out individually in the forests. In additional, it makes possible to hunt from the
long distance. Using of bow and arrows gave a stimulus for improving stone tool
technology. Small stone tools called Microliths appeared in that period. These
early peoples developed simple tools such as spears and axes made from bone,
wood, and stone.
The Mesolithic Age in Azerbaijan is represented by the Damjili cave on Avey
mountain located in Gazakh district and by Gobustan monument located about 64
km. southwest of Baku on the west coast of the Caspian sea. Being covered with
dense growth of savanna type and possibly with wooded areas during the
Mesolithic Age Gobustan’s area was the very favorable for human habitation.
The first research of Gobustan was carried out by I.M.Jafarzade in 1939-1940.
The systematic research of the petroglyphs of Gobustan started in 1947. 3500
pieces of rock art on 750 rocks were discovered on the mountain of Kichikdash,
Boyukdash and Jingirdash. Carved drawings etched on the rocks demonstrate
scenes of hunting, fishing, labor and dancing. There are many images of animals –
bulls, gazelles, horses, deer, wild boars, lions, tigers, wolves, foxes, dogs, cats,
fish, birds, lizards, tortoises, scorpions and others. Images of bulls, goats, and deer
served as totems in different times. Some of them colored (painted) with ochre
(raddle). Numerous paintings of boats carving on the massifs of Kichikdash and
Boyukdash testify that Gobustan’s ancient settlers used boats in fishing very
There were cult of the ancestors (forefather), worshiping of their souls among
the inhabitants of Gobustan. Some female statuettes (figurine) were tattoed. The
females usually were painted with the big breast. It was connected with worshiping
of the woman and symbolized fertility and abundance. The people, who lived in
Azerbaijan in the Mesolithic Age were related to the modern Azerbaijani people on
physical features.
The Neolithic Age, or New Stone Age is considered the last part of the Stone
Age. This era in Azerbaijan lasted approximately from the late 8 th to 6th
millennium BC.
The first Neolithic Age’s settlements in Azerbaijan were revealed near Lake
Urmia in Southern Azerbaijan. These are Hasanly, Haji Firuz and Yanigtepe. In
Northern Azerbaijan the settlements were revealed in the camp Anazaga, Kenize
and Ovchularzagasy in Gobustan.
The Neolithic Age is characterized by “Neolithic Revolution”. The Neolithic
Revolution became a fundamental change in the way people lived. They shift from
hunting and gathering to agriculture led to permanent settlements. Agriculture even
in primitive forms, an ability to store food against bad times allowed a growth in
population. Need for clothes, pottery and leather increased in this period. It led to
the formation of such branches of craft as pottery and weaving. The artifacts
referred to that period testified that by means of drilling and grinding the more
advanced tools were made. Non-food producers can specialize as craftsmen,
warriors and leaders. These developments, in turn, allow for a more complex
society and the possibility of urbanization.
The emergence of early copper metallurgy alongside traditional stone tools
marked the subsequent period, known as the Eneolithic or Chalcolithic Age. The
term of Eneolithic derived from latin “aeneus” (copper) and greek “lithos” (stone).
Eneolithic period in Azerbaijan lasting from 6 to 4 millennium is marked by
cultivating (manufacturing) of copper. Copper is a soft metal, that’s why it is
available for making adornments only. The increasing of the population, its
expansion by settling Mil-Garabag, Mugan, Ganja-Gazakh, Nakhchivan zones,
territory around Lake Urmiya took place in Azerbaijan in that period. The first
excavations dating this period were carried out in Nakhchivan (Kultepe I). There
was revealed the remains of ancient settlement. Another settlement referred to this
period was discovered in Alikomektepe. The remains of domesticated horses were
found here. It is testified that the domestication of horse occurred in Azerbaijan in
5 millennium BC.
There were mainly two types of dwelling in Azerbaijan in that period. The
circular (rounded) shape of dwelling, considering as traditional for Azerbaijan also
was spread in Northern Mesopotamia very widely. It testified that there were close
previous period the dead man was buried not just in dwelling place but in special
places. Discovered burial mound - kurgan in Khankendi, traces of cremation ritual
in Khanlar, catacomb type of grave in Baba Dervish reflected burial practice of
that time.
The middle period of the Bronze Age is characterized by the second public
division of labour by separating craft from the agricultural sector. This process in
Azerbaijan is testified by the findings in Kultepe settlement in Nakhchivan, where
the potters’ quarter was discovered. The first town type settlements in Azerbaijan
appeared in this period (Nakhchivan). Gardening, market gardening, viticulture,
(wine-growing) wine-making appeared as result of artificial irrigation in this
The late period of the Bronze Age and the Iron Age in Azerbaijan is known
as Khojaly-Gadabey or Ganja-Garabag culture. This culture emerged in the late
Bronze and early Iron Ages in Azerbaijan. By separating of trade the third public
division of labour had taken place in that period.
The IRON AGE the Period (11-8th centuries BC) demonstrates further
development of a society in comparison to the Bronze Age. The Iron Age is
studied thanks to the burials barrows, stone boxes, soil (ground) burials). The
cyclopean fortresses constructed of the huge stone blocks is characteristic for that
period. (constructed by "Cyclops" – giants, same as “Nuraq” in Santa Sabina,
The seminomadic yailaq cattle breeding was put forward. The important
progress in pottery craft was connected with using of a potter's wheel set in motion
by a foot.
The third public division of labor took place in that period by separating of
handicraftsmen-dealers from handicraftsmen. Later they became professional
dealers. So, there was a third public division of labor. The tribes lived in
Azerbaijan in that period maintained trade relations with the tribes of Western
Asia and Near East. The bead with a name of the Assyrian king Adadnerari has
been found in Khodjaly. During this period people worshipped to fire, water,
mountains, woods, animal. There was a belief in heaven bodies (the Moon, the
Sun, stars). Widely using of iron had began since 7th century BC.
Decay (disintegration) of primitive-communal system was accelerated during
the last Bronze Age and Iron Age (from the of 2nd –early 1st millenium BC). The
process of disintegration of communal system by means of separating strong
families, tribal leaders was happened. The rich and poor families emerged. And the
primitive community gradually displaced by the neighbouring community. Each
family had own agricultural economy. Stratification on the rich and poor is well
traced by the funeral monuments, because burials of leaders differ from burials of
the poor people. (servants, horses). Emerging of the class society led to
establishing of the early slaveholding states. This process took place in Southern
Azerbaijan much earlier than in Northern Azerbaijan thanks to the close relations
with the cultural centers of the Near East region.
region. The Gargars had the same ethnic roots with the Turks. With the laps of the
time the Gargars settled the both banks of the Araz river.
The ancient fortified cities such as Goytepe. Hasanly near Lake Urmia, Kultepe
II, Oglangala, Shakhtakhty, Sadarak in Nakhchyvan, Uzerliktepe, Garakopektepe
in Garabagh were based by these tribes.
The Lullubi
The earliest information about Lullubi was given by the Sumerian legend
"Lugalbanda and the Anzud Bird". There was note about "mountains of Lulubi"
where the gigantic Anzud bird lived.
Later with strengthening of the Akkad state the Lullubi was exposed to the
invasions of the Akkadian kings (Sargon the Great, Naram Sin). The necessity to
resist against aggressive policy of the Akkad state enforced the Lullubian tribes to
consolidate themselves by establishing strong state.
Despite the continuous invasions carrying out by the Akkadian kings the
Lullubian put up a resistance them. The famous rock stele dated to the 23rd century
BC was constructed in honor of the Lullubian king Anubanini. This memorial
informs us about the victories of the Lullubian king Anubanini. Anubanini was
depicted with the Assyrian-Babylonian goddess Ishtar. It’s notable, that a later
Babylonian legendary mentions Anubanini as one of Sargon the Great’s opponents.
Under ruling of Anubanini the Lullubi has flourished.
At the end of the 3rd millennium BC the Lullubian state was disintegrated.
Lullubi lived also in the Assyrian city of Nuzi together with the Hurri tribe. The
Hurri named them “Nullu” i.e “stranger’. The Lullubi were known as a brave and
warlike tribe.
In the following (2nd) millennium, the term "Lullubi" or "Lullu" began to be
used in meaning "highlander". The original region of Lullubi was also known as
The Gutians lived on the territory of Southern Azerbaijan around Lake Urmia.
There different theories about origin of the Gutians in the historiography. Some
theories refer them to Elamite language or Caucasusian language tribes. Although
according to the recent research the Gutians are considered to be Turkic language
tribe. They were a prominent nomadic tribe. In 23rd century BC the Gutians having
passed through Zagros mountains they got into Mesopotamia and attacked Akkad.
Akkad was the mightiest kingdom in Mesopotamia at that time. The Sumerian
cities were subdued by the Akkadian kings. The Akkadian king Naramsin
attempted to subdue the Gutians, but was defeated by them. Akkad fell to the
Gutians eventually. They established own state in this territory which stretched
from Lake Urmia to the Persian Gulf. The Gutians saved the state system, which
was set up by the Sumerians and the Akkadians. Under their ruling conflicts
between cities were stopped, the order in the country was established, the trading
ways were in safety. They built and restored temples. The Gutians also seem to
have briefly overrun Elam. The statue erected in honor of the Gutian king
Erridupizir at Nippur has inscription which proclaims "King of Gutium, King of
the Four Quarters". The Gutians ruled in Mesopotamia within 100 years. There
was the revolt against last Gutian king Tirigan in Uruk city in the end of 22 nd
century BC. In the course of this revolt the Gutian were driven out (were removed)
of Mesopotamia.
The Turukki
The Turukki was considered to be one of the ancient Turkish tribes settled on
the territory of Southern Azerbaijan and south coast of the Caspian Sea in the 20-
19th centuries BC. After collapsing of Gutium kingdom Turukki began to carry out
independent policy. Turukki was mentioned among the 17 tribes which fight
against the Akkadian military troops invading the northern land. In the 2 nd
millennium BC the Turukki began to carry out independent policy. They passed
through the Zagros mountain range into Mesopotamia and settled along the bank of
the Lower Zab river. They conquered the military administrative center Shusharru
which was under the control of Assyria. In the beginning of the 2 nd millennium BC
the tribal confederacies of the Gutians, the Lullubians and the Turukkis put
constant military pressure upon Assyria and have weakened it. Later Turukki
threatened Babylon. The Babylonian king Hammurabi had to interfere in north of
Mesopotamia to subdue Turukki and get rid of danger to his state. Nevertheless,
part of the Turukki settled in Babylon in 14 th century BC.
The necessity to put resist against capturing policy, carrying out by the mighty
neighboring states of Mesopotamia (Sumer, Akkad, Assyria) and Urartu stipulated
the consolidation process of the early tribe associations. This reason along with the
highly development of the social system created the background for establishment
first states in Azerbaijan. This process took place in the territory of Southern
Azerbaijan much earlier than in Northern Azerbaijan.
The small state formations (Zamua, Gilzan, Zikirtu, Surikash, Gizilbunda,
Uishdish, Andia, Alatee, etc.), existing in the 9th century BC round lake Urmia
were exposed to the regular invasions of the kings of Assyria and Urartu. It wasn’t
effective to resist to such powerful states separately and in this situation Mannaean
governors were enforced to unite. Thus, the kingdom of Manna was established in
the territory south and southeast of lake Urmia in the 9 th century BC. The basic part
of Manna was the district Zamua located south of lake Urmia. Zamua was
considered as the country of the Lullubis. The first mention of Manna dating 843
year BC is given by cuneiform inscription of the Assyrian king Salmanasar III.
The Mannaean lands became contested ground between Urartu, who built
several forts on the territory of Manna, and Assyria. In Manna’s history its
relations with Assyria and Urartu - the strongest states of that period – had a
decisive role because each of these states tried to subdue Manna to itself. Assyria
was the traditional ally for Manna over whole period of its existing. At first they
struggled together against Urartu, and then against Midiya and Babylon union in
the end of VI century BCE.
In the second half of the 8th century the Assyrian king Tiglatpalassar III (740-
710 BC) captured the Mannaean district Mazamua and attached it to Assyria.
Urartu also captured the Mannaean districts, took captive thousands inhabitants,
destroyed and burned cities.
Ahsheri. He destroyed Izirtu and other cities, took captive the population, cattle,
horses. After that the people raised against Ahsheri and killed him.
Ahsheri’s son Ualli (650-630 BC) having come to power restored the union
with Assyria. Manna maintained allied relations with Assyria up to its fallen once
and for all. Manna took Assyria’s sides in the war against Midiya and Babylon.
Manna was conquered by Midiya in 590 BC.
Culture.The Mannaeans were mainly a settled people, practicing irrigation and
breeding cattle and horses. The Mannaen area of Subi was especially famous for
horses. Such branches of craft as metal working, weaving were high developed in
Manna as well as trade. Excavations that began in 1956 discovered the fortified
city of Hasanlu. The gold bowl with the image of a mythical scene and three
deities of the Sun, the Moon and the Wind-Rain was found in Hasanlu. It allows to
suppose that there was polytheism.
Finding of writing artifact fragment testified the Mannaeans were familiar with
cuneiform writing. Besides, a local version of the hieroglyphic letter was used as
well. It is testified by the signs printed on surface of the tray, discovered in Ziviye.
In the 1st quarter of the 7th century BC the Scythian tribes began to move from
north of the Black sea to South. Part of them was settled throughout Southern
Caucasus, another part passed forward to Asia. The Scythians and Cimmerians led
by Ishpaka occupied the lands located north and west of Lake Urmia. In the 7th
century BC on the area between Manna and Urartu the Scythian kingdom was
There are some toponyms in Azerbaijan by Scythian origin. Kura-Araz
interfluve (the valley between Kura and Araz) in early medieval age sources is
mentioned as “Balasakan” i.e. “Sak’s plain”. The toponyms of Gymyr in Zagatala
district and Kamarli in Gazakh district are connected with the Cimmerians.
While Antony was preparing for siege, the Parthians and Atropatenians blocked
the Romans legions at Fraaspa and attacked them. Having lost over 35,000 soldiers
the Romans forced to retreat.
In the last decades of the 1st cent. BC Atropatena had close relations with the
Roman Empire. In 20 BC Ariobarzan II having come to the power by support of
the Romans ruled Armenia as well. He lived in Rome about 10 years. Ariobarzan’s
II son Ariovast had been the last king of Atropatena. After his death Atropatena
was subdued by Parthia in 20’s and remained under the power of Arshakid dynasty
of Parthia until its collapsing.
The population was engaged in gardening, wine growing, husbandry
(agriculture), cattle breeding, trade and craft. There were rich mineral deposits of
iron, copper, gold, silver. Mineral oil (petroleum) which was known as “media oil”
was extracted here as well. Oil was used in battles. In trade the drachma and
tetradrachm with the image of Alexander the Great were used.There was influence
of Hellenistic culture in Atropatena. The cities flourished in Atropatena. There
were such cities as Gazaka, Fraaspa, Agnazama. The chief temple of Zoroastrian
religion was in Gazaka. The celebrations on crowning of the Sasanid king were
spent in this temple. Zoroastrism was the state religion in Atropatena. The
Atropateneans considered fire to be holy and worshiped it. The holy book was
"Avesta". The primary version of "Avesta" was destroyed in the fire in 330 BC
during the invasion of Persepolis by the army of Alexender the Great. Later
“Avesta” was restored by the Sassanid kings. “Avesta” was translated into French
and published by Anketil Duperron in 1771.
The earliest mention about the tribes settled the territory of Albania was made
by the Greek historian Herodotus. He informed about the Caspians who
participated in the Greek-Persian wars. Strabo informed about 26 different tribes in
Albania, including the Legs, the Kadussi, the Amards, the Udis, the Gargars which
had own king and language. Strabo describes Caucasian Albanians as tall, blonde-
haired and gray-eyed. He characterized them as brave and warlike people. The first
mention about the Albanians was made by the Greek historian Arrian. He informed
that the Albanian tribes under the command of Atropat participated in the battle of
Gaugamela in 331 BC.
In the end of 4th - beginning of 3rd centuries BC the independent state of Albania
was established. Albania occupied the territory between Iberia and the Caspian
Sea. Albania covered the most part of territory of the modern Azerbaijan Republic,
southern areas of Dagestan and the Alazan valley in the territory of modern
Georgia (Ganikh).
Roman invasions. The Roman Empire aimed to conquer Southern Caucasus and
reach the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea. Therefore, the roman legions headed by
Pompeius invaded Albania in 66 BC. The Albanian troops numbering about
40,000 warriors were headed by king Orois. The Roman legions were stronger and
better trained than the Albanians and they defeated them at the Kura river. The
next battle took place at the Ganigh (Alazan) river in 65 BC. According to
Plutarch, this time the Albanian troops numbering 60 thousand infantry and 22
thousand cavalry were commanded by Orois’ brother Cosis. During the bloody
battle Cosis pressed the Roman warriors and got near Pompeius but he fell. Having
applied ruse of war Pompeius won the fight. The Roman historians inform that the
Albanian women whom they called “Amazons” fought in this battle together with
men. The peace agreement between Pompeius and Orois was concluded after that
In 36 BC the Roman commander Canidius who was sent by Antony subdued
Iberia and Albania. During the 1st century Albania was governed by the local
rulers. Albania maintained the diplomatic relations with the Roman Empire.
Economy. Albania was a fertile agrarian state with vast wheat fields, grape
vineyards and fruit gardens. Fishery in Albania highly developed. Aelian noted that
the Albanians made fish glue from its internal organs and ointment from cod-liver
oil. Existence of iron ore in Albania furthered to metallurgy development. Since
the first centuries of AD the glass-wares were made in Albania. The stamps made
like ring were used in Albania. The domestic and foreign trade highly developed in
Albania. The treasures of coins found in Shamakha in 1958 and in Gabala in 1966
testified that the stamping coins were widely used in trade. Alexander the Great’s
coins also were used in trade. Cities in Albania were appeared in the middle of the
1st millennium BC. Strabo informed about the Albanian cities Ainiana and
Anariaka in the province of Uti. The chief town of Albania was Kabalaka
(Gabala). Ptolemy informed about 29 cities in Albania. Culture of ancient
Albania was studied on the materials of the archeological excavations and the
written sources. The remnants of large public buildings and fortress were found in
Gabala, around the ancient settlement Tazakend and in Torpaggala. The catacomb
burials dated 1st-3rd centuries were found in Gabala and Mingachevir. The
Albanians were familiar with the Greek, Latin and Near Eastern written languages
as early as in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. It was testified by the following
evidences: 1. the peace treaty signing between Orois and Pompeius in 65 year BC;
2. the inscription in the Greek language on a stone, found in 1902 in the village
Boyuk Dehne in Sheki district, dated the 2nd century. This inscription is devoted to
an Greek who died in the strange land; 3. the letters depicted on the clay fragments
But in 451 sassanid force with support of hun tribies was victorious over the
rebels. After Yezdegird’s II death Vache renounced Zoroastrizm and accepted
Christianity again. Together with the 11 Caucasian governors he opposed the new
Sasanian shah Firuz. Shah Firuz called the Haylandur (Onogur) Huns for invading
Albania in 462. In this situation Vache II had to give up the power and the king
authority in Albania was disposed for the 30 years. Musa Kalangatly noted that
after Vache II Albania remained without the governor within 30 years. In the
period of 463-493 Albania was governed by the Sasanian marzbans.
The revolt against the Sasanids occurred in Southern Caucasus including
Albania in 481-484. Nvarsak treaty was signed in 485 by shah Balash which
provided a number of privileges to the South Caucasian people. In 493 the albanian
dynasty of Arsacids was restored on the Albanian throne. Vachagan III the Blissful
(493-510) came to the power. He encouraged spreading Christianity in Albania and
organized Aguen church council in 498 with participation of 10 Christian religious
figures. Aguen council adopted the cannons which concerned Christianity and set
up taxes size. Nevertheless, Christianity couldn't become stronger in Albania. The
reign of the Albanian Arsacid dynasty was ceased by the Sassanids in 510. Albania
began to be ruled again by the Sassanian marzbans up to the establishment of
Mihranid dynasty (510-629).
Albania under Mihranid dynasty. In the beginning of the 7th cent. the Mihranids
dynasty came to power in Albania. The dynasty was founded by Mihran who was a
distant relative of the Sasanid shah Khosrau II. Mihran was accused of being
involvement in murder of shah’s father. He escaped from Iran and settled in the
Albanian province Uti. Later he moved to Girdiman. Shah Khosrau being afraid
that Mihran could conclude union with the Khazars forgave him. Although Mihran
was considered to be originated from the Turkish tribe of Sabirs settled the
Girdiman province since the 70-s of the 6th cent. Having killed 12 persons from the
local nobility Mihran became ruler of this province. His successors managed to
strengthen more their power. Varaz Grigor was the first of the Mihranids who
assumed the title of king over all of Albania. Thus, ruling of the Mihranid dynasty
(629-705) in Albania began.
The most prominent ruler of Mihranid dynasty was Javanshir - Varaz Grigor’s
son. In 633 the Arabian armies started war against the Sasanian Empire and Varaz
Grigor sent the Albanian troops led by Javanshir to fight against the Arabs on the
side of the Sasanids. Albanian historian Musa Qalankatli noted that Javanshir and
his group of soldiers fought for seven years against the Arabs. During this time,
Javanshir proved to be a brave soldier and a talented warlord. The Sasanian Shah
Iezdigerd III especially recognized Javanshir’s merits and awarded him with gold
belt, decorated in pearls, and a sword with a gold handle for courage in the battle at
Qadisiyyah in 636. Javanshir at the head of his troops numbering 3000 warriors
also participated in the battle for the capital of the Sassanids Ctesiphon in 638.
After the Sassanian army suffered defeat Javanshir returned to Albania in 640.
First of all, Javanshir defeated and drove out of Albania the Iranian feudal lords
who had invaded and plundered the country. Javanshir became the governor of
Albania after death of his father in 642 at the age of 21 years. Varaz Grigor make a
will not to struggle with Arabs.
Khazars and Byzantium also threatened Albania. Javanshir concluded an
alliance with Byzantium. He met with the Byzantine Emperor Constantine II two
times and was recognized by him as the governor of Albania which covered the
territory from the borders of Iberia up to Araz river and «Hunnic gate» (Derbent).
The emperor sent a precious gift and named Javanshir the king of Albania.
In 662 Albania was faced with the invasion of Khazars. The Khazars reached
the river Kura, where Albanian troops defeated them and forced them to retreat
from Albania. A few years later (665), the Khazars invaded again and reached the
river Araz. Javanshir was compelled to enter into negotiations with Khazars. He
met with the Khazars’ khagan at the bank of Kura and concluded peace agreement
with him. Albania was obliged to pay annual tribute and Khazars returned all
captives and herds (cattles). Besides, Javanshir was married to Khazar Khakan’s
With the expansion of the Arab conquests the alliance with Byzantium was no
longer significant for Albania. Byzantium was much weaker than the Arab
Caliphate while Albania needed a strong ally for protection against the attacks of
Khazars. In this situation Javanshir had to recognize the Caliph’s suzerainty. He
visited Damascus the capital of Caliphate two times (667, 670) and was met by the
caliph Muawiyah with solemnity. Caliph officially recognized Javanshir as king of
Albania. Thanks to the diplomatic talents as well as his personal qualities Javanshir
set up friendly relations with the Caliph. According to the agreement with
Caliphate Albania could save its internal independence and cut down the sum of
annual tribute to one third (1/3). Besides, the Syunik province was handed over to
rule of Javanshir. Caliph presented Javanshir by an elephant and 52 light-footed
horses. Javanshir was assassinated by the rival nobles in 680. Musa Kalangatli
wrote that Javanshir built many palaces and temples in Barda at the capital of
Albania and in other cities.
After the Arabs defeated the Sassanids in the battles of Nihavend and Hamadan
in 642, they entered Azerbaijan. In the battle near Ardabil marzban of Azerbaijan
Isfendiyar was defeated and taken prisoner. Thereafter Isfendiyar’s brother Bahram
continued fight against the Arabs but he also was defeated by the Arab commander
Ukba Ibn Farkada. Isfendiyar was compelled to conclude treaty with the Arab
commander Bukeyr under the following conditions:
1. population of Azerbaijan (with the exception of women, children, poor) was
obliged to pay taxes also capitation tax jizya;
2. the Arabs pledged not to interfere with religion, traditions and customs of the
local population;
3. those persons who had not subdued to the Arabs, were allowed to leave the
4. persons who voluntarily served in the Arab Army, were exempted from
Thereafter, Bukeyr having taken Mugan and the West coast of the Caspian Sea
reached Derbent. In Shirvan Bukeyr also signed a treaty with the ruler of Shirvan
Shahriyar. After the departure of the Arabs from Ardabil, a rebellion broke out
here but was put down by the new Arab Army. In 646 the Arabs renewed the treaty
under the tougher terms.
In 643 the Arabs led by Abdurrahman reached Balanjar north to Derbent where
the battle with the Khazars took place. The Khazars won a victory and killed
Abdurrahman. The new Arab army under the command of Salman Ibn Rabia was
sent. The Arabs invaded Nakhchivan and Gerus, captured Beylagan and Barda and
concluded the treaty with the local population having obliged them to pay kharaj.
Having subdued Shamkir, Sheki, Shirvan, Shabran and Derbent the Arabs in
Balanjar once again encountered the Khazars in 653. This time as well the Arab
army was defeated and Salman fell in the battle.
The Arab-Khazar war which began in the 8th centure lasted approximately a
hundred years. In 730 the Khazars invaded Azerbaijan as far as Ardabil. In a fierce
battle near Savalan mount the Khazaras won a brilliant victory. Then they moved
to the town of Hilat in Asia Minor. Near the Lake Van the Arabs managed to crush
the Khazars and drive them out of Azerbaijan. Thereafter, part of the Khazar
concluded peace with the Arabs and accepted Islam. During the reign of Harun Al-
Rashid (786-809) in the 790’s Azerbaijan was again invaded by the Khazars.
In the middle of 7th century Azerbaijan was conquered by the Arabian
Caliphate. Because Arabs didn’t have sufficient experience in state governance
system they inherited political traditions and methods of governance from the
Sasanian Empire. The territory of the Caliphate was divided into the emirates like
marzbans in Sasanian empire. Initially there were 5 emirates in Caliphate. Later the
number of emirates increased to 14. Azerbaijan firstly entered into the 4 th emirate,
later into the 3rd. The territory of Azerbaijan in this period stretched from Derbent
in the north to Hamadan in the south.
Military forces were deployed (took place) in the strategically important cities
or border regions for repelling aggression (reflection attacks) from Khazars or
Byzantium. They were also used for suppression of revolts. The military forces
were in the 3 forms:
- the army formed from Arabs;
- the troops formed from the local population converted into Islam
religion. These troops called “movla”;
- the Christian volunteers who served in the Arabian army. They were
called “zimmi”.
Tax policy. Arabs adopted the Sassanian tax system as well. Although unlike
the Sassanids Arabs levied taxes not from individuals but from the country.
