SRS - Project Fire Fighting Rebort

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Fire Fighting Robort


Talha Ashraf

Roll NO As20bwa0122

Moazan Farooq

Roll No As20bwa

Amraiz Chishti

Roll No As20bwa0113
ADP(CS) 3rd


(spring) 2020-2021

Department Of Computer Science & IT

Riphah International College Bahawalpur

Affiliated with

The Riphah International University Of Islamabad


The documentation entitled “Online Management System” is accepted and approved in

fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master in Computer Science.

Supervisor: ______________________________

External Examiner: ______________________________

Chairman: _____________________________

Date: ______________________________

Talha Ashraf, Moazan Farooq & Amraiz Chisti ,ADP program of CS & IT at The Riphah
International College Bahawalpur do solemnly declare that the documentation entitled,

“Fire Fighting robort”submitted by us in fulfillment of the requirements of degree of

ADP(CS). We solemnly declare that this is our original work and has not been submitted or
published earlier and also shall not be submitted in future. It shall also not be submitted to
obtain any degree to any other university or institution.

Talha Ashraf

Moazan Farooq

Amraiz Chishti

The documentation entitled“Fire Fighting Robort” is conducted under any supervision and
the documentation are submitted to The Riphah International College of Bahawalpur in the
fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of ADP in Computer Science in DCS & IT with my

All praises for almighty ALLAH, who enables us to know about certain unknown things in the
universe and helps us to overcome a lot of difficulties. All respect for Holy Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) who clearly mentioned the difference of right and wrong path, to ensure the success in
our lives.

I am deeply indebted and wish appreciation and gratitude to my Project Supervisor

Mr.MuhammadHammadfor his encouragement, technical discussion, inspiring guidance,
remarkable suggestions, keen interest constructive criticism which enabled me to complete this

I express my thanks to honorable Mr.Muhammad Hammad providing me possible facilities for

the completion of this project. I cannot find proper words to express my heartiest gratitude to
my family whose chain of prayers, cooperation have created incredible impression in my life.

Words are lacking to express my special gratitude and sincere thanks to my kind seniors, all
staff of CS & IT department and all others, whose company will ever boost me in life.

In the end, once again I am humbly thankful to ALLAH granted to me to complete this project.

Mr.Muhammad Hammad
This project consumed huge amount of work and dedication. Still, implementation would not
have been possible if we did not have a support of many individuals. Therefore we would like to
extend our sincere gratitude to all of them.

Last but not the least we wish to avail this opportunity to appreciate and give a special thanks
to every team member for their supportive contribution, project enhancing comments and tips
that improved the presentation skills, report writing and brought about clarity in the software

Talha Ashraf

Moazan Farooq

Amraiz Chishti

Revision History

Date Description Author Comments

16-06-2021 1.0 Talha Ashraf First Experience
16-06-2021 1.0 Amraiz Chishti First Experience
16-06-2021 1.0 Moazan farooq First Experience

Document Approval

The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved by the following:

Signature Printed Name Title Date

16-06-2021 Mr. Hammad Supervisor
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Purpose 1
1.2 Scope 1
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations. 1
1.4 References 2
1.5 Overview 2

2. The Overall Description 3

2.1 Product Perspective 3
2.2 Product Functions 3
2.3 User Characteristics 3
2.4 General Constraints 4
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies 4

3. Specific Requirements 5
3.1 External Interface Requirements 5
3.1.1 System Interfaces 5
3.1.2 Interface 9
3.1.3 Hardware Interfaces 10
3.1.4 Software Interfaces 10
3.1.5 Communications Interfaces 10
3.2 Functional Requirements 10
3.3 Use Cases 11
3.3.1 Use Case #1 13
3.4 Classes / Objects 14
3.4.1 <Class / Object #1> 14
3.5 Non-Functional Requirements 14
3.5.1 Performance 14
3.5.2 Reliability 15
3.5.3 Availability 15
3.5.4 Security 15
3.6 Design Constraints 15

