Cacatua Alba

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Threatened Birds of Asia:

The BirdLife International Red Data Book

N. J. COLLAR (Editor-in-chief),

Maps by

Principal compilers and data contributors

■ BANGLADESH P. Thompson ■ BHUTAN R. Pradhan; C. Inskipp, T. Inskipp ■ CAMBODIA
Sun Hean; C. M. Poole ■ CHINA ■ MAINLAND CHINA Zheng Guangmei; Ding Changqing,
Gao Wei, Gao Yuren, Li Fulai, Liu Naifa, Ma Zhijun, the late Tan Yaokuang, Wang Qishan, Xu
Weishu, Yang Lan, Yu Zhiwei, Zhang Zhengwang. ■ HONG KONG Hong Kong Bird Watching
Society (BirdLife Affiliate); H. F. Cheung; F. N. Y. Lock, C. K. W. Ma, Y. T. Yu. ■ TAIWAN Wild
Bird Federation of Taiwan (BirdLife Partner); L. Liu Severinghaus; Chang Chin-lung, Chiang
Ming-liang, Fang Woei-horng, Ho Yi-hsian, Hwang Kwang-yin, Lin Wei-yuan, Lin Wen-horn, Lo
Hung-ren, Sha Chian-chung, Yau Cheng-teh. ■ INDIA Bombay Natural History Society (BirdLife
Partner Designate) and Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History; L. Vijayan and
V. S. Vijayan; S. Balachandran, R. Bhargava, P. C. Bhattacharjee, S. Bhupathy, A. Chaudhury,
P. Gole, S. A. Hussain, R. Kaul, U. Lachungpa, R. Naroji, S. Pandey, A. Pittie, V. Prakash,
A. Rahmani, P. Saikia, R. Sankaran, P. Singh, R. Sugathan, Zafar-ul Islam ■ INDONESIA BirdLife
International Indonesia Country Programme; Ria Saryanthi; D. Agista, S. van Balen, Y. Cahyadin,
R. F. A. Grimmett, F. R. Lambert, M. Poulsen, Rudyanto, I. Setiawan, C. Trainor ■ JAPAN Wild
Bird Society of Japan (BirdLife Partner); Y. Fujimaki; Y. Kanai, H. Morioka, K. Ono, H. Uchida,
M. Ueta, N. Yanagisawa ■ KOREA ■ NORTH KOREA Pak U-il; Chong Jong-ryol, Rim Chu-
yon. ■ SOUTH KOREA Lee Woo-shin; Han Sang-hoon, Kim Jin-han, Lee Ki-sup, Park Jin-
young ■ LAOS K. Khounboline; W. J. Duckworth ■ MALAYSIA Malaysian Nature Society
(BirdLife Partner); K. Kumar; G. Noramly, M. J. Kohler ■ MONGOLIA D. Batdelger; A. Bräunlich,
N. Tseveenmyadag ■ MYANMAR Khin Ma Ma Thwin ■ NEPAL Bird Conservation Nepal
(BirdLife Affiliate); H. S. Baral; C. Inskipp, T. P. Inskipp ■ PAKISTAN Ornithological Society of
Pakistan (BirdLife Affiliate) ■ PHILIPPINES Haribon Foundation for Conservation of Natural
Resources (BirdLife Partner); N. A. D. Mallari, B. R. Tabaranza, Jr. ■ RUSSIA Russian Bird
Conservation Union (BirdLife Partner Designate); A. V. Andreev; A. G. Degtyarev, V. G. Degtyarev,
V. A. Dugintsov, N. N. Gerasimov, Yu. N. Gerasimov, N. I. Germogenov, O. A. Goroshko,
A. V. Kondrat’ev, Yu. V. Labutin, N. M. Litvinenko, Yu. N. Nazarov, V. A. Nechaev, V. I. Perfil’ev,
R. V. Ryabtsev, Yu. V. Shibaev, S. G. Surmach, E. E. Tkachenko, O. P. Val’chuk, B. A. Voronov.
■ SINGAPORE The Nature Society (Singapore) (BirdLife Partner); Lim Kim Seng ■ SRI LANKA
Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka (BirdLife Affiliate); S. Kotagama; S. Aryaprema, S. Corea,
J. P. G. Jones, U. Fernando, R. Perera, M. Siriwardhane, K. Weerakoon ■ THAILAND Bird
Conservation Society of Thailand (BirdLife Partner); U. Treesucon; R. Jugmongkol, V. Kongthong,
P. Poonswad, P. D. Round, S. Supparatvikorn ■ VIETNAM BirdLife International Vietnam Country
Programme; Nguyen Cu; J. C. Eames, A. W. Tordoff, Le Trong Trai, Nguyen Duc Tu.

