Maths STD 10th Chapterwise Question Bank Nodia 2024
Maths STD 10th Chapterwise Question Bank Nodia 2024
Maths STD 10th Chapterwise Question Bank Nodia 2024
Including Competency Based Questions
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CHAP 1. Real Numbers 5-26
From Class 1th to Class 12th
Real Numbers
HCF(a , b ) = HCF ^x3 y3, xy3h 16. If p1 and p2 are two odd prime numbers such that
2 p1 > p2 , then p 12 - p 22 is
= x # y # y = xy
(a) an even number (b) an odd number
HCF is the product of the smallest power of each
common prime factor involved in the numbers. (c) an odd prime number (d) a prime number
Thus (b) is correct option. Sol :
14. If two positive integers p and q can be expressed as p 12 - p 22 is an even number.
p = ab2 and q = a3 b ; where a , b being prime numbers, Let us take p1 = 5
then LCM ^p, q h is equal to
and p2 = 3
(a) ab (b) a2 b2
Then, p 12 - p 22 = 25 - 9 = 16
(c) a3 b2 (d) a3 b3
16 is an even number.
Sol : [Board 2010]
Thus (a) is correct option.
We have p = ab2 = a # b # b
17. The number 313 - 310 is divisible by
and q = a3 b = a # a # a # b
(a) 2 and 3 (b) 3 and 10
LCM(p , q ) = LCM ^ab2, a3 b h (c) 2, 3 and 10 (d) 2, 3 and 13
= a#b#b#a#a
Sol :
= a3 b2
313 - 310 = 310 (33 - 1) = 310 (26)
LCM is the product of the greatest power of each
= 2 # 13 # 310
prime factor involved in the numbers.
Thus (c) is correct option. Hence, 313 - 310 is divisible by 2, 3 and 13.
Thus (d) is correct option.
15. The least number that is divisible by all the numbers
from 1 to 10 (both inclusive) 18. 1. The L.C.M. of x and 18 is 36.
(a) 10 (b) 100 2. The H.C.F. of x and 18 is 2.
(c) 504 (d) 2520 What is the number x ?
(a) 1 (b) 2
Sol : [Board Term-1 2016, 2015]
(c) 3 (d) 4
Factor of 1 to 10 numbers
1 =1 Sol : [Board Term-1 2013]
LCM(1 to 10) = LCM ^1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10h 20. The least number which is a perfect square and is
= 1#2#2#3#3#5#7 divisible by each of 16, 20 and 24 is
(a) 240 (b) 1600
= 2520
(c) 2400 (d) 3600
Thus (d) is correct option.
Page 8 Real Numbers Chap 1
Sol : 15 = 3 # 5
The LCM of 16, 20 and 24 is 240. The least multiple
HCF(12, 21, 15) = 3
of 240 that is a perfect square is 3600 and also we can
easily eliminate choices (a) and (c) since they are not LCM (12, 21, 15) = 2 # 2 # 3 # 5 # 7 = 420
perfect square number. 1600 is not multiple of 240.
Thus (d) is correct option. PRACTICE
Express 420 in prime factorization.
22. What is the sum of exponents of prime factors in the [Board 2009]
28. Find the HCF and LCM of 90 and 144 by the method Sol : [Board Term -1 2012]
29. If two positive integers a and b are written as a = x3 y2 32. a and b are two positive integers such that the least
and b = xy3 , where x , y are prime numbers, then find prime factor of a is 3 and the least prime factor of b
HCF ^a, b h . is 5. Then calculate the least prime factor of (a + b).
36. Find the smallest natural number by which 1200 Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
43. Show that 6n cannot end with digit 0 for any natural
number n .
Sol : [Board 2023 OD Standard]
44. Find the HCF and LCM of 72 and 120. greater than 1 that is not prime is called a composite
number. For example, 5 is prime because the only
Sol : [Board 2023 OD Standard]
ways of writing it as a product, 1 # 5 or 5 # 1,
By Prime Factorisation, we get
involve 5 itself. However, 6 is composite because it
72 = 23 # 32 is the product of two numbers (2 # 3) that are both
120 = 23 # 31 # 51 smaller than 6. Every composite number can be
written as the product of two or more (not necessarily
HCF (72, 120) = 23 # 31 distinct) primes.
= 8 # 3 = 24 3 # 12 # 101 + 4 = 4 (3 # 3 # 101 + 1)
3 2
LCM (72, 120) = 2 # 3 # 5 = 4 (909 + 1)
= 8 # 9 # 5 = 360 = 4 (910)
Thus, HCF and LCM of 72 and 120 are 24 and 360 = 2 # 2 # (10 # 7 # 13)
= 2 # 2 # 2 # 5 # 7 # 13
45. Find the HCF and LCM of 26, 65 and 117, using
= a composite number
prime factorisation.
Sol : [Board 2023 OD Standard] 48. Given that HCF (306, 1314) = 18. Find LCM
Using prime factorization, (306, 1314)
26 = 2 # 13 Sol : [Board Term-1 2013]
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012] 49. Complete the following factor tree and find the
(7 # 13 # 11) + 11 = 11 # (7 # 13 + 1) composite number x .
= 11 # (91 + 1)
= 11 # 92
(7 # 6 # 5 # 4 # 3 # 2 # 1) + 3
= 3 (7 # 6 # 5 # 4 # 2 # 1 + 1)
= 3 # (1681) = 3 # 41 # 41
Since given numbers have more than two prime
factors, both number are composite.
We complete the given factor tree writing variable y Ans : M = 32760, N = 16380, O = 3,
and z as following. P = 7 and Q = 13
We have z = 161 = 23
[Board Term-1 2015]
y = 7 # 161 = 1127 Ans : x = 585 and y = 65
Composite number, x = 2 # 3381 = 6762
PRACTICE Complete the following factor tree and find the
Complete the factor-tree and find the composite composite number x
number M .
Check whether (15) n can end with digit 0 for any 54. If two positive integers p and q are written as p = a2 b3
n ! N. and q = a3 b, where a and b are prime numbers than
[Board Term-1 2012] verify LCM (p, q) # HCF (q, q) = pq
Ans : No Sol : [Sample Paper 2017]
2 3
Show that 7 cannot end with the digit zero, for We have p = a b = a#a#b#b#b
any natural number n . and q = a3 b = a # a # a # b
[Board Term-1 2012]
Ans : Proof Now LCM (p, q) = a # a # a # b # b # b
= a3 b3
Show that numbers 8n can never end with digit 0
of any natural number n . and HCF (p, q) = a # a # b
[Board Term-1 2015] = a2 b
Ans : Proof
Page 14 Real Numbers Chap 1
Take b = 6 , then 0 # r < 6 because 0 # r < b, The number of rooms will be minimum if every room
has maximum number of participants.
Thus a = 6q, 6q + 1, 6q + 2, 6q + 3, 6q + 4, 6q + 5
Number of teachers in each room must be HCF of 48,
Here 6q, , 6q + 2 and 6q + 4 are divisible by 2 and so 80 and 144.
6q, 6q + 2 and 6q + 4 are even positive integers.
48 = 2 4 # 3
Hence a is always an even integer if
80 = 2 4 # 5
a = 6q, 6q + 2, 6q + 4
144 = 2 4 # 32
PRACTICE HCF (48, 80, 144) = 2 4 = 16
Show that any positive odd integer is of the form In each room, 16 teachers can be seated.
4q + 1 or 4q + 3, where q is some integer. Minimum number of rooms required
[Board 2019, 2017]
Ans : Proof = 48 + 80 + 144
= 17
THREE MARKS QUESTIONS Thus minimum number of rooms are 17.
57. Prove that 2 is an irrational number. 59. Given that 5 is irrational, prove that 2 5 - 3 is an
Sol : [Board 2023 OD Standard]
irrational number.
Assume that 2 is a rational number. Therefore, we Sol : [Board 2020 SQP Standard]
can write it in the form of q where p and q are co- Assume that 2 5 - 3 is a rational number. Therefore,
prime integers and q ! 0 . we can write it in the form of qp where p and q are
Assume that 2 be a rational number then we have co-prime integers and q ! 0 .
p p
2 = , Now 2 5 -3 =
q q
Chap 1 Real Numbers Page 15
where q ! 0 and p and q are co-prime integers. 61. Write the smallest number which is divisible by both
Rewriting the above expression as, 306 and 657.
p Sol :
2 5 = +3 [Board 2019 OD]
The smallest number that is divisible by two numbers
p + 3q
5 = is obtained by finding the LCM of these numbers
p + 3q Here, the given numbers are 306 and 657.
Here 2q is rational because p and q are co-prime
integers, thus 5 should be a rational number. But 5 306 = 6 # 51 = 3 # 2 # 3 # 17
is irrational. This contradicts the given fact that 5 657 = 9 # 73 = 3 # 3 # 73
is irrational. Hence 2 5 - 3 is an irrational number.
LCM(306, 657) = 2 # 3 # 3 # 17 # 73
= 22338
Given that 3 is irrational, prove that 2 3 - 5 Hence, the smallest number which is divisible by 306
is an irrational number. and 657 is 22338.
[Board 2008, 2015]
Ans : Proof 62. 144 cartons of Coke cans and 90 cartons of Pepsi cans
are to be stacked in a canteen. If each stack is of
60. Given that 2 is irrational, prove that (5 + 3 2 ) is the same height and if it equal contain cartons of the
an irrational number. same drink, what would be the greatest number of
cartons each stack would have?
Sol : [Board 2018]
Therefore, we can write it in the form of qp where p The required answer will be HCF of 144 and 90.
and q are co-prime integers and q ! 0 . 144 = 2 4 # 32
Now 5+3 2 = 90 = 2 # 32 # 5
where q ! 0 and p and q are integers. HCF(144, 90) = 2 # 32 = 18
Rewriting the above expression as, Thus each stack would have 18 cartons.
3 2 = -5 Three bells toll at intervals of 9, 12, 15 minutes
q 63.
Thus 3 is a factor of b2 and in result 3 is also a factor 69. Find HCF and LCM of 378, 180 and 420 by prime
of b . factorization method. Is HCF × LCM of these numbers
Thus 3 is a common factor of a and b . But this equal to the product of the given three numbers?
contradicts the fact that a and b are co-primes. Thus, Sol : [Board 2009]
our assumption that 3 is rational number is wrong. Finding prime factor of given number we have,
Hence 3 is irrational. 378 = 2 # 33 # 7
Prove that 5 is an irrational number. 180 = 22 # 32 # 5
[Board 2020 OD Standard]
Ans : Proof 420 = 22 # 3 # 7 # 5
HCF(378, 180, 420) = 2 # 3 = 6
Prove that 2 is an irrational number.
[Board Term-1 2011]
LCM(378, 180, 420) = 22 # 33 # 5 # 7
Ans : Proof = 22 # 33 # 5 # 7 = 3780
68. Prove that 5 is an irrational number and hence HCF×LCM = 6 # 3780 = 22680
show that 2 - 5 is also an irrational number. Product of given numbers
Sol : [Board Term-1 2011] = 378 # 180 # 420
Assume that 5 be a rational number then we have
= 28576800
5 =a, (a ,b are co-primes and b ! 0 )
b Hence, HCF × LCM ! Product of three numbers.
a =b 5
70. State Fundamental theorem of Arithmetic. Find LCM
Squaring both the sides, we have of numbers 2520 and 10530 by prime factorization.
a2 = 5b2 Sol : [Board Term-1 2016]
Thus 5 is a factor of a2 and in result 5 is also a factor The fundamental theorem of arithmetic (FTA), also
called the unique factorization theorem or the unique-
of a . prime-factorization theorem, states that every integer
Let a = 5c where c is some integer, then we have greater than 1 either is prime itself or is the product
of a unique combination of prime numbers.
a2 = 25c2
Substituting a2 = 5b2 we have
Every composite number can be expressed as the
5b2 = 25c2
product powers of primes and this factorization is
b2 = 5c2 unique.
Thus 5 is a factor of b2 and in result 5 is also a factor Finding prime factor of given number we have,
of b .
2520 = 20 # 126 = 20 # 6 # 21
Thus 5 is a common factor of a and b . But this
contradicts the fact that a and b are co-primes. Thus, = 23 # 32 # 5 # 7
our assumption that 5 is rational number is wrong. 10530 = 30 # 351 = 30 # 9 # 39
Hence 5 is irrational.
= 30 # 9 # 3 # 13
Let us assume that 2 - 5 be rational equal to a ,
then we have = 2 # 3 4 # 5 # 13
2- 5 =a LCM(2520, 10530) = 23 # 3 4 # 5 # 7 # 13
2-a = 5 = 294840
Since we have assume 2 - a is rational, but 5 is
71. Can the number 6n , n being a natural number, end
not rational. Rational number cannot be equal to an
with the digit 5 ? Give reasons.
irrational number. Thus 2 - 5 is irrational.
Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
Prove that 3 is an irrational number. Hence, n
show that 7 - 2 3 is also an irrational number. If the number 6 for any n, were to end with the digit
five, then it would be divisible by 5.
[Board Term-1 2012]
Ans : Proof That is, the prime factorization of 6n would contain
Page 18 Real Numbers Chap 1
The company places supporting thermocol sheets (ii) How many times we have to use container for
inside every package along the edges. The company both tanker to fill ?
thought of procuring same sized sheets for all types
of cartons.
(i) What should be the maximum size of the sheet
that fits into all type of cartons?
(ii) How many such sheet sizes are possible?
(iii) The company later introduced a new size of carton
called semi large whose measurements are 14 # Sol :
15. Whether the existing maximum size sheet fits The maximum capacity of the required container has
this shape? to measure both the tankers in a way that the count
(iv) What should have been the size of the semi large is an exact number of times. So its capacity is exactly
carton (which is larger than medium carton but divisible by both the tankers. So we have to find the
smaller than large carton) so that the maximum HCF of 825 and 675.
sized sheet remains same? First we find prime factorization of 825 and 675.
675 = 3 # 3 # 3 # 5 # 5
825 = 3 # 5 # 5 # 11
HCF(675, 825) = 3 # 5 # 5
= 75
(i) Thus the maximum capacity of the required
container is 75 litres.
75 = 11
(ii) Therefore, the first tanker will require 825
times to fill it and 2nd tanker will require 67575 = 9
76. Two oil tankers contain 825 litres and 675 litres of
kerosene oil respectively.
(i) Find the maximum capacity of a container which
can measure the kerosene oil of both the tankers
when used an exact number of times.
Page 20 Real Numbers Chap 1
Sol :
In order to know how many packages Tina can make,
we need a number that is a factor of 39 and 13, so that
the 39 pairs of headphones and the 13 music players
can be divided up evenly. To find the greatest number
of identical packages, we have to find the HCF of 39
and 13
First we have to find prime factorization of 13 and 39.
Sol :
13 = 13 In order to know the shortest length of floor space
39 = 3 # 13 that can be covered evenly by each row, we have to
find LCM of 10, 12, and 15. First we have to find
HCF (13, 39) = 13
prime factorization of 10, 12, and 15.
Tina can make 13 identical package.
10 = 2 # 5
79. Taniya have 54 football cards, 72 volleyball cards, and 12 = 2 # 2 # 3
63 basketball cards and she want to put them in a
15 = 3 # 5
binder. Each page of the binder should have cards
from a single sport, and there should be the same LCM(10, 12, 15) = 2 # 2 # 3 # 5 = 60
number of cards on each page. The shortest length of floor space is 60 inch.
Chap 1 Real Numbers Page 21
(iv) What is the first stair where any two out of three
will meet together?
(v) What is the second stair where any two out of
three will meet together?
Sol :
(i) Amar will reach up to 93th stairs then he will go
for 5 stairs up and 2 stairs down hence covering 96
stairs. Since 100th stair is final, so he will not cover
more stairs. Akbar will reach up to 95th stair, since
100th stair is final, so he will not cover more stairs.
Anthony will reach up to 91th stairs, since 100th stair
is final, so she will not cover more stairs. Thus amar
reaches the nearest point.
(ii) We find the LCM of 3, 5, and 7.
LCM (3, 5, 7) =105th stair. (i) How many maximum guests Lavanya can invite?
Since, total stairs are 100, they all cannot meet in (ii) How many apples and bananas will each guest
between on same stair. get?
(iii) Amar will take ( 1003 = 33.33) 32 steps to reach to (iii) Lavanya decide to add 42 mangoes also. In this
96th stair, Akbar will take ( 1005 = 20) 19 steps to reach case how many maximum guests Lavanya can
to 9th stairs and Anthony will take ( 1007 = 14.22) 13 invite ?
steps to reach 91th stairs. (iv) How many total fruits will each guest get?
(iv) Since LCM(3, 5)=15 ; LCM(5, 7)=35 ; LCM(3,
7)=21. Since, 15 is the smallest so Amar and Akbar (v) If Lavanya decide to add 3 more mangoes and
will meet for the first time on 15th stair. remove 6 apple in total fruits, in this case how
many maximum guests Lavanya can invite ?
(v) As already calculated in (iii), LCM(3, 7) =21
Sol :
90. Lavanya wants to organize her birthday party. She (i) In this case we need to calculate
is very happy on her birthday. She is very health HCF (36, 60) =12.
conscious, thus she decided to serve fruits only in her
Thus fruits will be equally distributed among 12
birthday party.
(ii) Out of 36 apples, each guest will get 1236 = 3
apples and out of 60 bananas, each guest will get
5 = 12 bananas.
(iii) For equal distribution of jam pieces among each (iii) 539 chairs are already arranged in pair of 11’s.
student, we need 504 pieces of jam. Hence, we need On adding 1 extra chair, that 1 chair will be left only.
6 = 84 i.e. 84 packets of jam.
(iv) 539 is divisible by 7 and remainder is zero, so
(iv) For hospital, we need 3x packets of bread i.e. arranging chairs in pair of 7’s, no chair will be left.
3 # 63 = 189 packets of bread. (v) If 539 is divided by 9, remainder is 8, so arranging
(v) Since, number of bread pieces are 189 # 8 = 1512 chairs in pair of 9’s, 8 chair will be left.
, so we need same number of jam pieces. Hence
= 252 packets of jam are distributed in the hospital.
93. Mahesh works as a manager in a hotel. He has to
arrange chairs in hall for a function. The hall has a
certain number of chairs. Guests want to sit in different
groups like in pairs, triplets, quadruplets, fives and
sixes etc. Mahesh want to arrange chairs in such a way
that there are no chair left after arrangement.
1 + 1 = a + b = 6 =- 5
a b ab - 46 4
Thus (b) is correct option.
1. The zeroes of a polynomial x2 + px + q are twice the
zeroes of the polynomial 4x2 - 5x - 6 . The value of 3. The number of quadratic polynomials having zeroes
p is - 5 and - 3 is
(a) 1 (b) 2
(a) - 5 (b) 5
2 2
(c) 3 (d) more than 3
(c) - 5 (d) 10
Sol : [Board 2023 OD Standard]
Sol : [Board 2024 OD Standard]
2 Let the zeroes of polynomial be a = - 5 and b = - 3
Let a and b are zeroes of 4x - 5x - 6 , then zeroes of
x2 + px + q will be 2a and 2b The general form of polynomial with a and b as the
zeroes is given by
From 4x2 - 5x - 6 we have,
p (x) = k 8x2 - ^a + b h x + abB
^- 5h 5
Now a + b =-b =- = where k is any real number.
a 4 4
Now p (x) = k 8x2 - ^a + b h x + abB
and ab = c = - 6
a 4 = k 6x2 - ^- 8h x + ^15h@
From x2 + px + q we have,
= k ^x2 + 8x + 15h
Now 2a + 2b = - b = - p Here k can have any value. Hence, more than 3
2 (a + b) = - p polynomials can have the zeroes – 5 and – 3.
Thus (d) is correct option.
Submitting a + b = 5
we have
2. If a , b are the zeroes of the polynomial 6x2 - 5x - 4 , Sol : [Board 2023 OD Standard]
15. The value of x , for which the polynomials x2 - 1 and 19. If the sum of the zeroes of the polynomial
x2 - 2x + 1 vanish simultaneously, is f ^x h = 2x3 - 3kx2 + 4x - 5 is 6, then the value of k is
(a) 2 (b) - 2 (a) 2 (b) - 2
(c) - 1 (d) 1 (c) 4 (d) - 4
Page 30 Polynomials Chap 2
Sol : Sol :
Sum of the zeroes, 6 = 3k We have a = - 3 and b = 4 .
12 Sum of zeros a + b =- 3 + 4 = 1
k = =4
3 Product of zeros, a $ b = - 3 # 4 = - 12
Thus (c) is correct option. So, the quadratic polynomial is
20. If the square of difference of the zeroes of the quadratic x2 - ^a + b h x + ab = x2 - 1 # x + ^- 12h
polynomial x2 + px + 45 is equal to 144, then the value = x2 - x - 12
of p is 2
= x -x -6
(a) ! 9 (b) ! 12 2 2
(c) ! 15 (d) ! 18 Thus (c) is correct option.
Sol : Sol :
Let f ^x h = x2 + kx + k , k ! 0 Let f ^x h = x2 + ax + b
Comparing the given polynomial with ax2 + bx + c, we and let the zeroes of f ^x h are a and b ,
get a = 1, b = k and c = k . As one of zeroes is negative of other,
Again, let if a, b be the zeroes of given polynomial sum of zeroes a + b = a + ^- ah = 0 ...(1)
and ab = a $ ^- ah = - a ...(2)
a + b =- k
Hence, the given quadratic polynomial has no linear
ab = k term and the constant term is negative.
Case 1: If k is negative, then ab is negative. It means Thus (a) is correct option.
a and b are of opposite sign.
28. Which of the following is not the graph of a quadratic
Case 2: If k is positive, then a + b must be negative
and ab must be positive and a and b both negative.
Page 32 Polynomials Chap 2
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but
reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
Sol :
The highest power of x in the polynomial
p (x) = 14x3 - 2x2 + 8x 4 + 7x - 8 is 4. Degree of p ^x h
is 4. So, A is incorrect but R is correct.
Thus (d) is correct option.
Assertion is true Since, Reason is not correct for 35. If the sum and product of the zeroes of a quadratic
Assertion. polynomial are 3 and - 10 respectively, find the
Thus (b) is correct option. quadratic polynomial.
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
33. Assertion : x3 + x has only one real zero.
Sum of zeroes, a+b = 3
Reason : A polynomial of n th degree must have n
real zeroes. and product of zeroes, ab = - 10
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and Quadratic polynomial,
reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion p (x) = x2 - (a + b) + ab
= x2 - 3x - 10
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but
reason (R) is not the correct explanation of PRACTICE
assertion (A).
Find the quadratic polynomial, the sum of whose
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false. zeroes is - 5 and their product is 6.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true. [Board 2020 Delhi Standard]
Ans : x2 + 5x + 6
Sol :
A polynomial of n th degree at most can have n real
zeroes. Thus reason is not true. 36. If the sum of the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial
kx2 + 2x + 3k is equal to their product, then what is
Again, x + x = x ^x + 1h
3 2
the value of k ?
which has only one real zero because x2 + 1 ! 0 for
all x ! R . Sol : [Board 2020 OD Basic]
Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false. We have p (x) = kx + 2x + 3k
Thus (c) is correct option. Comparing it byax2 + bx + c , we get a = k , b = 2
and c = 3k .
34. Assertion : If both zeros of the quadratic polynomial
Sum of zeroes, a + b =-b =- 2
x2 - 2kx + 2 are equal in magnitude but opposite in a k
sign then value of k is ½. c 3 k
Product of zeroes, ab = = =3
Reason : Sum of zeros of a quadratic polynomial a k
ax2 + bx + c is -ab According to question, we have
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and a + b = ab
reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
- 2 = 3 & k =- 2
(A). k 3
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but 37. If a and b are the zeroes of the polynomial
reason (R) is not the correct explanation of 2x2 - 13x + 6 , then what is the value of a + b ?
assertion (A).
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
We have p (x) = 2x - 13x + 6
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
Comparing it with ax2 + bx + c we get a = 2 , b = - 13
Sol : and a = 6 .
As the polynomial is x2 - 2kx + 2 and its zeros are
Sum of zeroes a + b = - b
equal but opposition sign, sum of zeroes must be zero. a
sum of zeros = 0 (- 13)
=- = 13
2 2
- ^- 2k h
=0 & k =0
1 38. If one zero of a quadratic polynomial (kx2 + 3x + k) is
Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true. 2, then the what is the value of k ?
Thus (d) is correct option.
Page 34 Polynomials Chap 2
4k + 6 + k = 0 -p
Then, a+b = =- p
5k = - 6 & k = - 6 and ab = 45 = 45
5 1
PRACTICE According to given condition, we have
If one zero of the quadratic polynomial x2 + 3x + k ^a - b h2 = 144
^a + b h2 - 4ab = 144
is 2, then the what is the value of k ?
[Board 2020 Delhi Standard]
Ans : - 10 ^- p h2 - 4 ^45h = 144
p2 = 144 + 180
39. If one of the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial
^k - 1h x2 + kx + 1 is - 3 , then what is the value of k ? = 324 & p = ! 18
Sol : [Board Term-1 Delhi 2013]
Find a quadratic polynomial, whose zeroes are - 3
If a is zero of quadratic polynomial f ^x h , then
and 4 ?
f ^a h = 0
Sol : [Board 2010]
So, f ^- 3h = ^k - 1h^- 3h2 + ^- 3h k + 1
We have a = - 3 and b = 4 .
0 = ^k - 1h^9 h - 3k + 1
Sum of zeros a + b =- 3 + 4 = 1
0 = 9k - 9 - 3k + 1 Product of zeros, a $ b = - 3 # 4 = - 12
0 = 6k - 8 So, the quadratic polynomial is
k =8 =4 x2 - ^a + b h x + ab = x2 - 1 # x + ^- 12h
6 3
= x2 - x - 12
Sol : [Board Term-1 OD 2011] Since, the graph cuts the x -axis at 3 points, the
Both expression ^x - 1h^x + 1h and ^x - 1h^x - 1h number of zeroes of polynomial p (x) is 3.
have 1 as zero. This both vanish if x = 1.
Thus (d) is correct option.
Chap 2 Polynomials Page 35
The graph of y = p (x), where p (x) is a polynomial If a and b are the zeroes of the polynomial
in variable x , is as follows. x2 + 2x + 1, then what is the value of a1 + 1b ?
[Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
Ans : - 2
We have x + 4x + 2 = ^x + 4x + 4h - 2
2 2
= ^x + 2h2 - 2
Here ^x + 2h is always positive and its lowest value
x = 3, 3
2 2
Hence, zeroes of the polynomial are 32 , 32 .
^16x - 42x + 5h
1 2
Ans : 16 Let one zero be a , then other zero will be - a .
Sum of zeroes a + ^- ah = 0 .
59. If a and b are the zeroes of the polynomial Thus sum of zero will be 0.
f (x) = 5x2 - 7x + 1 then find the value of ` ab + ab j
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Basic] Sum of zeroes 0 = - Coefficient of x2
Coefficient of x
Since, a and b are the zeroes of the quadratic 2
If p and q are the zeroes of polynomial 63. Find the value of k such that the polynomial
f ^x h = 2x2 - 7x + 3 , find the value of p2 + q2 . x2 - ^k + 6h x + 2 ^2k + 1h has sum of its zeros equal to
[ Board Term-1 2012] half of their product.
Ans : 4 Sol : [Board 2019 Delhi]
2 ^2k + 1h 2 ^2k - 1h
Product of roots, ab = Thus k+6 =
1 2
= 2 ^2k + 1h or, k - 6 = 2k - 1
According to given condition, k =- 5
a + b = 1 ab Hence the value of k is - 5 .
k + 6 = 1 62 ^2k + 1h@ PRACTICE
If a and b are the zeroes of the polynomial
k + 6 = 2k + 1 & k = 5 f ^x h = x2 - 6x + k , find the value of k , such that
Hence, the value of k is 5. a2 + b2 = 40 .
[ Board Term-1 2015]
64. If the zeroes of the polynomial x2 + px + q are double
Ans : - 2
in value to the zeroes of 2x2 - 5x - 3 , find the value
of p and q .
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012 ]
We have f ^x h = 2x2 - 5x - 3 66. Find a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are
reciprocals of the zeroes of the polynomial
Let the zeroes of polynomial be a and b , then
f (x) = ax2 + bx + c , a ! 0 , c ! 0 .
Sum of zeroes a+b = 5 Sol :
2 [Board 2020 Delhi Standard]
= -c a = - b
2 # 5 =- p c
2 a
or p =- 5 Product of zeros, p = 1 $ 1 = 1 = a
a b ab c
Product of zeroes, 2a2b = Required polynomial,
4ab = q g (x) = x2 - sx + p
Substituting ab = - 32 we have g (x) = x2 + b x + a
c c
4 # -3 = q
2 cg (x) = cx2 + bx + a
-6 = q gl (x) = cx2 + bx + a
Thus p = - 5 and q = - 6 .
67. Verify whether 2, 3 and 12 are the zeroes of the
65. If a and b are zeroes of x - ^k - 6h x + 2 ^2k - 1h , find
polynomial p ^x h = 2x3 - 11x2 + 17x - 6 .
the value of k if a + b = 12 ab . Sol : [ Board Term-1 2013 ]
Sol : [Board Term-1 2013] 1
If 2, 3 and 2 are the zeroes of the polynomial p (x),
We have p (x) = x2 - ^k - 6h x + 2 ^2k - 1h then these must satisfy p (x) = 0
Since a , b are the zeroes of polynomial p (x), we get (1) 2, p ^x h = 2x2 - 11x2 + 17x - 6
a + b = - 8- ^k - 6hB = k - 6 p ^2 h = 2 ^2 h3 - 11 ^2 h2 + 17 ^2 h - 6
ab = 2 ^2k - 1h = 16 - 44 + 34 - 6
= 50 - 50
Now a + b = 1 ab
2 or p ^2 h = 0
Chap 2 Polynomials Page 39
(2) 3, p ^3 h = 2 ^3 h3 - 11 ^3 h2 + 17 ^3 h - 6
7 # 1 = 2k + 1
= 54 - 99 + 51 - 6 = 105 - 105 9 1
or p ^3 h = 0 7 - 1 = 2k
p b 1 l = 2 b 1 l - 11 b 1 l + 17 b 1 l - 6
3 2
(3) 1 4 = 2k & k = 2
2 2 2 2 2 3 3
= 1 - 11 + 17 - 6 70. Quadratic polynomial 2x2 - 3x + 1 has zeroes as a
4 4 2
and b . Now form a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes
or pb 1 l = 0 are 3a and 3b .
Hence, 2, 3, and 1
2 are the zeroes of p ^x h . Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
We have f ^x h = 2x - 3x + 1
68. If the sum and product of the zeroes of the polynomial
ax2 - 5x + c are equal to 10 each, find the value of 'a' If a and b are the zeroes of 2x2 - 3x + 1, then
and 'c' . Sum of zeroes a + b = -b = 3
a 2
Sol : [Board Term-1 2011] c 1
Product of zeroes ab = =
We have f ^x h = ax - 5x + c
2 a 2
New quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are 3a and
Let the zeroes of f ^x h be a and b , then,
3b is,
Sum of zeroes a + b =--5 = 5
a a p (x) = x2 - ^3a + 3bh x + 3a×3b
Product of zeroes ab =
a = x2 - 3 ^a + bh x + 9ab
According to question, the sum and product of the
zeroes of the polynomial f ^x h are equal to 10 each. = x2 - 3 b 3 l x + 9 b 1 l
2 2
Thus 5 = 10 ...(1) 2 9 9
a = x - x+
2 2
c = 10 1
...(2) = ^2x2 - 9x + 9h
Dividing (2) by eq. (1) we have Hence, required quadratic polynomial is 12 ^2x2 - 9x + 9h
c =1 &c=5
5 71. If a and b are the zeroes of the polynomial
Substituting c = 5 in (2) we get a = 12 f (x) = x2 - 4x - 5 then find the value of a2 + b2
Hence a = 1
2 and c = 5 . Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
69. If one the zero of a polynomial 3x2 - 8x + 2k + 1 is We have p (x) = x - 4x - 5
seven times the other, find the value of k . Comparing it by ax2 + bx + c , we get a = 1, b = - 4
Sol : [ Board Term-1 2011] and c = - 5
We have f ^x h = 3x - 8x + 2k + 1
2 Since, given a and b are the zeroes of the polynomial,
Let a and b be the zeroes of the polynomial, then Sum of zeroes, a + b =-b
b = 7a - (- 4)
= =4
Sum of zeroes, a + b = - b- 8 l
3 and product of zeroes, ab = c = - 5 = - 5
8 a 1
a + 7a = 8a =
3 Now, 2 2 2
a + b = (a + b) - 2ab
So a = 1
3 = (4) 2 - 2 (- 5)
Product of zeroes, a # 7a = 2k + 1 = 16 + 10 = 26
7a2 = + 1
2 k 72. Find the quadratic polynomial, the sum and product
3 of whose zeroes are - 3 and 2 respectively. Hence find
7b l = + 1
1 2 k
the zeroes.
3 3
Page 40 Polynomials Chap 2
4 + 2a + 2 + b = 0
Now above equation can be written as
6 + 2a + b = 0
x2 + 2x + x + 2 = 0
2a + b = - 6 ...(1)
x (x + 2) + (x + 2) = 0
Again, f ^- 3h = ^- 3h + ^a + 1h 2 + b = 0
(x + 2) (x + 1) = 0
9 - 3 ^a + 1h + b = 0
Hence, zeroes are - 2 and - 1.
9 - 3a - 3 + b = 0
73. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial
6x2 - 3 - 7x and verify the relationship between the 6 - 3a + b = 0
zeroes and the coefficients. - 3a + b = - 6
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic] 3a - b = 6 ...(2)
We have p (x) = 6x - 3 - 7x Adding equations (1) and (2), we get
For zeroes of polynomial, p (x) = 0 , 5a = 0 & a = 0
6x - 7x - 3 = 0 Substituting value of a in equation (1), we get
6x - 9x + 2x - 3 = 0 b =- 6
3x (2x - 3) + 1 (2x - 3) = 0 Hence, a = 0 and b = - 6 .
(2x - 3) (3x + 1) = 0
75. If a and b are the zeroes of the polynomial 6y2 - 7y + 2,
Thus 2x - 3 = 0 and 3x + 1 = 0 find a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are a1 and 1b .
Hence x = 3 and x = - 1 Sol : [ Board Term-1 2011]
2 3
Therefore a = 32 and b = - 13 are the zeroes of the We have p ^y h = 6y - 7y + 2
given polynomial.
Sum of zeroes a + b = - b- 7 l = 7
Verification : 6 6
2 1
Sum of zeroes, a + b = 3 + b- 1 l = 3 - 1 = 7 Product of zeroes ab = =
6 3
2 3 2 3 6
Sum of zeroes of new polynomial g (y)
= - coefficient of x2
coefficient of x 1 +1 = a+b =
and product of zeroes a b ab 2
- 56 4 3 2
= -5 # 6 = 5
= g ^x h = 4x - 5x 2- 39x - 41x - 10
- 16 6 -1 ^x - 3x - 5h
-1 -1 -1
Hence a + b + g = 5 . Hence, g ^x h = 4x2 + 7x + 2
81. When p ^x h = x2 + 7x + 9 is divisible by g ^x h , we 84. If the squared difference of the zeroes of the quadratic
get ^x + 2h and - 1 as the quotient and remainder polynomial f ^x h = x2 + px + 45 is equal to 144, find
respectively, find g ^x h . the value of p .
Sol : [Board Term-1 2011] Sol : [Board 2008]
We have p ^x h = x + 7x + 9
We have f ^x h = x + px + 45
- 140 - q = - 80 = 2 - 1 = 11
3 7 21
- q = 140 - 80 Thus a + b =- b Hence verified
or - q = 60
and product of roots, ab = 2 # b- 1 l = - 2
3 7 21
q = - 60
Thus ab = c Hence verified
Hence, p = - 35 and q = - 60 . a
88. If a and b are the zeroes of polynomial
If a and b are the zeroes of the polynomial
p ^x h = 3x2 + 2x + 1, find the polynomial whose zeroes
p ^x h = 2x2 + 5x + k satisfying the relation, 1-b
2 2
a + b + ab = 4 , then find the value of k .
21 are 1 - a and .
1+a 1+b
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012] Sol : [Board Term-1 2010, 2012]
We have p ^x h = 2x + 5x + k
2 We have p ^x h = 3x2 + 2x + 1
Since a and b are the zeroes of polynomial 3x2 + 2x + 1
Sum of zeroes, a + b = - b = -b 5 l
a 2 , we have
Product of zeroes ab = c = k a + b =- 2
a 2 3
According to the question,
and ab = 1
a2 + b2 + ab = 21
4 Let a 1 and b 1 be zeros of new polynomial q (x).
a2 + b2 + 2ab - ab = 21 Then for q (x), sum of the zeroes,
a1 + b1 = 1 - a +
(a + b) 2 - ab = 21 1+a 1+b
Substituting values we have ^1 - a + b - abh + ^1 + a - b - abh
-5 2 k 21 ^1 + ah^1 + bh
b 2 l -2 = 4 2 - 23
2 - 2ab
= =
k = 25 - 21 1 + a + b + ab 1 - 23 + 13
2 4 4 4
k =4=1 = 3
2 =2
2 4 For q (x), product of the zeroes,
Hence, k = 2 1-b
a 1 b 1 = :1 - a D;
1 + a 1 + bE
87. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial
7y2 - 113 y - 23 and verify the relationship between the ^1 - ah^1 - bh
zeroes and the coefficients. ^1 + ah^1 + bh
Sol : 1 - a - b + ab
[Board 2019 OD] =
1 + a + b + ab
11 2
1 - ^a + bh + ab
We have 7y - y - = 0
3 3 =
21y - 11y - 2 = 0 ...(1) 1 + ^a + bh + ab
1 + 23 + 13 6
21y2 - 14y + 3y - 2 = 0 = = 3
1 - 23 + 13 2
7y (3y - 2) + (3y - 2) = 0
Page 44 Polynomials Chap 2
30b + 30 = - 61b Since a and b are zeroes of
p ^x h = 6x2 - 5x + k ,
30b + 61b + 30 = 0
- 61 ! ^- 61h2 - 4 # 30 # 30 Sum of zeroes, a + b = -b - 5 l = 5 ...(1)
Now b 6 6
2 # 30
Product of zeroes ab = k ...(2)
= - 61 ! 3721 - 3600 6
- 61 " 11 Given a-b = 1 ...(3)
60 Solving (1) and (3) we get a = 2 and b = 3 and
1 1
Sol :
x2 + 16x + 104
3 2
(i) We have V (x) = x + 11x + 24x x - 5 x3 + 11x2 + 24x - 520
= x (x2 + 11x + 24) x3 - 5x2
= x (x + 3) (x + 8) 16x2 + 24x - 520
If x represent height, the dimension of base will be 16x2 - 80x
x + 3 and x + 8 . 104x - 520
(ii) Here we have to find V (3) using the remainder 104x - 520
theorem. we divide V (x) = x3 + 11x2 + 24x by x - 3 . 0
Remainder will be value of V (3). (iii) Here we have to find V (10) using the remainder
theorem. we divide V (x) = x 3 + 12x 2 + 48x + 64 by
x2 + 14x + 66
x - 3 x3 + 11x2 + 24x x - 10 . Remainder will be value of V (10).
x3 - 3x2 x2 + 22x + 268
x - 10 x3 + 12x2 + 48x + 64
14x2 + 24x
x3 - 10x2
14x2 - 42x
22x2 + 48x + 64
22x2 - 220x
66x - 198
268x + 64
268x - 2680
Here remainder is 198. Thus V (3) = 198
Hence volume is 198 ft3 at x = 3 ft. Remainder is 2744, thus V (10) = 2744 in.3
(iii) If the volume is 100 ft 3 of water,
95. Overflow Pan : A metalworker makes an overflow pan
100 = x 3 + 11x 2 + 24x by cutting equal squares with sides of length x from
0 = x 3 + 11x 2 + 24x - 100 the corners of a 30 cm by 20 cm piece of aluminium,
as shown in the figure. The sides are then folded up
There is only one positive solution to this equation, and the corners sealed.
because there is one change of sign. By hit and trial
(i) Find a polynomial function V (x) that gives the
we find the x = 2 is the only positive solution.
volume of the pan.
x2 + 13x + 50 (ii) Find the volume of the pan if the height is 6 cm.
x - 2 x3 + 11x2 + 24x - 100
Use remainder theorem.
x3 - 2x2
13x2 + 24x - 100
13x2 - 26x
50x - 100
50x - 100
Thus height is 2 ft.