Initially there were 2 main forms of tax in the Caliphate: “kharaj” – tax for land
and “jizye” – capitation. Jizye was paid by non-muslim population. The Christian
church was allowed not pay taxes because Caliphate expected to use church in
keeping the Christians under control.
Caliph Ali (656-661) who was known as “Pillar of Islam” carried out the fair
tax reform. This reform aimed to the rational cultivation of land rather than to the
collection of kharaj. According to this reform non-arable lands were not exposed to
the taxation.
During the reign of the Omeyyad dynasty in 725 the population census was
taken. The cattle and lands in Azerbaijan also were inventoried and additional
taxes were input. It led to impoverishment not only poor men, but also small and
average feudal lords. During the reign of the Abbasid dynasty tax policy became
tougher, because as cultivated lands as non-arable lands were exposed to the
taxation. Caliph al-Mansur for his cupidity was nicknamed as «the father of
money». Under Harun ar-Rahid everybody having reached at the age of 15 was
obliged to pay taxes. Besides of kharaj and jizya there were such taxes as “khums”,
There were 5 forms of land ownership in Azerbaijan in Caliphate period:
1. the dominant form was state lands, they also called as “divan” or “caliph”
2. “igta” was the conditional form or land ownership which granted for military
service. There were 2 form of igta – presented igta and rented igta;
3. “mulk” was hereditary form or land ownership. Mulks were in possession of
the local feudal lords “maliks”;
4. “vakuf” lands which were in possession of religious institutions. Vakuf
lands couldn’t be sold or transformed into a private property;
5. “ijma” lands which were in possession of rural communities.
His real name was Hasan but later he accept the name Babek. His farther who was
named Abdulla lived in Azerbaijan and made his living by selling oil. Abdulla was
murdered by robbers. In order to make a living for his mother and little brother
Hasan had to work as a shepherd already at the age of 10.
There was a Hurramit organization in his home town Bilalabad led by a
wealthy man Javidan ibn Sukhrak who lived in the Baaz fortress. Javidan was
engaged in a conflict with his neighbour feudal Abu Imran. When Javidan was
killed in fight against Abu Imran in 816, his wife declared that Javidan’s spirit
transferred from his body to Babek's. After Babek succeeded Javidan, he became
the leader of the Hurramits community in Baaz and accepted his non-Muslim name
Babek. After becoming the Hurramites leader, Babek started to take some serious
actions: his goals were to banish the Arabs, abolish Islam and restore ancient
beliefs. He gradually transformed his poorly equipped troops into a well-organized
and trained army. A rebellion against the Arabs took place throughout all of
Azerbaijan and then moved further into the North (Arran) and into the South
(Khorasan). Babek always destroyed all fortifications and killed Arab soldiers and
civilians. The Khorramdin rebellion of Babak lasted more than 20 years.
The first battle took place in 819. Babek won this battle against Abu Khamed
ruler of Azerbaijan and Armenyya. Caliph Mamun having realized that the
situation was getting worse he appointed Muhammad at-Tusi as chief of the army.
Tusi was talented warrior, but in battle at Hashtadsar in 829 Babak won a decisive
victory over him. Muhammad at-Tusi lost his life. Many of his soldiers were
killed. In 830 at the battle near Hamadan Hurramites von. Afterwards Hurramites
crossed out of bound of Azerbaijan.
Having been involved in a war with Byzantine Caliphate had to postpone the
war against Babek. In 833 Caliph al-Mamun died, his brother Al-Mutasim
succeeded him as the new Caliph. The first thing that Mutasim did after becoming
Caliph was to reorganize the Arab army. He hired a lot of Turks who were known
as brave and skillful soldiers.
The battle against Babek took place near Khamadan in 833. Arabic troops led
by Iskhak ibn Ibrahim won this battle. Babek returned to Baaz. Afterwards,
Mutasim formed a new army and appointed his outstanding general Heydar ibn
Kaus al-Afshin, who was Turkic by birth as chief commander. Afshin was also
appointed as ruler of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Arran, Mugan and Jabal. Afshin rebuilt
fortresses. Afshin was acting slowly in his war against Babek. In the spring of 836
Afshin reached Baaz and surrounded the fortress. In one of the battle the prominent
Arabian general Buga al-Kabir was defeated and could hardly escape. At the end
of the winter Mutasim sent another 9,000 Turkish soldiers. Al-Mu'tasim sent a
safety guarantee for Babak to Afshin. This was taken to Babak who was very
displeased. He said: "Better to live for just a single day in a freedom than to live
for forty years as an abject slave". Babek hoped to receive aid from Byzantium
against the Caliphate. He escaped from Baaz in 837. Babek reached the Shakhi
where his close friend Sahl ibn Sumbat lived. Sumbat invited him to stay at his
castle but he betrayed him. Having received a letter from Afshin promising million
dirham award for the capture of Babek Sahl ibn Sumbat handed him over to
Afshin. Babek and his brother were taken to the capital in rich clothes riding an
elephant and a camel. Heydar ibn Kaus al-Afshin captured Bazz in august 837.
Babek was executed on 14th March 838 in Samarra.
The reasons which led to defeat of the Khorramdin rebellion were the
following: 1. betrayal of the big nobles; 2. attraction of the Turkic military leaders
and fighters to the war against the Khurramites; 3. the ability of the Arabian army
despite the huge losses being restored.
The Khorramdin movement was the freedom struggle of the Azerbaijani people
for independence. Although this struggle was suppressed but it undermined
Caliphate and eventually led to its disintegration.
Formation of Azerbaijan nation
Formation of Azerbaijan nation firstly occurred during the period of First
Azerbaijan Republic (1918-1920). In 1919 the information about Azerbaijan nation
was given to Paris peace conference. There was written: “In ancient times there
were tribes speaking in Tatar (Turkish) that inhabited in the east land of Caucasus
along the shore of Caspian Sea. These tribes partly mixed with Persians and
numerous mighty Turks for several times. Thereupon people that lived in this side
of Caucasus were called Azerbaijan Turks or according to country’s name called
As a lot of countries in the world Azerbaijan is also multinational country.
Majority of people are in turk origin, but from ancient times till today here live
tribes speaking in Caucasus-iber languages as udins, lezgins, etc. and tribes
speaking in Persian languages as tats, talish and so on.
For hundred years these nations accepted customs and traditions of one another,
married to one another and became relatives. But every nation has its own ethno
genesis - formation in history. One of the most important problem in history is the
formation of Azerbaijan turks as nation. It is necessary matter to take into account
written historical sources, archeological, ethnographical, toponymycal and
historical- philological materials in order to learn it.
In the I millenium B.C. Azerbaijan was attacked by kimmer-scyth-sak
tribes.Their coming strengthened turk element in Middle East. First information
about turk tribes lived in Azerbaijan and Anatolia were given us by cuneiform
writings in North Mesopatamia. There were informations about bulgar, bunturk,
alban, gargar tribes and tribe unions in sources. The Georgian source “Makhsevoy
Kartlisay” was written in 10th century gives us information about bunturk – as the
branch of bulgar nation. Leonti Mraveli, author of XI century wrote that bunturks
lived in Kartly-in eastern Georgia- till the time when the Babylon tsar
Navakhodonsor destroyed Jerusalem in 586 B.C., and when Alexander the Great
come to Asia. Antique author Dion Cassi considered Albanians as massaget, i.d
In III-V centuries there were great movement of turkish origin huns to
Azerbaijan.These tribes were: kangar, onogur, haylandur, barsil, suvar, sabir and
khazar. Ethnonim barsil transfrmed to the forms borshali-borchali. Nowdays the
part of Gorgia where azerbaijan people live calld so.
Mazyadids dynasty founded by the the Arabian deputy Yazid ibn Mazyad
Sheybani, who was appointed by Harun ar-Rashid (786-809) to rule Southern
Caucasus, including Shirvan. His residence place was Barda. By origin, the
Yazidids were Arabs of the Shaybani tribe.
After subduing the Lakhijanshah domain Shirvanshakh Abu Tair built up the
ancient city of Shamakha and renamed it Yazidiyya. Whereas it had very important
strategic position the capital was transferred there in 918. In the end of 10 th
century the Shirvanshakh state extended its territory gradually by joining Gabala
(981), Barda (982), Shabran (983) and also Derbend (988). The fortifications of
Derbend were rebuilt up by the Shirvanshahs. It helped to prevent invasions of
Azerbaijan from the north. Khursan and Tabasaran also were incorporated into the
Shirvanshahs state. Sheki and Sanariya were controlled by the Shirvanshakhs for
some times. The Shirvanshakhs built many defensive castles across all of Shirvan
to resist many foreign invasions especially attacks of the northern tribes.
The Sajids state (879-941) was based in 879 by the Turkish dynasty Sajids
originated from the Central Asian province of Usrushana. The founder of this
dynasty Abu Saj Diwdad served in the caliph’s army and took part in the final
campaign against Babek Khurramdin. In view of great military services of Abu Saj
Diwdad, Caliph granted him Azerbaijan as mulk. Afshin
Toward the end of the 9th century, as the central authority of the Abbasid
Caliphate weakened, Muhammad the son of Abu-Saj Diwdad formed an
independent state. He issued coins in the own name. Since 912 Yusif ibn Abu Saj
Diwdad stopped tribute payment in the Caliphate treasury at all. He invaded the
territory of Armenia, Tiflis and Kakhetia. The Sajids put also the Shirvanshah state
under their control. Since the beginning of 10th century the Sajids state covered all
territory of Azerbaijan and stretched from Zenjan to Derbent, from the Caspian sea
to the cities of Ani and Dabil (Dvin). Maraga was the first capital of this state, later
Ardebil became the capital.
The Sajids state was the first Azerbaijani state which could unite all
Azerbaijani lands and establish a single state on the whole territory of Azerbaijan.
The creation of a single state was the very progressive achievement in our history
and promoted the intensification of economic and cultural relations between all
regions of the country. It led eventually to consolidation of the Azerbaijani people
and helped to resist to the aggressive attempts of the Christian block. The dynasty
of the Sajids was displaced by the Salarids dynasty in 941.
The Salarids state (941-981) was founded by Marzban ibn Muhammed the
governor of Deylem (Gilan) province. Marzban ibn Muhammed inflicted defeat on
the last Sajid ruler Deysam in 941 and captured the capital Ardebil. The Salarids
state covered extensive territory from Derbend pass in the north to the rivers Tigris
and Euphrates in the south. From the Caspian Sea including Gilan province in the
east to Georgia and Armenia in the west. That period in history of Azerbaijan is
characterized by the development of the economic relations, prosperity of craft and
trade. During the rule of the Salarids the trade vessels began sail across the Caspian
The existence of single state of both the Sajids and the Salarids promoted the
process of ethnic consolidation and formation of uniform nation.
However, the struggle for power started after the death of Marzban ibn
Muhammed between his sons and brother Vahsudan as well as the military raids
undertaken by the Rus weakened the Salarids. Especially capturing of Barda the
capital of Arran by the Rus in 944 exhausted the Salarids state at all and hastened
its downfall. The Salarids state fell to the Ravvadids.
The Sheddadids state (971-1067) With the decline of the Salarids state
Mohammed ibn Sheddad captured Dabil (Dvin) and founded Dabil emirate in 951.
He was descended from Shaddadid dynasty which ruled Ganja, Arran-Nakhchivan,
Dvin and Ani emirates from middle of the 10th till 12th centuries. Having captured
Ganja in 971 Ali Lashkary ibn Muhammad established the independent state.
During the reign of Fazl ibn Mohammed (985-1031) the Sheddadids state became
stronger. He subdued Baylagan. The small feudal domains round Ganja were
subdued. Fazl ibn Muhammad successfully fought against Georgian feudal lords
and the Khazars, got the Armenian governor to pay tribute. By dynastic marriage
he established friendly relations with the Shirvanshahs. His daughter was married
to Shirvanshah Menuchehr. During Fazl ibn Mohammed’s rule the Khudaferin
bridge across the Araz was constructed in 1027. This bridge played an important
role in development of economic and cultural ties between southern and northern
parts of Azerbaijan. The Sheddadid ruler Leshker had friendly relations with the
Ravvadid ruler Vahsudan and emir of Tiflis Abulfazl Jafar ibn Ali. He successfully
defended Dabil (1037) and Tiflis (1038) from the Armenian and Georgian
In the 50-s of 11th century Southern Caucasus was invaded by the Seljuqids.
The Sheddadid ruler Abulasvar Shavur was submitted to the Seljuq sultan Togrul
bey. The Sheddadids and Seljuqs became an allies in struggle against Byzantium.
In 1062 the Sheddadids state was invaded by the Alans. Having concluded an
alliance with the Georgian king Bagrat IV the Alans passed through the Daryal
gorge and raided Azerbaijan. Abulasvar Shavur reinforced Ganja by ordering to
build of defensive walls round the city. Moreover, in 1063 he ordered to the smith
Ibrahim Osmanogly to make gates for Ganja fortress. Last representative of this
dynasty Fazl III attempt to restore authority of Shaddadis in Ganja but was captive
by Saljuq army in 1088. Sultan Malikshah appointed his own amir (govenor) to
The Ravvadids state (981-1054) Like the Mazyadids the Ravvadids were
Arabic tribe by origin. The ancestors (forefathers) of the Ravvadids resettled from
Yemen to Azerbaijan in 8th century. They settled near Tebriz. The Ravvadian clan
Azdi ruled Tebriz, Maraga, Ahar. Garadag. In 981 one of the descendant of this
clan by name Abulheja having overthrown of the last Salarids governor Ibrahim
ibn Marzban established the Ravvadids state. Capital was transferred from Ardebil
to Tabriz. Transferring of the capital to Tabriz which located at the crossing of
trade routes promoted its prosperity. Moreover, Tabriz had very favourable
position for economic and political consolidation of all Azerbaijan regions. The
territory of Ravvadids state included Southern Azerbaijan and Mugan estate. After
the Oghuz Turks were defeated by Mahmud Ghaznevi in 1028 the Ravvadian ruler
Vahsudan (1020-1059) allowed approximately the 2000 families from the Oghuz
Turks to arrive in Azerbaijan from Central Asia and settle near Tabriz.
up the Kura river and captured Barda the capital of Arran. Because this time the
Mosul governor rose the revolt and grasped Khoy and Salmas, Salarid ruler
Marzban ibn Mohammed had to move against him. Only a small military
group was left at Barda. This group couldn’t protect the city. The Rus
demanded the inhabitants had to leave the city. This ultimatum was rejected, and
the Rus began killing people. They held part of inhabitants in a mosque demanding
a ransom for them in 20 dircham.
The Rus' stayed in Barda for several months, using it as a base for plundering
the adjacent areas. 20 thousand people were killed during the Rus’ occupation.
Nevertheless, the Rus couldn’t stop resistance of local population. Being
exhausted by resistance of the local people and an outbreak of dysentery the Rus
had to leave Barda. Ibn Miskawaih writes that the Rus' escaped at night having set
the fortress on fire. they have set fire to a fortress and together with extraction by
the ships have sailed in the country. They carried on their backs all they could of
their treasure. This tragic event had undermined status of Barda, the famous
Bardian market had lost its worth, issuing of coins had been suspended. Barda
couldn’t recover its prosperity.
In the later period raid of the Rus in Azerbaijan continued. In 987, emir of
Derbend Maymun ibn Ahmad asked the Rus' to help him against local chiefs. In
1030, the Rus' raided the region of Shirvan. The ruler of Ganja Musa ibn Sheddad
used them to suppress a revolt which was rose by his brother in Beylagan. The
year of 1032 saw another Rus' raid into Shirvan they were joined by the Alans.
Local Muslims defeated the Rus' in 1033.
Turkic commander who was descended from the Oghuz tribe of Gynyg which had
accepted Islam in 10th century. In the 11th century the Seljuqs under the pressure
of the Ghaznavids began to move westward. The Seljuq’s principal opponent was
Byzantium. Having passed through Azerbaijan and Iran the Seljuq troops defeated
the Byzantian army in 1015 and the lands around lake Van and Nakhchyvan was
taken under their control.
Seljuq state with capital in Nishapur was based in 1038. The Ghaznavids’
sultan Masud I dreamed to get back Nishapur fought the Seljuqs in the
Dandanakan plain (near Merv) on May, 23rd, 1040. Seljuq army headed by the
skilled commander Chaghri beg won a brilliant victory. After the battle Great
Congress organized in Merv on the next day, declared Tughrul beg as “sultan”.
He began new military offensives against the Byzantine Empire and the Caliphate
in an effort to expand his empire's borders, in order to unite the Islamic world.
With this purpose capital was transferred from Nishapur to Rey in 1043.
The Seljuqs attacked Azerbaijan from three directions – Hamadan, Isfahan and
Gilan. The Seljuq troops led by Kutalmysh having passed Araz entered Aran.
Having united with the Azerbaijanian troops Seljuqs defeated Byzantian, Georgian
and Armenian united military forces in 1048. Byzantium was compelled to make
the peace with the Seljuqs.
In 1054 the Seljuqs approached Tabriz which was the capital of the Ravvadids
state. The Ravvadid ruler Vahsudan submitted to the Seljuqian sultan. The
Sheddadids ruler Abulasvar Shavur also obeyed to the Seljuq sultan and
concluded an alliance against the Byzantian emperor and its allies on the Caucasus.
Despite persistent resistance Shirvan was compelled to subdue to the Seljuqs in
1066. Shirvanshah Fariburz I became the vassal of the Seljuq sultan. Thus,
Azerbaijan was entirely incorporated into the Seljuqian empire. There were some
reasons which facilitated the Seljuqian conquest of Azerbaijan. One of the reason
was that there wasn’t uniform state in Azerbaijan. The Sheddadids, Shirvanshas
and Ravvadids states which existed in Azerbaijan in that period couldn't unite
themselves to put resistance to the Seljuqs. The other reason was that the Seljuqs
Tughrul’s II son Arslan-shah. Atabeg (literally means "father lord") was the title
granted to the Turkic slave officers who served as guardians of Seljuq rulers. In
the political circumstances of that time, Atabegs were not only tutors and vice-
regents of their princes, but also de-facto rulers. In 1136 Shams ad-Din Eldegiz
(1136-1175) was appointed to be governor of Azerbaijan province Aran. This date
became the beginning of the Azerbaijan Atabeg state. Shamsaddin expanded his
power over the other territories of Azerbaijan including Nakhchyvan. At the height
of Eldegiz power, their territory stretched from Isfahan in the south to the borders
of Georgia and Shirvan in the north.
By the support of Shamsaddin his stepson Arslanshah was enthroned in
Hamadan in 1160. Thereafter Shamsaddin accepted the title “Grand Atabeg”. The
actual power in the state was in his hands. He defeated the opposed governors and
forced them to subdue him. Under his rule the people “began to live in truth,
justice and safety”. Shamsaddin’s elder son Mohammed Jahan Pahlavan was
appointed sultan’s hajib, and his younger son Ghyzyl Arslan became a supreme
commander in chief of sultan army. Thus, Iraq Seljuq Sultanat began to be ruled
by the Azerbaijanin dynasty of Atabegs. The territory of the Atabegs state
stretched from Derbent to the Persian gulf, from Tiflis to Mekran. It also included
all the territory now known as Armenia, Dabil. The Shirvanshah state recognized
supremacy of the Atabegs’ dynasty. Shamsaddin reinforced the borders of the
state and prevented the invasions of the Georgians rulers.
The historical significance of the Atabeg of Azerbaijan was in that they put the
territory of Azerbaijan under firm control and defend it from the foreign invasions
during the later Seljuq period. Moreover, they became champions of Islam in
Southern Caucasus against the Bagratid Georgian kings.
Shamsaddin was succeeded by his son Jahan Pahlavan (1175-1186). Under his
rule the State of Atabegs became more stronger. Jahan Pehlivan transferred capital
from Nakhchyvan to Hamadan and made his younger brother Ghyzyl Arslan the
ruler of Azerbaijan. In 1174 Qyzyl Arslan took over Tabriz from the Aqsunqur
dynasty. Tabriz became the residence of the Azerbaijan governor.
Jahan Pahlavan was succeeded by his brother Ghyzyl Arslan. In the battle in
Hamadan in 1190 Qyzyl Arslan defeated the last Seljuq ruler Togrul III and next
year he was proclaimed Sultan. Nevertheless from this period the central power
began to get weaker. After Qyzyl Arslan was killed. The power was divided among
Jahan Pehlivan’s three sons: Abu Bakr, Qutluq Inandj and Amir Amiran. Abu Bakr
governed Azerbaijan and Arran, and his brothers were the rulers of Khorasan and
several neighboring regions. Soon, these three successors began to fight for the
throne. And Abu Bakr was the one to win this war. The permanent invasions of the
Georgian army were also renewed. In 1203 Dabil was invaded and plundered by
the Georgian troops. During the predatory campaign in 1210-1211 the western
areas of Azerbaijan particularly Marand, Miyane, Zenjan, Qazvin, Abhar and
Ardebil were devastated and plundered by the Georgian troops. The eastern
province Khorasan was grasped by the Khorezmshah Tekesh.
All these invasions as well as the first march of the Mongols in 1220-1222
speed up its decay. The Atabeg State fell in 1225 by Jalaleddin Khorezmshah.
rose; and crafts, science and poetry prospered. This epoch saw the emergence of
prominent figures such as Qatran Tabrizi, Bahmanyar al-Azerbaijani, Khatib
Tabrizi, Nizami Ganjavi, Khagani Shirvani, Omar Kafi ad-Din, Abu Bakr Ganjavi
and Mehseti Ganjavi. Starring among them was Ajami Nakhchivani, an
outstanding architect of medieval Azerbaijan, recognized not only in the Orient,
but in the Western world as well.
Unification of all the territories of Azerbaijan in the form of a single state
during the rule of Seljuqs and Eldenizs resulted in the great enhancement of the
economical, political and cultural life in the country. Production, trade, education
and culture also developed more. Internal and external trade relations grew largely.
New educational institutions were opened; mosques and unique architectural
monuments were constructed. The cultural Renaissance had been reached to new
heights because of the prominent literary figures such as Khaqani, Nizami, Ajami.
The magnificent statesmen such as Shemseddin Eldeniz, Mahammad Jahan
Pahlavan and Gizil Arslan wrote golden pages of the state management system of
Azerbaijan. During the rule of Eldenizs, the domain of the Azerbaijani Turkish
Language and culture of the Azerbaijani Turks expanded as well.
The great Azeri poet and philosopher Nizami Ganjavi (1141-1209) was born in
a craftsman's family in Ganja, received education in madrasah, and perfectly
studied the medieval sciences on his own. Nizami also became closely acquainted
with the oral and written literature of the Near East.
Nizami had never travelled out of Ganja, rejected being a palace poet and lived
on honest earning. Approximately in 1169/70 the ruler of Darband Seyfaddin
Muzaffar send Nizami a kipchak slave-girl Afal (Appag-White), who became his
wife and in 1174 bore a son, named Muhammad. Nizami Ganjavi started his
creation with lyric poems. From his works we learn that he had written a large
divan, and was famous as a gazal and gassida author. Nizami 's lyrics stand out
with high professionalism, worldly attitude to love and humanist thoughts about a
man's destiny. But Nizami Ganjavi entered the world literature with ''Khamsa''
(Quintiple) a pentalogue of five poems ''Treasury of Mysteries'', ''Khosrov and
Middle East. His travels gave him material for his famous poem Tohfat-ul Iraqein
meaning “A Gift from the Two Iraqs”. This book supplies us with a good deal of
material for his biography and in which he described his impressions of the Middle
East. He also wrote his famous qasida The Portals at Madain beautifully painting
his sorrow and impression of the remains of Sassanid's Palace near Ctesiphon.
On return home, Khaqani broke off with the court of the Shirvanshah’s, and
Shah Akhsitan gave order for his imprisonment. It was in prison that Khaqani
wrote one of his most powerful anti-feudal poems called Habsiyye (Prison Poem).
Upon release he moved with his family to Tabriz where fate dealt with him one
tragic blow after another: first his young son died, then his daughter and then his
wife. Khaqani composed moving elegies for all three most of which have survived
and are included in his diwan. Khagani was left all alone, and he soon too died in
Tabriz. He was buried at the Poet’s Cemetery in Surkhab Neighbourhood of
Qatran Tabrizi, one of the first poets in Azerbaijan to become famous
throughout the Middle East was born in 1010 near Tabriz in the town of Shahbad.
He went toschool in Shahbad, and then continued his studies in Tabriz. At that
time in Azerbaijan, one of the most authoritative and advanced states was the state
of Shaddadids, with its capital city in Ganja, which became the cultural centre of
the north of the Muslim world. In Ganja there were universities, schools, private
and public libraries, observatories and medical centres. Scientists, poets, architects,
and handicraftsmen from many Eastern countries gathered there. Qatran moved
there after finishing his studies. In Ganja he was soon linked to the court of
Shaddadids. Qatran wrote about the visit of a governor of the state of Ravvadids,
Abu Mansur Vahsudan, to Abdul Hasan Lashkari's court in Ganja. Qatran Tabrizi
acquired large popularity in many countries after his death as a talented poet,
scientist and wise philosopher. He was well known and loved in Khorasan and
Iraq. Qatran wrote such famous writings as "Kovs-nama", "Gush-nama", "Vamik
and Azra" and "Divan", consisting in the main form of qasids.
Most experts believe that Qatran Tabrizi's mother tongue was Azerbaijani
language. Azerbaijani scholars, on the basis of the analysis of medieval sources,
have shown that Qatran Tabrizi was the first in the history of Persian lexicography
to compile an explanatory dictionary of the Parsi language. Medieval authors
called the dictionary simply "Logate Qatran", (The Dictionary of Qatran). Qatran
Tabrizi has undoubtably made an appreciable mark on the development of poetry
and lexicography in Azerbaijan and Iran.
Information, brought by Qatran Tabrizi about several campaigns of the Oguzs
in Azerbaijan, as well as his verses about the earthquake in Tabriz are very
interesting and are still read today with excitement. Qatran Tabrizi died in Tabriz
in 1080 and was buried in the Suhrab quarter in the famous cemetery of poets.
Yahya bin Ali Khatib Tabrizi was born in 1030 in Tabriz. At school, Khatib
took a great interest in the theory of Eastern poetics, and he collected and read
many books on this theme. A talented young man at the age of 20, he had
questions that local scientists could not answer, and one of them advised Khatib to
seek help from a known linguist living in small Syrian town.
Abul-Ala al-Maariya, who Khatib came to learn from, was one of the greatest
representatives of Arabian literature and an experienced connoisseur of Arabian
linguistics and philology. After ending his studies with Abul-Ala, Khatib continued
to study in various countries and cities of the Middle East with the most famous
scientists of that time. In 1064 Khatib went to Damascus, where his friendship with
famous historian Khatib Baghdadi (1002-1071) began. Baghdadi happened to be
not only a good teacher and friend, but also a rich maecenas. He helped Khatib
Tabrizi financially and helped him with his purchase of writing materials and
paper. After this, Khatib went to Egypt, where he studied Arabian grammar with
the noble scientist Takhir ibn Babashaz.
