Understanding and Controlling The Weld Microstructure of Steels
Understanding and Controlling The Weld Microstructure of Steels
Understanding and Controlling The Weld Microstructure of Steels
Sponsored by the American Welding Society
Abstract Introduction
In this article, selected studies are reviewed with a It was a great pleasure to receive the 2022 Comfort A.
focus on the analysis of microstructure development Adams Lecture Award and to be given this opportunity to
in steel weld metals. In the study of austenitic present a review article about my welding research for the
stainless steel weld metals, microstructure Welding Journal. Over the past 40 years, I have been involved
in various research projects on the welding of different steels.
development in the primary ferrite solidification
The major research interest has been understanding micro-
mode (FA mode) was clarified and related to why FA- structure development during welding because it is always
mode welds are resistant to hot cracking. In studies critical to achieving the desired properties and performances
of duplex stainless steel weld metals and high-Cr of weld metals.
ferritic stainless steel weld metals, nitrogen-driven When I started my research on the weldability of stainless
microstructure development and TiN-assisted steels in the 1980s, research on the solidification and micro-
grain refinement, respectively, were described, and structure of austenitic stainless steel weld metals was actively
discussions about the mechanism of equiaxed grain being driven by pioneering studies conducted in the late ’70s
formation in the weld metals were added in the to early ’80s (Refs. 1–10). Classification of the solidification
latter. In the study of low-alloy steel weld metals, mode and microstructure, prediction of the solidification
the roles of titanium oxide and titanium nitride mode and ferrite content, and the effect of the mode and
(TiN) inclusions on intragranular ferrite formation microstructure on weld performance, such as hot-cracking
and the refinement of weld microstructure were susceptibility, corrosion resistance, and cryogenic toughness,
were investigated by pioneering studies; those studies were
described based on crystallographic analysis and
expanded by subsequent studies for better understanding.
the first principles calculation. At the end, the My initial work (Refs. 11, 18) was among the subsequent stud-
potential importance of the application of different ies being stimulated by the pioneering studies.
multiscale, multiphysics simulations to welding In this context, this article starts with reviewing my
research was pointed out. research on the solidification and microstructure of aus-
tenitic stainless steel weld metals, and then the review is
Keywords extended to those of duplex and ferritic stainless steel and
low-alloy steel weld metals. The main focus is placed on the
■ Steel mechanism of microstructure development in those welds
■ Microstructure and also on how weld microstructure can be controlled. At
■ Solidification the end, some comments are added regarding a future direc-
■ Transformation tion of welding research based on my research activities and
■ Heterogeneous Nucleation recent research trends.
OCTOBER 2023 | 235-s
Fig. 1 — Schematic presentation of the solidification mode of austenitic stainless steel weld metals by Brooks
and Thompson (Ref. 12). Note: Modes A, AF, FA, and F were added to the original by the author.
Fig. 3 — Microstructure of the FA-mode weld metals. A — Skeletal or vermicular ferrite; B — lacy ferrite.
Fig. 4 — Solidification front of a FA-mode (19 wt-% Cr-11 wt-% Ni) stainless steel weld obtained by quenching
the weld pool using liquid tin during welding, along with pole figures of primary ferrite (δ) and interdendrite
austenite (γ) (Ref. 16).
An important result from the crystallographic analysis along with pole figures of the phases. A common feature of
of FA-mode welds is that there is usually a parallel relation- the two FA-mode welds is the parallel relationship between
ship between <100> of ferrite and <100> of austenite in <100> of ferrite and <100> of austenite. To examine where
FA-mode welds. Figure 3 shows two typical microstructures of this parallel relationship starts, the solidification front of a
FA-mode welds having different ferrite morphologies, where FA-mode weld was observed by quenching the weld pool
dark (black) is ferrite and bright (white) is austenite matrix, using liquid tin during welding. The microstructure of the
weld is shown in Fig. 4 (Ref. 16), along with pole figures of upward from the bottom to the middle of the figure, and
the phases. Ferrite dendrites grow into the liquid (i.e., weld then the growth direction changes to right upward, both of
pool) from the right to left of the figure, which is parallel to the which are also confirmed by the change of <100> direction
heat flow from left to right, and the crystallographic growth in the pole figures attached. On the other hand, as the pole
direction of the ferrite is identified as <100>, the preferential figure for austenite suggests, it seems that austenite (white)
growth direction for the solidification of the body-centered continuously grows upward from the bottom to the top of
cubic (bcc). At the same time, in the interdendritic regions, the figure even after ferrite changes the growth direction in
austenite is observed to grow as if independently, and the the middle. This supports the idea that ferrite and austenite
growth direction is identified as <100>, the preferential grow independently and indicates that the change of growth
growth direction for the solidification of the face-centered direction of ferrite does not occur at the same time as that
cubic (fcc). Therefore, it was concluded that the parallel rela- of austenite.
tionship between <100> of ferrite and <100> of austenite in The independent growth of ferrite and austenite is more
FA-mode welds originally comes from the solidification stage, clearly verified when multiple grains are evaluated by elec-
and this seems to indicate that, in FA-mode solidification, tron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), as shown in Fig. 6 (Ref.
ferrite and austenite grow independently, each growing with 16), where the optical microstructure of the observed area
its preferential growth direction without any restriction on is shown in A and the corresponding EBSD phase mapping
each other. for ferrite and austenite are shown in B and C, respectively.
The next question is whether the parallel relationship It should be noted that the same orientation area results in
between <100> of ferrite and <100> of austenite is con- the same color in each mapping. From ferrite morphology
tinued when the growth direction is changed by the change in A and the corresponding color of ferrite in B, ferrite grain
of heat flow direction with a moving heat source. Figure 5 boundaries are indicated by the dotted lines added in A. How-
(Ref. 16) shows a region in which the growth direction of ever, the austenite grain boundaries identified in C do not
ferrite changes. Skeletal ferrite (black) indicates that it grows match the ferrite boundaries, and, moreover, they are not
Fig. 6 — A — Optical microstructure of a FA-mode (19 wt-% Cr-11 wt-% Ni) stainless steel weld; B, C — EBSD
phase mapping of ferrite (δ) and austenite (γ), where ferrite and austenite grow downward from the top and
change growth direction in the middle (as shown with arrows). Note: Arrows and borders with dotted lines
were added to the original figure from Ref. 16 for clarification.
boundaries we confirmed in an investigation by the author and increasing nitrogen content is the key to the improvement
and his colleagues (Refs. 15, 16) should be the primary reason of weld microstructure and performance. Figures 8 and 9 (Ref.
for the low cracking susceptibility of FA-mode welds. 20) show the microstructure and the distribution of Cr, Ni,
Mo, and N in the base metal and its autogenous gas tungsten
arc weld metal of a duplex stainless steel containing 22 wt-%
Ferrite-to-Austenite Transformation in Cr, 6 wt-% Ni, 3 wt-% Mo, and 0.12 wt-% N. In the base metal,
F-Mode Duplex Stainless Steel Weld Metals the microstructure was a so-called microduplex structure
consisting of alternately layered ferrite and austenite. Ferrite-
The solidification of duplex stainless steel welds cor- forming elements Cr and Mo were enriched in ferrite, and
responds to the F-mode (Fig. 1), which completes with austenite-forming elements Ni and N were enriched in aus-
the ferrite single phase, and austenite is subsequently tenite. In the weld metal, on the other hand, the microduplex
formed in the solid state from the ferrite grain boundar- structure of the base metal was destroyed by remelting and
ies during postsolidification cooling (Ref. 19). The phase solidification, and the microstructure consisted of coarse
balance between ferrite and austenite in duplex stainless ferrite grains with allotriomorphic or Widmansttaten aus-
steels is usually kept equal to achieve good combinations tenite along the grain boundaries. Nitrogen was significantly
of corrosion resistance and mechanical properties, but the enriched in austenite, while the partitioning of Cr, Ni, and
austenite content decreases when duplex stainless steels are Mo between ferrite and austenite was not identified clearly.