4x2 - 76x + 144
x - 6 4x3 - 100x2 + 600x
4x3 - 24x2
- 76x2 + 600x
- 76x2 + 456x
144x - 864
Here remainder is 864. Hence volume is 864 cm3 at
x = 6 cm.
x2 + 13x + 56 (ii) Original volume of bin,
x - 2 x3 + 11x2 + 30x - 112 V = 2 # 3 # 4 = 24
3 2
x - 2x Since volume of new bin must be 5 times of old bin,
13x2 + 30x - 112 we have
13x2 - 26x 24 # 5 = x 3 + 9x 2 + 26x + 24
56x - 112 120 = x 3 + 9x 2 + 26x + 24
56x - 112
0 = x 3 + 9x 2 + 26x - 96
Thus thickness should be 2 inch. There is only one positive solution to this equation,
because there is one change of sign. By hit and trial
100. A bulk dog food storage bin with dimensions 2 feet by we find the x = 2 is the only positive solution.
3 feet by 4 feet needs to be increased in size to hold
x2 + 11x + 48
five times as much food as the current bin. Assume x - 2 x3 + 9x2 + 26x - 96
each dimension is increased by the same amount.
x3 - 2x2
11x2 + 26x - 96
11x2 - 22x
48x - 96
48x - 96
Thus x = 2 feet is increased in all dimensions. New
dimension of bin will be 4 feet, 5 feet and 6 feet.
Sol :
(i) To find the discharge rate in June, we find D at
m = 6 using remainder theorem. For this we divide
- m 4 + 22m 3 - 147m2 + 317m + 150 by m - 6 .
- m3 + 16m2 - 51m + 11
m - 6 - m 4 + 22m3 - 147m2 + 317m + 150
- m 4 + 6m3
16m3 - 147m2 + 317m + 150
16m3 - 96m2
- 51m2 + 317m + 150
- 51m2 + 306m
11m + 150
11m - 66
Sol :
Since Profit = Revenue - Cost , we have
Here remainder is 216, thus D (6) is 216 thousand
cubic meter per second. P (x) = R (x) - C (x)
(i) To find the discharge rate in October, we find D at = - x2 + 326x - 7463 - 16x - 63
m = 10 using remainder theorem. For this we divide
= - x2 + 310x - 7400
- m 4 + 22m 3 - 147m2 + 317m + 150 by m - 10 .
(i) Thus profit function is P (x) = - x2 + 310x - 7400
- m3 + 12m2 - 27m + 47
m - 10 - m 4 + 22m3 - 147m2 + 317m + 150 Now P (x) = - x2 + 310x - 7400
- m 4 + 10m3 = - x2 + 310x - 1552 + 1552 - 7400
12m3 - 147m2 + 317m + 150 = - (x2 - 310x + 1552) + 16625
12m3 - 120m2 = - (x - 155) 2 + 16625
- 27m + 317m + 150 From above equation it is clear that P (x) is maximum
- 27m2 + 270m at x = 155 and this minimum value is 16625.
47m + 150 (ii) For maximum profit 155 thousand bottle must
47m - 470 be sold.
620 (iii) The maximum profit is Rs 16625.
(iv) To find profit at x = 245 using remainder theorem
Here remainder is 620, thus D (10) is 620 thousand
we divide P (x) = - x2 + 310x - 7400 by x - 245 .
cubic meter per second. The discharge rate during the
- x + 65
fall rains in October is much higher.
x - 245 - x2 + 310x - 7400
102. Cost of Production : The cost to produce bottled - x2 + 245x
spring water is given by C (x) = 16x - 63 where x is 65x - 7400
the number of thousands of bottles. The total income 65x - 15925
(revenue) from the sale of these bottles is given by the
function R (x) = - x2 + 326x - 7463 . When 245 thousand bottles are sold, profit is Rs 8525.
(i) Since Profit = Revenue - Cost , find the profit
function. 103. Selection of Bridesmaids : A bride-to-be has many
(ii) How many bottles sold will produce the maximum girlfriends, but she has decided to have only five
profit? bridesmaids, including the maid of honour. The
number of different ways n girlfriends can be chosen
(iii) What is the maximum profit?
and assigned a position, such as maid of honour, first
(iv) Find the profit when 245 thousand bottles are
bridesmaid, second bridesmaid, and so on, is given by
sold. Use remainder theorem
the polynomial function
S (n) = n5 - 10n 4 + 35n 3 - 50n2 + 8n n $ 5
Page 52 Polynomials Chap 2
x2 + 9x + 82 The allotment officer is trying to come up with a
x - 8 x3 + x2 + 10x - 8 method to calculate fair division of funds across various
x3 - 8x2 affected families so that the fund amount and amount
9x2 + 10x - 8 received per family can be easily adjusted based on
daily revised numbers. The total fund allotted for a
9x2 - 72x village is x3 + 6x2 + 20x + 9 . The officer has divided
82x - 8 the fund equally among families of the village and
82x - 656 each family receives an amount of x2 + 2x + 2 . After
648 distribution, some amount is left.
Since remainder is 648, V (8) = 648 . Thus volume of (i) How many families are there in the village?
remaining solid is 648 cubic inch at x = 8 inch.
(ii) If an amount of < 1911 is left after distribution,
(iii) V (8) = 8 3 + 82 + 10 # 8 - 8 what is value of x ?
= 82 (8 + 1) + 80 - 8 (iii) How much amount does each family receive?
= 8 # 9 + 72
(iv) What is the amount of fund allocated?
= 72 (8 + 1) (v) How many families are there in the village?
= 72 # 9 = 648 cubic inch Sol :
(iv) To find V (10) using remainder theorem we divide (i) To get number of families we divide x3 + 6x2 + 20x + 9
V (x) = x3 + x2 + 10x - 8 by x - 10 . by x2 + 2x + 2 .
x2 + 11x + 120
x - 10 x3 + x2 + 10x - 8 x2 + 2x + 2 x3 + 6x2 + 20x + 9
x - 10x 2 x3 + 2x2 + 2x
11x2 + 10x - 8 4x2 + 18x + 9
11x2 - 110x 4x2 + 8x + 8
120x - 8 10x + 1
Number of families are x + 4 .
120x - 1200
(ii) Amount left = 10x + 1
Since remainder is 1192, V (8) = 1192 . Thus volume 10x + 1 = 1911
of remaining solid is 1192 cubic inch at x = 10 inch.
x = 1910 = 191
Both results are same. 10
Chap 2 Polynomials Page 53
We have a = 24 and y = 5 .
Thus S = 242 + 2 # 24 ^ 242 h + 52
= 2 # 24 (12 + 122 + 52 )
= 48 (12 + 13) = 1200 m2
60000 litre.
Chap 3 Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables Page 57
Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables
2. 3 chairs and 1 table cost `900; whereas 5 chairs and Sol : [Board 2022 Term-1 SQP Basic]
3 tables cost `2,100. If the cost of 1 chair is `x and Let x be units digit and y be tens digit, then number
the cost of 1 table is `y , then the situation can be will be 10y + x
represented algebraically as Then, x = 2y ...(1)
(a) 3x + y = 900 , 3x + 5y = 2100 If 36 be added to the number, the digits are reversed,
(b) x + 3y = 900 , 3x + 5y = 2100 i.e number will be 10x + y .
(c) 3x + y = 900 , 5x + 3y = 2100 10y + x + 36 = 10x + y
(d) x + 3y = 900 , 5x + 3y = 2100 9x - 9y = 36
Given the pair of linear equations are Condition for a consistent pair of linear equations
2kx + 5y - 7 = 0 a1 ! b1
a2 b2
and 6x - 5y - 11 = 0 [intersecting lines having unique solution]
On comparing with a1 = b1 = c1
and [coincident or dependent]
a1 x + b1 y + c1 = 0 a2 b2 c2
Thus (c) is correct option.
and a2 x + b2 y + c2 = 0
we get, a1 = 2k , b1 = 5 , c1 = - 7 15. The pair of equations y = 0 and y = - 7 has
(a) one solution
and a2 = 6 , b2 = - 5 , c2 = - 11
(b) two solutions
For unique solution,
(c) infinitely many solutions
a1 ! b1
a2 b2 (d) no solution
2k ! 5
6 -5 Sol : [Board Term-1 SQP 2017]
21. If x = a and y = b is the solution of the equations (c) 6 and 36 (d) 3 and 24
x - y = 2 and x + y = 4 , then the values of a and b Sol : [Board Term-1 Delhi 2016]
are, respectively
Let the present age of father = x years
(a) 3 and 5 (b) 5 and 3
and the present age of son = y years
(c) 3 and 1 (d) - 1 and - 3
Four years hence, it has relation by given condition
Sol : [Board Term-1 OD 2015] (x + 4) = 4 (y + 4)
Since, x = a and y = b is the solution of the equations
x - 4y = 12 ...(1)
x - y = 2 and x + y = 4 , then these values will satisfy
that equation As the father’s age is six times his son’s age, so we
a-b = 2 ...(1)
x = 6y ...(2)
and a+b = 4 ...(2)
Putting the value of x from equation (2) in equation
Adding equations (1) and (2), we get
(1), we get
2a = 6
6x - 4y = 12
a =3
2y = 12
Substituting a = 3 in equation (2),we have
y =6
3+b = 4 & b = 1
From equation (1), x = 6 # 6
Thus a = 3 and b = 1.
Then, x = 36
Thus (c) is correct option.
Hence, present age of father is 36 year and age of son
22. Aruna has only < 1 and < 2 coins with her. If the total is 6 year.
number of coins that she has is 50 and the amount of Thus (c) is correct option.
money with her is < 75, then the number of < 1 and
< 2 coins are, respectively 24. Assertion : Pair of linear equations : 9x + 3y + 12 = 0,
(a) 35 and 15 (b) 35 and 20 8x + 6y + 24 = 0 have infinitely many solutions.
(c) 15 and 35 (d) 25 and 25 Reason : Pair of linear equations a1 x + b1 y + c1
= 0 and a2 x + b2 y + c2 = 0 have infinitely many solu-
Sol :
tions, if a1 = b1 = c1
[Board Term-1 OD 2016]
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but a1 = b1 ! c1
reason (R) is not the correct explanation of a2 b2 c2
assertion (A). From first two orders, we have
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false. 1 = 2 & k = 10
5 k
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
27. Find the value of k for which the system of equations
Sol :
x + y - 4 = 0 and 2x + ky = 3 , has no solution.
From the given equations, we have
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Standard]
9 = 3 = 12
18 6 24 We have x+y-4 = 0
1 = 1 = 1 i.e., a1 = b1 = c1 and 2x + ky - 3 = 0
2 2 2 a2 b2 c2
Here, a1 = 1 , b1 = 1 and c1 = - 4 = 4
Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason a1 2 b2 k c2 -3 3
(R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A). Since system has no solution, we have
Thus (a) is correct option. a1 = b1 ! c1
a2 b2 c2
25. Assertion : x + y - 4 = 0 and 2x + ky - 3 = 0 has no
solution if k = 2 . 1 =1 !4
2 k 3
Reason : a1 x + b1 y + c1 = 0 and a2 x + b2 y + c2 = 0 are
k = 2 and k ! 3
consistent if a1 ! k1 . 4
a2 k2
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and PRACTICE
reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
(A). For what value of k , the system of equations
kx + 3y = 1, 12x + ky = 2 has no solution.
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but [Board Term-1 2011]
reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Ans : k = - 6
assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true. 28. For which value(s ) of p , will the lines represented by
the following pair of linear equations be parallel ?
Sol :
3x - y - 5 = 0 , 6x - 2y - p = 0
For assertion, given equation has no solution if
Sol : [Board Term-1 OD 2017]
1 = 1 ! - 4 i.e. 4
2 k -3 3 We have, 3x - y - 5 = 0
1 ! 4 holds
k = 2 :2 3 D and 6x - 2y - p = 0
Assertion is true. Here, a1 = 3 , b1 = - 1, c1 = - 5
Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason and a2 = 6 , b2 = - 2 , c2 = - p
(R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
Since given lines are parallel,
Thus (b) is correct option.
a1 = b1 ! c1
a2 b2 c2
-2 -p
p ! 5 # 2 & p ! 10
26. Find the value of k for which the system of linear
equations x + 2y = 3 , 5x + ky + 7 = 0 is inconsistent. 29. The 2 digit number which becomes 56 th of itself when
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Standard] its digits are reversed. If the difference in the digits of
the number being 1, what is the two digits number?
We have x + 2y - 3 = 0
and 5x + ky + 7 = 0 Sol : [Board Term-1 Delhi 2011]
Now 5 (10x + y) = 10y + x 33. x and y are 2 different digits. If the sum of the two
6 digit numbers formed by using both the digits is a
Solving, we get 44x + 55y perfect square, then what is the value of x + y ?
x =5 Sol : [Board Term-1 OD 2013]
y 4
The numbers that can be formed are xy and yx .
Also x - y = 1. Solving them, we get x = 5 and y = 4.
Hence, (10x + y) + (10y + x) = 11 (x + y). If this is a
Therefore, number is 54.
perfect square than x + y = 11.
30. In a number of two digits, unit’s digit is twice the tens
34. If a pair of linear equations is consistent, then the
digit. If 36 be added to the number, the digits are
lines will be intersecting or coincident. Justify.
reversed. What is the number ?
Sol : [Board Term-1 Delhi 2016] Sol : [Board 2008]
Let x be units digit and y be tens digit, then number Condition for a consistent pair of linear equations
will be 10y + x a1 ! b1
a2 b2
Then, x = 2y ...(1)
[intersecting lines having unique solution]
If 36 be added to the number, the digits are reversed,
i.e number will be 10x + y . and a 1
= b1 = c1 [coincident or dependent]
a2 b2 c2
10y + x + 36 = 10x + y
35. The pair of equations y = 0 and y = - 7 has no
9x - 9y = 36
solution. Justify.
x-y = 4 ...(2)
Sol : [Board Term-1 Foreign 2014]
Solving (1) and (2) we have x = 8 and y = 4 . The given pair of equations are
Thus number is 48. y = 0 y =- 7
31. If 3x + 4y : x + 2y = 9 : 4 , then find the value of The pair of both equations are parallel to x -axis and
3x + 5y : 3x - y . we know that parallel lines never intersects. So, there
is no solution of these lines.
Sol : [Board Term-1 Foreign 2012]
if two lines a1 x + b1 y + c1 = 0 and a2 x + b2 y + c2 = 0 For what value of p does the pair of linear
are parallel, then equations given below has unique solution ?
a1 = b1 ! c1 4x + py + 8 = 0 and 2x + 2y + 2 = 0 .
a2 b2 c2 [Board Term-1 2012]
Ans : p ! 4
or 4 = ! c1 & a2 = 4 = 12
a2 b2 c2 b2 3 9
Hence, one of the possible, second parallel line is
12x + 9y = 5. 44. If 2x + y = 23 and 4x - y = 19 , find the value of
(5y - 2x) and ^ yx - 2h .
41. Find whether the lines represented by 2x + y = 3 and
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Standard]
4x + 2y = 6 are parallel, coincident or intersecting.
We have 2x + y = 23 ...(1)
Sol : [Board Term-1 Delhi 2016]
4x - y = 19 ...(2)
Here a1 = 2, b1 = 1, c1 = - 3 and a1 = 4, b2 = 2, c2 =- 6
a1 = b1 = c1 Adding equation (1) and (2), we have
a2 b2 c2 6x = 42 & x = 7
then the lines are parallel. Substituting the value of x in equation (1), we get
Clearly 2 =1=3 14 + y = 23
4 2 6
Hence lines are coincident. y = 23 - 14 = 9
Hence, 5y - 2x = 5 # 9 - 2 # 7
42. Given the linear equation 3x + 4y = 9 . Write another
linear equation in these two variables such that the = 45 - 14 = 31
geometrical representation of the pair so formed is: y
and - 2 = 9 - 2 = 9 - 14 = - 5
(1) intersecting lines x 7 7 7
(2) coincident lines.
45. Find whether the following pair of linear equation is
Sol : [Board Term-1 2016]
consistent or inconsistent:
(1) For intersecting lines a1 ! b1 3x + 2y = 8 , 6x - 4y = 9
a2 b2
So, one of the possible equation 3x - 5y = 10 Sol : [Board Term-1 2016]
(2) For coincident lines a1 = b1 = c1 3 ! 2
a2 b2 c2 We have
6 -4
So, one of the possible equation 6x + 8y = 18
Chap 3 Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables Page 65
46. Is the system of linear equations 2x + 3y - 9 = 0 and Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
= 68 We have 2x + 3y = 2 ...(1)
and x - 2y = 8 ...(2)
Chap 3 Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables Page 67
y 0 -2 2 y 0 -1 -2
54. A fraction becomes 13 when 2 is subtracted from the We have ^2m - 1h x + 3y - 5 = 0 ...(1)
numerator and it becomes 12 when 1 is subtracted
Here a1 = 2m - 1, b1 = 3, c1 = - 5
from the denominator- Find the fraction.
3x + ^n - 1h y - 2 = 0 ...(2)
Sol : [Board 2019 Delhi]
Here a2 = 3, b2 = ^n - 1h, c2 = - 2
Let the fraction be x . According to the first condition,
y For a pair of linear equations to have infinite number
x-2 = 1 of solutions,
y 3
a1 = b1 = c1
3x - 6 = y a2 b2 c2
y = 3x - 6 ...(1) 2m - 1 = 3 = 5
3 n-1 2
According to the second condition,
or 2 ^2m - 1h = 15 and 5 ^n - 1h = 6
x =1
y-1 2 Hence, m = 17 , n = 11
4 5
2x = y - 1
y = 2x + 1 ...(2) PRACTICE
From equation (1) and (2), we have Find the values of a and b for which the following
3x - 6 = 2x + 1 & x = 7 pair of linear equations has infinite number of
solutions : 2x + 3y = 7; 2ax + ^a + bh y = 28 .
Substitute value of x in equation (1), we get
[Board Term-1 2011]
y = 3 ^7 h - 6 Ans : a = 4 , and b = 8
= 21 - 6 = 15
Hence, fraction is 7 . For what value of p will the following system of
15 57.
equations have no solution ?
55. Represent the following pair of linear equations ^2p - 1h x + ^p - 1h y = 2p + 1; y + 3x - 1 = 0
graphically and hence comment on the condition of
Sol : [Board Term-1 2011]
consistency of this pair.
x - 5y = 6 and 2x - 10y = 12 . We have ^2p - 1h x + ^p - 1h y - ^2p + 1h = 0
Sol : [Board Term-1 2011]
Here a1 = 2p - 1, b1 = p - 1 and c1 = - ^2p + 1h
We have x - 5y = 6 or x = 5y + 6 Also 3x + y - 1 = 0
x 6 1 -4 Here a2 = 3, b2 = 1 and c2 = - 1
y 0 -1 -2 The condition for no solution is
Page 68 Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables Chap 3
p - 1 ! 2p + 1 or 2p - p ! - 1 - 1 32 - 16y + 15y = 27
p !- 2 - y = 27 - 32
2p - 1 2p + 1 Thus y =5
From ! we have
3 1 Substituting this value of y in equation (3)
2p - 1 ! 6p + 3 4 - 2 ^5 h
x = = 4 - 10 = - 2
4p !- 4 3 3
p !- 1 Hence, x = - 2 and y = 5 .
Hence, system has no solution when p = 2 60. Solve for x and y :
PRACTICE x + 1 + y - 1 = 9 ; x - 1 + y + 1 = 8.
2 3 3 2
Find the value of k for which the following pair of
Sol : [Board Term-1 Delhi 2011]
equations has no solution :
x + 2y = 3, ^k - 1h x + ^k + 1h y = ^k + 2h . We have x+1+y-1 = 9
2 3
[Board Term-1 2011]
Ans : k = 3 3 ^x + 1h + 2 ^y - 1h = 54
3x + 3 + 2y - 2 = 54
3x + 2y = 53 (1)
58. Solve for x and y : x-1+y+1 = 8
x + 2y = - 1 and x - y = 3 and
3 2
2 3 3
2 ^x - 1h + 3 ^y + 1h = 48
Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
2x - 2 + 3y + 3 = 48
We have x + 2y = - 1
2 3 2x + 3y = 47 (2)
Multiplying equation (1) by 3 we have
3x + 4y = - 6 ...(1)
9x + 6y = 159 (3)
and x -y =3
1 3 Multiplying equation (2) by 2 we have
3x - y = 9 ...(2) 4x + 6y = 94 (4)
Subtracting equation (4) from (3) we have
Subtracting equation (2) from equation (1), we have
5x = 65
5y = - 15 & y = - 1
or x = 13
Substituting y = - 3 in eq (1), we get Substitute the value of x in equation (2),
3x + 4 ^- 3h = - 6 2 ^13h + 3y = 47
3x - 12 = - 6 3y = 47 - 26 = 21
3x = 12 - 6 & x = 2
y = 21 = 7
Hence x = 2 and y = - 3. 3
Hence, x = 13 and y = 7
Chap 3 Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables Page 69
61. Given the linear equation 2x + 3y - 8 = 0 , write 63. Find whether the following pair of linear equations
another linear equation in two variables such that the has a unique solutions. If yes, find the solution :
geometrical representation of the pair so formed is : 7x - 4y = 49, 5x - 6y = 57 .
(a) intersecting lines
Sol : [Board Term-1 2017]
(b) parallel lines
We have 7x - 4y = 49 (1)
(c) coincident lines.
5x - 6y = 57 (2)
Sol : [Board Term-1 2014]
We have 2x + 3y = 7
or x = 5a - 3b = 1
10a - 6b 2 and ^k + 1h x + ^2k - 1h y = 4k + 1
Substitute x = 1 in equation (2), we get a1 = 2 , b1 = 3
2 Here
1 a2 k + 1 b2 ^2k - 1h
3 # + 5y = 4
2 c1 = -7 7
and =
5y = 4 - 3 = 5 c2 - ^4k + 1h ^4k + 1h
2 2
For infinite many solutions
y = 5 =1 a1 = b1 = c1
2#5 2
a2 b2 c2
Hence x = 1 and y = 1 .
2 2
Page 70 Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables Chap 3
or, y = - 1 - 2x x 0 7 14
y = x + 42 6 7 8
x 2 -3 7
y -1 1 From equation (2) x - 3y = 6
Plotting the above points and drawing lines joining
them, we get the following graph. x 6 12 18
y = x-6 0 2 4
72. Solve for x and y : Clearly, the two lines intersect at point D ^2, 3h .
2x - y + 3 and 3x - 5y + 1 = 0 Hence, x = 2 and y = 3 is the solution of the
Sol : [Board Term-1 2015] given pair of equations. The line CD intersects the
We have 2x - y + 3 = 0 ...(1) x -axis at the point E ^4, 0h and the line AB intersects
the x -axis at the points F ^- 1, 0h . Hence, the co-
3x - 5y + 1 = 0 ...(2) ordinates of the vertices of the triangle are D ^2, 3h ,
Multiplying equation (1) by 5,and subtracting (2) E ^4, 0h and F ^- 1, 0h .
from it we have
74. Solve the following pair of linear equations graphically:
7x = - 14
x + 3y = 12, 2x - 3y = 12
x = - 14 = - 2 Also shade the region bounded by the line 2x - 3y = 2
Substituting the value of x in equation (1) we get and both the co-ordinate axes.
2x - y + 3 = 0 Sol : [Board Term-1 2013, 2012]
y = 12 - 3x 6 3 0
Plotting the above points and drawing lines joining
them, we get the following graph.
We have 2x - y = 1 & y = 2x - 1
x 0 1 3
y -1 1 5
and x + 2y = 13 & y = 13 - x
x 1 3 5
y 6 5 4
Plotting the above points and drawing lines joining
them, we get the following graph.
Clearly two obtained lines intersect at point A ^3, 5h . 78. Solve x + y = 5 and 2x - 3y = 4 by elimination
Hence, x = 3 and y = 5 method and the substitution method.
ABC is the triangular shaded region formed by the Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
y = 5 - 19 = 6
5 5
Hence x = 19 and y = 6
5 5
Solve 3x - 5y - 4 = 0 and 9x = 2y + 7 by
elimination method and the substitution method.
[Board Term-1 OD 2012]
Ans : x = 9 and y = - 5
13 13
79. For what values of a and b does the following pair For coincident lines,
of linear equations have infinite number of solution ? a1 = b1 = c1
2x + 3y = 7, a ^x + y h - b ^x - y h = 3a + b - 2 a2 b2 c2
2 = 3 = 7
Sol :
4 ^p + q h + 1
[Board Term-1 2015]
p+q+1 p + 2q + 2
We have 2x + 3y - 7 = 0 3 7
From = we have
Here a1 = 2, b1 = 3, c1 = - 7 p + 2q + 2 4 ^p + q h + 1
7p + 14q + 14 = 12p + 12q + 3
and a ^x + y h - b ^x - y h = 3a + b - 2
5p - 2q - 11 = 0 ...(1)
ax + ay - bx + by = 3a + b - 2
^a - b h x + ^a + b h y - ^3a + b - 2h = 0 From 2 = 7 we have
p+q+1 4 ^p + q h + 1
Here a2 = a - b, b2 = a + b, c2 = - ^3a + b - 2h 8 ^p + q h + 2 = 7p + 7q + 7
For infinite many solutions 8p + 8q + 2 = 7p + 7q + 7
a1 = b1 = c1
a2 b2 c2 p+q-5 = 0 ...(2)
2 = 3 = -7 Multiplying equation (2) by 5 we have
a-b a + b ^3a + b - 2h
5p + 5q - 25 = 0 ...(3)
From 2 = 7 we have
a-b 3a + b - 2 Subtracting equation (1) from (3) we get
2 ^3a + b - 2h = 7 ^a - b h 7q = 14
6a + 2b - 4 = 7a - 7b q =2
a - 9b = - 4 ...(1) Hence, p = 3 and q = 2 .
From 3 = 7 we have
a+b 3a + b - 2
3 ^3a + b - 2h = 7 ^a + b h WORD PROBLEMS
9a + 3b - 6 = 7a + 7b
81. In an election contested between A and B, A obtained
2a - 4b = 6 votes equal to twice the no. of persons on the electoral roll
a - 2b = 3 ...(2) who did not cast their votes and this later number was
equal to twice his majority over B. If there were 1,8000
Subtracting equation (1) from (2),
persons on the electoral roll. How many votes for B.
- 7b = - 7
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
b =1 Let x and y be the no. of votes for A and B respectively.
Substituting the value of b in equation (1), The no. of persons who did not vote is 18000 - x - y .
a =5 We have x = 2 ^18000 - x - y h
4x + 3y = 2100 ...(1) 5 = 9 -1 = 1
x 12 2 4
5x + 2y = 1750 ...(2)
x = 20
Multiplying equation (1) by 2 and equation (2) by 3,
Substituting the value of x in equation (1), we have
8x + 6y = 4200 ...(3) 1 +1 = 1
15x + 6y = 5250 ...(iv) 20 y 12
1 = 1 - 1 = 5-3
Subtracting equation (3) from (4) we have y 12 20 60
7x = 1050 1 = 2 = 1 & y = 30
y 60 30
x = 150
Hence, time taken to fill the pool by the larger
Substituting the value of x in (1), y = 500 and smaller diameter pipe are 20 hrs and 30 hrs
Thus cost of chair and table is Rs 150, Rs 500 respectively.
92. A man can row a boat downstream 20 km in 2 hours
90. A chemist has one solution which is 50 ~ acid and a and upstream 4 km in 2 hours. Find his speed of
second which is 25 ~ acid. How much of each should rowing in still water. Also find the speed of the stream.
be mixed to make 10 litre of 40 ~ acid solution.
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Standard]
Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
Let x be the speed of the boat in still water and y be
Let 50 ~ acids in the solution be x and 25 ~ of other the speed of the stream.
solution be y .
Relative Speed of boat in upstream will be (x - y) and
Total volume in the mixture relative speed of boat in downstream will be (x + y).
x + y = 10 ...(1) 1 According to question, we have
and 50 x + 25 y = 40 10 20 = 2
100 100 100 # x+y
2x + y = 16 ...(2) 1 x + y = 10 ...(1)
Subtracting equation (1) from (2) we have 4 =2
x =6 x-y
x-y = 2 ...(2)
Substituting this value of x in equation (1) we get
Adding equation (1) and (2), we have
6 + y = 10 2x = 12 & x = 6 km/hr
y =4 Substituting the value of x is equation (1) we have,
Hence, x = 6 and y = 4 . 6 + y = 10 & y = 10 - 6 = 4 km/hr
Thus speed of a boat in still water is 6 km/hr and
91. It can take 12 hours to fill a swimming pool using two
speed of the stream 4 km/hr.
pipes. If the pipe of larger diameter is used for four
hours and the pipe of smaller diameter for 9 hours, 93. A train covered a certain distance at a uniform speed.
only half of the pool can be filled. How long would it If the train would have been 10 km/hr scheduled time.
take for each pipe to fill the pool separately? And, if the train were slower by 10 km/hr, it would
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Standard] have taken 3 hr more than the scheduled time. Find
Let x be time taken to fill the pool by the larger the distance covered by the train.
diameter pipe and y be the time taken to fill the pool Sol : [Board Term-1 Delhi 2012]
by the smaller diameter pipe. Let the actual speed of the train be s and actual time
According to question, taken t .
1+1 = 1 Distance = Speed × Time
x y 12 = st km
and 4+9 =1 ...(2)
x y 2 According to the given condition, we have
Multiplying equation (1) by 9 and subtracting from st = ^s + 10h^t - 2h
equation (2), we get st = st - 2s + 10t - 20
Page 80 Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables Chap 3
Hence, Fraction = 8
95. A and B are two points 150 km apart on a highway. 11
Two cars start A and B at the same time. If they
move in the same direction they meet in 15 hours. But
if they move in the opposite direction, they meet in 1 A fraction become 119 if 2 is added to both
hours. Find their speeds. numerator and denominator. If 3 is added to both
numerator and denominator it becomes 56 . Find
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
the fraction.
Let the speed of the car I from A be x and speed of [Board Term-1 2012]
the car II from B be y . Ans : 7
Chap 3 Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables Page 81
97. If a bag containing red and white balls, half the number Substituting this value of x in equation (1),
of white balls is equal to one-third the number of red
3 ^17h - 5y = 6
balls. Thrice the total number of balls exceeds seven
times the number of white balls by 6. How many balls 5y = 51 - 6
of each colour does the bag contain ? y =9
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012] Hence, perimeter = 2 ^x + y h = 2 ^17 + 9h = 52 units.
Let the number of red balls be x and white balls be y .
According to the question, 99. The students of a class are made to stand in rows. If
y 3 students are extra in a row, there would be 1 row
= 1 x or 2x - 3y = 0 ...(1) less. If 3 students are less in a row, there would be 2
2 3
rows more. Find the number of students in the class.
and 3 ^x + y h - 7y = 6
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
or 3x - 4y = 6 ...(2)
Let the number of students in a row be x and the
Multiplying equation (1) by 3 and equation (2) by we
number of rows be y . Thus total will be xy .
6x - 9y = 0 ...(3)
Now ^x + 3h^y - 1h = xy
xy + 3y - x - 3 = xy
6x - 8y = 12 ...(4)
- x + 3y - 3 = 0 ...(1)
Subtracting equation (3) from (4) we have
and ^x - 3h^y + 2h = xy
y = 12
xy - 3y + 2x - 6 = xy
Substituting y = 12 in equation (1),
2x - 3y - 6 = 0 ...(2)
2x - 36 = 0
Multiply equation (1) 2 we have
x = 18 - 2x + 6y - 6 = 0 ...(3)
Hence, number of red balls = 18 Adding equation (2) and (3) we have
and number of white balls = 12 3y - 12 = 0
y =4
98. The area of a rectangle gets reduced by 9 square units,
if its length is reduced by 5 units and the breadth Substitute y = 4 in equation (1)
is increased by 3 units. The area is increased by 67 - x + 12 - 3 = 0
square units if length is increased by 3 units and
breadth is increased by 2 units. Find the perimeter of x =9
the rectangle. Total students xy = 9 # 4 = 36
Sol : [Board Term-1 Delhi 2012] Total students in the class is 36.
Let length of given rectangle be x and breadth be y ,
then area of rectangle will be xy . 100. The ages of two friends ani and Biju differ by 3 years.
According to the first condition we have Ani’s father Dharam is twice as old as ani and Biju
is twice as old as his sister Cathy. The ages of Cathy
^x - 5h^y + 3h = xy - 9 and Dharam differ by 30 year. Find the ages of Ani
or, 3x - 5y = 6 ...(1) and Biju.
According to the second condition, we have Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
y or, 2y = 340
2x - = 30
y = 170
4x - y = 60 ...(2)
Hence, the amount of their respective capitals are 40
Case I : When x - y = 3 ...(3) and 170.
Subtracting equation (3) from equation (2),
102. At a certain time in a deer, the number of heads and
3x = 57 the number of legs of deer and human visitors were
counted and it was found that there were 39 heads
x = 19 years
and 132 legs.
Putting x = 19 in equation (3), Find the number of deer and human visitors in the
19 - y = 3 park.
Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
y = 16 years
Let the no. of deer be x and no. of human be y .
Case II : When x - y = - 3 ...(4) According to the question,
Subtracting equation (iv) from equation (2), x + y = 39 ...(1)
3x = 60 + 3 and 4x + 2y = 132 ...(2)
3x = 63 Multiply equation (1) from by 2,
x = 21 years 2x + 2y = 78 ...(3)
Subtracting equation (4), we get Subtract equation (3) from (2),
21 - y = - 3 2x = 54
y = 24 years x = 27
Hence, Ani’s age = 19 years or 21 years Biju age = 16 Substituting this value of x in equation (1)
years or 24 years. 27 + y = 39
101. One says, “Give me a hundred, friend! I shall then y = 12
become twice as rich as you.” The other replies, “If So, No. of deer = 27 and No. of human = 12
you give me ten, I shall be six times as rich as you.”
Tell me what is the amount of their (respective) 103. The length of the sides of a triangle are
capital. 2x + y2 , 53x + y + 12 and 23 x + 2y + 52 . If the triangle is
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012] equilateral , find its perimeter.
Let the amount of their respective capitals be x and Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
y. For an equilateral T,
According to the given condition, y
2x + = 5x + y + 1 = 1 x + 2y + 5
x + 100 = 2 ^y - 100h 2 3 2 2 2
x - 2y = - 300 ...(1) 4x + y 10x + 6y + 3
Now =
2 6
and 6 ^x - 10h = y + 10 12x + 3y = 10x + 6y + 3
6x - y = 70 ...(2)
2x - 3y = 3 ...(1)
Multiplying equation (2) by 2 we have
12x - 2y = 140 ...(3) Again, 2x + = 2 x + 2y + 5
2 3 2
Subtracting (1) from equation (3) we have 4x + y 4x + 12y + 15
2 6
11x = 440
12x + 3y = 4x + 12y + 15
x = 40
8x - 9y = 15 ...(2)
Substituting x = 40 in equation (1),
Multiplying equation (1) by 3 we have
40 - 2y = - 300
6x - 9y = 9 ...(1)
Chap 3 Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables Page 83
Let the no. of boys be x and no. of girls be y . Now from (2), x + 40 = 50 & x = 10 km
No. of students = x + y Break down occurred at 10 km and original speed was
x 10 km/hr.
Now = 60 ...(1)
x+y 100
106. The population of a village is 5000. If in a year, the
and x+6 = 75 ...(2) number of males were to increase by 5% and that of a
^x + 6h + ^y - 6h 100
female by 3% annually, the population would grow to
From (1), we have
5202 at the end of the year. Find the number of males
100x = 60x + 60y and females in the village.
40x - 60y = 0 Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
(iii) Difference in the monthly fee paid by a poor child (i) Fixed cost = 4000
and a rich child, Variable cost for each service = 75
Substitute value of x in equation (1) we have Total cost for x service,
20 # 200 + 5y = 9000 y = 75x + 4000
5y = 9000 - 4000 Charge for per visit = 115
y = 5000 = 1000 Total revenue for x service,
Monthly fee paid by Rich child is `1000. y = 115x
Difference in monthly fee paid by poor child and a At breakeven revenue must be equal to cost.
rich child = 1000 - 200 = `800 Thus, 115x = 75x + 4000
(iv) Total monthly collection of fees from batch II, 40x = 4000
Poor children = 10 x = 100
Rich children = 20 Thus, 100 lawns/month are required for breakeven.
Total monthly collection of fees from batch II (ii) Revenue required to break even,
= 10 # 200 + 200 # 800 y = 115 # 100
= 2000 + 16000 = 11500 Rs per month
= `18000 (iii) Revenue for 90 services,
y = 115x
110. Lawn Service : Nitin and his sons run a lawn service,
which includes mowing, edging, trimming, and = 115 # 90 = 1015 Rs
aerating a lawn. His fixed cost includes insurance,
111. Production of Frying Pan : Due to high market
his salary, and monthly payments on equipment, and
demand, a manufacturer decides to introduce a new
amounts to Rs 4000 per month. The variable costs
line of frying pan. By using existing factory space and
include gas, oil, hourly wages for his employees, and
retraining some employees, fixed costs are estimated
miscellaneous expenses, which run about Rs 75 per
at Rs 84000/mo. The components to assemble and
lawn. The average charge for full service lawn care is
test each frying pan are expected to run Rs 450 per
Rs 115 per visit.
unit. If market research shows consumers are willing
(i) How many lawns Nitin must service each month
to pay at least Rs 690 for this product, find
to break even ?
(i) How many units must be made and sold each
(ii) What is the revenue required to break even ?
month to break even ?
(iii) What is the revenue if they get 90 services ?
(ii) What is the revenue required to break even ?
Sol : Sol :
Let x represent the number of service. Break even Let x represent the number of units made. Break
point occur when cost is equal to revenue. Let y even point occur when cost is equal to revenue. Let y
represent both cost and revenue at break even since represent both cost and revenue at break even since
they are equal. they are equal.
Page 86 Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables Chap 3
114. Airport Walkways : A moving walkway, also known as 115. Nutrition : Shalvi wants to use milk and orange juice
an autowalk, is a slow-moving conveyor mechanism that to increase the amount of calcium and vitamin A in
transports people across a horizontal or inclined plane her daily diet. An ounce of milk contains 38 milligrams
over a short to medium distance. Moving walkways of calcium and 56 micrograms of vitamin A. An ounce
can be used by standing or walking on them. They are of orange juice contains 5 milligrams of calcium and
often installed in pairs, one for each direction. 60 micrograms of vitamin A. How many ounces of
milk and orange juice should she drink each day to
provide exactly 550 milligrams of calcium and 1,200
micrograms of vitamin A?
Sol : Sol :
Let x represent the number of ounces of milk and y Let x represent the amount of 50% solution and y
represent number of ounces of orange juice. represent amount of 80% solution.
Next we summarize the given information in table. Since 100 millilitres are required, so
x + y = 100 (1)
Milk Orange Juice Total Needed
Since 68% of the 100 millilitres must be acid, so
Calcium 38x 5y 550
0.50x + 0.80y = 0.68 (100)
Vitamin A 56x 60y 1,200
0.50x + 0.80y = 68 (2)
For calcium, 38x + 5y = 550 (1)
Multiplying eq (2) by 2 we have
For Vitamin A, 56x + 60y = 1200 (2)
x + 1.60y = 136 (3)
Multiplying eq (1) by 12 we have
Subtracting eq (1) from (iii) we have
456x + 60y = 6600 (3) 36
0.60y = 36 & y = 0.60 = 60 millilitres
Subtracting eq (2) from (iii) we have
400x = 5400 Substituting y = 60 in (i) we get x = 40 millilitres
5400 Thus chemist must use 40 ml of 50% solution and
x = 400 = 13.5
60 ml of 80% solution.
Substituting x = 13.5 in eq (1) we have
117. Nutrition : Pathmeda village near Sanchore has Gopal
38 # 13.5 + 5y = 550
Govardhan Gaushala, the largest Gaushala in India,
513 + 5y = 550 spread over 200 acres. The gaushala takes care of
5y = 550 - 513 = 37 more than 18,000 cattle.
y = 5 = 7.2
Thus Shalvi should drink 13.5 ounce of milk and 7.2
ounce of orange juices
Rahman works as a chemist in Biolab Pvt Ltd at The laboratory technician is able to purchase two
Jaipur. He has two solutions of hydrochloric acid in food mixes of the following compositions:
stock: a 50% solution and an 80% solution. He want Mix A has 10% protein and 6% fat,
to make 100 milliliters of a 68% solution? How much Mix B has 20% protein and 2% fat.
of each should be used to obtain 100 milliliters of a
How many grams of each mix should be used to obtain
68% solution?
the right diet for a single cow ?
Chap 3 Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables Page 89
Mix A Mix B Total Nutrition Multiplying eq (1) by 18 and subtracting (ii) from it
we have
Protein 0.10x 0.20y 20
6x = 40 & x = 40 = 6 2
Fat 0.06x 0.02y 6 6 3
Now substituting x = 6 3 in eq (1) we have
For protein requirement,
6 23 + y = 10
0.1x + 0.2y = 20
y = 10 - 6 23 = 3 13
x + 2y = 200 (1)
Thus 6 23 grams of 12 carat gold and 3 13 grams of 18
For fat requirement,
carat gold is required to make 10 gram of 14 carat
0.06x + 0.02y = 6 gold.
