Determination of Individual Components in Spark Ignition Engine Fuels by 100 Metre Capillary High Resolution Gas Chromatography
Determination of Individual Components in Spark Ignition Engine Fuels by 100 Metre Capillary High Resolution Gas Chromatography
Determination of Individual Components in Spark Ignition Engine Fuels by 100 Metre Capillary High Resolution Gas Chromatography
Designation: D 6729 – 04
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on
Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
D02.04 on Hydrocarbon Analysis. contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2004. Published November 2004. Originally Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
approved in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as D 6729–01. the ASTM website.
D 6729 – 04
D 1744 Test Method for Determination of Water in Liquid 6.2 Inlet—a capillary split/splitless inlet system operated in
Petroleum Products by Karl Fisher Reagent3 the split mode is recommended. It must be operated in its linear
D 4815 Test Method for Determination of MTBE, ETBE, range. Refer to 8.4 to determine the proper split ratio.
TAME, DIPE, t-Amyl Alcohol and C1 to C4 Alcohols in 6.2.1 Carrier Gas Pneumatic Control—Constant carrier gas
Gasoline by Gas Chromatography pressure control was used by all cooperative study participants.
D 5599 Test Method for Determination of Oxygenates in This may be either direct pressure to the inlet (injector) or by
Gasoline by Gas Chromatography and Oxygen Selective using a total flow/back pressure system.
Flame Ionization Detection 6.2.2 Pneumatic Operation of the Chromatograph—The
D 5623 Test Method for Sulfur Compounds in Light Petro- use of constant pressure was the mode of operating the gas
leum Liquids by Gas Chromatography and Sulfur Selec- chromatography used by the participants in the interlaboratory
tive Detection cooperative study. Other carrier gas control methods such as
E 355 Practice for Gas Chromatography Terms and Rela- constant flow (pressure programming) may be used, but this
tionships may change the chromatography elution pattern unless the
temperature programming profile is also adjusted to compen-
3. Terminology sate for the flow differences.
3.1 Definitions—This test method makes reference to many 6.2.3 Temperature Control—The injector operated in the
common gas chromatographic procedures, terms, and relation- split mode shall be heated by a separate heating zone and
ships. Detailed definitions can be found in Practice E 355. heated to temperatures of 200 to 275°C.
6.3 Column, a fused silica capillary column, 100 m in length
4. Summary of Test Method by 0.25 mm inside diameter, coated with a 0.5 mm film of
4.1 Representative samples of the petroleum liquid are bonded dimethylpolysiloxane. The column must meet the
introduced into a gas chromatograph equipped with an open resolution requirements expressed in 8.3. Columns from two
tubular (capillary) column coated with the specified stationary different commercial sources were used in the interlaboratory
phase. Helium carrier gas transports the vaporized sample cooperative study.
through the column, in which it is partitioned into individual 6.4 Data System, a computer based chromatography data
components which are sensed with a flame ionization detector system capable of accurately and repeatedly measuring the
as they elute from the end of the column. The detector signal retention time and areas of eluting peaks. The system shall be
is recorded digitally by way of an integrator or integrating able to acquire data at a rate of at least 10 Hz. Although it is not
computer. Each eluting component is identified by comparing mandatory, a data system which calculates column resolution
its retention time to that established by analyzing reference (R) is extremely useful as it will replace the need to carry out
standards or samples under identical conditions. The concen- the manual calculations which must be performed as listed in
tration of each component in mass % is determined by 8.3.
normalization of the peak areas after correction of selected 6.4.1 Electronic Integrators, shall be capable of storing up
components with detector response factors. The unknown to 400 components in the peak table and shall be able to
components are reported individually and as a summary total. acquire the data at 10 Hz or faster speeds. They shall be
capable of integrating peaks having peak widths at half height
5. Significance and Use which are 1.0s wide. The integrator must be capable of
5.1 Knowledge of the specified individual component com- displaying the integration mode of partially resolved peaks. In
position (speciation) of gasoline fuels and blending stocks is addition, these integrators should be able to download a
useful for refinery quality control and product specification. commonly readable format of data (that is, ASCII) to a
Process control and product specification compliance for many computer in order to facilitate data processing.