welded without filler metals. This is because the ferrite-to- Also, N content was depleted in the vicinity of austenite. It
austenite transformation is suppressed during relatively was concluded that the austenite formation is controlled
rapid postsolidification cooling in the weld, which leads to and stabilized by N in N-bearing duplex stainless steel weld
lower performance of the welds than that of base metals. metals, and the depletion of N in the vicinity of austenite
It was found by the author and his colleague (Ref. 20) that indicates that the transformation to austenite is controlled
ferrite-to-austenite transformation is controlled by nitrogen, by N diffusion. It was also noted that segregation of Ni is
Fig. 10 — Microstructure of duplex stainless steel welds having different Ni and nitrogen contents. A — 22 Cr-9
Ni-3 Mo-0.03 N; B — 22 Cr-6 Ni-3 Mo-0.12 N (almost the same Ni equivalent as A); C — 22 Cr-6 Ni-3 Mo-0.18 N
(Ref. 20).
Fig. 11 — Microstructure of high-Cr ferritic stainless steel GTA welds having an alloy composition of: A — 17 wt-%
Cr-0.007 wt-% Ti-0.0097 wt-% N; B — 17 wt-% Cr-0.3 wt-% Ti-0.0092 wt-% N (Ref. 22).
Fig. 12 — A — Solidification front of 17 Cr-0.3 Ti-0.0092 N ferritic stainless steel weld metal, obtained by the
liquid-tin quenching of the weld pool during welding; B — equiaxed grain formation observed in the pool ahead
of the solidification front; C — TiN at the center of the equiaxed grain and its AES analysis (Ref. 22).
seen in ferrite in the weld metal in Fig. 9. Nickel is probably N help austenite formation even during rapid postsolidifica-
enriched in interdendritic regions of ferrite solidification, tion cooling of welds, while slow diffusion and redistribution
but Ni enrichment does not affect austenite formation as an of Ni does not work effectively. Figure 10C shows the micro-
austenite former, which also supports the idea that N is more structure of the weld containing 0.18% N, indicating further
influential to austenite formation. Those measurements and increase of austenite content over the 0.12% N-containing
analyses were reported for the first time in the research of weld in Fig. 10B. The increase of austenite content and the
duplex stainless steels by the author and his colleague in the improvement of ferrite-austenite balance improve the tough-
Welding Journal (Ref. 20), where the measurement results ness and ductility of welds and corrosion resistance. In this
could not be published in color but in monochrome; thus, in context, most filler materials for the welding of duplex stain-
this article, the originals are shown in color. less steels are so designed that the weld deposits contain
Figure 10 (Ref. 20) demonstrates the beneficial effect of high N content.
N on austenite formation in duplex stainless steel welds.
Figures 10A and B compare the microstructure of two welds Grain Refinement of F-Mode Ferritic
having compositions of 22% Cr-3% Mo-9% Ni-0.03% N and
22% Cr-3% Mo-6% Ni-0.12% N, respectively. They contain
Stainless Steel Weld Metals
different amounts of Ni and N, but their Ni equivalents are
High-chromium ferritic stainless steels solidify with the
almost identical; austenite formation from the ferrite grain
ferritic single phase and complete without any subsequent
boundaries is more obvious in the N-enriched weld, which
phase transformation to austenite; hence, the final micro-
confirms the effect of N. Rapid diffusion and redistribution of
Fig. 17 — Intragranular ferrite nucleating on inclusions, nitrides, or oxides. A — Polygonal ferrite; B — acicular
Fig. 18 — Orientation relationship between the embedded compounds and ferrite developed from the
compounds: A — For TiN; B — for TiO; C — for the reference of B-N orientation relationship with an allowance of
5 deg misalignment to be compared with A and B (Ref. 31).