With contributions from: S. H. M. Butchart, D. S. Butler (maps), P. Davidson, J. C. Lowen,

G. C. L. Dutson, N. B. Peet, T. Vetta (maps), J. M. Villasper (maps), M. G. Wilson
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2001) Threatened birds of Asia: the BirdLife International Red Data
Book. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.

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Cacatua alba
Critical —
Endangered —
Vulnerable A2b,c,d

This parrot has undergone an observed population decline, principally owing to unsustainable
levels of exploitation for the cagebird trade. This is likely to increase in the near future, unless
recently revised trapping quotas are effectively enforced, and it thus qualifies as Vulnerable.

DISTRIBUTION The White Cockatoo has been listed as endemic to the islands of Halmahera,
Bacan, Ternate, Tidore, Kasiruta and Mandiole in the North Moluccas, Indonesia, with
records from Obi and its satellite Bisa considered to reflect introductions (White and Bruce
1986, Lambert 1993a,b, Coates and Bishop 1997). In the absence of a clear record from
Mandiole this locality is discounted here, although the species’s presence there is entirely
plausible (the island is apparently still well forested: F. R. Lambert verbally 1999). On the
other hand, its absence from Morotai appears to be real, and inexplicable (Smiet 1985),
while the lack of records from the south-western and south-eastern arms of Halmahera may
merely reflect a lack of visitors (MKP), although the south-western arm is composed largely
of ultrabasic rock, so that the forest growing there is discouragingly dry and depauperate
(K. D. Bishop in litt. 2000). Records are from:
■ INDONESIA Halmahera Tobelo, undated (five specimens in RMNH); Labilabi, July 1998
(I. Mauro in litt. 1999) and inland from Labilabi, February–March 1995 (Poulsen et al.
1999); Akelamo, 1990 (K. D. Bishop per MKP) and Akelamo Kao (Lambert 1993a,b);
Hilaitetor, December 1994 (Fuller undated); Sungai Ifis, 1994 (Fuller undated); Tolewang
sago swamp, inland from Kao, April 1996 (Poulsen et al. 1999); Lolasita, March 1995 (BirdLife
fide MKP); Peot, just to the south of Gunung Gamkonora, September 1983 (K. D. Bishop in

8 5 7
9 10
13 14 15 11
18 12 19 The distribution of White Cockatoo Cacatua alba:
17 20 16
39 (1) Tobelo; (2) Labilabi; (3) Akelamo; (4) Hilaitetor;
40 22 (5) Sungai Ifis; (6) Tolewang; (7) Lolasita; (8) Peot;
41 21 23
25 24 27 29 (9) Kao; (10) Dodaga; (11) Sungai Sosolat;
28 30
26 31 (12) Gunung Subaim; (13) Jailolo; (14) Todowongi;
(15) Miaf; (16) Jakarta Baru; (17) Matui; (18) Kali
Batu Putih; (19) Buli; (20) Dodinga; (21) Sungai
Oba; (22) Kulo; (23) Sagea; (24) Lelilef; (25) Hijrah;
35 34 (26) Kobe; (27) Waleh; (28) Woda; (29) Dotte;
(30) Weda; (31) Patani; (32) Tilope; (33) Gani;
(34) Gorogoro; (35) Yaba; (36) Wayamega;
(37) Sungai Ra; (38) Sawadai; (39) Danau Tolire
BACAN Besar; (40) Gamalama; (41) Tidore; (42) Kasiruta.
Historical (pre-1950) Fairly recent (1950–1979)
Recent (1980–present) Undated