individual hydrocarbons may be determined through the use of 6.5 Sample Introduction—Sample introduction by way of a
this test method. valve, automatic injection device, robotic arm or other auto-
matic means is highly recommended. An automatic sample
6. Apparatus introduction device is essential to the reproducibility of the
6.1 Gas Chromatograph, a gas chromatograph equipped analysis. Manual injections are not recommended. All of the
with cryogenic column oven cooling and capable of producing reproducibility data reported by this test method for the
repeatable oven ramps from 0° to at least 300°C is required. samples analyzed were gathered using automatic injection
The following features are useful during the sample analysis devices.
phase: electronic flow readout, electronic sample split-ratio 6.6 Flame Ionization Detector (FID)—The gas chromato-
readout, and electronic pneumatic control of flow. Though their graph should possess a FID having a sensitivity of 0.005
use is not required, careful review of this test method will coulombs/g for n-butane. The linear dynamic range of the
demonstrate the usefulness of a gas chromatograph equipped detector should be 106 or better. The detector is heated to
with these features. These features will replace the need to 300°C.
carry out the manual calculations that must be performed as
listed in 8.1 and 8.2. 7. Reagents and Materials
7.1 Calibrating Standard Mixture—A spark ignition engine
fuel standard of known composition and concentration by mass
Withdrawn. can be used. In order to corroborate the identification of the
D 6729 – 04
sample, a typical chromatogram (Fig. 1) was obtained from 7.2 Gas Chromatograph Gases—All of the following gases
reference sample ARC96OX.4 shall have a purity of 99.999 % (V/V) or greater.
NOTE 1—Warning: Gases are compressed. Some are flammable and all
gases are under high pressure.
Reference spark ignition sample No. ARC 960X obtained from the Alberta
Research Council, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Other samples are available from 7.2.1 Helium—The test data was developed with helium as
suppliers. the carrier gas. It is possible that other carrier gases may be
D 6729 – 04
used for this test method. At this time, no data is available from 8. Instrument Check Out Prior to Analysis
this test method with other carrier gases.
8.1 Setting:
7.2.2 Air, Hydrogen and Make-up Gas (Helium or Nitro-
gen), shall have a purity of 99.999 % (V/V) or greater.
D 6729 – 04
8.1.1 Linear Gas Velocity—If the gas chromatograph is linear velocity of 25 to 26 cm/s. This is equivalent to retention
equipped with an electronic flow readout device, set the flow to times of methane at 0°C ranging from 6.5 to 6.8 min.
1.8 mL/min. This is achieved by setting the carrier gas flow 8.1.2 If the gas chromatograph is not equipped with an
rate by injection of methane or natural gas at 35°C. Ensure that electronic flow readout device, calculate the linear gas velocity
the retention time is 7.00 6 0.05 min. This corresponds to a in cm/s using Eq 1.
D 6729 – 04
column length ~cm! split ratio to a sample split of 200:1. If the gas chromatograph
linear gas velocity 5 V 5 retention time of methane~s! (1)
is not equipped with an electronic split-ratio readout device,
8.1.3 The typical retention times for methane and linear gas one must first calculate column flow rate and then proceed to
velocity for helium are 6.5 to 6.8 and 24 to 26 cm/s, calculating split ratio using Eq 2 and 3.
~60 p r2! L~Tref! 2~Pi – Po!
8.2 Setting the Split Ratio—If the gas chromatograph is column flow rate 5 F 5 (2)
~T!3~Pref!~Pi2 – Po2!µ
equipped with an electronic split-ratio readout device, set the
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TABLE 1 Chromatographic Operating Conditions, Column Requirements and Data Acquisition Requirements
Chromatographic Conditions Requirements
Injector settings
Injector temperature, °C 250
Split ratio 175:1 - 275:1
Liner deactivated glass
Injection volume, µL 0.2–0.5
Detector settings
FID detector temperature, °CA 300–350
Gas flows
Hydrogen, mL/minB 30–40
Air, mL/min 300–450
Nitrogen make up, mL/min 30
Column oven settings
Initial temperature, °C 0
Initial time, min 15
1st ramp rate, °C/min 1
Final temperature, °C 50
Final time, min 0
2nd ramp rate, °C/min 2
Final temperature, °C 130
Final time, min 0
3rd ramp rate, °C/min 4
Final temperature, °C 270
Final time, minC 0
Column Requirements
Length, m 100
Inside diameter, mm 0.25
Liquid phase 100 % dimethylpolysiloxane
Film thickness, µ 0.5
Pressure, psig 40–50
Flow, mL/min 1.7–2.0
Linear gas velocity, cm/s 24.5
Data acquisition, Hz 10–20
Total analysis time, min 140–150
Set to 25–50°C above the highest column temperature.