relatively low-carbon-equivalent (i.e., relatively low-strength) Before our study, whether the ferrite could satisfy both orien-
steel welds. The ferrite is often called polygonal ferrite due tation relationships simultaneously had not been examined.
to its morphology; an example is shown in Fig. 17A. On the Single-crystal TiN and TiO were embedded in a low-alloy
other hand, TiO is likely to encourage the nucleation of more steel, and ferrite formation from the embedded compounds
bainitic ferrite at relatively low temperatures in relatively was examined in the steel after a welding thermal cycle with
high-carbon-equivalent steel welds, where the ferrite pro- a peak temperature in the fully austenite region was given
duced is often called acicular ferrite due to its morphology; (Refs. 31, 32). Figure 18 (Ref. 31) shows the orientation rela-
an example is shown in Fig. 17B. It was not clear why TiN and tionship between the embedded compounds and ferrite
TiO showed different behaviors in ferrite formation, which developed from the compounds: A for TiN, B for TiO, and C
became the motivation for our study. Also, when the ferrite for the reference of the B-N orientation relationship with
formation becomes bainitic, such as Widmanstätten fer- an allowance of 5 deg misalignment with circles to be com-
rite, the ferrite may need to have a low-energy orientation pared with A and B. Figure 18A was constructed by EBSD data
relationship with the mother phase, austenite, such as the from 53 ferrite grains, mostly polygonal, and Fig. 18B from
Kurdjumov-Sachs (K-S) orientation relationship (Refs. 29, 30) 49 ferrite grains, mostly acicular. It was shown that ferrite
as well as the B-N orientation relationship (Ref. 24) with TiO. grains generated from TiN and TiO have a B-N orientation
relationship with the compounds, but it seems that ferrite
Fig. 19 — First principles calculation results showing differential charge density at the interfaces between bcc-
Fe and B1 compounds: A — TiN; B — TiO with a B-N orientation relationship, {100}bcc-Fe //{100}B1 and <100>bcc-Fe//
<110>B1. Note that for the calculation of the TiO-Fe interface, MgO was used as the base oxide for the stability
of the calculation, and one Mg atom was replaced by the Ti atom (Ref. 31).
Fig. 20 — A schematic summary of intragranular ferrite formation in austenite. A — Polygonal ferrite on TiN;
B — acicular ferrite on TiO.
from TiN shows a stricter B-N relationship than that from TiO. with a B-N orientation relationship: {100}bcc-Fe //{100}B1 and
Ferrite grains from TiO show relatively larger misalignment <100>bcc-Fe//<110>B1. In the figures, an increase in charge
from the B-N relationship. Examining orientation relation- density is show in green and a decrease in blue. It is noted that
ships between ferrite and prior austenite, it was found that in the calculation of the TiO-Fe interface, MgO was used as the
ferrite from TiN did not show a specific relationship, while base oxide, and one Mg atom was replaced by a Ti atom for the
most of the acicular ferrite from TiO showed a K-S relation- stability of the calculation. At the TiN-Fe interface, seen in Fig.
ship. It was considered that ferrite from TiN can select a 19A, there was not any significant charge interaction across
strict B-N relationship without the restriction of austenite, the interface, and interfacial energy sharply increased with
while ferrite from TiO needs to compromise in terms of a B-N increasing misalignment from the B-N atom position. On the
relationship to satisfy the K-S relationship with the mother other hand, at the TiO-Fe interface, there was a charge inter-
phase. Figure 19 (Ref. 31) shows the results of a first princi- action between Fe and Ti atoms. In Fig. 19B, charge density
ples calculation showing differential charge density at the increased at the TiO-Fe interface, as indicated by the green
interfaces between bcc-Fe and B1 compounds, TiN and TiO, areas, which suggests that Ti behaves like metal in TiO. This
Fig. 21 — MD simulation of hot press for steel-steel bonding showing changes in the following: A — Total
potential energy during isothermal holding; B–E — lattices annealed at 0.5 Tm after compression (Ref. 34).