6x + 2y = 600 (2)
119. BREAK-EVEN ANALYSIS : It costs a small recording
Subtracting eq (1) from (2) we have
company Rs 176, 800 to prepare a compact disc. This
5x = 400 & x = 80 is a one-time fixed cost that covers recording, package
Substituting x = 80 in eq (1) we have design, and so on. Variable costs, including such
80 + 2y = 200 things as manufacturing, marketing, and royalties, are
Rs 46 per CD.
2y = 200 - 80 = 120 (i) If the CD is sold to music shops for Rs 80 each,
120 how many must be sold for the company to break
y = 2 = 60
Thus 80 grams Mix A and 60 grams Mix B should (ii) What is the break even revenue ?
be used.
Sol :
Let x represent the number of CD made. Break even
point occur when cost is equal to revenue. Let y
represent both cost and revenue at break even since
they are equal.
Fixed cost = 176800 Rs
Sol : Variable cost for each CD = 46 Rs
Let x represent the grams of 12 carat pure gold and y Total cost, for making in x CD,
represent the grams of 18 carat pure gold. y = 46x + 176800
Since 10 gram of gold is required, so Projected Revenue, y = 80x
x + y = 10 (1) At breakeven revenue must be equal to cost. Thus
Page 90 Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables Chap 3
Sol : Sol :
Let a represent requirement of bag of brand A and b Let x and y be the number of commercial and non-
represent requirement of bag of brand B. commercial orbital launches.
Each bag of brand A contains 8 pounds of nitrogen In 2013 there was a total of 81 commercial and
and 4 pounds of phosphoric acid. Each bag of brand noncommercial orbital launches worldwide. Thus
B contains 7 pounds of nitrogen and 7 pounds of x + y = 81 ...(1)
phosphoric acid.
The number of noncommercial orbital launches was
We summarized production in following table.
twelve more than twice the number of commercial
Brand A Brand B Requirement orbital launches. Thus
Sol :
Let p represent time of primary wave and s represent
time for secondary wave
Since time difference is 16 second
s - p = 16 (1)
Chap 3 Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables Page 93
Substituting these values in the given equation, we Jyoti travelled 90 km every day to reach her home
have town in Harbin. One day, when she started, after
132 = a + b (2) 2 riding a certain distance, she stopped for some time
to repair his bicycle. After which she completes the
132 = a + 4b (2) whole journey of 90 km at half speed in 12 hours. If
Subtracting eq (1) from (2) we have the breakdown had occurred 10 km farther off, she
- 48 = 3b & b = - 16 would have done the whole journey in 11 hours.
(i) Find where the breakdown occurred.
Now substituting above value of b in (i) we have
(ii) Find her original speed.
180 = a - 16 & a = 196
Sol :
Thus a = 196 and b = - 16 Let x be the distance of the place where breakdown
(ii) The height of the building is represented by s , the occurred and y be the original speed.
distance of the object above the ground, when t = 0 , x + 90 - x = 12
Since from part (i),we now know y y
the ship leaves for Mumbai, against the current with t 1 = 1.5t 2
the return trip taking 82 hr. Since there is enough fuel for total fly of 20 hours,
(i) Find the speed of the current.
t 1 + t 2 = 20
(ii) Find the cruising speed of the ship.
1.5t2 + t 2 = 20
Sol :
Let c represent the speed of the current and s 2.5t2 = 20 & t2 = 2.5 = 8 hours
represent the cruising speed of the ship. Distance travelled in 8 hour in return fly
Trip to the Goa,
= (150 + 30) # 8
(s + c) 70 = 1435
= 1, 440 miles
2s + 2c = 41 (1)
Return to Mumbai, 134. Computing a Refund : The grocery store we use does
not mark prices on its goods. My wife went to this
(s - c) 82 = 1435
store, purchased three 1-kg packages of almond and
2s - 2c = 35 (2) two 500-gram packages cashew, and paid a total of Rs
Adding eq (1) and (2) we have 1345. Not knowing that she went to the store, I also
went to the same store, purchased two 1-kg packages
4s = 76 & s = 19 kmph
of almond and three 500-gram packages cashew, and
Subtracting eq (2) from (1) we have paid a total of Rs 1145. Now we want to return two
4c = 6 & s = 1.5 kmph 1-kg packages of almond and two 500-gram packages
cashew. How much will be refunded?
133. Point of No Return : The point during a flight at
which an aircraft is no longer capable of returning
to the airfield from which it took off due to fuel
considerations. Beyond this point the aircraft must
proceed to some other destination.
Sol :
Let x and y be the price of 1-kg package of almond
A plane carries enough fuel for 20 hours of flight at and one 500-gram packages cashew.
an airspeed of 150 miles per hour. How far can it fly Since my wife purchased three 1-kg packages of
into a 30 mph headwind and still have enough fuel to almond and two 500-gram packages cashew, and paid
return to its starting point? a total of Rs 1345, we have
Sol : 3x + 2y = 1345 ...(1)
Let t1 represent the time taken in fly. Distance Since I purchased two 1-kg packages of almond and
travelled in fly is (150 - 30) t 1. three 500-gram packages cashew, and paid a total of
Let t2 represent time taken in return. Distance Rs 1145, thus
travelled in return fly is (150 + 30) t 2.
2x + 3y = 1145 ...(2)
Since these both distance is equal,
Multiplying eq (1) by 3 and eq (2) by 2, we get
(150 - 30) t 1 = (150 + 30) t 2
9x + 6y = 4035 ...(3)
120t 1 = 180t 2
4x + 6y = 2290 ...(4)
2t 1 = 3t 2
Chap 3 Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variables Page 97
(iv) How much amount collected if 300 children and (iii) What is the exact cost of the notebook?
350 adults visited the park? (iv) What is the exact cost of the pen?
(v) One day total visited children and adults together (v) What is the total cost if they purchase the same
is 750 and the total amount collected is Rs 212500. type of 15 notebooks and 12 pens.
What are the number of children and adults
Sol :
visited the park ?
Sol : (i) Consider the prices mentioned by Ramesh.
(i) Since 480 people visited, we obtain x + y = 480 . If the price of one notebook is Rs. 25 and the price of
one pen is Rs. 2.50 then,
Collected amount is Rs 134500 thus
The cost of 4 notebooks would be : 4 # 25 = 100 Rs
150x + 400y = 134500 & 3x + 8y = 2690
And the cost for 3 pens would be : 3 # 2.5 = 7.5 Rs
(ii) Solving the equations x + y = 480 and
3x + 8y = 2690 we get x = 230 and y = 250 Aditya should have paid 100 + 7.5 = 107.5 Rs.
Number of children attended = 230 But he paid Rs. 110, thus Ramesh’s estimation is
Number of adults attended = 250
Now, consider the prices mentioned by Amar.
(iii) Number of adults visited the park = 250
The cost of 4 notebooks, if one is for Rs.16, would be
(iv) Amount = 150 # 300 + 400 # 350 = 185000 Rs
: 4 # 16 = 64 Rs
(v) Solving the equations x + y = 750 and
And the cost for 3 pens, if one is for Rs. 16, would be
150x + 400y = 212500 & 3x + 8y = 4250 we have
: 3 # 16 = 64 Rs
x = 350 and y = 400
Aditya should have paid 64 + 48 = 112 Rs but this is
i.e Number of children = 350 more than the price he paid.
Number of adults = 400. Therefore, Amar’s estimation is also wrong.
142. Dipesh bought 3 notebooks and 2 pens for Rs. 80. His (ii) According to the statement, we have
friend Ramesh said that price of each notebook could 3x + 2y = 80 and 4x + 3y = 110
be Rs. 25. Then three notebooks would cost Rs.75,
(iii) Solving 3x + 2y = 80 and 4x + 3y = 110 we get
the two pens would cost Rs. 5 and each pen could be
x = 20 and y = 10
for Rs. 2.50. Another friend Amar felt that Rs. 2.50
for one pen was too little. It should be at least Rs. 16. Thus cost of 1 notebook is 20 Rs and cost of 1 pen is
Then the price of each notebook would also be Rs.16. 10 Rs
(iv) Cost of 1 pen = Rs. 10
(v) Total cost 15 # 20 + 12 # 10 = 420 Rs
Page 104 Quadratic Equations Chap 4
Quadratic Equations
12. The linear factors of the quadratic equation Sol : [Board Term - 2 Comt. 2012]
2/3 1/3
x2 + kx + 1 = 0 are We have x +x -2 = 0
(a) k $ 2 (b) k # 2 Substituting x 1/3
= y we obtain,
(c) k $- 2 (d) 2 # k #- 2 2
y +y-2 = 0
Sol : [Board Term - 2 SQP 2012] ^y - 1h ^y + 2h = 0 & y = 1 or y = - 2
x1/3 = 1 & x = ^1 h3 = 1
We have, x + kx + 1 = 0 Thus
Comparing with ax2 + bx + c = 0 we get a = 1, b = k or x1/3 = - 2 & x = ^- 2h3 = - 8
and c = 1.
Hence, the real roots of the given equations are 1,
For linear factors, b2 - 4ac $ 0 -8 .
k2 - 4 # 1 # 1 $ 0 Thus (d) is correct option.
^k2 - 22h $ 0
16. ^x2 + 1h2 - x2 = 0 has
^k - 2h^k + 2h $ 0
(a) four real roots (b) two real roots
k $ 2 and k #- 2
(c) no real roots (d) one real root
Thus (d) is correct option.
Sol : [Board Term - 2 Comt. 2015]
^x + 1h - x = 0
13. If one root of the quadratic equation ax + bx + c = 0 We have 2 2 2
(a) b = c (b) a = b
x 4 + x2 + 1 = 0
(c) ac = 1 (d) a = c
^x h + x + 1 = 0
2 2 2
23. The quadratic equation 5x2 - 3x + 1 = 0 has 26. The quadratic equation x2 - 4x - 3 2 = 0 has
(a) two distinct real roots (a) two distinct real roots
(b) two equal real roots (b) two equal real roots
(c) no real roots (c) no real roots
(d) more than 2 real roots (d) more than 2 real roots
Sol : [Board 2019 Delhi] Sol : [Board 2018]
We have 5x - 3x + 1 = 0 We have 2
x - 4x - 3 2 = 0
Here a = 5, b = - 3, c = 1 Here a = 1, b = - 4 and c = - 3 2
Now, D = b - 4ac = ^- 3h - 4 ^5 h^1 h
2 2
Now D = b2 - 4ac
= 9 - 20 < 0 = ^- 4h2 - 4 ^1 h^- 3 2 h
Hence, roots of the equation are not real. = 16 + 12 2 > 0
Thus (c) is correct option.
Hence, the given equation has two distinct real roots.
The quadratic equation x - 4x + 3 2 = 0 has Thus (a) is correct option.
(a) two distinct real roots
27. The quadratic equation 3x2 + 4 3 x + 4 has
(b) two equal real roots (a) two distinct real roots
(c) no real roots (b) two equal real roots
(d) more than 2 real roots (c) no real roots
Sol : [Board SQP 2018] (d) more than 2 real roots
We have x - 4x + 3 2 = 0 Sol :
Here a = 1, b = - 4 and c = 3 2 We have 3x2 + 4 3 x + 4 = 0
Now D = b2 - 4ac = ^- 4h - 4 ^1 h^3 2 h
Here, a = 3 , b = 4 3 and c = 4
= 16 - 12 2 D = b2 - 4ac = ^4 3 h - 4 ^3 h^4 h
= 16 - 12 # ^1.41h = 48 - 48 = 0
= 16 - 16.92 = - 0.92 Hence, the equation has real and equal roots.
b - 4ac < 0 Thus (b) is correct option.
Hence, the given equation has no real roots. 28. Which of the following equations has 2 as a root?
Thus (c) is correct option. (a) x2 - 4x + 5 = 0 (b) x2 + 3x - 12 = 0
25. The quadratic equation x2 + 4x - 3 2 = 0 has (c) 2x2 - 7x + 6 = 0 (d) 3x2 - 6x - 2 = 0
(a) two distinct real roots Sol : [Board Term - 2 SQP 2014]
(b) two equal real roots (a) Substituting, 2
x = 2 in x - 4x + 5 , we get
(c) no real roots ^2 h - 4 ^2 h + 5 = 4 - 8 + 5 = 1 ! 0
33. Assertion : The roots of the quadratic equation 35. Assertion : The equation 8x2 + 3kx + 2 = 0 has equal
x2 + 2x + 2 = 0 are imaginary. roots then the value of k is ! 83 .
Reason : If discriminant D = b2 - 4ac < 0 then the Reason : The equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 has equal
roots of quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 are roots if D = b2 - 4ac = 0
imaginary. (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(A). (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
assertion (A). (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false. (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
Sol :
Sol : We have 8x2 + 3kx + 2 = 0
We have x + 2x + 2 = 0 Discriminant, D = b2 - 4ac
Discriminant, D = b - 4ac
= ^3k h2 - 4 # 8 # 2 = 9k2 - 64
= ^2 h2 - 4 # 1 # 2
For equal roots, D =0
= 4 - 8 =- 4 < 0 2
9k - 64 = 0
Roots are imaginary.
9k2 = 64
Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason
(R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A). k2 = 64 & k = ! 8
9 3
Thus (a) is correct option.
Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason
(R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
Thus (a) is correct option.
44. What are the real roots of the equation Sol : [Board 2019 OD]
x2/3 + x1/3 - 2 = 0 ? We have 2x - 4x + 3 = 0
Sol : [Board Term - 2 2012] Comparing the given equation with ax2 + bx + c = 0
2/3 1/3 we get a = 2 b = - 4 , c = 3
We have x +x -2 = 0
Now D = b2 - 4ac
Substituting x = y we obtain,
= (- 4) 2 - 4 (2) # (3)
y2 + y - 2 = 0
= - 8 < 0 or (- ve)
^y - 1h ^y + 2h = 0 & y = 1 or y = - 2
Hence, the given equation has no real roots.
Thus x1/3 = 1 & x = ^1 h3 = 1
or x1/3 = - 2 & x = ^- 2h3 = - 8 PRACTICE
Hence, the real roots of the given equations are 1, Find the nature of roots of the quadratic equation
-8 . 5x2 - 3x + 1 = 0 .
[Board Term - 2 2012]
45. If x2 + y2 = 25 , xy = 12 , then what is the value of x ? Ans : No real roots.
Sol : [Board Term - 2 2016]
2 2 48. Find the nature of roots of the quadratic equation
We have x + y = 25
x2 - 4x + 3 2 = 0 .
and xy = 12
Sol : [Board Term-2 2011]
x + b 12 l = 25
2 2
x We have x - 4x + 3 2 = 0
x 4 + 144 - 25x2 = 0 Here a = 1, b = - 4 and c = 3 2
= 16 + 12 2 > 0
47. Find the nature of roots of the quadratic equation
Hence, the given equation has two distinct real roots.
2x2 - 4x + 3 = 0 .
Page 114 Quadratic Equations Chap 4
x = 2 or x = - 1
3 2 Solve for x : 3 x2 + 10x + 7 3 = 0
Hence roots of equation are and - . 1 [Board Term-2 Foreign 2017]
3 2
Ans : - 3 and - 7
57. Solve for x : 2x + 6 3 x - 60 = 0
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2015] 60. Solve for x : 3 x2 - 2 2 x - 2 3 = 0
We have 2x2 + 6 3 x - 60 = 0 Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2015, Foreign 2014]
x + 3 3 x - 30 = 0 We have 3x -2 2x-2 3 = 0
x2 + 5 3 x - 2 3 x - 30 = 0 3 x2 - 63 2 - 2 @x - 2 3 = 0
x ^x + 5 3 h - 2 3 ^x + 5 3 h = 0
3x -3 2x+ 2x-2 3 = 0
Thus x = - 5 3 , 2 3 3 x (x - 3 2) + 2 (x - 2 3) = 0
3 x 6x - 6@ + 2 6x - 6@ = 0
^x - 6 h^ 3 x + 2 h = 0
Find the roots of the quadratic equation :
15x2 - 10 6 x + 10 = 0 Thus x = 6 =- 2
[Board Term-2 OD 2012]
2 2
Ans : 3
, 3
Find the roots of the quadratic equation Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
3 x2 - 2x - 3 = 0 1
We have ^x + 3h^x - 1h = 3 bx - 3 l
[Board Term-2 2012, 2011]
Ans : 3, - 1 x2 + 3x - x - 3 = 3x - 1
x2 - x - 2 = 0
59. Find the roots of the quadratic equation x2 - 2x + x - 2 = 0
2 x2 + 7x + 5 2 = 0 x ^x - 2h + 1 ^x - 2h = 0
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2017]
^x - 2h^x + 1h = 0
We have 2 x + 7x + 5 2 = 0 Thus x = 2, - 1
2 x2 + 2x + 5x + 5 2 = 0
Find the roots of the following quadratic equation :
2 x ^x + 2 h + 5 ^x + 2h = 0
2 x2 - x - 3 = 0
^x + 2 h^ 2 x + 5h = 0 5 5
Thus x = - 2 and = - 5
Page 116 Quadratic Equations Chap 4
68. Solve for x (in terms of a and b ) :
Solve for x : 2x + 9 + x = 13
a + b = 2, x ! a, b
[Board Term-2 OD 2016]
x-b x-a
Ans : 8 and 20
Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2016]
a ^x - a h + b ^x - b h
We have =2 71. Find the value of k for which the roots of the quadratic
^x - b h^x - a h equation 2x2 + kx + 8 = 0 will have the equal roots ?
a ^x - a h + b ^x - b h = 2 8x2 - ^a + b h x + abB
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD Compt., 2017]
ax - a2 + bx - b2 = 2x2 - 2 ^a + b h x + 2ab We have 2
2x + kx + 8 = 0
2x2 - 3 ^a + b h x + ^a + b h2 = 0 2
Comparing with ax + bx + c = 0 we get
2x2 - 2 ^a + b h x - ^a - b h x + ^a + b h2 = 0 a = 2, b = k, and c = 8
82x - ^a + b hB8x - ^a + b hB = 0 For equal roots, D = 0
Thus x = a + b, a + b b2 - 4ac = 0
k2 - 4 # 2 # 8 = 0
69. If x = 23 and x = - 3 are roots of the quadratic k2 = 64
equation ax2 + 7x + b = 0 , find the values of a and b . k = ! 64
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2016] Thus k = ! 8
We have ax + 7x + b = 0 (1)
72. Find k so that the quadratic equation
Substituting x = in above equation we obtain ^k + 1h x - 2 ^k + 1h x + 1 = 0 has equal roots.
4 a + 14 + b = 0 Sol : [Board Term-2 2016]
9 3
^k + 1h x - 2 ^k + 1h x + 1 = 0
We have
4a + 42 + 9b = 0
Comparing with Ax2 + Bx + C = 0 we get
4a + 9b = - 42 (2)
A = ^k + 1h, B = - 2 ^k + 1h, C = 1
and substituting x = - 3 in (1) we obtain
If roots are equal, then D = 0 , i.e.
9a - 21 + b = 0
B2 = 4AC
9a + b = 21 (3)
4 ^k + 1h2 = 4 ^k + 1h
Solving (2) and (3), we get a = 3 and b = - 6
k2 + 2k + 1 = k + 1
70. Solve for x : 6x + 7 - ^2x - 7h = 0 k2 + k = 0
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2016] k ^k + 1h = 0
We have 6x + 7 - ^2x - 7h = 0 k = 0, - 1
or, 6x + 7 = ^2x - 7h k = - 1 does not satisfy the equation, thus k = 0
Squaring both sides we get 73. If 2 is a root of the equation x2 + kx + 12 = 0 and
6x + 7 = ^2x - 7h 2 the equation x2 + kx + q = 0 has equal roots, find the
6x + 7 = 4x2 - 28x + 49 value of q .
k = 0 or k = 3 We have 2
x - 7x + 10 = 0
Since k = 0 is not possible, therefore k = 3 . x - 5x - 2x + 10 = 0
x ^x - 5h - 2 ^x - 5h = 0
Solve the quadratic equation ^x - 1h2 - 5 ^x - 1h - 6 = 0
^x - 5h^x - 2h = 0
Sol : [Board Term-2 2015] Thus a = 5 and b = 2
We have ^x - 1h2 - 5 ^x - 1h - 6 = 0 Thus a2 = 25 and b2 = 4
x - 2x + 1 - 5x + 5 - 6 = 0 Quadratic equation having roots a2 and b2 will be
x2 - ^a2 + b2h x + a2 b2 = 0
x - 7x + 6 - 6 = 0
x2 - 7x = 0 x2 - ^25 + 4h x + 25 # 4 = 0
x ^x - 7h = 0 x2 - 29x + 100 = 0
Thus x = 0, 7
83. Solve the following equation: 1 - 1 = 3 , x ! 0 , 2
x x-2
Page 120 Quadratic Equations Chap 4
a x+a+bx+1 = 0
x2 + x2 + 5x - ^a + 3h^a - 2h = 0
a+b a
x2 + 6a + 3 - ^a - 2h@x - ^a + 3h^a - 2h = 0
x ax + a k + a + b ax + a k = 0
a+b a a+b x2 + ^a + 3h x - ^a - 2h x - ^a + 3h^a - 2h = 0
a a+b
ax + a + b kbx + a l = 0 x 6x + ^a + 3h@ - ^a - 2h6x + ^a + 3h@ = 0
- ^a + b h 6x + ^a + 3h@6x - ^a - 2h@ = 0
Thus x = -a ,
a+b a Thus x = - ^a + 3h and x = ^a - 2h
89. Solve for x : Hence, roots of given equations are x = - ^a + 3h and
1 1 x = a - 2.
+ = 2 ; x ! 1, 2, 3
^x - 1h^x - 2h ^x - 2h^x - 3h 3
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2016]
Solve for x : x2 + 6x - ^a2 + 2a - 8h
We have 1 + 1 =2
^x - 1h^x - 2h ^x - 2h^x - 3h 3 [Board Term-2 Foreign 2015]
x-3+x-1 Ans : a - 2, - a - 4
^x - 1h^x - 2h^x - 3h 3
2x - 4 =2 91. Solve for x : x2 - (2b - 1) x + (b2 - b - 20) = 0
^x - 1h^x - 2h^x - 3h 3
2 ^x - 2h Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2015]
^x - 1h^x - 2h^x - 3h 3 We have x - ^2b - 1h x + ^b - b - 20h = 0
2 2
90. Solve for x : x2 + 5x - ^a2 + a - 6h = 0 2
Sol : [Board 2019 OD, Foreign 2015] ^2b - 1h ! 81 ^2b - 1h ! 9
= =
2 2
We have x3 + 5x - ^a2 + a - 6h = 0
2 = 2b + 8 , 2b - 10
x = - b ! b - 4ac 2 2
= b + 4, b - 5
-5 ! 25 + 4 ^a2 + a - 6h
Thus x = Thus x = b + 4 and x = b - 5
= -5 ! 25 + 4a + 4a - 24
92. Solve the equation for x : 4 - 3 = 5 ; x ! 0, - 3
2 x 2x + 3 2
= -5 ! 4a2 + 4a + 1 Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2014]
4 -3 = 5
- 5 ! ^2a + 1h We have
x 2x + 3
2 4- 5 =3
x 2x + 3
= 2a - 4 , - 2a - 6
2 2 4 ^2x + 3h - 5x
Thus x = a - 2, x = - ^a + 3h x ^2x + 3h
Alternative : 8x + 12 - 5x = 3x ^2x + 3h
3x + 12 = 6x2 + 9x
We have x2 + 5x - ^a2 + a - 6h = 0
6x2 + 6x - 12 = 0
x2 + 5x - 6a2 + 3a - 2a - 6@ = 0
x2 + x - 2 = 0
x2 + 5x - 6a ^a + 3h - 2 ^a + 3h@ = 0
Page 122 Quadratic Equations Chap 4
xb = ya 3x - ^2a + b h = 0
x =y
Hence Proved. x = a + 2b
b 3
98. Solve the following quadratic equation for x : 3x - ^2a + b h = 0
p x + ^p - q h x - q = 0
2 2 2 2 2
x = 2a + b
Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
Hence, roots are a + 2b and 2a + b .
We have p x + ^p - q h x - q = 0
2 2 2 2 2
3 3
Comparing with ax2 + bx + c = 0 we get 100. If the roots of the equation
^a + b h x - 2 ^ac + bd h x + ^c + d h = 0 are equal,
2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
a = p ,b = p - q , c =- q
prove that a = c .
The roots are given by the quadratic formula b d
Sol : [Board Term-2 2016]
x = - b ! b - 4ac We have ^a + b h x - 2 ^ac + bd h x + ^c + d2h = 0
2 2 2 2
Comparing with Ax2 + Bx + C = 0 we get
^p - q h - 4 ^p h^- q h
- ^ p 2 - q 2h -
2 2 2 2 2
= 2 A = ^a2 + b2h, B = - 2 ^ac + bd h, C = ^c2 + d2h
If roots are equal, D = B2 - 4AC = 0
- ^p - q h - p + q 4 - 2p2 q2 + 4p2 q2
2 2 4
= or B2 = 4AC
- ^p - q h - p + q 4 + 2p2 q2
2 2 4 Now 8- 2 ^ac + bd hB2 = 4 ^a2 + b2h^c2 + d2h
2p2 4 ^a2 c2 + 2abcd + b2 d2h = 4 ^a2 c2 + a2 d2 + b2 c2 + b2 d2h
- ^p2 - q2h - (p2 + q2) 2 a2 c2 + 2abcd + b2 d2 = a2 c2 + a2 d2 + b2 c2 + b2 d2
2abcd = a2 d2 + b2 c2
- ^p2 - q2h ! (p2 + q2)
= 0 = a2 d2 - 2abcd + b2 c2
- ^p2 - q2h + (p2 + q2) 2q2 q2 0 = ^ad - bc h2
Thus x = = 2= 2
2p 2 2p p 0 = ad - bc
- ^p2 - q2h - (p2 + q2) - 2p2
and x = = =- 1 Thus ad = bc
2p2 2p2
a =c Hence Proved
q2 b d
Hence, roots are 2 and - 1.
99. Solve the following quadratic equation for x : PRACTICE
9x2 - 9 ^a + b h x + 2a2 + 5ab + 2b2 = 0 Show that if the roots of the following equation
are equal then ad = bc or a = c .
Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2016] b d
We have 9x2 - 9 ^a + b h x + 2a2 + 5ab + 2b2 = 0 x ^a + b h + 2 ^ac + bd h x + c2 + d2 = 0
2 2 2
Now 2a2 + 5ab + 2b2 = 2a2 + 4ab + ab + 2b2 [Board Term-2 OD Compt. 2017]
Ans : Proof
= 2a 6a + 2b@ + b 6a + 2b@
= ^a + 2b h^2a + b h
101. Determine the positive value of k for which the
Hence the equation becomes equation x2 + kx + 64 = 0 and x2 - 8x + k = 0 will
9x2 - 9 ^a + b h x + ^a + 2b h^2a + b h = 0 both have real and equal roots.
9x2 - 3 63a + 3b@x + ^a + 2b h^2a + b h = 0 Sol : [Board Term-2 2012, 2014]
^a + b + x h a b x
107. 109.
x-5 x-5
Sol : [Board Term-2 SQP 2016] Sol : [Board Term-2 2016]
1 = 1+1+1 2x 2
We have
a+b+x a b x We have b x - 5 l + 5 b x - 5 l - 24 = 0
1 -1 = 1+1 Let 2x = y then we have
a+b+x x a b x-5
x - ^a + b + x h y2 + 5y - 24 = 0
x ^a + b + x h ab
^y + 8h^y - 3h =0
x-a-b-x = +b
x ^a + b + x h ab y = 3, - 8
- ^a + b h Taking y = 3 we have
x ^a + b + x h ab 2x =3
x ^a + b + x h = - ab x-5
2x = 3x - 15 & x = 15
x + ^a + b h x + ab
Taking y = - 8 we have
^x + a h^x + b h = 0 2x
x = - a or x = - b =- 8
2x = - 8x + 40
108. If ^- 5h is a root of the quadratic equation
2x2 + px + 15 = 0 and the quadratic equation 10x = 40 & x = 4
p ^x2 + x h + k = 0 has equal roots, then find the values Hence, x = 15, 4
of p and k .
110. Solve for x : 1 + 2 = 4 x !- 1, - 2, - 4
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2015] x+1 x+2 x+4
We have 2x2 + px - 15 = 0 Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2016]
116. Solve for x : 4x2 + 4bx - ^a2 - b2h = 0 Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2016]
k2 $ 256
Comparing with Ax2 + Bx + C = 0 we get
k $ 16 or k < - 16
A = 4, B = 4b and C = b2 - a2
(2) For x2 - 8x + k = 0 to have real roots
x = - B ! B - 4AC
2A 64 - 4k $ 0
- 4b ! ^4b h - 4.4 ^b - a h
2 2 2
16 - k $ 0
16 $ k
2 2 2
= - 4b ! 16b - 16b + 16a For (1) and (2) to hold simultaneously, k = 16
= - 4b ! 4a 119. Find the values of k for which the equation
^3k + 1h x + 2 ^k + 1h x + 1 has equal roots. Also find
^a + b h ^a - b h the roots.
=- ,
2 2 Sol : [Board Term-2 2014]
^a + b h ^a - b h We have ^3k + 1h x + 2 ^k + 1h x + 1
Hence the roots are - and
2 2
Comparing with Ax2 + Bx + C = 0 we get
117. Write all the values of p for which the quadratic A = (3k + 1), B = 2 (k + 1), C = 1
equation x2 + px + 16 = 0 has equal roots. Find the
If roots are equal, B2 - 4AC = 0
roots of the equation so obtained.
82 ^k + 1hB - 4 ^3k + 1h^1 h = 0
a = 5, b = ^- 6h and c = ^- 2h
2 8^a - b h + ^b - c h + ^c - a h B = 0
1 2 2 2
b2 - 4ac = ^- 6h2 - 4 # 5 # - 2
or, ^a - b h2 + ^b - c h2 + ^c - a h2 = 0
= 36 + 40 = 76 2 0
If a ! b ! c
So the equation has real and two distinct roots.
^a - b h2 2 0, ^b - c h2 2 0, ^c - a h2 2 0
5x2 - 6x = 2
If ^a - b h2 = 0 & a = b
Dividing both the sides by 5 we get
^a - c h2 = 0 & b = c x2 - 6 x = 2
^c - a h2 = 0 & c = a 5 5 5
131. The product of two consecutive positive integers is According to the question we have,
306. Find the integers.
x2 + ^x + 1h2 = 421
Sol : x2 + x2 + 2x + 1 = 421
Let x and x + 1 be two consecutive positive integers.
x2 + x - 210 = 0
According to question, product of x and (x + 1) is
306. x2 + 15x - 14x - 210 = 0
x (x + 18) - 17 (x + 18) = 0 x = - 15 or x = 14
132. A two digit number is such that product of its digits is The sum of squares of two consecutive even
14. If 45 is added to the number, the digits interchange numbers is 340. Find the numbers.
their places. Find the number. [Board Term-2 Foreign 2014]
Ans : 12 and 14
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
Thus, y = 14 = 14 = 7
x 2 or, 11x2 - 26x - 21 = 0
Therefore, number is (10x + y) = 27 11x2 - 33x + 7x - 20 = 0
360 ;x + 5 - x E =4 PRACTICE
x (x + 5) 5
If the price of a book is reduced by Rs. 5, a person
90 ; 5 =1
x (x + 5)E 5 can buy 5 more book for Rs. 300. Find the original
450 # 5 = x2 + 5x list price of the book.
[Board Term-2 2012]
x2 + 5x - 2250 = 0 Ans : Rs 20
x2 + 50x - 45x - 2250 = 0
x (x + 50) - 45 (x + 50) = 0 140. A person on tour has Rs 4200 for his expenses. If he
extends his tour for 3 days, he has to cut down his
(x + 50) (x - 45) = 0 & x = 45 [x !- 50]
daily expenses by Rs 70. Find the original duration
Hence, original speed of the train is 45 km/h. of the tour.
PRACTICE Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
A train covers a distance of 480 km at a uniform Let x be the original duration of tour in days.
speed. If the speed had been 8 km/hr less, then it Amount with the person is Rs 4200.
would have taken 3 hours more to cover the same Daily expenses, R1 = 4200
distance. Find the original speed of the train. x
[Board 2020 Delhi Standard]
If tour extended for 3 days, total number of days will
Ans : 40 km/hr be (x + 3).
Now daily expenses, R2 = 4200
(x + 3)
139. If the price of a book is reduced by Rs 5, a person can According to question.
by 4 more books for Rs 600. Find the original price
R1 - R2 = 70
of the book.
4200 - 4200 = 70
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Basic] x x+3
Let x be the original price of the book. 4200 b 1 - 1 l = 70
x x+3
Number of books bought at original price for Rs 600,
60 ;x + 3 - x E =1
n1 = 600 x (x + 3)
60 ; 3
x (x + 3)E
If the price of a book is reduced by Rs 5, then the new =1
price of books is (x - 5). 180 = x2 + 3x
Number of book bought at reduced price for Rs 600,
x2 + 3x - 180 = 0
n2 = 600 x2 + 15x - 12x - 180 = 0
According to equation, x (x + 15) - 12 (x + 15) = 0
n2 = n1 + 4 (x + 15) (x - 12) = 0
n2 - n1 =4 Thus x = - 15 and x = 12
600 - 600 =4 Since, x cannot be negative, x = 12
x-5 x
Thus, the original duration of the tour is 12 days.
600 < x (x - 5) F =4
141. The sum of ages (in years) of a son and his father is 35
3000 =4 years and product of their ages is 150 years, find their
x2 - 5x ages.
x2 - 5x = 750 Sol : [Board Term-2 2014, 2012]
x2 - 5x - 750 = 0 Let the age of father be x years and age of son be y
x2 - 30x + 25x - 750 = 0 years
Page 134 Quadratic Equations Chap 4
A takes 6 days less than the time taken by B to Time taken to cover 1500 km with increased speed,
finish a piece of work. If both A and B together
t2 = 1500 hr
can finish it in 4 days, find the time taken by B x + 100
to finish the work. Now we have,
[Board Term-2 2012]
Ans : 12 days t1 - t2 = 30 Minutes = 1 hr
151. In a flight of 600 km, an aircraft was slowed down due Substituting values of of t1 and t2 in above we obtain
to bad weather. The average speed of the trip was 1500 - 1500 = 1
reduced by 200 km/hr and the time of flight increased x x + 100 2
by 30 minutes. Find the duration of flight. 1- 1 = 1 = 1
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi, OD STD]
x x + 100 2 # 1500 3000
Let x be the original speed of flight. x + 100 - x = 1
x (x + 100) 3000
Flight distance d = 600 km 100 = 1
x2 + 100x 3000
Original duration, t = 600 (t = ds )
x 2
x + 100x = 300000
Duration with reduced speed x 200 ,
x2 + 100x - 300000 = 0
t1 = 600 x2 + 600x - 500x - 300000 = 0
x - 200
Flight time increased by 30 minute i.e 1
2 hour with x (x + 600) - 500 (x + 600) = 0
reduced speed, thus (x + 600) (x - 500) = 0
t1 - t = 2 Thus x = - 600, 500
600 - 600 Speed can not be negative. So we consider only
=1 ^t = ds h positive value x = 500 km/hr
x - 200 x 2
600 : 1 -1 =1
x - 200 x D 2 153. The time taken by a person to cover 150 km was 2 12
x - x + 200 1 hours more than the time taken in the return journey.
= If he returned at a speed of 10 km/hour more than
x (x - 200) 2 # 600
200 the speed while going, find the speed per hour in each
= 1
x2 - 200x 1200 direction.
x2 - 200x = 240000 Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2016]
4x2 + 1 + 4x = x2 + 4x2 + 1 - 4x
x2 - 8x = 0
x ^x - 8h = 0
Rejecting x = 0, we get x = 8 .
Now as per question we have
Thus altitude of triangle is 8 cm
x2 + ^x + 14h2 = ^x + 16h2
Hypotenuse of triangle is 2 # 8 + 1 = 17 cm
and base of triangle is 2 # 8 - 1 = 15 cm x2 + x2 + 28x + 196 = x2 + 32x + 256
x2 - 4x - 60 = 0
164. The perimeter of a right triangle is 60 cm. Its
x2 + 6x - 10x - 60 = 0
hypotenuse is 25 cm. Find the area of the triangle.
x ^x + 6h - 10 ^x + 6h = 0
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2016]
x = - 6, x = 10
As per question statement figure is given below.
As length can’t be negative x = 10 m. Therefore
length of sides are 10 m and 24 m.
Here a + b + c = 60, c = 25
a + b = 60 - c = 60 - 25 = 35
Using Pythagoras theorem
a2 + b2 = 252 = 625
Substituting the values in ^a + b h2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab ,
352 = 625 + 2ab
1225 - 625 = 2ab
or, ab = 300
Sol :
Shalvi is a member of first rocket club of India named
(i) When no cars are produced, x = 0
STAR Club. She launches her latest rocket from a
P (0) = 0 + 0 - 6600 large field. At the moment its fuel is exhausted, the
= - 6600 rocket has a velocity of 240 ft/sec and an altitude of
Thus when no cars are produced, there is loss of Rs 544 ft. After t sec, its height h (t) above the ground
6600 Thousand. is given by the function h (t) = - 16t2 + 240t + 544 .
Page 146 Quadratic Equations Chap 4
The income is the number of passengers multiplied by Now I (x) = (300 - 20x) (70 + 10x)
the price per ticket. Let I (x) represent income as a = 20 (15 - x) (10) (7 + x)
function of x .
= 200 (105 + 8x - x2)
Now I (x) = (400 - 10x) (50 + 5x)
= - 200 (x2 - 8x - 105)
= 10 (40 - x) (5) (10 + x)
= - 200 (x2 - 8x + 16 - 16 - 105)
= 50 (40 - x) (10 + x)
= - 200 (x2 - 8x + 16 - 121)
= 50 (400 + 40x - 10x - x2)
= - 200 (x2 - 8x + 16) + 24200
= 50 (400 + 30x - x2)
= - 200 (x - 4) 2 + 24200
= - 50 (x2 - 30x - 400)
From above equation it is clear that I (x) is maximum
= - 50 (x2 - 30x + 152 - 152 - 400)
at x = 4 and this maximum value is 24200. This
= - 50 (x2 - 30x + 152 - 625) means the company should make 4 fare increases of
= - 50 (x2 - 30x + 152) + 50 # 625 Rs 10 to maximize its income. Thus, the ticket price
should be 70 + 4 # 10 = 110 .
= - 50 (x - 15) 2 + 31250
From above equation it is clear that I (x) is maximum 184. A biologist predicts that the deer population, P (n)
at x = 15 and this maximum value is 31250. This , in a certain national park can be modelled by
means the company should make 15 fare increases of P (n) = 8n2 - 112n + 570 , where n is the number of
Rs 5 to maximize its income. Thus, the ticket price years since 1999.
should be 50 + 5 # 15 = 125 Rs. (i) According to this model, how many deer were in
the park in 1999?
183. Drama Ticket : Last year, 300 people attended the (ii) In which year was the deer population a minimum?
Ravindra Manch Drama Club’s winter play. The
(iii) How many deer were in the park when their
ticket price was Rs 70. The advisor estimates that 20
population was a minimum?
fewer people would attend for each Rs 10 increase in
(iv) Will the deer population ever reach zero, according
ticket price.
to this model?
(i) What ticket price would give the most income for
the Drama Club?
(ii) If the Drama Club raised its tickets to this price,
how much income should it expect to bring in?
Sol :
We have P (n) = 8n2 - 112n + 570
For 1999, n = 0
Sol :
Let x represent the number of Rs 10 fare increases. Thus P (0) = 0 - 0 + 570 = 570
Then 70 + 10x is the price per passenger and Now P (n) = 8n2 - 112n + 570
300 - 20x is the number of passengers.
= 8 (n2 - 14n) + 570
The income is the number of passengers multiplied by
the price per ticket. Let I (x) represent income as a = 8 (n2 - 14n + 49 - 49) + 570
function of x .
Page 150 Quadratic Equations Chap 4
(i) What will be the distance covered by Ria’s car in high, people won’t come. From past experience she
two hour? estimates that the profit P from sales (in hundreds)
(ii) Write the quadratic equation that describe the can be approximated by P (x) = - x2 + 22x - 40 where
speed of Nidhi’s car? x is the cost of a ticket and 0 # x # 25 hundred
(iii) What is the the speed of Nidhi’s car?
(iv) How much time did Ria take to travel 400 km?
(iv) How much time did Nidhi take to travel 400 km?
Sol :
(i) Nidhi’s car travels x km/h while Ria’s car travels
5 km/h more than Nidhi’s car. Thus Ria’s car speed
is x + 5 km/hour. Distance covered in two hour is
2 (x + 5) .