Threatened birds of Asia

litt. 2000); Kao (or Kau), on the southern peninsula, undated (Salvadori 1880–1882) and on
the Teluk Kao road, 1990s (K. D. Bishop in litt. 2000); Dodaga, April 1996 (MKP); Sungai
Sosolat, east coast of Lalobata peninsula, March 1995 (MKP); Gunung Subaim, July/
September 1994 (Fuller undated); Jailolo, undated (Salvadori 1880–1882), April 1931 (male
in ZMB; see Remarks 1); Todowongi, February 1929 (specimen in IRSNB); inland from
Miaf, April 1995 (Poulsen et al. 1999); Jakarta Baru, April 1995 (MKP); Matui, August and
October 1996 (J. O. Gjershaug and N. Rov in litt. 1999); Kali Batu Putih (“Domato”) near
Sidangoli, 1983–1999 (K. D. Bishop in litt. 2000), July 1987 (Lambert and Yong 1989) and
subsequently (many observers in litt. 1999), including Telepeh, December 1995 (C. Donald
in litt. 1999); inland from Buli, March–April 1995 (Poulsen et al. 1999), September 1996 (J. O.
Gjershaug and N. Rov in litt. 1999); Dodinga, December 1874, January 1875 (Salvadori
1880–1882; female in RMNH); Sungai Oba, August 1994 (Poulsen et al. 1999); inland from
Kulo, July 1994 (Poulsen et al. 1999); Sagea, May 1999 (D. Agista in litt. 1999); Lelilef (Lelilef
Waibulan), April 1999 (D. Agista in litt. 1999); Hijrah, May 1999 (D. Agista in litt. 1999);
Kobe, May 1999 (D. Agista in litt. 1999); Waleh, May 1999 (D. Agista in litt. 1999); inland
from Woda, June–July 1994 (Poulsen et al. 1999); Dotte, May 1999 (D. Agista in litt. 1999);
Weda (as “Wedareise”), February 1894 (von Berlepsch 1903), July 1994 (SvB) and, at Tanjung
Ulie and Gemaf, May 1999 (R. F. A. Grimmett verbally 1999), including “Nucifera”, May
1949 (male in ZMA); Patani, January 1894 (von Berlepsch 1903); Tilope, 5 m, October 1950
(female in ZMA); Gani, undated (Vorderman 1898b);
Bacan many records in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (Guillemard 1885,
Vorderman 1898b, specimens in AMNH, BMNH, RMNH); Gorogoro, October/November
1991 (Lambert 1993a,b); Yaba, October/November 1991 (Lambert 1993a,b); Wayamega,
October/November 1991 (Lambert 1993a,b); Sungai Ra, October/November 1991 (Lambert
1993a,b); Sawadai, October/November 1991 (Lambert 1993a,b);
Ternate unspecified localities, 1861–1862, 1871, March 1872, October 1875, August 1876,
March 1880 (Salvadori 1880–1882, Pleske 1884, specimens in BMNH, MNHN, RMNH and
SMF), 1980 (White and Bruce 1986); Danau Tolire Besar, September 1995 with 25 there in
October 1996 (J. O. Gjershaug and N. Rov in litt. 1999), August 1998 (I. Mauro in litt. 1999),
with 4–6 birds there (and apparently investigating a nest hole), May 1999 (R. F. A. Grimmett
verbally 2000), and six birds during an hour-long visit, July 1999 (C. Bell in litt. 1999); base
of Gamalama volcano, regularly in 1980s, although not clear if the birds involved were a
natural population or escapes (Inskipp et al. 1988);
Tidore unspecified localities, November 1863 (male in RMNH), December 1874 (Salvadori
1880–1882), October 1996 (J. O. Gjershaug and N. Rov in litt. 1999);
Kasiruta unspecified localities, 1991 (Lambert 1993a,b).
The island of Obi—and, with more conviction, its offshore satellite Bisa—have been
cited historically as holding White Cockatoos (Guillemard 1885, Hartert 1903a), but in June
1990 (K. D. Bishop in litt. 2000) and 1992 none was seen, and both trappers and traders were
unanimous that the species did not occur on these islands; however, captive birds are taken
to Obi from Bacan, so records from Obi and Bisa—if not simply mistaken—may have been
of captive or briefly feral birds (Lambert 1994a); there are several specimens in MZB labelled
Bisa (Lambert 1993a,b) and one from Obi, in October/November 1898 (in AMNH) (although
the main port on Obi is opposite Bisa, so birds from Bisa could easily be labelled from Obi:
F. R. Lambert verbally 1999).