4. Analysis Models 16
4.1 Sequence Diagrams 17
4.2 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) 20

5. Supporting Information 24
Appendix A: 24
Appendix C: 24
Appendix D: 24
Appendix E: 24
Appendix F: 24
Appendix G: 24
Appendix H: 24
Appendix I: 24
Appendix N: 24
Appendix O: 25
Appendix P: 25
Appendix R: 25
Appendix S: 25
Appendix T: 25
Appendix U: 25

Fire environments are dangerous and constantly changing. The goal of this project was to
design and build a robot to provide firefighters with additional information about a fire
environment to help them make more informed decisions when fighting a fire. We have built a
prototype robot that is compact and quick to deploy, with a heat, water, and impact-resistant
chassis designed to function in unpredictable foregrounds. The remote-controlled robot returns
a real-time video feed and a heat map of a designated area in a building. This can be done
within a simple online will receive orders and a specific time from your home. This can make
our life easier, Customers only need to order at home, Our service is only certain cities of

1. Introduction
.fire fighting is an essential job but it is very dangerous work. due to that, Robots are
designed to find a fire, before it rages out of control. It could be used to work with fire
fighters to decrease the risk of injury to losses. ... LCD display also gives the graphical
information of the robot rank to the user.
A robot is an automated device which performs functions typically attributed to humans or
machines tasked with recurring or flexible set of actions.
In introduction of fire fighting robot we discuses different points.
1.1 Purpose
Roboting fire fighting system are planned with definite taskes in mind. These includes
analyzing and locating fires.
Conducting search and save monitoring dangerous variable and the main taskes of fire
control and repression.
Mobile robotic firefighting systems are one more type, more often than not in the form
of remote controlled vehicles affixed with fire repression tools like water or foam hoses.
These are competent of travelling into areas dangerous for people through an array of
sensors, visual camera, IR and further technology that transmits information for
navigation to a remote operator. Safety professionals and engineers are still
experimenting with aerial robotics like drones for additional situational awareness, and
close-quarters inside robots that can get rid of fires at close range.
The manufacturing robots are multi-function manipulators intended for more specific
materials, divisions, gadgets or devices through different programmatic movements to
do various tasks.
1.2 Scope
The fire fighting robot will have future scope that it can work with fire fighting . Which greatly
reduce danger of injury to victims. it is a innovative work in the field of the robotics that
operates towards a sensible and obtainable access to save the lives and prevents the danger to
properly . The robot detect burnet Area in x to z
The need for a machine or a device that detects and extinguishes fire on its possess is long past
due. Fire accidents create when someone is also sleeping or not at home or due to a number of
neglect in laboratories, stores etc. By inventing such a tool, humans as well as property can be
saved at higher rate with minimum damage caused by the fire. As instrumentation engineers,
our duty was to plan and make a model system that could autonomously notice and put out a
fire and also aims at minimizing the air pollution. The possibilities of fire are at any distant area
or in an industry such as in garments go down, cotton mills, and fuel storage tanks, electric
leakages may effect in awful fire & harm. To the worst case of accidents, fire causes heavy loss
both economically and by taking lives.
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations.
Robot is a machine that looks like a human being and performs various complex tasks now,
lets have a goo look existing firefighting robot virtual reality simulation of fire fighting robot
(Indonesia) is a virtual adaptation of competition robot.
FFR: Fire Fighting Robort
AFA: Automatic Fire Alarm
AFD: Automatic Fire Detection
APPFSG: All Party Parliamentary Fire Safety Group

