Melody Dollimie Crochet EL
Melody Dollimie Crochet EL
Melody Dollimie Crochet EL
Abbr Symbols Meaning
Mr Margic ring
Rnd round
Turn turn over workplece
Sc X Single crochet
Inc V Increase
Dec A Decrease
Slst • Slip stitch
ch chain
Hdc Half double
Dc Double crochet
tr Treble Stitch
Blo Back loop only
FLo Front loop only
Part 1
White yarn
1. Mr 6sc (6)
2. 6 inc (12)
3. (sc, inc)*6 ( 18)
4. (sc, inc, sc)*6 (24)
5. (3sc, inc)*6 (30)
6. (2sc, inc, 2sc)* 6 (36)
7. (5sc, inc)*6 (42)
8. (3sc, inc, 3sc)*6 (48)
9. (7sc, inc)*6 (54)
10.(4sc, inc, 4sc)*6 (60)
11.(9sc, inc)*6 (66)
12.(5sc, inc, 5sc)*6 (72)
13.(11sc, inc)*6 (78)
14.(6sc, inc, 6sc)*6 (84)
15-21(7rnd).84sc (84)
22.29sc,3inc,20sc,3inc,29sc (90)
23-25(3rnd).90sc (90)
26.(13sc, dec)*6 (84)
27(10sc, dec)*7 (77)
28.(5sc, dec)*11 (66)
29.(9sc, dec)*6 (60)
30.(4sc, dec, 4sc)*6 (54)
31.(7sc, dec)*6 (48)
32.(3sc, dec, 3sc)*6 (42)
33.(5sc, dec)*6 (36)
34.(2sc, dec, 2sc)*6 (30)
Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.
Insert safety eyes between Rnd22 and 23, about
Part 2
Pink yarn
1. Mr 6sc (6)
2. 6 inc (12)
3. (sc, inc)*6 ( 18)
4. (sc, inc, sc)*6 (24)
5. (3sc, inc)*6 (30)
6. (2sc, inc, 2sc)* 6 (36)
7. (5sc, inc)*6 (42)
8. (3sc, inc, 3sc)*6 (48)
9. (7sc, inc)*6 (54)
10.(4sc, inc, 4sc)*6 (60)
11.(9sc, inc)*6 (66)
12.(5sc, inc, 5sc)*6 (72)
13.(11sc, inc)*6 (78)
14.(6sc, inc, 6sc)*6 (84)
15-20(6rnd). 84sc (84)
21.(13sc, inc)*6 (90)
22-26(5rnd).90sc (90)
27.(13sc, dec)*6 (84)
28.84sc (84)
Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.
EARS (Make 2)
Pink yarn
1. Mr 6sc (6)
2. 6inc (12)
3.(sc, inc)*6 (18)
4.(sc, inc, sc)*6 (24)
5.(3sc, inc)*6 (30)
6-21(16rnd). 30sc (30)
22.(3sc, dec)*6 (24)
23.24sc (24)
24.(sc, dec, sc)*6 (18)
Stuffing the ears. One ear is sewn folded.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.
Yellow yarn
1.Mr 4sc (4)
2.4inc (8)
White yarn
3.(slst,3ch,5tr in the same stitch, 3ch,
slst)*repeat 4 times.
LEGS ( Make 2)
White yarn
1. Mr 8sc (8)
2. 8 inc (16)
3.(3sc, inc)*4 (20)
4. 20 sc (20)
5.(3sc, dec)*4 (16)
6.(6sc, dec)*2 (14)
7-8.14sc (14)
9.(sc, inc)*7 (21)
From second leg make a chain of 6 ch
10. 21sc on next 21 stitches of first leg (start
from the slst of first leg),6sc on the chain, 21
sc on the 21 stitches of second leg, 6 sc on the
orther side of the chain.(54)
11.(4sc, inc, 4sc )*6 (60)
12.(9sc, inc)*6 (66)
13.(5sc, inc, 5sc)*6 (72)
14-23(10rnd). 72sc (72)
24.(7sc, dec)* 8 (64)
25-26.64sc (64)
27.(3sc, dec, 3sc)* 8 (56)
28-29. 56sc (56)
30.(5sc, dec)*8 (48)
31. 48sc (48)
32.(3sc, dec, 3sc)*6 (42)
33.(5sc, dec)*6 (36)
34.(2sc, dec, 2sc)*6 (30)
Fasten off, stuff the Body.
Pink yarn
2.Start from the 2nd ch from hook, continue with
48sc on the chain.Ch turn (48)
3.(7sc, inc)*6.Ch turn (54)
4.dec, 50sc, dec. Ch turn (52)
5-8(4rnd) 52sc. Ch turn (52)
9. 52 sc (52)
10.(see picture)Crochet round the whole
circumfercence 8sc,slst 6ch,slst,48sc,8sc.
Fasten off
ARMS(Make 2 )
White yarn
1. Mr 8sc (8)
2. 8 inc (16)
3. (sc, inc)*8 (24)
4-17(14rnd). 24sc (24)
18.( 4sc, dec)* 4 (20)
Stuff, Leaving a long tail for sewing
White yarn
1. Mr6sc (6)
2. 6inc (12)
3. (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4. (sc, inc, sc)*6 (24)
5-8(4rnd).24sc (24)
9. (sc, dec, sc)*6 (18)
10.(sc, dec)*6 (12)
11. 6dec (6)
Some stuffing the tail.
Fasten off, leaving a long
tail for sewing.
With love