Values to be set as recommended by instrument manufacturer.
Final temperature or time may be adjusted to ensure complete elution of the sample components.
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TABLE 3 Injection Schedule where:
Split Ratio
Injection Volume, Injection Temperature, (R1)i = retention index of component I bracketed by the
µL °C
N-paraffin, n in its lower boundary and N-paraffin N
100:1 0.1 250 in its upper boundary,
200:1 0.5 250
300:1 1.0 250
Ti = adjusted retention time of component i (retention
time of component i minus the retention time of
Tn = adjusted retention time of N-paraffin n, and
9.2 All of the parameters in Table 1 can be marginally TN = retention time of N-paraffin N.
changed to optimize for sample types and optimize for char- 10.3 Determine the hydrocarbon response factors by using
acteristics of each gas chromatographic system. The final the following equation.5
boiling point of samples should not exceed nC15 and the MWi 1
RRFCH4 5 N 3 MW (6)
column resolution (R) performance requirements listed in c CH4
Table 2 should not be compromised.
9.3 Obtain a representative sample following the guidelines RRFCH4 = relative response factor of each component
of Practice D 4057 and any other applicable guidelines. Take with respect to methane (RRFCH4=1.000),
precautions to minimize the loss of light ends from volatile MWi = molecular weight of the component, i,
samples. The sample container may be cooled prior to transfer Nc = number of carbon atoms in the molecule, and
of sample into it. Cool the sample to less than 4°C, maintain at MWCH4 = molecular weight of methane (16.04276).
that approximate temperature until the autosampler is loaded 10.4 Convert the acquired areas to corrected areas by
and analysis begins. multiplying each area by its corresponding relative response
9.4 Preparation/Storage: factor as indicated in the following equation.
9.4.1 Samples Stored in Vials—Cool the original sample to
Aci 5 ~A!I ~RRF!I (7)
less than 4°C prior to taking a sample aliquot or prior to filling
the sample vials. The sample aliquot container, or the vial, or where:
both, can also be cooled prior to the transfer of the original (Ac)i = corrected area,
sample. Syringes may also be cooled along with the sample for Ai = acquired area for an individual component, and
manual injections. RRF = relative response factor (weight basis).
9.4.2 Samples Stored in Pressurized Containers—It is rec- 10.4.1 The percent weight (% W) is calculated as follows:
ommended that they be kept away from direct heat or light. No ~AC!i
other sample preparations are necessary for samples stored in % Wi 5 i 5 n 3 100 (8)
pressurized containers. Avoid storage at temperatures greater ( Aci
than 25°C. Store pressure containers in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. where:
9.5 It is recommended that a quality assurance (QA) sample %W = percent weight of the component i in the
similar to the reference material gasoline sample be run at mixture, and
regular intervals (see Fig. 1). An interval of once per week or i5n = summation of all the corrected areas for
after every 15 samples is recommended. The quantitation (
Aci the components analyzed.
results use statistical quality control charts can track benzene.
Other components of interest in the reference sample can be The subscript i indicates that the operations are
tracked in a similar manner. By monitoring these components carried out for each individual component in the matrix.
over an extended period of time, the performance of the 10.5 In the case of unidentified components, utilize a
column and the chromatographic system can be determined. relative response factor of 0.800 (relative to methane).
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TABLE 4 Predominant Compounds and Identified Coeluting CompoundsA
NOTE—The response factor of the predominant compound will be used for the analyte and this analyte will be used for the calculations.