(ii) As per question,
400 = 400 + 4
x x+5
400 (x + 5) = 400x + 4x (x + 5)
2000 = 4x2 + 20x
(i) What is the lowest cost of a ticket that would
500 = x2 + 5x allow the theatre to break even?
x2 + 5x - 500 = 0 (ii) What is the highest cost that the theatre can
(iii) We have 2
x + 5x - 500 = 0 charge to break even?
x + 25x - 20x - 500 = 0 (iii) If theatre charge Rs 4 hundred for each ticket,
what is the profit/loss ?
x (x + 25) - 20 (x + 25) = 0
(iv) If theatre charge Rs 25 hundred for each ticket,
(x + 25) (x - 20) = 0
what is the profit/loss ?
x = 20, - 25
(v) What is the maximum profit which can be earned
Since x = - 25 is not possible, we get x = 20 by theatre ?
(iv) Rias car speed = 20 + 5 = 25 km/hour Sol :
Time taken = 400 = 16 hour (i) At break even P (x) = 0 , thus
- x2 + 22x - 40 = 0
(v) Time Taken by Nidhi 16 + 4 = 20 Hours
x2 - 22x + 40 = 0
(x - 2) (x - 20) = 0 & x = 2 , 20
(ii) Theatre can charge Rs 20 hundred also. This is
also break even point.
(iii) At, x = 4 , we have
P (2) = - (4) 2 + 22 # 4 - 40 = 32
(iv) At, x = 25 , we have
P (5) = - (25) 2 + 22 # 25 - 40 = - 115
(v) We have P (x) = - x2 + 22x - 40
Rearranging the profit equation we have
P (x) = - (x2 - 22x + 121 - 81)
192. Optimal Pricing Strategy : The director of the = - (x - 11) 2 + 81
National School of Drama must decide what to charge From above equation it is clear that maximum value
for a ticket to the comedy drama. If the price is set too of above equation is 81.
low, the theatre will lose money; and if the price is too
Page 154 Arithmetic Progression Chap 5
Arithmetic Progression
1 - p 1 - 2p
If the sum of the first n terms of an A.P. be 3n2 + n Given AP is 1 , , ...
2. p p p
and its common difference is 6, then its first term is Common difference
(a) 2 (b) 3
1-p 1 1-p-1 -p
d = - = = =- 1
(c) 1 (d) 4 p p p p
Thus (c) is correct option.
Sol : [Board 2023 OD Standard]
2 5. The value of x for which 2x, (x + 10) and (3x + 2) are
We have Sn = 3n + n
the three consecutive terms of an AP, is
and d =6 (a) 6 (b) - 6
Now Sn = n 62a + ^n - 1h d @ (c) 18 (d) - 18
3n2 + n = n 62a + 6n - 6@
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Standard]
2 Since 2x, (x + 10) and (3x + 2) are in AP we obtain,
6n2 + 2n = 2an + 6n2 - 6n (x + 10) - 2x = (3x + 2) - (x + 10)
8n = a - x + 10 = 2x - 8
a =4 - x - 2x = - 8 - 10
Thus, first term is 4. - 3x = - 18 & x = 6
Thus (d) is correct option.
Thus (a) is correct option.
Page 156 Arithmetic Progression Chap 5
Sol : (a) 8
= 3 [2 (- 5) + 5 (2)]
We have a18 - a14 = 32
= 3 (- 10 + 10) = 0
In an AP, an = a + (n - 1) d Thus (a) is correct option.
a + (18 - 1) d - [a + (14 - 1) d] = 32
17. The sum of first 16 terms of the AP 10, 6, 2, ..... is
a + 17d - a - 13d = 32 (a) - 320 (b) 320
4d = 32 & d = 8 (c) - 352 (d) - 400
Hence, the required common difference of the given
Sol : (a) - 320
AP is 8.
Thus (a) is correct option. Given, AP, is 10, 6, 2 .....
We have a = 10 and d = (6 - 10) = - 4
14. The 4th term from the end of an AP - 11, - 8 , - 5
, ....., 49 is Sn = n {2a + (n - 1) d}
(a) 37 (b) 40
S16 = 16 [2a + (16 - 1) d]
(c) 43 (d) 58 2
= 8 [2 # 10 + 15 (- 4)]
Sol : (b) 40
Common difference, = 8 (20 - 60)
d = - 8 - (- 11) = 8 (- 40) = - 320
= - 8 + 11 = 3 Thus (a) is correct option.
Last term, l = 49 18. In an AP, if a = 1, an = 20 and Sn = 399 , then n is
n th term of an AP from the end is equal to
an = l - (n - 1) d (a) 19 (b) 21
(c) 38 (d) 42
, a 4 = 49 - (4 - 1) # 3
= 49 - 9 = 40 Sol : (c) 38
Sol : n = 399 # 2 = 38 .
Gauss is the famous mathematician associated with
19. The sum of first five multiples of 3 is
finding the sum of the first 100 natural numbers, i.e.,
1, 2, 3, ....., 100 = 5050. (a) 45 (b) 55
Thus (c) is correct option. (c) 65 (d) 75
Now, the difference between their 4th terms, 29. The first four terms of an AP whose first term is - 2
al4 - a 4 = (- 1 + 3d) - (- 8 + 3d) and the common difference is - 2 are
(a) - 2, 0, 2, 4 (b) - 2, 4, - 8, 16
= - 1 + 3d + 8 - 3d = 7
(c) - 2, - 4, - 6, - 8 (d) - 2, - 4, - 8, - 16
Hence, the required difference is 7.
Thus (c) is correct option. Sol : (c) - 2, - 4, - 6, - 8
26 @
11 2a + 10d = 33 and 4, is
(a) 17 (b) 137
a + 5d = 3
(c) 143 (d) - 143
i.e. a6 = 3 & a 4 = 2
Sol : (b) 137
Since, alternate terms are integers and the given sum
Given, first two terms of an AP are
is possible, a 4 = 2 .
Thus (a) is correct option. a =- 3
and a+d = 4
27. If the sum of the first 2n terms of 2, 5, 8, .......... is
equal to the sum of the first n terms of 57, 59, 61, -3 + d = 4 & d = 7
.........., then n is equal to For an AP, an = a + ^n - 1h d
a21 = a + ^21 - 1h d
(a) 10 (b) 12
(c) 11 (d) 13
= - 3 + ^20h 7
Sol : (c) 11
= - 3 + 140 = 137
2n {2 2 + (2n - 1) 3} = n {2 57 + (n - 1) 2}
2 # 2 # Thus (b) is correct option.
2 (6n + 1) = 112 + 2n
31. The number of two digit numbers which are divisible
10n = 110 & n = 11 by 3 is
Thus (c) is correct option. (a) 33 (b) 31
(c) 30 (d) 29
28. In an AP, if d = - 4 , n = 7 and an = 4 , then a is
equal to Sol : (c) 30
(a) 6 (b) 7 Two digit numbers which are divisible by 3 are 12, 15,
18, .........., 99;
(c) 20 (d) 28
Here a = 12 , d = 3 and an = 99
Sol : (d) 28
For an AP, an = a + ^n - 1h d
In an AP, an = a + ^n - 1h d
So, 99 = 12 + (n - 1) # 3
4 = a + ^7 - 1h^- 4h
99 - 12 = 3n - 3
4 = a + 6 ^- 4h
99 - 12 + 3 = 3n
4 + 24 = a & a = 28
90 = 3n & n = 30
Thus (d) is correct option.
Thus (c) is correct option.
Page 160 Arithmetic Progression Chap 5
48. If the first term of AP is p and the common difference 52. Find the sum of all 11 terms of an AP whose middle
is q , then what is its 10th term? term is 30.
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Standard] Sol : [Board 2020 OD Standard]
Sol : [Board Term-2 2015] For what value of k will the consecutive terms
2k + 1, 3k + 3 and 5k - 1 form an AP?
Let common difference be d then we have
[Board Term-2 Foreign 2016]
d = a2 - a1 = 6- 3= 3 ^ 2 - 1h Ans : 6
d = a3 - a2 = 9- 6 = 3- 6
d = a 4 - a3 = 12 - 9 = 2 3 -3 For what value of k , k + 9, 2k - 1 and 2k + 7 are
As common difference are not equal, the given series the consecutive terms of an AP.
is not in AP [Board Term-2 OD 2016]
Ans : 18
65. If the common difference of an AP is - 6 , find a16 - a12 .
Sol : [Board Term-2 2014]
For what value of k; k + 2, 4k - 6, 3k - 2 are
Let the first term of an AP be a and common
three consecutive terms of an AP.
difference be d.
[Board Term-2 Delhi 2014, 2012]
Now d =- 6 Ans : 3
a16 = a + ^16 - 1h^- 6h = a - 90
a12 = a + ^12 - 1h^- 6h = a - 66
68. Find the 25th term of the AP - 5, - 5 , 5 , .....
a16 - a12 = ^a - 90h - ^a - 66h = a - 90 - n + 66 2 2
= - 24 Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2015]
Let the first term be a , common difference be d , n th 81. Which term of the AP 8, 14, 20, 26, ...... will be 72
term be an and sum of n the term be Sn more than its 41st term.
Here, a = 6, d = 6, n = 5
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2017]
Sn = n 82a + ^n - 1h dB Let the first term be a , common difference be d and
n th term be an .
S5 = 5 62 # 6 + ^5 - 1h^6 h@ We have a = 8, d = 6.
Since nth term is 72 more than 41st term. we get
= 5 612 + 4 # 6@
2 an = a 41 + 72
= 5 612 + 24@ = 5 [36] 8 + ^n - 1h 6 = 8 + 40 # 6 + 72
2 2
= 5 # 18 = 90 6n - 6 = 240 + 72
6n = 312 + 6 = 318
79. If the sum of n terms of an AP is 2n2 + 5n, then find
the 4th term. n = 53
Sol : [Board Term-2 2012] 82. If the nth term of an AP - 1, 4, 9, 14, ..... is 129. Find
Let the first term be a , common difference be d , n th the value of n.
term be an and sum of n term be Sn
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD Compt. 2017]
Now, Sn = 2n2 + 5n Let the first term be a , common difference be d and
nth term of AP, n th term be an .
a n = Sn - Sn - 1 We have a = - 1 and d = 4 - ^- 1h = 5
- 1 + ^n - 1h # 5 = an
an = ^2n2 + 5n h - [2 ^n - 1h2 + 5 ^n - 1h]
- 1 + 5n - 5 = 129
= 2n2 + 5n - [2n2 - 4n + 2 + 5n - 5]
5n = 135
= 2n2 + 5n - 2n2 - n + 3
n = 27
= 4n + 3 th
Hence 27 term is 129.
Thus 4th term a 4 = 4 # 4 + 3 = 19
83. Write the nth term of the AP 1 , 1 + m , 1 + 2m , .....
The sum of first n terms of an AP is given by Sol : [Board Term-2 OD Compt. 2017]
Sn = 2n2 + 8n. Find the sixteenth term of the AP. Let the first term be a , common difference be d and
[Board 2010] n th term be an .
Ans : 65 We have a = 1
80. If the sum of first k terms of an AP is 3k2 - k and its d = 1+m - 1 = 1
m m
common difference is 6. What is the first term?
Sol : an = 1 + ^n - 1h 1
[Board Term-2 2012] m
Let the first term be a , common difference be d , n th Hence , an = 1 + n - 1
term be an . Let the sum of k terms of AP is Sk . m
Page 168 Arithmetic Progression Chap 5
90. How many two digits numbers are divisible by 3? Substituting n by n - 1 we get
Sol : [Board 2019 Delhi] Sn - 1 = 3 (n - 1) 2 - 4 (n - 1)
Numbers divisible by 3 are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, ......., 96 and Now nth term
99. Lowest two digit number divisible by 3 is 12 and
a n = Sn - Sn - 1
highest two digit number divisible by 3 is 99.
Hence, the sequence start with 12, ends with 99 and = 3n2 - 4n - 3 (n - 1) 2 + 4 (n - 1)
common difference is 3. = 3n2 - 4n - 3 (n2 - 2n + 1) + 4 (n - 1)
So, the AP is 12, 15, 18, ....., 96, 99.
= - 3 (- 2n + 1) + 4 (- 1)
Here, a = 12 , d = 3 and an = 99
= 6n - 7
an = a + ^n - 1h d th
Therefore, n term is 6n - 7 .
99 = 12 + ^n - 1h 3
Find the 21 st term of the AP - 4 12 , - 3, - 1 12 , ...
99 - 12 = 3 ^n - 1h
a + 6d + a + 10d = 64 a + 4d + a + 6d = 34
a + 8d = 32 ...(2) 2a + 10d = 34
Solving equations (1) and (2), we have a + 5d = 17 ...(2)
d =3 Solving equations (1) and (2) we have
102. The ninth term of an AP is - 32 and the sum of d =3
its eleventh and thirteenth term is - 94 . Find the
common difference of the AP 105. Find the middle term of the AP 213, 205, 197, .... 37.
Let the first term be a and common difference be d. Let the first term of an AP be a , common difference
be d and number of terms be m .
Now a + 8d = a9
Here, a = 213, d = 205 - 213 = - 8, am = 37
a + 8d = - 32 ...(1)
am = a + ^m - 1h d
and a11 + a13 = - 94
37 = 213 + ^m - 1h^- 8h
a + 10d + a + 12d = - 94
37 - 213 = - 8 ^m - 1h
a + 11d = - 47 ...(2)
m - 1 = - 176 = 22
Solving equation (1) and (2), we have -8
d =- 5 m = 22 + 1 = 23
The middle term will be = 23 + 1 = 12th
The fifth term of an AP is 20 and the sum of a12 = a + ^12 - 1h d = 213 + ^12 - 1h^- 8h
its seventh and eleventh terms is 64. Find the = 213 - 88 = 125
common difference.
[Board Term-2 Foreign 2015] Middle term will be 125.
Ans : 3
Let the first term be a and common difference be d . 106. If the number x + 3, 2x + 1 and x - 7 are in AP find
Now a17 = a10 + 7 the value of x .
a + 16d = a + 9d + 7 Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
Let the first term be a and common difference be d. 107. Find the values of a, b and c , such that the numbers
Now a 4 = 11 a, 10, b, c, 31 are in AP
a + 3d = 11 ...(1) Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
Sn = n 82a + ^n - 1h dB 115. If the nth term of a sequence is 3 - 2n. Find the sum
2 of fifteen terms.
S5 + S7 = 167 Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
5 2a + 4d + 7 2a + 6d = 167
2^ h 2^ h Let the first term be a , common difference be d , n th
term be an and sum of n term be Sn
5a + 10d + 7a + 21d = 167
Here, an = 3 - 2n
12a + 31d = 167 ...(1)
Taking n = 1, a1 = 3 - 2 = 1
Now we have S10 = 235 , thus
15th term, a15 = 3 - 2 # 15 = 3 - 30 = - 27
10 2a + 10 - 1 d = 235
28 ^ h B
Now Sn = n ^a1 + an h
5 ^2a + 9d h = 235
S15 = (a1 + a15)
2a + 9d = 47 (2) 2
Solving (1) and (2), we get 15
= 61 + ^- 27h@
a = 1, d = 5
Thus AP is 1, 6, 11.... = 15 6- 26@
113. Find the sum of sixteen terms of an AP = 15 # ^- 13h = - 195
- 1, - 5, - 9, ...... .
Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
If the nth term of an AP is 7 - 3n, find the sum of
Let the first term be a , common difference be d , n th
twenty five terms.
term be an and sum of n term be Sn .
[Board Term-2 2012]
Here, a1 = - 1, a2 = - 5 and d = - 4 Ans : - 800
Now Sn = n 82a + ^n - 1h dB
16 116. The nth term of an AP is given by ^- 4n + 15h . Find
S16 = 62 # ^- 1h + ^16 - 1h^- 4h@ the sum of first 20 terms of this AP.
= 8 6- 2 - 60@ = 8 ^- 62h Sol : [Board Term-2 2013]
Here a = 7, a13 = 35 d = a2 - a1 = 7 - 11 = - 4
122. The fifth term of an AP is 26 and its 10th term is 51. 7a7 = 11a11
Find the AP
Now 7 ^a + 6d h = 11 ^a + 10d h
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD Compt. 2017]
7a + 42d = 11a + 110d
Let the first term be a , common difference be d and
n th term be an . 11a - 7a = 42d - 110d
a5 = a + 4d = 26 ...(1) , 4a = - 68d
a10 = a + 9d = 51 ...(2) 4a + 68d = 0
Subtracting (1) from (2) we have 4 ^a + 17d h = 0
5d = 25 & d = 5 a + 17d = 0
Substituting this value of d in equation (1) we get Hence, a18 = 0
a = 6.
Hence, the AP is 6, 11, 16, .... 126. In an AP of 50 terms, the sum of the first 10 terms
is 210 and the sum of its last 15 terms is 2565. Find
123. Find the AP whose third term is 5 and seventh term the AP.
is 9.
Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2017]
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi Compt. 2017]
Let the first term be a , common difference be d , n th
Let the first term be a , common difference be d and term be an and sum of n term be Sn .
n th term be an .
S10 = 210
Now a3 = a + 2d = 5 ...(1)
Sn = n 82a + ^n - 1h dB
and a7 = a + 6d = 9 ...(2) 2
Subtracting (2) from (1) we have 210 = 10 ^2a + 9d h
4d = 4 & d = 1 42 = 2a + 9d (1)
Substituting this value of d in (1) we get Now a36 = a + 35d
a =3 a50 = a + 49d
Hence AP is 3, 4, 5, 6, ...... Sum of last 15 terms,
124. Find whether - 150 is a term of the AP 11, 8, 5, 2, .... S36 - 50 = n (a36 + a50)
Sol :
2565 = 15 ^a + 35d + a + 49d h
[Board Term-2 Delhi Compt. 2017]
132. Show that the sum of all terms of an AP whose first 134. The 17 th term of an AP is 5 more than twice its 8 th
term is a , the second term is b and last term is c , is term. If 11 th term of AP is 43, then find its nth term.
(a + c) (b + c - 2a)
equal to Sol : [Board 2020 OD Basic]
2 (b - a)
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Standard] Let a be the first term and d be the common
Given, first term, A =a
nth term of an AP,
and second term A2 = b
an = a + (n - 1) d
Common difference, D = b-a th
Since 17 term of an AP is 5 more than twice of its
Last term, An = c 8 th term, thus
A + (n - 1) d = c a + (17 - 1) d = 5 + 2 [a + (8 - 1) d]
a + (n - 1) (b - a) = c a + 16d = 5 + 2 (a + 7d)
(b - a) (n - 1) = c - a a + 16d = 5 + 2a + 14d
n-1 =c-a 2d - a = 5 ...(1)
Since 11 term of AP is 43,
n =c-a +1 =c-a+b-a
b-a b-a a + (11 - 1) d = 43
n = b + c - 2 a
a + 10d = 43 ...(2)
Now sum of all terms Solving equation (1) and (2), we have
a = 3 and d = 4
(b + c - 2a)
S n = n [A + A n ] = [a + c] th
Hence, n term would be
2 2 (b - a)
(a + c) (b + c - 2a) an = 3 + (n - 1) 4 = 4n - 1
= Hence Proved
2 (b - a)
135. How many terms of the AP 24, 21, 18, .... must be
133. If in an AP, the sum of first m terms is n and the
taken so that their sum is 78?
sum of its first n terms is m , then prove that the sum
of its first (m + n) terms is - (m + n). Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
a + d = 14 + 2 = 16 = 3n2 + 3 - 6n + 5n - 5
a + 3d = 14 + 3 # 2 = 20 = 3n2 - n - 2
Thus required AP is 8, 12, 16, 20. a n = Sn - Sn - 1
= 3n2 + 5n - ^3n2 - n - 2h
141. An AP has p th , q th and r th terms as a, b and c respectively,
Show that a ^q - r h + b ^r - p h + c ^p - q h = 0. = 6n + 2
Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2016] Thus AP is 8, 14, 20, .......
Let the first term be A and the common difference Now a15 = a + 14d = 8 + 14 ^6 h = 92
be D .
a = A + ^p - 1h D
The sum of first n terms of an AP is given by
b = A + ^q - 1h D
Sn = 3n2 - 4n . Determine the AP and the 12th
c = A + ^r - 1h D term.
Now a ^q - r h = 8A + ^p - 1h DB6q - r @ [Board Term-2 Delhi 2014, 2012]
Ans : - 1, 5, 11, ....; 65
b ^r - p h = 8A + ^q - 1h DB6r - p@
and c 6p - q @ = 8A + ^r - 1h DB6p - q@
143. For what value of n, are the nth terms of two APs 63,
a ^q - r h + b ^r - p h + c ^p - q h 65, 67, ... and 3, 10, 17, .... equal?
= 8A + ^p - 1h DB6q - r @ + Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2016]
+ 8A + ^q - 1h DB6r - p@ + st
Let a, d and A, D be the 1 term and common
difference of the 2 APs respectively.
+ 8A + ^r - 1h DB6p - q@ +
n is same
= A 6p - q + q - p + q - r @ +
For 1st AP, a = 63 , d = 2
+ D (p - 1) (q - r) +
For 2nd AP, A = 3, D = 7
Page 180 Arithmetic Progression Chap 5
The numbers, multiple of 9 between 300 and 700 are Hence AP is 7, 12, 17, 22, ...
306, 315, 324, .... 693.
Let the first term be a , common difference be d and 159. Find the sum of all odd number between 0 and 50.
n th term be an = 693 Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi Compt 2017]
We have Sn = n 62a + ^n - 1h d @
165. The ratio of the 11th term to the 18th term of an A.P. 2
is 2 : 3. Find the ratio of the 5th term to the 21st term. Now S6 = 36
26 ^ h @
Also, find the ratio of the sum of first 5 terms to the 6 2a + 6 - 1 d = 36
sum of first 21 terms.
Sol : [Board 2023 OD Standard]
3 62a + 5d @ = 36
Let a be the first term and d be the common difference. 2a + 5d = 12 ...(1)
Since the ratio of the 11th term to the 18th term is 2 : Now S16 = 256
3, we have
26 ^ h @
16 2a + 6 - 1 d = 256
a11 = 2
a18 3
8 62a + 5d @ = 256
a + (11 - 1) d
=2 2a + 15d = 32 ...(2)
a + (18 - 1) d 3
a + 10d = 2 Subtract (1) from (2) we have
a + 17d 3
10d = 20 & d = 2
3a + 30d = 2a + 34d
Substitute d = 2 in equation (1) we have
a = 4d ...(1)
2a + 5 # 2 = 12
Ratio of 5th term to 21st term is
2a = 12 - 10
a5 a + (5 - 1) d
= 2a = 2 & a = 1
a21 a + (21 - 1) d
= a + 4d Thus, the sum of first 10 terms of given AP,
a + 20d
Substitute value of a = 4d from (1) we get S10 = 10 62 # 1 + ^10 - 1h 2@
= 4d + 4d = 5 ^2 + 18h
a21 4d + 20d
= 5 # 20
= 8d
24d = 100
Page 186 Arithmetic Progression Chap 5
171. Find the common difference of the Arithmetic Given AP is 45, 39, 33, ...
Progression (AP) 1 , 3 - a , 3 - 2a , ... (a ! 0) Here, a = 45 , d = 39 - 45 = - 6 and Sn = 180
a 3a 3a
Sol : [Board 2019 OD] Now Sn = n 62a + ^n - 1h d @
Given AP is 1 , 3 - a , 3 - 2a , ... ...(a ! 0)
a 3a 3a 180 = 62 # 45 + ^n - 1h^- 6h@
Here, first term, a1 =
a 360 = n ^90 - 6n + 6h
[Board Term-2 Delhi 2017] Let the first term be a , common difference be d , n th
Ans : 1
(7n - 1) term be an and sum of n term be Sn .
We have Sn = 3n2 + 4n.
a1 = 3 ^1 h2 + 4 ^1 h = 7
179. Find the 60 term of the AP 8, 10, 12, ...., if it has a
total of 60 terms and hence find the sum of its last a1 + a2 = S2 = 3 ^2 h2 + 4 ^2 h
10 terms. = 12 + 8 = 20
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2015] a2 = S2 - S1 = 20 - 7 = 13
Let the first term be a , common difference be d , n th
a + d = 13
term be an and sum of n term be Sn
We have a = 8, d = 10 - 8 = 2 or, 7 + d = 13
an = a + ^n - 1h d Thus d = 13 - 7 = 6
Now a60 = 8 + ^60 - 1h 2 = 8 + 59 # 2 = 126 Hence AP is 7, 13, 19, .......
187. An AP consists of 37 terms. The sum of the three Let these digit of 3 digit number be a - d, a, a + d
middle most terms is 225 and the sum of the past Since their sum is 15,
three terms is 429. Find the AP. a - d + a + a + d = 15
Sol : [Board Term-2 SQP 2017]
3a = 15 & a = 5
Let the middle most terms of the AP be ^x - d h, x
and ^x + d h . Required 3 digit number = 100 ^a - d h + 10a + a + d
= 10 + 14 # 3 = 52 5 = 23 + ^n - 1h^- 2h
a14 = 52 - 3 = 49 n = 10
206. Seating Capacity : The Fox Theater creates a “theater (i) How many sales were made by this person in the
in the round” when it shows any of Shakespeare’s seventh month?
plays. The first row has 80 seats, the second row has (ii) What were the total sales after the 12th month?
88, the third row has 96, and so on. (iii) Was the goal of 2500 total sales met after the 12th
(i) How many seats are in the 10th row? month?
(ii) How many seats are in the 25th row?
(ii) If there is room for 25 rows, how many chairs will
be needed to set up the theatre?
Sol :
Sales form a arithmetic sequence with a 1 = 100 ,
d = 20 and a n = 2500
(i) Sales in the seventh month,
a n = a 1 + (n - 1) d
207. Sales Goals : At the time that I was newly hired, 100
sales per month was what I required. Each following
month—the last plus 20 more, as I work for the goal
of top sales award. When 2500 sales are thusly made,
I get a holiday package.
Page 198 Arithmetic Progression Chap 5
(i) What was the balance in the sixth year? (i) If 1000 toothpicks are available, Sn = 1000 ,
(ii) In what year was the goal of Rs 420,000 met? Sn = n [2a1 + (n - 1) d]
1000 = [2 # 5 + (n - 1) # 4]
1000 = n [5 + 2 (n - 1)]
1000 = 5n + 2n2 - 2n
1000 = 3n + 2n2
2n2 + 3n - 1000 = 0
- 3 ! 32 - 4 # 2 # (- 1000)
n = 2#2
Sol :
Here donation forms a arithmetic sequence with n = 21.62 or - 23.12
a0 = 90000 and d = 3000 . Only a positive integer answer makes sense, so there
are 21 trapezoids in the last row.
Here a 1 = 120000 and a n = 420000 also
(ii) The number of trapezoids in each row is the same
(i) The balance in the sixth year, as the row number, so the 21st row has 21 trapezoids.
a n = a 1 + (n - 1) d
(iii) Sn = n [2a1 + (n - 1) d]
a 6 = 120000 + (6 - 1) (30000)
S21 = 21 [2 # 5 + (21 - 1) # 4]
= 120000 + 5 (30000) 2
= 270000 Rs = 21 [10 + 20 # 4]
(ii) Goal of Rs 4,20,000
= 21 # 90 = 945
420000 = 120000 + (n - 1) (30000) 2
(iv) The numbers of toothpicks in each row form a
14 = 4 + n - 1 sequence, whereas the total numbers of toothpicks
14 = 3 + n & n = 14 - 3 = 11 used form a series.
The goal was met in 11 years. 213. Book Reading : On the first day of October an English
teacher suggests to his students that they read five
212. It takes 5 toothpicks to build the top trapezoid shown
pages of a novel and every day thereafter increase
at below. You need 9 toothpicks to build 2 adjoined
their daily reading by two pages. If his students follow
trapezoids and 13 toothpicks for 3 trapezoids.
this suggestion, then how many pages will they read
(i) If 1000 toothpicks are available, how many during October?
trapezoids will be in the last complete row?
(ii) How many complete rows will there be?
(iii) How many toothpicks will you use to construct
these rows?
(iv) Use the numbers in this problem to carefully
describe the difference between a sequence and a
Sol :
The number of toothpicks needed to build each row
Sol :
can be expressed as an arithmetic sequence where the
first term is 5, the second term is 9, and the third The students read 5 pages the first day, 7 pages the
term is 13. The common difference is 4. second day, 9 pages the third day, and so on. This
Page 200 Arithmetic Progression Chap 5
216. Old Age Home : Your grandmother has assets of Rs same time. When an object is dropped from a tall
500,000. One option that she is considering involves building, it falls about 16 feet in the first second, 48
an adult residential community for a six-year period feet in the second, and 80 feet in the third second,
beginning in 2020. The model an = 1800n + 64130 regardless of its weight.
describes yearly adult residential community costs n (i) How many feet would an object fall in the sixth
years after 2019. Does your grandmother have enough second?
to pay for the facility? (ii) How many feet would an object fall in the six
(iii) How many feet would an object fall in the eight
Sol :
We must find the sum of an arithmetic sequence
whose general term is an = 1800n + 64, 130 . The first
term of the sequence corresponds to the facility’s costs
in the year 2020. The last term corresponds to costs
in the year 2025. Because the model describes costs
n years after 2019, n = 1 describes the year 2020 and Sol :
n = 6 describes the year 2025.
16, 32, 48........form a arithmetic sequence with
an = 1800n + 64, 130 a1 = 16 feet, and d = 48 - 12 = 32
For year 2020, n = 1 , Object fall in nth second,
a 1 = 1800 # 1 + 64, 130 = 65, 930 an = a1 + (n - 1) d
Sol :
RCB Machine Pvt Ltd started making road roller 10
Money given away on promotion forms a arithmetic year ago. Company increased its production uniformly
sequence with d = 100 . by fixed number every year. The company produces
They have given away Rs 124,000 in august i.e in 31 800 roller in the 6th year and 1130 roller in the 9th
days. Thus n = 31 and Sn = 124000 . year.
(i) Now Sn = n [2a1 + (n - 1) d] (i) What was the company’s production in first year?
(ii) What was the company’s production in the 8th
S31 = 31 [2a1 + (31 - 1) 100]
2 year ?
124,000 = 31 (2a 1 + 3000) (iii) What was the company’s total production of the
2 first 6 years?
8000 = 2a1 + 3000
(iv) What was the increase in the company’s
5000 = 2a1 production every year ?
2500 = a1 (v) In which year the company’s production was 1350
The radio station should give away Rs 2500 the first rollers ?
day. Sol :
(ii) Give away on the 15th day, (i) Let a be the production in first year and d be the
Now a = 2500 , d = 100 , n = 15 increase every year in production.
an = a1 + (n - 1) d We have a6 = 800
a15 = 2500 + (15 - 1) 100 a9 = 1130
= 2500 + 14 # 100 Now, a + (6 - 1) d = 800
= 3900 a + 5d = 800 ...(1)
(iii) Total give away in 15 days Similarly a + 8d = 1130 ...(2)
S31 = n (a1 + an) Solving (1) and (2), we get
= (2500 + 3900) d = 110
a = 800 - 5 # 110 = 250
= 15 # 6400 = 48000
(ii) Since, a = 250 and d = 110
221. Road Roller : A road roller (sometimes called a
a8 = a + (8 - 1) d
roller-compactor, or just roller) is a compactor-type
engineering vehicle used to compact soil, gravel, = 250 + 7 # 110 = 1020
concrete, or asphalt in the construction of roads and (iii) Production in 6 th year is 800 rollers.
foundations. Similar rollers are used also at landfills
or in agriculture. Road rollers are frequently referred Sn = n [a + an] = 6 [250 + 800]
2 2
to as steamrollers, regardless of their method of
propulsion. = 3 # 1050 = 3150
Chap 5 Arithmetic Progression Page 203
Sol :
Thus is arithmetic series where a 1 = 500 , d = 100
and n = 10 .
Now Sn = n [2a 1 + (n - 1) d]
S10 = 10 [2 # 500 + (10 - 1) 100]
= 5 [1000 + 900]
= 9500 Rs
Chap 6 Triangles Page 205
36 = 8
x 6
x = 36 # 6 = 27
Thus, perimeter of TPQR is 27 cm.
Thus (b) is correct option.
Sol :
Since, DE z BC
1.5 = 1
3 EC
EC = 2 cm
(a) 2 cm (b) 2.25 cm
(c) 3.5 cm (d) 4 cm Thus (c) is correct option.
Chap 6 Triangles Page 207
(c) AQ2 + CP2 = AC2 + PQ2 Now, sum of the remaining sides of triangle,
Thus QB = 3 cm
6. In the given figure, if +A = 90º, +B = 90º, OB = 4.5 9. In TABC, if X and Y are points on AB and AC
cm OA = 6 cm and AP = 4 cm then find QB. XB = 4 , AY = 5 and YC = 9,
respectively such that AX 3
In given figure DE | | BC. If AD = 3 cm DB = 4 14. In the given figure, ABC is a triangle in which
cm and AE = 6 cm then find EC. DE | | BC . If AD = x , DB = x - 2, AE = x + 2 and
EC = x - 1, then find the value of x .
Sol : [Board Term-1 2010] 20. In an equilateral triangle of side 24 cm, find the
In the given figure TABC ~TPQR , length of the altitude.
z = 8 # 3 and y = 4 3 # 6
6 8
z = 4 and y = 3 3
Thus y+z = 3 3 +4
AD = AB2 - BD2
= ^24h2 - ^12h2
= 576 - 144
= 432 = 12 3
Thus AD = 12 3 cm.
AG = BF ...(1)
PC = 15 # 20 = 25 cm
PC = PR Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
CQ BR Since XY || OR , by BPT we have
25 = 15 PX = PY
BR = 15 # 15 = 9 cm 1 = PY = 4
25 2 PR - PY PR - 4
26. ABCD is a trapezium in which AB | | CD and its PR - 4 = 8 & PR = 12 cm
diagonals intersect each other at the point O. Show
that AO = CO . In right TPQR we have
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012] QR2 = PR2 - PQ2
As per given condition we have drawn the figure = 122 - 62 = 144 - 36 = 108
Thus QR = 6 3 cm
Chap 6 Triangles Page 217
Also,Area of TABC = 1 # BC # AC = 1 ab
2 2
Thus 1 cp = 1 ab
2 2
cp = ab Proved
32. Diagonals AC and BD of trapezium ABCD with Sol : [Board 2023 OD Standard]
AB | | DC intersect each other at point O . Show that
OA = OB . In TABD and TCEF, we have
Thus +ABC = +ACB
+ADB = +EFC (Each 90º)
Due to AA similarity
TABD ~TECF Hence proved
Sol : [Board 2023 OD Standard] 34. Two right triangles ABC and DBC are drawn on
We have redrawn the figure below. the same hypotenuse BC and on the same side
of BC . If AC and BD intersect at P , prove that
AP # PC = BP # DP .
Sol : [Board 2019 OD]
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012] Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi STD, 2012]
LM = KM By BPT BD = BF ...(2)
a =b+c From (1) and (2), we have
x c
BF = BE .
x = ac FE EC
45. A 6 m high tree cast a 4 m long shadow. At the same
43. In the given figure, AB = AC. E is a point on CB time, a flag pole cast a shadow 50 m long. How long
produced. If AD is perpendicular to BC and EF is the flag pole?
perpendicular to AC , prove that TABD is similar
Sol : [Board 2009]
to TCEF.
Let AB be height of tree and BC its shadow.
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012] Again, let PQ be height of pole and QR be its
shadow. At the same time, the angle of elevation of
In TABD and TCEF, we have
tree and poles are equal i.e 3 ABC + PQR
Thus +ABC = +ACB
+ADB = +EFC (Each 90º)
Due to AA similarity
TABD ~TECF Hence proved
6 = PQ
4 50
PQ = 50 # 6
= 75 m
Chap 6 Triangles Page 223
y b 1 + 1 l = BC + AB
x z AC
49. In the given figure PA, QB and RC are each
perpendicular to AC. If AP = x , BQ = y and y b 1 + 1 l = AC = 1
x z AC
CR = z , then prove that 1 + 1 = 1
x z y
1+1 = 1 Hence, proved
x z y
Chap 6 Triangles Page 225
52. In TABC, AD is a median and O is any point on 53. In the figure, +BED = +BDE and E is the mid-
AD. BO and CO on producing meet AC and AB point of BC . Prove that AF = AD .
at E and F respectively. Now AD is produced to X CF BE
such that OD = DX as shown in figure.
Prove that :
(1) EF | | BC
(2) AO : AX = AF : AB
In TAXC, AE = AO ...(2)
EC OX We have +BED = +BDE
Since E is mid-point of BC ,
From (1) and (2) we get
AF = AE BE = BD = EC ...(1)
By converse of BPT we have From (1) we have
EF || BC BD = BE = 1
From (1) we get OX = FB BD = DG = EC = BE
OX + OA = FB + AF
Thus AO : AX = AF : AB Hence Proved Thus AF = AD
Chap 6 Triangles Page 227
Prove that in a right triangle, the square of the
hypotenuse is equal to sum of squares of other two
sides. Using the above result, prove that, in rhombus
ABCD, 4AB2 = AC2 + BD2 .
Sol : [Board Term -2 SQP 2017, 2015]
AO = OC = 1 AC
and BO = OD = 1 BD
Since diagonal of rhombus bisect each other at right
+AOB = 90º
AB2 = OA2 + OB2
In TAEB and TABC +A common and
= b AC l + b BD l
+E = +B (each 90º) 2 2
By AA similarity we have 2 2
4 4
AE = AB or 4AB2 = AC2 + BD2 Hence proved
60. In given figure +1 = +2 and TNSQ ~TMTR, then (i) What is the horizontal distance from C to the
prove that TPTS ~TPRO. taller pole?
(ii) How high above the ground is the coupling ?
(iii) How far down the wire from the smaller pole is
the coupling ?
Sol :
The poles form parallel line segments and the wires
are transversals cutting through the ends of the
parallel segments.
40 c 30 x m = 2000 - 50x
(ii) x = 40
a 30
Page 232 Triangles Chap 6
Sol :
We draw a diagram of the situation as shown below.
We use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length Because of AA similarity we can write,
of the ladder, represented by y .
122 + 162 = l2 CD DE
x = 20 = 2
144 + 256 = l2 100 - x 30 3
400 = l2 & l = 400 = 20 feet 3x = 2 (100 - x)
The ladder is 20 feet long. 3x = 200 - 2x
Now ^2 + 12h2 + h2 = l2 3x + 2x = 200
^2 + 12h2 + h2 = 202
5x = 200 & x = 200 = 40 m
2 2 2 5
14 + h = 20
68. Two Ships : Two ships are cruising together on the
h = 202 - 142 = 204
open ocean at 6 nautical miles per hour. One of
= 2 51 them turns to make a angle 90c with the first and
increases speed, heading for port. Assuming the first
. 14.3 ship continues traveling at 6 knots, find the speed of
The ladder reaches about 14.3 feet up the side of the the other ship if they are 10 mi apart after 1 hr.
We have d = 102 - 62
Sol :
= 8 mile
Here we will use property of similar triangle. We
Since it travel 8 miles in hour, its speed is 8 nautical
redraw the diagram of the situation as shown below.
Chap 6 Triangles Page 233
At t = 2 seconds, BD = 2 # 1 = 2 m
DE = 1 m
height of the pinaple shadow of pineaple
= Since, ABE ` TCDE
height of Ishita shadow of Ishita
y AB = BE = BD + DE
= 4 CD DE DE
1.56 0.39
or, 4.5 = 2 + 1 = 3
y = 4 # 1.56 CD 1
70. Rohan is very intelligent in maths. He always try (ii) At point where shadow is equal to her height,
to relate the concept of maths in daily life. One day CD = DE = 1.5 m
he is walking away from the base of a lamp post at
a speed of 1 m/s. Lamp is 4.5 m above the ground. AB = BE = BD + DE
Chap 6 Triangles Page 235
S3 : AB = CA
S 4 : BC = AB
S5 : CA = DE
Once again due to AA similarity criterion, Which of the above statements are correct ?
(a) S3 and S5 (b) S 4 and S5
(c) S3 and S 4 (d) All three
5 = 1.5
13 - x x (iv) What is the distance x across the river?
1 (v) What is the approximate length of AD shown in
= 0.3 the figure?
13 - x x
x = 3.9 - 0.3x Sol :
1.3x = 3.9 & x = 3 (i) We have used AA similarity criterion.
(v) Distance between mirror and pole, (ii) Here, +ABC = +DEC (90c each)
= 13 - x = 13 - 3 = 10 m Since vertical opposite angle are equal,
72. Tania is very intelligent in maths. She always try to
Thus due to AA similarity criterion,
relate the concept of maths in daily life. One day
she plans to cross a river and want to know how far TABC ` TDEC
it is to the other side. She takes measurements on
and +BAC = +CDE
her side of the river and make the drawing as shown
below. Therefore both are correct.
Thus (a) is correct option.