POPULATION Total numbers are very difficult to gauge, but trade figures are given
under Threats. In 1979–1981 the species was found locally common throughout its range
in the North Moluccas (Smiet 1985). Lambert (1993a,b) estimated the total world
population in 1991–1992 at 49,765–212,430 birds. It seems possible, however, that these values
represent an underestimate given the high densities subsequently found at some sites in

Cacatua alba

longer periods of fieldwork (MKP). The species occurs singly, in pairs and small groups,
occasionally in flocks of c.15, but in the afternoon gathers in congregations of up to 50 (Coates
and Bishop 1997).
Halmahera In July 1986 in the Sidangoli area flocks of up to 15 birds and daily totals
up to 50 were seen, whereas in July 1987 the largest group recorded was three, and no more
than 10 birds were seen per day, suggesting that a serious decline had occurred, or else that
the majority of the population had temporarily left the area (Lambert and Yong 1989).
This decline has been confirmed by another observer and is probably attributable to
excessive trapping (F. Verbelen in litt. 1993 to MKP) compounded by hunting with guns for
recreation and food (K. D. Bishop in litt. 2000). A decline in numbers appears to have
occurred throughout the island but is most notable in the north (Mangold 1999). There have
been two population estimates made, but these are not comparable (although the densities
from which the figures are derived show a high level of agreement). The first involved
the entire “Halmahera Island Group”, based on survey work in 1991–1992, and resulted
in the range 42,545–183,129 (Lambert 1993a,b). The second involved the 1,060 km2 of
protection forest targeted for conversion to the Lolobata Wildlife Reserve on the north-
east peninsula of Halmahera, where the population in late 1994 was estimated at 9,300
individuals, with a range of 6,200–14,100 (Fuller undated). These figures seem low but a key
problem with estimating populations of this species is that it appears to be absent from large
areas (MKP).
Bacan In July–August 1985 abundance was judged to be low: the species was recorded 48
times (total of 76 birds, rarely in groups larger than two, maximum seven), usually going to
roost at dusk, and interviews suggested that numbers had by then been significantly reduced
by trapping (Milton and Marhadi 1987). However, despite intensive trapping pressure, the
species was still relatively common on the island in 1991, with a population (including the
satellite islands of Kasiruta and, at least hypothetically, Mandiole) estimated at 7,220–29,300
individuals; it was, however, scarce above 300 m (Lambert 1993a,b). Curiously, it was found
as high as 1,400 m—and the population density considered highest of any island—during a
visit some time in the late 1990s (Mangold 1999).
Tidore The modern situation is unknown; however, as the island is heavily settled, the
likelihood is that the species has been entirely trapped out (F. R. Lambert verbally 1999).
Ternate There have been very few recent records, all involving small numbers
(Lambert 1993a,b), but in July 1999 six birds seen in an hour at Lake Toli Besar suggested
the species might still be common on the island (C. Bell in litt. 1999). However, it is
perhaps more appropriate to assume that this is a very small but highly visible population
which is under extreme human pressures from habitat loss and trapping (R. F. A. Grimmett
in litt. 2000).
Kasiruta The species was relatively common at 300–500 m in 1991 (Lambert 1993a,b).

ECOLOGY Habitat Records are from both primary and logged forest, where birds chiefly
occupy the canopy and emergent strata (Lambert 1993a,b). Although in an earlier study the
species was judged commonest (though perhaps just easiest to see) in secondary forest, around
clearings and along rivers (Smiet 1985), BirdLife surveys on Halmahera in the 1990s
encountered it most frequently in primary forest, but (if results from one very rich primary
area, Miaf, were excluded) with no significant difference between frequencies in primary and
selectively logged forest (Poulsen et al. 1999, Poulsen and Lambert 2000, MKP; see Remarks
2). Moreover, on Ternate sightings in the 1980s were restricted to patches of primary forest,
and on Bacan and Halmahera sightings were most often from primary forest (F. G. Rozendaal
in litt. 1987 to T. P. Inskipp). On Halmahera birds have been recorded in secondary forest,
plantations, coconut stands and near mangroves (ZMA label data, MKP), but these are
evidently less important to the species than primary forest, and it is not regarded as a bird of