Peak Number Predominant Coeluting
(from Annex A1) Compound Compound(s)
164 3,3-dimethylpentane 5-methyl-1-hexene
186 2-methylhexane C7-olefin
278 2,5-dimethylhexane C8-olefin
286 3,3-dimethylhexane C8-olefin
304 toluene 2,3,3-trimethylpentaneB
324 1,1,2-trimethylcyclopentane C7-triolefin
326 C8-diolefin C8-paraffin
492 4-methyloctane C9-olefin
796 1,2,3,4-tetramethylbenzene C11-aromatic
This is not an exhaustive list. Due to the possibility of coeluting peaks in other areas, the user is cautioned in the interpretation of the data.
In most alkylated gasolines, a split may occur between toluene and 233 TMC5.
requirements for round robin testing in accordance with RR: 13.2.2 The (repeatability standard deviation)/mean value for
D02-1007. Therefore the statistical data for MTBE should be each analyte/sample combination must be less than or equal to
taken from Table A1.2. 0.1, in accordance with LOQ requirements which, while not a
standard, is what CS94 is recommending.
12. Expression of Results
13.3 A brief explanation of headers in Table A1.2 follows:
12.1 Report the concentration of each components as mass
13.3.1 ID: self explanatory,
% (m/m) to the nearest 0.001 %.
12.2 The data for individual components may by grouped 13.3.2 rmin: lower 95 % confidence limit of rest,
by summing the concentration of compounds in each particular 13.3.3 rest: repeatability estimate in percentage of concen-
group type such as paraffin, isoparaffin, olefin, aromatic, tration,
naphthene, oxygenates, and unknowns. Commercially avail- 13.3.4 rmax: upper 95 % confidence limit of rest,
able software may be used to provide this function, as well as 13.3.5 Rmin, Rest, Rmax: same as above except for reproduc-
the calculation of other properties of petroleum liquids.
13. Precision and Bias 6 13.3.6 Cmin: lower concentration limit that rest, Rest is
13.1 The repeatability and reproducibility precision esti- applicable, and
mates are quoted in Annex A1. 13.3.7 Cmax: upper concentration limit that rest, Rest is
13.2 Precision Statement Outline—(> Analyte Qualification applicable.
Process): 13.4 The summaries for the paraffins, isoparaffins, C2 ben-
13.2.1 For each analyte to qualify for a precision statement, zene, and oxygenates follow the same procedure that was used
it must be present in at least six samples, and detected by at for the analytes and are listed in Table A1.3.
least six laboratories, at least once, in accordance with RR:
13.5 Bias—The bias of this test method cannot be deter-
D02-10077 requirements.
mined since an appropriate standard reference material is not
Supporting data describing the interlaboratory cooperative study to determine
precision and bias has been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may be 14. Keywords
obtained by requesting RR: D02-1519.
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may 14.1 gas chromatograph; gasoline; individual hydrocarbon
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: D02–1007. analysis; oxygenated fuels; spark-ignition engine fuels
D 6729 – 04
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Table A1.1 presents the component retention times A1.4 The precision statement for the olefins and cyclopar-
and properties. affins is determined by taking the square root of the value
determined in the summary; multiply by the coefficient (rcoef)
A1.2 Table A1.2 represents the repeatability and reproduc- for repeatability and the coefficient (Rcoef) for the reproduc-
ibility precision estimates prepared by statisticians of CS94 in
accordance with RR: D02-1007. The analyte qualification
Name rmin rcoef rmax Rmin Rcoef Rmax Cmin Cmax
process for precision statements is outlined as follows: Cycloparaffins 0.0726 0.08 0.098 0.286 0.384 0.586 2 10
A1.2.1 For each analyte to qualify for a precision statement, Olefins 0.1555 0.18 0.21 0.382 0.555 1.012 2 25
it must be present in at least six samples, and detected by at
least six laboratories, at least once, in accordance with RR: A1.5 The precision for the aromatics does not depend on
D02-1007 requirements. level and is stated below in weight %.
A1.2.2 The (repeatability standard deviation)/mean value Name rmin r% rmax Rmin R% Rmax Cmin Cmax
Aromatics 0.8549 0.98 1.155 2.151 2.706 3.651 15 50
for each analyte/sample combination must be less than or equal
to 0.1, in accordance with LOQ requirements which, while not
A1.6 The summaries for the paraffins, isoparaffins,
a standard, is what CS94 is recommending.