(iii) Since TABC and TDEC are similar triangle,
AB = BC = CA
(iv) We have AB = BC
60 = 50 & x = 48 ft
x 40
Sol :
(i) AF = h
HF = 4
h 3h
AH = AF - HF = h - 4 = 4
(ii) Here AF is the median to BC from A in
3 ABC and G is centroid Thus AG = 23 AF
(iii) From part (ii)
AG = 3 AF
AF = 2 AG
Now AH is median to DE from A in 3 ADE
Thus AJ = 3 AH Since DE BC ,
From part (i) AH = 4 AF
2 3
Thus AJ = 3 # 4 AF
= 2 # 3 # 3 AG = 3 AG
3 4 2 4
(iv) GJ = AG - AJ
= AG - 3 AG = 1 AG
4 4
Page 238 Coordinate Geometry Chap 7
Coordinate Geometry
D = b 6 + 0, 4 + 0 l We have 3x - y = 3
2 2
At the y-axis, value of x is 0, thus substitute value of
= (3, 2)
x = 0 in given equation we have,
Now length of AD , 3#0-y = 3
AD = ^3 - 5h2 + ^2 - (- 6)h
-y = 3
2 2
= 2 +8 y =- 3
= 68 Hence, the line 3x - y = 3 cuts y axis at point (0, – 3).
Thus (a) is correct option. Thus (a) is correct option.
Page 240 Coordinate Geometry Chap 7
(c) 6 (d) 8
Sol :
Coordinate of the centroid G of TABC
- 1 + 0 - 5, 3 + 4 + 2
=b 2 3 l
= (- 2, 3)
Since, G lies on the median, x - 2y + k = 0 , it must
satisfy the equation,
-2 - 6 + k = 0 & k = 8
Thus (d) is correct option. Thus (b) is correct option.
Page 244 Coordinate Geometry Chap 7
35. If the point P ^2, 1h lies on the line segment joining 2b = 26 & b = 13
points A ^4, 2h and B ^8, 4h , then
(a) AP = 1 AB (b) AP = PB
(c) PB = AB (d) AP = 1 AB
3 2
Sol :
Let, AP : AB = m : n
Using section formula, we have,
4 = 8m + 2n
and 2 = m+n
Solving these as linear equation, we get,
m = 1 and n = 2
AP = 1
AB 2 Thus (a) is correct option.
AP = 1 AB
2 38. Assertion : The value of y is 6, for which the distance
Thus (d) is correct option. between the points P ^2, - 3h and Q ^10, y h is 10.
Reason : Distance between two given points
36. If P ` a3 , 4 j is the mid-point of the line segment joining A ^x1, y1h and B ^x2, y2h is given,
the points Q ^- 6, 5h and R ^- 2, 3h , then the value of AB = ^x2 - x1h2 + ^y2 - y1h2
a is
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and
(a) - 4 (b) - 12
reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
(c) 12 (d) - 6 (A).
Page 246 Coordinate Geometry Chap 7
As per given information in question we have drawn 47. Find the ratio in which x -axis divides the line segment
the figure below, joining A (2, - 3) and B (5, 6).
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Basic]
54. If three points (0, 0), (3, 3 ) and (3, l) form an 58. The ordinate of a point A on y-axis is 5 and B has
equilateral triangle, then what is the value of l ? co-ordinates ^- 3, 1h . Find the length of AB.
Sol : Sol : [Board Term-2 2014]
Let the given points are A (0, 0), B (3, 3 ) and We have A ^0, 5h and B ^- 3, 1h .
C (3, l) . Distance between A and B ,
Since, TABC is an equilateral triangle, therefore
AB = ^x2 - x1h2 + ^y2 - y1h2
2 2 2 2
= ^- 3 - 0h2 + ^1 - 5h2
(3 - 0) + ( 3 - 0) = (3 - 0) + (l - 0)
= 9 + 16 = 25 = 5
9 + 3 = 9 + l2
l2 = 3 & l = ! 3 59. Find the coordinates of a point A, where AB is
diameter of a circle whose centre is (2, - 3) and B is
55. The co-ordinate of the point dividing the line segment the point (1, 4).
joining the points A (1, 3) and B (4, 6) in the ratio Sol : [Board 2019 Delhi]
2 : 1 is ......... . As per question we have shown the figure below.
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Basic] Since, AB is the diameter, centre C must be the mid
Let point P (x, y) divides the line segment joining the point of the diameter of AB .
points A (1, 3) and B (4, 6) in the ratio 2 : 1.
Using section formula we have
m x + m x m1 y2 + m2 y1
(x, y) = c 1m2 + m 2 1 , m + m m
1 2 1 2
(x, y) = b 2 # 4 + 1 # 1, 2 # 6 + 1 # 3 l
2+1 2+1
= b 8 + 1, 12 + 3 l = b 9 , 15 l = (3 , 5)
3 3 3 3
57. If the mid-point of the line segment joining the points PRACTICE
A (3, 4) and B (k, 6) is P (x, y) and x + y - 10 = 0 , find Find the coordinates of a point A, where AB is
the value of k . diameter of the circle whose centre is ^2, - 3h and
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Standard] B is the point ^3, 4h .
[Board 2019 Delhi]
If P (x, y) is mid point of A (3, 4) and B (k, 6), then
we have Ans : ^1, - 10h
3 + k = x and y = 4 + 6 = 10 = 5
2 2 2
60. Find the perpendicular distance of A ^5, 12h from the
Substituting above value in x + y - 10 = 0 we have
3 + k + 5 - 10 = 0
2 Sol : [Board Term-2 2011]
72. Prove that the point ^3, 0h , ^6, 4h and ^- 1, 3h are the
vertices of a right angled isosceles triangle.
Let AB be divides by P in ratio n: 1.
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2016]
x co-ordinate for section formula
We have A ^3, 0h , B ^6, 4h and C ^- 1, 3h
^- 2h n + 1 ^- 5h
-3 =
n+1 Now AB2 = ^3 - 6h2 + ^0 - 4h2
- 3 ^n + 1h = - 2n - 5 = 9 + 16 = 25
- 3n - 3 = - 2n - 5 BC = ^6 + 1h2 + ^4 - 3h2
5 - 3 = 3n - 2n = 49 + 1 = 50
2 =n CA = ^- 1 - 3h2 + ^3 - 0h2
Ratio n = 2 or 2: 1 = 16 + 9 = 25
1 1
Now, y co-ordinate, AB = CA2 or, AB = CA
We have PQ = PR
8x - ^a + b hB + 8y - ^b - a hB
2 2
Also, 25 + 25 = 50
8x - ^a - b hB + 8y - ^b + a hB
2 2
= or, AB + CA2 = BC2
Page 252 Coordinate Geometry Chap 7
Sol :
If the mid-point of the line segment joining A 8 x2 , y +2 1B
[Board Term-2 OD 2012]
and B ^x + 1, y - 3h is C ^5, - 2h , find x, y. We have P ^2, - 1h, Q ^3, 4h, R ^- 2, 3h , S ^- 3, - 2h
77. Show that A ^6, 4h, B ^5, - 2h and C ^7, - 2h are the Now PR = 12 + 52 = 26
vertices of an isosceles triangle. 2 2
= 4 +4 = 32
Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
Y ^ 32 h
We have A ^6, 4h, B ^5, - 2h, C ^7, - 2h . PQ2 + QR2 = 2 # 26 = 52 =
Mid-point of AC ,
- 1 + 2, 0 + 2 = 1, 1
2 2 l b2 l
Mid-point of BD ,
3-2 1+1 1
b 2 , 2 l = b 2 , 1l
Here Mid-point of AC = Mid-point of BD
Since diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other,
ABCD is a parallelogram.
Now 2 = 1 + x1 & x1 = 3
- 4 + y1
and -1 = & y1 = 2
0 = 1 + x2 & x = - 1
- 4 + y2
-1 = & y2 = 2
Thus B ^x1, y1h = ^3, 2h,
C ^x2, y2h = ^- 1, 2h
92. If the point C ^- 1, 2h divides internally the line
Find the co-ordinate of a point P on the line
segment joining the points A ^2, 5h and B ^x, y h in the
segment joining A ^1, 2h and B ^6, 7h such that
ratio 3: 4, find the value of x2 + y2 .
AP = 25 AB .
Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2016] [Board Term-2 OD 2015]
As per question, line diagram is shown below. Ans : (3, 4)
In what ratio does the point ^ 24 Find the coordinates of the point which divide
11 , y h divides the
line segment joining the points P ^2, - 2h and the line segment joining A ^2, - 3h and B ^- 4, - 6h
Q ^3, 7h ? Also find the value of y. into three equal parts.
[Board Term-2 SQP 2016]
[Board Term-2 SQP 2012]
Ans : 2 : 9, - 114 Ans : ^0, - 4h and ^- 2, - 5h
a = k + 10 and b = - 1
1 (- 3) + 2 (1)
Now x1 = = -3 + 2 = -1 From given condition we have
1+3 3 3
1 (4) + 2 (- 2) a - 2b = 18
y1 = = 4-4 = 0
1+2 3 Substituting value b = - 1 we obtain
Co-ordinates of P is ^- 13 , 0h .
a + 2 = 18 & a = 16
Here Q is mid-point of PB.
a = k + 10 = 16 & k = 22
- + ^- 3h
1 2
= - 10 = - 5
Thus x2 =
2 6 3 P ^a, b h = ^16, 1h
y2 = 0 + 4 = 2 AB = ^22 - 10h2 + ^4 + 6h2
Thus co-ordinates of Q is ^- 52 , 2h . = 2 61 units
Page 260 Coordinate Geometry Chap 7
FD = ^- 4 - 4h2 + ^0 - 0h2 = 64 PA = PB
= 8 units PA2 = PB2
AB = BC = AC Using distance formula,
^5 - x h2 + ^1 - y h2 = ^- 1 - x h2 + ^5 - y h2
2 2 =2 2 =4=1
4 2 4 2 8 2 ^5 - x h2 + ^1 - y h2 = ^1 + x h2 + ^5 - y h2
Since ratio of the corresponding sides of two similar 25 - 10x + 1 - 2y = 1 + 2x + 25 - 10y
Ts is equal, we have
- 10x - 2y = 2x - 10y
TABC ~TDEF Hence Proved.
8y = 12x
106. In the given figure TABC is an equilateral triangle 3x = 2y Hence proved.
of side 3 units. Find the co-ordinates of the other two
2 +1
2 2
2 +2
107. If the distances of P ^x, y h from A ^5, 1h and B ^- 1, 5h = 5
are equal, then prove that 3x = 2y. 2
111. Two friends Seema and Aditya work in the same office ABCD is a square? Chameli disagrees. Using distance
at Delhi. In the Christmas vacations, both decided formula, find which of them is correct.
to go to their hometown represented by Town A and
Town B respectively in the figure given below. Town
A and Town B are connected by trains from the same
station C (in the given figure) in Delhi. Based on the
given situation answer the following questions:
(i) Who will travel more distance, Seema or Aditya, Coordinates of points A, B , C , D are A (3, 4), B (6, 7),
to reach to their hometown? C (9, 4) and D (6, 1).
(ii) Seema and Aditya planned to meet at a location Distance formula,
D situated at a point D represented by the mid-
point of the line joining the points represented by d = (x2 - x1) 2 + (y2 - y1) 2
Town A and Town B . Find the coordinates of the Now AB = (3 - 6) 2 + (4 - 7) 2
point represented by the point D .
= 9 + 9 = 18 = 3 2 units
Sol : [Board 2020 SQP Standard]
BC = (6 - 9) 2 + (7 - 4) 2
From the given figure, the coordinates of points A, B
and C are (1, 7), (4, 2) and (- 4, 4) respectively. = 9 + 9 = 18 = 3 2 units
(i) Distance travelled by seema CD = (9 - 6) 2 + (4 - 1) 2
CA = (- 4 - 1) 2 + (4 - 7) 2 = 9 + 9 = 18 = 3 2 units
= (- 5) 2 + (- 3) 2 DA = (6 - 3) 2 + (1 - 4) 2
= 25 + 9 = 34 units = 9 + 9 = 18 = 3 2 units
Thus distance travelled by seema is 34 units. Now AC = (3 - 9) 2 + (4 - 4) 2
Similarly, distance travelled by Aditya
= 36 + 0 = 6 units
CB = (4 + 4) 2 + (4 - 2) 2
DB = (6 - 6) 2 + (1 - 7) 2
2 2
= 8 +2 = 64 + 4
= 0 + 36 = 6 units
= 68 units
Since, AB = BC = CD = DA and AC = DB , ABCD
Distance travelled by Aditya is 68 units and Aditya is a square and Champa is right.
travels more distance.
(ii) Since, D is mid-point of town A and town B 113. Point A lies on the line segment XY joining X ^6, - 6h
and Y ^- 4, - 1h in such a way that XYXA
= 25 . If point A
D = b 1 + 4 , 7 + 2 l = b 5, 9 l also lies on the line 3x + k ^y + 1h = 0 , find the value
2 2 2 2
of k .
112. In a classroom, 4 friends are seated at the points
Sol : [Board 2019 OD]
A, B , C , and D as shown in Figure. Champa and
Chameli walk into the class and after observing for a As per given information in question we have drawn
few minutes Champa asks Chameli, Don’t you think the figure given below.
Page 264 Coordinate Geometry Chap 7
k ^a + b h + ^a + b h
^k + 1h^a + b h
= = a+b
x+y = a+b Hence Proved
x = m1 x2 + m2 x1
m1 + m2
Now PR = AP
y - y2
= m1
y2 - y m2
m y + m2 y1
y = 1 2
m1 + m2
124. (i) Derive section formula.
m y + m1 y2
Thus co-ordinates of P are b m2 x1 + m1 x2 , 2 1
(ii) In what ratio does ^- 4, 6h divides the line segment m1 + m2 m1 + m2 l
joining the point A ^- 6, 4h and B ^3, - 8h (ii) Assume that ^- 4, 6h divides the line segment
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2014] joining the point A ^- 6, 4h and B ^3, - 8h in ratio k : 1
(i) Section Formula : Let A ^x1, y1h and B ^x2, y2h are Using section formula for x co-ordinate we have
two points. Let P ^x, y h be a point on line, joining A k (3) - 6
and B , such that P divides it in the ratio m1: m2 . -4 =
m y + m1 y2
Now ^x, y h = b m2 x1 + m1 x2 , 2 1
m1 + m2 l
- 4k - 4 = 3k - 6 & k = 2
m1 + m2 7
Page 268 Coordinate Geometry Chap 7
Sol : Sol :
Here the coordinates of A, B and C are (- 2, - 3), We have a rectangle ABCD where A ^1, 1h, B ^7, 1h,
(2, 3) and (3, 2) respectively. C ^7, 5h and D ^1, 5h .
Now, AB = (- 2 - 2)2 + (- 3 - 3)2 (i) Coordinates of the point of intersection of
= 16 + 36 = 52 = 2 13 diagonals AC and BD
=5 2+ 2 =6 2 = 13 units
Distance travelled by second bus (iii) Area of the campaign Board
= AB = 2 13 AB = 6 units = CD
But 6 2 2 2 13 BC = 4 units = AD
Hence, by second bus we would like to travel. Area of campaign board ABCD ,
Area = 6×4
128. Use of mobile screen for long hours makes your eye
sight weak and give you headaches. Children who are = 24 sq. units
addicted to play “PUBG” can get easily stressed out. (iv) Ratio of the length of side AB to the length of
To raise social awareness about ill effects of playing the diagonal AC ,
PUBG, a school decided to start ‘BAN PUBG’
campaign, in which students are asked to prepare AC = AB
campaign board in the shape of a rectangle. One 6
]5 - 1g2 + ]7 - 1g2
such campaign board made by class X student of the
school is shown in the figure. 6
= = 6
16 + 36 52
= 6 = 3 13
2 13 13
= 3 13 : 13
= 36 + 64 = 100
The star located at S is farthest from the center of
the room. SP = 10 km
131. Old Age Home : An old age homes is a place where SH = (8 - 2)2 + (2 - 2)2
old people live and are cared for when they are too = (6)2 + (0)2
old to look after themselves. With advancing age,
people often lose motor functions. Performing day to = 36 + 0 = 36
day activities becomes a daunting task. In an old age SH = 6 km
home, the association helps with daily activities. One
of the factors that make old age homes attractive to HP = (8 - 8)2 + (10 - 2)2
elders is the companionship. The steady security in (0)2 + (8)2
an old age home gives them protection from intruders
and helps them live a safe and secure life. = 0 + 64 = 64
HP = 8 km
Distance between school and park = SP = 10 km .
Distance between school and park via the old age
home = SH + HP = 6 + 8 = 14 km
Additional distance travelled while going to the old
age home = 14 - 10 = 4 km .
132. Ajay, Bhigu and Colin are fast friend since childhood.
They always want to sit in a row in the classroom .
But teacher doesn’t allow them and rotate the seats
row-wise everyday. Bhigu is very good in maths and
A school decides to take the students for school picnic he does distance calculation everyday. He consider the
to an amusement park. However, the students have to centre of class as origin and marks their position on a
first visit an old age home and then move towards the paper in a co-ordinate system. One day Bhigu make
park. If the point S , P and H represent the school, the following diagram of their seating position.
the park and the old age home respectively, find the
additional distance covered by the students had they
travelled directly from school to the park. ? (Note :
All distance are in km)
Page 272 Coordinate Geometry Chap 7
(iv) PQ = (4 - 3) 2 + (6 - 2) 2 = 17
(v) Distance not depend on origin. In this case this
is 17 .
Page 276 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8
Introduction of Trigonometry
cos2 q - 1 , in simplified form is :
sin2 q sin2 q
(a) tan2 q (b) sec2 q
1. If sec q - tan q = m , then the value of sec q + tan q is (c) 1 (d) –1
(a) 1 - 1 (b) m2 - 1 Sol :
m [Board 2023 OD Standard]
(c) 1 (d) - m 2
cos q - 1 = cot2 q - cosec2 q
sin2 q sin2 q
Sol : [Board 2024 OD Standard]
= cot2 q - (1 + cot2 q)
sec2 q - tan2 q = 1
= cot2 q - 1 - cot2 q = - 1
(sec q - tan q) (sec q + tan q) = 1
1 Thus (d) is correct option.
sec q + tan q = = 1
sec q - tan q m
Thus (c) is correct option. 5. If sin q - cos q = 0 , then the value of ^sin 4 q + cos 4 qh is
(a) 1 (b) 3
2. For q = 30c, the value of 2 sin q cos q is 4
(c) 1 (d) 1
(a) 1 (b) 3 2 4
3 Sol : [Board 2022 Term-1 Standard]
(c) (d) 3
4 2 Given, sin q - cos q = 0
Sol : [Board 2024 OD Standard]
sin q = cos q
2 sin q cos q = 2 sin 30c cos 30c
sin q = sin ^90c - qh
= 2 # 12 # 2
Sol :
We have sin q = a =
b Hypotenuse
Base = b2 - a2
= b2 - a2
b +A + +B + +C = 180c
Thus (c) is correct option. But right angled at C i.e., +C = 90c, thus
14. If cos ^a + b h = 0 , then sin ^a - b h can be reduced to +A + +B + 90c = 180c
(a) cos b (b) cos 2b A + B = 90c
(c) sin a (d) sin 2a cos ^A + B h = cos 90c = 0
Sol : Thus (a) is correct option.
Given, cos ^a + b h = 0 = cos 90c 6cos 90c = 0@
17. If sin a = 1 and cos b = 1 , then the value of ^a + b h
2 2
a + b = 90c is
a = 90c - b (a) 0c (b) 30c
Now, sin ^a - b h = sin ^90c - b - b h (c) 60c (d) 90c
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and
Square of any expression is always greater than equal reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
to zero. (A).
f ^x h $ 2 Hence proved. (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but
Thus (c) is correct option. reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
assertion (A).
27. Assertion (A): For 0 1 q # 90c, cosec q - cot q and
cosec q + cot q are reciprocal of each other. (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
Reason (R): cosec2 q - cot2 q = 1 (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Sol :
Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion
(A). sin q = P = 4
H 3
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true Here, perpendicular is greater than the hypotenuse
and Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of which is not possible in any right triangle.
Assertion (A). Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason
(c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false. (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true. Thus (a) is correct option.
Sol : [Board 2023 OD Standard] 30. Assertion : The value of sec2 10c - cot2 80c is 1.
According to trigonometry identity Reason : The value of sin 30c = 12 .
cosec2 q - cot2 q = 1 (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and
^cosec q + cot qh^cosec q - cot qh = 1 reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
^cosec q - cot qh = 1
^cosec q + cot qh (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but
Thus assertion is True. reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
Reason : It is a Trigonometric Identity which is used assertion (A).
in assertion. Thus reason is also true and correct (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
explanation of assertion.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
Thus (a) is correct option.
Page 282 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8
39. If cot q = 12 , then the value of sin q is ......... . 44. In the adjoining figure, what is the length of BC ?
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
41. If sin a = 1
and cos b = 12 , then find the value of
If tan (A + B) = 3 and tan (A - B) = 1 , A > B ,
^a + b h . 46.
then the value of A is ......... .
Sol : [Board Term-1 2014]
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
sin a = 1 = sin 30c & a = 30c
2 We have tan (A + B) = 3
cos b = = cos 60c & b = 60c
2 = tan 60c
a + b = 30c + 60c = 90c Hence, A + B = 60c ...(1)
42. The value of the (tan2 60c + sin2 45c) is .......... . Again, tan (A - B) = 1
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Basic] = tan 30c
A - B = 30c ...(2)
tan2 60c + sin2 45c = ( 3 ) 2 + c 1 m
If sin q - cos q = 0 , then find the value of ^sin 4 q + cos 4 qh The value of c sin2 q + 1
1 + tan2 q m
43. 47. = ................... .
Sol : [Board 2007]
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Standard]
59. If tan ^3x + 30ºh = 1 then find the value of x. sin2 q cos2 q
= cos2 q
1 + sin2 q
Sol : [Board Term-1 2015] cos2 q sin2 q
= sec2 q # 1 1
sec2 q 67. Prove that : + = 2 sec2 q
1 + sin q 1 - sin q
k+1 = 1 & k= 1-1 = 0 Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
Thus k = 0 1 1
LHS = +
1 + sin q 1 - sin q
63. Find the value of sin2 41º + sin2 49º (1 - sin q) + (1 + sin q)
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012] (1 + sin q) (1 - sin q)
We have = 2 = 2 sec2 q = RHS
1 - sin2 q
sin2 41 + sin2 49 = sin2 (90º - 49º) + sin2 49º
= cos2 49 + sin2 49º 68. If 2 sin q = 1, find the value of sec2 q - cosec2 q.
=1 Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
We have 2 sin q = 1
64. Prove that tan2 q + cot2 q = 1.
1 + tan2 q 1 + cot2 q sin q = 1 = sin 45º
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
2 2
Thus q = 45º
LHS = tan q + cot q
1 + tan2 q 1 + cot2 q Now sec2 q - cosec2 q = sec2 45º - cosec2 45º
= ^ 2h -^ 2h = 0
2 2
= tan2 q + cot q2
2 2
sec q cosec q
Page 286 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8
AD = 3a We have 2 sin 2q = 3
We have
Also tan ^A - B h = 1 = tan 30º
3 3 sin q - cos q = 0 and 0º < q < 90º
A - B = 30º ...(2) 3 sin q = cos q
Adding equations (1) and (2), we obtain, sin q = 1
2A = 90º cos q 3
1 sin q
A = 90º = 45º tan q = = tan 30º ;tan q = cos q E
2 3
Substituting this value of A in equation (1), we get q = 30º
Sol :
= 1 # 3 +1
[Board Term-1 2012]
3 = cos 30º 2 2 2
We have cos ^A - B h =
= 6 +1 = 6 +2
A - B = 30º ...(1) 4 2 4
Also sin ^A + B h = 3 = sin 60º 83. If sin f = 1 , show that 3 cos f - 4 cos3 f = 0 .
2 2
Sol : [Board 2010]
A + B = 60º ...(2)
Adding equations (1) and (2), we obtain, We have sin f = 1
Page 288 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8
^1 - cos Ah
2 95. If tan ^3x + 30ºh = 1 then find the value of x.
sin2 A Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
= 1+ 3 = 7 PRACTICE
4 4
If A and B are acute angles and cosec A = sec B,
Thus sin q + cos q = 7 = 7 then find the value of A + B .
4 2
[Board Term-1 2013]
92. If q be an acute angle and 5 cosec q = 7 , then evaluate Ans : 90º
sin q + cos2 q - 1.
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
We have 5 cosec q = 7
cosec q = 7
sin q = 5 98. If A = 60c and B = 30c, verify that :
sin q + cos q - 1 = sin q - ^1 - cos qh
2 2 sin ^A + B h = sin A cos B + cos A sin B
7 7 49 49 = sin 90c = 1
2 2
The value of the (tan 60c + sin 45c) is ........ . =1
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Basic]
RHS = sin A cos B + cos A sin B
tan2 60c + sin2 45c = ( 3 ) 2 + c 1 m
= sin 60c cos 30c + cos 60c sin 30c
= 3+ = 7 3 3 +1 1
2 2 2 # 2 2#2
In right angle triangle TCAD , applying Pythagoras If sin q + cos q = 3, then prove that
theorem, tan q + cot q = 1.
AD2 + AC2 = DC2 [Board 2020 SQP Standard]
2 2
AD + (1.5) = (3) 2 Ans : Proof
116. If in a triangle ABC right angled at B, AB = 6 119. In the given +PQR, right-angled at Q, QR = 9 cm
units and BC = 8 units, then find the value of and PR - PQ = 1 cm. Determine the value of
sin A cos C + cos A sin C . sin R + cos R.
Sol : [Board Term-1 2016]
2 2
RHS = sin q = sin 60 º
^2h +^2h
1 2 1 2
1 + cos q 1 + cos 60º
+3-1 3 3
= 4 1 1 = 2
= 2
= 1
4 + 4 1 + 12 3
2 3
+ 2 13
= 4 1 = 14 = 13 RHS = LHS
2 2
Hence, relation is verified for q = 60º.
118. If cos ^40º + x h = sin 30º, find the value of x .
121. If tan A + cot A = 2, then find the value of
Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
tan2 A + cot2 A.
We have
Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
cos ^40º - x h = sin 30º
We have tan A + cot A = 2
cos ^40º + x h = sin ^90º - 60ºh
Squaring both sides, we have
cos ^40º + x h = cos 60º
^tan A + cot Ah = ^2h2
40º + x = 60º
tan2 A + cot2 A + 2 tan A cot A = 4
x = 60º - 40º = 20º 1
tan2 A + cot2 A + 2 tan A # =4
Thus x = 20º . tan A
Page 294 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8
= b cos q - 1 l
AC = b2 - a2
sin q
b a
Now cosec q =
b - a2
, cot q =
b - a2
2 ^1 - cos qh2
= [[sin 2 q + cos 2 q = 1]]
sin2 q
b+a = b+a
cosec q + cot q = ^1 - cos qh
b2 - a2 b-a
^1 - cos qh
We have
cosec2 q - cosec2 q = cosec2 q 1 1
cosec q - 1 cosec q + 1 ; 1 - 1 - 1 + 1E
sin q sin q
1 - 1 = 1 - 1
129. Prove that : ^cot q - cosec qh2 = 1 - cos q cosec A - cot A sin A sin A cosec A + cot A
1 + cos q
1 + 1 = 1 + 1
Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
cosec A - cot A cosec A + cot A sin A sin A
cot q - cosec q = cos q - 1 1 + 1 = 2
sin q sin q cosec A - cot A cosec A + cot A sin A
Page 296 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8
= 2
sec A - 1 We have sin q + cos q = 3
Squaring both the sides, we get
(3) cosec A = 1 = sec A
sin A sec2 A - 1 (sin q + cos q) 2 = ( 3 ) 2
sin2 q + cos2 q + 2 sin q cos q = 3
cos2 (45c + q) + cos2 (45c - q) 1 + 2 sin q cos q = 3
138. Show that : =1
tan (60c + q) tan (30c - q)
2 sin q cos q = 3 - 1 = 2
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Standard]
sin q cos q = 1 ...(1)
cos2 (45c + q) + cos2 (45c - q)
tan (60c + q) tan (30c - q) Now tan q + cot q = sin q + cos q
cos q sin q
cos2 (45c + q) + sin2 (90c - 45c + q) 2 2
tan (60c + q) cot (90c - 30c + q) = sin q + cos q
sin q cos q
cos2 (45c + q) + sin2 (45c + q) 1
= or tan q + cot q =
tan (60c + q) cot (60c + q) sin q cos q
Substituting the value of sin q cos q from equation (1)
= 1 = 1 = RHS
1 we have
tan q + cot q = 1 = 1
FIVE MARKS QUESTIONS Hence, tan q + cot q = 1
139. Prove that : tan q + cot q = 1 + sec q cosec q 141. If sec q = x + 1 , x ! 0 find ^sec q + tan qh .
1 - cot q 1 - tan q 4x
Sol : [Board 2024 OD Standard] Sol : [Board 2019 Delhi]
=^ 2 + 2h -c 1 m
= 3 + 22 3 + 1 = 4 + 2 3
^ 3 h - ^1 h2 2 2
= ^2 2 h - = 8 - 1 = 15
= 2+ 3 2 2 2
Hence tan 75º = 2 + 3 151. If 3 cot2 q - 4 cot q + 3 = 0 , then find the value of
(ii) tan 90º = tan ^60º + 30ºh cot2 q + tan2 q.
= 1 b 1 l + 4b 1 l + 1 + 1 = 1 + 4 + 1 + 1 3
4 2 3 2 24 8 3 2 24
= 3+ =1 10
= 3 + 32 + 12 + 1 = 48 =2 3 3
24 24 If q = 60º, then
Evaluate : 4 ^sin 4 30º + cos 4 60ºh - 3 ^cos2 45 - sin2 90ºh cot2 60º + tan2 60º = c 1 m + ^ 3 h
2 2
Sol : [Board Term-1 2013]
= + 3 = 10 .
4 ^sin 4 30º + cos 4 60ºh - 3 ^cos2 45 - sin2 90ºh 3 3
= 4 ;b 1 l + b 1 l E - 3 =c 1 m - ^1 h2G
4 4 2
152. Evaluate the following :
2 2 2 2 cos2 60º + 3 sec2 30º - 2 tan2 45º
1 1
= 4 : + D - 3 : - 1D 1 sin2 30º + cos2 45º
16 16 2
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
= 4 b 2 l - 3 b- 1 l
2 cos2 60º + 3 sec2 30º - 2 tan2 45º = ^ 2 h
16 2 2 1 2
+ 3 ` 23 j2 - 2 ^1 h2
sin2 30º + cos2 45º ^2h +` 2 j
1 2 1 2
1 3
= + = =2 4
2 2 2
2 ^ 12 h2 + 3 _ i - 2 ^1 h
2 2
If 15 tan2 q + 4 sec2 q = 23, then find the value of ^2h +_ i
1 2 1 2
^sec q + cosec qh - sin q .
2 2
= 4 1 1 = 10
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012] 4 + 2
2 2
We have 15 tan q + 4 sec q = 23 tan q + cot q
153. Prove that : = 1 + tan q + cot q.
15 tan2 q + 4 ^tan2 q + 1h = 23 1 - cot q 1 - tan q
15 tan2 q + 4 tan2 q + 4 = 23 Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
19 tan2 q = 19 tan q + cot q = tan q + tan q
1 - cot q 1 - tan q 1 - tan1 q 1 - tan q
tan q = 1 = tan 45º 2
= tan q + 1
Thus q = 45º tan q - 1 ^1 - tan qh tan q
Page 300 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8
q ^p2 - 1h = 2p
= 2 cosec A = 2 cosec2 A
cosec A - 1 cot2 A Sol : [Board Term-1 2014]
2 sin2 A We have cos q + sin q = p and sec q + cosec q = q
= sin2 A
q ^p2 - 1h = ^sec q + cosec qh [^cos q + sin qh2 - 1]
2 #
cos2 A
sin2 A
sin A cos2 A
2 = 2 sec2 A
= Hence Proved. = ^sec q + cosec qh^cos2 q + sin2 q + 2 sin q cos q - 1h
cos2 A
p2 - 1 = ^sec q + cosec qh [1 + 2 sin q cos q - 1]
161. If cosec q + cot q = p, then prove that cos q = .
p2 + 1 = b 1 + 1 l^2 sin q cos qh
Sol : [Board Term-1 2016]
cos q sin q
p -1 ^cosec q + cot qh - 1
2 = b sin q + cos q l 2 sin q cos q
= cos q sin q
p2 + 1 ^cosec q + cot qh + 1
2 2
= 2 ^sin q + cos qh = 2p Hence Proved.
= cosec2 q + cot2 q + 2 cosec q cot q - 1
cosec q + cot q + 2 cosec q cot q + 1 165. If x = r sin A cos C, y = r sin A sin C and z = r cos A,
= 1 + cot2 q + cot2 q + 2 cosec q cot q - 1 then prove that x2 + y2 + z2 = r2
cosec2 q + cosec2 q - 1 + 2 cosec q cot q + 1
Sol :
2 cot q ^cot q + cosec qh
[Board Term-1 2011]
= 2 2 2
x = r sin A cos C 2
2 cosec q ^cosec q + cot qh Since,
2 1 + 2 sin A + cos2 A +
sin2 q + cos2 q = c 1 m + e 5 o
(2) = sin2 A +
cos2 A cos A
6 6
1 5 6 + 12 + 2 cos A
= + = sin A sin A
6 6 6
=1 Hence proved. = sin2 A + cos2 A + 12 + 12 +
sin A cos A
+ 2 b sin A + cos A l
172. If sec q + tan q = p, show that sec q - tan q = 1 , cos A sin A
Hence, find the values of cos q and sin q. 2
+ cos2 A + 2 sin2 A + cos2 A
= 1 + sin A c sin A cos A m
Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
sin A cos2 A
= 1+ 1 + 2
We have sec q + tan q = p (1)
sin2 A cos2 A sin A cos A
1 = 1 (sec q - tan q) 1 2
= b1 +
sin A cos A l
p sec q + tan q # (sec q - tan q)
= sec2 q - tan2q = sec q - tan q = ^1 + sec A cosec Ah2 Hence Proved
sec q - tan q
or 1 = sec q - tan q (2) 175. If ^sec A + tan Ah^sec B + tan B h^sec C + tan C h
= ^sec A - tan Ah^sec B - tan B h^sec C - tan C h
Solving sec q + tan q = p and sec q - tan q = 1 , Prove that each of the side is equal to ! 1.
p2 + 1 Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
sec q = 1 b p + 1 l =
2 p 2p We have
Thus cos q = 2
p +1 ^sec A + tan Ah^sec B + tan B h^sec C + tan C h
p2 - 1 = ^sec A - tan Ah^sec B - tan B h^sec C - tan C h
and tan q = 1 b p - 1 l =
2 p 2p Multiply both sides by
p2 - 1
sin q = tan q cos q = 2 ^sec A - tan Ah^sec B - tan B h^sec C - tan C h
p +1
or, ^sec A + tan Ah^sec B + tan B h^sec C + tan C h #
Prove that : ^cosec q + cot qh2 = sec q + 1
^sec A - tan Ah^sec B - tan B h^sec C - tan C h
sec q - 1
Sol : = ^sec A - tan Ah2 ^sec B - tan B h2 ^sec C - tan C h2
^cosec q + cot qh = cosec q + cot q + 2 cosec q. cot q
2 2 2
or, ^sec2 A - tan2 Ah^sec2 B - tan2 B h^sec2 C - tan2 C h
= b 1 l + b cos q l + 2 # 1 # cos q
2 2
sin q sin q sin q sin q = ^sec A - tan Ah2 ^sec A - tan B h2 ^sec C - tan C h2
or, 1 = 8^sec A - tan Ah^sec B - tan B h^sec C - tan C hB2
= 12 + cos2 q + 2 cos2 q
sin q sin q sin q
or, ^sec A - tan Ah^sec B - tan B h^sec C + tan C h = ! 1
^1 + cos qh
2 2
= 1 + cos q 2+ 2 cos q =
sin q 2
1 - cos q 176. If 4 sin q = 3, find the value of x if
^1 + cos q h^1 + cos q h cosec2 q - cot2 q + 2 cot q = 7 + cos q
^1 + cos qh^1 - cos qh sec2 q - 1 x
1 + sec1 q Sol : [Board 2009]
= 1 + cos q =
1 - cos q 1 - sec1 q We have sin q = 3
= sec q + 1 Hence Prove.
sec q - 1 or, sin2 q = 9
174. Prove that : Since sin2 q + cos2 = 1, we have
^sin A + sec Ah + ^cos A + cosec Ah = ^1 + sec A cosec Ah
2 2 2
cos2 q = 1 - sin2 q = 1 - 9 = 7
Sol : [Board Term-1 2014]
16 16
= cos2 a c 1 Evaluate :
cos2 b sin2 b m
cos2 b
sin2 30º cos2 45º + 4 tan2 30º + 1 sin 90º - 2 cos2 90º + 1
2 2 24
= cos 2 a = n2 Hence Proved.
sin b Sol : [Board Term-1 2013]
If 7 cosec f - 3 cot f = 7, prove that sin2 30º cos2 45º + 4 tan2 30º + 1 sin 90º - 2 cos2 90º + 1
181. 2 24
7 cot f - 3 cosec f = 3. 1 2
1 2
1 2
1 1
= b l #c + ^1 h2 - 2 ^0 h +
+ 4c
Sol : [Board Term-1 SQP 2015]
2 3m 2 24
7 cot f = 3 ^cosec f + 1h
= 4 ;b 1 l + b 1 l E - 3 =c 1 m - ^1 h2G
4 4 2
2 2 2
7 cot f - 3 cosec f = 3 Hence Proved
1 1
= 4 : + D - 3 : - 1D 1
16 16 2
182. Prove that : cos q - sin q + 1 = cosec q + cot q
cos q + sin q - 1
Sol : = 4 b 2 l - 3 b- 1 l = 1 + 3 = 4 = 2
[Board SQP 2018] 16 2 2 2 2
LHS = cos q - sin q + 1 186. Evaluate the following :
cos q + sin q - 1
2 cos2 60º + 3 sec2 30º - 2 tan2 45º
sin q ^cos q - sin q + 1h sin2 30º + cos2 45º
sin q ^cos q + sin q - 1h Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
= sin q cos q - sin q + sin q 2 cos2 60º + 3 sec2 30º - 2 tan2 45º = ^ 2 h
2 1 2
+ 3 ` 23 j2 - 2 ^1 h2
sin q ^cos q + sin q - 1h
sin2 30º + cos2 45º ^2h +` 2 j
1 2 1 2
sin q cos q + sin q - ^1 - cos2 qh
sin q ^cos q + sin q - 1h 2 ^ 12 h2 + 3 _ i - 2 ^1 h
2 2
sin q ^cos q + 1h - 8^1 - cos qh^1 + cos qhB ^2h +_ i
1 2 1 2
sin q ^cos q + sin q - 1h 2
= 4 1 1 = 10
^1 + cos qh^sin q - 1 + cos qh 4 + 2
sin q ^cos q + sin q - 1h PRACTICE
^1 + cos qh^cos q + sin q - 1h 2
4 cos2 30º - tan2 45º
sin q ^cos q + sin q - 1h Evaluate : 5 cos 60º +
sin 30º + cos2 60º
tan2 30º sin 30º + cos 60º sin2 90º tan2 60º - 2 tan 45º cos2 0º sin 90º
= c 1 m # 1 + 1 # ^1 h2 # ^ 3 h - 2 # 1 # 12 # 1
2 2
3 2 2
= #1+1#3-2
3 2 2
= + - 2 = 1 + 9 - 12 = - 2 = - 1
1 3
6 2 6 6 3
Page 306 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8
Based on the following figure related to sky sailing, out just as far. The construction crew uses the tower
answer the questions: crane to lift steel, concrete, large tools like acetylene
torches and generators, and a wide variety of other
building materials.
Sol :
We draw a diagram of the situation as shown below.
Sol :
We draw a diagram of the situation as shown below.
Now cos q = 2
b = cos q
b = 2 cos q
sin q = h
h = a sin q
A = 1#b#h
= 1 (2a cos q) (a sin q)
= a2 sin q cos q
Page 320 Some Applications of Trigonometry Chap 9
Some Applications of Trigonometry
In TABC , tan q = AB 4. The ratio of the length of a rod and its shadow is
1 : 3 then the angle of elevation of the sun is
AB = tan q
AB (a) 90c (b) 45c
tan q = 1 & q = 45c (c) 30c (d) 75c
Page 322 Some Applications of Trigonometry Chap 9
sin q = 15
In 3 ABC , sin q = BC
15 = BC & BC = 75 m
17 85
Thus height of kite is 75 m.
Thus (a) is correct option.
and tan q = 15
cot q = 8
cosec2 q - 1 = 64 DE = CD - CE
= CD - AB [AB = CE ]
cosec2 q = 1 + 64 = 289
225 225
= 20 - 14 = 6 m
(c) a (d) b
b a
Sol :
Let AB be the tower. Let C and D be two points at BC
Now, in 3 ABC , = tan 45c = 1
distance a and b respectively from the base of the AB
tower. 20 = 1 & y = 20 m
i.e. AB = 20 m
Now, in 3 ABC , BD = tan 60c = 3
BD = 3
20 + x = 3
20 + x = 20 3
x = 20 3 - 20
= 20 # 0.732 = 14.64 m
Thus (a) is correct option.
