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J Clin Epidemiol Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 153-l 62, I993 0895-4356/93 $6.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright 0 1993 Pergamon Press Ltd




New England Research Institute, Inc., Watertown, MA 02172, U.S.A.

(Received in revised form 23 July 1992)

Abstract-A Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE) was evaluated in a sample
of community-dwelling, older adults. Respondents were randomly assigned to complete
the PASE by mail or telephone before or after a home visit assessment. Item weights
for the PASE were derived by regressing a physical activity principal component score
on responses to the PASE. The component score was based on 3-day motion sensor
counts, a 3-day physical activity diary and a global activity self-assessment. Test-retest
reliability, assessed over a 3-7 week interval, was 0.75 (95% CI = 0.69-0.80). Reliability
for mail administration (r = 0.84) was higher than for telephone administration
(r = 0.68). Construct validity was established by correlating PASE scores with health
status and physiologic measures. As hypothesized, PASE scores were positively associated
with grip strength (r = 0.37), static balance (r = +0.33), leg strength (r = 0.25) and
negatively correlated with resting heart rate (r = - 0.13), age (r = - 0.34) and perceived
health status (r = -0.34); and overall Sickness Impact Profile score (r = -0.42). The
PASE is a brief, easily scored, reliable and valid instrument for the assessment of
physical activity in epidemiologic studies of older people.

Elderly Physical activity assessment questionnaire

INTRODUCTION a decreased risk for falls and fractures [4,5]

as well as preventing age-associated declines in
Physical activity is a modifiable behavioral risk bone density [6,7], cardiovascular fitness [8]
factor related to the maintenance of health and and muscular strength [9, lo]. However, limited
effective function in older people [l]. Evidence information is available regarding the specific
from the Alameda County Study showed that, types and amount of physical activity necessary
among the elderly, participation in leisure time for maximum health benefits in older people.
physical activity was associated with a decreased Research on physical activity and health in
17-year follow-up mortality risk that was inde- older people has been hampered by the lack of
pendent of age, socioeconomic status, health physical activity assessment methods designed
status, smoking, relative weight and alcohol for older people and suitable for use in epidemio-
consumption [2]. Mor [3] reported that those logic research. Techniques such as movement
individuals 70-74 years of age from the Supple- counters [ 11, 121, heart rate monitoring [13] or
ment on Aging cohort who did not participate activity diaries [ 14, 151are available but all suffer
in regular exercise or could not walk a mile important shortcomings. Cost is the major prob-
without resting were more likely to suffer a lem. Movement counters, monitors and diaries
decline in functional status over a 2-year period are expensive in either equipment requirements
after controlling for medical conditions and (motion sensor, heart rate monitoring) or time
demographic factors. Maintaining an active and effort required by both respondent and
lifestyle in later years has been associated with investigators (diaries). Logistical problems and