C2benzene and oxygenates follow the same procedure that was
A1.3 Summary for Oxygenates: Warning—The statistical used for the analytes. The statistics for the grouping are shown
data could be done on the oxygenates but there was not an in Table A1.3 as an indication of reproducibility and repeat-
equal number of all oxygenates in the round robin. MTBE was ability of reporting the results as a group summary. However,
the largest contributor to the statistical results. The number of there is a possibility that significant error could occur due to
samples that contained each oxygenate is as follows: co-elution of peaks, the presence of significant amounts of
Oxygenate No. of Approximate olefinic or naphthenic constituents, or both, above octane and
Type Samples Concentration Range
Ethanol 2 1 %, and 12 %
the percent unknown in the sample. If more accurate summary
t-butanol 2 .20 %, and 1.0 % results are needed that are not covered by the above precision
MTBE 6 1, 2, 4, 4, 8 and 16 % statement, for some or all of the above families of components,
ETBE 1 0.50 %
TAME 1 15.00 % please consider another ASTM test method.
NOTE 1—The names used are from several other tables and changes have been made where the GCMS did not agree with the peak name or its retention
NOTE 2—n-propanol will coelute with 3M-1-C5=.
NOTE 3—MTBE will coelute with 23DN-1C4=.
NOTE 4—MSBE will coelute with 1-hexene.
NOTE 5—ETBE will coelute with 23DM-13C4= =.
NOTE 6—isobutanol will coelute with 44DM-1-c5=.
NOTE 7—233TM pentane will coelute with toluene when the ratio with toluene is greater than 5.0:1.
NOTE 8—The coeluting olefins in Notes 2-6 will usually be below 1000 ppm.
NOTE 9—In some instances the chemical group is known, but the chemical structure is not known (for example, C6-olefin; the position of the double
bond is not known).
NOTE 10—Relative response factors for six of the major oxygenated compounds have been determined by using the average results from seven
laboratories analyzing six samples in duplicate. These same samples were used to determine linearity of methanol, ethanol, t-butanol, MTBE, ETBE and
TAME from a concentration level ranging from 1 mass % up to 30 mass %.
Peak No. New Name Retention Time Molecular Mass, MWt Theoretical Mass, Rf, (C1)
1 Methane 6.74 16.04 1.000
2 Ethene 7.10 28.05 0.874
3 Ethane 7.21 30.07 0.937
4 Propene 7.41 42.05 0.874
5 Propane 7.87 44.11 0.916
6 Isobutane 8.26 58.12 0.906
7 Methanol 8.64 32.03 2.672
8 Isobutene 8.95 56.11 0.874
9 1-butene 8.99 56.11 0.874
10 1,3-butadiene 9.17 54.09 0.843
12 N-butane 9.28 58.12 0.906
14 Trans-2-butene 9.70 56.11 0.874
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GC/MS No. for RR IHA No. abbreviated rmin rest rmax Rmin Rest Rmax Cmin Cmax
6 6 iC4 9.8 1.4 17.7 24.9 30.7 37.3 0.04 2.86
9 9 1C4= 10.4 16.7 25.1 28 36 45.4 0.01 0.14
11 12 nC4 10 12 14.2 27.1 31.7 36.6 0.92 8.51
12 14 t2C4= 12.1 15.7 19.8 28.2 36.8 47.1 0.03 0.31