Threatened birds of Asia

mangroves (Poulsen and Lambert 2000). In one study, forest on limestone held the highest
densities of birds (Fuller undated), but in more intensive work forest on volcanic rock was
found to yield the highest densities (MKP). The upper altitude limit on Halmahera has been
tabulated at 900 m (Poulsen et al. 1999), but birds seem mainly to stay below 550 m, while on
Kasiruta the limit is 600 m (birds mainly below 500 m) and on Bacan 550 m (mainly below
300 m) (Coates and Bishop 1997). Birds roost in groups in single large trees (Smiet 1985);
Fuller (undated) referred to communal roosts “in hollow trees” suggesting overnight
concealment in holes.
Food Fruits of trees appear to be the main food, but bark-peeling behaviour on Bacan,
and frequent investigations of clumps of epiphytic vegetation, suggest that some larger
invertebrates are also eaten (Lambert 1993a,b). Indeed, one recent observer witnessed larger
crickets being eaten and, once, a skink Cryptoblepharus, along with fruits of Canarium, durian,
papaya, langsat and rambutan, plus maize growing in fields, where the birds can sometimes
do considerable damage (Mangold 1999). The stomachs of two birds contained maize
(Vorderman 1898b), and birds were seen foraging on the ground amidst old maize plants
(SvB) and feeding on durian in gardens (F. G. Rozendaal in litt. 1987 to T. P. Inskipp).
Breeding The species nests in holes in trees, and from available evidence it appears that
only holes in the largest forest trees are suitable (e.g. Pleske 1884); nest holes are commonly
situated where large branches have broken off the main trunk, and commercially valuable
trees such as Anisoptera have been found to be used, with a record of a nest with a young
bird in a Canarium tree in August (Lambert 1993a,b). Nest-holes are generally 5–30 m up
(Mangold 1999). Several breeding pairs were seen in high rainforest trees in April 1981 (Smiet
1985), and early-year breeding (young in March on Bacan, nests reported in May on
Halmahera) has been established (Lambert 1993a,b, MKP). The breeding season appears to
extend from January to October, but according to local people only one young is ever reared
(Mangold 1999). Wild-caught birds do not breed in captivity until they are six years old, and
in captivity the clutch size is 2(–3), incubation takes 25–28 days, and birds may live at least
40 years (Lambert 1993a,b).
Migration Some nomadism may occur (see Population).

THREATS The White Cockatoo is one of (now) eight threatened members of the suite of 26
bird species that are entirely restricted to the “Northern Maluku Endemic Bird Area”, threats
and conservation measures in which are profiled by Sujatnika et al. (1995) and Stattersfield
et al. (1998). The threats to this species are from habitat loss combined with human exploitation
Habitat loss Much forest in the North Moluccas is still intact; at the start of the 1990s it
was reported that 88.5% of the total area of Morotai, Halmahera and Bacan remained forested
(Lambert 1993a,b). However, these habitats are under considerable and increasing pressure
(for Halmahera see equivalent section under Sombre Kingfisher Halcyon funebris). The one
protected area in North Maluku, on Bacan, is at risk (see Measures taken).
Trade Vorderman (1898b) reported that the species damages corn crops, making it locally
unpopular. It is shot for food and trapped for cagebird markets, using decoys (Lambert and
Yong 1989). The relative resilience of this and other Moluccan species under trade pressure
has been attributed to combinations of factors which include (a) considerable reproductive
capacity, (b) adaptability to habitat alteration (which tends to produce superabundant fruiting
and flowering plants), (c) persistence of patches of original habitat on most islands, and (d)
lack of predators and competitive species (Smiet 1985). A total of 6,395 birds was recorded
as traded out of the Moluccas in 1983, accounting for 15% of the islands’ psittacine exports
(Smiet 1985). However, later review of official CITES reports provided a considerably worse
set of statistics, with imports to various countries per year, 1981–1985, totalled as follows:
4,876 in 1981, 3,666 in 1982, 13,206 in 1983, 12,193 in 1984, and 7,374 in 1985 (Inskipp et al.

Cacatua alba

Table 1. Numbers of White Cockatoos officially reported to CITES as exported from Indonesia,
Singapore and all other countries combined (CITES annual report data, CITES Secretariat/UNEP-
WCMC per J. Caldwell in litt. 2000). The low figures for 1999 might reflect incomplete returns by
management authorities, but must also reflect (despite the figure of 22) the zero quota imposed by Indonesia
for that year (but see text on trade volume in Ternate, 1999).