DE = CD - CE
= CD - AB [AB = CE ]
= 20 - 14 = 6 m
Sol : [Board 2008]
In TABC , tan q = AB
AB = tan q
tan q = 1 & q = 45c
Here AE = h - 1.7
and BC = DE = 20 3
In TADE, +E = 90º
2 3
= tan 60º tan 30º = h - 1.7
20 3
h = 2 3 tan 60º 1 = h - 1.7
=2 3# 3 =6 m 3 20 3
h - 1.7 = 20 & h = 20 + 1.7 = 21.7 m
31. If the length of the ladder placed against a wall is
twice the distance between the foot of the ladder and 33. In the given figure, AB is a 6 m high pole and DC is
the wall. Find the angle made by the ladder with the a ladder inclined at an angle of 60c to the horizontal
horizontal. and reaches up to point D of pole. If AD = 2.54 m,
Sol : [Board Term-2 2015]
find the length of ladder. ( use 3 = 1.73 )
Let the distance between the foot of the ladder and
the wall is x , then length of the ladder will be 2x . As
per given in question we have drawn figure below.
From TABC ,
If a tower 30 m high, casts a shadow 10 3 m
long on the ground, then what is the angle of tan q = AB = 10 3 = 1 = tan 30c
BC 30 3
elevation of the sun ? Thus q = 30c
[Board Term-2 OD 2017]
Ans : 60c Hence angle of elevation is 30c.
Due to alternate angles we obtain Sol : [Board Term-2 2011, Delhi 2012, 2013]
55. A man standing on the deck of a ship, which is 10 m Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2014]
above water level, observes the angle of elevation of As per given in question we have drawn figure below.
the top of a hill as 60º and the angle of depression of Here AD is light house of height h and BC is the
the base of hill as 30º. Find the distance of the hill distance between two ships.
from the ship and the height of the hill.
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2016]
We have BC = 100 m
In right TABD ,
cot 60c = AB
1 = AB
3 h + 1.6
AB = h + 1.6 ...(1)
In right TABC ,
AB = cot 45c
1 = AB
In right TBAC , AB = h ...(2)
AB = tan 60c From (1) and (2), we get
h = h + 1.6
h = 3 3
x h 3 = h + 1.6
h =x 3
h 3 - h = 1.6
In right TBAD ,
h ^ 3 - 1h = 1.6
AB = tan q
AD h = 1.6 = 1.6
3 -1 1.732 - 1
h = tan q
3x = 1.6 = 2.185 m
x 3 = 1 = tan 30c
3x Height of pedestal h is 2.2 m.
Thus q = 30c. 61. On a straight line passing through the foot of a tower,
two C and D are at distance of 4 m and 16 m from
60. A statue 1.6 m tall stands on the top of a pedestal. the foot respectively. If the angles of elevation from
From a point on the ground the angle of elevation of C and D of the top of the tower are complementary,
the top of the statue is 60c and from the same point then find the height of the tower.
the angle of elevation of the top of the pedestal is 45c.
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2017]
Find the height of the pedestal.
Let AB be tower of height h , C and D be the two
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2012] point. As per given in question we have drawn figure
Let CD be statue of 1.6 m and pedestal BC of height below.
h . Let A be point on ground. As per given in question
we have drawn figure below.
As per given in question we have drawn figure below. 65. The person standing on the bank of river observes that
Here the angle of elevation of the top of a tree standing on
opposite bank is 60c . When he moves 30 m away from
the bank, he finds the angle of elevation to be 30c.
Find the height of tree and width of the river.
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Basic]
67. From a point on the ground, the angles of elevation Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Standard]
of the bottom and the top of a tower fixed at the top Let AB be a building of height 7 m and CD be tower
of a 20 m high building are 45c and 60c respectively. of height CD . From the given information we have
Find the height of the tower. drawn the figure as below.
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Standard]
Now CD = (7 + h)
In TPAB , tan 45c = AB
AP BD = AE = x
1 = 20 & AP = 20 m In TABD , tan 45c = AB
In TPAD , tan 60c = AD = 20 + BD 1 = 7 & x = 7 cm
AP 20 x
3 = 20 + BD In TCEA , tan 60c = CE
20 AE
20 + BD = 20 3
3 =h & h =x 3
BD = 20 3 - 20 = 20 ( 3 - 1)
Substituting the value of x , we get
= 20 (1.732 - 1)
h =7 3
= 20 # 0.732 = 14.64 cm .
Now, CD = CE + ED
Hence, height of the tower is 14.64 m.
= (7 + 7 3 ) m
PRACTICE = 7 (1 + 3) m
From a point P on the ground, the angles of = 7 (1 + 1.732) m
elevation of the top of a 10 m tall building and
a helicopter, hovering at some height vertically = 7 # 2.732 m
over the top of the building are 30c and 60c = 19.124 m
respectively. Find the height of the helicopter
Hence height of tower is 19.12 m approximately.
above the ground.
[Board Term-2 OD Compt. 2017]
Ans : 20 m
From the top of a 7 m high building, the angle
of elevation of the top of a tower is 60c and the
68. From the top of a 7 m high building the angle of
angle of depression of its foot is 45c. Find the
elevation of the top of a tower is 60c and the angle of
depression of its foot is 45c. Determine the height of height of the tower. (Use 3 = 1.732 )
[Board Term-2 Foreign 2013, 2017]
the tower.
Ans : 19.124 m
Page 344 Some Applications of Trigonometry Chap 9
= (100 - 50) m = 50 m CD = AB ( 3 - 1)
tan 45c = AB
1 = h
BQ = h
Here CA = k, +CMD = q and +AMB = 90c - q
In right TAPB we have,
Clearly, CM = MA = 1 k
tan 30c = AB
Let CD = h . then AB = 2h PB
AB = tan 90c - q 1 = h
AM ^ h 3 x+h
2h = cot q x+h = h 3
2 x = h ^ 3 - 1h
4h = cot q ...(1)
k h ^ 3 - 1h
Thus, Speed = m/min
Also in right TCMD , 12
Time for remaining distance,
CD = tan q
CM h
h = tan q h ^ 3 - 1h 12
t = =
12 ^ 3 - 1h
Page 348 Some Applications of Trigonometry Chap 9
At a point A, 20 metre above the level of water Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2012]
in a lake, the angle of elevation of a cloud is 30c Let C and D are the point of location of jet at height
. The angle of depression of the reflection of the h . Point B and E are foot print on ground of get at
cloud in the lake, at A is 60c. Find the distance thee location. As per given in question we have drawn
of the cloud from A ? figure below.
[Board Term-2 OD 2015]
Ans : 40 m
= 173.2 - 100 3 1 = 80
3 3 x+y
= 173.2 - 57.73 x + y = 80 3
= 115.47 m x = 80 3 - y = 80 3 - 80
where we observe bird. As per given in question we Let AB be the candle of height h . Let C and D be
have drawn figure below. two points at distance b cm and a cm from the base
of the candle. As per given condition we have shown
the figure below.
tan 30c = 80 3 =h
x+y b
h = 3b ...(1)
Page 354 Some Applications of Trigonometry Chap 9
101. Rainbow: While visiting the Mount Abu in Rajasthan, From a distance of 208 meter the angle of elevation to
Taniya and Lavanya see a spectacularly vivid rainbow the pinnacle of the tower is 60c . The angle of elevation
arching over the lake. Taniya speculates the rainbow to the restaurant from the same vantage point is 45c .
is 250 m away, while Lavanya estimates the angle of (i) How tall is the CN Tower?
elevation to the highest point of the rainbow is about (ii) How far below the pinnacle of the tower is the
60c . What was the approximate height of the rainbow? restaurant located?
Sol :
Let h1 be the height of tower from ground and h2 be
height of restaurant from ground. We draw a diagram
of the situation as shown below.
Sol :
Let h be height of rainbow. We draw a diagram of the
situation as shown below.
Sol :
Let h be the height of space shuttle and d be the
distance from point A and space shuttle. We draw a Sol :
diagram of the situation as shown below.
Let h be the height of building from transit. We draw
a diagram of the situation as shown below.
AB = 24 # 3 = 8 3 m
3 3
(ii) The height of the building from ground is AC .
In TAPC , tan 45c = AC
1 = AC
AC = 24 m
(iii) In TAPC ,
From a point P on the ground level, the angle of
elevation of the roof of the building is 45c. The angle cos 45c = AP
of elevation of the centre of logo is 30c from same
Chap 9 Some Applications of Trigonometry Page 369
tan q = AB = 8 3
AP 15
Thus (d) is correct option.
(v) tan f = AC = 24 = 8 = 1.6
AP 15 5
Thus (a) is correct option.
120. Radio towers are used for transmitting a range of In TBCO tan 30c = BC
communication services including radio and television.
BC = OC tan 30c
The tower will either act as an antenna itself or support
one or more antennas on its structure, including BC = 36 # 1 = 12 3 m
microwave dishes. They are among the tallest human- 3
made structures. There are 2 main types: guyed and (ii) In TACO ,
self-supporting structures.
tan 45c = AC = 1
On a similar concept, a radio station tower was built OC
in two sections A and B . Tower is supported by wires Thus AC = OC = 36 m
from a point O . Distance between the base of the
tower and point O is 36 m. From point O , the angle Now, AB = AC - BC
of elevation of the top of section B is 30c and the = 36 - 12 3
angle of elevation of the top of section A is 45c.
= 12 (3 - 3) m
(iii) In TACO ,
cos 45c = OC
1 = 36
2 OA
OA = 36 2 m
(iv) In TBCO ,
cos 30c = OC
3 = 36
2 OB
OB = 72 # 3 = 24 3 m
3 3
(v) It is clear from figure that angle of elevation from
point O to top of tower is 45c . This is equal to the
(i) What is the height of the section B ? angle of depression from top of tower to point O .
(ii) What is the height of the section A ? 121. Navy Officer : Mr. Colin is tasked with planning a
(iii) What is the length of the wire structure from the coup on the enemy at a certain date. Currently he is
point O to the top of section A ? inspecting the area standing on top of the cliff. Agent
(iv) What is the length of the wire structure from the Dev is on a chopper in the sky. When Mr. Colin looks
point O to the top of section B ? down below the cliff towards the sea, he has Bhawani
and Amar in boats positioned to get a good vantage
(v) What is the angle of depression from top of tower point. Bhawani boat is behind the Amar boat.
to point O ?
Chap 10 Circle Page 375
We have OQ = 13 cm
and PQ = 12 cm
Radius is perpendicular to the tangent at the point
of contact.
Thus OP = PQ
In TOPQ , using Pythagoras theorem,
OP2 + PQ2 = OQ2
(a) 62 c 2 (b) 125c
OP2 + 122 = 132
(c) 55c (d) 90c
OP2 = 132 - 122
Sol : [Board 2023 OD Standard]
= 169 - 144
Sum of the angles between radii and between
intersection point of tangent is always 180c. = 25
Thus +ACB + +APB = 180c Thus OP = 5 cm
+ACB + 55c = 180c Thus (b) is correct option.
+ACB = 180c - 55c = 125c 3. QP is a tangent to a circle with centre O at a point
Angle subtended on the centre of a circle is twice of P on the circle. If TOPQ is isosceles, then +OQR
the angle subtended on circumference of circle equals.
Thus +AQB = 1 +ACB = 1 # 125c (a) 30c (b) 45c
2 2
(c) 60c (d) 90c
= 62 12 c
Thus (a) is correct option. Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
Thus AP = 15 = 7.5 cm
Thus (d) is correct option.
(a) 30 cm (b) 28 cm
(c) 32 cm (d) 25 cm
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
15. In the given figure, a circle touches all the four sides 17. In the given figure, PA is a tangent from an external
of quadrilateral ABCD with AB = 6 cm , BC = 7 cm point P to a circle with centre O . If +POB = 115c,
and CD = 4 cm , then length of AD is then perimeter of +APO is
Thus CP = AB Sol :
First we joint OA. The tangent at any point of a circle
Now, in right triangle PAC
is perpendicular to the radius through the point of
By Pythagoras theorem we have contact.
AP 2 = AC 2 - PC 2 = 52 - 42 = 25 - 16 = 9 +OAT = 90c and OT = 4 cm (given)
AP = 3 cm
So, length of chord,
AB = 2AP = 2 # 3 = 6 cm
Thus (b) is correct option.
of circle is 13 cm. What is the radius of circle? As per given information we have drawn the figure
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
In TOAL , OA = OL + AL2
2 2
a2 = OL2 + b2
OL = a2 - b2
Length of chord, 2AL = 2 a2 - b2
+APO = 90c 6 + 4 = 7 + AD
In right angled TOPA , AD = 10 - 7 = 3 cm
2 2 2
AP = AO - OP
47. To draw a pair of tangents to a circle which are
= (5) 2 - (3) 2 inclined to each other at an angle of 30c, it is required
= 25 - 9 = 16 to draw tangents at end points of two radii of the
circle, what will be the angle between them ?
AP = 4 cm
Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
Perpendicular from centre to chord bisect the chord.
Sum of the angles between radii and between
Thus AP = BP = 4 cm
intersection point of tangent is always 180c.
45. In given figure, if +AOB = 125c, then find the angle
Angle between the radii = 180c - 30c = 150c
+COD ?
48. In figure, AT is a tangent to the circle with centre O
such that OT = 4 cm and +OTA = 30c. What is the
length of AT ?
i.e. +AOB + +COD = 180c First we joint OA. The tangent at any point of a circle
125c + +COD = 180c is perpendicular to the radius through the point of
+COD = 180c - 125c
+OAT = 90c and OT = 4 cm (given)
= 55c
46. In the given figure, a circle touches all the four sides
of quadrilateral ABCD with AB = 6 cm , BC = 7 cm
and CD = 4 cm , then what is the length of AD ?
70. In the given figure, from a point P , two tangents PT +AOB = 180º - 80º = 100º
and PS are drawn to a circle with centre O such that Hence +AOB = 100º
+SPT = 120c, Prove that OP = 2PS .
72. In given figure, AB is the diameter of a circle with
centre O and AT is a tangent. If +AOQ = 58c, find
+ATQ .
+PTO = 90c Since angle +ABQ and +AOQ are the angle on the
circumference of the circle by the same arc,
Now in right triangle POS , we have
Chap 10 Circle Page 395
+PRO = 12 +PRQ
= 120c = 60c
Here DOPR is right angle triangle, thus
+POR = 90c - +PRO = 90c - 60c = 30c
76. In figure, O is the centre of a circle. PT are tangents to We redraw the given figure by joining M and N to P
the circle from an external point P . If +TPQ = 70c, as shown below.
find +TRQ .
We redraw the given figure by joining O to T and Q Since length of tangents from an external point to a
as shown below. circle are equal,
Since angles opposite to equal sides are equal,
+1 = +2
Now using property of linear pair we have
180º - +1 = 180º - +2
+3 = +4 Hence Proved
Now in right angle DOPT , 83. In the given figure, if AB = AC , prove that BE = CE.
+PTO = 180c - (+OPT + +POT)
Substituting +OPT = 90º and +POT = 60c we have
+PTO = 180c - (90c + 60c)
= 180c - 150c
= 30º
Thus +PTA = +PTO = 30º
AD = AF (1)
BD = BE (2)
CE = CF (3)
From AB = AC we have
AD + DB = AF + FC
or DB = FC (AD = AF)
Angles opposite to equal sides are equal, THREE MARKS QUESTIONS
+OKL = +OLK = 30º
84. Two tangents TP and TQ are drawn to a circle
Tangent is perpendicular to the end point of radius, with centre O from an external point T. Prove that
+OKP = 90º (Tangent) +PTQ = 2+OPQ .
Now +PKL = +OKP - +OKL
= 90º - 30º = 60º
AP + PB + DR + RC = AS + SD + BQ + QC
AB + CD = AD + BC
Since ABCD is rectangle, AB = CD and AD = BC ,
Thus 2AB = 2BC
Since adjacent sides are equal are equal. So, ABCD
is a square.
101. In the given figure, PA is a tangent to the circle drawn Sol : [Board 2019 Delhi Standard]
from the external point P and PBC is the secant
We redraw the given figure as shown below. Here OT
to the circle with BC as diameter. If +AOC = 130c
is perpendicular bisector of PQ ,
, then find the measure of +APB, where O is the
centre of the circle.
In triangle TABC , CM = 8 - 3 = 5 cm
AC = 2 2
10 - 36 = 8 cm and AN = 10 - 3 = 7 cm
Area of triangle TABC ,
TABC = 1 # AB # AC In the given figure, a circle is inscribed in a
TABC, such that it touches the sides AB, BC
= 1 # 6 # 8 = 24 cm2 and CA at points D, E and F respectively. If the
Here we have joined AO, BO and CO . lengths of sides AB, BC and CA are 12 cm, 8
cm and 10 cm respectively, find the lengths of
For area of triangle we have AD, BE and CF .
24 = 12 rBC + 12 rAC + 12 rAB
= 12 r (BC + AC + AB)
= 12 r (6 + 10 + 8) = 12r
or 12r = 24
Thus r = 2 cm.
109. In figure, a circle with centre O is inscribed in a Since OE and OF are radius of circle,
quadrilateral ABCD such that, it touches the sides OE = OF
BC , AB, AD and CD at points P, Q, R and S
Tangent drawn at any point of a circle is perpendicular
respectively. If AB = 29 cm, AD = 23 cm, +B = 90c
to the radius through the point contact.
and DS = 5 cm, then find the radius of the circle (in
cm). Thus +OEA = +OFA = 90c
Now in TAEO and TAFO ,
+OEA = +OFA = 90c
OA = OA (Common side)
Thus TAEO , TAFO (SAS congruency)
+7 = +8
Similarly, +1 = +2
Sol : [Board Term-2, 2013]
In figure, a triangle ABC is drawn to circumscribe +ADC + +DAO + +DCO + +AOC = 360c
a circle of radius 3 cm, such that the segments
BD and DC are respectively of lengths 6 cm and 50c + 90c + 90c + +AOC = 360c
9 cm. If the area of TABC is 54 cm2, then find 230c + +AOC = 360c
the lengths of sides AB and AC . +AOC = 360c - 230c = 130c
Now Reflex +AOC = 360c - 130c = 230c
+APC = 1 reflex +AOC
= # 230c = 115c
116. AB is a chord of circle with centre O . At B , a tangent
PB is drawn such that its length is 24 cm. The
distance of P from the centre is 26 cm. If the chord
AB is 16 cm, find its distance from the centre.
Areas Related to Circles
r = 20933 = 81.6 cm
Thus (b) is correct option.
Page 418 Areas Related to Circles Chap 11
10. In the given figure, OACB is a quadrant of a circle of 13. If the perimeter of a semi-circular protractor is 36 cm,
radius 7 cm. The perimeter of the quadrant is then its diameter is
(a) 10 cm (b) 14 cm
(c) 12 cm (d) 16 cm
Sol : [Board 2011]
Perimeter = 2pr + 2r = pr + 2r
^p + 2h r = 36
b 36 l - r = 36 & r = 7 cm
Hence, diameter 2r = 7 # 2 = 14 cm
(a) 11 cm (b) 18 cm
Thus (b) is correct option.
(c) 25 cm (d) 36 cm
14. In a circle of radius 14 cm, an arc subtends an angle of
Sol : [Board Term-2 2017]
45c at the centre, then the area of the sector is
Perimeter = 1 # 2pr + 2r (a) 71 cm2 (b) 76 cm2
(c) 77 cm2 (d) 154 cm2
= b 1 # 22 # 7 + 2 # 7 l cm
2 7
Sol : [Board Term-2 2016]
= 25 cm
Given, r = 14 cm and q = 45c
Thus (c) is correct option.
2pr = 4p & r = 2
Area = p ^2 h2 = 4p Area of sector = q
# pr
When, 2pr = 8p & r = 4
= 45c # 22 # 14 # 14
Area = 16 p 360c 7
Thus area is quadrupled. = 1 # 22 # 2 # 14 = 77 cm2
Thus (d) is correct option. Thus (c) is correct option.
12. If the radius of a circle is diminished by 10%, then its 15. If the sum of the areas of two circles with radii R1 and
area is diminished by R2 is equal to the area of a circle of radius R , then
(a) 10% (b) 19% (a) R1 + R2 = R (b) R12 + R22 = R2
(c) 36% (d) 20%
(c) R1 + R2 < R (d) R12 + R22 < R2
Sol : [Board Term-2 2013]
Sol : [Board 2009]
Let r be the radius of circle, then area = pr2
According to the given condition,
When r is diminished by 10%
Area of circle = Area of first circle
area = p br - r l = pr2 b 81 l
10 100 + Area of second circle
Thus area is diminished by pR = pR + pR22
b1 - 81 l % = 19 % R2 = R12 + R22
Thus (b) is correct option. Thus (b) is correct option.
Page 420 Areas Related to Circles Chap 11
which is equal to the diagonal of a square. 23. Assertion : If a wire of length 22 cm is bent in the shape
Let side of square be x . of a circle, then area of the circle so formed is 40 cm2 .
In right angled TABC , Reason : Circumference of the circle = length of the
AC2 = AB2 + BC 2
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and
^16h2 = x2 + x2 reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
256 = 2x2 (A).
x2 = 128 (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but
Area of square, x2 = 128 cm2 reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
Alternate Method : assertion (A).
Radius of circle, r = 8 cm (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
Diameter of circle, d = 2r = 2 # 8 = 16 cm (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
Since, square inscribed in circle. Sol :
Diagonal of square = Diameter of circle We have 2pr = 22
(Diagonal) ^16h
2 2
r = 3.5 cm
Now, Area of square = = = 256
2 2 2
Area of the circle = 22 # 3.5 # 3.5
= 128 cm2 7
Thus (b) is correct option. = 38.5 cm2
Assertion is not correct, but reason is true.
21. The radius of a circle whose circumference is equal Thus (d) is correct option.
to the sum of the circumferences of the two circles of
diameters 36 cm and 20 cm is
(a) 56 cm (b) 42 cm 24. Assertion : If the circumference of a circle is 176 cm,
then its radius is 28 cm.
(c) 28 cm (d) 16 cm
Reason : Circumference = 2p # radius
Sol : [Board Term-2 2013, OD 2015] (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and
We have 2pr = 2pr1 + 2pr2 reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
2pr = pd1 + pd2
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but
2r = d1 + d2 = 36 + 20 reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
2r = 56 & r = 28 cm assertion (A).
Thus (c) is correct option. (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
22. The diameter of a circle whose area is equal to the
sum of the areas of the two circles of radii 24 cm and Sol :
7 cm is We have C = 2 # 22 # r = 176
(a) 31 cm (b) 25 cm
r = 176 # 7 = 28 cm
(c) 62 cm (d) 50 cm 2 # 22
Sol : [Board Term-2 2012, Foreign 2014 ]
Both assertion and reason are correct. Also Reason is
the correct explanation of the assertion.
We have pR = pr + pr 22
Thus (a) is correct option.
R2 = r 12 + r 22
25. Assertion : If the outer and inner diameter of a circular
= 242 + 72 = 625
path is 10 m and 6 m then area of the path is 16p m2 .
R = 625 = 25 cm Reason : If R and r be the radius of outer and inner
Diameter of a circle circular path, then area of path is p ^R2 - r2h .
2R = 2 # 25 = 50 cm (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and
reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
Thus (d) is correct option.
Page 422 Areas Related to Circles Chap 11
What is the perimeter of a sector of a circle whose Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
central angle is 90º and radius is 7 cm? Area of the sector,
[Board Term-2 2012] 2
Ans : 25 cm A7 = pr q
Area of sector OAPB is 5 times the area of circle.
31. What is the name of a line which intersects a circle at Thus pr 2 # x = 5 pr 2
two distinct points? 360 36
x = 5
Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
360 36
A line intersecting the circle at two distinct points is
x = 50º
called a secant.
34. If the radius of the circle is 6 cm and the length of an
32. In the given figure, AB is the diameter where AP = 12 arc 12 cm. Find the area of the sector.
cm and PB = 16 cm. Taking the value of p as 3, find
the perimeter of the shaded region. Sol : [Board Term-2 2014]
= 1 # l # r = 1 # 12 # 6
2 2
= 36 cm2
From Pythagoras theorem we have Radius of circle r = 10 cm, central angle = 90c
Area of minor segment,
AB = (16) 2 + (12) 2
= 1 # 102 # : 3.14 # 90 - sin 90cD
= 256 + 144 2 180
= 400 = 20 cm = 1 # 100 # 61.57 - 1@ = 28.5 cm2
Radius of circle = 10 cm.
Perimeter of shaded region TWO MARKS QUESTIONS
pr + AP + PB = 3 # 10 + 12 + 16
36. The perimeter of a sector of a circle with radius 6.5
= 30 + 12 + 16 = 58 cm
cm is 31 cm, then find the area of the sector.
33. In given fig., O is the centre of a circle. If the area Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Basic]
of the sector OAPB is 365 times the area of the circle, Given, Radius = 6.5 cm
then find the value of x. Let O be the centre of a circle with radius 6.5 cm and
OACBO be its sector with perimeter 31 cm.
Page 424 Areas Related to Circles Chap 11
= 20 # 14 - 1 p72
= 280 - 1 # 22 # 7 # 7
2 7
= 280 - 77 = 203 cm
Hence, area of remaining part is 203 cm.
pr 2 q 1 + pr 2 q 2 + pr 2 q 3 = pr 2 pr 2
# 180c = 2
360c 360c 360c 360c
= 22 1 (7) 2
7 #2#
= 22 # 1 # 7 # 7
7 2
= 77 m
Hence, the area grazed by the horses is 77 m2
2 b 22 l r = 2r + 16.8
44 r = 2r + 16.8
Area of shaded region 44r = 14r + 16.8 # 7
p [R2 - r2] q = 22 [72 - (3.5) 2] 30c 30r = 177.6
360c 7 360c
= 22 (7 + 3.5) (7 - 3.5) # 1 r = 117.6 = 3.92
7 12 30
Thus r = 3.92 cm.
= 22 # 10.5 # 3.5 # 1
7 12
51. Sides of a right triangular field are 25 m, 24 m and
= 9.625 cm2
7 m. At the three corners of the field, a cow, a buffalo
49. A horse is tethered to one corner of a rectangular field and a horse are tied separately with ropes of 3.5 m
of dimensions 70 m # 52 m , by a rope of length 21 m. each to graze in the field. Find the area of the field
How much area of the field can it graze? that cannot be grazed by these animals.
As per information given in question we have drawn As per information given in question we have drawn
the figure below. the figure below.
Page 428 Areas Related to Circles Chap 11
56. In the given figure, find the area of the shaded region,
enclosed between two concentric circles of radii 7 cm
and 14 cm where +AOC = 40c. Use p = 227 .
= 8 # 22 # (14 # 2 - 7)
= 8 # 22 # 21 = 8 # 22 # 7
9 3
= #8 154 cm2
Required area, = 1232 cm2
55. Find the area of minor segment of a circle of radius 14
= 410.67 cm2
cm, when its centre angle is 60c. Also find the area of
corresponding major segment. Use p = 227 .
57. In a circle of radius 21 cm, an arc subtends an angle
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2015] of 60c at the centre. Find the area of sector formed
Here, r = 14 cm, q = 60c by the arc.
Area of minor segment, Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi Compt. 2017]
60. Four equal circles are described at the four corners of Area of the shaded region
a square so that each touches two of the others. The
= ^area of the circleh - (area of the rectangle)
shaded area enclosed between the circle is 247 cm2.
Find the radius of each circle. = pr2 - ^AB # BC h
Sol : [Board Term-2 SQP 2017] = 3.14 # 52 - ^8 # 6h
As per question statement the figure is shown below. = 78.5 - 48 = 30.5 cm2
Let r be the radius of each circle.
62. In Figure, a square OABC is inscribed in a quadrant
OPBQ . If OA = 15 cm , find the area of the shaded
region. (Use p = 3.14 ).
Area of triangle 3 ROQ , 67. In fig., find the area of the shaded region. Use p = 22
7 .
= 1 # (21 2 ) 2 = 21 # 21 = 441
Area of the one side flower bed
= 693 - 441 = 252 m2
Area of flower bed of both
= 2 # 252 = 504 m2
find the sum of the areas of the lawn and flower beds.
= 22 # b 7 l cm2
Area of internal circle
7 2
= 77 = 38.5 cm2
Area of semi-circle with 14 cm diameter
= 1 # 22 # 72 cm2
2 7
= 77 cm2
Area of two quarter circles of radius 72 cm
= 2 # 1 # 22 # b 7 l = 77 = 19.25 cm2
4 7 2 4
Shaded area = 196 - 38.5 + 77 + 19.25
Sol : [Board Term-2 2011]
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2014] Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2015]
72. In the given figure, ABCD is a rectangle of dimensions = 304 # 3.14 = 954.56 cm
21 cm # 14 cm. A semicircle is drawn with BC as
diameter. Find the area and the perimeter of the 74. In fig. ABCD is a square of side 14 cm. Semi-circle are
shaded region in the figure. drawn with each side of square as diameter. Find the
area of the shaded region. Use p = 227 .
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2017] Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2016, STD SQP 2021]
Area of shaded region, We have redrawn the given figure as shown below.
= Area of rectangle ABCD - area of semicircle
= 21 # 14 - p # 72
= 294 - # 22 7 7
2 7 # #
= 294 - 77 = 217 cm2
Perimeter of shaded area
= AB + AD + CD + CB
If we subtract area of two semicircle AOD and COB,
= 21 + 14 + 21 + 22 # 7 from square ABCD we will get area of part 1 and
part 2.
= 21 + 14 + 21 + 22 = 78 cm
Area of square = 14 # 14 = 196 cm2
Hence, area of shaded region is 217 cm2 and perimeter
is 78 cm. Radius of semicircle = 14 = 7 cm
73. The long and short hands of a clock are 6 cm and 4 cm Area of semicircle AOB + DOC
long respectively. Find the sum of distances travelled
by their tips in 24 hours. (Use p = 3.14 ) = 22 # 72 = 154 cm2
Page 436 Areas Related to Circles Chap 11
(iii) Perimeter of the region having red colour, (i) Find the area swept by the minute hand in 14
q q minutes.
pr = 2 (r2 - r1) + 2pr1 3 + 2pr2 3
360c 360c (ii) Find the angle described by hour hand in 10
q minutes.
= 2 (r2 - r1) + 2p 3 (r1 + r2)
360c (iii) Find the distance covered by the tip of hour hand
= 2 (21 - 14) + 2 # 22 # 45c (21 + 14) in 3.5 hours.
7 360c (iv) If the tip of pendulum covers a distance of 66
= 2#7+2# 22 1 35 cm in complete oscillation, then find the angle
7 #8#
described by pendulum at the centre.
= 14 + 11 # 5 Sol :
= 14 + 27.5 = 41.5 cm Let rm = 9 cm, rh = 9 cm and rp = 45 cm
(iv) Area of the region having radius 14 cm (i) Area swept by the minute hand in 60 minutes is
pr 2, thus in 14 minutes.
(q 1 + q 2 + q 3)
As = pr12
360c = pr m2 # 14
(54c + 72c + 45c)
= 22 # (14) 2 # = 22 9 9 14
7 360c 7 # # # 60
= 22 14 14 171c = 22 # 9 # 9 # 1
7 # # # 360c 30
= 22 # 9 # 3 = 59.4 cm2
= 22 # 2 # 14 # 19 10
(ii) Angle made by hour hand in 12 hours is 360c.
= 22 # 7 # 19 = 292.6 cm2 Thus angle made in 10 minute.
q = 360c # 10 = 5c
77. Pendulum Clock : It is a clock that uses a pendulum, 12 60
a swinging weight, as its timekeeping element. (iii) Distance cover by tip of hour hand is 2pr in 12
From its invention in 1656 by Christiaan Huygens, hour.
the pendulum clock was the world’s most precise Distance covered in 3.5 hours,
timekeeper, accounting for its widespread use. Their
greater accuracy allowed for the faster pace of life = 2prh # 3.5
which was necessary for the Industrial Revolution. = 2# 22 6 3.5
The home pendulum clock was replaced by less- 7 # # 12
expensive, synchronous, electric clocks in the 1930s = 22 = 11 cm
and 40s. Pendulum clocks are now kept mostly for 2
their decorative and antique value. (iv) If the tip of pendulum covers a distance of 66
cm in complete oscillation, distance covered in half
oscillation is 33 cm.
If q is the angle described by pendulum at the centre
to cover distance 33 cm, then,
l = 2prp # q
33 = 2 # 22 45 q
7 # # 360c
3 =4#q
7 8
q = 3 # 7 # 8 = 42c
to an artisan who help up their goods. A person who ground (in-ground pools) or built above ground. In-
works with upholstery is an upholsterer. ground pools are most commonly constructed from
materials such as concrete, natural stone, metal,
plastic, or fiberglass, and can be of a custom size and
shape or built to a standardized size, the largest of
which is the Olympic-size swimming pool.
Eshika wants to cover the cushions of her papasan The area of a circular pool is 616 square metre. The
chair with a different fabric. If there are seven circular owner wants to replace the tiling at the edge of the
cushions that are the same size with a diameter of pool.
32 cm, around a center cushion with a diameter of 46 (i) The edging is 25 cm wide, so she plans to use
cm, find the area of fabric that she will need to cover 6-inch square tiles to form a continuous inner
both sides of the cushions. Allow an extra 5 cm of edge. How many tiles will she need to purchase?
fabric around each cushion. (ii) Once the square tiles are in place around the pool,
Sol : there will be extra space between the tiles. What
Radius of cloth for small cushions, shape of tile will best fill this space? How many
tiles of this shape should she purchase?
rs = 16 + 5 = 21 cm
Sol :
Area, A = pr s2
Let r be radius of pool.
= 22 # 212 (i) Area of pool, A = pr2
= 22 # 3 # 21 = 1386 cm2
616 = 22 r2
Radius of cloth for large cushion, 7
r = 616 # 7 = 28 # 7 = 196
rl = 23 + 5 = 28 cm 22
Area A = pr l 2 r = 196 = 14
Circumference of pool,
= 22 # 282
7 C = 2pr
= 22 # 4 # 28 = 2464 cm2
We require 7 small cushions and 1 large cushions we = 2 # 22 # 14 = 176 m
have to multiply total area by 2 also because cloth will If tile 25 cm wide, we have to place 4 tile per
be used in both side. meter. Therefore total 176 # 4 = 704 tiles for whole
Total Area = 2 (7 # 1386 + 2464) circumference.
= 24332 cm2 (ii) The square tiles will touch along the inner edge
of the border, but there will be gaps along the outer
79. Swimming Pool : A swimming pool or simply pool is a edge. The tiles used to fill the gaps should be triangles.
structure designed to hold water to enable swimming There will be 704 gaps between the 704 square tiles,
or other leisure activities. Pools can be built into the so 704 triangular tiles will be needed.
Chap 11 Areas Related to Circles Page 439
(i) What area can the motion detector monitor? In following figure AB = 21 cm . Find the perimeter
(ii) What angle is required to monitor 50% more of combined circles.
(iii) For q = 91c what range is required for the
detector to monitor 30% more area?
Sol :
(i) Let r1 = 24 m and q1 = 70c
Area monitor by motion detector,
A1 = pr 12 q 1
= 22 (24)2 # 70
7 # 360c
Sol :
= 22 # 24 # 24 # 1 We redraw the given circle as follows.
= 22 # 24 # 2 # 1
= 22 # 8 # 2 = 352 m2
(ii) Let q2 be angle to monitor 50% more area. Radius
is equal to r1 = 24 in this case.
A2 = 1.5A1
pr 12 q 2 = 1.5pr 12 q 1
360c 360c
q 2 = 1.5q 1
= 70c # 1.5 = 105c
Perimeter of given figure will be sum of circumference
(iii) Let r3 be range required for the detector to
of three circle.
monitor 30% more area where q = 91c .
P = pd 1 + pd 2 + pd 3
A3 = 1.3A1
= p (d 1 + d 2 + d 3)
pr 32 q = 1.3pr 12 q 1
360c 360c = 22 # 21
r 32 q = 1.3r 12 q 1 7
= 22 # 3 = 66 cm
Substituting all values we have
r 32 # 91c = 1.3 # 242 # 70c 84. Laying New Sod : Sod, also known as turf, is grass.
r 2
= 24 & r3 = 24 m When harvested into rolls it is held together by its
roots and a thin layer of soil. Sod is typically used
83. Gear : Gears are mechanical parts with cut teeth for lawns, golf courses, and sports stadiums around
designed to fit with teeth on another part so as to the world.
transmit or receive force and motion. Gears are also
sometimes called toothed wheels or cogged wheels or
cogs. The cut teeth are also sometimes called cogs.
Page 440 Areas Related to Circles Chap 11
When new sod is laid, a heavy roller is used to press The armature for the rear windshield wiper has a
the sod down to ensure good contact with the ground length of 63 cm, with a rubber wiper blade that is 42
beneath. The radius of the roller is 28 cm. cm long. What area of my rear windshield is cleaned
(i) Through what angle has the roller turned after as the armature swings back-and-forth through an
being pulled across 11 meter of yard? angle of 110c ?
(ii) If it is turned through by 3 revolution and 45c , Sol :
find the length, that the roller will press. Area swept by full windshield wiper,
Sol : Aw = p (63)2 110c
(i) P = 2pr q
360c Area swept by metal arm of windshield wiper,
1100 = 2 # 22 # 28 # q Am = p (42)2 110c
7 360c 360c
100 = 2 # 2 # 4 # q Area swept by rubber part of windshield wiper or area
360c cleaned,
100 = 4 # q
90c Aclean = p 110c (632 - 422)
q = 100 # 900 = 2250c
4 = 22 # 11 # 32 (212 - 142)
7 36
= 360c # 6 + 90c
= 22 # 11 # 9 (21 + 14) (21 - 14)
7 36
(ii) P = 2pr q
= 22 # 11 # 35 # 7
7 4
= 2 # 22 # 28 # 1125
7 360c
= 22 # 11 # 35
125 4
= 2 # 22 # 4 #
40 = 2117.5 cm2
= 22 # 8 # 25
86. Electric Hoist : It is an electrically powered appliance
= 22 # 25 that is used to lift, lower and even move heavy or
= 550 cm = 5.5 m awkward objects. They are mainly used to alleviate
potential strain and injury on any person who needs
85. Windshield Wiper : Windshield wipers are a small to lift a heavy object or where the object is just much
part of your car, but they have a big impact on too heavy for a human to lift unaided.
your driving and overall safety. They remove rain,
snow, dirt, pollen, frost and other debris quickly and
smoothly at the push of a button. The windshield
wiper motor moves the windshield wiper arms across
the windshield. The metal or hard plastic arms drag
a thin rubber (or silicone) blade across the windshield
to clear away water, giving you a better view of the
Page 442 Areas Related to Circles Chap 11
= b 3 l # 80
= 9 # 80 = 45c
(i) What is the value of radius of arc ? 92. Speed of a River Current : The paddle wheel in the
(ii) What is the curved width of roof ? river functions like a wheel rolling on a road. To
approximate the speed of the current of a river, a
(iii) What is area of cross section of barn ? circular paddle wheel with radius 1.75 meter is
(iv) If the length of the barn is 12 meters, what is the lowered into the water. If the current causes the wheel
curved surface area of roof? to rotate at a speed of 10 revolutions per minute,
what is the speed of the current?.
(v) What is the storage capacity of barn ?
Sol :
(i) We redraw the cross section of barn as shown
Sol :
The water rotate wheel with its current speed. Since
wheel rotate 10 revolution in minute, water also flow
In right triangle TAFO , equivalent 10 revolution distance in 1 minute.
AO = AF2 + FO2 = 42 + 42 = 4 2 m Water flow in revolution of wheel,
Thus AO = 4 2 which is also radius of curved arc. = 2pr
(ii) In right angle triangle TAFO is also isosceles Water flow in 10 revolution of wheel,
triangle = 10 # 2pr
Thus, +FAO = +FOA = 45c
= 10 # 2 # 22 # 1.75
Similarly, +FOC = 45c 7
Sol :
(i) Here TAOB is a right-angled triangle in which
AB is a hypotenuse.
Now AO = OB
= radius of circle = 200 m
Thus area of TAOB ,
= 1 # OA # OB
= # 200 # 200 = 20, 000 m2
(ii) Here OCDE is a square whose diagonal is equal to
the radius of the circle. Let a be side of square.
Now a2 + a2 = ^200h2
(iv) If the boundaries of the hockey court and shooting = 400 + 600 2
range are to be fenced, then what is the required = 200 ^2 + 3 2 h m
length of the fence ?
(v) Cost of Fencing = Length of Fence # Rate
(v) If the cost of fencing is Rs 6 per metre, what is
the total cost of fencing ? = 200 ^2 + 3 2 h # 6
= 1200 ^2 + 3 2 h
Page 446 Surface Areas and Volumes Chap 12
Surface Areas and Volumes
CBSE has removed melting questions from exam Surface area of a two solid hemisphere
2023 but these question doesn’t involve any extra
2S2 = 6pr2
concept. These questions are very useful to learn
concept appearing in exam 2025. So we have included The ratio of the surface areas of sphere to that of two
these question. However we have light marked these hemispheres taken together,
question, If you want you can skip these question.