In 1067 the well-known Nizaniyya University in Baghdad was established and
since the first day of its opening Khatib Tabrizi was invited to teach there. He had
been reaching there philology almost 40 years up to his final days. Scientists from
all over the East were assembled in Baghdad at that time, and in order to be
this structure have some destruction, its height today is more than 25 meters. Here
also exists an underground vault and a burial place or sardaba.
One of those creations of Ajami, which partially survived up to present day, is
an architectural ensemble near the Momina Khatun Mausoleum. The main building
had been destroyed some time ago, only two minarets and a portal connecting them
have remained. This portal was constructed in 1187 AD.
preferred to enter into negotiations with the Mongols, the inhabitants insisted to
take up arms. In course of the bitter battle the Mongols captured Baylagan, made a
cruel slaughter. Baylagan was burnt out and never restored any more. Ganja
rescued from the Mongol invasion by paying off. When the Mongols intruded into
Shirvan Shirvanshah Gushtasp took cover in the fortresses. The Arabian historian
Ibn al Asir recorded that the inhabitants of Shamaha saying «it is time to take up a
sword, display firmness and die with honor» within 3 days offered the desperate
resistance. Nevertheless, the Mongols took the city. Soon they left Shemaha and
through mountainous passes of Caucasus moved on the north.
Azerbaijan under power Jalaladdin Khorezmshah (1225-1231). After
Mongols’ leaving, Mohammad’s son Jalaleddin captured Iragi-Adjam, Fars,
Kirman and then arrived to Azerbaijan. As he grasped Maraga, he began to restore
city in order to get sympathy of people. When he went to Tabriz, Atabeg Uzbek
deserted his family in Tabriz,ran to Ganja.Then he ran to Alinja fortress and died
there. So Azerbaijan Eldegiz state fell down. Tabriz was defended by
Nizameddin,he was nephew of city’s ruler Shamsaddin Tugrayi. As there was no
unity between Atabeg dynasty and state nobles, the city was occupied after 7 days
resistance in July, 25th 1225. Jalaladdin had to appoint Nizameddin as a ruler of the
city. Jamaladdin - Atabeg’s governor in Ganja capitulated city to Jalaladdin’s
commander-Urkhan. Beylagan and Shamkir were captured too. Shirvanshah state
took vassalage of Jalaladdin in condition of to give 100 thousand dinar in a year.
Jalaladdin appointed his vezir Sharaf al- Mulk to govern Azerbaijan, and went to
Georgia. Illegal taxes for providing army that was put by Sharaf al-Mulk resulted
with rebellion. Jalaladdin came back and suppressed the rebellion. Shamsaddin
Tugrayi was prisoned, Nizameddin was killed.When Jalaladdin went to Irag
several feudal discharged Ozbek’s successor in an effort to restore Atabeg’s state,
but it was prevented. The next rebellion in Tabriz led by Yarbek was flashed in the
pan. Revolt in Ganja in 1231 led by Bender became peak of national movement.
This rebellion also suppressed, 30 insurgents were executed, and Bender was cut
into pieces. Rebellions also took part in Khoy, Marand, Nakhchivan. Historian an-
Nasavi gave information about Jalaladdin’s period.
The second Mongol campaign began in 1231 and completed in 1239 with
capturing of Derbent. This time Azerbaijan was occupied by the Mongols totally.
Having captured Tabriz the Mongols sent the best craftsmen to Karakorum while
nobility of Tabriz paid off from Mongols. The population of Ganja offered (put up)
desperate resistance. Ganja’s inhabitants fought so violently that the Mongols
didn’t dare enter Ganja even during a week after the city had fallen. Eventually
Ganja was captured in 1235. Shamkir and Tovuz like Ganja offered bitter
resistance although both were captured. Having taken Derbent in 1239 the
Mongols completed occupation of Azerbaijan. As a result of second military
campaign Southern Caucasus including Azerbaijan was incorporated into the
Great Mongol Kaganate and was ruled by the deputy appointed by Suprem
Mongol kaghan.
The third Mongol campaign. Establishment of the Hulaguid state. The Great
Mongol kaghan Mungke in 1253 charged his brother Hulagu (Chenghizkhan’s
grandson) with leading a massive Mongol army to conquer or destroy the
remaining Muslim states in southwestern Asia. In 1256 Hulagu subdued
Azerbaijan and Iran, in 1258 he took Baghdad, killed the last caliph Mutasim and
put an end to the Abbasid Caliphate. Thus, the state which is known as “Ilkhanate”
( because Hulagu khan accepted the title of “Ilkhan” in 1265) was established. This
state existed during about a century till 1357. The territory of Ilkhanate stretched
from the river Amu Darya to the Mediterranean sea, from Derbent to the Persian
gulf and included Azerbaijan, Iran, Georgia, Anatolia (to the river Kyzyl Irmak),
Afghanistan, the most part of Turkestan.
Owing to the rich natural resources as well as the profitable strategic position
Azerbaijan became the principal region of the Ilkhanate. The Azerbaijani cities of
Maraga, Tabriz, Sultaniya were the residences of the Ilkhanids. They spent
summers in Karabagh pasture lands, and winters in Mugan.
who possessed iqta) had to provide cultivation of land otherwise iqta would be
taken back. If iqtadar had been retired iqta was delivered to that son who
succeeded his father on military service.
Besides, this firman forbade moving peasants from their villages to a new place. It
became the first official document in the East attempting to impose serfdom
system. However, this attempt met with failure. It’s noteworthy that this firman
forbade the iqtadars to treat peasants like slaves, i.e. to kill them, to capture their
property etc.
2.Taxation reform. Firman of 1304 aimed to put taxation system in order. For this
purpose, the tax lists were made for each province, city and village. The certain
time for collection of taxes as well as the size of taxes (kharaj, kopchur) were set
up. Taxes could be collected only by the Divan’s officers. The size of “tamga”
collected from craftsmen was considerably reduced. All the income into treasury
must be registered and sealed up. No item could be delivered from treasury without
written permission of Ghazan khan. Military commanders and officers were
forbidden to enter rayyats’ houses forcibly. Generally, tax reform had progressive
character, it restricted arbitrary behaviour of the Mongolian feudal lords and
reconstructed state taxation system.
3. Judicial reform was also conducted. This reform aimed to eliminate bribery and
law violations. The basic attention was given to appointment of worthy religious
attendants to a post of the qadi.
4. Gazan khan reformed monetary system by creating uniform coinage as well as
unified measures and weights.
5. The postal system also was reformed. For maintaining rapid communications
between the districts of the empire the postal stations called Yam were set up at
every 3 farsakh (about 20 km). Each post had horses ready for use and available
staff. It’s noteworthy that henceforth no property of the local residents could be
expropriated (confiscated) on the pretext of using it for correspondence delivery.
The karavansarays were built along the roads. This reform was completed within 2
6. Religious reform was realized in order to strengthen central power. This reform
was caused by the political aims as well. Gazan khan needed strong power to
subdue opposed feudal lords. By means of declaration Islam to be the principal
religion in the state he intended to provide himself by support of local feudal lords
in struggle with the Mongol lords.
Gazan khan’s reforms positively affected the Ilkhanid state. The central power gets
stronger, economy revived and decline of the Ilkhanid state was prolong.
expensive gifts. According to the Tirkic custom Ibrahim I presented all gifts in
number of 9 pieces. But slaves were presented in number of eight only.
Shirvanshah Ibrahim I explained it having declared: "I am the ninth". Timur was so
pleased that he officially announced Shirvanshah Ibrahim the King of Shirvan and
Shemakha. Gradually the relations between Ibrahim I and Emir Timur grew into
friendship. When in 1395 Timur moved through Derbent against Tokhtamysh,
Shirvanshah Ibrahim with his army joined him. The allies gained victory over
Tokhtamysh. Every time when Timur moved through Shirvan to Georgia or
northward to Derbent, Shirvanshah Ibrahim accompanied him in campaigns
together with his army. Timur ordered Derbent walls to be restored. He was
interested in good relations with Ibrahim I, as he protected the northern borders
from Horde. In this connection, Ibrahim I, actually, did not pay tribute to Timur.
Thanks to the wise policy of Ibrahim I, even in these hard times Shirvan again
prospered. Shirvanshah Ibrahim I participated in Timur's campaign of 1399-1405
in Rum (Asia Minor) against Ottoman Sultan, Bayazid. Shirvanshah Ibrahim
accompanied Emir Timur till borders of Syria, then came back to Shirvan. Timur
frequently encamped in Garabagh. Here he restored Beylagan destroyed by
Mongols and built an irrigative canal on the river Araz. In 1405 Timur died.
Shirvanshah Ibrahim, taking advantage of internecine struggle for succession,
began to pursue independent policy. He tried to unite all Azerbaijan. Shirvanshah
Ibrahim with army crossed the Kura river and seized Ganja and a large part of
Garabagh. Many of local rulers joined his army. In 1406 Shirvanshah Ibrahim
entered Tabriz, however, he did not stay long in Tabriz. He came back to Shirvan
when Sultan Ahmed Jalairy and Gara Goyunlu troops approached Tabriz.
Azerbaijan under the rule of the Bakharly (Garagoyunlu) dynasty. The
Gara goyunlu (“Black Sheep”) Turcomans originated from the Oghuz Turk tribes
moved from Central Asia to Azerbaijan and western Iran in the 7th century.
Probably in the 13th century under the pressure of Mongol invasions the Gara
goyunlus began to move westwards and settled in Anatolia, Irak and Syria as well.
The founder of dynasty was Bayram Hoja. He originated from Baharly oymag and
was an emir of Sultan Uveys Jalairy. After the death of Sultan Uveys Bayram Hoja
gained independence and began to unite Gara goyunlu tribes. Bayram Hoja was
succeeded by Gara Muhammed in 1380. The tribal confederation based round
Lake Van with the center in Van having grown in strength began military
campaigns to the neighboring areas. During the 70-80-s of the 14th century the
Gara goyunlus submitted Erzincan, Sivas, northern areas of Kurdistan, and later
expanded up to Tabriz, Syria, Mardin.
The Gara goyunlus offered the strong resistance to Timur’s army during his
invasion of eastern Anatolia in 1387. In course of the next military campaign in
1392 Timur’s army inflicted defeat on the Gara goyunlus, grasped and plundered
their central city Van. Gara Yusif who succeeded Gara Muhammed entered into
the alliance with Sultan Ahmed Jalairy against Timur. Having been defeated by
Timur Qara Yusuf together with Sultan Ahmed fled to Egypt seeking refuge with
the Mamliks. They both were captured and imprisoned. After the Timur’s death in
1405 they were released and returned to Azerbaijan. In 1406 they entered Tabriz.
At this time Tabriz was ruled by Shirvanshah Ibrahim Derbendi. Having learned
about Sultan Ahmed’s advance Ibrahim Derbendi left Tabriz and returned to
Shirvan. Soon after the army led by Timurid Abubekr (Miranshah’s son)
approached Tabriz. While Sultan Ahmed fled to Baghdad Gara Yusif defeated the
Timurids in the battle at near the Nakhchevan in 1406. Two years later at the battle
at Sardrud in 1408 Gara Yusif overwhelmed again Timurids’ troops led by
Abebekr (Miranshah’s son) and drew them out of Azerbaijan. Miranshah was
killed in this battle.
The relations between Gara Yusif and Sultan Ahmed getting worse. In the
battle at Shanb-i Gazan in 1410 Sultan Ahmed Jalairid was defeated and executed.
Thus, the Jalairid state was displaced by the Gara goyunlu state with the capital in
Tabriz. Its territory covered Azerbaijan to the south from the Kura river, a part of
Georgia, Western Iran, Iraq-i Arab, Eastern Anatolia. Gara Yusif demanded the
Shirvanshah state to subdue him. But Shirvanshah Ibrahim I rejected. In the battle
taken place on the bank of Kura in 1412 Ibrahim I and his ally the king of Kakhetia
Kostantin I suffered defeat and were taken prisoner. Ibrahim I was released for
ransom of 1200 tumen collected by Tabrizian merchants – Shirvanshah’s
supporters. Ibrahim had to recognize Shirvan as the vassal of the Gara goyunlu
state. However, the Shirvanshahs state sought to restore its independence. Having
come to power in Shirvanshah state Halilullah I called Timurid Shahruh for help.
Shahruh made 3 invasions of Azerbaijan and during every invasion he had battles
with Gara Yusif’s son. Eventually Gara Yusif ‘s son Jahanshah by support of
Shahruh was enthroned in Gara goyunlu state in 1436. He ruled as vassal of the
Timurids till death of Shahruh in 1447. After Shahruh’s death Jahanshah began to
carry out independent policy, adopted the titles of “khaqan” and “sultan”. He
subdued some territories. But as a result of internecine, struggle for power the
Garagoyunlu state weakened. The decisive defeat was inflicted on Jahanshah
Garagoyunlu by the Aggoyunlu ruler Uzun Hasan in the battle at Mush in 1467.
Some month later in 1468 the Garagoyunlu state ceased to exist.
Azerbaijan under the rule of Bayandurlu (Aggoyunlu) dynasty. Oguz
tribes Aggoyunlu and Karakoyunlu settled in Southern Caucasus from the period
of Oguz khagan. In the end of VI century and in the beginning of VII century they
spread from Derbent pass to Araz river and the south of Nakhchievan and
Azerbaijan territory.After gaining victory over Byzantine, Armenian and Georgian
feudal, they settled in the places bordered to Trabzon and Syria. In the XIV century
leader of Aggoyunlu political union was Pahlavan bay. He belonged to Bayandurlu
tribes. Mosullu, Afshar, Bayat, Pornak tribes were included to this union. Kara
Yulug Osman defeated Karakoyunlu tribes in the battle for Sivas and founded
small state – baylik, that Diyarbakir was centre, and issued coins. After his death
the state was ruled by Alibay and his sons – Jahangir (1444-53) and Uzun Hasan
(1453-78). Uzun Hasan’s main forward in foreign policy was relations between
Ottoman Empire. Sultan Fateh Mehmet II tried to transpose Europe – Eastern trade
to Ottoman Empire. Uzun Hasan married with the daughter of emperor of Trabzon
Empire Iohan IV. Trabzon situated in the north east of Asia Minor, capital was
Trapesund. The first struggle between Ottoman and Aggoyunlu was in 1461 in
Goyluhisar. Uzun Hasan sent his mother Sara Khatun to negotiate with Sultan
Mehmet II. Mehmet II took Sara Khatun with himself and attacked to Trabzon. In
1461, august 15th Trabzon was captured. Sara Khatun took heritage that belonged
to her daughter in law according to heritage law. With her Mehmet’s
representatives also came to Aggoyunlu palace in order to renew Yassichemen
treat that was signed in 1461. After Trabzon conquering, Aggoyunlu dynasty lost
their ally and access to Black Sea. In the 50s of XV century struggle with
Aggoyunlu dynasty, Jahanshah lost most part of Eastern Anatolia and Uzun Hasan
captured east part of Georgia. In 1467, 11th November, Jahanshah was killed in
Mush battle. In 1468 Uzun Hasan defeated Hasanali, he put the end to the
existence of Karakoyunlu, and founded Aggoyunlu state that capital was Tabriz.
As teymuri Abu Said heard of Jahanshah’s death he attacked to Azerbaijan. Uzun
Hasan allied himself with Shirvanshah Farrukh Yassar and leader of Ardabil
Supremacy Shaykh Haydar. Farrukh Yassar diddn’t provide Abu Said with food.
Uzun Hasan attacked in 1468 and defeated. Azerbaijan, Western Iran, Irag
Diyarbakir, East Anatolia and East Georgia included to Aggoyunlu state. During
Uzun Hasan period Aggoyunlu have had diplomatic relations among Venice, Great
Moscow principality, Polonia, Hungary, Austria, Czech, Germany, Vatican,
Burgundy duke, Napoli kingdom. As Venice began war with Ottoman in 1463,
they discussed union question in the Senate. Azerbaijan silk provided Venice
textile mill. According to Tebriz Union (agreement was signed in spring 1472)
Venice promised to provide aggoyunlu army with fire arms. Thereupon army
headed by Yusif bay attacked to shore of Mediterranean Sea. Aggoyunlu army
defeated, but promised fire arms and artillery professionals were not come. In
order to maintain trade superiority, Venice negotiated with Ottoman Empire. In
1472 Shahzade Mustafa defeated Aggoyunlu Yusif Mirza. In 1473 Mehmet sent a
letter to Uzun Hasan and warned him with war. In august 1 nd in Malatya battle
Aggoyunlu state defeated. In august 11th Otlugbeli battle Uzun Hasan was
defeated. Fire arms were superiority of ottoman yenicherys. Being busy with
ottomans, Aggoyunlu rescued Europe from Ottoman invasion.
Uzun Hasan ordered to prepare “Ganunname ” (bill) to put order taxes. According
to Ganunname “maljehet”- harvest taxes were about 1/5. Ganunname would have
provided productive forces. Ganunname was famous by the name “Hasan
padshah’s laws”. After his death Sultan Khalil was killed in the battle with Jacob.
Sultan Jacob (1578-1590) had close relations with Shirvanshahs and Ardabil
supremacy, and married to Farrukh Yassar’s daughter. After Sultan Jacob, his son
Baysungur (1590-92) ruled the country. Sultan Rustam Mirza (1592-96) was
reminded as the man who gave more soyurgal. Soyurgal was given as igta, for
military service and was succeeded. After the battles in 1496, in Sultaniyye and
Nakhchievan Ugurlu Mohammad’s son Godak Ahmad entered Tabriz in 1497.
Nobles that disagreed with his domestic policy, after 7 months, killed Godak
Ahmad in the battle near Isfahan. So dual power was established in Aggoyunlu
state. In 1498 Alvand Mirza captured Tabriz. In 1500 according to Abhar peace
treaty Giziluzan River became border between Murad and Alvand’s power.
Azerbaijan territory from Kura River towards south Garabagh, Eastern Anatolia
was given to Alvand, Arabian Irag, Fars, Kirman was given to Murad. In 1501
Aggoyunlu state was replaced by Safavids. In 1503 Shah Ismayil ceased to exist to
this state.
Azerbaijan culture in XV century. Azerbaijan culture was developing. Schools
and religious schools ( medrese) were base of educational system. School was
primary education children about 6-15 years old. Reading Koran and shariat
lessons were base of learning. Koran was taught in khanagahs, zaviyas, mosques
and in “Dar ul-Koran”. Religious schools (medrese) were secondary education.
Seyid Yahya Bakuvi had a great role in developing of philosophy. The famous
historians of XV century in Azerbaijan were Sheikh Mahammad Amin, Jalaladdin
Mahammad Davvani, Abu Bakr Tehrani. Musician of this century was Abdulgadir
Maragayi and painter of this period was Amir Dovlatyar. Tabriz architectural
school had a great role in the town-building. It could be seen from Beylagan to
forces passed over the Kura river, and marched towards the Shirvanshah’s state.
They defeated Shirvanshah’s forces in battle at Jabani (1500) near Shamakha,
killed Shirvanshah Farrukh Yassar and conquered Baku (1501). While the
Qizilbash army besieged the Gulustan fortress near Shamakha Ismail learned that
Alvend Mirza Aq Qoyunlu had prepared a campaign against him. Ismail
summoned "pillars of state" and asked them, "What do you want: the throne of
Azerbaijan or the fortress Gulustan?" They answered unanimously: "Azerbaijan”.
In the battle taken place on Sharur plain near Nakhchivan Ismail overwhelmed the
Aq qoyunlus. Afterwards Ismail entered Tabriz and enthroned as Shah of
Azerbaijan in July 1501. He was 14 years old.
Shiism was declared the state religion and Azerbaijan-Turkish language
became the language of the new Gizilbash state. In the period of flourishing of the
Safavid's state, the large territory that stretched from Herat to Baghdad spoke
In 1503 Shah Ismail levied war against Murad Aq Qoyunlu. In the battle at
Almabulagy near the town of Hamadan the Aq qoyunlu army was completely
defeated and the Aq Qoyunlu's state came to an end. Afterwards Shah Ismail
seized Shiraz, Isfahan, Kashan and Qum. By 1508, Shah Ismail had taken
possession of Arabian Iraq with Baghdad, Diyarbakir, Eastern Anatolia and other
regions and cities of the Middle East and Central Asia. In a short time, Shah Ismail
created a great state stretching from the Uzbeq state of Sheybani Khan to the
frontiers of the Osman's empire.
The founder of the Uzbeq state Sheybani Khan conquered Khorasan, which
had strategic importance for the Qizilbash state. After this, Sheybani Khan
proposed to seize Iran and Azerbaijan. In his letter to Shah Ismail, he wrote, "I'll
gather the armies to the frontiers of Iran and Azerbaijan, and after they are seized,
the time will arrive for capturing Arabian Iraq and Hijaz". As a reply, Shah Ismail
went to Khorasan with a large army. The enemy army hid in the fortress Merv, but
Shah Ismail by using trick managed to draw him out of the fortress. On 2
December 1510 the armies of Shah Ismail and Sheybani went into battle which
ended in a decisive victory for Shah Ismail. Sheybani Khan tried to run and was
killed by Ismail's soldiers. Sheybani Khan's head was cut off and presented to Shah
Ismail. After this battle, Shah Ismail became the owner of the cities of Herat, Merv
and Balkh. Also, all of Khorasan became his possession. The Safavids' state ranked
as the strongest and richest state in this region. Its territory totaled about 2.8
million square meters. The strengthening of the power of the Shiites' and
Gizilbashes' state caused uneasiness among the Sunnites' of Turkey. Additionally,
Shah Ismail carried out active Shiite agitation in Anatolia and the neighboring
regions of the Ottomans' empire.
The Ottoman Sultan Selim I having feared for spreading of Shiism into
Ottoman dominions levied the war against the Safavids. Two armies encountered
each other at Chaldiran plain near Maku in Sothern Azerbaijan. The battle took
place on 23 August 1514. Although the Qizilbash army was more mobile and
better prepared the Ottomans prevailed due to their efficient modern army, and
possession of artillery. Ismail was wounded and hardly avoided being captured.
Selim I entered Tabriz on September 5, but did not linger. As a result of victory,
the Ottomans gained immediate control over eastern Anatolia including Diyarbekr
and Erzinjan. Two years after the Chaldiran battle, Shah Ismail attempted to win
back Diyarbekr. The Qizilbash army headed by Qara khan was defeated in the
battle at Qochkhisar. The Ottomans entered Tabriz again but soon they had to
retreat. As a result of Chaldiran and Qochkhisar battles the Ottomans conquered
eastern Anatolia and northern Iraq. Following these unsuccessful battles Shah
Ismail did not carry out any other military operations, with the exception of the
campaigns against Shirvan and Georgia. He devoted himself wholly to the process
of strengthening and developing his vast empire. Shah Ismail died in 1524. He was
buried in Ardebil in the burial vault of the Safavids.
In 1534 Ottoman sultan Suleyman invaded Safavid state and seized Tabriz.
From here he moved toward Baghdad. Having wintered in Baghdad Sultan
Suleyman attacked Tabriz again. Shah Tahmasib (1524 – 1576) tried in every
possible way to drag out the confrontation with the Ottomans. He retreated to
Sultaniyya previously had used the so-called tactics of “scorched earth” through
evacuating Tabriz and suburbs’ residents deep in the heart of the country, and
destroying crops and water sources.
Attempting to defeat Safavid Shah once and for all, Sultan Suleyman
embarked upon a second campaign in 1548–1549. During this campaign Sultan
Suleyman was accompanied by Shah Tahmasib’s brother Alqas Mirza who
previously being beglarbeg of Shirvan raised a mutiny against the Safavids, then
escaped and found asylum in the Ottoman Empire. He was crushed and captured
near Hamadan. This military campaign coincided with the revolt in Shirvan headed
by Burhan Mirza against the Safavids. Sultan Suleyman invaded Tabriz for the
third time. But 4 days later the Ottomans had hastily departed Tabriz due to
provisions and forage shortage. The revolt in Shirvan headed by Burhan Mirza was
suppresed in 1549.
In 1554 Sultan Suleyman made the last invasion into the Safavid state.
Nakkhchivan was captured and burned. Nevertheless, Ottoman Empire’s attempts
to conquest Azerbaijan ended in failure. According to the Amasya Peace treaty
signed on May 29, 1555 between Shah Tahmasib and Sultan Suleyman western
parts of Georgia remained under the Ottomans, eastern part of Georgia,
Chukhursaad and Azerbaijan remained under the Safavids. The Ottoman Empire
obtained most of Iraq, including Baghdad.
The Ottoman-Safavid war (1578-1590). In the last quarter of the 16th
century the Ottoman-Safavid wars broke out again. The Savafid state had being
ruled in that time by Shah Muhammed Khudabende plunged into politic and social
crisis. In this circumstances Ottoman sultan Murad III levied war against the
Qizilbash state with the objective of conquering Azerbaijan and Caucasus. The
Ottoman army led by Mustafa Lala pasha took Qars, Tiflis, Shirvan, Derbent in
1578. Georgia became a tributary vassal of the Ottoman Empire. The Qizilbashs
intending to win back Shirvan. The decisive battle for Shirvan took place at the
bank of the Samur river in May 1583. It was the very bitter battle which went on
for 4 days without stopping. The fighting continued even at nights under the light
of torches. But the Safavids couldn’t win back Shirvan. The Ottoman army
conquered also Irevan in 1583, Tabriz in 1585, Ganja and Qarabagh in 1588. The
Uzbeg army conquered Khorasan in 1587. Peace of Istanbul was concluded on 21
March 1590, in which Gizilbash state confirmed Ottoman conquests of Azerbaijan,
Eastern Georgia and Dagestan. Only small part of Azerbaijan – Safavis domein
Ardabil, Garajadagh, Mughan, Lankaran and Khalkhal stood under Gizilbash rule.
The Gizilbash state promised to end Shiite propaganda in Ottoman territories and
persecution of Sunnis in their own lands. As a result, the Ottomans effectively
came to rule over Azerbaijan and the Caucasus as far as the Caspian Sea.
Shah Abbas Grand (1587-1629) came to power in 1587, at the age of 16.
During the reign of Shah Abbas I (1587-1629) the Safavid state reached peak of
its mighty. Shah Abbas (1587-1629) came to the power when the Safavid state was
in deeply decline. He had 3 main goals in foreign policy: 1. To recapture Khorasan
from Uzbeks; 2. To return the areas which captured during the Safavid-Ottoman
war in 1578-1590; 3. To drive out the Portuguese from the Persian Gulf.
Shah Abbas realized that in order to retain absolute control over his empire,
he needed to carry out reforms that reduced the dependency of shah on military
support of the Qizilbash clans. For this purpose, Shah Abbas embarked on a
number of internal reforms designed to break the power of the Qizilbashes and
undermined their authority. He reorganized army and created new military forces
which would serve the shah only. These forces consisted of four separate branches.
