Power System Stability Classical Model

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Classical Model

In this model, the stability of a single generator connected to an

infinite bus is analyzed.
Though this model is not suitable for current power systems, it helps
us understand the basic phenomenon of stability.

1 Exciter dynamics are neglected and the filed current is assumed to be
constant so that the induced voltage is always constant.
2 Damper winding dynamics are neglected.
3 The mechanical input power is assumed to be constant during the
period of study.
4 Rotor is assumed to be of cylindrical type so that no saliency is

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SMIB System

Let us consider Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) system.

E δ V∞ = 1∠0◦

EV sin δ
Pe =
Where X = Xg + XTr + XTL in p.u.

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Rotor Dynamics - Swing Equation
The equation governing rotor motion of a synchronous machine is given as

d 2 θm
J = Ta = Tm − Te N-m
dt 2
J = the total moment of inertia of the rotor masses in kg-m2
θm = the angular displacement of the rotor with respect to a stationary
axis in mechanical radians (rad)
t = time in seconds (s)
Tm = the mechanical or shaft torque supplied by the prime mover in N-m
Te = the net electrical or electromagnetic torque in N-m
Ta = the net accelerating torque in N-m

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Tm and Te are considered positive for the synchronous generator.
Tm accelerates the rotor in the positive θm in the direction of rotation.
For a motor, Tm and Te are reversed in sign.
In the steady state, Tm = Te . Hence, Ta = 0.
θm is measured with respect to a stationary reference axis on the stator. To
represent it with respect to the synchronously rotating frame, let us define

θm = ωsm t + δm

ωsm is the synchronous speed of the machine in mechanical radians per
δm is the angular displacement of the rotor in mechanical radians from the
synchronously rotating reference axis.

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dθm dδm
= ωsm +
dt dt
ωm − ωsm =
where ωm = is the angular velocity of the rotor in mechanical radians
per second.
Differentiating it again,
d 2 θm d 2 δm
dt 2 dt 2
Substituting it,
d 2 δm
J = Ta = Tm − Te N-m
dt 2
On multiplying by ωm ,

d 2 δm
Jωm = Pa = Pm − Pe
dt 2
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Pm = shaft power input in MW
Pe = electrical power output in MW
Pa = accelerating power in MW

Let us define inertia constant H.

stored kinetic energy in megajoules at synchronous speed
Machine rating in MVA
1 2
2 Jωsm
Substituting it,
2H d 2 δm Pa Pm − Pe
ω m 2
= =
ωsm dt Smach Smach
In practice, ωm does not differ significantly from the synchronous speed.
ωm ≈ ωsm
2H d 2 δm
= Pa = Pm − Pe per unit
ωsm dt 2
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It can be written as

2H d 2 δ
= Pm − Pe per unit
ωs dt 2

δ and ωs have consistent units which can be mechanical or electrical

degrees or radians.
This equation is called the swing equation of the machine.
It is a second-order nonlinear differential equation.
When it is solved, we obtain δ as a function of t. This is called the
swing curve.

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It can be written as two first-order differential equations.

2H dω
= Pm − Pe per unit
ωs dt

= ω − ωs

ω, ωs and δ involve electrical radians or electrical degrees.

δ is the load angle.

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Small Signal Stability



δ0 δmax δ

Consider small incremental changes in δ around δ0 . The swing equation

can be expressed as follows:
2H d 2 (δ0 + ∆δ)
= Pm − Pmax sin(δ0 + ∆δ)
ωs dt 2
2H d 2 δ0 2H d 2 ∆δ
+ = Pm − Pmax sin δ0 cos ∆δ − Pmax cos δ0 sin ∆δ
ωs dt 2 ωs dt 2
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Since ∆δ is very small,

sin ∆δ ≈ ∆δ; cos ∆δ ≈ 1

2H d 2 δ0 2H d 2 ∆δ
+ = Pm − Pmax sin δ0 − Pmax cos δ0 ∆δ
ωs dt 2 ωs dt 2
At the stable equilibrium point (δ0 ),

2H d 2 δ0
= Pm − Pmax sin δ0 = 0
ωs dt 2
2H d 2 ∆δ
= −Pmax cos δ0 ∆δ
ωs dt 2
Let Ps = Pmax cos δ0 . Ps is called the synchronizing power or torque. In
per unit system, torque and power are equal.

