Certificate in Quantitative Finance
Certificate in Quantitative Finance
Certificate in Quantitative Finance
Quant finance for today's markets The need for quant finance expertise
is ever-widening, so we've designed the CQF for ambitious professionals
from a spectrum of backgrounds. CQF delegates come from a wide range
of positions within the markets and a variety of academic backgrounds,
including finance, economics, business, engineering and the sciences.
The CQF is for anyone who wants an efficient and cost effective way to
develop practical mastery of quant finance and machine learning, while
also earning a globally recognized qualification. The CQF is especially
relevant for professionals working or planning to move into one of the
following areas.
– Quantitative Analysis
– Data Science
– Risk Management
– Information Technology
– Analytics
– Consulting
– Derivatives
– Actuary
– Hedge Funds
– Trading
– Fund Management
– Asset Management
– Student
– Structuring
– Insurance
– Quantitative Trading
– Valuation
– Quantitative Research
– Derivatives
– Model Validation
CQF program overview The CQF is split into three essential phases:
Preparation (optional primers), the CQF Qualification (modules and
advanced electives) and Lifelong Learning (continuous education).
Mathematics Primer
Linear Algebra:
Python Primer
Finance Primer
This primer introduces the key concepts and different asset classes
needed for the CQF program. Designed to benefit both those who are
working in the industry and seeking a refresher, and those who have no
experience within financial services but may be looking to move into this
type of role, this ten-hour primer lays the foundations you’ll need to
– Macro Economics
– Capital Markets in Fundamentals
– Introduction to Money Markets
– Time Value of Money
– Introduction to Equities
– Introduction to Bonds
– Introduction to Swaps
– Introduction to FX
– Introduction to Derivatives
– Introduction to Commodities
In module one, we will introduce you to the rules of applied Itô calculus
as a modeling framework. You will build tools using both stochastic
calculus and martingale theory and learn how to use simple stochastic
differential equations and their associated Fokker- Planck and
Kolmogorov equations.
Binomial Model
– Taylor series
– A trinomial random walk
– Transition density functions
– Our first stochastic differential equation
– Similarity reduction to solve partial differential equations
– Fokker-Planck and Kolmogorov equations
Module 2 - Quantitative Risk & Return
In module two, you will learn about the classical portfolio theory of
Markowitz, the capital asset pricing model and recent developments of
these theories. We will investigate quantitative risk and return, looking
at econometric models such as the ARCH framework and risk management
metrics such as VaR and how they are used in the industry.
Portfolio Management
– Measuring Risk
– VaR and Stressed VaR
– Expected Shortfall and Liquidity Horizons
– Correlation Everywhere
– Frontiers: Extreme Value Theory
– Volatility clustering: the concept and the evidence
– Properties of daily asset returns
– Properties of high-frequency returns
– Definition of capital
– Evolution of Basel
– Basel III/IV and market risk
– Key provisions
Black-Scholes Model
Exotic Options
Understanding Volatility
Advanced Greeks
– The names and contract details for basic types of exotic options
– How to classify exotic options according to important features
– How to compare and contrast different contracts
– Pricing exotics using Monte Carlo simulation
– Pricing exotics via partial differential equations and then finite
difference methods
FX Options
option selling and hedging of different asset classes
In module four, you will be introduced to the latest data science and
machine learning techniques used in finance. Starting with a
comprehensive overview of the topic, you will learn essential
mathematical tools followed by a deep dive into the topic of supervised
learning, including regression methods, k-nearest neighbors, support
vector machines, ensemble methods and many more
Supervised Learning – Regression Methods
– Linear Regression
– Penalized Regressions: Lasso, Ridge and Elastic Net
– Logistic, Softmax Regression
Supervised Learning II
– K Nearest Neighbors
– Naïve Bayes Classifier
– Support Vector Machines
Module 5 - Data Science & Machine Learning ll
In module five, you will learn several more methods used for machine
learning in finance. Starting with unsupervised learning, deep learning
and neural networks, we will move into natural language processing and
reinforcement learning. You will study the theoretical framework, but
more importantly, analyze practical case studies exploring how these
techniques are used within finance.
Unsupervised Learning |
– K Means Clustering
– Self Organizing Maps
– Strengths and Weaknesses of HAC and SOM
– Applications in Finance
Unsupervised Learning II
– Pre Processing
– Word vectorizations, Word2Vec
– Deep Learning and NLP Tools
– Application in Finance: sentiment change vs forward returns; S&P
500 trends in sentiment change; Earnings calls analysis.