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Indonesia 7,252 6,851 5,571 2,823 100 2 928 1,173 588 22
Singapore 208 0 0 706 783 129 0 198 522 39
All others 43 4 196 23 105 61 28 49 28 66
Total 7,503 6,855 5,767 3,552 988 192 956 1,420 1,138 127

1988; see Remarks 3). The basis for the quotas set in the 1980s was not known, but there
appeared to have been no surveys to relate harvest levels to total numbers (Inskipp et al.
In 1990 the total number taken from the wild was officially recorded as 6,600 (6,479 for
export, 121 as pets), but such records are considered to represent one quarter to one half of the
actual trade at any given period, and anecdotal evidence suggested that some 7–10% of birds
die prior to export (Lambert 1993a,b); and subsequently, as Table 1 shows, the official figure
rose. The catch quota for Bacan in 1991 was only 200 birds, yet during the period from October
1991 to February 1992 960 birds were seen in holding cages on the island and between 2,355
and 3,700 birds were estimated to have been exported (Lambert 1993a,b). Consequently it was
judged that at that time trappers might be removing in the order of 17% of the world population
annually, a clearly unsustainable situation (Lambert 1993a,b). At Kali Bati Putih the species
was “apparently being extirpated from the locality” in 1991 (Hornskov 1992), although it
persisted into 1999 (F. R. Lambert in litt. 1999). However, in 1994 it was common in plantations
around villages on Halmahera’s north-east peninsula, with only low numbers held locally as
pets, suggesting low trapping pressure; apparently birds are more valuable when they can
“talk”, so are commonly kept 1–2 years in villages as pets (Fuller undated). Overall the species
was still being traded in fairly large numbers in 1998–1999, and probably continues to experience
exploitation at a rate of several thousand individuals annually (F. R. Lambert in litt. 1999);
indeed, monitoring of trade volume in shops and markets in Ternate in the second half of 1999
indicated that White Cockatoos “were being traded through Ternate in numbers far in excess
of government quotas” (M. F. Kinnaird in litt. 2000). Table 1 shows volume and trends in the
official records of trade in the last decade of the twentieth century, revealing a distinct drop in
numbers in mid-decade; by far the largest consumers of these birds were the USA (10,143, all
but four in 1990 and 1991), Singapore (2,724), South Africa (2,246), Japan (1,883) and
Taiwan (1,470) (CITES annual report data, CITES Secretariat/UNEP-WCMC per J. Caldwell
in litt. 2000).
The fact that birds were fairly commonly observed in captivity on Sulawesi, Flores and
other Indonesian islands during travels in 1992 was evidence of significant internal trade in
this species (N. Bostock in litt. 1999), all of which would involve birds other than the numbers
reported through CITES.
The species was omitted from protection under Indonesian government law in 1999 (M.
Indrawan in litt. 1999), and there appeared to be no enforcement of the zero quota announced
in that year for the species, with birds being widely available in local markets during 1999 (F.
R. Lambert in litt. 1999).

MEASURES TAKEN The species was placed on CITES Appendix II in 1981 (Inskipp et al.
1988) and the IUCN survey of its status (Lambert 1983a,b) was a major contribution to an
understanding of its conservation needs; indeed, the response of the authorities was reportedly
to adopt the quota levels recommended by this survey (Collar et al. 1994). It was, in 1988,