2H d 2 ∆δ
+ Ps ∆δ = 0
ωs dt 2

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It is a linear second-order differential equation.
When Ps is positive, the solution ∆δ(t) is an undamped sinusoid.
When Ps is negative, the solution ∆δ(t) increases exponentially
without limit.
Ps is positive at δ0 and negative at δmax .
Therefore δ0 is a stable equilibrium point and δmax is an unstable
equilibrium point.

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Let us apply the Laplace transformation to it.
2H 2
s ∆δ(s) + Ps ∆δ(s) = 0
On solving, we get two roots.
Ps ωs
s=± −
If Ps is positive, r
Ps ωs
s = ±
The system has sustained oscillation. It is marginally stable.
If Ps is negative, r r
Ps ωs Ps ωs
s=+ ,−
2H 2H
The system is unstable.

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In synchronous machines, damper or amortisseur windings are there.
1 They damp out oscillations in generators.
2 They help synchronous motors start as induction motors because
synchronous motors do not have starting torque.
The damping torque depends on the rate change of rotor angle.

Pd = D
where D is the damping coefficient. After including this, the linearized
swing equation can be written as

2H d 2 ∆δ d∆δ
+D + Ps ∆δ = 0
ωs dt dt

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Applying the Laplace transformation,
2H 2
s ∆δ(s) + Ds∆δ(s) + Ps ∆δ(s) = 0
ωs ωs
s2 +Ds + Ps = 0
2H 2H
By comparing this with the standard characteristics equation of a second
order system,
s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 = 0
we get r
ωn = Ps
D ωs
2 2HPs
where ωn is the natural frequency of oscillations and ζ is the damping

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The roots (eigen values) of the characteristics equation are
s = −ζωn ± ωn 1 − ζ 2

If Ps is positive
there will be two complex conjugate roots with negative real part.
hence the system will be stable.
If Ps is negative,
there will be two real roots with one positive.
hence the system will be unstable.

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The linearized swing equations can also be written as follows:
2H d∆ω
+ D∆ω + Ps ∆δ = 0
ωs dt
= ∆ω
In state space form,
  " ωs D ωs P s  
∆ω̇ − − ∆ω
= 2H 2H
∆δ̇ 1 0 ∆δ

By taking the Laplace transformation,

  " ωs D ωs P s 
s∆ω(s) − ∆ω(0) − − ∆ω(s)
= 2H 2H
s∆δ(s) − ∆δ(0) 1 0 ∆δ(s)

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  " ωs D ωs Ps 
∆ω(s) s+ ∆ω(0)
= 2H 2H
∆δ(s) −1 s ∆δ(0)

This can be written as

s + 2ζωn ωn2
∆ω(s) ∆ω(0)
∆δ(s) −1 s ∆δ(0)

If the rotor angle is perturbed by a small angle, ∆δ(0) = ∆δ and

∆ω(0) = 0.
ωn2 ∆δ
∆ω(s) = − 2
s + 2ζωn s + ωn2
(s + 2ζωn )∆δ
∆δ(s) =
s2+ 2ζωn s + ωn2

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By taking the inverse Laplace transformation, we can get the following.
ωn ∆δ −ζωn t
∆ω(t) = − p e sin ωd t
1 − ζ2

∆δ(t) = p e −ζωn t sin(ωd t + θ)
1 − ζ2
where ωd = ωn 1 − ζ 2 and θ = cos−1 (ζ).
The motion of rotor relative to the operating point is

δ = δ0 + p e −ζωn t sin(ωd t + θ)
1 − ζ2

and the rotor angular frequency is

ωn ∆δ −ζωn t
ω = ω0 − p e sin ωd t
1 − ζ2

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The time constant is
ωs D

The response approximately settles at 4 to 5 time constants.

As H increase, it results in a longer settling time.
As Ps increases, it results in an increase in ωn .

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A 50 Hz synchronous generator having inertia constant H = 5 sec and a

direct axis reactance Xd0 = 0.3 p.u. is connected to an infinite bus through
a transformer and a double circuit line. The network is purely reactive. The
synchronous generator is delivering real power P = 0.8 p.u. and reactive
power Q = 0.074 p.u. to the infinite bus of 1.0 p.u at steady state.

0.2 X = 0.3

Ed0 V∞ = 1∠0◦

Xd0 = 0.3 X = 0.3

Assume the per unit damping power coefficient D = 0.2. Consider a small
disturbance of ∆δ = 10◦ . For example, the breakers open and quickly close.
Determine the motion of rotor angle and the generator frequency.

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The current flowing into the infinite bus is
S∗ 0.8 − 0.074
I = = = 0.8 − 0.074
V∗ 1∠0◦
The reactance between Ed0 and V∞ before the fault is

0.3 + 0.3
X = 0.3 + 0.2 + = 0.65
The direct axis transient internal voltage is

Ed0 = V∞ + X1 I = 1∠0◦ + 0.65 × (0.8 − 0.074) = 1.17∠26.38◦

Ed0 V∞ 1.17 × 1
Pmax = = = 1.8
X1 0.65
δ0 = 26.38◦

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Ps = Pmax cos δ0 = 1.8 × cos(26.38◦ ) = 1.6125
ωn = Ps = 7.1174 rad/s
fn = 1.133 Hz
D ωs
ζ= = 0.4414
2 2HPs
ωd = ωn 1 − ζ 2 = 6.3866 rad/s
θ = cos−1 ζ = 92.4◦

δ = 26.38◦ + 11.1444e −3.1416t sin(6.4t + 92.4◦ )

f = 50 − 0.2525e −3.1416t sin 6.4t

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δ (deg)


t (s)
Figure: Swing Curve

f (Hz)


t (s)
Figure: Frequency

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Transient Stability

The stability of a system is analyzed when it is subjected to large

disturbances like faults.
Since the disturbances are large, the rotor angle will swing high.
This does not let us linearize the swing equation.
The analysis of large disturbance stability is difficult.
The equation has to be solved using numerical integration techniques.
However, for an SMIB system, a direct approach called Equal Area
Criterion method can be used to analyze it.
It is a graphical approach.

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Equal Area Criterion
2H d 2 δ
= Pm − Pe
ωs dt 2
d 2δ ωs
= (Pm − Pe )
dt 2H
Let us multiply both sides of the above equation by 2dδ/dt,

dδ d 2 δ ωs (Pm − Pe ) dδ
2 2
dt dt H dt

d dδ 2 ωs (Pm − Pe ) dδ
dt dt H dt
On integration,
 2 δm
ωs (Pm − Pe )

= dδ
dt δ0 H

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For a system to be stable, = 0 after a disturbance.
ωs (Pm − Pe )
dδ = 0
δ0 H
Z δm
(Pm − Pe )dδ = 0


δ0 = initial rotor angle

δm = maximum rotor angle

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Sudden change in Pm



δ0 δ1 δm δ

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Z δm
(Pm1 − Pe )dδ = 0

δ0 is the initial rotor angle. δm is the maximum rotor angle during

Z δ1 Z δm
(Pm1 − Pe )dδ + (Pm1 − Pe )dδ = 0
δ0 δ1

Z δ1 Z δm
(Pm1 − Pe )dδ = (Pe − Pm1 )dδ
δ0 δ1

Therefore for the system to be stable

Area(A1 ) = Area(A2 )

Energy Gained = Energy Lost

If A1 > A2 , the system will be unstable.

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Figure: Swing Curve

Damper or amortisseur windings damp out oscillations.

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Short Circuit Faults

E δ V∞ = 1∠0◦

At point F , a three phase fault occurs. To analyze this, we need to

understand the physical conditions before, during and after the fault.

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1 Before Fault :
Xd0 XTr
+ +
E δ − − 1∠0◦

X1 = Xd0 + XTr +
Pe1 = Pmax1 sin δ
Pmax1 =

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2 During Fault :
Xd0 XTr
2 2
+ +
E δ − − 1∠0◦

The total reactance X between two nodes can be found using Y − ∆

X2 during fault will be higher than before fault X1 .
Pe2 = Pmax2 sin δ
Pmax2 =

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3 After Fault :
Xd0 XTr

+ +
E δ − − 1∠0◦

X3 = Xd0 + XTr + XTL

Pe3 = Pmax3 sin δ

Pmax3 =

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δ0 δcr δmax δ

δmax = π − sin−1 ( PPmax3

For the system to be stable, A1 = A2 . There is a critical clearing angle δcr
before which the fault has to be cleared.
Z δcr Z δmax
(Pm − Pmax2 sin δ)dδ = (Pmax3 sin δ − Pm )dδ
δ0 δcr

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Integrating and simplifying the above equation, we get

Pm (δmax − δ0 ) + Pmax3 cos δmax − Pmax2 cos δ0

cos δcr =
(Pmax3 − Pmax2 )


tcr t
Figure: Swing Curve

tcr is the critical clearing time in seconds.