subject burden are also concerns. Pick-up and METHODS

delivery of equipment, and respondent co-
operation in detailed data recording limit Instrument development
their use to studies of small, highly selective We reviewed over 40 publications from the
samples. scientific literature on questionnaire assessment
A physical activity questionnaire is a practical of physical activity. From these papers we
and widely used approach for physical activity prepared a list of physical activity categories
assessment in epidemiologic investigations [ 161. and specific items within each category that
Activity questionnaires have been used in studies were most relevant for older people. This list
relating physical activity to fall and fracture risk, was distributed to two consultants, authorities
balance and gait characteristics, bone density, in the area of physical activity assessment (Dr
and coronary heart disease in older people [4,5, R. E. LaPorte and Dr S. N. Blair), who reviewed
17-191. Unfortunately, activity questionnaires the material and met with project investigators.
currently in use with older people have been Occupational, household and leisure time activ-
designed for younger populations [20-221. The ities were included in the initial questionnaire.
Centers for Disease Control Behavioral Risk In addition, the initial questionnaire included
Factor Surveillance System, for example, con- items on living situation, sleep, and restricted
tains a physical activity questionnaire designed activity days as potential discriminators of
to monitor the physical activity habits of the activity among older people whose activity levels
U.S. population. It uses the same questions and were, in general, quite low. Investigators and
response format for respondents age 18 to over staff developed a draft questionnaire which
70 years [23]. Results from recent work strongly formed the first version of PASE (Physical
indicates that physical activity questionnaires Activity Scale for the Elderly). This version of
designed for use with younger people (i.e. age- PASE was pilot tested in a small sample of older
neutral) are inaccurate when used with older persons living in Boston and Amherst, MA
people [24]. In comparing responses from an (age 65-74, n = 12; age 75-84, n = 15; age 85 +,
age-neutral questionnaire with physical activity n = 9). Trained interviewers conducted inter-
estimates from a 3-day diary, the age-neutral views to assess the appropriateness of the items,
questionnaire underestimated the time spent in comprehensibility, and completeness. Open-
physical activity by approximately 2 hours 45 ended evaluation questions were asked to solicit
minutes per day. The magnitude of the absolute feedback on all aspects of the PASE. Results
reporting error by questionnaire was small for were used to prepare a final version of the
strenuous activities (approximately 5 minutes/ instrument which was reviewed by three age-
day) but was substantial (2 hours 20 minutes/ eligible volunteers. The validity and reliability
day) for less strenuous physical activity of this instrument was assessed in the field in the
categories (i.e. walking, household chores, light second phase of this study.
sport and recreation). Questionnaires designed
for younger people suffer from other short- Sampling procedures
comings when used with older people. The time The target area for the study consisted of 23
frame over which activity is assessed can be western Massachusetts cities and towns within a
too long (months, years), domains of activity 25-mile radius and the same telephone area code
most likely engaged in by older people are not as Amherst, MA. This area contains two cities
included or emphasized (walking, light-moderate (Springfield and Chicopee) that had populations
housework, outdoor work, etc.), and an open- exceeding 50,000 residents in 1980 as well as
ended response format (for example, asking suburban and rural communities of varying
how many minutes per week one engages in a sizes. All persons aged 65 years or older living
specific activity) can be difficult for older people in their own households without serious mental
to report accurately. or physical impairments were eligible for the
An accurate physical activity instrument study. The size of the sample was based on a
designed specifically for older people would fill statistical power analysis of the number of
an important need in epidemiologic research. cases needed to detect validation correlations
This project was undertaken to design and exceeding 0.2 and to obtain test-retest co-
evaluate an age-specific physical activity ques- efficients with a 95% confidence interval of 0.06.
tionnaire that would overcome the problems A two-stage procedure was employed to select
inherent in existing methods. study respondents. Towns were stratified by
Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly 155

