Mcom Semester III
Mcom Semester III
Mcom Semester III
1. To expose the students to the latest provisions of Income Tax Act.
2. To identify the Tax Planning and Assessment Procedures for Individuals, Firms and
Expected Outcome
Students will get working knowledge regarding legitimate way of tax planning under different
financial/ managerial decisions after taking into consideration the impact of Direct Tax Laws.
Number of Modules: 6
Module I
Heads of Income- Income from Salary- Income from House Property- Income from Business or
Profession- Capital Gains- Income from Other Sources- Computation of Total Income.
(25 Hours)
Module II
Clubbing of Income- Aggregation of Income- Set off and Carry forward of Losses- Deduction
from Gross Total Income (10 Hours)
Module III
Tax Planning- Tax Management- Tax Evasion- Tax Avoidance- Nature and Scope of Tax
Planning and Management- Significance of Individual, Firm, and Corporate Tax Planning and
Management (8 Hours)
Module IV:
(25 Hours )
Module V:
Assessment of Companies
Definitions- Taxable Income and Tax Liability- How Computed- Minimum Alternative Tax- Tax
on distributed profits of domestic companies- tax on income distributed to unit holders- Tax on
income received from venture capital companies and venture capital fund- Problems on
Computation of Taxable Income of Corporate Assessees. Tax Planning and Management
Decisions- Tax Planning with reference to Financing and Investment Decisions – Make or Buy-
Own or Lease-Repair or Replace- Employee Remuneration- Setting up of New Business-
Location Aspect- Amalgamation or Demerger
(30 Hours )
Meaning- Double Taxation Relief Applicable to Individuals, Firms and Corporate- Double
Taxation Avoidance- GAAR ( General Anti Avoidance Rules )
( 10 Hours )
Suggested Readings
Course objectives
The course aims at providing the students a comprehensive understanding on the areas of
security analysis and portfolio management and acquainting them with various tools and
techniques for making prudent investment decisions. It focuses on the principles of security
analysis and the development of skills in portfolio management.
This course takes inputs from IFM and Financial services at graduate level.
Module I
Module II
10 Hrs
Module III
a. Technical analysis – concept – Dow theory – Elliot wave theory – types of charts – line
charts, bar charts – Japanese candlestick charts – technical market indicators – patterns –
trend and trend reversals – continuation patterns – mathematical indicators – moving
average: simple and exponential – rate of change indicator – RSI – moving average
convergence and divergence – breadth of the market.
b. Efficient market hypothesis(EMH) - market efficiency – requirements of market
efficiency – forms of market efficiency – weak form/random walk model – tests – semi
strong form of market efficiency – tests – strong form market efficiency – tests –
difficulties in testing market efficiency.
20 Hrs.
Module IV
20 Hrs.
Module V
Portfolio management: revision and evaluation plans – portfolio revision – need – factors
affecting portfolio revision – active revision strategy – index portfolio – tracking – passive
revision strategy – formula plans – constant rupee value plan – constant ratio plan – variable
ratio plan – rupee cost averaging – merits and demerits of portfolio revision – portfolio
performance evaluation – need – benchmarks, Sharpe reward to variability ratio – Traynor
reward to volatility ratio – Jensen’s performance index – Fama’s decomposition model.
(Illustrations) 20 Hrs
Module VI
18 Hrs.
3. Donald E Fischer and Ronald E Jordan, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management,
Pearson Education
10. Punithavathy Pandian, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publications
12. Sidney Cottle, Roger F Murray and Frank E Block, Security Analysis, TMH
13. Stephen H Penman, Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, TMH
Module 1
Module 2
Internal Cost- Profit Analysis- Strategic cost analysis, Cost- Profit- Sales analysis using
product and project, present performance and result ratio, analysis of post expansion
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Ethical issues in strategic finance- finance manager as a strategist- assessment of ethical financial
performance- accounting disclosure for ethical financial management- transparency in operation
1. Richard batler, Lesle Davis, Richard Pike and Joh Shine- Strategic Investment
Decisions, Routledge, London and New York
2. NENAD DACEK,- The Future of business in emerging markets- Marshall Caven dish.
3. Samuel C Weaver, J Fred Weston: Strategic Financial Management- Application of
Corporate Finance, Thomson Higher Education , USA
4. G.P Jakhotiya, Strategic Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
5. John k Shank, Vijay Govindarajan- Strategic Cost Management- The new Tool for
Competitive Advantage- The free press.