It will settle at δnew = sin−1 ( PPmax3
) if damping is present.
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Short Circuit Faults at the end of Transmission Lines
(Near the bus)

E δ V∞ = 1∠0◦

1 Before Fault :

X1 = Xd0 + XTr +
Pe1 = Pmax1 sin δ
Pmax1 =

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2 During Fault :
Since the fault is near the bus, the bus voltage is zero.
The power transfer during fault is zero.
Pe2 = 0
3 After Fault :

X3 = Xd0 + XTr + XTL

Pe3 = Pmax3 sin δ

Pmax3 =

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δ0 δcr δmax δ

δmax = π − sin−1 ( PPmax3

For the system to be stable, A1 = A2 .
Z δcr Z δmax
Pm dδ = (Pmax3 sin δ − Pm )dδ
δ0 δcr

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Integrating and simplifying the above equation, we get

Pm (δmax − δ0 ) + Pmax3 cos δmax

cos δcr =

We can find the critical clearing time for this case as follows:

d 2δ ωs
= (Pm − Pe )
dt 2H
Since Pe = 0 during fault,

d 2δ ωs
= Pm
dt 2H
Integrating this, Z t
dδ ωs ωs
= Pm = Pm t
dt 0 2H 2H
On further integration,
δ= Pm t 2 + δ0
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If δ = δcr ,
ωs 2
δcr = Pm tcr + δ0
4H(δcr − δ0 )
tcr =
ωs P m

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Factors Influencing Transient Stability

1 How heavily the generator is loaded.

2 The generator output during the fault. This depends on the fault
location and type.
3 The fault-clearing time.
4 The post fault transmission system reactance.
5 The generator inertia. The higher the inertia, the slower the rate of
change in angle. This reduces A1 .
6 The generator internal voltage magnitude E . This depends on the
field excitation.

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Numerical Integration Methods

= f(x, t)
where x is the state vector and f(x, t) is a vector of non linear functions.
1 Explicit Methods

1 Euler Method
2 Modified Euler Method
3 Runge-Kutta Methods
2 Implicit Methods
1 Trapezoidal Rule

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Euler Method
Consider the first-order differential equation.
= f (x, t)
with x = x0 at t = t0 .

∆x ∆t
t0 t1 t

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At x = x0 , t = t0 , the curve can be approximated by its tangent having a
= f (x0 , t0 )
dt x=x0
∆x = ∆t
dt x=x0

The value of x at t = t1 = t0 + ∆t is given by

x1 = x0 + ∆x = x0 + ∆t
dt x=x0

This has to be repeated till the time reaches the final simulation time.
Since it considers only the firs derivative of x, it is referred to as a
first order method.
∆t has to be small to achieve accuracy.
Since it uses only the first order information, it may introduce error.

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Modified Euler Method

The standard Euler method results in inaccuracies because it uses the

derivative at the beginning of the interval.
The modified Euler method tries to overcome this issue by using the
average of the derivatives at the two ends.
It consists of the following steps.
1 Predictor step
x1p = x0 + ∆t
dt x=x0
2 Corrector step
1 dx dx
x1c = x0 + + ∆t
2 dt x=x0 dt x=x1p

This process has to be repeated until the desired accuracy or the final
simulation time.
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Runge-Kutta (R-K) Methods

Euler and the modified Euler method require smaller time steps.
R-K methods approximate the Taylor series solution. However they do
not need derivatives higher than the first.
R-K methods use the effectiveness of higher derivatives by several
evaluations of the first derivative.
They are classified based on the number of evaluations.

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Second order R- K Method

The value of x at t = t0 + ∆t is
k1 + k2
x1 = x0 + ∆x = x0 +
k1 = f (x0 , t0 )∆t
k2 = f (x0 + k1 , t0 + ∆t)∆t
In general,
k1 + k2
xn+1 = xn +
k1 = f (xn , tn )∆t
k2 = f (xn + k1 , tn + ∆t)∆t

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Fourth order R- K Method

The value x at n + 1st step is

xn+1 = xn + (k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4 )
k1 = f (xn , tn )∆t
k1 ∆t
k2 = f (xn + , tn + )∆t
2 2
k2 ∆t
k3 = f (xn + , tn + )∆t
2 2
k4 = f (xn + k3 , tn + ∆t)∆t

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k1 = (slope at the beginning of time step)∆t
k2 = (first approximation to slope at mid step)∆t
k3 = (second approximation to slope at mid step)∆t
k4 = (slope at the end of step)∆t
∆x = (k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4 )
This is equivalent to considering upto fourth derivative terms in the Taylor
series expansion.

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Stability of Explicit Methods

Explicit methods calculate x at any time step from the knowledge of the
values of x at previous time steps.