S1 = 4pr2 = 2
2S2 6p r 2 3
OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS Thus (c) is correct option.
From a 2 cm edge of cube we can carved out a right Volume of cone V = 1 pr2 h
circular cone of height 2 cm and base diameter 2 cm.
= 1 # 156 # 8
Volume of such right circular cone, 3
= 416 cm3
V = 1 pr 2 h
3 Thus (d) is correct option.
= pb 2 l # 2
1 2
13. From a solid circular cylinder with height 10 cm *17. A solid piece of iron in the form of a cuboid of
and radius of the base 6 cm, a right circular cone of dimensions 49 cm # 33 cm # 24 cm , is moulded to
the same height and same base is removed, then the form a solid sphere. The radius of the sphere is
volume of remaining solid is (a) 21 cm (b) 23 cm
(a) 280 pcm3 (b) 330 pcm3 (c) 25 cm (d) 19 cm
(c) 240 pcm3 (d) 440 p cm3
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2012]
Sol : [Board Term-2 SQP 2016] Volume of the sphere = Volume of the cuboid
Volume of the remaining solid
4 pr3 = 49 33 24
=Volume of the cylinder - Volume of the cone 3 # #
= 38808 cm3
= p # 62 # 10 - 1 # p # 62 # 10
= (360p - 120p) 4 # 22 r3 = 38808 # 3
= 240p cm3 r3 = 38808 # 3 # 7
4 # 22
Thus (c) is correct option.
= 441 # 21
14. If two solid hemispheres of same base radius r are 3
r = 21 # 21 # 21
joined together along their bases, then curved surface
area of this new solid is r = 21 cm
(a) 4pr2 (b) 6pr2 Thus (a) is correct option.
2 2
(c) 3pr (d) 8pr *18. Twelve solid spheres of the same size are made by
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2011]
melting a solid metallic cylinder of base diameter
2 cm and height 16 cm. The diameter of each sphere is
Because curved surface area of a hemisphere is 2pr2
and here, we join two solid hemispheres along their (a) 4 cm (b) 3 cm
bases of radius r , from which we get a solid sphere. (c) 2 cm (d) 6 cm
Hence, the curved surface area of new solid
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2017]
= 2pr2 + 2pr2 = 4pr2
Volume of the twelve solid sphere is equal to the
Thus (a) is correct option.
volume of cylinder.
15. A right circular cylinder of radius r and height h V12 sphere = Vcylinder
(where, h > 2r ) just encloses a sphere of diameter 2 2
(a) r (b) 2r 12 # 4 pr3 = p b 1 l # 16
(c) h (d) 2h 16pr3 = 16p
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2017] r3 = 1 & r = 1 cm
Because the sphere encloses in the cylinder, therefore Diameter of each sphere, d = 2r
the diameter of sphere is equal to diameter of cylinder
= 2 # 1 = 2 cm
which is 2r .
Thus (c) is correct option.
Thus (b) is correct option.
19. In a right circular cone, the cross-section made by a
16. During conversion of a solid from one shape to
plane parallel to the base is a
another, the volume of the new shape will
(a) circle (b) frustum of a cone
(a) increase (b) decrease
(c) sphere (d) hemisphere
(c) remain unaltered (d) be doubled
Sol :
Sol : [Board Term-2 SQP 2015]
In a right circular cone, if any cut is made parallel
During conversion of a solid from one shape to another,
to its base, the result would be the base of the cone,
the volume of the new shape will remain unaltered.
which in cross-section is a circle.
Thus (c) is correct option.
Thus (a) is correct option.
Page 450 Surface Areas and Volumes Chap 12
ONE MARK QUESTIONS 28. Find the ratio of lateral surface areas of two cylinders
with equal height.
Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2016]
24. If the radius of the sphere is increased by 100%, then
how much volume of the corresponding sphere is 2pRh : 2prh = R : r
increased ?
29. Find the ratio of volumes of two cylinders with equal
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2012] height.
Let r be the original radius of sphere. If we increased
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2014]
radius by 100 %. it will be 2r .
2 2 2 2
pR h : p r h = R : r
Vr = 3 pr 3
*30. The diameter of a sphere is 6 cm. It is melted and
Now V2r = 3 p # (2r) 3 drawn into a wire of diameter 2 mm. What is the
length of the wire?
= 4 p # 8r 3
3 Sol : [Board 2009]
Thus new volume is 8 times of original volume. Let the length of the wire be l . Since, metallic sphere
Hence when the radius is increased by 100%, the is converted into a cylindrical shaped wire of length l ,
corresponding volume becomes 800% and thus Volume of the metal used in wire is equal to the
increase is 700%. volume of the sphere.
*25. A sphere is melted and half of the melted liquid is used pr2 l = 3 pR 3
to form 11 identical cubes, whereas the remaining half 6 3
p #b2 # 1 l # l = 4 # p #b2l
is used to form 7 identical smaller spheres. Find the 2 10 3
ratio of the side of the cube to the radius of the new
small sphere. p# 1 #h = 4 # p # 33
100 3
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2017] l = 4 # 32 = 36
As per the given conditions, 100
l = 3600 cm = 36 m
11a3 = 7 # 4 # 22 # r3
3 7
31. The diameter of hollow cone is equal to the diameter
a =b l8 1/3
of a spherical ball. If the ball is placed at the base of
r 3
the cone, what portion of the ball will be outside the
26. Find the ratio of volumes of two cones with same cone?
radii. Sol : [Board 2007]
39. A cylinder, a cone and a hemisphere have same base 44. If the radius of the base of a right circular cylinder
and same height. Find the ratio of their volumes. is halved, keeping the height same, find the ratio of
the volume of the reduced cylinder to that of original
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2014]
Vcylinder |Vcone |Vhemisphere = pr2 h | 1 pr2 h | 2 pr3
3 3 Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
42. The radius of sphere is r cm. It is divided into two Edge of the cube = 4.2 cm.
equal parts. Find the whole surface of two parts.
Height of the cone = 4.2 cm.
Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
Radius of the cone = 4.2 = 2.1 cm.
Whole surface of each part 2
= 2pr2 + pr2 = 3pr2 Volume of the cone,
1 pr 2 h = 1 22
3 # 7 #^ h #
Total surface of two parts 2.1 2 4.2
= 2 # 3pr2 = 6pr2 = 19.4 cm3
43. The radii of two cylinders are in the ratio 2 | 3 and 47. The circumference of the edge of a hemisphere bowl
their heights are in the ratio 5 | 3 , find the ratio of is 132 cm. When p is taken as 227 , find the capacity of
their volumes. the bowl in cm3.
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2012] Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
Volume of 1 cylinder 2
= pr h 1 1 Let r be the radius of bowl, then circumference of
Volume of 2 nd cylinder pr h 2 2 bowl,
= a r1 k # h1
2pr = 132
r2 h2
2 5 r = 132 # 7 = 21 cm
=b l # 2 # 22
3 3
= # = 20
4 5 Capacity i.e volume of the bowl,
9 3 27
2 pr 3 = 2 22 21 21 21
= 20 | 27 3 3# 7 # # #
= 19404 cm3
Page 454 Surface Areas and Volumes Chap 12
t = 50 # 44 # 0.21 = 2 Hours
231 Isha insisted to have the juice in first type of glass and
56. A heap of rice is in the form of a cone of base diameter her father decided to have the juice in second type of
24 m and height 3.5 m. Find the volume of the rice. glass. Out of the two, Isha or her father Suresh, who
How much canvas cloth is required to just cover the got more quantity of juice to drink and by how much?
heap? Sol : [Board 2020 SQP Standard]
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2016] Let H and h be the height of cylinder and height
Radius of conical heap r = 12 m of cone. Let r be the common radius of cone and
cylinder and hemisphere.
Height of heap, h = 3.5 m
Capacity of first glass,
Volume of rice,
= Volume of cylinder - Volume of hemisphere
V = 3 pr2 h
= pr2 H - 2 pr3 = pr2 :H - 2 r D
3 3
= 1 # 22 # 12 # 12 # 3.5 m3 2
3 7 = p # (3) :10 - # 3D
= 528 m3
= 9p # 8 = 72p cm2
Page 456 Surface Areas and Volumes Chap 12
= 2 pr 3 + 1 pr 2 h
3 3
1 2
= pr (2r + h)
= 1 # 22 # 72 # (2 # 7 + 14)
3 7
= 1 # 22 # 7 # (14 + 14)
3 1
= 1 # 22 # 7 # 28
= 4312
= 1437.33 cm3 (approx)
79. A hemispherical bowl of internal diameter 36 cm Curved surface area of two hemispherical scoops
contains liquid is filled into 72 cylindrical bottles of = 2 # 2pr2
diameter 6 cm. Find the height of the each bottle, if
10% liquid is wasted in this transfer. = 4 # 22 # 3.5 # 3.5
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2015] = 154 cm2
Volume of the hemispherical bowl of internal diameter
36 cm will be equal to the 72 cylindrical bottles of Total surface area of article = 220 + 154 = 374 cm2
diameter 6 cm.
*81. Water in a canal, 6 m wide and 1.5 m deep, is flowing
Volume of bowl = 2 pr3 with a speed of 10 km/hour. How much area will
it irrigate in 30 minutes; if 8 cm standing water is
= 2 p # ^18h3 cm3 needed?
Volume of liquid in bowl is equal to the volume of Sol : [Board 2020 OD STD, 2019 Delhi, Delhi 2014, 2012]
bowl. Canal is the shape of cuboid where
Volume of liquid after wastage = 2 p ^18h3 # 90 cm3 Breadth = 6 m
3 100
Volume of one bottle = pr2 h Depth = 1.5 m
Volume of liquid in 72 bottles and speed of water = 10 km/hr
= p # ^3 h # h # 72 cm
2 2
Length of water moved in 60 minutes i.e. 1 hour
Volume of bottles = volume in liquid after wastage = 10 km
Length of water moved in 30 minutes i.e. 12 hours,
p # ^3 h2 # h # 72 = 2 p # ^18h2 # 90
3 100
= 1 # 10 = 5 km = 5000 m
3 p # ^18h # 100
2 2 90 2
h =
p # ^3 h # 72
2 Now, volume of water moved from canal in 30 minutes
Hence, the height of bottle = 5.4 cm = Length # Breadth # Depth
= 5000 # 6 # 1.5 m3
80. A wooden article was made by scooping out a
hemisphere from each end of a solid cylinder, as Volume of flowing water in canal
shown in Figure. If the height of the cylinder is 10 cm = volume of water in area irrigated
and its base is of radius 3.5 cm, find the total surface 5000 # 6 # 1.5m3 = Area Irrigated # 8 cm
area of the article.
5000 # 6 # 1.5m3 = Area Irrigated # 8 m
Area Irrigated = 5000 6
# # 1 . 5 # 100 m2
= 5.625 # 105 m2
93. A conical vessel, with base radius 5 cm height 24 cm, ^r + 14h^r - 10h = 0 & r = 10
is full of water. This water emptied into a cylindrical Hence width of embankment is 10 m.
vessel, of base radius 10 cm. Find the height to which
the water will rise in the cylindrical vessel. Use p = 227 95. A sphere of diameter 12 cm, is dropped in a right
circular cylindrical vessel, partly filled with water.
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2016] If the sphere is completely submerged in water, the
Here radius and height of conical vessel are 5 cm and water level into the cylindrical vessel rises by 3 5 cm.
24 cm. 9
Find the diameter of the cylindrical vessel.
Volume of cone = 1 pr2 h Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2016]
= p # 2.5 # 24 Radius of sphere = 12 = 6 cm
3 2
When water is emptied into cylindrical vessel, water Volume = 4 p # 63 cm3
will rise in cylindrical vessel. Let rise in height be h .
It is submerged into water, in cylindrical vessel, then
Volume of water raised = pr2 h . This volume is equal
water level rise by 3 59 = 329 cm. Volume of submerged
to the volume of cone.
sphere is equal to the volume of water rise in cylinder.
Thus p # (10) 2 # h = 1 p # 25 # 24 Volume submerged = Volume rise
100h = 25 # 8 Let r be radius of cylinder. Therefore
h = 2 cm p # r2 # 32 = 4 p # 63 cm
9 3
94. A well of diameter 4 m is dug 14 m deep. The earth r2 = 216 # 3 # 4 = 27 # 3 # 4
32 4
taken out is spread evenly all around the well to form
a 40 m high embankment. Find the width of the r2 = 27 # 3 = 81 & r = 9 cm
embankment. Diameter 2r = 2 # 9 = 18 cm.
Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
96. A well of diameter 4 m dug 21 m deep. The earth
Depth of well, d = 14 m,
taken out of it has been spread evenly all around it
Radius, r = 12 m. in the shape of a circular ring of width 3 m to form
an embankment. Find the height of the embankment.
Volume of earth taken out,
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2016]
pr2 h = 22 # (2) 2 # 14
Radius of earth dug out r =4=2 m
22 2
= 2 2 14
7 # # # Depth of the earth d = 21,
= 176 m 3
Volume of earth pr2 d = 22 # (2) 2 # 21
Let r be the width of embankment. The radius of
outer circle of embankment = 22 # 4 # 3 = 264 m2
= 2+r Width of embankment = 3 m
Area of upper surface of embankment Outer radius of ring = 2 + 3 = 5 m
= p 8^2 + r h2 - ^2 h2B Let the height of embankment be h .
Volume of embankment,
Volume of embankment = Volume of earth taken out
p ^R - r h2 h = 264
p 8^2 + r h2 - ^2 h2B # 0.4 = 176
7 #^
52 - 22h # h = 264
p 64 + r2 + 4r - 4@ # 0.4 = 176
Page 466 Surface Areas and Volumes Chap 12
= 1386 cm2 edge 14 cm. Find the surface area of remaining solid
after the cone is curved out.
100. The 34 th part of a conical vessel of internal radius Sol : [Board Term-2 SQP 2017]
5 cm and height 24 cm is full of water. The water If a cone of maximum size is curved out from a cube
emptied into a cylindrical vessel with internal radius edge a , diameter and height of cone will be a
10 cm. Find the height of water in cylindrical vessel.
Side of cube a = 14 cm.
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2017]
If cone of maximum size is curved out,
Radius of conical vessel = 5 cm
Height of conical vessel = 24 cm Radius of cone r = 14 = 7 cm
Volume of this vessel, = p # ^5 h2 # 24 Height of cone h = 7 cm
= 200p cm3 Slant height l = r2 + h2
Internal radius of cylindrical vessel = 10 = 72 + 142
Let the h be the height of emptied water. = 49 + 196
Volume of water in cylinder,
= 245
pr2 h = 3 # Volume of cone = 15.65 cm.
p # 10 # 10 # h = 3 # 200p Total surface area,
= Surface area cube + curved Surface area of cone
100h = 150
- Circular area of base of cone
h = 1.5 cm
= 6a2 + prl - pr2
Hence the height of water is 1.5 cm.
= 6 # 14 # 14 + 22 # 7 # 15.65 - 22 # 7 # 7
101. Rampal decided to donate canvas for 10 tents conical 7 7
in shape with base diameter 14 m and height 24 m = 1176 + 622 ^15.65 - 7h@
to a centre for handicapped person’s welfare. If the
= 1176 # 22 # 8.65
cost of 2 m wide canvas is Rs. 40 per meter, find the
amount by which Rampal helped the money. = 223792.8 cm2
Page 468 Surface Areas and Volumes Chap 12
= p 62 # 64 + 2 # 36 + ^64 - 36h@
R3 = 9 # 4 # 2 # 3 = 33 # 23
= p 6128 + 72 + 28@
R = 2 # 3 = 6 cm
= 228 # 3.14 = 715.92 cm2
Diameter of new sphere
Total cost = 715.92 # 5 = 3579.60 Rs
2R = 2 # 6 = 12 cm
Page 470 Surface Areas and Volumes Chap 12
1001 = 2 # 22 # ^3.5h2 (2 # 3.5 + h) 121. A heap of wheat is in the form of cone of diameter 6 m
and height 3.5 m. Find its volume . How much canvas
1001 = 22 # 3.5 # (7 + h)
cloth is required to just cover the heap ? Use p = 227
91 = 2 # 3.5 # (7 + h)
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2016]
13 = 7 + h & h = 6
Radius of cone, r = 6 = 3 cm
Height of the toy = 6 + 3.5 = 9.5 cm. 2
Height of cone, h = 3.5 cm
CSA of hemisphere,
Volume of wheat in the form of cone
2pr2 = 2 # 22 # 3.5 # 3.5 = 77 cm2
7 V = 1 pr 2 h
Cost of painting = 10 # 77 = 770 Rs
Page 474 Surface Areas and Volumes Chap 12
Sc = p b 7 l + 16.5 # 7
sec is 7 m or 700 cm.
Radius of pipe is 4 = 2 cm. Let tc be thickness of cabtab, then volume of captab
Thus volume of water in 1 second, must be 924 mm2 .
= p # ^2 h2 # 700 cm3 924 = <p b 7 l + 16.5 # 7F tc
Volume of water in 30 minutes, 2
= 2 # 22 # 7 # 24
7 2
= 22 # 24
= 528 m2
Volume of milk tanker, Since the volume of the ice cream is less than the
2 volume of the cone, the cone will not overflow.
V = pR L
Now volume of ice cream = 33.5
2 2
= 22 # b 2 l # 4.2 = 13.2 m3 volume of cone 41.9
7 = 0.80
(ii) Supply of milk to booth I, (i) Since the volume of the ice cream is less than the
volume of the cone, the cone will not overflow.
= 13.2 # 3 = 2.64 # 3 = 7.92 m3
5 (ii) The cone will be about 80% filled.
Height in 1sh vessel = 7.92 = 2 m Earth, the third planet from the sun, is the fifth-largest
3.96 131.
(iii) Supply of milk to booth II, planet in the solar system The radius of Earth at the
equator is 3,963 miles (6,378 kilometers), according to
= 13.2 # 2 = 2.64 # 2 = 5.28 m3 NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt,
22 Maryland. However, Earth is not quite a sphere. The
Area of base of cylindrical vessel = p (1) 2 = 7 m2 planet’s rotation causes it to bulge at the equator.
Height in 2nd vessel = 5.2228 = 5.28 # 7 = 1.68 m Earth’s polar radius is 3,950 miles (6,356 km) — a
7 difference of 13 miles (22 km).
130. Suppose a sugar cone is 10 centimeters deep and has The diameter of Earth is d1 miles from the North
a diameter of 4 centimeters. A spherical scoop of ice Pole to the South Pole and d2 miles from opposite
cream with a diameter of 4 centimeters rests on the points at the equator.
top of the cone.
(i) If all the ice cream melts into the cone, will the
cone overflow? Explain.
(ii) If the cone does not overflow, what percent of the
cone will be filled?
Sol :
Radius is common for both cone and spherical scoop
which is r = 24 = 2 cm. (i) Find the surface area of Earth using each measure.
For the cone, height is h = 10 cm, thus (ii) About 75% of Earth’s surface is covered by water.
Find the surface area of water on Earth, using the
Volume, V = 1 pr2 h mean of the two diameters.
(iii) If the atmosphere of Earth extends to about 100
= 1 p (2) 2 (10) = 41.9 cm3
3 miles above the surface, find the surface area of
For the ice cream, the atmosphere surrounding Earth. Use the mean
Volume, V = 4 pr3 = 4 p (2) 3 of the two diameters.
3 3
(iv) Find the volume of the atmosphere surrounding
= 33.5 cm3
Earth using the mean of the two diameters..
Page 480 Surface Areas and Volumes Chap 12
133. Pantheon : The Pantheon is the best-preserved 134. DK Jain runs a company that makes ball bearings.
building from ancient Rome. Its magnificent dome is The bearings are shipped in boxes that are then
a lasting testimony to the genius of Roman architects loaded onto trucks. Each bearing has a diameter of
and as the building stands virtually intact it offers 18 mm.
a unique opportunity for the modern visitor to step (i) Each box can hold 3888p cm3 of ball bearings.
back 2,000 years and experience the glory that was How many ball bearings can a box hold?
Rome. (ii) Each ball bearing has a mass of 4 gm. Determine
the mass of each box.
(iii) The maximum mass a truck can carry is 11000 kg.
What is the maximum number of boxes that can
be loaded into a truck?
Sol :
(i) Volume of a ball bearing
V = 4 pr 3
The Pantheon in Rome is able to contain a perfect
= 4 p b 18 l
h1 = 2.4 = 0.6 m = 60 cm
= 22 # 9 # 9 # 14
= 22 # 9 # 9 # 2
= 3564 cm3
Volume of biscuits = pr2 h # 140
(i) If radius of cylindrical part is taken as 3 meter,
= 19.8 # 140 = 2772 cm3 what is the volume of above conical tank ?
Vacant volume = 3564 - 2772 = 792 cm3 (ii) What is the area of metal sheet used to make this
(v) Weight of 7 biscuits = 50 grams conical tank ? Assume that tank is covered from
Weight of 140 biscuits = 50 # 140
7 (iii) What is the ratio of volume of cylindrical part to
= 1000 grams = 1 kg the volume of conical part?
139. Conical Tank : The advantages of cone bottom tanks (iv) The cost of metal sheet is Rs 2000 per square
are found in nearly every industry, especially where meter and fabrication cost is 1000 per square
getting every last drop from the tank is important. meter. What is the total cost of tank ?
This type of tank has excellent geometry for draining, (v) A oil is to be filled in the tank. The density of oil
especially with high solids content slurries as these is 1050 kg per cubic meter. What is the weight of
cone tanks provide a better full-drain solution. The oil filled in tank ?
conical tank eliminates many of the problems that Sol :
flat base tanks have as the base of the tank is sloped
(i) Length of cylindrical part is three times of radius
towards the centre giving the greatest possible full-
of conical part and height of conical part is equal to
drain system in vertical tank design.
its radius.
Page 486 Surface Areas and Volumes Chap 12
(ii) Total surface area of boiler Government of UP is planing to procure tent for the
= SA of cylindrical part + SA of two hemisphere pilgrims during Kumbh Mela. The specification of
2 tent is given below.
= 6pr2 + 2 b 4pr l (1) Lower cylindrical part must have a white colored
= 6pr2 + 4pr2 = 10pr2 thick fabric whose cost is ` 60 per square meter.
(2) Top conical part must have PVC coated blue
(iii) Volume of boiler, fabric whose cost is ` 70 per square meter.
= Volume of cylinder+ Volume of two hemisphere
= pr2 l + 2 b 2p # r3 l
= pr2 $ 3r + 4p # r3
= b 3 + 3 l pr3 = 13 pr3
(iv) Ratio of volume to the surface = 3
= 13 r
10pr2 30
(v) At r = 3 m volume of boiler,
= 13 pr3 = 13 # p # 33
3 3 The front view of tent is given below with dimension.
= 13 # p # 9 = 117p m 3
= 22 # 21 # ]21g2 + ]20g2
= 22 # 3 # 29 = 1914 sq. meter
Thus, 1914 sq. meter of blue PVC coated fabric is
Chap 12 Surface Areas and Volumes Page 487
= 2 # 22 # 21 # 5
= 660 sq. meter
(iii) Total cost is sum of material cost and construction
cost of both type of fabric.
Total cost = White fabric cost + Blue fabric cost
= ^60 + 15h # 1914 + ^70 + 15h # 660
= 75 # 1914 + 85 # 660
= 75 (1914 + 17 # 44)
= `199650
(iv) Total floor area of tent,
pr2 = 22 # 21 # 21
= 22 # 3 # 21
= 1386 sq. meter
Page 488 Statistics Chap 13
12. A set of numbers consists of three 4’s, five 5’s, six 15. Observations of some data are x5 , x , x3 , 23x , x4 , 25x and
4 where x > 0. If the median of the data is 4, then
6’s, eight 8’s and seven 10’s. The mode of this set of
numbers is the value of x is
(a) 6 (b) 7 (a) 5 (b) 15
(c) 8 (d) 10 (c) 9 (d) 10
Sol : [Board Term-1 SQP 2012]
Sol : [Board Term-1 Foreign 2016]
Mode of the data is 8 as it is repeated maximum Given observations are x5 , x , x3 , 23x , x4 , 25x and 34x
number of times. Thus (c) is correct option. where x > 0. On arranging the above observations in
13. If the mean of the observation x, x + 3, x + 5, x + 7 and ascending order, we get
x + 10 is 9, the mean of the last three observation is x , x , x , 2x , 2x , 3x , x
5 4 3 5 3 4
(a) 10 1 (b) 10 2 Here, total number of observations are 7, which is
3 3
(c) 11 1 (d) 11 2
3 3
Median = b n + 1 l observation
Sol : [Board Term-1 SQP 2015]
= b 7 + 1 l observation
X =9 We have a+b+c = M
M 8 3
a + b + c = 3M
X = M 9
and a2 + b2 + c2 = KM2
Substituting the value of X in equation (1), we get 3
Z = 3M - 2 # 9M = 3M - 9M Now, (a + b + c) 2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2 (ab + bc + ca)
8 4
(a + b + c) 2 = a2 + b2 + c2 [ab + bc + ca = 0]
Z = 3M
(3M) 2 = 3KM2
M =4
Z 3 9M2 = 3KM2 & K = 3
or M :Z = 4 :3 Thus (a) is correct option.
Thus (c) is correct option.
25. In the formula x = a +
/ f i d i , for finding the mean of
23. A student noted the number of cars passing through / fi
a spot on a road for 100 periods each of 3 min and grouped data di ’s are deviation from a of
summarised in the table give below. (a) lower limits of the classes
Number of cars Frequency (b) upper limits of the classes
0-10 7 (c) mid-points of the classes
10-20 14 (d) frequencies of the class marks
20-30 13
Sol : [Board Term-1 OD 2014]
30-40 12 Mid-point of the classes = (xi - a),
40-50 20 upper limit + lower limit
where, xi =
50-60 11
So, the option (c) is correct, which is the required
60-70 15 answer.
70-80 08 Thus (c) is correct option.
Page 494 Statistics Chap 13
The modal class is 33. The times, in seconds, taken by 150 athletes to run a
(a) 10-20 (b) 20-30 110 m hurdle race are tabulated below
(c) 30-40 (d) 50-60 Class Frequency
Sol : [Board Term-1 Comp 2017] 13.8-14 2
Marks Number of students 14-14.2 4
0-10 3-0 = 3 14.2-14.4 5
10-20 12 - 3 = 9 14.4-14.6 71
20-30 27 - 12 = 15 14.6-14.8 48
30-40 57 - 27 = 30 14.8-15 20
40-50 75 - 57 = 18 The number of athletes who completed the race in less
50-60 80 - 75 = 5 than 14.6 second is :
(a) 11 (b) 71
Class 30-40 has the maximum frequency 30, therefore
this is model class. (c) 82 (d) 130
Thus (c) is correct option.
Sol : [Board Term-1 Delhi 2011]
32. Consider the data: The number of athletes who completed the race in
less than 14.6
Class 65- 85- 105- 125- 145- 165- 185-
85 105 125 145 165 185 205
= 2 + 4 + 5 + 71 = 82
Frequency 4 5 13 20 14 7 4
Thus (c) is correct option.
The difference of the upper limit of the median class 34. Consider the following distribution :
and the lower limit of the modal class is
Marks obtained Number of students
(a) 0 (b) 19
More than or equal to 0 63
(c) 20 (d) 38
More than or equal to 10 58
Sol : [Board Term-1 Foreign 2013]
More than or equal to 20 55
Class Frequency Cumulative frequency More than or equal to 30 51
65-85 4 7 More than or equal to 40 48
85-105 5 9 More than or equal to 50 42
105-125 13 22
the frequency of the class 30-40 is :
125-145 20 42 (a) 3 (b) 4
145-165 14 56 (c) 48 (d) 51
165-185 7 63
Sol : [Board Term-1 Delhi 2012]
185-205 4 67
Here, N2 = 672 = 33.5 , which lies in the interval Marks obtained Number of students
125 - 145 . Hence, upper limit of median class is 145. 0-10 (63 - 58) = 5
Here, we see that the highest frequency is 20 which 10-20 (58 - 55) = 3
lies in 125-145. Hence, the lower limit of modal class
is 125. 20-30 (55 - 51) = 4
Required difference 30-40 (51 - 48) = 3
= Upper limit of median class 40-50 (48 - 42) = 6
- Lower limit of modal class 50-60 42 = 42
= 145 - 125 = 20 Hence, frequency in the class interval 30-40 is 3.
Thus (c) is correct option. Thus (a) is correct option.
Page 496 Statistics Chap 13
41. In a frequency distribution, the mid value of a class is Sol : [Board 2020 SQP Standard]
10 and the width of the class is 6. What is the lower We prepare the following cumulative table
limit of the class?
Height x (in cm) Number of cf
Sol : [Board Term-1 Delhi 2014] Students (f)
Let x be the upper limit and y be the lower limit. 150-155 15 15
Since the mid value of the class is 10. 155-160 13 28
x+y 160-165 10 38
Hence, = 10
165-170 08 46
x + y = 20 ...(1)
170-175 09 55
Since width of the class is 6,
175-180 08 63
x-y = 6 ...(2)
N = 63
Solving (1) and (2), we get y = 7
Hence, lower limit of the class is 7. We have, N = 63 ; N = 63 = 31.5
2 2
42. For finding the popular size of readymade garments, The cumulative frequency just greater than N2 is 38
which central tendency is used? and the corresponding class is 160-165. Thus upper
limit is 165.
Sol : [Board Term-1 OD 2012]
For finding the popular size of ready made garments, 45. The median of a set of 9 distinct observations is 20.5. If
mode is the best measure of central tendency. each of the largest 4 observation of the set is increased
by 2, then what is the median of the new set?
Since, n =9
53. Find the mode of the following grouped frequency 56. The following data gives the distribution of total
distribution. household expenditure (in <) of manual workers in
a city.
Class Frequency
3-6 2 Expenditure (in <) Frequency
6-9 5 1000-1500 24
9-12 10 1500-2000 40
12-15 23 2000-2500 33
15-18 21 2500-3000 28
18-21 12 3000-3500 30
21-24 03 3500-4000 22
4000-4500 16
Sol :
4500-5000 07
We observe that the class 12-15 has maximum
frequency 23. Therefore, this is the modal class. Then, find the average expenditure which is done by
We have, l = 12 , h = 3 , f1 = 23 , f0 = 10 and f2 = 21 the maximum number of manual workers.
f1 - f0 Sol : [Board Term-1 Delhi 2015]
Mo = l + h
2f1 - f0 - f2 #
We observe that the class 1500-2000 has maximum
= 12 + 23 - 10 # 3 frequency 40. Therefore, this is the modal class.
46 - 10 - 21
We have l = 1500 , h = 500 , f1 = 40 , f0 = 24 and
= 12 + 13 # 3 f2 = 23
13 f1 - f0
= 12 + = 14.6 Mo = l + h
5 2f1 - f0 - f2 #
= 1500 + 40 - 24 # 500
54. What is abscissa of the point of intersection of the 80 - 24 - 33
‘‘Less than type’’ and of the ‘‘More than type’’
= 1500 + 16 # 500
cumulative frequency curve of a grouped data ? 23
Sol : = 1847.26
The abscissa of the point of intersection of the
57. If xi ’s are the mid-points of the class intervals of
‘‘Less than type’’ and ‘‘More than type’’ cumulative
grouped data, f i ’s are the corresponding frequencies
frequency curve of a grouped data is median.
and x is the mean, then find / (f i xi - x ).
55. If median is 137 and mean is 137.05, then what is the
Sol : [Board Term-1 Delhi 2017]
value of mode ?
/ (f i xi - x ) = / f i xi - / x
Sol : [Board Term-1 OD 2016]
= / f i xi - nx
Mo = 3Md - 2M
= / f i xi - / f i xi = 0 cx =
/ f i xi m
= 3 (137) - 2 (137.05) n
= 411 - 274.10
= 136.90 58. What is the model class for the following distribution?
Sol : [Board Term-1 OD 2017] 66. In the following distribution what is the frequency of
the class 30-40?
Class Frequency Cumulative frequency
65-85 4 7 Marks obtained Number of students
Class Frequency
13.8-14 2
14-14.2 4
14.2-14.4 5 67. From the following frequency distribution, find the
14.4-14.6 71 median class :
We have Md = M + 3 1850-2000 8 52
Class 60-80 has the maximum frequency 12, therefore Cumulative frequency just greater than N2 is 19 and
this is model class. the corresponding class is 55-60. Thus median class
is 55-60.
Hence, l = 60 , f1 = 12 , f0 = 6 , f2 = 6 and h = 20
Now l = 55 , f = 6 , F = 13 , h = 5
f1 - f0
Mode, Mo = l + d 2f - f - f n h N
Md = l + e
f o#
1 0 2 Median, h
= 60 + 12 - 10 20
2 # 12 - 10 - 6 #
= 55 + b 15 - 13 l # 5
= 60 + 2 # 20 = 60 + 40
24 - 16 8 5
= 55 + = 55 + 1.67 = 56.67
= 60 + 5 = 65 3
77. Find the mean of the following distribution :
75. The mode of the following frequency distribution is
36. Find the missing frequency f . Class 10- 25- 40- 55- 70- 85-
25 40 55 70 85 100
Class 0- 10- 20- 30- 40- 50- 60-
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Frequency 2 3 7 6 6 6
Mode is 36 which lies in class 30-40, therefore this is Class Frequency c.f. xi Ui = x - a fi ui
model class. Interval (fi)
Here, f0 = f , f2 = 16 , f2 = 12 , l = 30 and h = 10 10-25 2 2 17.5 -3 -6
f1 - f0 25-40 3 5 32.5 -2 -6
Mode, Mo = l + d 2f - f - f n h
1 0 2
40-55 7 12 47.5 -1 -7
16 - f
36 = 30 + 10 55-70 6 18 62.50= 0 0
2 # 16 - f - 12 #
16 - f
6 = 10
20 - f # 70-85 6 24 77.5 1 6
120 - 6f = 160 - 10f 85-100 6 30 92.5 2 12
4f = 40 & f = 10 / fi = 30 / fi ui = - 1
Page 504 Statistics Chap 13
5 8 40 xi fi fi xi
7 5 35 3 5 15
10 10 100 9 4 36
Total / fi = 30 / fi xi = 200 15 1 15
Mean, M =
/ fi xi = 200 = 6.67 21 6 126
/ fi 30
27 4 108
84. Given below is the distribution of weekly pocket Total / fi = 20 / fi xi = 300
money received by students of a class. Calculate the / fi xi
pocket money that is received by most of the students. Mean M = = 300 = 15
/ fi 20
Pocket 0-20 20- 40- 60- 80- 100- 120- 86. Find the sum of the lower limit of the median class
Money 40 60 80 100 120 140 and the upper limit of the modal class :
(in Rs.)
Classes 10- 20- 30- 40- 50- 60-
Number 2 2 3 12 18 5 2 20 30 40 50 60 70
students. Frequency 1 3 5 9 7 3
Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
We prepare following cumulative frequency table to
Class Interval Frequency find median class.
0-20 2 Class 10- 20- 30- 40- 50- 60-
20-40 2 20 30 40 50 60 70
40-60 3 Frequency 1 3 5 9 7 3
60-80 12 Cumulative 1 4 9 18 25 28
80-100 18
100-120 5 We have N = 28 ; N = 28 = 14
2 2
120-140 2 Cumulative frequency just greater than N2 is 18 and
the corresponding class is 40 - 50. Thus median class
Total 44
is 40-50.
Class 80-100 has the maximum frequency 18, therefore Lower limit is 40 and upper limit is 5. Their sum is
this is model class. = 40 + 50 = 90
We have l = 80 , f1 = 18 , f2 = 5 , f0 = 12 , h = 20
87. The following table gives the life time in days of 100
f1 - f0
Mode, Mo = l + d 2f - f - f n h bulbs :
1 0 2
Life Less Less Less Less Less Less
= 80 + b 18 - 12 l # 20 time in than than than than than than
36 - 12 - 5
days 50 100 150 200 250 300
= 80 + 6 # 20 Number 8 23 55 81 93 100
of Bulbs
= 80 + 6.31
Change the above distribution as frequency
= 86.31 distribution.
Page 506 Statistics Chap 13
92. Find the unknown entries a , b , c , d in the following Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
b + c = 43 & Here l = 5 , f1 = 80 , f0 = 45 , h = 2 , f2 = 55
c = 43 - b = 13 - 35 = 8 ^ f1 - f0h
Mode, Mo = l + h
2f1 - f0 - f2 #
and 48 + 2 = d & d = 50 80 - 45
= 5+ 2
160 - 45 - 55 #
93. Find the mode of the following distribution :
= 5 + 35 # 2 = 6.17
Classes 25- 30- 35- 40- 45- 50-
30 35 40 45 50 55 96. Write the median class of the following distribution :
Frequency 25 34 50 42 38 14 Classes 0- 10- 20- 30- 40- 50- 60-
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Sol :
Frequency 4 4 8 10 12 8 4
Class 35-40 has the maximum frequency 50, therefore
this is model class. Sol : [Board Term-1 OD 2012]
= 35 + 50 - 34 5
0-10 4 4
100 - 34 - 42 #
10-20 4 8
= 35 + 16 # 5 = 38.33 20-30 8 16
30-40 10 26
94. Find x and y from the following cumulative frequency
distribution : 40-50 12 38
50-60 8 46
Classes Frequency c.f.
60-70 4 50
0-8 15 15
N = 50
8-16 x 28
16-24 15 43 We have N = 50 ; N = 25
24-32 18 y Cumulative frequency just greater than N2 is 26 and
32-40 09 70 the corresponding class is 30-40. Thus median class
is 20-20.
Page 508 Statistics Chap 13
101. Find the mode of the following frequency distribution 20-30 25 10 250
30-40 35 6 210
Classes 0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 24-30
40-50 45 p 45 p
Frequency 7 5 10 12 6
26 + p 570 + 45p
Sol : [Board Term-1 2013]
Class 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 Sol : [Board Term-1 2012]
distribution table.
Class Class Mark Frequency fi xi
Weight fi c.f. xi fi xi
11-13 12 3 36
80-100 20 20 90 1800 13-15 14 6 84
100-120 60 80 110 6600 15-17 16 9 144
120-140 70 150 130 9100 17-19 18 13 234
140-160 40 190 150 6000 19-21 20 f 20f
160-180 60 250 170 10200 21-23 22 5 110
/ f i = 250 / fi xi = 33700 23-25 24 4 96
/ fi xi 33700 Total 40 + f 704 + 20f
M = xi = 250 = 134.8 gm
(ii) Class 120-140 has the maximum frequency 70, We have / fi = 40 + f
therefore this is model class. / fi xi = 704 + 20f
Here, l = 120 , f1 = 70 , f0 = 60 , f2 = 60 and h = 20 / fi x i
Mean, M =
f1 - f0 / fi
Mode, Mo = l + h d 2f - f - f n 704 # 20f
1 0 2
18 =
70 - 60 40 + f
= 120 + 20
2 # 70 - 60 - 40 # 720 + 18f = 704 + 20f
= 120 + 20 # 10 = 125 f =8
111. Compute the mode for the following frequency 113. Find the mode of the following frequency distribution:
Class 15- 20- 25- 30- 35- 40-
Size of items 0- 4- 8- 12- 16- 20- 24- 20 25 30 35 40 45
(in cm) 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
Frequency 3 8 9 10 3 2
Frequency 5 7 9 17 12 10 6
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Standard]
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Standard]
Class 30-35 has the maximum frequency 10, therefore
Class 12-16 has the maximum frequency 17, therefore this is model class.
this is model class.
Page 512 Statistics Chap 13
123. Heights of students of class X are given in the Run scored 2000- 4000- 6000- 8000- 10000-
following distribution : 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Heights (in 150- 155- 160- 165- 170- Number of 9 8 10 2 1
cm) 155 160 165 170 175 batsmen
Number of 15 8 20 12 5 Find the mode for the above data.
students Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
Now l = 160 , f1 = 20 , fo = 8 , f2 = 12 , h = 5
= 6000 + b 10 - 8 l # 2000
f1 - f0 20 - 8 - 2
Mode, Mo = l + d 2f - f - f n h
= 6000 + 2 # 2000
1 0 2
= 160 + b 20 - 8
40 - 8 - 12 l #
= 6000 + 400 = 6400
= 6+ 5-4 3
Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
10 - 4 - 1 #
Class 50-60 has the maximum frequency 25, therefore
this is model class. = 6 + 1 # 3 = 6 + 0.6 = 6.6
Here l = 50 , f1 = 25 , f0 = 15 , f2 = 15 , h = 10 127. If the median for the following frequency distribution
f1 - f0 is 28.5, find the value of x and y :
Mode, Mo = l + d 2f - f - f n h
1 0 2
Class Frequency
= 50 + 25 - 15 10
50 - 15 - 15 # 0-10 5
10-20 x
= 50 + 10 # 10
20-30 20
= 50 + 10 = 55
30-40 15
125. The following frequency distribution shows the 40-50 y
number of runs scored by some batsman of India in 50-60 5
one-day cricket matches :
Total 60
Page 516 Statistics Chap 13
131. Find the mean and median for the following data : 600-700 2 60+f
60 + f
Class 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 From table, N = 60 + f & N =
2 2
Frequency 8 16 36 34 6
Since median is 240 which lies between class 200-300.