14 18 c2C4= 14.2 15.4 16.7 25.2 31.1 37.9 0.03 0.29
20 24 3M1C4= 7.3 9.6 12.3 17.2 19.9 22.7 0.02 0.11
22 26 iC5 4.6 5.4 6.3 13.4 15.5 17.9 2.39 12.09
26 32 1C5= 5.9 7.5 9.4 17 20.6 24.7 0.06 0.4
28 36 2M1C4= 4.4 6.3 8.6 14.5 17.5 20.9 0.14 0.8
30 38 nC5 4.2 6.2 8.7 13.9 16.1 18.5 1 5.18
34 42 t2C5= 4.1 6.3 9.1 13 17.3 22.6 0.27 1.08
38 46 c2C5= 5.2 7.7 11 14.4 18.3 22.9 0.15 0.59
40 50 2M2C4= 3.9 6.2 9.2 15.2 18.1 21.4 0.44 1.78
42 52 t13C5=,= 4.5 10.2 19.6 22.1 31.1 42.2 0.01 0.05
52 62 222DMC4 2.9 3.7 4.7 9.8 12.9 16.6 0.07 2.16
54 64 cyC5= 4.6 9 15.5 15.6 20.3 25.9 0.07 0.25
56 66 4M1C5= 11.2 14.8 19 22.6 31.8 43.2 0.02 0.1
58 68 3M1C5= 8.3 12.1 17 37.1 50.5 66.8 0.04 0.12
62 72 cyC5 2.5 4.7 7.7 11.8 13.4 15.1 0.07 0.69
64 74 23DMC4 1.7 2.7 3.9 8.6 9.8 11.1 0.53 1.91
66 76 MTBE 1.9 3.2 5 9.1 12.3 16.2 0.12 15.73
70 80 c4M2C5= 5.1 7.1 9.7 27.4 43.7 65.4 0.02 0.09
74 82 2MC5 2.2 2.9 3.8 9.3 11 12.9 1.03 5.62
76 84 t4M2C5= 4.9 6.3 7.9 16.9 20.2 23.9 0.05 0.26
80 88 3MC5 2 2.7 3.5 7.7 9.1 10.7 0.58 3.25
84 92 2M1C5= 3.6 5.1 7 9.6 12.5 16.1 0.09 0.45
86 94 1C6= 3.9 6.4 9.9 15.1 19.9 25.7 0.04 0.26
96 104 nC6 2.5 4.6 7.7 11 13.3 15.8 0.25 3.23
98 106 c3C6= 4.4 6.5 9.1 12.5 16.3 20.9 0.08 0.48
102 110 t3C6=+C6=,= 2.9 5.2 8.4 9.4 12.4 15.9 0.17 0.93
103 112 2M2C5= 2.7 4.7 7.4 9.9 12 14.4 0.15 0.77
104 114 3McyC5= 7.8 11.3 15.9 22.7 25.2 28 0.02 0.11
105 116 t3M2C5= 4.3 6.9 10.2 10.1 12.5 15.4 0.1 0.48
106 118 c2C6= 4.1 6.7 10.2 14.3 17.4 21 0.07 0.4
109 122 c3M2C5= 3.1 4.5 6.4 9.1 10.5 12.1 0.14 0.75
112 128 McyC5 2.4 3.3 4.4 9.1 10.1 11.1 0.36 2.34
116 138 24DMC5 1.8 2.7 3.9 8 10.1 12.4 0.2 1.93
118 142 223TMC4 0.5 4.1 14.3 20.9 35.2 54.8 0.01 0.06
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TABLE A1.3 Group Summaries for the Gasolines Run in the 1996 ASTM Interlaboratory Cooperative Study
Name rmin rest rmax Rmin Rest Rmax Cmin Cmax
Paraffin 0.0562 0.0646 0.08 0.125 0.186 0.373 1 20
Isoparaffin 0.0209 0.024 0.03 0.047 0.065 0.102 20 65
C2Benzene 0.0334 0.0384 0.05 0.057 0.073 0.102 3 20
Oxygenates 0.0418 0.0491 0.06 0.104 0.141 0.221 3 20
A2.1 This information is presented in Tables A2.1-A2.7 and paraffins, and total naphthenes. The differences for benzene
Figs. A2.1-A2.13. and toluene among the indicated methods are well within the
reproducibilities of the methods. The sample numbers refer to
A2.2 Tables A2.2-A2.7 show comparisons between this test the interlaboratoy cooperative study samples. It should be
method and other methods for several compound types. Mul- noted that the interlaboratory cooperative study samples in-
tidimensional PIONA is included since it tends to give reason- cluded only spark ignition fuels and different results may be
able peak compound type groupings for total olefins, total obtained with pure blending components.
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TABLE A2.1 Oxygenates Relative Response Factors
NOTE—All RRF relative to N-C7= 1.000; this also applies to the cooperative study.
Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Average Standard % Standard
No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 RRF Deviation Deviation
Methanol 2.921 2.957 2.903 2.795 3.085 3.391 2.923 2.996 .194 6.465
Ethanol 1.997 2.043 2.003 2.057 2.138 2.354 2.014 2.087 .127 6.1
t-butanol 1.274 1.282 1.329 1.305 1.297 1.429 1.2 1.302 .069 5.281
MTBE 1.508 1.523 1.552 1.791 1.508 1.658 1.498 1.577 .109 6.932
ETBE 1.352 1.349 1.406 1.543 1.369 1.509 1.319 1.407 .086 6.108
TAME 1.308 1.323 1.342 1.451 1.336 1.471 1.264 1.356 .076 5.593
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TABLE A2.5 Total Olefins
Total Olefins (weight %)
2 7.1 4.4
6 9.8 9.4
8 6.6 6.2
10 15.1 13.7
13 11.1 11.1
14 24.6 22.2
Average 12.4 11.2
Multidimensional PIONA.
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(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 The following publications on DHA analyses may be X1.1.5 Di Sanzo, F. P. and Giarrocco, V. G., “Analysis of
useful as background and are recommended to the user of these Pressurized Gasoline-Range Liquid Hydrocarbon Samples by
test procedures: Capillary Column and PIONA Analyzer Gas Chromatogra-
X1.1.1 Johansen, N.G. and Ettre, L.S., “Retention Index phy,” Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol 26, June 1988,
Values of Hydrocarbons on Open Tubular Columns Coated pp 258-266
with Methyl Silicone Liquid Phases,” Chromatographia, Vol 5, X1.1.6 Durand, J. P., Beboluene, J. J. and Ducrozet, A.,
No. 10, Oct 1982 “Detailed Characterization of Petroleum Products with Capil-
X1.1.2 Johansen, N.G., Ettre, L.S., and Miller, R.L., “Quan- lary GC Analyzers,” Analusis, 23, 1995, pp 481-483
titative Analysis of Hydrocarbons by Structural Group Type in X1.1.7 Canadian General Standards Board: CAN/CGSB
Gasolines and Distillates. Part 1,” Journal of Chromatography,
-3.0, No.14.3-94, “Test Method for Individual Hydrocarbon
256, 1983, pp. 393-417
Component Analysis (IHA) in Spark Ignition Engine Fuels by
X1.1.3 Kopp, V.R., Bones, C.J., Doerr, D.G., Ho, S.P., and
Gas Chromatography”
Schubert, A.J., “Heavy Hydrocarbon/Volatility Study: Fuel
Blending and Analysis for the Auto/Oil Air Quality Improve- X1.1.8 French Standard NF N07-086, December 1995,
ment Research Program,” SAE Paper No. 930143, March 1993 “Determination of Hydrocarbon Type Contents in Motor Gaso-
X1.1.4 Schubert, A.J. and Johansen, N.J., “Cooperative lines from Detailed Analysis Capillary Gas Chromatography”
Study to Evaluate a Standard Test Method for the Speciation of
Gasolines by Capillary Gas Chromatography,” SAE Paper No.
930144, March 1993
X2.1 This appendix presents a modification of the test based on a 35°C isothermal analysis of pentane (n-C5).
method that decreases the total analysis time from 150 minutes
X2.6 Figs. X2.6-X2.11 presents, in detail, the identified
to 82 minutes. The primary change is the use of hydrogen
CGSB0496 gasoline standard analyzed under the conditions
rather than helium as the carrier gas. The oven temperature
stated in Table X2.1.
ramp and column flow rates are also modified in order to
ensure optimum resolution and linear velocity. All remaining X2.7 Table X2.4 presents the summary of coeluting com-
operating parameters of the GC remain as stated in the method. pounds.
Column performance tests are included in order to evaluate
method performance. This appendix includes a chromatogram X2.8 Table X2.5 presents the component retention times
with components identified, as well as the component list and properties of the compounds identified in the CGSB0496
analyzed with the test conditions specified in Table X2.1. standard.
X2.9 All sections of Test Method D 6729 should be
X2.2 Table X2.1 presents the chromatographic operating followed as written, except for the following:
conditions, column requirements, and data acquisition require-
X2.9.1 In 7.2, hydrogen gas is used rather than helium as the
ments. These conditions will elute all components up to and
carrier gas.
including pentadecane (n-C15).