They are not numerically stable.

They require smaller time steps.
For the stiff systems (Stiffness is the ratio of the largest to smallest
time constants), they blow up unless a small time step is used.
Stiffness can also be found by the ratio of the largest to smallest
eigenvalues of the linearized system.

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Implicit Methods

Consider the differential equation

= f (x, t)
with x = x0 and t = t0 .
Z t1
x1 = x0 + f (x, τ )dτ

Implicit methods approximate the integral.

The simplest implicit integration method is the trapezoidal rule.
The trapezoidal rule approximates the integral by trapezoids.

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Trapezoidal Rule

f (x, t)

f (x1 , t1 )
f (x0 , t0 )

t0 ∆t t1 t

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The trapezoidal rule is
x1 = x0 + [f (x0 , t0 ) + f (x1 , t1 )]
In general
xn+1 = xn + [f (xn , tn ) + f (xn+1 , tn+1 )]

xn+1 appears on both sides.

Implicit methods find x using x at the previous time step as well as
current value.
Since the current value is unknown, an implicit equation must be

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Stability of Implicit Methods

Implicit methods are numerically stable

For the stiff systems, implicit methods suffer from accuracy but not
numerical stability.
Implicit methods work well with larger time steps.
For systems where time steps are limited by numerical stability rather
than accuracy, implicit methods are better.

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A 50 Hz synchronous generator having inertia constant H = 5 sec and a
direct axis reactance Xd0 = 0.3 p.u. is connected to an infinite bus through
a transformer and a double circuit line. The network is purely reactive. The
synchronous generator is delivering real power P = 0.8 p.u. and reactive
power Q = 0.074 p.u. to the infinite bus of 1.0 p.u at steady state.

0.2 X = 0.3

Ed0 V∞ = 1∠0◦

Xd0 = 0.3 F X = 0.3

A solid three phase fault occurs at point F and the fault is cleared by opening
the faulted line.
1 Determine the critical clearing angle and the critical fault clearing

time using numerical integration.

2 Check the above angle using the Equal Area Criterion.

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The current flowing into the infinite bus is
S∗ 0.8 − 0.074
I = = = 0.8 − 0.074
V∗ 1∠0◦
The reactance between Ed0 and V∞ before the fault is

0.3 + 0.3
X1 = 0.3 + 0.2 + = 0.65
The direct axis transient internal voltage is

Ed0 = V∞ + X1 I = 1∠0◦ + 0.65 × (0.8 − 0.074) = 1.17∠26.38◦

Ed0 V∞ 1.17 × 1
Pmax1 = = = 1.8
X1 0.65
δ0 = 26.38◦

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The reactance during the fault is

X2 = ∞

Pmax2 = 0
The reactance after the fault is

X3 = 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.3 = 0.8

1.17 × 1
Pmax3 = = 1.46

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The swing equation can be written as follows:
dω ωs
= (Pm − Pe )
dt 2H

= (ω − ωs )
The general formula for the second order R-K method
k1ω + k2ω
ωn+1 = ωn +
k1δ + k2δ
δn+1 = δn +
k1ω = (Pm − Pmax sin(δn ))∆t
k1δ = (ωn − ωs )∆t
k2ω = (Pm − Pmax sin(δn + k1ω ))∆t
k2δ = (ωn + k1δ − ωs )∆t

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Figure: Swing Curve
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The fault was applied at t = 1 sec.
∆t = 0.05 sec.
The simulation was carried till tf = 5 sec.
It is found that the critical clearing time tcr = 0.2 sec.
ωs 2
δcr = Pm tcr + δ0
δcr ≈ 55◦
By using the equal area criterion

Pm (δmax − δ0 ) + Pmax3 cos δmax

cos δcr =

Pmax3 = 1.4625
δmax = π − sin−1 ( ) = 2.3887
δcr ≈ 54◦

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Drawbacks of the classical model

1 The dynamics of rotor field winding and the damper winding on the
generator are totally neglected in the classical model. However, they
can effect the stability of a system significantly.
2 In the classical model, the internal voltage behind the transient reac-
tance was assumed to be constant. This is not true since the rotor
filed current is controlled through an exciter and automatic voltage
regulator (AVR). Their dynamics have to be included.
3 In the classical model, Pm is assumed to be constant. But Pm depends
on speed governor and turbine dynamics. Their dynamics need to be
4 Dynamic loads like induction motors, synchronous motors, power elec-
tronic devices do affect the stability. In the classical model, they were
not taken into consideration.

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