Shahsevans – these were 200 000 strong and built up from the small group of
qurchis that Shah Abbas had inherited from his predecessor. The Shahsevans, or
“Fans base of the Shah”, were Qizilbash tribesmen who had forsaken their tribal
allegiance for allegiance to the shah alone.
Gulams – Tahmasp had started introducing Georgian, Armenian and Circassian
slaves from the Caucasus, appointing them either in the harem or the royal
household. Shah Abbas expanded this program significantly and eventually created
a force of 15 000 ghulam cavalrymen.
Musketeers – realizing the advantages that the Ottomans had because of their
firearms, Shah Abbas was at pains to equip both the qurchi and the ghulam soldiers
with up-to-date weaponry. More importantly, for the first time in Iranian history, a
substantial infantry corps of musketeers (tofangchis), numbering 12 000, was
Artillery Corps – with the help of Westerners, he also formed an artillery corps of
500 men, although this was the weakest element in his army. The Safavids relied
heavily on support from the Europeans in manufacturing cannons.
Despite the reforms, the Qizilbashes would remain the strongest and most effective
element within the military. But the creation of this large standing army serving
directly under the Shah, significantly reduced influence of the Gizilbashes.
For recapturing of the areas which were conquered by the Ottomans Shah
Abbas I began new war. The Safavids captured Tabriz in October 1603 and other
territories of Southern Azerbaijan. Then Ordubad, Julfa, Nakhchyvan (1603),
Irevan (1604) also were recaptured by the Gizilbashes. To prevent the Ottoman
army from advancing Shah Abbas I implemented the policies of “scorched lands”
and “Great exile”. As the result of this policy he displaced the population of
Nakhchyvan, Irevan, Julfa to Isfahan and Mazandaran. In 1605 the troops of
Safavids defeated the Ottomans and liberated the most part of Shirvan. Ganja was
taken by the Safavids in 1606 and Shamakhy in 1607. Recapturing of Baku and
Derbend was forced by the uprisings which were organized by the population of
these towns against the Ottomans. According to the peace treaty of Istanbul
signing in October 1612 the Safavids took back all the territory of Azerbaijan lost
in 1590 according to the peace treaty of Istanbul.
In 1616 the Ottomans broke the peace but were defeated in the battle near
Synyg kyorpu and were compelled to sign Marand treaty in summer of 1618.
New military campaign between was launched by Shah Abbas I against the
Ottoman in 1622. Shah Abbas I was aimed at capturing Baghdad and other
territories of Iraq. Initially, the Safavids were very successful as they managed to
take Baghdad, Kerbela, Nejef, Kerkuk. But after Shas Abbas I death in 1629 the
Safavids were unable to retain Iraq. Eventually, the Ottomans were able to recover
Baghdad, and the signing of the Treaty of Qasri-Shirin in 1639 ended the war in an
Ottoman victory. Thenceforth, Mesopotamia was remained in Ottoman hands.
Azerbaijan culture in XV-XVII centuries. There was meeting of poets in Shah
Ismayil’s palace with headship of Habibi. These poets were Sururi, Matemi,
Tufeyli, and Gasimi. Shah Ismayil (1501-1524) wrote his poems with pseudonym
“Khatayi”. One of his famous poems was “Dahname” (10 letters). Mahammad
Fuzuli and Rahmati were also famous and lived in this period. Calligrapher of
XVII sentury Mir Abdulbagi Tabrizi wrote his poems with pseudonym “Bagi”.
Sadikh bay Afshar was memoirist and painter of this time. Painter Kamaladdin
Behzad was appointed as a head to the palace library in Tabriz in 1522. Mir
Ahmad Munshi expressed Safavids’ attention to library as “Prosperity of Book
House”. Great number of manuscripts had gathered in “Book House” in Shah
Abbas I time. Painter Sultan Mahammad was famous member of miniature school
(his famous work was “Muhammads’ (p.b.u.h) meraj”). Miniature school of Tabriz
created special direction in the art of East. Rug of “Sheikh Safi” which was woven
in 1536 is keep in Victoria and Albert museum in London.
There were famous architectural monuments as Sheikh Juneyd tomb (magbara)
(1544), bridge over Alinja river in Nakhchivan, Baku East gates, Tabriz and
Ardabil monuments. Famous historians of this period were Khandemir (Habib us-
siyar was written in XVI century), Hasan bay Rumlu (Ahsan at-tevarikh, was
written in XVI century), Isgandar bay Munshi (Tarikhi Alami arayi Abbasi, was
written in XVII century), Sharaf khan Bidlisi (Sharafname), Oruj bay Bayat (Don
Juan). Oruj bay called Tabriz as a capital of East. Don Juan was published his work
in Spanish language in 1604. Mahammad Amin gave information about Chaldiran
battle. Mahammad Tahir Vahid was historian of Shah Abbas II (1642-1665). Mirza
Murimi was chief of book house of Shah Abbas II. Shah Abbas II was initiative to
bring printing-house equipment from Europe, but indifference of Sultan Suleiman I
(1666-1694) prevented it. Calligraphy was developed connected with copy of
books. Holland traveler Yan Strays gave information about libraries. In the first
Shah’s regime and happened revolts against the increasement of taxes in Tabriz
and Mughan (1709 -1715).
The struggle against central government yoke intensified in Azerbaijan and
Southern Daghestan during 1720-1721s. Haji Davud – one of the representatives of
clergy appealed to Russia for support in the fight for the throne in Shirvan and
Daghestan. This proposal was refused by tsar administration. In August of 1721,
Haji Davud besieged Shamakha in the alliance with Daghestanians’ detachment of
Kazikumukhlu Surkhay khan, hired troops and took the city. After the invasion of
Shamakha, there began robbery and plundering of the city by hired troops; Foreign
merhcants, which were in Shamakha at that time were also robbed. Russian
merchants were plundered much more and that was met with great disagreement
by Russian administration. After that rebels took Shamakha, Haji Davud
completely liquidated Safavids administration here, burnt tax registers and shaped
new and much lighter tax system. So, there was founded independent state -
khanate in the center of Shirvan beylerbeylik, around the ancient capital of
Northern Azerbaijan which was separated from Safavid state. Ottoman Sultan
Ahmad III (1703 – 1730) patronize Haji Davud.
Peter the Great pursued an expansionist police and attempted to expand
Russia’s influence in the Caspian and South Caucasus regions and to prevent the
Ottoman Empire from territorial gains in the region. Besides, Russia sought to
seize Azerbaijan’s mineral wealth and goods such as silk, cotton, wool, fruit,
spices and so on in order to increase its industry. Peter also had the plan on turning
the Caspian Sea into the internal sea of Russia and monopolizing Volga-Caspian
trade route as well as making Russia the only intermediary for trade between East
and West. As a preparation for expedition Peter I sent his representative Volynsky
to Iran in 1716. Peter I instructed him to collect intelligence and to establish
relationships with the local Christians.
On 8th March 1722, afgan chief Amir Uvays revolted against Shah Sultan
Huseyn and besieged Isfahan, capital of Gizilbash state. Shah sultan Huseyn was
dethroned. His son Tahmasib could escape to Astrabad. Tahmasib II (1722 – 1732)
was declared as a new shah in there.
After the victory over Sweden Peter I began military campaign to the
Safavid state. On reaching Astrakhan Peter I sent to the people of Shirvan and pre-
Caspian regions Manifesto in Azerbaijan turkish language in summer 1722. It was
declared in Manifesto that the motive for invasion of the Safavid state was the
intention to punish rebels (Haji Davud and Surkhay khan) for plundering Russian
merchants and to support Safavid state in restoring its power in Shirvan as well as
to prevent the Ottoman Empire from capturing of South Caucasus. Peter I also
used the religious factor. To provide himself with the support of the Christian
population of South Caucasus Peter I declared that the campaign aimed at
liberating of Christians from Muslim yoke in another Manifest. On August 15,
1722 Russian navy arrived in Derbent. On August 23 land troops approached
Derbent. The governor of Derbent Imamgulu khan met the Russian army and
handed over the keys of Derbent to Peter I. The manuscript of Derbentname the
famous historical work of Azerbaijan also was presented to Peter I.
Peter I gave great importance to the capture of Baku. But soon Peter I was
forced to return due to some circumstances. First of all there was threat of new war
breaking out with Sweden, second was dissatisfication of Ottomans. In December
1722 Russian army and navy under major general Mikhail Matyushkin who was
assigned by Peter I seized Rasht, and on July 26 1723 captured Baku. Unlike the
governor of Derbent the ruler of Baku Muhammad Huseyn bey was determined to
resist using the forces he had. But after a long siege and cannon fire, Baku
surrendered to the Russians. According to Peter the Great's decree the soldiers of
two regiments (2,382 people) were left in the Baku garrison under the command of
Prince Baryatyanski, the commandant of the city.
On September 12, 1723 the envoy of Shah Tahmasib II – Ismail bey in Saint
Petersburg signed the treaty without permission of Shah. According to Petersburg
treaty Pre-Caspian regions such as Derbent, Baku, Gilan, Mazandaran, Astrabad
were surrendered to the Russians. Russia also promised to help the Safavids in
repulsing the afghan invaders from the country. But Shah Tahmasib II didn’t
accept Russian help because this Treaty was signed without his approval.
The Ottoman Empire was extremely displeased with capture pre-Caspian
region by Russia. Therefore, in spring of 1723 the Ottoman troops led by pasha
(governor) of Arzrum invaded Georgia and captured Tiflis. Then the Ottoman
troops moved to Ganja. With 60-70 thousand troops the Ottoman Empire did its
best to intervene Ganja for 18-20 days. Population of Iravan voluntarily open gats
of city for Ottoman army. Caucasus became the centre of confrontation between
the Ottoman, Russia and Safavid Empires. But Russia preferred to negotiate with
the Ottoman empire peacefully. That’s why Russia signed treaty with Turkey in
Istanbul on July 12 1724. According to Istanbul treaty, the Ottoman Empire
agreed with the capture of Derbent, Baku, Salyan, Lenkeran, Resht and Anzali by
Russia. In turn Russia agreed with the capture Azerbaijan by the Ottoman Empire.
Ottoman empire could not hold army on North bank of Kur river. These areas were
controlled by local nobels subordinated to Ottoman sarasker-comander. Shirvan
was semi-independent khanate in Ottoman Empire. Sides agreed not to capture
Ardebil and suburbs - domain of Safavis.
In may Ganja, in August Tabriz, on 28th December Ardabil were captured by
Ottoman forces. After signing the treaty of Istanbul till the end of 1725 all major
strategic areas and cities of Azerbaijan were conquered by the Ottoman army.
Representatives of Ottoman and Russian Empires met in Nabur village near
Shamakhy in 1727 and agreed about demarcation of boundary in occupation zone.
This agreement led to dissatisficaton of Haji Davud. Ottomans exiled him Cyprus,
instead of him Kazikumik Surkhay khan was appointed as a new ruler of Shirvan
Due to the occupation of the extensive territories by the Afghans, Russians
and Ottomans in the first quarter of the 18th century the Safavid state was under
threat of a total collapse. This period coincided with rising of Nadir khan Afshar
who was also known as Nadir Gulu beg or Tahmasib Guli khan. Nadir Khan
originated from the Turkic Afshar tribe which had supplied military power to the
Safavid state since the time of Shah Ismail I. Thanks to his military genius Nadir
khan became the powerful military figure and built up his own small army. Taking
into consideration Nadir khan’s military talent and authority Shah Tahmasp II
asked him to join him for driving the Ghilzai Afghans out of Khorasan. After a
decisive defeat over the Afghans and taking back Herat Nadir khan entered Isfahan
In spring of 1730, Nadir khan attacked the Ottomans and liberated Maragha,
Ardebil and Tabriz. Along with the military operations against the Ottomans Nadir
khan demanded from the Russians to reoccupy Caspian region. When Nadir
besieged Erevan he learned about afgans’ rebellion. He took his army for suppress.
As he wasn’t here Sah Takhmasib II (1722-1732) signed Kirmanshah treaty with
Ottaman empire in 16th January 1732. According to the treaty Ganja, Erevan and
Shemakha districts belonged to Ottaman empire. The lands to the south of Araz
river remained in Sefevids. To prevent relations with the Safavids from getting
worse Russian Empire signed the Rasht Treaty on January 21, 1732. According to
the treaty Russia reoccupied the Caspian region to the south of the Kura river on
conditions that this territory wouldn’t be ceded to the Ottomans. Besides, the Resht
Treaty granted privileges to Russian merchants.
After return Nadir khan dissatisfied with Takhmasib II and casted down him.
Infant Abbas III was declared as shah and Nadir was his patronize. Thereafter
Nadir khan demanded from the Ottomans to reoccupy all lands seized since 1723.
Having received a rejection Nadir khan renewed war against the Ottomans. In the
battle near Baghdad on January 1733, Nadir khan heavily defeated the Ottomans
and forced them to sign the Treaty of Baghdad. According to this treaty the
Ottomans were obligated to liberate all the territories conquered during last 10
years. Surkhay who declared himself independent in Shirvan, put an end to
Ottoman empire. In the end of 1734 Nadir attacked Shamakhy and captured, then
he moved people to Aghsu named “Yeni Shamakhy” (New Shamakhy). Surkhay
ran to Gazigumikh, but Gazigumikh was destroyed. Then he ran again. In 1735
Nadir carried his troops to Ganja. Thereafter he demanded from the Russians to re-
occupy all the Caspian region. Russian government complied with this demand.
Deli Ibrahim and Khalil who had received help from Southern Dagestan made
rising in Jar. Afshars troops were destroyed in the battle with Jarians near the
village of Gakh, in autumn of 1738. Brother of shah- Ibrahim went to suppressed
uprising was killed, but rising was suppressed.
In the same years, i.e. in 1743, there occurred revolt in South Azerbaijan – in
the tribe of Dumbuli, in the environs of Khoy and Salmas. This revolt was related
with increasing the amount of taxes from three thousand tumans into 100 thousand
ones (such sudden growth of taxes was simultaneously related with the fall of the
course of tuman for 10-12 times differing from the end of the 17th century). The
revolt expanded to the most part of Southern Azerbaijan and was hardly
suppressed. In the same year in Shirvan, the next “fake Safavid prince” Sam Mirza
II appeared. And this uprising was also suppressed and the Shah’s army dealt
brutally with the population of Shirvan.
In 1744, there was suppressed dangerous revolt for Afshars authority by
Shah’s troops with the aid of Georgia tsars-Teymuraz from Kartli and his son
Irakly from Cakhetia. This revolt was led by pretender Safi Mirza the son of Shah
Hussein (but it was false), who collected detachments from Azerbaijanis and other
subordinated nations to Nadir Shah in Kars. Soon, Nadir Shah again came to
Azerbaijan, destroyed and devastated Azerbaijan and Daghestan. During in this
new campaign of 1744, Nadir Shah unsuccessfully besieged the fortress of
“Gelersen ve gorersen”, where the rebels of the environs of Sheki, led by Haji
Chelebi Efendi-successor of an ancient local khan dynasty had hidden.
It is interesting that the jizya tax on non-Muslims was cancelled by decree of
Nadir Shah from 1736-1739. Nadir Shah started to take important steps in order to
end the religious discrimination that existed in the Turkic and Muslim world.
During the peace negotiations with the Ottomans, Nadir Shah’s proposal, which
sought to put an end the discrimination of Shia Islam, to recognize the moderate
Jafari mazhab as the fifth mazhab of Islam, and to define the space for Shia
Muslims in the Kaaba, was not accepted in the assembly of the high-level Ottoman
Muslim clergy. The main aim of Nadir Shah, who preferred the identity of
Turkishness and who spoke Turkish in the palace, even with foreign ambassadors,
was to create a union of Turkic peoples. He sought to unify Azerbaijan, Central
Asia, and the Ottoman Turks under the same mazhab against the penetration of
Western Europe countries to the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf, and against
the Russian occupation of the Caspian Sea coast. Nadir Shah sent his decision
about the adoption of the Jafari denomination by the residents of the Afsharid
Empire to the Ottoman Empire in order to be confirmed by the qurultay in Najaf in
1743. But the supreme Muslim clergy of the Ottomans did not consider it suitable
to Sharia law to recognize the 5th denomination. Thus, neither Ottoman, nor
Central Asian (Turkistan) khans protected Nadir Shah’s progressive steps to end
sectarian differences. As a result, the historical opportunity for reconciling
different Islamic mazhabs was lost. Nadir shah attempted to create a naval fleet in
the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea in order to prevent the danger of military
intervention by foreign countries. From 1734-1735 Nadir khan, gave Latif Khan
the rank of admiral and instructed him to create a naval fleet in the Persian Gulf.
He was given authority to buy warships from Britain and Holland. The
construction of warships has been complicated by the fact that there was not
enough wood for this and they were far from the seashore. Nadir Shah also gave
the rank of admiral to the English captain John Elton and appointed him the head
of shipbuilding department in 1743. John Elton started to build ships in the
Caspian Sea.
Intention of Nadir to break people resistance was failed. Typical peculiarity of
this time risings were that they begin in the same period. It caused separation of
shah army. But risings were aimless, inconsistent and spontaneous. It led their
defeat. Nadir was killed in 1747 (19 of June) by conspiracy. State he created
he captured Mazandaran and Gilan and prepared for attack Isfahan. Khan of
Isfahan Kerim khan attacked Astrabad ,but was defeated and escaped to Tehran.
From Tehran he attacked Tabriz but was also defeated in Tabriz and forced to
return Shiraz. Feteli khan Afshar could spread his power over Central and South
Iran at the end of 1753 and at the beginning of 1754. But he lost his power
afterwards, that’s why Kerim khan Zend occupied first Shiraz, then Isfahan.
Mehemmedhesen khan Qacar who was also struggling for authority defeated
Zends in 1755 and occupied Isfahan in March, 1756. Kerim khan escaped to
Shiraz. Feteli khan took an opportunity which was Mehemmedhesen khan’s being
in Isfahan captured Gilan with Azad khan. After this Mehemmedhesen khan Qacar
came back and occupied Resht. Then passing the territories of Ardabil, Talish and
Mughan he came to Kharabakh and besieged Shusha. But he could not occupy and
returned, and then defeating Feteli khan he captured Tabriz and Urmia. Feteli khan
who became more active after the death of Mehemmedhesen khan Qacar (1759)
made khan of Kharabakh, Penaheli khan dependent in spring, 1759. That’s why
Penaheli khan sent his son Ibrahim to Feteli khan as a hostage. This event allowed
making Erevan, Shaki, Arash dependent. But again increasing of Kerim khan’s
desires for becoming shah destroyed completely Feteli khan’s plans. After
defeating Kerim khan Zend in the battle of Qarachemen in summer, 1761, both
Feteli khan and Necefqulu khan settled down. That’s why they could not stand to
Kerim khan’s new attack. Kerim khan took an opportunity from the conflict which
was among Azerbaijan khanates against Feteli khan. He called Penaheli khan with
this purpose. Penaheli khan appointed his little son, Mehreli agha as a ruler in
Kharabakh, and went to Kerim khan Zend. Kerim khan Zend who had made other
khans take his side with a lot of promises, occupied Urmia after 9 monthly
besiegement in the middle of 1763. Kerim khan who had captived Feteli khan sent
him to Shiraz and gave the authority of Urmia to Rustem bey Afshar . For
celebrating the victory Kerim khan invited also khans who had helped him, to
Shiraz. Khan of Kharabakh, Penaheli khan, khan of Khoy, Shahbaz khan and
others understood the main point of “ Shiraz party ” when they reached to Shiraz.
Kerim khan had tried to separate them from their home. The khans tried to escape
in different ways. Feteli khan Afshar was killed in travel. “Shiraz party” did not
give good results.
Shaki khanate. The population of Shaki complained about Melik Nejef to
Nadir in 1741. That’s why Nadir had consented Haji Chelebi to be selected as
representative of Shaki. When Melik Nejef complained about Haji Chelebi’s
tyranny to Nadir he called Chelebi to his palace. Haji Chelebi was exempted from
punishment. After returning Haji Chelebi killed Melik Nejef and came to power in
Shaki. He declared Shaki as first independent khanate in 1743. With the purpose of
enlarging his territories and strengthening khanate in 1748 he attacked to Tabriz ,
but his attack was prevented by Amiraslan khan. While returning to Shaki he
wanted to capture Kharabakh. Though he had besieged Bayat fortress with khan of
Shamaky he was defeated in the battle of Bayat. When he was on the left bank of
the Kura he said: ” Penaheli khan was silver without coin till now, we came,
minted him and returned.” Haji Chelebi captured Arash and Gabala sultanates
after the battle of Bayat. Haji Chelebi defeated the tsar of Khaxetia, Irakly II in
1751. First getting agreement with Penaheli khan Irakly II created military alliance
against Haji Chelebi which consisted of khans of Ganja, Garadagh, Naxchivan,
Erevan. Irakli II attacked over Khans and captived them near Ganja, at the place
which was called Qizilqaya, in March ,1752. Haji Chelebi who had stood on the
left bank of the Kura against allies, said to members of conference: Whatever you
are giving advice to me, but to cross the Kura should be among proposals.” Haji
Chelebi got victory in the battle which happened near Sheyx Nizami’s grave and
liberated khans who had been captived by Irakli II. Qizilqaya betrayal showed that
khans should combine in united front and struggle against common enemy. Haji
Chelebi occupied Qazakh and Borchali and gave this territories Aghakishi bey to
rule. Haji Chelebi helped the population of Car on repulsing Irakly’s attack to Car
in spring, 1752. His effort for capturing Shirvan became unsuccessfull in 1755.
After Haji Chelebi’s death Aghakishi came to power. Then Mehemmedhesen khan
who was his father in law, came to power. He was banished from Shaki, but
became again khan of Shaki in 1779, after the death of Huseyn khan who was Haji
Chelebi’s grandson. While his period Shaki became dependent on Guba khanate.
Then Salim khan (1795-1806 ) became khan of Shaki.
Guba khanate. Guba was situated on the trade way which connected
Azerbaijan with Daghistan, North Caucasus, and Southern Russia. The founder of
Guba was Huseyneli khan (1726-1758) who had been assigned to this post by
Russian tsar in 1726. First Xudat , then Guba (1735) was his residence. The
propitious geographical situation and suffering less from Nadir’s attacks of these
territories had influenced the development of the khanate positively. Salyan was
dependent on Huseyneli khan at the beginning of XVIII. Though Salyan was ruled
by Nadir’s representatives at the period of Nadir shah, but Huseyneli khan
inherited Salyan after Nadir’s death. To consolidate Salyan to Guba became basic
fulcrum in policy of consolidating Guba khanate. Feteli khan who was khan of
Guba after Huseyneli khan, applied tax reform and removed officials from this post
who were misappropriating taxes. The officials who ruled villages were assigned
to this post. For putting an end of authorities’ tyranny Feteli khan ordered to be
done some duties by only khan’s officials. In order to increase population Feteli
khan located people in Shabran, having moved them from South Khanates. Brave
shahseven kins moved from Mughan to guard the boundaries of the khanate. As
the result of Fatali khan’s policy all north –eastern Azerbaijan khanates were
connected. After Salyan he wanted to connect Shamakhy, because of Shaki khan
prevented to coonect Shamakhy, Fatali khan went to Derbent where was ruled by
Mahammad khan from 50s years of the XVIII century. Fatali did diplomatic
manoeuvre and prevented Shamakhy to create union among khanates of southern
Daghestan but he even could to ally with them in capturing Derbent. He captured
Derbend in 1759 and charged to his wife Tutu Bikhe. Then with diplomacy of
marriage settlement he made Baki and Absheron dependent in 1767. Fight for
Shamakhy khanate started second stage in connecting of the north-eastern
Azerbaijan land. He wanted capture Shamakhy khanate and made capital. Then he
had an intention to hold other other territory (Karabagh, Shaki).
in 1778. Fatali gained victory. Then he directed his attention to Karabagh. In 1779
he sent khan of baki Melik Mahammad to Ibrahimkhalil khan for concluding a
treaty. Khan of Garabagh imprisoned Malik Mahammad, because he knew that this
treaty will made him dependent from Guba. This event caused conflict between
Karabagh and Guba. Fatali khan attacked Karabagh in 1780-1781 years, but it was
unlucky. Squadron sent by Russia with headship of count Voynovich entered to
Astrabad then entered to Baki port willfully. Fatali khan’s efforts prevent it. In
1785 Fatali khan defeated khan of Shaki Mahammad Hasan, then he tried to put
relations in order with diplomacy of marriage settlement, but he defeated him again
in 1789 near Shamakhy and made dependent. Representative of Guba- Mirza Sadig
Mammadvaliyev’s embassy was unlucky in 1787.After Fatali kahan’s death his
sons- Ahmad and Sheykhali khan, ruled the khanate. In their period Shaki,
Shamakhy and Baki became independent.
The Baku Khanate. The Baku khanate was established by the Mirza
Muhammad Khan (1747-1768) in 1747. The khanate consisted of the 39 villages
and the capital city Baku. In the khanate, all the administrative, financial, military
and judicial powers were concentrated in the hands of the khan. The khan ruled the
khanate as his own property. In Baku khanate the administrative apparatus was
smaller than the other khanates' in comparison. At the council of the khan, there
were discussed issues of war, peace, and other important issues of state
importance. Oil wells, bazaars, shops were given to iltizam (revenue leasing) by
the khan. Khan's oil revenues reached 40-50 thousand manats a year. I Mirza
Mohammed Khan paid special attention to the economic revival and the
development of the shipping industry in the Caspian Sea. The khan had a
permanent army of more than 500 people. Population paid taxes such as maljahat,
(1/10), darqaliq, bayramliq, toy kherji, and so on. The sister of Fatali Khan Khadija
Bika and the ruler of Baku Mirza Muhammad khan’s son Malik Muhammad got
married in 1767; as a result, Baku accepted vassalage from Quba and because of
that Mirza Muhammad was protected by the Quba authority. During the whole
reign of Malik Muhammad Khan (1768-1784) the khanate depended on Fatali
Khan of Quba. The Baku khan had to give military units by the first request of
Fatali Khan; during the time of war he should arrive leading his troops to the
destination and provide the army with food. Fatali Khan sent Malik Muhammad
Khan to negotiate with Ibrahim Khalil Khan of Karabakh in 1779 to create “a
friendly alliance” with this khanate. In 1784, 11-year-old Mirza Muhammad Khan
(1784-1791) came to power. The actual power of the Baku khanate still was in the
hands of Fatali Khan and his sister Khadija Bika. After the death of Fatali Khan in
1789, the Baku khanate put an end of vassalage. Huseinqulu Khan (1792-1806),
the last ruler of the khanate, pursued an independent policy and maintained
friendly relations with the Sheikh Ali Khan of Quba.
