14 Feedback Amplifier
14 Feedback Amplifier
14 Feedback Amplifier
feedback fraction β
V2 R2
β= =
V1 R1 + R2
Gain stabilization
A dA f 1 dA f 1 dA
Af = = =
(1 + β A) A (1 + β A) 2 Af (1 + βA) A
Advantages of Negative feedback
Reduction of nonlinear distortion
Bandwidth extension
Basic Feedback Topologies
Depending on the input signal (voltage or current) to be amplified
and form of the output (voltage or current), amplifiers can be
classified into four categories. Depending on the amplifier
category, one of four types of feedback structures should be used.
Voltage series feedback (Af = Vo/Vs) – Voltage amplifier
Voltage shunt feedback (Af = Vo/Is) – Trans-resistance amplifier
Current series feedback (Af = Io/Vs) - Trans-conductance amplifier
Current shunt feedback (Af = Io/Is) - Current amplifier
Series refers to connecting the feedback signal in series with the input
voltage; Shunt refers to connecting the feedback signal in shunt (parallel)
with an input current source.
Feedback topologies
Feedback topologies: Voltage Shunt Feedback
Output resistance of the
amplifier and output resistance
of the feedback circuit are in
parallel hence effective output
resistance of the feedback
amplifier will reduce.
Similarly overall input
resistance of the feedback
amplifier will reduce due to
parallel connection of amplifier
and feedback resistor.
Feedback topologies: Voltage Series Feedback
Voltage Gain : Input Impedance : Output Impedance :
Vo = A ⋅Vi = A(VS − V f ) VS Vi + V f Z out |VS =0 =
Z in = = Io
V f = β ⋅Vo IS IS
Vo − A ⋅ Vi
Vi + βVo Vi + βAVi Io =
A(VS − β Vo ) = Vo = = ro
AVS = (1 + βA)Vo Vi + β ⋅ Vo = VS = 0
Vi (1 + βA)
V A Z in = = ri (1 + βA) Vi = − β ⋅ Vo
Af = o = ( ) IS
VS 1 + βA Vo + A ⋅ β ⋅ Vo
Io =
Vo ro
Z out = =
Io 1+ A ⋅ β
Feedback topologies: Current Series Feedback
Input resistance of the amplifier and feedback network are in series hence
effective input resistance will increase.
Thus Current series feedback circuit behave like a voltage controlled current
source. 13
Feedback topologies: Current Series Feedback
Basic amplifier Voltage Gain :
+ AV i I o = A ⋅ Vi = A(VS − V f )
Vi ri V f = β ⋅ Io
VS − ro
A(VS − β I o ) = I o
− Vο AVS = (1 + β A) I o
Io A
Af = =( )
Vf=βIo + VS 1 + βA
Input Impedance :
VS Vi + V f
Feedback network Z in = =
Output Impedance : Vi + βVo Vi + βAVi
Vo V − A ⋅ Vi
Z out |VS =0 = ; Io = o = =
Vi + V f = VS = 0 Io ro IS IS
V + A ⋅ β ⋅ Io V ro Vi (1 + βA)
Io = o Z out = o = Z in = = ri (1 + βA)
ro Io 1 + A ⋅ β IS 14
Feedback topologies: Current Shunt Feedback