Chapter 8B ISO 9001 Audit Checklist
Chapter 8B ISO 9001 Audit Checklist
Chapter 8B ISO 9001 Audit Checklist
How do you define criteria, methods, including measurements and related performance
indicators to ensure effective operation and control of these processes? How do you
determine resources needed and ensure their availability?
Who is given assignment of the responsibilities and authorities?
How do you identify the risks and opportunities and plan to implement the appropriate
actions to address them? Have you defined the methods for monitoring, measuring, as
appropriate, and evaluation of processes, and if needed, the changes to processes to
ensure that they achieve intended results? How do you Improve the processes of
Have you maintained Documented Information to support operation of processes? How
it is kept? How do you ensure by documented information that the processes are
carried out as planned?
5. Leadership
5.1 Leadership and Commitment
How the top management demonstrates leadership and commitment for QMS?
Has the Top Management signed and established a quality policy? Has he
approved QMS objectives? Is he active in formulation of quality policy and
objectives? Are the QMS objectives in line with strategic direction of the
How do you ensure the integration of the Quality management system
requirements with the organization’s processes?
How do you ensure that the resources related to Quality management systems
(QMS) are available? If any resources are lacking then whom do you contact?
c) What is the formal process for getting approval of resources? How do you carry
out capacity planning and budget approval to get management approval for
resources related to Quality management system?
Have you communicated QMS system requirements in the organization? How
do you communicate the importance of effective Quality management system
implementation and its benefits? What are the methods followed for
e) How do you ensure that the QMS achieves its intended outcome?
How many people are directing and supporting to contribute for the
effectiveness of QMS system? Have you defined QMS Supporting Team?
g) How do you promote continual improvement?
What are the roles of the management?
h) How do you support and demonstrate leadership for QMS? How do you
demonstrate your leadership and commitment for ISO 9001:2015 QMS?
5.2 Policy
Have you established quality policy?
Is the quality policy appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization?
Who has defined the organization's Quality policy? What is the framework for setting up
the QMS objectives? Where do you document QMS objectives?
Have you included the commitment to satisfy applicable requirements related to quality
in the quality policy?
Do you include quality policy to ensure commitment for continual improvement of the
Quality management system? How do you track the continual improvements? What
benefits are achieved by you by implementing this ISO 9001:2015 standard?
How do you communicate quality policy within the organization?
Have you prepared quality policy and kept it on notice board? Is it available as
documented information for all the employees and interested parties? How is it made
available? How do you provide the Quality policy to the interested parties?
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
Have you assigned and communicated job description, including responsibilities and
authorities for roles relevant to QMS? How?
In the job description, have you defined clearly the authorities and responsibilities of all
concerned persons for how they contribute to meet the requirements of ISO 9001-2015
standard? Are the roles clearly defined in job description to avoid conflict? Are the
authorities and responsibilities communicated to concerned employees?
Have you defined responsibilities and authorities for reporting performance of the QMS
within organization? Do you report the performance of the Quality management system
to the top management? How is it reported and who is responsible?
Who has to ensure provision of resources for implementation of Quality management
system? Which resources are required to include?
Who is appointed as a QMS coordinator? What are the defined roles, responsibilities
and authority of QMS coordinator?
How do you ensure promotion of customer focus throughout the organization?
6. Planning
6.1 Action to address risks and opportunities
Have you established, implemented and maintained process for QMS planning? Can
you explain how it is followed? How do you determine the risks and opportunities that
need to be addressed?
How do you ensure the Quality management system can achieve its intended
b) How do you prevent, or reduce, undesired effects related to risk?
c) How do you achieve continual improvement?
How do you plan actions to address risks and opportunities? How do you integrate and
implement these actions into Quality management system processes?
How do you evaluate the effectiveness of the actions related to risk and opportunity?
What do you evaluate to ensure the effectiveness of action?
How do you define a quality risk assessment process?
7.3 Awareness
Are your employees aware of quality policy and quality objective? How do you
contribute your work to implement the quality policy in your work area?
How do you contribute to Quality management system? What benefits are
b) achieved by implementing the QMS? What is your improved quality
Are the employees aware of the implication of not conforming to QMS
c) requirements and not fulfilling Quality obligations? How do you provide such
awareness to all concerned persons?
7.4 communication
How do you determine the needs of internal and external communication relevant to
QMS? Do you have any communication plan?
a) What do you communicate regarding QMS?
b) When do you communicate regarding QMS?
c) Whom do you communicate regarding QMS?
d) How do you communicate regarding QMS?
e) Who will communicate regarding QMS?
Do you respond to relevant communication on Quality management system? Is there
any documented information of this communication?
Have you internally communicated information relevant to QMS at various levels and
functions? How?
Do you ensure such communication enables persons to contribute for continual
improvement? How?
Have you externally communicated information relevant to QMS? Show us what kind of
communication is done by you externally? Does it cover all information required by all
applicable compliance obligations?
7.5 Documented Information
7.5.1 General
a) Do you require documented information as per ISO 9001:2015?
b) How do you decide the need for effective documentation of information?
c) Do you require paper copy or electronic copy of documented information?