The Ganja Khanate. The khanate was founded in 1747, by the Shahverdi
Khan II Ziyadoglu (1747-1768), descended of Turkic origin Qajars. The khanate's
center was the city of Ganja. All power belonged to the khan and the khanate’s
coin was mint after his name. Maljahat, bahra, darqaliq and other taxes were levied
from population. Although the Ganja and Karabakh khanates, which had originally
been part of the same Beylerbeylik and initially had friendly relations, the
relationships worsened as a result of Panahali Khan's policy. In 1759-1761,
Shahverdi Khan became a vassal on the Karabakh khanate. During the reign of
Mohammed Hassan Khan (1768-1778), the economy of the khanate, especially
silkworm breeding had grown considerably. In 1789 the Kartli-Kakhetian tsar
Heraclius II and the Karabakh ruler Ibrahim Khalil Khan seized Ganja with the
combined forces. As each of the winners appointed separately their representatives
to rule the Ganja khanate, a dual power was established. In 1783 there was revolt
under the leadership of Haji Bey and both rulers were expelled from Ganja. In
1784 the attack of Russian troops, along with Heraclius II, to Ganja was prevented
with support of the Dagestan rulers. Javad Khan (1786-1804), who came to power
in 1786, although agreed to pay tribute in a certain amount to Heraclius II and
Ibrahim Khan of Karabakh, in 1795 refused payment. Javad Khan tried to use the
power of Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar to eliminate Kartli-Kakhetia. Javad Khan
Qajar provided him with food and troops during his campaign to Tiflis in 1795.
Javad khan supported the Georgian prince Alexander for the return of Shamshadil
and Borchali, which was given under the control of Kartli kings by Nadir Shah.
This policy led to the deterioration of relations the Ganja khanate with Russia and
Georgia. In 1797, when the Russian troops led by V. Zubov had withdrawn from
Azerbaijan, Javad Khan retook Qazakh, Shamshadil and Borchali from Georgia.
The Irevan Khanate. The Irevan khanate emerged in 1747 under the
leadership of Mir Mehdi Khan, who was descendant of Turkic Afshars, in
Safavid's Chukhur-Saad territory. Khanate consisted of 15 districts. The center was
the city of Irevan. The khanate population, almost all of them was Azerbaijani
Turks. In the early 1750s the members of Qajar dynasty began to rule the khanate.
In 1751, Fatali Khan attacked to the Irevan khanate then he defeated Heraclius II,
who came for help. During the reign of Hussein Ali Khan Qajar, Heraclius II
attacked Irevan two times in 1765 and 1779 and tried to depend him and making
the khan his vassal to force him to pay tribute at certain times. In 1779, Heraclius
II who couldn't be seized Irevan fortress, then he had been captured a lot of
unarmed civilians. According to the agreement between Irevan khanate and the
KartliKakhetian kingdom, Heraclius II in exchange of to pay 30 thousand tumans
agreed to return of this people. In 1783, Irevan khanate began to use the help of
Ottoman Empire in order to avoid the aggressive intentions of Kartli-Kakhetia who
took shelter under the protection of Russia in accordance with the Georgievsk
treaty. During the reign of Mohammad Hussein Khan, he stopped the attacks of
Georgians, when Agha Mohammad Khan attacked to Irevan castle in 1795, they
resisted 35 day, but they had to obey. The khan agreed to pay tribute to Qajars and,
if necessary, to send a detachment of troops for military service of Qajars. The last
ruler of Irevan khanate was Huseinqulu Khan Qajar (1806- 1827). The leader of
Qajarid Iran Fatali Shah appointing Huseinqulu Khan as a commander of all
military forces, which located in the left coast of the Arax River and gave him the
title of sardar. Result of this, the ruler of Irevan Huseinqulu Khan concentrated all
civil and military reign in his hands. He had struggled resolutely against the
Russian invaders for the independence of people with his brother Hasan khan,
whose honorary title was “Head of Lions”.
Karabakh khanate. Aga Muhammad Qajar’s raids
Javanshir, 24, 32, Kabirli, Baharli, Ziyadogullari tribes who based Karabakh
khanate were in Turkish origin, had been exiled to Khorasan and Afganistan by
Nadir. They had announced that they will accept only legal power of Safavids
dynasty. Karabagh khanate located between the rivers Kur and Araz. Panahali
khan (1748-1763) who founded the khanate took measures for strengthening
economical and political situation of state. Firstly, he had built protective castles.
He had returned group of people who had been exiled. He made meliks dependent.
Panahali khan brought many craftsmen from Ardabil and Tabriz to Kabirli region
in 1748 to build Bayat fortress (tower). Haji Chelebi who attacked Karabagh by
instigation of meliks, was defeated in Bayat battle. He concerned this place not
being suitable, that’s why he ordered to built Shahbulag and Shusha towers in
1751-1755. Shusha named Panahabad. Shusha became commercial and political
centre of khanate. Money was minted here named Panahabad.
Khamsa meliks- Khachin,Varanda, Dizag, Gulustan (Talysh), Chilabord
settled in Kharabagh territory and were dependend on Karabagh khanate. Khachin
was local, but other meliks were moved here by Nadir. Melik of Dizag came from
Majaviz; melik of Talysh- Usub came from Shirvan. Melik of Khachin – Mirza
khan Ulubab obeyed after battle of Balligaya. Then Dizag, Chilebord and Talysh
meliks obeyed. But then khan accused melik of Chilabord –Allahgulu in perfidy
and killed him. Allahgulu’s brother Malik Hatam made union with Talysh melik-
Usub, but was defeated by Panahali khan in Aghdara fight and hid in Jermukh
tower. That time Mahammad Hasan Gajar attacked Karabagh. In 1757 Panahali
khan defeated him in place named Khatin Arkhi. After Mahammad Hasan Gajar’s
death Fatali khan Afshar made Karabagh dependend and took Ibrahimkhalil as
hostage. In Shiraz party Panahali khan became Kharim khan’s hostage.
Ibrahimkhalil agha who came back from Urmia defeated his brother Mehrali bay
who ruled Karabagh with order of Panahali khan. Then Mehrali went to Fatali
khan and took part in the marches against Karabagh. He was killed in 1785.
Ibrahimkhalil married to Avar khan’s sister- Umma khan. Ibrahimkhalil had
conflicts with meliks. Russia wanted to create Christian state with help of meliks.
Ibrahimkhalil had gathered meliks to Shusha and arrested them. Two of meliks ran
to Tiflis. With the help of Irakly II and Russian colonel Burnashov meliks
organized crusade. They should come to Ganja in September, 1787. Because of
beginning of Russian-Turkish war in 1787 this march was unfinished. Panahali
khan had made Erevan and Ardabil dependent. Ibrahim khan had influence in
khanate of Nakhchievan, Ganja, and Tabriz. He had punished catholicos of
Gansazar monastery.
After Karim khan Zand’s death Agha Mahammad khan Gajar became more
active and made Tehran capital in 1785. In the beginning of 90th years all the
khanates of South Azerbaijan except khan of Serab- Sadikh khan, accepted
dependence of Agha Mahammad Gajar. But Sarab was destroyed and Sadig khan
was compelled to obey. Then Garadag, Khoy, and Urmia were dependent. Agha
Mahammad khan Gajar was turk in originand his state was Turkish state. He
declared himself as shah in spring, 1796. In this time Garabagh khanate was
strongest from military and political point of view. Strengthening of Agha
Mahammad khan made khanates of North Azerbaijan to look through direction of
political activities once more. Russian-Ottoman war in 1787-1791th years resulted
with Yassi treaty that gave Russia free activity in Caucasus. Russian plan of
possessing South Caucasus didn’t succeed because of Agha Mahammad khan’s
attack, England and France stand against him in the east and khanates had no
confidence to him. Agha Gajar called Garabagh to obey, but Ibrahimkhalil’s
answer - “my father will me not to depend from any state” infuriated him. In
summer, 1795 Mahammad Gajar attacked in 3 directions. 1. Mughan- Shirvan,
Dagestan, 2. Erevan, 3. Karabagh-Georgia. Gajar’s heading to 3rd direction showed
importance of this direction. Ottoman sultan had informed Gajar’s ambassador that
he will accept Agha Mahammad Gajar as a shah in the case of Georgia would
capture. Ibrahimkhalil khan ordered to destroy Khudafarin bridge for preventing
march. Despite of it, Agha Mahammad khan Gajar besieged Shusha in June, 1795.
Negotiations between Ibrahimkhalil khan and Gajar’s ambassador- Pirgulu khan
didn’t yield one results. That’s why after 33 days Agha Mahammad Gajar gave up
besiegement of Shusha and went to Aghdam then to Tiflis. Irakly II didn’t obey.
Agha Mahammad Gajar captured Tiflis on the 12th of September. Conflict in tsar
palace didn’t allow Russia to help Georgia. Shortage of food, danger of attack of
Russia and Nadir’s grandchild- Shahrukh’s rebellion in Khorasan made Gajar to
leave Tiflis. When Agha Mahammad khan returned he sent Suleiman khan to
capture Shusha, but his other commander Mustafa khan Davali captured Shamakhy
with help of khan of Shaki - Mahammadhasan. This time khan of Shirvan Mustafa
moved people from Shamakhy to Fit mountain. Soon Gajar came back from
Mughan to Iran. Salim khan’s rising made Mahammadhasan khan to come back
from Shamakhy to Shaki. Mustafa Develi was killed. Mustafa khan returned
Shamakhy in February, 1796. Ekaterina II ordered general Gudovich to capture
South Caucasus on 16 November, 1795. One bunches of Russian troops moved
forward to Ganja; the other bunches with headship Savelyev moved forward to
Derbend in February, 1796. Javad khan could save the city with paying taxes. But
basic march of Russia began on April 18, 1796 by headquarters of general Zubov
who suppressed Poland rising in 1794. This time Ekaterina II gave manifest as in
the period of Valentin Zubov captured Derbent on May 2, 1796. Gubanian
Sheykhali khan who put up resistance captivated. His sister- Perija khanim was
appointed as a ruler to Derbent. On the 6th of June Guba was captured and on June
13, Baki was captured, khan of Baki- Huseyngulu obeyed. Khan of Shamakhy
Mustafa also obeyed because of Zubov passed Pirsaat river. Khan of Karabagh sent
his son- Abulfat khan to negotiate with Zubov. There were armenians in Russian
troops. Armenian Argutinski from Gizilyar wrote instigating letters to meliks of
Garabagh and Armenian of South Caucasus. It is important to note that with the
head of Mahammad khan Nurali who ran from Agha Mahammad Gajar, prepared
conspiracy for Zubov, but it didn’t make success. Mustafa khan, Salim khan, some
rulers of Dagestan and Sheykhali khan joined in antirust front. Gubanian khan
Sheykhali khan who ran from captivity joined with khan of Gazigumikh defeated
Russian troops about 500 persons, in Alpan village of Guba. But Russian troops
with the head of Sisianov came to help Zubov, on 21 st of October. Ganja was
occupied by bunch of general Rumski-Korsakov. Ekaterina II died in November,
1796. Pavel I who came to power called Russian troops back. Agha Mahammad
shah Gajar attacked Shusha for the second time after russians going in spring,
1797. Ibrahim khan had stuck a blow to Gajar’s artillery but when he come back
doors of Shusha had been caught by Gajar’s soldiers. That’s why Ibrahim went to
khan of Avar- Umma khan. Gajar determined 500 thousand ashraves indemnity for
population. Further, most Azerbaijan khanates informed about obey. Javad khan,
Huseyngulu khan- khan of Baki, vizier of Ibrahim khan-Vagif who came to Gajar
volunteerly were dungeoned. Khans of Shamakhy and Shaki informed their
obedience with the help of herald. Ibrahim khan’s nephew Mahammad nicknamed
“Batmangilinj” initiative to organize lucky conspiracy against Gajar with Safarli
bay and Abbas bay. Ibrahimkhalil came back and seized power, then sent Gajar’s
corpse to new Iran shah- Fatali shah, and he earned his sympathy with this. His
daughter Aghabeyim married to Fatali shah.
Urmiya, Shaki, Guba and Karabagh Khanates, in their foreign policy payed
attention in connecting Azerbaijan lands. Khanates have had diplomatic relations
with Iran, Russia, Georgia and Ottoman states. After Karim khan’s death,
Mahammad khan Gajar’s owning to authority in Iran, increased the role of Iran in
Southern Caucasus. When Russian-Ottoman war began in 1768-1774, Ottoman
ambassadors came to Azerbaijan khanates to inform necessity of fighting against
Russian-Georgia bloc. Azerbaijan khanates had approached with Ottoman empire
after kichik Gaynarcha treaty in 1774. In 1785 Garabagh, Shaki, and Guba
khanates sent thir ambassadors to Ottoman for asking patronizing, but Ottoman
empire didn’t want to strain relations between Russia that’s why unanswered. In
1787-1791 Russian Ottoman war, Ottoman empire deprived himself from the help
of khanates and it gave Russia an opportunity to expand their conquer. Russia was
creating external friendship with north khanates of Azerbaijan. Russia tried to
In 18 th century, although the feudal strife and military hostilities stopped the
development of construction in cities, it did not concerned to the built of residences
of khans and common buildings. There were created significant monuments of
architecture, to which we can concern the Goy-mesjid in Iravan that was built in
1760 and the palace of Sheki khans in Sheki, which was built by Haji Zeynalabdin
Shirazi in 1762. This constructions, as well as the house of Shekikhanovs, Juma
Mosque, “Gileyli” mosque in Sheki were decorated by rich and different theme.
Drawings and styled view of people and animals, which were drawn with bright
colours, multifigured compositions-the scenes of wars and hunting-substitutes one
another in interior halls of the palace. Naturally, there were not essential changes in
the development and design of structure of Azerbaijan cities in this period, which
showed that in which level the architecture and urban construction in Azerbaijan
developed. This was obvious especially in the architecture of houses. Major part of
the territory of cities were divided into mahallas. This division was related with
socio-economic causes. There were bathes, mosques, water-drilling constructions,
gardens, parks (green massive) in cities too. Such gardens were located in Tabriz,
Shamakha, Ganja,Ardebil and Nakhichevan.
Water-drilling construction of the city were located in the highest level. This
was the system of arkhs and kargiz canals, which were located in Tabriz, Ardebil,
Ganja, Shamakha and Baku.
There were constructed Shusha, Askeran and Bayat castles,Shusha mosque in
Karabakh. All above-mentioned monuments werethe beautiful samples of
architectural and decorative art of Azerbaijan.
Generally, the culture of the 18th century took essential place in the
development of centuries-old national culture of Azerbaijan.
son Huseyngulu were killed. Ganja was named “Yelizavetpol”. Persons who used
“Ganja” word were fined silver manat.
Gajars demanded took out Russians troops from South Caucasus in May, 1804.
Russia gave the negative answer. War began between two states on June 16, 1804.
The first fight was in Uchmuadzin on July 27, 1804, second fight was in Gamarli
village near Erevan. Being defeated Sisianov departed back. Occupation of Ganja
had aggravated internal and foreign situation of Karabagh khanate. Ibrahimkhalil
khan signed Kurakchay treaty with Russia which consisted 11 matters, on 14 of
may in 1805. According to treaty khanate became dependent from Russia, khanate
deprived from independent trade and khanate ought to pay 8 million chervon every
year. Khan of Sheki signed treaty with Russia like this on 21 of May. Khan of
Shamakhy- Mustafa khan signed the treaty of being dependent from Russia on
December 27, 1805. Sisianov approached to Baki in the February, 1806. Sisianov
went Baki to meet with khan of Baki- Huseyingulu in February, 8. When
Huseyngulu prepared to present keys of city to Sisianov, khan’s cousin- Ibrahim
bay killed Sisianov
General Bulgakov occupied Darband on June 22, 1806 and then captured Baku
on October 3, 1806. Then Guba was captured. Besides Talish, Erevan,
Nakhchivan, the north lands of Azerbaijan were occupied at the end of 1806.
Turkey (Ottoman) which could not consent with occupation of Russia, declared
war on Russia (1806-1812). General Gudovich’s army defeated the Turks in the
fight of Gumru which happened on June 18, 1807. Gudovich, who led successful
operation against Gajars in 1808-1809 years, occupied Uchmuadzin and
Nakhchivan. The Gajars troops, under the leadership of Abbas Mirza defeated the
Russians in the fight which happened near Garababa village in May, 1809. The
besiegement of Erevan was ended. The military operation which happened in
autumn of 1808 and the spring of 1809 ended fatally for the Russians. They lost
also Nakhchivan. The Russian general Kotlyarevsky occupied Mehri with sudden
attack. The Gajars armies escaped to the South of the Araz River and started peace
negotiations. Russia also claimed Talish khanate. The negotiations which happened
Ganja. Exception Shusha which had stood besiege for 48 days, North Azerbaijan
was liberated from Russia in a short time. Besiege of Shusha was the mistake of
Gajars’s command. This helped Russian’s command to take the initiative. Russia
mostly paid attention the defence of Tiflis. Paskevich, the commander in chief and
his armenian general Medetov occupied Shamkir (September 3) and Ganja
(September 13) in 1826. The uprising which had been revolted by Huseyn khan in
Shaki was suppressed in December. Russia occupied Nakhchivan (1827),
Abbasabad after the fight of Cavanbulakh (July 5, 1827), then Sardarabad. Hasan
khan, the khan of Erevan, couldn’t stand any more in besiege and the city was
occupied by Russians on October 1, 1827. For the victory of Erevan (1827) Tsar
Nicolay I entitled “Erevanski” to Paskevich. After capturing Marand (October 2),
Russia occupied Tabriz on October 13, 1827. In order to rule the city, the interim
committee which was consisting of Russian officers and Agha Mirza Fattah, the
chief of clergymen and Fatali khan, the governor of Tabriz, was established.
Although negotiations between Russia and Gajars started on November 7, 1827,
the discontent in indemnity problem caused negotiations to be stopped. Continuing
attack Russia occupied Urmia (January 28) and Ardabil (February 8) in 1828.
Occupying Ardabil Russians carried off 166 manuscripts to Petersburg. Gajars
started negotiations again. The negotiations between Abbas Mirza and Paskevich
were finished with the treaty of Turkmanchay on February 10, 1828. Under the
treaty: 1) The whole Northern Azerbaijan, including Erevan and Nakhchivan were
given to Russia, 2) Only Russia might keep navy in the Caspian Sea, 3) Gajars had
to indemnify 20 million manat to Russia and army of Russia had to stay in
Southern Azerbaijan till indemnifying. 4) Under article 15 of the agreement
Armenians had to be moved from Gajars to Nouth Azerbaijan.
In 1828- 1829s Russia started war with Turkey. The threat of the occupation of
Adirna compelled Ottoman Empire to start negotiations. On September 2, 1829
states signed the treaty of Adirna. According to this treaty: 1. A part of Akhalskikh
was given to Russia, 2. Turkey recognized Russian occupation of Southern
culture. Mirza Shafi Vazeh (1796-1852) was well-known in Azerbaijan with his
lyrics. His poems, translated into many languages, were encountered with pride in
Europe for many years. Orientalist works of prominent Azerbaijan scientists
M.C.Topchubashov and Mirza Kazimbey were known in all over the world; these
scientists were the founders of Russian Oriental studies.
Historiography was also developing in this period. The creature of that time
were “Gulistan-i Irem” of Bakikhanov, chronicles on history of Karabakh,
compiled by Mirza Adigozel bey, Mirza Camal Javanshir and Ahmed bey
Javanshir as well as the works of Kerim agha Fateh on the history of Sheki khans.
There lived and created such chroniclers as Muhammed Qazi, Muhammed Sadig,
Abdurrazaq Dunbuli at that time.
One of the prominent people of the 19th century, was great dramaturgist,
philosopher and poet Mirza Fatali Akhundov (1812-1878). Great dramaturgist was
the founder of several literature janres in Azerbaijan literature, had essential
services in the increasement of realistic direction in our literature.
Major theme of the creature of one of the prominent representatives of that
period in Azerbaijan, Kasim bey Zakir (1784-1857) was encountered with suffer
and misfortune of social-political life.
Geographer, ethnographer, historian and poet Haji Zeynalabdin Shirvani, who
made 37 years journeys to many countries of East-from India to Sudan also lived
and created in this period. There were known such masters as, Gambar from
Karabakh (restorater and decorater) and Avaz from Mughan (illustrater) at that
There were published papers in Azerbaijan language such as, “Tatarian news”
(1832), “News about this side of Caucasus” (1841-1846) in Tiflis. In the first half
of the 19th century, there began to extend secular education in Azerbaijan.
Bourgeois reforms in 60th - 70th of XIX century. Cultural development in
second half of XIX century.
Capitalist relations arose in the industry in the 60s years of XIX century. In
this time North Azerbaijan was involved of all-Russian social labour division and
joined to all- Russian market. In branches which produced raw material and in
mining industry that based on steam strength and application of the hired labour
arose production of big factory – plant. In order to make up the need of Russia for
oil, rental system was liquidated in oil industry on the February 17, 1872. The first
oil gusher in Balakhani in 1873 increased interest to this area. Company of Sweden
citizens, Nobel brothers in 1879, French capital of Rothschild in 1980s, and
English capital of Vishau had important place in the oil industry of Baku. The first
tanker in the world belonged to Nobel named Zoroastr carried out the first oil to
Astrakhan from Baku in 1878. Nobel brothers built narrow railroad for carrying oil
and passenger among mines. Masters of big companies created unity of grand
monopoly – union planters of Baku oil in St. Petersburg in 1893 (supervision to
98% of oil products in Russia). This monopoly divided world oil markets with
American company “Standard Oil”. Union disintegrated in 1897. World
economical crisis in 1900- 1903th years badly influenced to Russia including oil
industry. Baku oil industry stood at first row because of the level of centralizing of
capital. In 1904 Baku provided 47% of need of England and 71% of need of
France for kerosene. The activity of “Standard Oil”, which had signed contract
with industrialists of Baku, influenced badly kerosene exportation from Baku
afterwards. Russian – Japan war (1904 - 1905) and Russian bourgeois revolution I
(1905 - 1907) prevented economic reanimation which was expected after crisis.
Baku lost his first place in the world markets. USA gained first place.
Sipping companies “Caucasus and Mercury” (81 ships), “Lebed” and “Caspi”
(10 ships) which were created in the middle of XIX century, played important role
in Caspian Trade Navigation. Tiflis- Baku railway connected Baku with Black Sea
in 1883. In 1900 Bilajari – Petrovsk (Makhachkala) railway connected Baku to all-
Russian markets. Tiflis- Erevan – Nakhchivan (1864), Baku- Tiflis (1868)
telegraph lines were constructed. The first centralized telephone station was
established in Baku, 1886. Communication through telephone and telegraph
developed. Telephone lines were constructed in Banka settlement. Baku- Guba-
Khachmaz (1911) and Baku- Tiflis (1912) telephone lines were built.
Facade wall of Baku tower was destroyed. Facade gate was replaced to inner wall
by Karbalayi Mahammadhasan. In the second part of XIX century: 1. the
development of capitalism, 2. arising of common market, 3. Arising of economic
and cultural centers, 4. Changing of the structure of society, 5. The formation of
bourgeois and workers, and other factors allowed the formation of Azerbaijani
nation. Nation arose with having the unity of morality, language and territory and
arising of economic unity which belonged to nation. “Kashkul” newspaper which
was published by Jalal Unsizade, used the word of “Azerbaijan nation” for the first
time in 1884.
this crime workers, could not force them to retreat. On December 30, 1904 a
collective agreement was signed between the oil owners and workers. This contract
is the first collective agreement not only in Azerbaijan, but also in the whole of
Russia. The workers called this legal document "Oil-Fired Constitution" or “Mazut
Constitution.” Businesses were forced to carry out socio-economic demands of the
workers and to introduce 9-hours workday, one day off per week, for two months
leave for health reasons, to increase wages by 20-25%, to create the mining and
plant commissions (Trade Unions) and to eliminate the unequal position of the
immigrant workers from South Azerbaijan. Since this agreement applied only to
the oilmen workers, the workers of mechanical factories went on strike, putting
forward 17 demands, and made signing the collective agreement in January 1905.
The December General Strike was the first major victory for the workers and their
leaders over the tsarist government and the capitalists, and became the forerunner
of the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907.
Enlarging of strike movement led to emergency of social-democratic
organizations in Baku on the eve of I Russian bourgeois revolution(1905-1907). In
1902 under the leadership of M.A.Rasulzadeh established “Musalman Ganjlik
Taskilat” (“Muslim youth organization”). Later this party became” Muslim
Democratic organization” or “Musavat society”. In 1904 autumn, prominent
members of the intelligentsia Mir Hasan Movsumov, Mammad hasan Hacinski and
Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh created Muslims Social Democratic “Hummet”
organization. During 1904-1905 years the “Hummet organization” published in
“Hummet” newspaper. Unfortunately Hummet newspaper gradually across the
Bolsheviks side and walked away from its essence. M.A.Rasulzadeh and his
collages comprehend Bolsheviks won’t destroyed Russia empire absolutely.
Therefore M.A.Rasulzadeh and his collages decided to keep away from Hummet
Genocide of Azerbaijanis by Armenians in 1905-1906. The parties of Difai,
“Mudafia” .National policy of massacres carried out by the Tsarist government in
1905-1906 was aimed at oppression of revolutionary movement in the Caucasus.
These actions were organized at the state level with the knowledge and approval of
Tsar and his representative in the South Caucasus governor Nakashidze in Baku.
Armenian Dashnaks were only an instrument for implementation of massacres.
Armenian ultra-nationalist Artsurini having relied upon on Russian authorities
propagandized the notorious idea of establishing the Armenian autonomy in the
South Caucasus. 500 crimes were committed by Armenian bandits against the
Muslims during 1905-1906. The atrocities of the Armenians in Baku began with a
provocation of Armenian soldier on February 2. From 6 to 10 February, over a
thousand people were killed from both sides. Apart from Baku the massacres
against the Muslim population were committed in Nakhchivan, Jebrail, Zangezur
districts. The most tragic events were in Shusha. It began on August 16, when the
church bell gave signal to the Armenians to attack Azerbaijanis. 17 workers from
South Azerbaijan were killed in that bloody campaign. Armenians were supported
by Russian Cossacks. During five days of fighting Azeris give a decisive rebuff to
the enemy. With the support of several hundred riders led by Sultan bey Sultanov
Azerbaijani troops entered Shusha and them to flight.
As response to the Armenian-Muslim clashes the political party "Difai"
("defense") was established in mid-1906 by Ahmed bey Agayev, Mammad Hasan
Haji and others. The main objective of the party was the protection of the Muslim
population from the Armenian fighters and the arbitrariness of local administration
through terror. “Difai” had branches in several cities of Azerbaijan as well as in
Qars, Vladikavkaz. The similar mission had the party of "Mudafie" founded by
Ismail khan Ziyadkhanly in Ganja in May 1907. This party joined the landowners
and intelligentsia, and conducted educational work in the western zone of
Azerbaijan and Tiflis province. The party of "Ittifag" founded by Sharifzadeh and
Juvarlinsky in Baku also aimed to unify Muslims in dealing with the Armenian-
Russian forces with national slaughter.