X2.9.2 In 8.1, the Linear Gas Velocity is now set to 31.0 psi
X2.3 Table X2.2 presents the column resolution perfor- constant pressure that corresponds to an average linear velocity
mance requirements. of 42 cm/s at 35°C. This linear velocity value is optimum for
hydrogen. Under these isothermal conditions, methane should
X2.4 Figs. X2.1-X2.5 present chromatographic examples elute at 3.9 minutes. Using the conditions described in Table
of each critical separation described in Table X2.2. X2.1, methane should elute at 3.6 minutes.
X2.9.3 The Table 1 chromatographic operating conditions
X2.5 Table X2.3 presents the column efficiency results are now modified as in Table X2.1.
D 6729 – 04
TABLE X2.1 Instrument Parameters TABLE X2.4 Coleuting CompoundsA,B
Chromatographic Conditions Requirements RT Predominant Peak Coeluting Compound
Carrier gas Hydrogen 23.00 methylcyclopentane 2,2-dimethylpentane
Injector settings 27.13 3,3-dimethylpentane 5-methyl-1-hexene
Injector temperature, °C 270 29.36 2-methylhexane 2,3-dimethylpentane and C7-olefin
Split ratio 200:1 38.76 2,5-dimethylhexane C8-olefin
Liner deactivated glass 41.32 toluene 2,3,3-trimethylpentaneC
Injection volume 0.2 µL 44.59 3-methylheptane t-1,4-dimethylcyclohexane
Detector settings 54.27 4-methyloctane C9-olefin
FID temperature, °CA 300 55.27 o-xylene 1,1,2-trimethylcyclohexane
Hydrogen flow, mL/minB 40 72.54 1,2,3,4-tetramethylbenzene C11-aromatic
Air flow, mL/min 450 A
Due to the possibility of coeluting peaks in other areas, the user is cautioned
Nitrogen make-up flow, mL/min 20
in the interpretation of the data.
Column oven settings B
Manual integration may be necessary in many areas of the chromatogram.
Initial temperature, °C 0 C
The 233-TMC5 is partially resolved as a shoulder of the toluene peak.
Initial hold time, min 9.5
1st ramp rate, °C/min 1.5
Final temperature, °C 50
Final hold time, min 0
2nd ramp rate, °C/min 3.14
Final temperature, °C 130
Final hold time, min 0
3rd ramp rate, °C/min 6.28
Final temperature, °C 270
Final hold time, minC 0
Column requirements
Length, m 100
Inside diameter, mm 0.25
Liquid phase 100 % polydimethylsiloxane
Film thickness, µm 0.5
Pressure (Constant), psi 31.0
Flow, mL/min (range) 3.3 – 1.0
Linear gas velocity, cm/s (range) 46 – 29
Data acquisition, Hz 20
Total analysis time, min (including clean-up time) 90.6
FIG. X2.1 2,3-dimethylbutane and methyl t-butyl ether
Set to 25-50°C above the highest column temperature. R = 2(15.698 − 15.487) / 1.699(0.0603 + 0.0633) = 2.01
Values to be set as recommended by instrument manufacturer.
Final hold time or temperature may be adjusted to ensure complete elution of
the sample components.
D 6729 – 04
D 6729 – 04
FIG. X2.7 Detailed Chromatogram for CGSB0496 Reference Gasoline (17 – 30.5 min)
D 6729 – 04
FIG. X2.8 Detailed Chromatogram for CGSB0496 Reference Gasoline (30.5 – 42.5 min)
D 6729 – 04
FIG. X2.9 Detailed Chromatogram for CGSB0496 Reference Gasoline (42.5 – 55.5 min)
D 6729 – 04
FIG. X2.10 Detailed Chromatogram for CGSB0496 Reference Gasoline (55.5 – 68.5 min)
D 6729 – 04
FIG. X2.11 Detailed Chromatogram for CGSB0496 Reference Gasoline (68.5 – 82 min)
D 6729 – 04
TABLE X2.5 Component Retention Times and Properties
D 6729 – 04
D 6729 – 04
D 6729 – 04
D 6729 – 04
D 6729 – 04
D 6729 – 04
Subcommittee D02.04 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D 6729–01) that may impact the use of this standard.
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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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