1) What is your documented information for competence of person?
2) Have you documented quality policy and QMS objectives?
3) Have you documented scope of the QMS?
Have you any documented information compliance with ISO 9001:2015
8.0 Operation
8.1 Operational Planning and control
Have you planned and implemented processes as per ISO 9001:2015 QMS system
Do you implement action for risks and opportunities?
How do you determine the requirement for products and services? Have you
established the criteria for the processes and acceptance of product and services?
Do you have any documented information for the processes carried out as per plan?
How do you document information to have confidence that processes have been
carried out as planned? Where do you keep such information? Based on such
information, if any delay happens then what actions are taken?
How do you ensure that implemented control of the processes is as per defined
How do you control planned changes and review the consequences of unintended
changes? Who is responsible for the same?
How do you ensure that outsourced process is controlled or influenced? What type and
extent of control or influence applied to the Process is defined within the QMS for such
outsourced process? Have you established system for selection of vendors and
outsourced activities, and how do you communicate such controls to them?
What is to be considered as operational control? Which operations need to be covered
under operational control plan?
Have you prepared defined operational control parameters for the identified process?
Which processes are covered?
8.2 Requirements for products and services
8.2.1 Customer communication
How do you determine and implement effective arrangements for communicating with
customers regarding:
a) Information related to products and services?
b) Enquiries, contracts or order handling, including changes?
c) Customer feedback, including customer complaints?
d) Control of customer property?
e) Establishing specific requirements for contingency actions?
8.2.2 Determining the requirements related to product & services
How do you determine statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the product
and services? Have you identified any additional requirements considered necessary by
the organization?
Does the organization have capability to meet the claims for the products and services it
offers? How do you ensure it?
b) The potential undesired consequences associated with its products and services?
c) The nature, use and intended lifetime of its products and services?
d) Customer requirements?
e) Customer feedback?
Does the Post-delivery activity include warranty provisions, contractual obligations like
maintenance and supplementary services like recycling or final disposal? How such
things are taken care of? Show us evidences.
8.5.6 Control of changes
How do you review and control unplanned changes essential for production or service
provision to the extent necessary to ensure continuing conformity with specified
8.6 Release of products and services
What is the procedure for release of products and services to the customer?
Are the products and services approved by a relevant authority / customer before
Have you implemented the planned arrangements at appropriate stages to verify that
product and service requirements have been met?
Does the company retain documented information which includes evidence of conformity
with the acceptance criteria and traceability?
8.7 Control of nonconforming outputs
Does the organization ensure that product which does not conform to product
requirements is identified and controlled to prevent its unintended use or delivery?
Does the organization deal with nonconforming product by one or more of the following
a) By correction?
b) By segregation, containment, return or suspension of provision of products and
c) By informing the customer?
d) Obtaining authorization for acceptance under concession?
Are documented information of the nature of the nonconformities and any subsequent
actions taken including concessions obtained maintained? How it is maintained and who
is authorized for disposal of such nonconformity?
9.0 Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement and analysis and evaluation
9.1.1 General
How do you monitor and measure quality processes?
a) Do you have any document information control? Who is authorized for control of
process? What is monitored and measured?
b) How do you monitor, measure, analyze data and evaluate it? How do you ensure
Do you maintain records for the actual audit carried out against audit planned, as well as
summary of audit done? Where do you maintain such records?
How do you ensure that all departments covered for all the clauses applicable to that
department are audited in internal audit? How do you see effectiveness of action taken
on audit NCR? Where is it recorded?
9.3 Management Review
How does Top management review the organization’s Quality management system?
What is the frequency of review to ensure its continuing suitability and adequacy? How
do you ensure its effectiveness? When do you conduct such QMS reviews?
Does this review include assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for
changes to the QMS, including quality policy and quality objectives?
Do you have documented information of actions emerged from the QMS management
review meetings?
What action is taken from previous management reviews? Have you any mechanism for
monitoring action from previous management reviews?
Do you report to Top Management for effectiveness of Quality Management System?
How do you measure effectiveness of system for working of your Organization? How do
you collect necessary information for the same? Are you getting information on
corrective action taken on the identified non-compliances and its effectiveness for
discussion in the management review meeting? What is the frequency of the
Management Review Meeting?
Do you take any feedback? Do you review result of feedback on the quality? Who is
performing it? Have you implemented any improvement based on nonconformities and
corrective action, monitoring and measurement of results, results of QMS audits and
reviews, fulfillment of quality objectives, etc., in the management review meetings?
Have you defined adequacy resources and discussed it in MRM? How do you measure
opportunities for continual improvement?
How do you plan for management review meeting and who are committee members?
Do you circulate the agenda for Management review meeting in advance? Do you
prepare minutes of Management review meeting with the actions decided in that
management review meeting? How do you monitor effectiveness of the system? Do you
review objectives and targets in the management review? When do you review it?
Does the output of management review include the following?
10.0 Improvement
10.1 General
Have you defined any improvement to meet the customer requirements?
How do you determine opportunities for improvement and implement necessary actions
to achieve the intended outcomes of Quality management system?