1.4 References
Autonomous mobile robot:
Recognize &response to fire: NIK.MD
Hafizul Hasmie MD Suhaimi,UTHM, Malaysia 2007,
Rolly firefighter robort; william Dubel Hector Gongora Keven,Bechtold and Dairy Diaz , Florida
International University ,Miami, 2003,
1.5 Overview
Now a day Machinery and robotic design become important in helping human. This fire
protection robot was design to help people in any destructive brunt situation where this
robot can extinguish burnt area immediately using autonomous system. This
autonomous system will be designed using programming in and other additional circuit.
In real life destructive:
Burnt area often happens without our realization therefore this type of robot will
require a high demands in the market because of its usefulness to the human as well as
environment transmit fire information to cell phone using GSM Modem.
The objective of the project will be to design a sms electronic fire protection robot
toolkit which can replace the traditional fire protection robot . The toolkit send the fire
and send sms to owner of the house. The system is made efficient by sms so that the
sms can be received by number of devices boards in a locality using techniques of time
division multiple acces.
2. The Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
The robot has three DC motor, two for driving system and another single DC motor for
ball suction subsystem and the fire blowing subsystem. Various sensors are also
interfaced with PIC16F877A as a feedback to the robot such as photoelectric sensors,
fiber optic sensor and RGB color sensors.
Microcontroller based Adriano.

Motor Drivers.

Flame Sensor:

DC motor:
Water pump:

Ultrasonic sensor:

2.2 Product Functions:
Major functions of the fire fighting robot are:

• User will control the fire fighting robot through with the mobile application and gives
command through mobile.

• Fixed firefighting robotic systems, like automatic fire sprinklers and alarms.

• In include analyzing and locating fires, conducting search and rescue, monitoring
hazardous variables and the primary task of fire control and suppression.

• User can request for change of working of fire fighting robort after specific period of

2.3 User Characteristics

• Effective against fire

• Flexible

• Passionate

• Ethical

• working order type

• Organized
• Firefighting and rescue activity are considered risky mission. They are an ideal target
for robot technology to keep away fire fighters from danger.

2.5Assumptions and Dependencies

members of the WPI Fire Protection Engineering Department who helped ... Using
this assumption, the amount of time the interior of the robot will stay ... user-dependent, so an
estimate of the timing of this would not be useful
3. Specific Requirements
3.1 External Interface Requirements
3.1.1 User Interfaces
GUI is provided by the software which is

• Self-explanatory.

• User friendly forms, menus and options are contained by the software.

• The user has to select a menu, request for deliver to the message robot control the
situation .

• Hardware Interfaces
• Personal mobile& computer

• Fire fighting robot parts and its working

• All product perspective.

3.1.3Software Interfaces
• Web server/ mobile application

• HTML, CSS, Java Script and PHP

3.1.4 Communications Interfaces

Communication interfaces require the internet protocol version 6 and it will follow
HTTPS. The send or receive the message to communicate robot using mobile

3.1.5 Software Product feature

For programming the microcontrollers, the ARDUINO project provides an integrated
development environment (IDE) based on a programming language named Processing, which
also supports the languages, C and C++.The open source ARDUINO IDE makes it easy to write
code and upload it to the board.

3.2Functional Requirements

The following minimum functions are required of any effective automatic detection and
extinguishing system for the protection of high-rise building exteriors:

 Rapid Detection: the system must be able to detect a fire rapidly (within seconds, not
 3D Location: the system must be able to accurately determine the three-dimensional
position and volume of the flames in 3-dimensional space.
 Automatic, Accurate, Dynamic Aiming: the system must be able to quickly aim a large
volume of water directly onto the flames, and it must be able to dynamically follow the
flames if the fire grows or spreads.
 Multiple Flames: the system must be able to handle multiple fires simultaneously.
 Automation and Autonomy: the system must be able to activate and function
completely autonomously, without any external network or power and without any
human intervention.
 Flame Detection:
 The flame detection unit was built in the region of flame sensors. The analogue output
from the flame sensors were fed into the analogue to digital signal converter (ADC)
input pin of the microcontroller. When the output from the flame sensor is greater than
the minimum preset threshold value, it signifies that there is a fire source in front of the
 The minimum doorsill was set based on the preferred sympathy, overall presentation,
reduced-interference and the mobility of the AFFMP. If the minimum threshold value is
set to high, then the sensitivity of the sensing mode will be reduced. Also, the stability
and accuracy of the sensing mode will be compromised and traded off as well. The
output value of the Flame Sensors will increase gradually when the AFFMP is moving
closer to the fire source. By having a single flame sensor on the mobile platform, the
area covered by the AFFMP might be fairly limited. However, if the AFFMP is made to
turn around for 360 degrees, the coverage of the AFFMP increases very.
3.3 Use Cases
Fire is a traditional element that has been an equalizer on Earth previous to the start of
written history. It has many helpful attributes (heat, energy, cleansing, etc.) but it can be
very unsafe when outer of control. Structure, vehicle, aircraft ship fires and wildfires can
cause chaos and cause serious wound and/or death. Thankfully, courageous men and
women have devoted their lives to protecting others from fire that can occur due to a
countless of reasons anywhere, at any time. unluckily, firefighters are only human and can
give way to injury or death as well.
• Use cases
A use case portrays an arrangement of activities that give something of quantifiable incentive
than on-screen character and is drawn as a level oval.