On 15 August 1905 in Nizhny Novgorod was held the first congress of All
Russian Muslims which Azerbaijan and Tatar bourgeoisies’ participated. Ali
Mardan bek Topchubashov made an interesting presentation. At the congress noted
importance of the merger on the basis of Islam and Turkism. Congress decided to
create the Union of Muslims(“Ittifaq-i Muslimin”) inside the Common Muslims
Alliance. In 1905 after the 17 October Manifest created the party which was
intended. In January 1906 in Petersburg held the II congress of All Russian
Muslims. At the first meeting accepted that charter and program about the “Union
of Muslims”. In the program purposes was that to unify common Russian and
Turkish unified front to fight against to colonial regime. III Congress was held in
August 1906 in Nizhny Novgorod. Congress decided to organize Central
committee in Baku and open Universities in Baku, Bakhchasaray, Kazan.
In June 1905 in Baku the newspaper “Heyat” published. At the newspaper has
been written we need economic and political progress. We are turkish, therefore
we wish turkish people prosperity and a happy life everywhere. İn 1906 autumn
“Muslims Charitable Society” was established. In 1906 H.Z.Tagiyev and
M.Mukhtarov established the charity of “Nashri-Maarif” society that had great
roles for educating people and development of national consciousness. In the
development of national movement democratic intellectuals, representatives as
C.Mammadkuluzadeh, M.A.Sabir, M.S.Ordubadi, A.Gamkusar, A.Azimzadeh and
others unified around the Molla Nasraddin magazine and fought over national
colonial system and social injustice. They also demanded political freedoms and
legal equality. H.Zardabi, U.Hajibayov, F.Kocerli called people to the national
renaissance with the publicist writings.
In 1911 Abbasqulu Kazımzade, Mirza Mammad Akhundov, Muhammad Ali
Rasulzade, Taghi Naghioghlu organized party “Musawat” (Equality). Goal of this
party was gaining national-cultural autonomy in Russian empire. In 1913-1915
Muhammad Amin Rasulzade was editor of newspaper “Achig soz”. This
newspaper was publishing organ of “Musawat” party.
Azerbaijani deputies of State Duma
the head of the Armenian Church and promised that "a most brilliant future awaits
the Armenians" who “are hurrying to enter the ranks of the glorious Russian Army,
with their blood to serve the victory of the Russian Army” Nicolas II also said:
“Let the Russian flag wave freely over the Dardanelles and the Bosporus, Let your
will the peoples remaining under the Turkish yoke receive freedom. Let the
Armenian people of Turkey who have suffered for the faith of Christ received
resurrection for a new free life”.
Azerbaijani generals in the I World War. The Russian Empire didn’t recruited
Muslims into the army. This was a deliberate policy of colonialism, aimed at
depriving the Turkic peoples from accessing to weapons and military experience.
Besides, Tsarism was afraid that Muslim soldiers served in Russian army in case of
battle they wouldn’t fight against the Turks of the Ottoman Empire. Only
representatives of Muslim nobility graduated from military schools were accessed
into the army. Thus, more than 200 Azerbaijani officers served in Russian army
during WWI. Many of them had already won fame since Russo-Japanese War
1.Samadbey Mehmandarov Sadykhbey oglu was General of the Artillery in
the Imperial Russian Army. In period of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic
Mehmandarov served as the Minister of Defense. Mehmandarov primarily had
graduated from 2nd Constantine Military School in St. Petersburg in 1875 and later
completed a course in Officer's Artillery College in Tsarskoye Selo in 1903. When
the Russo-Japanese War broke out in 1904, Mehmandarov was appointed the
commander of 7th Eastern Siberia artillery battalion. During the siege of Port
Arthur he was the commander of the Eastern Front Artillery. For the services in
battle he was promoted to major general and decorated with the Order of Saint
George of IV degree. After the capitulation of the fortress the garrison was in
Japanese captivity. When Japanese commanders allowed the captured Russian
officers to return home in exchange to signing an obligation not to fight against
Japan, Mehmandarov refused and preferred to stay with his soldiers. During WWI
Mehmandarov in the rank of lieutenant-general commanded the 21st Infantry
Division which earned the reputation of one of the best in the Russian Army.
During WWI Mehmandarov’s division taking part in Lodz operation of 1914
inflicted a defeat on the German Army under General Mackensen. Thereby
Russian army avoided being encircled. For this feat general Mehmandarov was
decorated with the Order of Saint George of III degree and Saint George sword
decorated with diamonds. It was the very high award. During WWI only 8 generals
including Mehmandarov become a holder of Saint George sword.
2. Aliagha Shikhlinski Ismail-Agha oglu. After graduating Tiflis military
school Shikhlinski finished Mikhaylovsky Artillery School in Saint Petersburg in
1886. During the Russo-Japanese War Shikhlinski was the commander of an
artillery battery. He especially distinguished himself during the siege of Port
Arthur. For his personal courage Shikhlinski was decorated with the Order of Saint
George 4th degree. He was also awarded a golden sword and conferred the rank of
lieutenant-colonel. After finishing Officer's Artillery College with honors
Shikhlinski published a number of works on artillery, including a book titled “Use
of Field Artillery in a Battle”. Shikhlinski was also known as the author of an
original target-finding device, which was called “Shiklinski triangle”. During WWI
Ali-Agha Shikhlinski was appointed the commander of St. Petersburg garrison
3. Huseyn khan Nakhihivanski. General of the Cavalry. During the Russo-
Japanese War Nakhchivanski commanded the 2nd Dagestani cavalry regiment.
During the war the regiment distinguished itself, and Khan Nakhchivanski himself
received seven decorations including fourth-degree Order of Saint George and the
golden Saint George sword. During WWI Khan Nakhchivanski as the commander
of the 2nd cavalry corps was decorated with the Order of Saint George of III
degree, which was presented to him personally by Tsar Nikolas II. In June 1915, he
was appointed General-Adjutant of His Imperial Majesty and became the only
Muslim to hold that position. Later Huseyn Khan was appointed the chief
commander of the Caucasian Army and in 1916 he was promoted to the rank of the
General of the Cavalry.
rights of Azerbaijani Turks, but also their safety. In Spring-Summer of 1918, the
Armenian Dashnak forces organized the massacre of the Muslim Turkic population
in Urmia, Khoy, Salmas and Tabriz. In Nowruz holiday, on March 21, 1918,
massacre of the population of Urmia, a great tragedy, because of its scale, was
named “Urmia disaster.” During these events 10 thousand Azerbaijani Turks were
murdered. In general, in the Southern Azerbaijan, the number of those, killed by
the Dashnak bandits, Azerbaijani Turks reached 80 thousand men. A crucial role
had played, in curbing these crimes that took place in front of the Tehran
government, military groups of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party, led by Sheikh
Mohammed Khiyabani and troops, sent from Turkey. The national liberation
movement in South Azerbaijan started in May of 1917 with rallies and
demonstrations in Tabriz against the Shah's regime and the foreign interventionists.
Movement was led by the Azerbaijan Democratic Party, broke away from the
Democratic Party of Iran, declared its separation on August 24, 1917. The party led
by a well-known politician Sheikh Mohammed Khiyabani (1880-1920), one of the
companions of Sattarkhan during the Mashruteh movement (1905-1911). He was
also the chief editor of the newspaper “Tajaddud” (“Renewal”), which started to
print in 1917. On August 9, 1919, the Anglo-Iranian agreement was signed, which
further strengthened the economic and political dependence of Iran from Britain
and had led to the growth of the liberation movement against the Shah's regime and
the foreign interventionists. The peasants, workers, artisans, merchants,
intellectuals and the national bourgeoisie participated in the movement. In response
to the government's attempts to deal with members of the movement, uprising
began on April 7, 1920, in Tabriz. Besides Shah Cossack troops, whose numbers in
Tabriz reached two thousand, the rest of the troops went over to the rebels. To
guide the insurrection was created the Public Council of the Governing led by
Sheikh Mohammed Khiyabani. The rebels in two days seized all the public
institutions in Tabriz. Rebellion won without bloodshed. The victory of Tabriz
uprising had found a great response in the neighboring countries, especially in
Russia and Turkey. The Soviet Russia offered to the Tabriz movement and S.M.
Khiyabani, via the Soviet leader of Azerbaijan, weapons and material assistance,
trying to use the movement to expel the British from the region. S.M. Khiyabani,
who called the Bolsheviks “wrong side of the tsarist regime,” and was well aware
of the plans of the Soviet Russia by the “export of revolution” to seize the eastern
countries, completely rejected these proposals. Khiyabani relied only on the
strength of his nation, and even rejected the assistance offered by Mustafa Kemal
Pasha Ataturk. National liberation movement of South Azerbaijan reveals its
character clearly in the demands that were directed by Khiyabani to Tehran
government. These included the requirement to declare the country a republic,
giving autonomy to Azerbaijan, the implementation of the points of the
Constitution that concerned enjoumens (councils), the withdrawal of all foreign
troops, resignation of the pro-British government and termination of the contract
with United Kingdom from 1919. Unshakable will of Khiyabani, during the April
uprising, gave the movement a national character and, first representatives of
Tehran, then Indian Sepoys, under the command of the Britain, left Tabriz. Having
received no response from Tehran, regarding the claimed demands, on June 23,
1920, the Azerbaijan Democratic Party was created the National Government at
the Council of the Public Board, which has autonomous rights and the armed
forces. Important reforms have been carried out in the socio-economic life of South
Azerbaijan. The state lands were distributed among the peasants. In Tabriz,
children from poor families were involved in the school and classes for girls were
opened in several schools. Education was conducted in the native language. The
construction of a carpet factory started in Tabriz. The government planned to open
a national bank and to provide the currency reform. The national government
formed a new gendarmerie and police forces in Tabriz, involving 2 thousand of
citizens. The creation of the National Guard, which was supposed to reach the
number up to 12 thousand, was started. Sheikh Mohammed Khiyabani named the
state created by him not “Azerbaijan, but “Azadistan.” He attributed this to the
existence of the state have called Azerbaijan. Overall, Khiyabani treated with
caution to North Azerbaijan. This was due to the proximity of the Azerbaijan
Democratic Republic and Britain, and later with the establishment of Soviet
Azerbaijan. Interestingly, that Jalil Mammadquluzade had met Khiyabani during
the revolutionary events and in his magazine “Molla Nasiraddin” called the
National Government the “Republic of Azerbaijan.” After the suppression of anti-
Soviet hostilities in Northern Azerbaijan Khiyabani’s hopes to release North
Azerbaijan from the occupation disappeared. He gave refuge to participants of the
anti-Soviet uprising in Ganja, fled from the Bolshevik terror to the South
Azerbaijan, many of who were soldiers. According to the offensive plan, prepared
by the Tehran government together with representatives of Britain, on September
11, 1920, all counterrevolutionary forces, including the shah's Cossack troops, led
by Russian command, were entered in Tabriz. Defenders of the National
Government, until September 14, heroically, fought until the last drop of blood.
S.M. Khiyabani himself, despite the possibility of escape, until the end of resisted
and was killed. On the Government's proposal to surrender and beg for mercy this
heroic man replied: “I prefer to die and did not kneel before the enemy. I am the
son era meshrute and descendant of Babak Khurremi, who was not submitted the
Arabs.” Sheikh Mohammed Khiyabani, who preferred the freedom of the country
above all, the author of the expression “If a nation has no independence, so it has
nothing” - shows value of freedom in the history of national liberation struggle of
our nation. The Turks of South Azerbaijan, led by Sheikh Mohammed Khiyabani
rose up to fight for the preservation of their national identity, and tried to create the
first national autonomy in the state Qajar (Iran). Despite the defeat, the liberation
movement was not successful. A new government replaced the pro-British Tehran
government. The unequal treaty of 1919, concluded with the United Kingdom was
annulled in 1921.
1920, and the control of Tehran re-asserted there, only momentarily to be
challenged in February, 1922, by the brief revolt of the gendarmerie officer Abu'l-
Qasem Lahuti against the commander in chief Reza Khan (later Reza Shah),
suppressed by the latter.
into the den of Dashnak and Bolshevik groups. Being concerned about growing
political influence of the Musavat party BakSoviet decided to crush and annihilate
the Muslim population.
For this purpose BakSoviet in March 1918 arranged a massacre against the
peaceful defenceless population of the Turkish quarters which resulted in the death
of about 10 thousand citizens. Under the pretence of the struggle against the
Musavat members the Bolshevik and Armenian gangs started the annihilation of
the peaceful Azerbaijani population. The Azerbaijani quarters were fired both from
the air and sea. The massacre of the city’s Moslem population was headed by
S.Shaumyan, the Chairman of the Committee of Revolutionary Defence of Baku.
The Chief of the headquarters of the Red Army in Baku was Z.Avetisyan, a
colonel of the tsarist army and a member of the Dashnak Party. The outrages in
Baku from March 30 to April 2, and further in the uyezds(gazas), were nothing but
a genocide committed against the Azerbaijani people.
After the March massacre the BakSoviet undertook several measures to
strengthen its authority. All newspapers and magazines were banned, exception
was made only for the Bolshevik and Armenian ones. Baku municipality headed
by Khoysky was dissolved. All National Councils, except for the Armenian
National Council, were banned. On April 25, 1918 the Council of People's
Commissars (Sovnarkom), known also as the "Armenian Soviet Government"
headed by Shaumyan was established.
Sovnarkom carried out anti-Azerbaijani policy, it was against not only the
ideas of independence, but even autonomy of Azerbaijan. Sovnarkom considered
Azerbaijan as integral part of Russia and conducted the colonial policy in favor of
Soviet Russia. It expropriated all national banks, oil industry and the Caspian
merchant fleet. In exchange of 1 million 300 thousands tons of oil and petroleum
products and cotton, silk, rice, tea, fish sent to Soviet Russia Lenin ordered to
supply Baku Sovnarkom with weapons, military equipment and aircrafts, military
The created Transcaucasian Seim on February 23, 1918, had to be the highest
authority organ in the South Caucasus. But, since its creation there were serious
confrontations among the included fractions-Muslim, Georgian and Armenian
fractions to this Seim. Because of the sin of Armenians and Georgians, these
confrontations became strained during the negatiations, which were conducted in
Trabzon. Even the proclamation of Transcaucasian Independent Federative
Republic on April 22, 1918, did not stop these confrontations. Much more
intensified strife among fractions violated the activity of the Seim. During the
subsequent negotiations, occurring between Turkey and Transcaucasian Seim in
Batumi, the representative of Germany, Fon Lossov, who was only observer
attracted Georgians with several promises and distracted them from negotiations.
In such circumstances Georgians declared about the excluding from the content of
Transcaucasian Seim and the proclamation of the independence of Georgia; After
this event Transcaucasian Seim declared its self-dismissal on May 26, 1918. It was
obvious, because in the absence of Georgians who played a role of mediator,
Azerbaijani and Armenian nation, who were in the condition of conflict, could not
stay under the united state entity. After a day on May 27, Muslim delegation of the
Seim decided to create Temporary National Union of Azerbaijan, then after
negotiations, there was decided the proclamation of state independence of
Azerbaijan. In the Declaration of independence, which was composed by the
secretary of National Union, Hasan bey Aghayev was spoken: “During the Great
Revolution in Russia there was set political stage, which inclined the fall of
separate parts of state organs and the left of Transcaucasus by Russian troops”.
Transcaucasian nation took the solvement of their destiny into their hands and with
their own forces created Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic. But, in
later period of political events, Georgian nation decided to separate from the
structure of Transcaucasian Federative Republic and create independent Georgian
Democratic Republic. Current political circumstances in Azerbaijan, related with
liquidation of war, which occurred between Russian and Ottoman Empires, as well
as the existed anarchy inside of country dictated to Azerbaijan, which consisted of
Eastern and Southern Transcaucasia, the necessity of creation of its own state
organization, in order to take out the peoples of Azerbaijan from heavy internal
and foreign circumstances, which they were in. On the basics of this, Muslim
National Union of Azerbaijan, which was choosen by national ballots declared
nationally: 1. Azerbaijan is fully soverign nation; it consists of Southern and
Eastern Transcaucasia under the authority of Azerbaijani people.
2. It is resolved that the form of government of independent Azerbaijani state
is a democratic Republic.
3. The Azerbaijani Democratic Republic is determined to establish friendly
relations with all especially with the neighboring nations and states.
4. The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic guarantees to all its citizens within its
borders full civil and political rights, regadless of their ethnic origin, religion,
class, profession or gender.
5. The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic encourages the free development of all
nationalities, inhabiting its territory.
6. Until the Azerbaijani Constituent Assembly is convened, thesupreme
authority over Azerbaijan is vested in a universally elected National Council and
the provisional government, responsible to this council.
The formation of the first government of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was
instructed to Fatali khan Khoysky by National Council. The structure of the first
government of Azerbaijan was as following: Chairman of the council of Ministers
and The minister of internal affairs - F.Khoysky; The military minister -
Kh.Sultanov; The minister of finance and national enlightenment - N.Yusifbeyli;
The minister of foreign affairs - M.H.Hajinsky; The minister of
transcommunication, post and telegraph - K.Melikaslanov; The minister of
justice - Kh.Mammedov; The minister of trade and industry - M.Y.Jafarov; The
minister of agriculture and labour - A.Sheikhulislamov; The minister of state
control - C.Hajinsky.
the first steps of newly created Azerbaijan state was the conclusion of Batumi
agreement about the peace and friendship with Turkey (June 4, 1918). According
to 4th article, Turkey took an obligation about the giving of military aid to ADR, in
the case of its protection from bolsheviks and dashnaks. Georgia demanded from
the Provisional National Council of Azerbaijan to leave its territory. In the mid of
June, 1918, Azerbaijan government moved from Tiflis to Ganja. But, here, the
commander of Turkish troops – Nuru pasha refused to recognize National
Government. Ahmed bey Aghayev, who was his adviser also played great role in
that. So, there appeared powerful opposition against the National Council.
According to bourgeoisie and certain circles of land-onwners. The National
Council and the created government by it stood in Ultra-left and revolutionary
position. These circles which defended the alliance of Azerbaijan and Trukey
began struggle against the National Council. On June 17, in the next assembly of
National Council there was suggested to dismiss the National Council. In the same
day there was formed the second administrative cabinet under the leadership of
F.Khoysky. The new administrative government, which consisted of twelve men,
were included six members of previous cabinet and six new ministers.
The structure of new cabinet was following: F.Khoyskychairman of the
Council and the minister of justice, M.H.Hajinskyminister of foreign affairs,
B.Javanshir-minister of internal affairs, Kh.Melikaslanov-minister of ways,
A.A.Amirjanov-minister of finance, Kh.Sultanov-minister of agriculture,
A.Ashurov-minister of trade and industry, Kh.Rafibeyli-minister of medicine and
charity. Taking into account the strain circumstance in Azerbaijan, the government
declared the military condition in the whole territory of the country. After the
March events, the political situation in Baku changed behalf on bolsheviks. By the
order of S.Shaumyan the armed forces of Baku Soviet began to attack to Ganja on
June 10, 1918. At the result of immediate military aid by Turkey, according to
Batumi agreement, concluded on June 4, 1918, the danger could be prevented. The
fight, lasted from June 27 to July 1 of the same year, decided the destiny of this
confrontation. Victory, gained over bolshevik-armenian armed forces in the battle
near Goychay, prevented the attack of enemy to Ganja. But, Baku was in the
hands of the enemy yet. Shaumyan and his defenders, who understood that
resistance to Azerbaijan national army was meanless, decided to retire. After the
dismissed of Baku SNC, the authority in the city passed
to the hands of “Dictation of Sentrocaspia and Presidium Provisional
Executive Committee of Soviet of workers and soldier deputees” on August 1,
1918. Bolsheviks took in the ship “Ardagan” with stolen precious items and money
and escaped to Hashtarkhan. But, by the order of Sentrocasp Dictation they were
arrested and returned. Soon, these comissaries were sent to Kransnovodsk and
from there to the depth of Turkmenia-between the stations of Akcha-Kuyma and
Pereval with casual people, who jointed to them and killed on the 20th of
The sin to this act put to English and Turkish men. The one of first attempts of
Sentroccaspia Dictation was to call English troops, who were in Enzeli, to Baku.
At the beginning of August, English troops came to Baku by the commandance of
general Denstervil. But, from the movement of entrance of English troop to Baku,
it became obvious that, their forces were unessential and weak. Azerbaijan-Turkish
troops, which distructed the Sentrocaspia dictation that was consisted of dashnaks
and on September 15, esers liberated Baku. The flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan
was confirmed by the setting of Azerbaijan government on June 24, 1918. The flag
presented the view of white crusant and eight-angled star on red context. After that,
general Tomson called Azerbaijan state the vehicle of the confrontations of
Turkey, the coherence of our flag with Turkish flag was rejected in the first work-
day of Provisional National Council-on November 9, 1918; it was substituted with
new flag, in which was reflected white crusant and eight-angled star on blue, red
and green context. Three colours of official flag of Azerbaijan Republic
symbolized “Turkish national culture, modern European democracy and Islamic
civilization”. On June 27, Azerbaijan (turkish) language was declared the official
language of the state. After the victory of allied troops of Great Britain and France
over Ottoman forces in the territory of Palastine and Syria, there was concluded
Mudross (Mondross) treaty between Turkey and winners on October 30, 1918.
According to the clauses of this treaty, Turkey had to withdraw all its troops from
South Caucasus, as well as from Azerbaijan.
According to this agreement, South Caucasus was proclaimed the zone of
influence of Britain and there were entered English troops to Baku. English troops
entered to Baku on November 17, 1918. General Tomson appealed to the
population of the city, but he did not utilize the word of “Azerbaijan” in his appeal.
According to Tomson, South Caucasus was the structural part of Russia and Russia
was the ally of England in Antanta block during World War I. On November 16,
1918, after five months’ break, the National Council of Azerbaijan restored its
activity in Baku and on November 20, it approved law “About the formation of
Azerbaijan parliament”. As it was impossible to organize all-Azerbaijan Assembly,
there was decided to reformation of National Council into legislative organ-
Azerbaijan Parliament.
In the law was mentioned that in coherence with the structure of state
population, there should be representatives from all settlers of Azerbaijan nation in
the parliament. So, there were given 80 places to Azerbaijan, 21 places to-
Armenians, 10 places-to Russians and 1 placeto germans, jews, Georgians and
Polishmen in the parliament, consisted of 120 deputees. The remained five places
were implied for Baku profunions (3 places) and for the Union of oil Businessmen
and Tradeindustrail Union (2 places). The places were strictly determined among
uyezds, the Azerbaijan people, who lived in Irevan and Tiflis guberniyas (in the
context of 3:1) were also taken into account. On November 7, 1918, the chairman
of National Council of Azerbaijan, leader of Musavat party, M.E.Resulzadeh
opened the first assembly of Parliament, which was occurred in the gymnasium of
mercy girls of H.Z.Taghiyev. And although Englishmen prevented the opening of
Parliament for several times and even they could prevent the opening of assembly
on the appointed day-3rd of November, the Parliament began to its activity. In this
assembly the prominent statesman, neutral (he wasn’t the member of any party)
Alimardan bey Topchubashov was elected the chairman of Parliament and the
member of Musavat party Hasan bey Aghayev-his assistant (vice-chairman). There
circumstances was the begun attack of Denikin’s army to Daghestan and Georgia.
The capture of Port- Petrovsk and Derbent by Denikin’s army shaped real danger
to Azerbaijan independence. Due to prevent dangerous circumstances, which
shaped on the border of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan government implemented strict
steps. By the order of the Parliament there was created special organ, which
possessed wide obligations – State Committee of Defence (SCD) in the sphere of
defence. On June 11, 1919, there was declared military circumstance in the whole
territory of Azerbaijan. On June 16, 1919, there was concluded military-defence
pact for 3 years between Azerbaijan and Georgia. According to clauses of the
treaty, in the case of danger to their independence and territorial intergrity both
sides had to implement mutual action. At the end of August, 1919, there began
withdrawal of English troops from the territory of Azerbaijan. They gave the
control over ports, part of military objects, military weapons and military ships to
Azerbaijan government, the others-to Daghestan troops. On the ground of received
military property there was formed Caspian navy of Azerbaijan.
In the second half of 1919, Azerbaijan parliament approved line of laws for
democratization of country life. On July 21, parliament ratified “Statute to the
elections to the Assembly of Azerbaijan Republic”. On August 11, there was
accepted “Law about Azerbaijan citizenship” and on September 30, - “Law about
press”. From December 2 to 11, 1919, there was organized the second congress of
“Musavat” party in Baku. There participated 140 delegations, including
Parliamentary fraction, as well as guests from other political parties and prominent
social figures in the Congress. The leader of the party, M.E.Resulzadeh made a
report about the activity of the party. The party, which discussed new agrarian
program, accepted it. On December 11, there was elected Central Committee of the
party, which Mammed Emin Resulzadeh (chairman), members-Hasan bey
Aghayev, Mammed Hasan Hajinsky, Shafi bey Rustambeyov and Mehdi bey
Hajinsky entered too. In the beginning of 1920, internal-political life essentially
stabilized. There was created normally functioned state system and organized army
in a short time. At the result of great attempts of military ministry there were two
pedestrian and one cavalry division in the structure of Azerbaijan army at the
beginning of 1920. There were succeded essential achievements in the sphere of
national enlightenment as well. There was founded Baku State University (1919)
and were prepared lecturre staff. On January 1920, the Supreme Council of Allied
States accepted resolution about the de-facto recognition of the independence of
Azerbaijan. The recognition of the independence of Azerbaijan much more
increased the interest. Belgium, Holland, Sweeden, Finland and other countries
opened their representatives in Baku. So, the ratification of Azerbaijan Republic in
international world solved the problem of its recognition and there began the
involvement process of Azerbaijan to the system of multi-international relations.
which was shaped in internal-political life of Azerbaijan did not last long. There
shaped Bolshevic danger over the country. On February 11, 1920, the first
Congress of Communist Party of Azerbaijan began to its activity. The Congress
directed to the realization of armed state revolution in Azerbaijan. Local
Bolsheviks conducted active propaganda against the national government. But it
was obvious that the Azerbaijani communists did not only rely on themselves in
the realization of state revolution. They hoped to the aggression of Russia. The
most essential event in political life of Azerbaijan was the beginning of
governmental crisis. At the end of March, certain organs arrested socialists, who
conducted underground activity. Related with this event, socialistic fraction
rejected to defend the cabinet of N.Yusifbeyli. On April 1, the cabinet of
N.Yusifbeyli dismissed. The formation of new committee was entrusted to
M.Hajinsky. He prepared to form coalitional government with the participation of
left powers, including communists. But, the Bolsheviks rejected to participate in
that government. They began to the preparation of state revolution more stronger.