median 1980 household income (less than or analysis. Height and weight were measured
more than $20,000). Half of the towns in each using standardized procedures patterned after
stratum were randomly selected. Due to its the Pawtucket Heart Study protocol [25], with
size, the city of Springfield was a separate self- respondents in stockinged feet and indoor
representing stratum. In the second stage, 1989 clothing. Height was rounded up to the nearest
Massachusetts street lists (a state-mandated eighth of an inch and weight was rounded down
census of persons of voting age) in the selected to the nearest pound.
towns were used to identify eligible older adults. Grip strength of the dominant hand was
Persons born in 1924 or earlier were systematic- assessed with respondents in a standing position.
ally sampled from these lists at a rate propor- Static balance of the dominant leg (same side
tional to the total number of adults aged 65 as dominant arm) was assessed by the one leg
or older in each town. Unequal selection prob- stance test with eyes closed [26]. Respondents in
abilities in the first stage were offset by sampling stockinged feet were instructed to close their
eligible adults in Springfield at half the rate used eyes and raise their non-dominant foot from the
in the other 11 towns to produce a self-weighting floor. Balance time (to the nearest 0.1 second)
sample of individuals in the target area. was assessed with a stopwatch from the time the
non-dominant foot left the floor until either the
Survey protocol dominant foot was displaced, the non-dominant
Each adult in the sample was randomly leg touched the dominant leg, or the non-
assigned to one of four groups based on the type dominant leg touched the floor.
of PASE administration (telephone or mail) and Isometric knee extensor strength at 60” knee
the timing of data collection (home visits con- flexion was measured with a portable Isokinetic,
ducted before or after the PASE questionnaire). Inc. (Grand Rapids, MI) knee unit [271. This
Half of the sample received home visits first and unit consists of a padded seat and a bracket
then completed either the mail or telephone that holds a spring gauge and a cuff assembly
questionnaire; the other half were administered for attachment to the respondent’s leg directly
the physical activity questionnaire prior to the above the lateral malleolus. Respondents sat on
home visit. Using the addresses appearing in the padded seat with their popliteal fossa placed
the street lists, each eligible person was sent against the front of the padded surface. For
an introductory letter explaining the purposes stabilization the thigh of the leg being tested was
of the study. Subjects were then contacted by strapped to the seat. Respondents sat with a
telephone to schedule a home visit. A minimum straight back with hands grasping the side of the
of 10 calls was made to each household to locate padded seat and were asked to exert maximal
respondents. Persons who had died, lived in nurs- force against the ankle cuff. Testing of the
ing homes, had serious cognitive impairments, dominant leg always preceded testing of the
or could not speak or read English were not non-dominant leg.
eligible. Persons assigned to groups in which The results of three separate trials were
interviews were to be conducted prior to visits recorded for grip strength, static balance and leg
were asked to complete the PASE even if strength. The mean of these three trials was used
they refused to permit a home visit. Baseline in statistical analyses.
respondents were recontacted 3 weeks later and Health status was assessed by the Sickness
asked to complete a second questionnaire to Impact Profile (SIP), a measure of the impact
assess test-retest reliability. of disease on daily activities and behaviors in
12 functional areas [28, 291. Demographic
In -home protocol characteristics were reported using standard
All home visits were conducted by trained field items from national surveys. At the conclusion
technicians between January 1990 and February of the home visit, field technicians explained the
1991. Written informed consent was obtained use of the movement counter and an activity
from all respondents. Home visit measures were diary. Respondents were asked to wear the
collected in the following order. Blood pressure movement counter and record their activity
(BP) was measured three times using a standard patterns for the next 3 days.
mercury sphygmomanometer with the respond- Activity monitor. Physical activity was
ent seated for at least 5 minutes prior to monitored using a Caltrac Personal Activity
measurement with legs uncrossed at the time Computer (Hemokinetics Inc., Madison, WI).
of readings. The last BP reading was used in the Details regarding development and construction

of the Caltrac as well as the validity of the ity diary, and the global self-report of physical
Caltrac for older people are available elsewhere activity. This approach, which is rooted in
[30, 311. The Caltrac is a small, lightweight (9.5 classical test theory [33] and confirmatory factor
cm x 7.0 cm x 1.25 cm; weight = 75 g) device analysis [34], treats these three measures as
designed to measure acceleration via a piezo- fallible indicators of an unobserved physical
electric bender element. A numerical score (kcal) activity construct. A principal component score
is provided by a liquid crystal display. The total for each subject was computed from the respect-
kcal score is a function of the respondent’s basal ive item loadings. These component scores,
metabolic rate calculated by a computer chip which represent our most refined estimate of the
programmed with the respondents age, height, underlying physical activity construct, were then
weight and gender, plus additional caloric regressed on responses to the questionnaire to
expenditure resulting from body movement. derive the optimal item weights for the PASE.
Since our purpose was to use the Caltrac only Total PASE scores were computed by multi-
as a movement counter, we by-passed the meta- plying the amount of time spent in each activity
bolic program as instructed by the manufacturer (hours per day over a 7-day period) by the re-
and used daily Caltrac counts in the analysis. spective weights and summing over all activities.
Respondents were instructed to wear the Caltrac
on a belt over the dominant hip and record Validation and reliability assessment
Caltrac readings and the time of day both in The stability of the PASE over time was
the morning and on retiring for the evening on assessed by the test-retest reliability correlation
a chart attached to an activity diary. between baseline scores and follow-up scores
Activity diary. For each waking hour during reported 3-7 weeks later. To validate PASE
the 3 day observation period, respondents were scores, Pearson correlations were computed
asked to maintain an activity diary of the amount between these scores and measurements taken
of time spent in eight activity categories: lying during home visits. Validation measures included
down, sitting, standing, standing light work physiologic characteristics known to be affected
(dishes, dusting), standing moderate/heavy work by activity levels (heart rate, body mass index,
(carpentry, gardening, lifting), walking, light balance, grip and leg strength) [9, 10,35-371 as
sport and recreation (golf, bowling, ball games), well as aspects of health status that influence the
and heavy sport and recreation (running, ability to perform physical activities (total SIP
cycling). Daily energy expenditures (METS) score, self-assessed health status, and selected
were calculated by multiplying the amount acute and chronic health conditions). Correla-
of time spent in an activity by a MET value tions with the validation measures were also
reflecting the intensity of that activity. MET computed for six respondent subgroups (based
values ranged from 1.0 for lying down to 6.0 on mode of questionnaire administration, gender
for heavy sport and recreation [32]. and age) to determine the consistency of these
After the third day, respondents also com- associations. In addition, we examined seasonal
pleted a 5-point scale assessing their level of trends and respondent characteristics associated
physical activity. Scale values ranged from with PASE scores.
1 = not active at all to 5 = extremely active.
Caltracs, diaries and self-report scale scores
were returned to the investigators by mail. Daily
averages for the Caltrac counts and diary METS Response rates
were determined for the 3-day monitoring Dispositions for the 1288 names sampled
period. Data were not included in the averages from the street lists are shown in Table 1. Two
if the reporting periods for the diary and Caltrac hundred twenty-four persons (19.8%) were
differed by more than 2 hours on a given day. ineligible for the study. Contact was not made
with another 159 whose eligibility status could
PASE scoring not be determined. Of those known to be
To devise a set of weights for the PASE items eligible, 36.0% consented to a home visit and
that would provide the best overall estimate to complete the PASE. An additional 15.5%
of an older person’s physical activity level, a completed the PASE but refused a home visit.
criterion measure of physical activity was Table 2 compares the background characteristics
created from a principal components analysis of participants with non-participants. Non-
of Caltrac counts, METS totals from the activ- participants were on average 2 years older than
Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly 157