10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action
How do you control nonconformity and what documented information are
a) maintained? Have any action been taken of nonconformity?
How do you deal with the consequences of nonconformity?
Who is the authorized person for reviewing nonconformity? Which causes are
applicable to the nonconformity? Are you doing route cause analysis for such
nonconformity? How do you determine that nonconformities exist? Have you
determined the causes of nonconformities? Have you reviewed NCR and
correction of NCR, and evaluated nonconformities? What is potential occurrence
of nonconformities?
What action is taken for NCR? How do you implement action needed to meet
documented information?
How do you monitor effectiveness of corrective action? Who is authorized person
reviewing it?
e) Have you updated risks based on such investigation in documented information?
f) Have you taken any corrective action and made any change in QMS for NCR?
g) How do you monitor effectiveness of results of corrective action?
What is the base for taking corrective actions? Do you take corrective action for all the
What is the mechanism to take corrective action?
Are you taking corrective action for process, product, system and interested parties’
complaints? When do you take corrective actions? Who reviews the effectiveness of
corrective action taken by concerned department? How do you monitor it?
How do you maintain documented information for nature of the nonconformity and
subsequent actions taken as well as result of corrective action? Who maintains it?
10.3 Continual improvement
How do you ensure that organization has continually improved the adequacy, suitability,
and effectiveness of QMS?
(1) How do you improve the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the QMS to
enhance Quality performance? Have you determined is there needs or
opportunities that are addressed as a part of continual improvement?
(1) Are acceptance and rejection criteria specified for different process parameters and
products tested by your company? Have you prepared overall inspection test plan
covering references of work instruction, acceptance criteria, format and parameters tested
for different types of products for incoming, in-process and final stage of inspection?
(2) Are you inspecting / verifying all the critical products, new developed products or
purchased material? How? Are any documented information kept for the same? Are you
testing raw materials? How?
(3) Have you trained staff for follow-up of operating procedures and work instruction for Q.A.,
Laboratory, and test methods for testing of various products? Have you received any test
method given by your customer?
(1) How do you carry out marketing of your product? Are you having agents? How do you
select channel of distribution? Who is authorized for their selection? Are you having a list
of approved Dealers / Agents list for the same?
(2) Have you prepared your company’s brochure? Are you having a price list? Who approves
it? How do you finalize price of the new product?
(3) How do you participate in defining requirements for new products? How do you get
information on new products? How do you provide information on your product to your
customers as well as plant people?
(4) Have you defined customer expectations and product requirements? How do you
communicate it to Design, Manufacturing, Q.C., packing, etc.?
(5) How do you sale your products? Do you understand requirements related to the products
as below:
1. Requirements specified by the customer.
2. Requirements not specified by the customer for intended use.
3. Statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the product.
4. Any additional requirements considered necessary by the organization.
Can you show us evidence that above four types of requirements are determined and
understood before execution of order? How do you ensure your capability for the above
requirements? How do you maintain contract review report? How do you keep track of
completion of order and compilation of all such orders?
(6) What are the Quantifiable criteria for your department? How do you monitor them? Have
you given any further criteria for your other sales staff? What process approach do you
adopt? What is input and output of your department? Have you done any analysis for
timely completion of orders or delay in delivery? How do you amend the order?
(1) Are the Production Head, In-charge, Supervisors and workers trained on the methods and
skills to perform their task as well as on applicable ISO 9001:2015 documented
information? Are the operators aware of their work instructions for operation in respective
work area?
(2) What is the process approach in your manufacturing activity? What is the input and output
in your various processes? Have you prepared Quantifiable criteria for your process? How
do you monitor it? Have you conveyed the same to the concerned person like supervisors
and workers?
(3) Is there necessary infrastructure and environment in your department for the operation of
(4) Have you identified operational control points of your activities? Are you having documented
operational control plan? Are you maintaining documented information as per the requirements of
operational control plan? Show me documented information.
(5) Do you implement action on risks and opportunities?
(6) Have you updated risks, based on such investigation in documented information?
(7) Are you having any special process? What do you mean by it? Do you operate for special
process? How do you monitor such special process? Do you keep any documented
information for the same? Before finalizing process parameters, have you done study for
your past process data to consider the process parameters?
(8) How do you identify the material and parameters at incoming, in process, and final storage
(9) Are equipment / instruments used by your departments calibrated? What is your mechanism for
(10) How do you ensure that implemented control of the processes is as per defined criteria? How do
you control planned changes and review the consequences of unintended changes? Who is
responsible for the same?
(11) How do you ensure that outsourced process is controlled or influenced? Have you defined what
type and extent of control or influence is applied to the Process within the QMS for such
outsourced process? Have you established system for selection of vendors and outsourced
activities and how do you communicate such controls to them?
(12) How do you prevent, or reduce, undesired effects related to risk?
(13) What methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation are followed to ensure valid
(14) What are the things that you consider in your department at the time of change?
(15) Have you established any traceability system to recall defective product based on
customer complaint or production feedback for a particular lot? How do you identify
finished materials as well semi-finished lot? Have you established any codification system
for the lot numbering?