– Code examples
Reinforcement Learning I
Reinforcement Learning II
– Robust Portfolio Optimization with Machine Learning
– Denoising and Detoning covariance matrices
– Nested Cluster Optimization
In the first part of module six, we will review the multitude of interest
rate models used within the industry, focusing on the implementation
and limitations of each model. In the second part, you will learn about
credit and how credit risk models are used in quant finance, including
structural, reduced form as well as copula models.
– Names and properties of the basic and most important Fixed Income
– Features commonly found in Fixed Income Products
– Simple ways to analyze the market value of the instruments: yield,
duration and convexity
– How to construct yield curves and forward rates
– Swaps
– The relationship between swaps and zero-coupon bonds
Stochastic Interest Rate Modeling
The Libor Market Model
– Modelling credit risk
– Basic structural models: Merton Model, Black and Cox Model
– Advanced structural models
– An introduction to CDS
– Default modelling toolkit. Inhomogenous Poisson Process
– CDS pricing: basic and advanced models
– Bootstrapping intensity from CDS market quotes
– Accruals and upfront premium in CDS pricing
Intensity Models
X-Valuation Adjustment
Advanced Electives
Your advanced electives are the final element in our core program. These
give you the opportunity to explore an area that’s most relevant or
interesting to you. You need to select two electives from the extensive
choice below to complete the CQF qualification.
Advanced Machine Learning I The Machine Learning (ML) elective will
focus on the practical consideration of deep sequential modeling. From
gaining an understanding of the Machine Learning framework to feature
engineering and selection, the elective teaches essential skills required
to build and tune Neural Networks.
Who is it for: IT, Data Science, Risk Management, Trading, Fund
Management, and Machine Learning Professionals
Advanced Risk Management This elective will explore some of the recent
developments in Quantitative Risk Management. It will take as a point of
departure the paradigms on how market risk is conceived and measured,
both in the banking industry (VaR, ES) and under the Basel Frameworks
(sensitivities-based approach). It will explore how to use Extreme Value
Theory (EVT) and Radial Basis Functions (RBF) for this purpose.
This elective will then explore credit risk correlation and the modern
approaches used to estimate the asset correlation for a portfolio. Using
the Multifactor Vasicek model and data from defaults/downgrades in the
markets, it will explore how to estimate intra and inter sector
correlations. Furthermore, it will assess if the resulting estimated
correlation matrices are valid, i.e. positive semi-definite, by using
techniques form matrix algebra, such as eigenvalue analysis and the
Gershgorin Theorem. Using these it will then construct stressed
correlation matrices that can be used for risk management purposes.
Finally, it will conclude with the lessons learned from the recent
pandemic and its consequences on financial risk management. The
stressed environment of the Covid-19 pandemic increased not only
market and credit risks but also the operational risks of financial
– Discuss credit risk correlation and the modern approaches used to
estimate the asset correlation for a portfolio
– Explore the new approaches to conceive and quantify climate risk is
the financial industry
– Fourier Transforms
– Functions of a Complex Variable – a detailed approach
– Stochastic Volatility and Jump Diffusion
– Fractional Brownian Motion and rough paths
Who is it for: Traders and quants who want to learn and use Python in
Algorithmic Trading II The Algorithmic Trading elective is a DIY guide that
enables you to start your quantitative trading from scratch. This elective
is an extension of Algorithmic Trading I and covers some of the best
software practices in developing quant applications including data
ingestion, backtesting, and live programmatic execution of trades using
Who is it for: Traders and quants who want to learn and use Python in
– System 1 Vs System 2
– Behavioural Biases; Heuristic Processes; Framing Effects and Group
– Loss Aversion Vs Risk Aversion; Loss Aversion; SP/A theory
– Linearity and Nonlinearity
– Game Theory
2009. As the number of applications that were built on it grew rapidly,
such technologies have the power to shape the future from finance to
personal experience in managing the energy trading business for over 20
years. The focus will be primarily on the most liquid oil market with some
extensions to other energy commodities.
FX Trading and Hedging This elective on FX trading and hedging will equip
you with the knowledge and skills to understand FX trading models,
backtesting techniques, hedging strategies, and option trading
methods, enabling you to make informed decisions in the dynamic world
of foreign exchange.
– Learn how to construct and test more sophisticated option trading
models and appreciate the risks inherent in option selling methods
– Lagrange interpolation
– Cubic splines
– LU decomposition
– SOR methods
Who is it for: Risk Management, Trading, Fund Management