Table 1. Disposition of street list names Table 2. Background characteristics of participants and
of Participants
Cases Disposition
159 No contact (moved, telephone disconnected, unlisted Non- and PASE
telephone number, no answer) participants PASE only
224 Ineligible (deceased, nursing home resident, mental/ Characteristics (n = 668)8 (n = 277) (n = 119)
physical impairment, younger than 65 years)
Age (yr) 75.0** 73.0 73.4
136 Refused telephone screener 71.4
Percent female 61.7* 57.0
251 Refused home visit, not asked to complete PASE
Percent living with spouse 40.9 48.7 40.3
122 Refused home visit, and failed to complete PASE
Town income (median
119 Refused home visit, but completed PASE 18.5
dollars in thousands) 18.9 18.9
277 Completed home visit and PASE 18.8
Percent employed 17.2 17.7
1288 Total names sampled from street lists Perceived health 2.89b 2.73 2.86
(1 = excellent to 5 = poor)
Activity level 2.98b 2.89 2.98
(1 = very high to
participants. Women were more likely than 5 = very low)
men to refuse a home visit, However, those who Worry about health 2.32b 2.26 2.34
(1 = not at all to
completed the telephone screener but refused to 4 = most of the time)
participate in all other aspects of the study were
‘Includes no contact cases, screener refusals, and those who
similar to participants with respect to perceived failed to complete a PASE.
health, physical activity levels and perceived bn = 378 non-participants who refused home visit and PASE
worry about their health. but completed telephone screening.
*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.
PASE score descriptive statistics
Figure 1 shows the results of the principal to 3.54 with higher scores indicating greater
components analysis for the 193 subjects with physical activity.
complete data for the Caltrac, activity diary and Weights for individual activities were esti-
global self-report item. The inter-item correla- mated by regressing component scores on the
tions among the three physical activity measures complete set of items in the original version of
were moderately high and in the expected direc- the PASE. Twelve types of activity accounted
tion. The three measures had similar factor for 41.4% of the variation in component scores.
loadings on a single underlying component Seven low expenditure activities (sleeping,
(eigenvalue = 1.87). The internal consistency napping, quiet activities, flexibility exercises,
of these items as measured by Cronbach’s alpha stair climbing, shopping or errands, and jobs
was 0.69. The resulting component scores (mean involving sitting with slight arm movements)
= 0, standard deviation = 1) ranged from -2.44 that were not significantly associated with

Cronbach’s (I = ,694

Fig. 1. Relationships between physical activity component and indicators of physical activity (n = 193).
Curved arrows signify zero-order correlations; straight arrows indicate component loadings.
158 hXARD A. WASHBURNet al.

