
mal phylum sampled (Podar et al., 2001), perhaps due to cells of ctenophores constitute a mesodermal derivative,
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