Threatened birds of Asia

unprotected by Indonesian law, but legislation had then recently come into force to require
government permits for catching, owning, breeding or transporting all unprotected wildlife
species (Inskipp et al. 1988).
The Indonesian government has issued quotas for this and other species of traded wildlife,
apparently since becoming a party to CITES (Inskipp et al. 1988). In the past considerable
confusion existed over whether the quotas were for capture or for export, and whether birds
purchased as souvenirs (“oleh-oleh”) were covered by them, but in 1998 a ministerial decree
clarified that (a) the quota is for capture and (b) each annual decree accompanying the quota
will state whether souvenirs are to be included in quotas (F. R. Lambert in litt. 1999, R. F. A.
Grimmett in litt. 2000). In 1999 no quota for the White Cockatoo was issued, meaning that
any trapping during the year was illegal and that no oleh-oleh permits could be issued (F. R.
Lambert in litt. 1999). The zero quota remained in place over 2000, and was proposed again
for 2001 (R. F. A. Grimmett in litt. 2000).
Bacan Milton and Marhadi (1987) referred to “the recent establishment of the Gunung
Sibela reserve with its almost undisturbed tracts of forest” on Bacan. Indeed, as at late 1999
the Gunung Sibela Strict Nature Reserve remained the only established protected area in
North Maluku, occupying c.230 km2 of which around half is montane forest, half lowland
forest (Poulsen et al. 1999). The reserve is under serious threat from agricultural encroachment
(penetrating several kilometres inland into areas supposed to be gazetted) and gold
prospecting, and it is feared that wide-ranging lowland species in particular may be unable
to survive there long-term (Poulsen et al. 1999). An application has been lodged with PKA
to mine gold (using mercury) in the extreme western peninsula of the reserve, covering c.6%
of its area (F. R. Lambert in litt. 1999).

MEASURES PROPOSED The history of terrestrial conservation proposals for Halmahera

is approximately as follows, with the last point being the key relevant item here (as taken
from Poulsen et al. 1999). (1) In 1981 the National Conservation Plan proposed the
establishment of four protected areas on the island, at Aketajawi (Ake Tajawe), Lalobata,
Saketa and Gunung Gamkonora (Gamkanara). (2) The Biodiversity Action Plan for
Indonesia (1993), calling for an integrated protected area system for all major habitats, highlit
Lalobata, with boundaries encompassing 1,890 km2. (3) Allowing for logging interests and
land-use changes, a single inland area of 1,200 km2 embracing Ake Tajawe and Lalobata
was proposed as a national park (Jepson 1996). (4) In 1997 the Protected Areas System
Review for the Indo-Malayan Realm listed Lalobata and Ake Tajawe as priority areas for
urgent gazettement. (5) A national park comprising the areas of Lalobata (c.1,400 km2) and
Ake Tajawe (730 km2) should now be established, with the intervening and surrounding
areas of protection, production and limited production forest being given official protection
as a buffer zone (and including the Dodaga mangrove area as a satellite to the park; see
Remarks 2). With some proposed amendments, this last proposal now has the formal approval
from the local government of Central Halmahera, and awaits formal declaration by the
Ministry of Forestry (R. F. A. Grimmett in litt. 2000).
Studies on Halmahera suggested that this species may be absent or highly reduced in
forest on ultrabasic rock (although such forest is botanically and probably therefore
entomologically important: Jepson 1996); it is therefore essential that future protected areas
embrace lowland habitat which is clearly favoured by the species (MKP).
To achieve greater confidence in setting quotas on trapping this species, high-quality
data are needed on population size and age structure, population dynamics, ranging behaviour
and the effects of factors like logging and fires; this needs scientific investment of many years
(Lambert 1993a,b). There was, however, such concern about the low abundance of the White
Cockatoo on Bacan in the mid-1980s that a temporary ban on all trade in the species appeared
to be most appropriate (Milton and Marhadi 1987). Indeed, the current zero quota reflects

Cacatua alba

this concern, and it is the formal BirdLife position that a zero quota should remain at least
until a reliable system of trade management is in place (R. F. A. Grimmett in litt. 2000). If
trade is reinstated, reduced interim quotas (1,160 was proposed) would need to be strictly
enforced, coupled with (a) a long-term campaign to promote the taking of eggs and young
rather than adults, and (b) an experiment to introduce trapping concessions, allowing bidders
to obtain monopolies on parrot harvesting in certain areas and thus increasing the incentives
for the trade to regulate itself more stringently (Lambert 1993a,b).

REMARKS (1) Records from “Gilolo” or “Djailolo”, perhaps refer to the island of
Halmahera, not the town of that name (MKP). (2) Despite its evident productivity for
cockatoos, Miaf is not covered by existing protected area proposals; this is presumably because
it is already under concession, and any attempt to have the concession revoked might
compromise the endeavour to fulfil the current protected area proposals (F. R. Lambert
verbally 1999). (3) These figures overlap and part-supersede ones provided in Collar and
Andrew (1988) for 1984–1986 (7,886, 7,164 and 7,884 respectively).


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