Table 3. PASE item weights and contributions to total score

(n = 314)
Sample PASE to total
PASE activity mean weight PASE score
Muscle strength/
endurance 0.05 hr/day 30 1.5
Strenuous sports 0.07 hr/day 23 1.6
Moderate sports 0.11 hr/day 23 2.5
Light sports 0.09 hr/day 21 1.9
Job involving q
5 35 65 95 125 155 185215 245 215 305 335 365
or walking 0.53 hr/day 21 11.1 PASE Score Midpoints
Walking 0.65 hr/day 20 13.0
Fig. 2. Distribution of PASE scores in a general population
Lawn work
45.6%’ age 65-100 yr.
or yard care 36 16.4
Caring for another
person 24.2%* 35 8.5 highest PASE weights were found for the more
Home repairs 22.0% * 30 6.6
Heavy housework 47.4%. 25 11.8 strenuous types of activity. The activities mak-
Light housework 89.5%* 25 22.4 ing the largest average individual contributions
Outdoor-gardening 26.8%* 20 5.4 to the total PASE score were light housework,
102.7 lawn work/yard care, walking, heavy housework,
*Percentage of sample engaging in that activity during week. and jobs involving standing or walking.
PASE scores observed in this sample of older
activity levels were eliminated from the final persons ranged from 0 to 360; the overall score
version of the instrument. Activity weights in distribution was skewed slightly to the right
general did not differ significantly by mode of (Fig. 2). The mean sample score was 102.9 with
questionnaire administration (mail vs telephone), a standard deviation of 64.1. The median score
timing of administration (i.e. before or after was 90. PASE scores declined with age and were
home visits), age group or gender. consistently higher for men than women in each
Table 3 displays the contribution of each age group (Fig. 3).
questionnaire item to the overall PASE score as
determined by the product of the sample mean Validation results
and activity weight. The PASE questionnaire The results of the PASE validation analyses
assesses involvement in half of these activities in are summarized in Table 4 for the 222 subjects
terms of hours per day over a 7-day period; who completed a baseline instrument and the
the other six items are scored 1 = engaged in tests administered during the home visit. PASE
activity or 0 = did not engage in that activity scores were significantly associated with two
during the previous 7 days. As expected, the of the three health status indicators, exhibiting


j loo (llGj------..__
?! $+...\.
; ‘.._
s” .‘v WOMEN
50 (62.3)


65-89 70-75 76-100


Fig. 3. Mean PASE score for men and women by age.

Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly 159

Table 4. Validity correlations for mail and telephone versions of PASE by mode, gender and age group
Mode Gender Age group
All Mail Telephone
Validation measures subjects Questionnaire Questionnaire Female Male 65-70 71-99
Perceived health -0.34** -0.26* -0.37*+ -0.41** -0.29** -0.39** -0.24**
(1 = excellent,
5 = poor)
Anv restricted -0.12 0.03 -0.21** -0.23** 0.07 -0.16 -0.09
activity days
(1 = yes, 0 = no)
Sick Impact Profile
Total Score -0.42** -0.42** -0.46** -0.37.’ -0.40** -0.36.’ -0.42..
Heart rate -0.13* -0.32** -0.01 -0.15 -0.03 -0.16 -0.12
Systolic BP -0.09 -0.03 -0.14’ -0.19* 0.08 -0.09 0.01
Diastolic BP -0.07 0.12 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.09
Body mass (kg/m2) 0.01 -0.05 0.03 0.08 -0.04 -0.10 0.01
Grip strength 0.37** 0.34** 0.37** 0.40** 0.32** 0.26** 0.38**
Balance 0.33** 0.39** 0.33** 0.33** 0.29** 0.14 0.42**
Dominant leg 0.25** 0.24’ 0.26+* 0.32** 0.06 0.12 0.25;’
Non-dominant leg 0.28** 0.23* 0.30** 0.33” 0.10 0.09 0.33**

n 222 78 144 120 102 103 119

*p c 0.05 (l-tailed); **p < 0.01 (l-tailed).