6. David Allen- An Introduction to strategic Financial Management- The key to long term
profitability- Kogan Page
PAPER 4-Advanced Cost and Management Accounting
Meaning of marginal cost Equation and Marginal costing.Role of Marginal costing in decision
making-fixation of selling price, Accepting additional orders, Quotations, Make or buy
decisions, Key Factor Analysis, Own or Lease, Sell or further process, Closing down or
suspending activities. (14Hrs)
Features of Process Costing its applications in different situations- Inter process profits, Work in
Progress, Calculation of Equivalent Production and its procedure under different cases namely
(a)When there is only closing work in progress, but with no process losses. (b)When there is
only closing work in progress, but with process losses (c)When there is opening as well as
closing Work in Progress, but with no process loss. (17Hrs)
Standard Costing and Variance Analysis
(a)Material Variance( Review only)-Material cost variance, Material price variance, Material
usage variance, Material Mix Variance, Material Yield Variance, (b)Labour Variance-Labour
cost variance, Labour Efficiency variance, Labour Idle time variance, Labour Mix Variance,
Labour Yield Variance,(c) Overhead Variance-Fixed overhead variance, Variable overhead
variance, Volume Variance, Expenditure variance, Capacity variance, Calendar Variance,
Efficiency Variance (d)Sales Variance-Total Sales Variance, Sales price variance, Sales Volume
Variance, Sales Mix Variance, Sales Quantity Variance. Reconciliation of Budgeted Cost and
Revenue with the help of Variances. (18Hrs)
Module-IV -
Transfer Pricing Applications
Concept, Divisional performance, Alternative Transfer pricing methods-Market based Transfer
pricing, Marginal costTransfer pricing, Full cost Transfer pricing, Cost plus mark up Transfer
pricing, Negotiable Transfer pricing, Marginal cost and Opportunity costTransfer pricing,
International Transfer pricing. (14Hrs)
Module- V
Ratio analysis, Fund flow analysis and Cash flow analysis
Liquidity Ratio, Leverage Ratio, Capital structure ratio, Profitability ratio, Turnover ratio –Fund
flow analysis and Cash flow analysis. (22Hrs)
Module- VI
Evolving Cost management Practices
(a)Activity Based Costing (5 Hrs)
Need for emergence of Activity Based Costing (ABC), Concept of ABC, How to develop an
ABC system, Allocation of overheads under ABC, Implementation of ABC, Support of ABC
system towards corporate strategy, Practical Problems based on basic concepts.
Origin, definition, steps towards target costing, Target costing process, features and
Advantages,Practical Problems based on basic concepts.
(c) Life Cycle Costing (4 Hrs)
Life Cycle Costing (LCC), stages of product life cycle, benefits of product life cycle costing,
Life Cycle Costing process- Costing for different stages, Practical Problems based on basic
Concept, Need and significance, Return on Capital base, Residual Income, Divisional
Performance measurement, merits over traditional performance measures. (23Hrs)
Reference Books
Khan.M.Y. and Jain P.K. Advanced Cost Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Co.Ltd.New Delhi.
Arora M.N. Principles and Practices of Cost Accounting-Vikas Publishing House New Delhi
Maheswari SN. Cost and Management Accounting, Sultan Chand and Sons, NewDelhi.
Colin Drury, Management and Cost Accounting, Cengage Learning India Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi.
Horngren, Foster and Datar, Cost Accounting A Managerial Emphasis, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi.