Morphology of Flowering Plants - Short Notes
Morphology of Flowering Plants - Short Notes
Morphology of Flowering Plants - Short Notes
Table 1: Parts of a plant
Plant Organ Part Function Modifications Example
Protects the apex of
Root cap root and makes its way Storage of food Carrot, turnip, sweet potato, etc.
through the soil
Region of meristematic Banyan tree, maize, sugarcane,
Repeated division Support
activity etc.
The Root
Growth of root in length
Region of elongation due to rapid elongation Respiration Rhizophora
and enlargement of cell
Differentiation and
Region of maturation
maturation of cell
Potato, ginger, zaminkand, Colo-
Spreading out branches
Nodes- The region cassia.
bearing leaves, flowers, Storage of food
where leaves are born Also acts as organs of perenna-
and fruits.
It conducts water, miner- For climbing Gourds (cucumber, pumpkins,
als, and photosynthates (stem tendril) watermelon), grapevines.
The Stem
For protection Citrus, Bougainvillea
Internode- The region
between two nodes For photosynthesis Opuntia, Euphorbia
Grasses, strawberry, mint, jas-
For spreading and
mine, Pistia, Eichhornia, banana,
vegetative propagation
pineapple, Chrysanthemum
Leaf base (leaf attached
Hold the blade to light For climbing Pea
to the stem).
Petiole For defence Cacti
The Leaf Veins provide rigidity to
For food storage Garlic and onion
Lamina or leaf blade the leaf blade.
(have veins and veinlets) Photosynthesis Australian acacia
Insectivorous Pitcher plant, venus - fly trap
On the basis of the arrangement of ovules within the ovary, In monocots, seed have single shield shaped cotyledon
placentation is of 5 types: known as scutellum.
Marginal - Pea The outer covering of endosperm separates the embryo by
Axile - China rose, tomato and lemon aleurone layer.
Parietal - Mustard and Argemone Plumule gives rise to coleoptile and radicle give rise to
Free central - Dianthus and Primrose coleorhiza.
Basal - sunflower, marigold On the basis of presence of absence of endosperm seed is of
The fruit of mango and coconut is drupe. two types i.e.,
The dicot seed consist of embryonal axis and two cotyledons. Endospermic seed - Castor
At the ends of embryonal axis radicle and plumule are present. Non-endospermic seed - Bean, gram, and pea