strong correlations with Sickness Impact Profile nificant correlations across a variety of health
scores and perceived health status, but a much status and physiologic measures provides strong
weaker relationship with restricted activity days evidence for the convergent validity of the
in the previous week. PASE scores were also PASE scoring algorithm.
positively correlated with grip strength, static PASE scores exhibited seasonal variations
balance, and leg strength in both the dominant (Fig. 4). As one would expect in New England,
and non-dominant legs. Activity levels measured the highest levels of physical activity are
by PASE were not associated with body mass reported during the summer months while the
index or blood pressure readings in this sample. lowest levels occurred during the coldest months
With few exceptions, these correlations were of winter. The correlation between average
consistent by mode of administration, gender, monthly temperatures and monthly PASE
and age group. The pattern of statistically sig- means in this sample was 0.83 (n = 12 months).

PASE Scorellkmperaturc

60 -

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Ott Nov Dee
Interview Month

- PASE score .-f-. lbmpetaturc


Fig. 4. Mean PASE scores and air temperatures by month of interview.


Table 5. Ordinary least squares regression of PASE score on Test-retest reliability

sociodemographic factors and co-morbidity (n = 282)
Reliability was evaluated by determining the
Variable coefficient SE extent to which PASE scores were stable over
- I .93** (0.56)
repeated administrations. Two hundred fifty-four
Age (yr)
Gender (1 = female, 0 = male) - 16.88’ (6.76) subjects completed both baseline and follow-up
Race (I = black/hispanic, questionnaires over a 3-7 week interval. The
0 = white) 30.23 (18.73)
Lives alone -11.26 (6.87)
test-retest reliability coefficient was 0.75 (95%
Education (yr) 0.53 (1.24) CI = 0.69-0.80). Reliability for mail adminis-
Employed 33.74** (7.10) tration (r = 0.84) was higher than that for the
Mode of administration
(1 = mail, 0 = telephone) 17.83*
telephone version of PASE (r = 0.68).
Average temperature (“F) 0.42 (0.22)
(1 = home visit first,
0 = home visit second) 1.28 (6.48)
Vision (1 = poor, 4 = excellent) 6.17 (4.64)
We have developed a physical activity survey
Current smoker - 13.69 (8.52) for use with older people that is brief (5 minutes),
Heart disease -1.53 (7.89) easily scored, and can be administered by tele-
Cancer 21.48’ (8.43)
Hypertension - 16.30* (6.14)
phone, by mail or in person. Such an instrument
Arthritis -5.06 (6.40) suitable for use in studies of physical activity
Chronic respiratory disorder -20.57* (9.19) and health in older populations has not previ-
Fracture -4.00 (9.86)
Stroke -8.30 (14.23)
ously been available. The brevity of the PASE
makes it feasible for use in large scale epidemio-
Explanatory variables were coded: 1 = yes, 0 = no unless
otherwise indicated. logic studies where limited time is available to
*2 tailed p s 0.05; **2 tailed p I 0.01. assess physical activity.
The PASE was designed to assess activities
commonly engaged in by older persons, thus
Sociodemographic and co -morbidity effects avoiding one serious pitfall of age-neutral
Finally, Table 5 shows the multiple regression instruments. The focus of most age neutral
findings for sociodemographic and medical con- physical activity surveys primarily on sport
ditions hypothesized to affect physical activity and recreational activity is not appropriate
for 282 subjects who completed both the base- for older people. Our results underscore the
line PASE and background questionnaires. importance of using a physical activity survey
This model accounted for nearly 38% of the specific to older people. In the current study’s
variation in PASE scores. sample, for example, the amount of time spent
Younger respondents, men, black and in all sport and recreational activity was only
Hispanic subjects, and those who were employed 5.4 minutes per day. However, considerable
all tended to have higher PASE scores than other amounts of time were spent in other types
members of the sample. Persons suffering from of physical activity such as lawn work, caring
hypertension or chronic respiratory diseases had for others, housework and gardening, activities
significantly lower PASE scores, while activity which are underrepresented in age-neutral
levels were higher than average for those questionnaires.
with cancer. Scores also increased with outdoor The scoring procedures were developed using
temperature. physical activity estimates derived from a
Controlling for demographic and health status representative sample of healthy, community-
variables, reported levels of physical activity dwelling older individuals. Weights for indi-
were influenced by mode of administration. The vidual activity areas were derived empirically
mail version of PASE produced significantly to reflect each activity’s contribution to overall
higher activity scores (17.8 points on average) physical activity as measured by three independ-
compared with telephone administration. Mail ent criterion measures. An important advantage
and telephone subjects were similar with respect of this approach to constructing scoring rules
to all but two covariates. Those responding by is that it avoids having to make questionable
mail were more likely to be employed and to assumptions needed to estimate caloric expend-
have suffered fractures than telephone respond- iture of individual activities based on recall of
ents. The order in which subjects completed vari- the frequency, intensity and duration of the
ous components of this investigation, however, activity. Obtaining the detailed information
did not influence physical activity scores. needed to generate accurate caloric expenditure
Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly 161

