LASER Assignment 1 - 2024
LASER Assignment 1 - 2024
LASER Assignment 1 - 2024
1. Show that light intensity decreases exponentially with distance in a medium. Hence, calculate the
overall roundtrip light intensity loss and the resonator (photon) lifetime.
2. Find the coherence length of a light source which emitting at 1550nm with a spectral width
3. A gas laser is generating a laser beam of 4 mW power. Calculate the number of photons emitted
by the laser. The wavelength of the emitted radiation is 680 nm.
4. In a free-electron laser, electrons are accelerated by 1 MeV, or a million electron volts. What is
the electron wavelength in this case?
5. Using the following rate equations of lower, upper, and intermediate levels which were
developed to describe changes in the populations of a three-level system, obtain expressions for
the populations in the upper and lower laser levels.
6. A rod of certain solid state laser material of length 5×10 -2 m and of diameter 10-2 m contains
2×1025 ions per cubic meter. In an excited state all ions in the upper level de-excited
simultaneously emitting photons in the same direction. Calculate: (a). The maximum energy
contained in a radiated pulse of wavelength 6.6×10 -7 m. (b). If the pulse duration is 10 -7 s,
calculate the average power of the pulse during its existence.
7. Consider a laser which is oscillating simultaneously at two frequencies ν 1 and ν2 (ν1 - ν2 ≈ c/2d,
where d is the resonator length). If this laser is used in an interference experiment, what is the
minimum path difference between the interfering beams for which the interference pattern
8. Why optical pumping is often used in liquids and solid laser?
9. Why is doping of Nd ion restricted in Nd: YAG laser?
10. Explain the working principle of Nd: YAG laser with a neat energy level diagram of Nd ion in
YAG host.
11. Why rear earth element is used for the doping in laser host material?
12. Show that a four-level laser system is much easier to pump than a three-level laser system?
13. What is the principle of operation of semiconducting laser? With neat energy level diagram
explain how population inversion is achieved in semiconductor laser?
14. A semiconductor laser diode has a peak-wavelength of 1550 nm and a refractive index of 4 at
room temperature. When the laser temperature is raised by one degree Kelvin, its refractive
index increases by 0.0002. Find the new laser peak-wavelength if its temperature becomes 20̊C.
15. ln a certain four-level laser, the final state of the laser transition is 0.03 eV above the ground
state. What fraction of the atoms is in this state at 300 K in the absence of external excitation?
What is the minimum fraction of the atoms that must be excited in order for laser amplification
to occur at this temperature? Why? How is the situation changed at 100 K? Would you expect
cooling a three-level laser to have the same effect?
16. For a solid-state laser (refractive index = 1.76, emission λ = 694 nm, excited state life time =
3ms), calculate the absorption coefficient (probability of absorption per unit length) for
fluorescence emitted at the peak wavelength. Assume the absorption and emission cross sections
are equal, and take the active ion density to be 1.6 x 10 19 ions/cm3. Use this to estimate the
probability that an emitted photon will be reabsorbed as it passes through 0.5 cm of the solid-
state laser.
17. If the A coefficients of the various transitions are A 43 = 108 s-1, A32 = 7×107 s-1, A31 = 107 s-1 and
A21 = 108 s-1, calculate the spontaneous lifetime of the metastable state of a four-level laser.
18. Show that the average life time of an atom in its exited state is reciprocal of Einstein’s A-
19. Determine the MKS units of Einstein’s A and B coefficients.
20. The figure below depicts the energy levels involved in a 3-level lasing action.
A continuous laser is incident on the system. The laser frequency ν is tuned to the transition
frequency between state 2 and 1.
(a) Write down the rate equations for N 1, N2 and N3 for the case when the continuous laser is
incident, i. e. you have to include the induced transition rates between state 2 and 1.
(b) Assuming that initially all N0 atoms are in the ground state 1, solve for N 2 and N1 as a
function of R and N0.
(c) Is there a value of R such that N2 can be > N1?
21. What are the conditions for stimulated emission to dominate over spontaneous emission?
22. Explain how population inversion is achieved in CO 2 laser? With neat diagram indicate the
different lasing transition.
23. What are the roles of N2 and He in a CO2 laser?