• Actors
Actors an actor is a person, organization, or external system that plays a role in one
or more interactions with the system.

• System boundary boxes (optional)

• Fire-fighting robots are useful in situations where it is too dangerous or has difficult ...
performance of the environment, the system needs higher level ... fixed candles placed in
transparent box and are 5 cm high from.

System limits boxes (discretionary) a rectangle is drawn around the use cases, called the
framework limit box, to demonstrate the extent of system. Anything inside the case
speaks to usefulness that is in degree and anything fresh is most certainly not.
3.3.1 Use Case

3.5 Non-Functional Requirements

3.5.1 Performance
Performance means system should be available when it is. It is available during all 24
Robot performance to fill the skill gap between novices and experts or to improve
the effectiveness.

3.5.2 Reliability
Firefighting and rescue activity are considered risky mission. They are an ideal target for
robot technology to keep away fire fighters from danger. Moreover, it makes possible to
rescue much more victims. Some fire departments have already developed and
deployed fire fighting and rescue robots. However, the performance of the robots is not
enough. The author considers and examines them from two points of view: "size and
weight" and "cost and performance". Base on the considerations, the author proposes
five important elements to develop useful and reasonable priced robots for fire
departments. The robots should make possible to save and rescue much more lives.

3.5.3 Availability
The system should be available at all the time.

3.5.4 Efficiency
90% of responses should be within 1 second, except for update content for which more
time is acceptable.

3.5.5 Correctness
Coding conventions and follow-up documents for maintenance activities.
3.5.6 Testability
This system will work on the client-server architecture. The system should support
Browsers such as websites, mobile app, software etc.

3.6 Security Requirements

SE-1: Users shall be required to log in to the mobile app/software for their own
information and modification with e-mail address and password.
SE-2: The system shall permit only authorized members who are on the list of
authorized menu Managers to do administrator’s task.
SE-3: The system shall permit customers to view only their own previously placed
orders, not orders placed by other customers.
3.7 Design Constraints