On April 22, when the needed time was missed, M.Hajinsky warned the parliament
that the formation of new government was impossible. So, the governmental crisis,
which began at the beginning of April, much more aggravated the political
circumstances in Azerbaijan along with foreign danger. The Minister of Foreign
organize good resistance against 11th Red Army. When Soviet troops approached
to Baku, local Bolsheviks presented notification to Azerbaijan Parliament about the
passing of the authority from the name of Baku Bureou of Caucasian Euvirons
Commitee (AKP) on April 27. In its last assembly, organized on April 27,
Parliament accepted resolution about the pass of the authority to Azerbaijan
communists, which consisted of six clauses after severe disputes. According to this
resolution, the government gave the authority to Muslim Bolsheviks in the
provisions: They would preserve of the entire independence of Azerbaijan; The
created government would be temporary; Former statesmen would be preserved in
their posts; The life and property of statesmen, the members of parliamentwould be
protected; and so on…
So, on April 27, 1920, at the result of foreign aggression-expansive policy of
Russia, which did not respond to international relations and international law,
National state and its government, which was existed in Azerbaijan and recognized
by world states was dethroned by violation. After two days, in Moscow and
Azerbaijan press was published the prepared information about the revolution
occurred in Azerbaijan in the same day.
reorganization of the army and Navy. The petroleum industry was nationalized and
on its base the Azerbaijan oil Committee (subsequently Azneft) was established. It
was headed by Serebrovski delegated to Baku by Lenin. Caspian trade fleet and the
fishing industry were also nationalized.
The I Congress of the Soviets of Azerbaijan SSR was convened in Baku on
May 6, 1921. It adopted the first Constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR. The
Constitution granted all citizens regardless of nationality, sex, religion, the right to
elect and be elected in the state institutions, as well as freedom of speech, press,
freedom of conscience. The Revolutionary Committee was disbanded and the
Azerbaijani Central Executive Committee (AzCIK) was elected. It possessed the
supreme legislative, administrative and supervisory authority in the period between
congresses. Congress reorganized the People’s Council of Commissars which had
supreme executive authority and was headed by N.Narimanov. Despite the
prevailing tough circumstances Narimanov did his best to defend Azerbaijani
Communist Party of Azerbaijan was in fact an affiliate organ of the
Communist (Bolsheviks) Party of Russia which was functioning on the direct
orders issued by Moscow under the strict leadership of A.I.Mikoyan. The party cell
was fundamentally composed of non-Azerbaijanis, particularly Armenians,
Georgians and Russians. This is the primary reason why Armenians, Georgians
and Russians and representatives of the other nationalities had found a favorable
opportunity to play a specifically important role in committing bloody crimes
against the Azerbaijani people.
Special Revolutionary Committees with extraordinary power set up in each
part of the country had established the repressive communist dictatorship regime.
The national police forces created by ADR were replaced by the special police
units called worker-peasant militia or “red militia”.
Along with this, Extraordinary Commission and Supreme Revolutionary
Tribunal were instituted to regulate and monitor the observance of law in the
Unlike the rebellions in Ganja and Shusha the uprising in Zagatala was risen
by the civilians who were soon joined by military men. The rebellion was brutally
Starting in September 1920, a new series of rebellions of various scale took
place in Dagestan and Quba, in Garabulag, in Shamkhor, and in Lankaran, overall
lasting until 1924.
The New Economic Policy which was launched in 1921 aimed at reviving
national economy destroying during the Civil War period (1918-1920). The NEP
allowed some private ventures, the small animal businesses, free trade and rental
system for promotion of private profit while the state continued to control banks,
foreign trade, and large industries.
In Azerbaijan the NEP was carried out in two steps. On May 17, 1921
Azrevkom issued a decree "On abolishment of a monopoly on all kinds of food",
which put an end to “prodrazverska” (translated as surplus appropriation system,
which obliged peasantry to surrender the surpluses of almost any kind of
agricultural produce for a fixed price). But in contrast to Russia, where
prodrazvyorstka was immediately exchanged for prodnalog (food tax), in
Azerbaijan prodrazvyorstka was exchanged for voluntarily paid tax of “chanag”
(20 grivenka) which was exchanged by food tax only in spring 1922.
The Central government paid particular attention to the development of the oil
industry in Azerbaijan. Therefore, Azneft was allowed to conclude the contract
with the American Standard Oil and English Gikkers Limited Companies for
purchasing the technical equipment. The Azneft offices were opened in London,
Paris, Berlin and New York. The new oil wells in Bail bay were put into operation,
in 1925 oil extraction had increased twice in comparison with 1921, Oil Machinery
Manufacturing Industry was developed, the Lieutenant Schmidt Plant (now
Sattarkhan Plant) was put into operation.
Besides, in 1925 cement plants in Baku and Tovuz, new cotton mills in Sharur
and the silk-spinning factories in Yevlakh, Sheki, Ordubad, Nagorno-Karabakh,
woolen factory in Ganja were constructed.
the new leadership of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan was forced to solve the
issue of granting Nagorny Karabakh autonomy. On 7 July 1923 the government of
the republic passed a decree to establishment an autonomous area (NKAA) with
the center in Khankendi. On 18 September of 1923, it was decided in a session of
the Karabakh regional committee of Azerbaijan to rename the administrative
center of the NKAA from Khankendi to Stepanakert in the honor of Stepan
However, the schemes plotted by Armenians and Bolsheviks to secure control
over Nakhichevan were disrupted thanks to the intervention of Turkey. The
resolute standpoint of Turkey resulted in signing of the Moscow contract between
Turkey and Russia on 16th of March in 1921 which enforced the autonomy of
Nakhichevan within Azerbaijan. According to the terms of the agreement,
Nakhichevan was by no means authorized to compromise its self-autonomy status
to the third country. The Kars accord which was signed between Turkey and
Southern Caucasus Republics on October 13, 1921 reconfirmed the status of
Nakhichevan as self-autonomous. Therefore, Bolsheviks could not hand over
Nakhichevan to Armenians as they had promised. Thenceforth, the city that was
referred to as the “Gateway of the Turks” by M.K.Ataturk remained within the
boundaries of Azerbaijan for good.
Due to the judicious intervention and well-timed assistance of Turkey the legal
status of Nakhichevan had been determined as self-autonomous and integral part of
Azerbaijan. On 9th of February in 1924, the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
of Nakhichevan was created within Azerbaijan. Nevertheless, the Bolsheviks
hadn’t given up the perfidious policy of expanding the Armenian territories on
account of the lands belonging to Azerbaijan. Therefore, three villages of the
Zangilan province were bestowed to Armenians in 1929. Availing this opportunity,
Georgians seized the Azerbajani lands on the right bank of the Kanik (Alazan)
river and annexed them to Georgia.
strategic importance. Working time in enterprises was risen from June 28, 1941 to
11 hours. Baku turned into the one of the arsenals of the fighting army:
- 130 types of weapons and ammunition, in particular, Katyusha rockets,
Shnyakin machinegun, aircraft "YAK-3" were composed in Baku:
- in accordance with the direction of the Moscow (Centre) the National
Committee of Assistance was established in Azerbaijan in autumn of 1943 for
assistance in reconstructing areas liberated from fascist occupation. A significant
amount of money products and equipment was sent by this Committee for
restoration of the Northern Caucasus, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Ukraine.During 1941-
1943s, Azerbaijan nation gave 15 kg gold, 952 kg silver, which cost 311 million
rubles to the foundation of defence. There were sent 1,6 million various items and
125 vagoon of warm dress to the front.
Participation of Azerbaijan soldiers in the battlefront and in the
antifascist movement.
During the Great Patriotic War the Azerbaijani people demonstrated an
exceptional bravery and heroism both in the battlegrounds and antifascist guerilla
[gə’rilə] movements in various European countries. More than 600 thousand
Azerbaijani soldiers were enlisted and mobilized for the war. Approximately, 170
thousand of them were rewarded with the highest medals and honorary degrees and
130 of them were granted the title “Hero of the Soviet Union” for their feats and
exploits in the war.
The National Rifle Divisions of 402, 223, 271, 416, 77 were formed in
Azerbaijan and sent to front. The divisions of 402, 223, 416 fought bravely for
Mozdok and in battles in coast of the Azov Sea and Crimea.
Despite of strict defeats in the battles under Moscow the enemy was powerful. In
the beginning of May, 1942, fascists captured Kerch, Sevastapol, Kharkhov and
began to move to Volga. In July, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Maykop were conquered.
Azerbaijan and Baku oil encountered with danger. On September 9, 1942, supreme
Head-quarters declared military circumstances in the Republics of South Caucasus,
as well as in Azerbaijan. There was created defence region of Baku. There were
shaped defence fortifications around the city. There were placed tanks and guns in
entrenchments. The enemy did his best to intervene to the sky of Baku in 71 times
in 1942, and 3 times in 1943, but brave pilots and anti-aircraft gunners did not
permit them-they shaked 96 enemy plains down. After the conquest of Mozdok the
enemy, who encountered with severe resistance, changed his invasion tactics and
began to move not to Baku, but in the direction of Nalchik-Orcanikidze. 402 nd ,
416 th and 223 rd Azerbaijan divisions fought in the region of Mozdok, 77 th
division took part in defence battles. In the operations of Soviet Army for the
liberation of North Caucasus in October, 1942, Azerbaijan divisions showed
military braveness too. 77 th division participated in the liberation of Kerch,
Rostov, Stavropol and other settlements. 402 nd division changed 20 settlements
from the enemy in the region of Mozdok. 416 th divisions played an important role
in the liberation of several settlements in the North Caucasus and the shore of
Azov Sea. After the death, he was awarded with the title of Hero of Soviet Union.
Destruction of fascist troops in the Caucasus
saved Azerbaijan from the danger of fascist occupation.
After the liberation of Soviet territory from the Nazi invaders national
Azerbaijani Division participated in combat operations for the liberation of Eastern
For participation in the liberation of Yugoslavia the division of 223 received
the honorary title "Belgrade". The division of 271 which received the honorary title
"Gorlovskaya" fought for liberation of Poland and Czechoslovakia. 20
Azerbaijanis including Zia Buniatov fighting in the ranks of this division were
awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
The Azerbaijani divisions have made the glorious frontline records from
Caucasus to far Berlin. The 416 Azeri division which named "Taganrogskaya"
reached the banks of the river Oder and moved to Berlin and on April 2 hoisted the
banner of victory at Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. For bravery and courage shown
by the Reichstag, Yusif Sadigov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
416 and 77 Divisions were awarded the Suvorov orders of second degree.
Thousands of Azerbaijanis fought bravely against fascism since the first days
of the war. Among the brave defenders of the Brest fortress were 44 Azerbaijanis.
They fought bravely until the last breath.
Lieutenant Israfil Mamedov was the first among Azerbaijani soldiers who
earned the title Hero of the Soviet Union for bravery in the battle for the village of
Pustynka near Novgorod in 1941.
Azeri Major-General Azi Aslanov was awarded twice Hero of the Soviet
Union. He participated in the battles for Moscow and Stalingrad against Field
Marshal Manstein. As a commander of a tank battalion Aslanov in the battle of
Moscow personally led his battalion in the attack. In one of these battles, Azi
Aslanov, received two bullet wounds in his right leg and severe shrapnel wound to
the head, but continued to remain in the service. For distinction in the battles near
Moscow Azi Aslanov was awarded the "Red Star".
Later in 1942, Azi Aslanov led the 35th Tank Brigade from Stalingrad through
Borisovo, Vileyka, and Minsk to Vilnius and Riga and participated in battles of
Rostov and Taganrog. Aslanov was famous for his "thrust from flank" technique,
which was launching an attack by heading straight toward the enemy, while other
Soviet troops were sent to attack from the sides. For heroism in Stalingrad Aslanov
was awarded Hero of the Soviet Union. For liberation the city Pleshinitsy and 508
settlements from the enemy and participation in the liberation of the Baltic States
Major-General Azi Aslanov in June 1944 for the second time was submitted to the
title Hero of the Soviet Union under the recommendation of General of the Army
Ivan Chernyakhovsky, but because of discriminatory treatment he got it
posthumously, 46 years later, in 1991, after a special appeal by Azerbaijani
intelligentsia to Gorbachev.
Machinegunner Idris Veliyev in the battle at Borodinskiy field destroyed more
than 50 enemy soldiers. Pilot Huseynbala Aliyev in the Leningrad sky shot down
6 enemy aircraft.
In the battle for Tuapse Gafur Mammadov killed thirteen enemy soldiers and
at the cost of his own life saved his commander. Posthumously he was awarded the
title Hero of the Soviet Union. Idris Suleymanov also earned the title Hero of the
Soviet Union.
20 Azerbaijanis including Ziya Buniatov fought in 271 Division, participated
in the liberation of Poland and Czechoslovakia, received the title Hero of the SU.
The Azerbaijanis demonstrated displayed an exceptional bravery and heroism
both in the battlegrounds and antifascist guerilla movements in various European
countries. Mehdi Huseynzade who seriously wounded in the battle near the town of
Kalach-na-Donu and captured by the Germans in August 1942 managed to escape
and join the Yugoslav-ltalian guerilla corps. Soon after he became a commander of
the special reconnaissance diversionary unit in People’s Liberation Army of
Yugoslavia where he got his nickname Mikhailo. In the middle of January 1944,
Mikhailo with the fighters grasped topographic maps of the opponent. Mehdi
showed the wonders of heroism and bravery. His group was released from Nazi
captivity 700 prisoners and destroyed more than 1000 German officers. With
another Azerbaijani guerrilla, Mirdamat Seidov Huseynzade installed a delayed-
action mine in the "Opchina" cinema in Trieste on April 2, 1944. The explosion
killed 80 and wounded 260 Germans, of which 40 died later in hospital. At the end
of April 1944, Huseynzade, Hans Fritz and Ali Tagiyev blew up a bridge near the
Postayno railway station, which led to a 24-car train crash. In May, Huseynzade
and Seidov blew up a casino, where 150 German officers died and 350 were
wounded. Growing concerned about these attacks, Germans set a reward of
400,000 Italian liras for killing Huseynzade. On November 2, 1944, returning from
a successfully executed mission to destroy a German ammunition depot, Mikhailo
was taken in a German ambush near the town of Vitovlje in Slovenia. During an
unequal battle with German forces Huseynzade killed 25 of them but having ran
out of bullets he used the last one to kill himself. In the war with the fascists, he
showed the wonders of heroism and bravery. His group was released from
captivity 700 prisoners and destroyed more than 1000 German officers. In 1957,
he was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
Baku oil. Azerbaijanis showed braveness not only in rear, but also in the front.
Tens of generals of Azerbaijan– Hazi Aslanov, Akim Abbasov, Mehti Mahmudov,
Yagub Quliyev, Habibullah Husseinov, Melik Maherramov, Aslan Vezirov and
othersshowed great military and organizational capabilities, as well as military
braveness in the liberation of the country from fascist invasion. Among the brave
sons of our nation 121 men were awarded with the title of Hero of Soviet Union,
30 men were awarded with the orden of Honour in 3 levels, and 176 ones were
awarded with various ordens and medals.
South Azerbaijan during XX century
The World War II influenced to the socio-political life of Iran, as well as
Southern Azerbaijan. Although during the World War II Iran officially declared
about its neutrality, administrative circles under the leadership of Rza Shah turned
the country into the area of activity of German intelligence organs. But the collapse
of military – police regime of Rza Shah, transition of the real administration of the
country to the parliament restoration of 459 political freedom, liberation of
political prisoners shaped suitable condition for the revival of national democratic
movement in Iran. Major demands of the participants of the movement were the
democratization of state order, improvement of the circumstances of the population
and etc. In order to shape much more stable movement, the participants of
national-democratic movement and the group of democrats under the leadership of
Seid Jafar Pirsheveri appealed to the nation to create Azerbaijan Democratic Party
(ADP) on September 3, 1945. There were reflected such problems as introduce-
ment of autonomy to Azerbaijan inside of Iran, achievement of national solidarity,
realization of reforms, which responded to the requests of the people along with
the explaination of the program of the party. It is important to mention that Soviet
administration and personally I.V.Stalin, who was interested in the development of
national-liberation movement in Iran was completely informed about the situation
in Iran and South Azerbaijan, thanks to M.C.Baghirov. Stalin permitted to the
creation of ADP and the election of S.C.Pisheveri as its leader. On September 5,
1945, there began to be published the newspaper of “Azerbaijan”, who was the
organ of ADP. On October 2-4, 1945, there occurred the first Congress of ADP.
Congress elected Central Committee under the leadership of S.C.Pisheveri. ADP,
which passed to open struggle, began to create detachment of fedaies and to agree
their activity. Along with it, the party called the nation to defend national existence
of Azerbaijan. At the result of accepted measures by democrats and their wise
tactics in the beginning of Tabriz and from November to December 7, in Maragha,
Maku, Marand, Ardebil, Sarab, Astara, Zenjan and in other regions of Azerbaijan
were created democratic organs of the government. On November 21, 1945, there
was created National Congress of Azerbaijan. Congress expressed its demands
about the call of Milli Mejlis and establishment of National government. The
called Milli Mejlis (on December 12) formed National Government under the
leadership S.C.Pisheveri. The government consisted of 10 ministers, Supreme
Court and General Advocacy. So, national-liberative struggle in South Azerbaijan
was all-national movement. Although Iranian governmental circles did their best to
accept several measures for preventing this movement, but they could not.
The Russians prevented the Persian government troops from advancing beyond
Qazvin, and in the next month, a Russian-protected autonomous republic of
Azerbaijan was proclaimed. Within Azerbaijan, Pishavari played down class
differences, focused on communal conflict, and with Soviet backing instituted two
reforms: redistribution of non-Azerbaijani-owned land (which was confiscated in
687 out of a total of over 7 000 villages) and nationalization of the larger banks. He
also began badly needed work on roads, established workers’ welfare pensions,
and "declared Azeri Turkish the official language of Azerbaijan. These reforms -
or at least the intention which motivated them – were popular, but economic
difficulties (the result, primarily, of bad weather and a bad harvest) forced him to
demand even more money from farmers and landlords than previously exacted
under the old system. With a police force modeled after the Soviet NKVD,
Azerbaijan became a police state. Even those friendly to Pishavari's rule
denounced his abuse of power.
Under a 1942 agreement of the Allies, all foreign troops were to be withdrawn
from Iranian soil by six months after the end of the War. In fact, by March, 1946,
the troops of the Western Allies were withdrawn, but the Russian ones did not
leave till May. By November-December, 1946, the central government army was
able to move into Azerbaijan. On December 1, governmental troops began to
attack. National government passed to contrattack in the direction of Zenjan,
Maragha and Miyana; National Government did not want to permit the massacre
and beginning of civil war, ordered to its armed forces to cease the fire. On
December 12, Iran troops entered to Tabriz, without resistance. Thousands people
were arrested and killed, 10 thousands patriots had to emigrated. So, the national-
liberative movement of 1941-1946 was defeated. The Provincial Assembly
abandoned resistance, and Jafar Pishavari fled to the USSR, where he later
allegedly died in an accident on June 12 of 1946. The authority of the central
government in Tehran was re-established, and in the ensuing years, signs of
recrudescent Azerbaijani secessionist feeling were closely watched and the use of
Azeri was once more discouraged.
Abulfaz Aliyev (Elchibay) began his activity in Baku State University in 60s years.
Azerbaijan National Headquarters was created in 1962. This society that chairman
was O.Rafili and deputy was KH.Mammadov tried to appoint Azerbaijanis to
important posts and achieved this. H.Aliyev who was vice-president of Azerbaijan
KGB (SSC) from 1964, worked as chairman in 1967 was specified as I secretary of
the Communist Party in 1969 (1969-1982). He was elected as candidate to
membership of Political Bureau in 1976. Next movements of Armenians began in
the middle of 60th years. Armenian genocide was marked in 1965. Garabagh
Committee began activities openly. A few Azerbaijanis were killed at Khankandi
in 1967. Azerbaijan soviet guided nations friendship affirmed decision that to give
two thousand hectares of Azerbaijan land to Armenia on May 7, 1969. H.Aliyev
who came to power in July didn’t allow it. Azerbaijan constitution was accepted in
April,1978 and Nakhchievan constitution was accepted in May. Armenians stepped
from claim. Pedagogical institute was opened in 1973 at Khankandi. The effort of
to raise problem of Upper Garabagh was prevented in 1977. Aghdam-Khankandi
railway station was built in 1979. Moscow wanted to devide Kalbajar region
between two republics as summer pasture, but H.Aliyev revived economy. He built
Mughan road to Kalbajar. H. Aliyev was elected member to Soviet Union
Communist Party in 1987 then taken away to Moscow to post.
Social economic situation in 1970-80th years
Baki refrigerators factories opened in Baki in 1975. But Baki’s importance
decreased as a centre of oil. After Baki-Grozni oil-pipeline put into use in 1983,
Siberia oil was sent to Baki for processed. Railways of Baki- Boyuk Kasik and
Baki-Yalama began to work in 1975, Sabirabad water agricultural complex worked
in 1982, Baki-Actau ferry-boat and deep foundations plant began to work in 1985.
Exams applied from 1945, education for 8 years was applied from 1959, and
compulsory education for 10 years was applied from 1966.Baki theatre institute,
Institute of foreign language, Polytechnic, Russian language and Literature
institute were opened. “Arshin mal alan” was made in 1945, “O olmasin,bu olsun”
was made in 1956, “Uzag sahillarda” was made in 1958. Club named Shahriyar,
government house, stadium, airport, academy town, circus were built in 50-60s
years. Famous painters of this time were Sattar Bahlulzade, Tahir Salahov,
Michael Abdullaev, Vajiha Samadova, Maral Rahmanzadeh, Togrul
Narimanbayov and rug painter was Latif Karimov. Main sculptors were Fuad
Abdurrahmanov (Ibn Sina in Bukhara), Jalal Garyagdi (N.Narimanov), Omar
Eldarov (Ayini), Tokay Mammadov (Nasimi), Ibrahim Zeynalov, Mirgasimov (J.
Educational system of 1970-80s years was subordinated to bring up faithful
cadre to existing regime. Military school named Nakhchievanski was opened in
1971; military cadres were prepared away from republic. Journal of Soviet
Turkology was printed from 1970. Unity of space investigations began activities in
Baki in 1987. ASE was edited in 1976-87. Sea station and palace of Republic were
built in 70s years. Gulustan palace, zoo, covered sport complex were built in 80s
In the mid of 80’s of the 20th century there lasted difficult circumstances in the
economic and social life of USSR, which ended with the collapse at that period.
There were laid down objective and subjective reasons, important internal and
foreign factors on the ground of economic, political and ideological crash of
Soviet empire. The cause of economic crash were the absence of interest of
workers to their labour uneffectivity of “socialistic model of economy” severe
noneconomic commanding-administrative system, the absence of stimulated output
of free rivalry. The difficulties in economy aggravated with the lost of belief to
political system, since there shaped controversion between official ideological
idols, thoughts about the waited society of “happy future” and real life,
incoherence between words and work of governing party-husbardry administration.
Even before on March of 1985, when M.Qorbachov was elected the general-
secretary of CC of CPSS, there became obvious to the leaders of USSR that
was afraid of the great respect of Heydar Aliyev, who supported and aided to his
nation in their difficult times, succeeded to dismiss him from leading posts in
Moscow, began campaign against him. For implementation their dirty aims about
the seizure of Mountainous Karabakh from Azerbaijan the USSR administration
violated the rights of Azerbaijan as united republic, realized a line of measures.
The adopted decision on March 24, 1988, about the intensification of socio-
economic development in the region pursued the aim to take the region away from
the subordination of state organ of our republic. Nagorno Karabakh gained special
rights, the solvement of many issues in autonomous region was instructed to the
union Ministries and Commities. Next step became the resolution of January 12,
1989, “About the appliance of special form of governance in MKAR of Azerbaijan
SSR and the establishment of the Committee of Special Governance, which was
instructed all authority over the governance of this region to; this region was
finally excluded from the subordination of Azerbaijan. The activity of this
committee lasted till November 28. In this period governing circles, as well as
special services, did their best to prevent the activites of social figures, who were
known among the nation, made reports against Armenian separation, disagreed
with the weakness of Republic leaders and unbearable attitude of imperial
administration. Major goal of special services was to prevent organizing of
national union under the leadership of patriotic leaders, to try appointing figures to
these unions, who were not capable.
Neverthless, on July 16, 1989, there was organized the Congress of National
Front of Azerbaijan, which elected Abulfaz Aliyev (Elchibey) as its chairman.
NFA supported the national movement and possessed wide social basics, but there
were many uncapable men, who considered themselves “biggest political figures.
These people put their own ambitions, ruling ambitions higher than national
interests” (H.Aliyev). At the result of it, A.Vezirov, who relied on the reign of
imperial Moscow, who was gradually loosing its power and “new national leaders”
began to the struggle for throne, instead of unification of the power of nation. It
was possible that the enemies of Azerbaijan intensified such increasement of
events in order to distract the attention from Karabakh problem. The anger of
nation fill the patient. In many regions, the reign was substituted by forceful
means. At the result of “border movement” the people destroyed the border
between North and South Azerbaijan. There renewed the meetings with the
demands of dismissal of Republic administration in Baku; in this occasion “USSR
government chose the way of severe suppression of national movement, which
raised the voice for justice and its legal rights” (H.Aliyev). On January 15, 1990,
Supreme Soviet of USSR declared exceptional circumstance in MKAR and in
neighboring regions; in this case there was not mentioned anything about the
belongth of these territories. There was planned to attack to Baku and Nakhichevan
with military detachments. On January 19, 1990, Supreme Soviet of Nakhichevan
Autonomous Republic adopted resolution about the excluding from the structure of
USSR in order to attract the attention of world society and prevented the planned
bloodsheeding here. Due to prevent the attack of troops to the city, thousands of
people assembled in streets and intersections of Baku. In order to frighten the
nation, without any information regular troops of Soviet army and mobilized
soldiers of reserve attacked to the city, realized severe bloodsheeding over the
disarmed citizens at night of 19-20th of January. This day entered to the history of
Azerbaijan as “Bloody January” and caused to much more hate to the “empire of
evil” and to its leaders. “The tragedy of January 20 was the military aggression and
crime of totaliratian communist regime against Azerbaijan nation, it aimed to break
the belief and will of nation, who rebelled for its legal rights, regarded it and to
demonstrate the power of soviet military machine” (H.Aliyev). Due to distract the
attention of the world society and defend their actions, soviet propaganda machine
extended wrong information about the existence of 44 military terrorists in
Azerbaijan. “The operations” on the invasion of troops to Baku was personally led
by the Minister of Defence of USSR, Yazov. Soviet army committed great crime,
the buildings and any moving predmet were shooted, the “ambulances” were not
permitted to help the wounded people, heavy tanks pressed machines, people,
trees, monuments. At the result of “military operation” against disarmed people in
Baku and in other settlements, there were killed 131, wounded 744 people,
hundreds of people lost and 400 people were arrested by the “defenders of the
Motherland” according to official documents. National husbandry was destroyed.
At the result of “Baku operation” there was died 25, wounded 283 military men.
