IES IE User Manual Final V2
IES IE User Manual Final V2
IES IE User Manual Final V2
July 2022
Directorate General of Foreign Trade Interest Equalization Scheme (IES) Module User Help File v2.0
Table of Contents
1. Introduction and Accessing DGFT Portal ............................................................................................................... 2
2. Contact@DGFT................................................................................................................................................... 2
3. Registering on New Portal..................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Pre-Requisites for Interest Equalization Scheme ..................................................................................................... 5
5. Apply for Interest Equalization Scheme ................................................................................................................. 6
6. Viewing the Submitted Application and Acknowledgement Letter .......................................................................... 16
2. Contact@DGFT
To raise any concern to DGFT the user may call the given Toll Free Helpline number given on
the DGFT Portal or raise a service request through DGFT Helpdesk service under Services
“DGFT Helpdesk Service”.
1. Visit the DGFT website and login in to the portal using valid
2. Post login click on navigate using Menu “Services >> Interest Equalization Scheme
5. After clicking on “Start Fresh Application”, system will navigate the user to the Basic details.
On Basic Details Screen - System will show the Basic details, Address details, MSME details and
Other details
As user clicks on the Basic Details dropdown on the screen, system will display all the details (as seen
in below screenshot) linked with user’s IEC
After Basic Details, “Address details” is the next step where-in the user has to select a branch from the
options in “Branch” dropdown which are added to the IEC.
Next comes the MSME details, these details are also extracted from the IEC of the user.
The last step on Basic Details screen is the “Other Details” section where-in user has to enter certain
details like number of employees in the firm, whether the applicant is from a south eastern state etc.
The labels with (*) mark are mandatory to fill, and without filling these details user won’t be able to
move forward in the application.
As the I/E is done with the basic details screen, next part of the application is the “IES Details”
screen. At this stage an application number (ARN) will be generated for the application which will be
displayed on the top.
The first part of the IES Details is filling in the product details.
Note: User can choose only one sector of products for one application with facility of adding items
with different ITC(HS) code within the same sector.
Next and the last sub-section of the IES Details screen is the “Banks Details” section in which the user
selects the bank from which the loan is to be procured. By default all the banks available in the IEC
are selected, however the user can select/deselect as per the needs.
Next the user clicks on “Save & Next” button, and system will take user to next screen which is
“benefit Takes”. On this screen user gives in the details of benefits that user is availing from the
DGFT till date. These details are auto-populated from IEC, also user can add new benefits if required.
Clicking the Save & Next button takes user to the “Attachment” screen.
The I/E has to upload relevant application using the following steps:
-Select the attachment type i.e. Export Orders or IES Attachments.
-Upload the relevant attachment which can be of pdf or jpg formats only.
-Enter the Remarks (Optional).
-Click on “Upload Attachments” button.
An application summary page, click on the print button to view and print the application
summary for future references, then scroll down to check the fee of the application. Now click on
the sign button after reviewing application summary.
After the successful payment of Rs.200 and submission of the application a new File number and a
UIN number will be generated. This UIN number can be used by the I/E to view the file’s status. The
UIN number is valid for 1 year from date of generation.
The UIN number will be available in the Acknowledgement letter generated corresponding to the submitted
file. To view the letter user has to navigate through submitted applications. The whole step by step process is
elaborated in the next section.
Step 2 – Select “Interest Equalization Scheme (IES)” as the “Type of scheme” from dropdown and
“Interest Equalization Scheme (IES)” as the “Type of sub scheme”
Step 4 – To view the “Acknowledgement Letter” generated click on “Action” button alongside the
respective file.