The electronic part is one of the important

parts in
building the Fire Fighting robot. It
includes the
several types of sensors, push button, power
DC motor driver, DC motor and the most
in the autonomous robot is the
These entire components are connected
together to
become a system
The electronic part is one of the important
parts in
building the Fire Fighting robot. It
includes the
several types of sensors, push button, power
DC motor driver, DC motor and the most
in the autonomous robot is the
These entire components are connected
together to
become a system
The electronic part is one of the important
parts in
building the Fire Fighting robot. It
includes the
several types of sensors, push button, power
DC motor driver, DC motor and the most
in the autonomous robot is the
These entire components are connected
together to
become a system
The electronic part is one of the important
parts in
building the Fire Fighting robot. It
includes the
several types of sensors, push button, power
DC motor driver, DC motor and the most
in the autonomous robot is the
These entire components are connected
together to
become a system
The electronic part is one of the important
parts in
building the Fire Fighting robot. It
includes the
several types of sensors, push button, power
DC motor driver, DC motor and the most
in the autonomous robot is the
These entire components are connected
together to
become a system
The electronic part is one of the important
parts in
building the Fire Fighting robot. It
includes the
several types of sensors, push button, power
DC motor driver, DC motor and the most
in the autonomous robot is the
These entire components are connected
together to
become a system
The electronic part is one of the important
parts in
building the Fire Fighting robot. It
includes the
several types of sensors, push button, power
DC motor driver, DC motor and the most
in the autonomous robot is the
These entire components are connected
together to
become a system
The electronic part is one of the
important parts in
building the Fire Fighting
robot. It includes the
several types of sensors, push
button, power supply,
DC motor driver, DC motor and
the most important
in the autonomous robot is
the microcontroller.
These entire components are
connected together to
become a system
The electronic part is one of the
important parts in
building the Fire Fighting
robot. It includes the
several types of sensors, push
button, power supply,
DC motor driver, DC motor and
the most important
in the autonomous robot is
the microcontroller.
These entire components are
connected together to
become a system
The electronic part is one of the important
parts in
building the Fire Fighting robot. It
includes the
several types of sensors, push button, power
DC motor driver, DC motor and the most
in the autonomous robot is the
These entire components are connected
together to
become a system
he electronic part is one of the important
parts in
building the Fire Fighting robot. It
includes the
several types of sensors, push button, power
DC motor driver, DC motor and the most
in the autonomous robot is the
These entire components are connected
together to
become a system
The system shall be ordered system that working on different type of controlar such as
remote and mobile application/ software.
An SRS (Software Requirements Analysis and Specification) should identify and specify all such

3.8 Logical Database Requirements

3.8.1 Apportioning of Requirements
• Log In Application
• Fire Location
• Move Robot
3.8.2 Database
All data will be stored in rational database using ( Xampp software). Different database
created are Log In app , fire location, move robot For log in app

Name Email Contact Password For fire location

map Location area Brunt area
name for moving robot

Given location Moving area Left area Right area Schedule And Budget

Roll no Assigned person Task Weeks
41 talha Forms and content 2
40 moazan Homepage ,form 2
39 amraiz Backend , 2
Total 6

5. Analysis Models
List all analysis models used in developing specific requirements previously given in this SRS.
Each model should include an introduction and a narrative description. Furthermore, each
model should be traceable the SRS’s requirements.

4.2Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)

System boundary
. The context diagram shows the entire system as a single process, and gives no clues as
to its internal organization. This context-level DFD is next "exploded", to produce a Level
1 DFD that shows some of the detail of the system being modeled. The Level 1 DFD
shows how the system is divided into sub-systems(processes), each of which deals with
one or more of the data flows to or from an external agent and which together provide
all of the functionality of the system as a whole. It also identifies internal data stores
that must be present in order for the system to do its job, and shows the flow of data
between the various parts of the system.

5. Supporting Information
Appendix A:
Abbreviations 1
Acronym 1
Analysis Models 16
Assumptions 4
Availability 15
Appendix C:
Classes / Objects 14
Communications interface 10
Create Account 10
Customer Login 10
Appendix D:
Data flow diagram 18
Definition 1
Dependencies 4
Design constraints 15
Diagrams 18,21
Appendix E:
External Interface requirements 5
Appendix F:
Functional requirements 10
Appendix G:
General Constraints 4
Appendix H:
Hardware interface 10
Appendix I:
Interfaces 9
Introduction 1
Appendix N:
Non – functional requirements 14
Appendix O:
Operation 3
Overall Description 3
Overview 2

Appendix P:
Performance 14
Product perspective 3
Production function 3
Purchase ticket 10
Purpose 1
Appendix R:
References 2
Reliability 14
Appendix S:
Scope 1
Search 10
Security 15
Software interface 10
Specific requirements 5
State transition diagram 21
Supporting information 22
System interface 5
Appendix U:
Use cases 11
User characteristics 3

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