Azerbaijan nation proved its devotion to heroic traditions of past, being ready to
sacrify their life for freedom and independence of the Motherland in front of the
world and wrote bright page to the chronicle of the Country. The republic
administration displayed weakness again in such difficult time and did not help to
the nation. Vezirov, who was scared from the anger of the nation escaped, others
maintained expectant position. They did not participate even in the session of
Supreme Soviet of the Republic, which was called by the initiative of deputies and
they called this session “illegal assemble”. The adopted decision by the session
about the withdrawal of troops from the city and abolishment of emergency
circumstance by military commandance, which obeyed to Moscow, was not
implemented. After these events, on January 21, 1990, Haydar Aliyev came to the
representation of Azerbaijan in Moscow; he took part in the organized assemble
here, expressed his disagreement about the entrance of troops, gave political
evoluation to the tragedy of January 20, revealed real goals of the actions of central
and republic administration, which were directed against law, democracy and
humanism. The text of H.Aliyev’s historical speech rapidly and widely extended in
the republic and over the world. There shaped hope in the hearts of people, who
felt themselves abondoned. But, the wish of H.Aliyev about returning to his
motherland in order to give an aid to the nation and to be their support in difficult
hour, frightened the leaders of the Republic. Despite of danger and difficulties,
H.Aliyev came to Baku on July 20, 1990. But the republic administration showed
that he and his assistans were not wished in the capital and that’s why, on July 22
H.Aliyev went to Nakhichevan. The population of Autonomous Republic gladly
met and assembled around their leader and soon in the organized ballots, they
elected him the deputy of Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR and Nakhichevan
ASSR. H.Aliyev called the nation to conduct struggle for freedom and
independence till the end. Under his leadership there were made new steps on the
restoration of the traditions of national statehood in Nakhichevan. On November
19, 1990, there was abolished the phrase of “Soviet Socialistic” in the session of
parliament of Nakhichevan ASSR, which was conducted under the chairman
H.Aliyev; the three coloured flag was confirmed as the state flag of Autonomous
Republic. Supreme Soviet of Autonomous Republic was renamed to Supreme
Mejlis. Only after several months and under the influence of thesedecisions
Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR confirmed its name as “Azerbaijan Republic”
and three coloured flag with star and crusant on February 5, 1991. Soviet empire
could not break the will of Azerbaijan nation with its actions. “Bloody January”
became the lesson for the nation, it showed that sole way for the solvement of
existing problems was the restoration of the state independence. Neverthless, after
all of these events and losts because of the leaders who were dismissed from the
historical scene of Soviet Empire, Republic communists passed to the side of
powers, which aimed to preserve the empire. “We must not rely our hopes on the
Union”, said H.Aliyev and refused to participate in Referendum, organized by
Moscow as formal-legal basics for the protection of Empire. Despite of the protest
of H.Aliyev and other democratic powers, the Republic administration adobted
decision about the participation of Azerbaijan republic in Referendum, on March
17, 1991. The result of referendum was showed as-the nation elected for the
preserve of USSR; Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic did not participate in the
Before May 19, 1990, the session of Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR
formed the post of “President of the Republic”. A.Mutallibov, who was appointed
the party leader of the Republic frightened that H.Aliyev would be able to win in
the President elections and achieved to adobtion of special article to the
Constitution, which confirmed age limit for the candidates to Presidency. The
Azerbaijan administration supported the forces, who attemted to organize state
revolution, overwhelmed at the end and supported Armenian separatists in the
period of events of 19-21st August of 1991, in Moscow and proclaimation of
of Azerbaijan though out of the bounds of the Republic of Azerbaijan yet during
the Azerbaijan’s existance within the USSR.
Article 8. The Azerbaijan people include the citizens of the republic of
Azerbaijan living on its territory or out of its bounds and those adhering to its laws;
that does not contradict to the norms defined by the international law.
Article 9. The Azerbaijan people have a right to choose the form of
government, to define the relations with other people, to develop their political,
economic and cultural traditions in accordance with the universal values.
Article 10. The Azerbaijan people are the source of the government in the
sovereign Republic of Azerbaijan. A part of the Azerbaijan people or any person
cannot adopt the regulation of the country. The direct state regulation of the
Azerbaijan people is carried out through the representatives elected by the direct
referendum or the general, equal and direct secret voting.
Article 11. The Azerbaijan people ensures the supremacy of the law and the
democratic structure of the Republic of Azerbaijan as the means of the expression
of will.
Article 12. The Azerbaijan people create the independent, secular, democratic
and unitarian state, the sovereign government of the state is restricted by the laws
in the inner affairs and by the principles subsequent from the treaties and contracts
agreed by the Azerbaijan people in their foreign policy. The sovereignity of the
republic of Azerbaijan is applied to the entire territory of the country. The
Republic of Azerbaijan does not pass the sovereign rights, it applied on its territory
to any other state or unions of states.
Article 13. The state power of the Republic of Azerbaijan is based on the
separation of powers. The legislative power is vested in the parliament of the
republic of Azerbaijan. The high executive power is carried out to the President of
the Republic of Azerbaijan. The judicial power is carried out by the independent
court and high instances-by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the High Arbitrage Court of the
Republic of Azerbaijan.
Article 14. The territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is integral and cannot be
divided into parts. The Republic of Azerbaijan does not transfer its territory to
anyone and the borders of the country can be determined by the resolution of the
Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of the national referendum
and the agreement of the Azerbaijan people. The lands of the Republic of
Azerbaijan cannot be sold to any other states or any legal enterprises of other
Article 15. The Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the laws of the
Republic of Azerbaijan are effective on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The legislative power is restricted by the Constitution of the Republic of
Azerbaijan, the executive and legislative powers by the Constitution of the
Republic of Azerbaijan and its laws and acts. The Constitution of the Republic of
Azerbaijan is adopted among the entire population of the Republic by the general
national referendum.
Article 16. In accordance with the generally accepted international legal
standards the Republic of Azerbaijan builds the relations with other states in
accordance with the following principles: the sovereign equality of the states, the
peaceful settlement of the issues and conflicts of territorial intergrity of the state,
noninterference with the internal affairs of the countries, respect for the human
rights and principal liberties, the adherence to the peoples’ equality and the right to
determine their own fate, the cooperation of the states and international duties.
the order of Moscow, the defenders of A.Mutallibov, who declared that “We will
return Shusha” did their best to return him to the reign in the session of Supreme
Soviet, organized on May 14, 1992. The activists of NFA, who declared that this
would be unconstitutional action, attacked to the Parliamentary building by the
vehicle of military technics and armed forces, which were withdrawn from front by
them. At the result of it, the building of the Parliament, President’s palace and
other important state objects were captured. Isa Gambarov was elected the
chairman of Supreme Soviet in the session of Parliament, on May 18,
1992. At this time there was occurring fought for the reign in Baku; the enemy,
who utilized from the withdrawal of the defence detachments from Lachin,
occupied the city on May 18. There shaped the tie between separatists of Nagorno
Karabakh and Armenia through Lachin corridor.
In the presidential ballots of June 7, 1992, the chairman of NFAAbulfaz Aliyev
(Elchibey) was elected the president. There began the reign of NFA-Musavat
coalition. The economic and political crisis in the republic much more deepened in
the period of the reign of NFAMusavat block. After the first successful military
operations on the withdrawal of Armenian agressors, there began the period of
unfortunes since the autumn of 1992.
The existed ties in economy were violated. The output power of enterprises
decreased, 1/3 of national profit was wasted to military necessities. Most suitable
lands passed to the hands of the enemy. New administrative mechanisms did not
work. The properties were plundered, the monetary, obtained from the sold goods
to abroad, moved to personal accounts in foreign banks. The existing difficulties
were first of all the results of wrong staff policy of governmental organs, as well as
the war, which damaged the country. The coming of uncapable men to the reign
damaged Azerbaijan nation. The ruling circles, who were gradually losing the
support of nation were scared from the increasing influence of H.Aliyev and did
their best to prevent his work in Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic.
The giving of electro-energy to Nakhichevan, railway information of Baku-
Nakhichevan were stopped. There was created blocade around Nakhichevan AR.
Autonomous Republic passed from difficult days. Thanks to the labour of the
chairman of Supreme Mejlis of Nakhichevan AR-H.Aliyev successfully solved the
important problems of the region. There was taken credit from Turkey. On May
28, 1992, there was opened the bridge of “Hope” (“Umid”) between Sadarak-
Dilucu. The relations with Iran was regulated. Thanks to the aid of neighbourhood
countries electro-energy demand of the region was gradually realized.
On October 16, 1992, the group of representatives of intelligence (91 men)
appealed to H.Aliyev by the vehicle of the paper of “Ses” (“Voice”). There was
expressed their request about returning to big policy in the appeal. In June, 1993,
there happened military revolt in Ganja-709th military detachment excluded from
the subordination of the Ministry of Defence by the aid of defenders of former
commanders of military corpus – S.Husseinov; by the way, S.Husseinov had been
awarded with the title of National Hero by “experienced and capable” reign.
Diffucult circumstances shaped in Southern and North-Eastern regions as well –
one more “commander” of National Front – S.Humbatov planned to create
“Talish-Mughan Republic” in the Southern region, relying on his armed
formations, simultaneously separatist elements planned to form “The state of
Lezgistan” in the North-East. All these actions were directed by Moscow. Due to
neutralize the revolt of June 4, the government directed about 3 thousand alive
forces and military technic to Ganja. The objects of 709 th military detachment,
airport were constructed, 135 people were wounded. Rebels captivated 1200
soldiers, as well as the advocate of the Republic. They did not get reply to their
ultimatums about dismissal of the chairman of Supreme Soviet, prime-minister and
president, so they began attack to the capital. By the call of nation and deputies
Heydar Aliyev, who neutralized military opposition of S.Husseinov by political
manevres and prevented the civil war in Azerbaijan intervened to this event. On
June 15, 1993, Heydar Aliyev was elected the chairman of Supreme Soviet. This
day entered to the history as the “Day of National Rescue”. The civil war was
prevented, it became possible to save the statehood and independence of
Azerbaijan. After that, when the president Abulfaz Aliyev suddenly left thecapital
and went to his motherland – the village of Keleki of Ordubad region, on June 24,
Milli Mejlis gave all presidentional responsibities to the chairman of Supreme
Soviet – Heydar Aliyev. The politicaldevelopment in the country finally turned
into natural essence, peoplewho gained wise leader believed to their future.In
August, 1993, Cebrayil, Fuzuli, Gubadli regions were conquered. Nation, who saw
that how various forces did their best to capture the reign began to assemble
around H.Aliyev. There wasorganized referendum about the belief to President on
August 29, 1993, and 97% of participants expressed their unbelief to A.Elchibey.
On September 24, 1993, Azerbaijan entered to UIC and on October 3, 1993,
Azerbaijan nation elected H.Aliyev as the president with the majority of voices.
The elected as president by nation, H.Aliyev declared his decision about doing
everything for strengthening state independence, providing territorial integrity and
sovergnity, improving the level of life of population in his inauguration speech.
The realization of these duties began from the strengthening of state discipline,
legality of defence organs and army. The absence of attention to military
construction by previous governments caused to politization of military
detachments,strengthening of influence of various forces over them. By the order
of President there was created the state Soviet of Defence on November, 1993. On
November 2, 1993, President H.Aliyev appealed to nation by television and radio
and called them to defend their motherland. The appeal of President resulted with
the movement of nation. There were directed the detachments, which consisted of
volunters to the front. At the result of declaration of mobilization the number of
armed forces increased. President personally visited front zones, got acquianted
with military mood of the army. The national and state aid to the army increased.
At the result of the decisive action of Azerbaijan nation and thepresident Heydar
Aliyev the state passed from difficult circumstances during the attempts of state
revolutions in October, 1994, and in March, 1995. H.Aliyev demonstrated that he
was the president who was devoted to his sword. The decisive action of the head of
the state encouraged the nation and returned their belief to the future. In the mid of
1995, Azerbaijan was cleaned from illegal military formations, there was achieved
in 2000. Among them “The Union of Sole Azerbaijan, “Organization of the Youth
of Azerbaijan”, “Republic Children Organization”, “Society of Women of
Azerbaijan” and etc. were known. On December 12, 1999, there was firstly
conducted municipal elections in the Azerbaijan Republic. The preparation and
conduction of elections based on the democratic norms and world experience.
There was created legal basis for the conduction of next elections to the parliament
in much more democratic and tolerant conditions. On November 5, 2000, there was
elected new parliament, consisted of the representatives from 4 political parties.
Azerbaijan entered to the Union on Security and Cooperation in Europe (USCE)
on June 10, 1992. On May 12, 1994, at the result of great attempts of the president
Heydar Aliyev there was concluded agreement about ceasefire in Armenian
Azerbaijan conflict by the mediation of Russia and Minsk group of OSCE. The
basis of coorparation between NATO and Azerbaijan was laid down with the
signing frame document-programme of “Coorparation for peace” on May 4, 1994.
Azerbaijan was one of 27 states-members of OSCE, which first of all became the
participant of this program. In April, 1996, there was signed official document on
the frame of the programme of “Coorperation for Peace”, which determined
concrete directions of coorperation. In 1997, Georgia, Ukrain, Azerbaijan and
Moldovia created the organization of GUAM with the aim of intensification of
economic growth, shape of suitable conditions for the improvement of lifestock of
the nation and transcommunication corridor, deepening of profitable trade
relations. At the result of multivectoral foreign policy of the president of
Azerbaijan there began the restoration of Great Silk Way. There was conducted
conference in Baku, dedicated to the restoration of Silk Way on September 8,
1998. 32 countries and 13 international organizations participated here. There were
signed Baku declaration and multiside, major agreement about international
transport on the development of the corridor of “Europe-Caucasus-Asia”.
Headquarter of international organization, which was created in this conference
was located in Baku; Azerbaijan became the centre of this international structure.
exploiting industrial enterprises had increased with foreign and local capital. So, if
in 2003, there were 192 foreign enterprises in the country, at present time that
number raised to 208. Simultaneously, the portion of non-governmental
organizations grew: if in 2003, the portion of non-governmental enterprises passed
the half and constituted 57%, after three years the weight of non-governmental
section reached to 75,8% at the result of realized measures, which were related
with the development of ownership and realization of privatization, as well as the
increasment of the amount of production of industrial output in 2,5 times. During
2003-2008s, there occurred essential events in internal and international life of our
country. There was organized elections to Milli Mejlis on November 6, 2005, new
structure of the Parliament began to work on December 2, 2005. In November,
2004, there was opened general consulate of Azerbaijan Republic in Tabriz, were
organized official visits of the President Ilham Aliyev to Iran, France, USA,
Turkey and other states, as well as his report on the General Assemble of UN. The
adoption of the Resolution about the circumstances in the occupied Azerbaijan
territories with the majority of voices on General Assemble of UN in March, 2008,
demonstrated strengthened international fame and power of our country and
became great political and diplomatic success of Azerbaijan. There was signed
mutual declaration on the Nagorno-Karabakh problem by the presidents of
Azerbaijan and Armenia, under the participation of the president of Russia in
Moscow, in 2008. This declaration, as President Ilham Aliyev mentioned, served to
national interests of Azerbaijan and was directed to the restoration of territorial
intergrity of our country. Great belief of the citizens of Azerbaijan to their leader,
the realized socio-economic policy by him were confirmed in the bright victory of
Ilham Aliyev in the presidential elections of October 2008, which were the
reflection of national support of the policy, conducted by him.
On March 18, 2009, there occurred national referendum on the apply of
Amendments to the Constitution. About 71% of the population took part in this
referendum, more than 90% of them voted positively to the suggested
amendments, which proved the necessity to renew Main Law of the country. Much
more important moment of the referendum was the approvement of internal and
foreign policy of President Ilham Aliyev by the population and the voting for the
abolishment of 5th part of 101st Article, which had forbidden one person to be
president more than two times. Along with it, there were made changes concerned
to various sides of socio-political and spiritual life of the society. Energetic
projects, which became indicators of socio-economic development of Azerbaijan,
raised to new practice level. In the latest 5 years, the extraction of oil and gas
essentially increased in Azerbaijan. If in 2003, the oil extraction constituted 15,4%
million ton, in 2008, it raised to 50 million ton. In 2003, the gas extraction in
Azerbaijan constituted 5,5% billion cubemetres, in 2008-more than 20 billion
cubemetres. Generally, the exploitation of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oilpipeline and
Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline in July, 2006, which were the transnational
infrastructural projects, possessing great historical essence, increased economic
power of our state. The construction of Baku-Tbilisi-Qars railway is also strategic
project, which will be exploited in the future. Azerbaijan turned from the country
of gas important into country of gas exporter. Gasification of the Republic itself
was reached to 85 persent and the use of gas was provided in all regional centres.
During 2003-2008s, there were constructed and exploited 6 new electrostations
with the power of 750 megavatt, exploitation power of energetic system increased
to 24,3%. There were laid down new electric cable and air lines, adopted necessary
measures on the provision of durable work of electric network. In 2008, there was
constructed and exploited Sangachal electrostation with the power of 300
megavatt, the construction of modern electrostation with 525-megavat power in
Sumgait ended, the construction of the electrostation with the power of 780
megavatt in Shirvan and electrostation with the power of 104 megavatt are
continuing. Today, thanks to the diversification of the export of corbahydrate,
Azerbaijan possesses 7 oil and gas pipes. Energetic policy gave economic
independence to the country, provided to realization of projects on the creation,
infrastructural project successfully in the country. During 5 years, the average of
the minimum salary grew 3,5 times, pensions – 3,8 times. Our country obtained the
highest economic growth in 2006, and in 2007 – 34,5 and 25 percent. Much more
interesting was that the temps of the development of work oil section (16 percent)
promoted the analogical temps of oil section (7 percent), which was the result of
policy of state support to ownership and limitation of the dependence from oil
section in the strategy of socioeconomic development – this strategy is successfully
realized by the president Ilham Aliyev. There were succeeded achievements in the
sphere of balanced development of regions, limitation of poverty, liquidation
constituted 38 billion manats, at the beginning of 2009, monetary reserves of our
country raised to 18 billions US dollar. There were signed a line of orders by the
President of the Azerbaijan Republic, which were directed to the provision of
social defence of the population, increasement of salary of workers, who were
engaged in boudget organizations. Since September 1, 2008, basic part of
minimum salary per month and labour pensions were increased to 50% in a year.
Number of people, who got direct addressed social aid by the state reached to more
than 600 thousand people. If in 2003, the number of citizens, living in poor
conditions constituted 49%, 5 years later this number constituted 16%. Generally,
in latest five years the leader of state confirmed more than 70 state programmes,
surrounding economic, social, and humanitarian spheres of the country. In 2003-
2008, there were constructed 36 new township for refugees, in latest five years
there were opened 766 thousand new work places, as well as 547 thousand
permanent ones. In the latest five years the state boudget increased more than ten
times. If in 2003, the state boudget of Azerbaijan constituted 1,2 billion US dollar,
in 2008, it reached to 13 billion US dollar. The expences on the public-health,
which constituted major part of state expences increased in 6,3 times, on
agriculture and forest husbandry-in 5,2 times, on education-in 4,8 times, on social
defence and social provision – in 3,9 times, in culture, sport, physical culture - in
4,5 times, on defence – in 9,7 times. The measures, realized in the latest five years
in the sphere of
army construction made Azerbaijan much more powerful. The state
administration always gives prior attention to this sphere – in 2008, defence
expences which increased to 65%, constituted 1,34 billion manat, in 2009 all
military expences constituted 1,63 billion manat. This is big number, but duties
are bigger as well: the country should be ready to liberate its original regions by
any way, must be much more powerful. Due to strengthen the defence potentiality
of the country there began to the production of 18 defence outputs by the Ministry
of Defence. The activity, directed to the creation of medicine institutions that
would reply to high demand continued – during 2003-2008, there were
constructed, restored or repairled 289 hospitals, ambulatory specialized dispansers.
The creation of medicine service in modern level not only in Baku, but also in the
regions is the most important impact to the defence of health of Azerbaijan
population. Essential measures were separated for the improvement of ecological
conditions during the same period. At the result of intensive works around Baku
port, at the Zone of Bibi-Heybet, environs of international airport named after
Heydar Aliyev, polluted with oil and other production remainings turned into green
avenues. The construction of Oghuz-Gabala-Baku water pipeline, which will
provide the city of Baku with fresh and clean water is continuing and along with
this, there were exploited water-refinery constructions in 60 villages. The country
gives special attention to the provision of food security of population. There was
given great attention to transport infrastructure and its completing. On March 10,
2004, there was given the name of Heydar Aliyev to the international Airport of
Baku, on March 23, there was organized ceremonical opening of luggage of
international Airport of Baku, named after H.Aliyev, which was included to the
line of 10 best ones in Europe by the participation of President Ilham Aliyev. On
May 12, 2004, there was exploited international Airport in Nakhichevan, On
October 31, 2006, in Ganja, in 2008, in Lenkoran and in Zagatala Generally in
latest five years there were either constructed or reconstructed on the ground of
modern technology more than 800 km automobile roads, 10 bridges and passages
in the country. The sphere of provision of electric telephone network were reached
to 83,1% in the republic and the number of abonents of mobile connection
practically equals to the number of the population of the country. Generally, there
Many countries and also the United Nations called for a cessation of
hostilities, for both sides to reduce tensions and resume talks without delay.
Afghanistan, Ukraine, Pakistan, Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern
Cyprus expressed support for Azerbaijan. On 29 September, the UN Security
Council held an emergency meeting on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Although a humanitarian ceasefire, supported by Russia and mediated by the
International Committee of the Red Cross, was accepted by both Armenia and
Azerbaijan, with official effect from 10 October, terrorist violations by Armenia’s
Armed Forces that targeted civilians led to the suspension of wounded and prisoner
Details of the patriotic war have not yet been fully clarified, but it is safe to
say that the operation to liberate Shusha from occupation will be forever in the
annals of history. The crown, the beating heart of Karabakh - Shusha is a natural
fortification, so it was impossible to enter the city with tanks or other heavy
weaponry. There were two options to take it. Firstly, to defeat the enemy’s forces
in the city by air strikes and artillery fire. Azerbaijan’s military command did not
choose that way, due to the inevitably extensive destruction of the city that would
result. The alternative was hand-to-hand combat, and this was the strategy adopted.
Our heroic soldiers and officers traversed thick forests and deep ravines with light
weapons, climbed rocks and mountains and defeated the enemy in face-to-face
battle. A foreign journalist in Khankendi during the Shusha operation described the
deplorable situation of the Armenians as follows: the defenders of Shusha were
scattered. Dozens of wounded were taken in military ambulances to Khankendi
hospital, covered in blood. The rest of the fighters, exhausted and throwing off
their military uniforms, went down the mountain. Ambulances came and went non-
stop. Wounded soldiers were piled on top of each other inside. Their injuries were
evidence of hand-to-hand combat. Another report, published by Le Monde at the
time, said that the defeated soldiers of the Armenian army left Shusha wounded
and fled to Khankendi. On 8 November, the victorious Supreme Commander-in-
Chief Ilham Aliyev gave our people the good news of Shusha’s liberation. The
winning of Shusha, in fact, decided the fate of the war. The next day came news
that more than 70 villages had been liberated, and one day later Prime Minister
Pashinyan was forced to sign an act of capitulation, accepting the terms of the
President of Azerbaijan.
The Azerbaijani army made extensive use of the Israeli-made Harop strike
weaponry during the 44-day war, including the Israel-Azerbaijan, jointly-produced
Strike drone, as well as other UAVs like the Bayraktar TB2 strike drones.
Azerbaijan destroyed $1 billion worth of Armenian military equipment with the
Bayraktar TB2 drones alone. They were used to deliver precise strikes on enemy
equipment and manpower, as well as directing artillery fire and conducting
reconnaissance. Russian military expert Pavel Felgenhauer noted that despite an
approximate balance in the respective militaries, the Azerbaijani army had a
technological advantage.
systems. At the same time, of particular significance was the destruction in combat
operations of the following ballistic missiles: 97 Grad, 4 Smerch, 1 Tos
thermobaric, 2 Hurricane, 1 Yars and 1 Tochka-U, as well as Elbrus missile
complexes. The value of military equipment destroyed or captured by the
Azerbaijani army is estimated at a minimum of $3.8 billion.
Turkish sources reported that many members of the YPG and PKK from
Iraq and Syria had been relocated to Nagorno-Karabakh to train Armenian armed
fighters against Azerbaijan. On 30 September, they reported that about 300 PKK
fighters had been moved to Nagorno-Karabakh via Iran. According to the
Azerbaijani Armed Forces on 28 September, there were mercenaries of Armenian
origin from Syria and various countries in the Middle East among Armenian
casualties. On 30 September, Hikmet Hajiyev said that, "the international
community must respond adequately to the use of Armenian terrorist forces against
Azerbaijan." A number of PKK and YPG members also admitted in recent
interviews with various media outlets that members of those terrorist organizations
were fighting on the Armenian side in Karabakh.
Further, it is known that citizens of Armenian descent living in Lebanon, Syria,
France and some Latin American countries took part in hostilities at the urging of
the Armenian Diaspora, and in violation of the principles of international law. On 1
October, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed that Syrian fighters
of Armenian descent had been taken from Syria to Armenia.
Political and economic stability prevailed in Azerbaijan during the Second
Karabakh War; the highest level of unity was apparent between people and
On the morning of 27 September, the Ministry of Transport, Communications and
High Technologies announced that a number of restrictions had been imposed on
the internet within the country to counter provocations by Armenia. The State
Committee for Work with the Diaspora also appealed to Azerbaijanis living abroad
not to spread unofficial, unspecified or biased information on social networks or
electronic and other media. At a meeting in the Milli Majlis (parliament)
discussing the military situation, it was decided to declare a curfew in Baku, Ganja,
Goygol, Yevlakh and a number of regions from 00:00 on 27 September. By that
order, Vilayat Eyvazov, Minister of Internal Affairs, was appointed commandant
of the territories in which curfew was applied during martial law. Azerbaijan
Airlines’ press service also announced that all airports in Azerbaijan would be
closed to regular passenger flights until 30 September. President Ilham Aliyev
issued an order for partial mobilization in Azerbaijan and instructed the State
Without this unity, without national solidarity, we would never have been able to
liberate our lands from the occupiers. We have proved to the whole world that
Karabakh has always been Azerbaijani land. We have proven that the Azerbaijani
people have lived on these lands for centuries. We have proved that the Armenian
population was relocated to these lands 200 years ago, how they were relocated
and to what purpose, we have presented everything to the global community, with
evidence and facts. We have proved that Nagorno-Karabakh is a historical, ancient
land of Azerbaijan. At the same time, today I have visited the grave of the great
leader Heydar Aliyev and bowed to his spirit. In my heart I said that am a happy
man to have fulfilled my father's will. We have liberated Shusha! This is a great
victory! The souls of our martyrs and the Great Leader are happy today!
Congratulations, Azerbaijan! Congratulations Azerbaijanis of the world! Giving
this great news to the people of Azerbaijan on this historic day is perhaps one of
the happiest days of my life.”