estimates is beyond the scope of a brief physical version. The high reliability coefficient for mail
activity assessment instrument. administration indicates that random error is
Comparisons with data collected during home not a major problem with the mail version of the
visits provide strong evidence for the convergent instrument.
validity of the PASE. The correlations between Because of these concerns, we recommend
PASE scores and health status, strength and that the telephone version of PASE be the
balance were all in the hypothesized direction method of first choice and suggest that the
and of moderate strength (range r = 0.25 to mail questionnaire be used in a modified form.
r = 0.42). Larger correlations would not be Additional respondent instructions have been
expected given the influence of factors other added to the mail version clarifying the proper
than physical activity on health-related variables. categorization of activities. These clarifications
Only one other study has assessed the validity should reduce reporting error in the mail
of physical activity questionnaire with older version. The revised mail version of PASE,
respondents. However, this analysis was based however, should be field tested to confirm that
on a small, non-representative sample using the recording problem has been corrected.
only 24-hour activity recalls and pedometer Although we did not specifically evaluate the
counts as validation criteria [38]. reliability and validity of a face-to-face version
The PASE test-retest reliability coefficient of PASE, our experiences with telephone
(0.75) exceeds those reported for other physical interview administration suggest this mode of
activity surveys. Sallis et al. [20], for example, administration should provide reliable and valid
reported a 2 week test-retest correlation of 0.67 physical activity assessments.
for the Five-Cities Activity survey in 53 men and This investigation was unique in applying an
women of a mean age of 41. In a random empirical approach to constructing a physical
population sample of 633 men and women, activity instrument and in evaluating it in a
ages 25-65 years, Washburn et al. [39] reported probability sample of community-dwelling older
a 7-12 week test-retest correlation for the adults. Although our analysis reveals that
Harvard Alumni Physical Activity survey of participants as compared with non-participants
0.58. Like the PASE, both the Five-Cities and were slightly younger and more likely to be male,
Harvard Alumni surveys are based on 7 day there were no differences between participants
recalls. In the current study, discordance between and non-participants in employment, perceived
physical activity estimates over the 3-7 week health, concern about health or level of physical
follow-up period can reflect actual changes in activity. This implies that the validation and
physical activity as well as unreliable reporting. reliability results may be generalized to the popu-
In this context, the PASE test-retest correla- lation of community-dwelling older persons.
tions of 0.68 for telephone and 0.84 for mail The substantive finding that physical activity of
administration are comparatively large for a older persons, as measured by PASE, is related
physical activity assessment instrument. to age, gender, employment status, and chronic
The observed effect of mode of administra- respiratory disease factors in this sample were
tion on physical activity estimates is of concern. consistent with the literature [40,41]. It is not
Our results indicated that PASE scores were clear, however, why PASE scores for those
nearly 18 points higher, on average, when the individuals reporting cancer were higher than
PASE was administered by mail compared to average unless many of these cancers were in
telephone. The direction of this effect suggests remission.
that the observed difference was most likely due Future administration of PASE in larger
to respondents’ double reporting activities in the samples of older persons will be needed to
mail version of PASE. For example, field staff develop normative values of physical activity
indicated that subjects reported walking in in older persons. In addition, it is important to
response to the question specifically on walking determine the sensitivity of PASE in detecting
and again under light or moderate recreational change in physical activity to assess its utility as
activity. This did not occur in the telephone an evaluation instrument.
version where the interviewer could probe in
response to questionable information. However,
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