Sol : [Board Term-1 2011] Thus median class is 200-300.
We prepare following cumulative frequency table to N
Median, Md = l + d
f n
find median class. h
60 + f
Class xi (class fi fi xi c.f. - 32
marks) 240 = 200 + = 2
G # 100
0-10 5 8 40 8 60 + f - 64
40 = ; E # 100
10-20 15 16 240 24 2f
Cumulative frequency just greater than N2 is 440 and Class 20-30 has the maximum frequency, therefore
the corresponding class is 1000-2000. Thus median this is model class.
class is 1000-2000.
Now l = 20 , f1 = 25 , f2 = 13 , f0 = 12 , h = 10
-F N
Median, Md = l + d
f n
h f1 - f0
Mode, Mo = l + d 2f - f - f n h
1 0 2
= 1000 + b 300 - 250 l # 1000 25 - 12
= 20 + b
50 - 12 - 13 l #
190 10
= 1000 + 50 # 1000 = 1000 + 5000
190 19
= 20 + 13 # 10
= 1000 + 263.16 25
= 20 + 5.2 = 25.2
= 1263.16 = Rs. 1263.16
139. Find the mean of the following data :
137. Find the mean for the following data :
Class 24.5- 29.5- 34.5- 39.5- 44.5- 49.5- 54.5- Class Less Less Less Less Less
29.5 34.5 39.5 44.5 49.5 54.5 59.5 than than than than than
Frequency 4 14 22 16 6 5 3 20 40 60 80 100
Sol : [Board Term-1 2011] Frequency 15 37 74 99 120
We prepare following table to find mean.
Sol : [Board Term-1 2011]
Class Class fi fi xi We prepare following table to find mean.
marks ^xi h
C.I. fi xi xi fi
24.5-29.5 27 4 108
0-20 15 10 150
29.5-34.5 32 14 448
20-40 22 30 660
34.5-39.5 37 22 814
40-60 37 50 1850
39.5-44.5 42 16 672
60-80 25 70 1750
44.5-49.5 47 6 282
80-100 21 90 1890
49.5-54.5 52 5 260
54.5-59.5 57 3 171
/ fi = 120 / xi fi = 6, 300
/ fi = 70 / fi xi = 2, 755 Mean M =
/ fi xi = 6300 = 52.5
/ fi 120
Mean M =
/ fi xi = 2755 = 39.36
/ fi 70 140. The sum of deviations of a set of values x1 , x2 , x3 ,
............, xn , measured from 50 is - 10 and the sum of
138. Find the mode of following data : deviations of the values from 46 is 70. Find the value
of n and the mean.
Marks Below Below Below Below Below
10 20 30 40 50 Sol : [Board Term-1 Delhi 2013]
Number of 8 20 45 58 70 We have,
students n n
/ ^xi - 50h = - 10 and / (xi - 46) = 70
i=1 i=1
Sol : [Board Term-1 OD 2013]
Class-Interval Frequency
/ xi - 50n = - 10 ...(1)
0-10 8 and / xi - 46n = 70 ...(2)
10-20 12 Subtracting (2) from (1) we get,
20-30 25 - 4n = - 80 & n = 20
30-40 13 Substituting this value of n in equation (1) we have
40-50 12 n
/ xi - 50 # 20 = - 10
Total 70 i=1
Page 520 Statistics Chap 13
55 = 45 +
2f - 5 - 10 #
2f - 15 m #
10 15 148. The median of the following data is 525. Find the
f-5 values of x and y , if total frequency is 100 :
10 =
15 2f - 15
Class Frequency
2 f - 15
3 = 0-100 2
2f - 15
4f - 30 = 3f - 15 100-200 5
4f - 3f = - 15 + 30 & f = 15 200-300 x
300-400 12
146. The sum of deviations of a set of values x1 , x2 , x3 , 400-500 17
............, xn , measured from 50 is - 10 and the sum of
deviations of the values from 46 is 70. Find the value 500-600 20
of n and the mean. 600-700 y
Sol : [Board 2018 Comp] 700-800 9
We have, 800-900 7
n n
/ ^xi - 50h = - 10 and / (xi - 46) = 70 900-1000 4
i=1 i=1
/ xi - 50n = - 10 ...(1) Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi STD]
We prepare cumulative frequency table as given below.
and / xi - 46n = 70 ...(2)
Class Interval Frequency (f) Cum. freq. c.f.
Subtracting (2) from (1) we get,
0-100 2 2
- 4n = - 80 & n = 20
100-200 5 7
Substituting this value of n in equation (1) we have
200-300 x 7+x
/ xi - 50 # 20 = - 10 300-400 12 19 + x
400-500 17 36 + x
/ xi = 990
500-600 20 56 + x
Mean M = 1 c / xi m = 990 = 49.5 600-700 y 56 + x + y
n i=1 20
Hence, n = 20 and mean = 49.5 700-800 9 65 + x + y
800-900 7 72 + x + y
147. Prove that / ^xi - x h = 0
900-1000 4 76 + x + y
Sol :
n N = 100
We have x = 1 c / xi m
n i=1
Page 522 Statistics Chap 13
Hence, f1 = 3 and f2 = 6 = 35 + b 50 - 34
2 # 50 - 34 - 42 l #
151. The arithmetic mean of the following frequency
= 35 + 16 # 5
distribution is 53. Find the value of k . 24
-1 -y Mean, M = a +
/ fi ui h
55-60 57.5 y
/ fi #
60-65 62.5 = a 0 6 0
= 54 + 18 # 4 = 55.2
65-70 67.5 1 8 8 60
70-75 72.5 2 4 8 Class 52-56 has the maximum frequency 14, therefore
this is model class.
75-80 77.5 3 2 6
Here l = 52 , f1 = 14 , f0 = 10 , f2 = 10 , h = 4
80-85 82.5 4 3 12
f1 - f0
85-90 87.5 5 2 10 Mode, Mo = l + d 2f - f - f n h
1 0 2
Total / fi = / fi ui = = 52 + 14 - 10 4 = 54
31 + x + y 22 - 2x - y 28 - 10 - 10 #
Hence mean is 55.2 and mode is 5.
Here, / fi = 31 + x + y = 40
158. On the sports day of a school, 300 students participated.
x+y = 9 ...(1) Their ages are given in the following distribution :
/ fi ui = 22 - 2x - y Age 5-7 7-9 9-11 11- 13- 15- 17-
Mean M = a+
/ fi ui h (in years) 13 15 17 19
/ fi # Number of 67 33 41 95 36 13 15
^22 - 2x - y h students
63.5 = 62.5 + #5
40 Find the mean and mode of the data.
2x + y = 14 ...(2) Sol : [Board Term-1 Foreign 2015]
Solving equation (1) and (2) we have x = 5 and y = 4 We prepare following table to find mean.
56-60 58 10 1 10 95 - 41
= 11 + 2
190 - 41 - 36 #
60-64 62 8 2 16
64-68 66 6 3 18 = 11 + 54 # 2
68-72 70 2 4 8 = 11 + 0.95 = 11.95
/ fi = 60 / fi ui = 18
Page 526 Statistics Chap 13
Class xi fi fi xi
Mean M =
/ xi fi = 11000 = 200
/ fi 50 0-30 15 12 180
Average daily income is Rs. 220. 30-60 45 21 945
162. The following table gives the life time of 200 bulbs. 60-90 75 x 75x
Calculate the mean life time of a bulb by step 90-120 105 52 5460
deviation method :
120- 135 y 135y
Life time 400- 500- 600- 700- 800- 900- 150
(in hours) 499 599 699 799 899 999 150- 165 11 1815
Number of 24 47 39 42 34 14 180
bulbs Total /f=i /fi xi =
Sol : [Board Term-1 2014]
x + y + 96 = 150 8400 + 75x + 135y
167. Daily wages of 110 workers, obtained in a survey, are 168. On annual day of a school, 400 students participated
tabulated below : in the function. Frequency distribution showing their
ages is as shown in the following table :
Daily 100- 120- 140- 160- 180- 200- 220-
Wages 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Ages (in 05- 07- 09- 11- 13- 15- 17-
(in<) years) 07 09 11 13 15 17 19
Number 10 15 20 22 18 12 13 Number of 70 120 32 100 45 28 5
of students
Find mean and median of the above data.
Compute the mean daily wages an modal daily wages
Sol : [Board Term-1 2015]
of these workers.
We prepare following cumulative frequency table to
Sol : [Board 2020 SQP Standard] find mean and median.
Let a = 170 be assumed mean.
C.I. fi c.f. xi ui = fi ui
CI xi (f) xi - 170 xi - 170 fi ui xi - a
05-07 70 70 6 -3 -210
100-120 110 10 - 60 -3 - 30
07-09 120 190 8 -2 -240
120-140 130 15 - 40 -2 - 30
09-11 32 222 10 -1 -32
140-160 150 20 - 20 -1 - 20
11-13 100 322 12 0 0
160-180 170 22 0 0 0
13-15 45 367 14 1 45
180-200 190 18 20 1 18
15-17 28 395 16 2 56
200-220 210 12 40 2 24
17-19 5 400 18 3 15
220-240 230 13 60 3 39
/ fi / fi ui / fi / fi ui
= 400 = - 366
= 110 =1
Assumed mean, a = 12
Mean, x = a+
/ fi ui h
/ fi # Mean, M = a+
/ fi ui h
/ fi #
= 170 + 1 # 20
= 12 + - 366 # 2
= 170 + 0.1818 400
96 + x + y = 150 N
Md = l + d
f n
Median, h
x + y = 54 ...(1)
/ fi xi = 120 + b 25 - 12 l # 20
x = 14
/ fi
8400 + 75x + 135y = 120 + 18.57 # 138.57
91 =
150 Mode = 3 Median - 2 Mean
13650 = 8, 400 + 75x + 135y = 3 # 138.57 - 2 # 145.2
75x + 135y = 5250 = 415.71 - 290.4 = 125.31
5x + 9y = 350 ...(2) Hence, mean is 145.2, median is 138.57 and mode is
Solving equation (1) and (2) we get x = 34 and y = 20
172. The following table gives the daily income of 50 COMPETENCEY BASED QUESTIONS
workers of a factory.
173. BINGO is game of chance. The host has 75 balls
Daily 100- 120- 140- 160- 180- numbered 1 through 75. Each player has a BINGO
income 120 140 160 180 200 card with some numbers written on it.
(in Rs.)
Number 12 14 8 6 10
Find the mean, mode and median of the above data.
Sol : [Board Term-1 2009]
C.I. fi c.f. xi ui = fi ui
xi - a
100-120 12 12 110 -2 - 24
The participant cancels the number on the card when
120-140 14 26 130 -1 - 14
called out a number written on the ball selected at
140-160 8 34 150 0 0 random. Whosoever cancels all the numbers on his/
160-180 6 40 170 1 6 her card, says BINGO and wins the game.
The table given below, shows the data of one such
180-200 10 50 190 2 20
game where 48 balls were used before Tara said
/ f = 50 / fi ui = - 12 ‘BINGO’.
Numbers announced Number of times
Let a be assumed mean be a = 150
0 – 15 8
Mean M = a+
/ fi ui h
/ fi # 15 – 30 9
= 150 + - 12 # 20 30 – 45 10
45 – 60 12
= 150 - 4.8 = 145.2
60 – 75 9
Now N = 50 ; N
2 = 25 Based on the above information, answer the following:
Cumulative frequency just greater than N2 is 26 and (i) Write the median class.
the corresponding class is 120-140. Thus median class (ii) When first ball was picked up, what was the
is 120-140. probability of calling out an even number?
Now l = 120 , f = 14 , F = 12 and h = 20 (iii) Find median of the given data.
(iv) Find mode of the given data.
Page 532 Statistics Chap 13
(i) Thus x = 9
(ii) y = 15
(iii) Class 500-600 has the maximum frequency 20,
therefore this is model class.
(ii) Class 60-80 has the maximum frequency 29, (i) What is the upper limit of median class ?
therefore this is model class. Lower limit of this class (ii) What is the median value of students per teacher?
is 60.
(iii) What is the lower limit of model class ?
(iii) Here, l = 60 , f1 = 29 , f0 = 21, f2 = 17 and h = 20
(iv) What is the model value of students per teacher ?
f1 - f0
Mode, Mo = l + h d 2f - f - f n (v) What is the mean value of students per teacher ?
1 0 2
= 60 + 29 - 21 20 Sol :
2 # 29 - 21 - 17 #
(i) We prepare following cumulative frequency table
= 60 + 8 20 to find median class.
58 - 38 #
= 60 + 8 = 68 Students per teacher Number of School c.f
(iv) Now 3Md = Mo + 2M = 68 + 2 # 53 20-25 5 5
Md = 174 = 58 25-30 15 20
30-35 25 45
Hence median is 58.
(v) Since median is 58 and corresponding class is 40- 35-40 30 75
60. Upper limit of this class is 60. 40-45 15 90
= 35 + 50 - 45 # 5
= 35 + 5 = 215 = 35.83
6 6
(iii) Class 35-40 has the maximum frequency 30,
therefore this is model class. Lower limit of this class
is 35.
(iv) Here, l = 35 , f1 = 30 , f0 = 25 , f2 = 15 and h = 5
f1 - f0
Mode, Mo = l + h d 2f - f - f n
1 0 2
A survey was conducted in the 100 secondary school
= 35 + 30 - 25 5
of Rajasthan and following frequency distribution 60 - 25 - 15 #
table was prepared :
= 35 + 5 # 5
Students per teacher Number of School = 35 + 1.25 = 36.25
20-25 5 (v) Now 3Md = Mo + 2M
25-30 15 3 # 215 = 36.25 + 2M
30-35 25 6
2 # 215 = 4 # 36.25 + 8M
35-40 30
430 = 145 + 8M
40-45 15
8M = 430 - 145 = 285
45-50 10
M = 8 = 35.625
Chap 13 Statistics Page 543
= 110 + 24 - 20 10
2 # 24 - 20 - 8 #
= 110 + 4 # 10 = 112
(v) Now 3Md = Mo + 2M = 112 + 2 # 104.25
= 320.5
Md = 320.5 = 106.83
Page 538 Probability Chap 14
26. If a letter is chosen at random from the letter of 29. If a number x is chosen at random from the numbers
English alphabet, then the probability that it is a - 2, - 1, 0, 1, 2 . Then, the probability that x2 1 2 is
letter of the word DELHI is
(a) 2 (b) 4
5 5
(a) 1 (b) 1
5 26 1 3
(c) (d)
5 5 5
(c) (d) 21
26 26 Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2015]
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2017] Total number of possible outcomes are 5.
The English alphabet has 26 letters in all. The word We observe that x2 1 2 when x takes anyone of the
DELHI has 5 letter, so the number of favourable following three values - 1, 0 and 1.
outcomes is 5.
We have n (S) = 5
n (S) = 26
n (E) = 3
n (E) = 5
Required probability,
Required probability, n (E)
P (E) = =3
n (E) n (S) 5
P (E) = = 5
n (S) 26 Thus (d) is correct option.
Thus (c) is correct option.
30. Which of the following relationship is the correct?
27. The probability that a two digit number selected at (a) P (E ) + P (E ) = 1 (b) P (E ) - P (E ) = 1
random will be a multiple of 3 and not a multiple of (c) P (E ) = 1 + P (E ) (d) None of these
5 is
Sol :
(a) 2 (b) 4
[Board Term-2 Foreign 2016]
15 15 P (E ) + P (E ) = 1
(c) 1 (d) 4
15 90 Thus (a) is correct option.
Sol : [Board Term-2 SQP 2011]
31. Two dice are thrown together. The probability that
24 out of the 90 two digit numbers are divisible by 3 sum of the two numbers will be a multiple of 4, is:
and not by 5.
(a) 1 (b) 1
n (S) = 90 2 3
1 (d) 1
n (E) = 24 (c)
8 4
Required probability, Sol : [Board Term-2 Comp. 2014]
n (E)
P (E) = Total number of outcomes is 36.
n (S)
24 Here, all possible outcome is (1, 3), (2, 2), (2, 6),
= = 4 (3, 1), (3, 5), (4, 4), (5, 3), (6, 2) and (6, 6),
90 15
Thus (b) is correct option. n (S) = 36
All possible outcomes are {HH, HT, TH, TT}. 42. If the probability of wining a game is 0.07, what is the
probability of losing it?
Thus n (S) = 4
Favourable outcomes are {HT, TH, TT}. Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Standard]
Favourable outcome are 1 and 2 i.e. two outcomes. A girl calculates the probability of her winning
n (E) = 2 the game in a match and find it 0.08. What is the
probability of her losing the game?
P (number less than 3)
[Board Term-2 2012]
n (E)
P (E) = =2 =1 Ans : 0.92
n (S) 6 3
40. A number is chosen at random from the numbers - 5 , 43. If a card is selected from a deck of 52 cards, then find
- 4 , - 3 , - 2 , - 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Then the probability the probability of its being a red face card?
that square of this number is less than or equal to 1 Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2011]
is .......... . In a deck of 52 cards, there are 12 face cards i.e., 6 red
and 6 black cards.
Page 546 Probability Chap 14
66. A box contains 90 discs, numbered from 1 to 90. If one 70. Find the probability of getting a sum of 9, when two
disc is drawn at random from box, find the probability dice are thrown simultaneously.
that it bears a prime number less than 23. Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2011]
Sol : [Board Term-2 2012] If two dice are thrown there are 6 # 6 = 36 possible
Number of possible outcomes, outcomes. Thus there are 4 favourable outcome (3, 6),
(6, 3), (4, 5) and (5, 4). In these case sum of both
n (S) = 90 faces are 9.
Prime numbers less than 23 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19. Number of total outcomes,
Number of favourable outcomes n (S) = 36
n ^E h = 8 Number of favourable outcomes
P (prime no. less than 23) n ^E h = 4
n ^E h
P ^E h = = 8 = 4 n ^E h
n ^S h 90 45 P ^E h = = 4 =1
n ^S h 36 9
67. From the number 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, one number
71. Can 1.1 be probability of an event ?
is selected at random, what is the probability that the
Sol : [Board Term-2 2014]
selected number is mean?
No. Since the probability of an event cannot be more
Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
than 1.
Total outcomes, n (S) = 10
72. A bag contains 3 red and 5 black balls. A ball is drawn
at random from the bag. What is the probability that
M = 3 + 5 + 5 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 70 = 7 the drawn ball is not red ?
10 10
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2017]
Thus 7 is the mean of given numbers and frequency
of 7 is 3 in given data. There are total 3 + 5 = 8 balls in bag. Thus total
possible outcomes,
Number of favourable outcomes,
n (S) = 8
n ^E h = 3
5 black balls are not red. Thus favourable outcome
n ^E h
P (mean), P ^E h = = 3 n ^E h = 5
n ^S h 10
P (drawn ball is not red),
68. A die is thrown once. Find the probability of getting
n ^E h
a prime number. P ^E h = =5
n ^S h 8
Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
73. If three different coins are tossed together, then find
Total outcomes, n (S) = 6
the probability of getting two heads.
Prime numbers are 2, 3, 5.
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD Compt. 2017]
n ^E h = 3 All possible outcomes are {HHH, THH, HTH, HHT,
n ^E h TTT, TTH, THT, HTT}.
P (prime no.), P ^E h = =3=1
n ^S h 6 2 Number of possible outcomes,
69. In tossing a die, what is the probability of getting an n (S) = 8
odd number or number less than 4 ? Number of favourable outcomes,
Sol : [Board Term-2 2012] n ^E h = 3
Total outcome, n (S) = 6 P (getting two heads),
Odd numbers are 1, 3, 5 and number less than 4 are 1, n ^E h
P ^E h = =3
2, 3. Thus there are 4 favourable outcome. n ^S h 8
Page 550 Probability Chap 14
Two dice are rolled simultaneously. Find the Favourable outcome are 1 and 2 i.e. two outcome.
probability that the sum of numbers appearing n (E) = 2
is 10.
P (number less than 3),
[Board Term-2 Foreign 2014]
n (E)
=2 =1
Ans : 12 P (E) =
n (S) 6 3
79. In a lottery, there are 10 prizes and 25 blanks. What 83. If a number x is chosen at random from the numbers
is the probability of getting a prize? - 3 , - 2 , - 1. 0, 1, 2, 3, then find the probability of
x2 < 4 .
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Basic]
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Standard]
Total number of possible outcomes,
Possible outcome are - 3 , - 2 , - 1. 0, 1, 2, 3 i.e 7
n (S) = 10 + 25 = 35 outcomes.
Total number of prizes, Thus n (S) = 7
n (E) = 10 Favourable outcomes are x2 < 4 i.e. = - 1, 0, 1.
Probability of getting a prize, n (E) = 3
n (E)
P (E) = = 10 = 2 n (E)
n (S) 35 7 P (x2 < 4), P (E) = =3
n (S) 7
80. Two different coins are tossed simultaneously, What is
the probability of getting at least one head? PRACTICE
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi OD Basic] If a number x is chosen a random from the number
- 3 , - 2 , - 1, 0, 1, 2, 3. What is probability that
All possible outcomes are {HH, HT, TH, TT}.
x2 # 4 ?
Thus n (S) = 4 [Board 2020 Delhi Standard]
Favourable outcomes are {HT, TH, HH}. Ans : 7
n (E) = 3
A number is chosen at random from the numbers
Probability of getting at least one head, - 3, - 2, - 1, 0, 1, 2, 3 . What will be the
n (E) probability that square of this number is less than
P (E) = =3
n (S) 4 or equal to 1.
[Board Term-2 Delhi 2017]
81. A pair of dice is thrown once. What is the probability Ans : 3
of getting a doublet?
Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Standard] 84. A bag contains cards with numbers written on it
There are total 62 = 36 possible outcomes. Thus from 1–80. A card is pulled out at random. Find the
n (S) = 36 probability that the card shows a perfect square.
Favourable outcomes are (1, 1), (2, 2 ), (3, 3), (4, 4), Sol : [Board Term-2 2016]
91. A bag contains 5 red, 8 green and 7 white balls. P (at least one girl),
One ball is drawn at random from the bag, find the n ^E h
P ^E h = =3
n ^S h
probability of getting : 4
(i) not a white ball,
(ii) neither a green nor a red ball. 94. Find the probability that a leap year has 53 Sundays
Bag contains 5 red, 8 green and 7 white balls i.e. total 366 days = 52 weeks + 2 days
20 ball. 2 days can be MT, TW, WTh, ThF, FS, SS, SM out
Total number of possible outcomes, of which SS and SM are favourable outcome.
n (S) = 20 Total number of possible outcomes,
(i) not a white ball, n (S) = 7
There are 5 red and 8 green balls which are not white. Thus number of favourable outcome,
Thus number of favourable outcome, n ^E h = 2
n (E1) = 13 n ^E h
P ^E h = =2
P (not a white ball), n ^S h 7
n (E1)
P (E1) = = 13 95. Two coins are tossed together. Find the probability of
n (S) 20 getting both heads or both tails.
(ii) neither a green nor a red ball.
Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]
There are 7 white balls which are neither a green nor
Possibilities are HH, HT TH, TT out of which HH
a red ball.
and TT are favourable.
n (E2) = 7
n (S) = 4
P (neither a green nor a red ball)
n ^E h = 2
n ^E2h
P ^E2h = = 7 n ^E h
n ^S h 20 P (HH or TT), P ^E h = =2=1
n ^S h 4 2
92. A bag contains 3 red, 4 green and 5 white candles,
one candle is drawn at random from the bag, find the 96. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52
probability that candle is not red. cards. Find the probability of getting :
(i) a non face card,
Sol : [Board Term-2 2014]
(ii) a black king.
Total number of possible outcomes are 3 + 4 + 5 = 12.
n (S) = 12 Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2012]
When candles not red, there are 9 possibilities, Total cards, n (S) = 52
(i) There are 12 face cards and thus 40 non-face cards.
n ^E h = 9
n (E1) = 40
P (candle is not red),
n (E1)
n ^E h P (non-faces), P (E1) = = 40 = 10
P ^E h = = 9 =3 n (S) 52 13
n ^S h 12 4
(ii) There are 2 black king
93. In a family of two children find the probability of n (E2) = 2
having at least one girl. n ^E2h
P (black king), P ^E2h = = 2 = 1
Sol : [Board Term-2 2017] n ^S h 52 26
All possible outcomes, 97. A lot consists of 144 ball pens of which 20 are defective
S = {GG, GB, BG, BB} and others are good. Nuri will buy a pen if it is good,
Total number of possible outcomes, but will not buy if it is defective. The shopkeeper
draws one pen at random and gives it to her. What is
n (S) = 4
the probability that :
Favourable outcomes are GG, GB and BG. (i) she will buy it ?
Thus n ^E h = 3 (ii) she will not buy it ?
Page 554 Probability Chap 14
Total no. of days in November = 30 If there are three children in family all possible
outcome are {BBB, BBG, BGB, GBB, GGB, GBG,
So, it has 4 weeks and 2 days. 4 weeks have 4 Sundays.
The two remaining days should be
Sunday, Monday So, the total number of outcomes,
Monday, Tuesday n (S) = 23 = 8
Tuesday, Wednesday
At-least two of them are boys means all those cases
Wednesday, Thursday
in which we have either 2 or 3 boys. Thus favourable
Thursday, Friday
outcome are {BBB, BBG, BGB, GBB}
Friday, Saturday
Saturday, Sunday Number of favourable outcome,
Thus number of possible outcomes, n (E) = 4
n (S) = 7 The probability of having at least two boys
n (E) 4
Number of favourable outcome, P (E) = = =1
n (S) 8 2
n (E) = 2
105. A child has a die whose six faces show the letters as
So, the probability of getting 5 Sunday in the month
shown below:
of November,
n (E)
P (E) = =2 The die is thrown once. What is the probability of
n (S) 7
getting (i) A, (ii) C ?
103. Two dice are tossed simultaneously. Find the Sol : [Board 2020 OD Standard]
probability of getting Total possible outcomes, n (S) = 6
(i) an even number on both dice.
(i) Probability of getting letter A,
(ii) the sum of two numbers more than 9.
n (E1) = 2 .
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Basic]
n (E1)
There are 36 possible outcomes of rolling two dices. =2 =1
P (E1) =
n (S) 6 3
n (S) = 36 (ii) Probability of getting letter C ,
(i) an even number on both dice. n (E2) = 3
Favourable outcome are (2, 2), (2, 4), (2, 6), (4, 2) n (E2)
(4, 4), (4, 6), (6, 2), (6, 4) and (6, 6). P (E2) = =1
n (S) 6
Number of favourable outcomes
n (E1) = 9 PRACTICE
P (an even number on both dice), A child has a die whose six faces show the letters
n (E1) as shown below:
P (E1) = = 9 =1
n (S) 36 4 A B C D E A
(ii) sum of two numbers more than 9 The die is thrown once. What is the probability of
Favourable outcome are (4, 6), (5, 5), (5, 6), (6, 4), getting (i) A, (ii) D ?
[Board 2020 OD Standard]
(6, 5) and (6, 6). 1 1
Ans : 3 , 6
Number of favourable outcomes
n (E2) = 6
106. A game consists of tossing a coin 3 times and noting
P (sum of two numbers more than 9), the outcome each time. If getting the same result in
n (E2) all the tosses is a success, find the probability of losing
P (E2) =
n (S) the game.
= 6 =1 Sol :
36 6 [Board 2019 Delhi]
111. From a pack of 52 playing cards, Jacks, Queens and (ii) a multiple of 5
Kings of red colour are removed. From the remaining, Multiple of 5 are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45.
a card is drawn at random. Find the probability that Total multiple of 5 number,
drawn card is
n (E2) = 5
(i) a black king,
n ^E2h
(ii) a card of red colour, P (multiple of 5), P ^E2h = = 9
n ^S h 49
(iii) a card of black colour. (iii) Even prime
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2015] Only 2 is even prime number. Therefore
There are total 52 cards out of which 6 cards are n (E3) = 1
n ^E3h
P (even prime), P (E3) = = 1
n ^S h
Total number of all possible outcomes, 49
n (S) = 52 - 6 = 46 113. Two unbiased coins are tossed simultaneously. Find
Number of black king, the probability of getting :
n (E1) = 2 (i) at least one head,
(i) a black king, (ii) almost one head,
Probability of drawing black king (iii) no head.
n (E1) Sol :
= 2 = 1
[Board Term-2 2012, 2014]
P (E1) =
n (S) 46 23 There are 4 possible outcome when two unbiased coins
(ii) a card of red colour, are tossed simultaneously.
Total red card, Sample space S ={HH, HT, TH, TT}
n (E2) = 26 - 6 = 20 n (S) = 4
Probability of drawing red colour card (i) at least one head,
n ^E2h
P ^E2h = = 20 = 10 Favourable outcomes are {HT, TH, HH}.
n ^S h 46 23
n (E1) = 3
(iii) a card of black colour.
n (E1)
Total card of black colour, P (E1) = =3
n (S) 4
n (E3) = 26
(ii) almost one head,
Probability of drawing black colour card Favourable outcomes are {HT, TH, HH}.
n ^E3h
P ^E3h = = 26 = 13 n (E2) = 3
n ^S h 46 23
n ^E2h
P ^E2h = =3
112. A bag contains cards numbered 1 to 49. Find the n ^S h 4
probability that the number on the drawn card is : (iii) no head.
(i) an odd number Favourable outcomes is {TT} only.
(ii) a multiple of 5 n (E3) = 1
(iii) Even prime
n ^E3h
P ^E3h = =1
Sol : [Board Term-2 2014] n ^S h 4
Total cards, n (S) = 49
114. Three different coins are tossed together. Find the
(i) an odd number probability of getting
Odd number are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, (i) exactly two heads.
23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47 and 49. (ii) at least two heads
Total odd number, n (E1) = 25 (iii) at least two tails.
n (E1) Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2016]
P (odd number), P (E1) =
n (S) Sample space for three coins tossed is {HHH, HHT,
= = 25
n ^S h 49 n ^S h = 8
Page 558 Probability Chap 14
and 81 i.e. 3 numbers. Since red face cards are removed, number of all
n (E1) = 3 possible outcomes are 52 - 6 = 46
From equation (1) and (2), we have 141. All the red face cards are removed from a pack of
y + 11 52 playing cards. A card is drawn at random from
3y - 11 = the remaining cards, after reshuffling them. Find the
12y - 44 = y + 11 probability that the drawn card is
(i) of red colour
12y - y = 11 + 44
(ii) a queen
11y = 55 & y = 5 (iii) an ace
From equation (1) we have (iv) a face card.
x = 3 # 5 - 11 = 4 Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2015]
P ^E2h = = 6 =1
n ^S h 48 8
142. A box contains 20 cards from 1 to 20. A card is drawn
(iii) A multiple of 6. at random from the box. Find the probability that the
Number of multiples of 6 from 3 to 50 are 6, 12, 24, number on the drawn card is
30, 36, 42, and 48. (i) divisible by 2 or 3
No. of favourable outcomes, (ii) a prime number
n (E3) = 6 Sol : [Board Term-2 2015]
P (multiple of 6 from 3 to 50), We have 20 cards and thus there are 20 possible
n ^E3h outcomes.
P ^E3h = = 8 =1
n ^S h 48 6 n (S) = 20
Page 566 Probability Chap 14
(iv) What is the probability that the drawn ball is a (i) What is the probability the person is a woman or
solid coloured and bears an .even number? a Republican ?
Sol : [Board 2023 OD Standard] (ii) What is the probability the person is a Democrat
(i) Total number of balls = 15
(iii) What is the probability the person is a Independent
Number of Ball bears number 8 = 1
men ?
P (Getting ball bears number 8) = 1 (iv) What is the probability the person is a Independent
(ii) Number of balls having even numbers = 7 men or green party men ?
P (Getting even number balls) = 7 (v) What is the probability the person is not a
15 Independent Women or Republican men ?
(iii) Number of balls bearing a number, which is
multiple of 3 = 5 Sol :
P (Getting balls having multiple of 3) = 5 Total possible outcomes in all case is 100 because
15 there are total 100 person and out of which we have
= 1
3 to select one for interview.
(iv) Solid coloured balls = 8 n (S) = 100
Number of solid coloured balls having an even number (i) Person is a woman (W) or a Republican (R),
= 4. Let E1 be the event that the selected person is a
P (Getting Solid Coloured even number Ball) woman or a Republican.
= 4 Favourable outcome, n (E1) = 53 + 20 = 73
n (E1)
Probability, P (E1) = = 73 = 0.73
158. Political survey questions are questions asked to n (S) 100
gather the opinions and attitudes of potential voters. (ii) Person is a democrat,
Political survey questions help you identify supporters Let E2 be the event that the selected person is
and understand what the public needs. Using such democrat.
questions, a political candidate or an organization can Favourable outcome, n (E2) = 39
formulate policies to gain support from these people.
n (E2)
Probability, P (E2) = = 39 = 0.39
n (S) 100
(iii) Person is a Independent men,
Let E3 be the event that the selected person is
Independent men.
Favourable outcome, n (E3) = 7
n (E3)
Probability, P (E3) = = 7 = 0.07
n (S) 100
(iv) Person is a Independent men or green party men,
Let E4 be the event that the selected person is
A survey of 100 voters was taken to gather information Independent men or green party men.
on critical issues and the demographic information Favourable outcome, n (E4) = 7 + 3 = 10
collected is shown in the table. One out of the 100
n (E4)
voters is to be drawn at random to be interviewed on Probability, P (E4) = = 10 = 0.1
n (S) 100
the India Today News on prime time.
(v) Person is not a Independent Women or Republican
Women Men Totals men,
Republican 17 20 37 Let E5 be the event that the selected person is not a
Independent Women or Republican men.
Democrat 22 17 39
Favourable outcome, n (E5) = 100 - (8 + 20) = 72
Independent 8 7 15 n (E5)
Probability, P (E5) =
Green Party 6 3 5 n (S)
Totals 53 47 100 = 72 = 0.72
Page 572 Probability Chap 14
n (E2)
Probability, P (E2) = = 29 = 0.29
n (S) 100
(iii) Family has less than three children,
Let E3 be the event that the family has less than
three children.
Favourable outcome, n (E3) = 51 + 20 + 19 = 90
n (E3)
Probability, P (E3) =
n (S)
= 90 = 0.90
(iv) Here (iii) is most likely to occur because
probability is maximum. Sol :
Here sample space is area of circle of 8 inch.
165. Abhinav Bindra is retired sport shooter and currently Thus n (S) = p82 in2.
India’s only individual Olympic gold medalist.
(i) The probability that you score at least 4,
His gold in the 10-meter air rifle event at the 2008
Summer Olympics was also India’s first Olympic gold Let E1 be the event that she hit the circle in the
medal since 1980. He is the first Indian to have held radius of 6 inch to score 4. Favourable outcome will
concurrently the world and Olympic titles for the be area of this 6 inch circle.
men’s 10-meter air rifle event, having earned those Favourable outcome, n (E1) = p62 in2.
honors at the 2008 Summer Olympics and the 2006 n (E1)
= p62 = 9
In a sample of 50 people, 21 had type O blood, 22 had selected person have type AB blood.
type A blood, 5 had type B blood, and 2 had type AB Favourable outcome, n (E4) = 2
blood. Set up a frequency distribution and find the
n (E4)
following probabilities. Probability, P (E4) = = 2 = 0.02
n (S) 50
(i) What is the probability that a person has type O
P (E4) = -
1 P (E4)
blood ?
(ii) What is the probability that a person has type A = 1 - 0.04 = 0.96
or type B blood ?
168. Computers in Elementary Schools : Computer-based
(iii) What is the probability that a person has neither learning (CBL) refers to any teaching methodology that
type A nor type O blood ? makes use of computers for information transmission
(iv) What is the probability that a person does not or input. At an elementary school level, computer
have type AB blood ? applications can be used to display multimedia lesson
Sol : plans or students can input examination answers
Frequency distribution table is as follows. into a computer to facilitate grading and evaluation.
Multimedia formats and applications that allow
Type Frequency students to pause content are especially valuable in
early childhood education especially since students
A 22
are coming to school with different competencies,
B 5 learning styles and speeds for absorbing information.
AB 2
O 21
Total 50
Total possible outcomes in all case is 50 because there
are total 50 sample and out of which we have to select
Thus n (S) = 50
(i) Person has type O blood,
Let E1 be the event that the selected person has type
O blood.
Favourable outcome, n (E1) = 21
n (E1)
Probability, P (E1) = = 21 = 0.42
n (S) 50
(ii) Person has type A or type B blood, Total 1000 elementary and secondary schools of
Let E2 be the event that a person has type A or type Rajasthan were classified by the number of computers
B blood. they had.
Favourable outcome, n (E2) = 22 + 5 = 27
Computers 1–10 11–20 21–50 51–100 100 more
n (E2)
Probability, P (E2) = = 27 = 0.54 Schools 250 210 290 170 80
n (S) 50
(iii) Person has neither type A nor type O blood, i.e Choose one school at random and find the following
person has type B or type AB probability.
Let E3 be the event that the selected person has (i) Find the probability that it has 50 or fewer
neither type A nor type O blood. computers.
Favourable outcome, n (E3) = 5 + 2 = 7 (ii) Find the probability that it has more than 100
n (E3) computers.
Probability, P (E3) = = 7 = 0.14
n (S) 50 (iii) Find the probability that it has no more than 20
(iv) Person does not have type AB blood, computers.
Let E4 be the event that the selected person does not (iv) Find the probability that it has more than 50
have type AB blood. Let E4 be the event that the computers.
Page 578 Probability Chap 14
Favourable outcome, n (E1) = 45 (ii) Total odd number are 50 and 5 numbers are one
n (E1) digit odd number. Hence two digit odd number are 45.
Probability, P (E1) = = 45 = 0.45 Thus favourable outcomes,
n (S) 100
(ii) Patient stayed less than 6 days, n (E2) = 50 - 5 = 45
Let E2 be the event that a patient stayed less than 6 P (Two digit odd number),
days i.e 3, 4, or 5 days. n (E2)
P (E2) = = 45 = 0.45
Favourable outcome, n (E2) = 13 + 22 + 45 = 80 n (S) 100
n (E2) (iii) Favourable outcomes are {11, 33, 55, 77, 99}.
Probability, P (E2) = = 80 = 0.80 Number of favourable outcomes is 5. Therefore
n (S) 100
(iii) Patient stayed at most 4 days, n (E3) = 5
Let E3 be the event that the selected patient stayed P (odd number multiple of 11),
n ^E3h
at most 4 days i.e. 3 or 4 days.
P ^E3h = = 5 = 0.05
Favourable outcome, n (E3) = 13 + 22 = 35 n ^S h 100
n (E3) (iv) Favourable outcomes are 71, 73, 75, ......99.
Probability, P (E3) = = 35 = 0.35
n (S) 100 Number of favourable outcomes,
(iv) Patient stayed at least 5 days, n (E 4) = 15
Let E4 be the event that the selected stayed at least P (odd number not less than 70),
5 days i.e. 5, 6, or 7 days n ^E 4h
P ^E 4h = = 15 = 0.15
Favourable outcome, n (E4) = 45 + 14 + 6 = 65 n ^S h 100
n (E4) (v) Total odd number are 50 and out of which {11,
Probability, P (E4) = = 65 = 0.65 33, 55, 77, 99} are multiple of 11. Thus 50 - 5 = 45
n (S) 100
numbers are not multiple of 11.
171. Cards on which numbers 1, 2, 3 .......... 100 are written Therefore n (E5) = 45
(one number on one card and no number is repeated), P (odd number not multiple of 11),
put in a bag and are mixed thoroughly. A card is n ^E5h
P ^E5h = = 45 = 0.45
drawn at random from the bag. Find the following n ^S h 100
probability. 172. Insurance : An insurance company selected 1000
Sol : drivers at random in a particular city to determine
(i) What is the probability that card taken out has a a relationship between age and accidents. The data
odd number ? obtained are listed in following table.
(ii) What is the probability that card taken out has a
two digit odd number ? Age 0 1 2 3 Over 3
(iii) What is the probability that card taken out has a Under 20 50 62 53 35 20
odd number which is multiple of 11? 20–29 64 93 67 40 36
(iv) What is the probability that card taken out has
30–39 82 68 32 14 4
an odd number which is not less than 70 ?
(v) What is the probability that card taken out has 40–49 38 32 20 7 3
an odd number which is not multiple of 11 ? Over 49 43 50 35 28 24
Sol :
(i) There are 100 cards in bags. Thus we have 100
possible outcomes for all cases.
n (S) = 100
Odd numbers 1 to 100 are 50.
Number of favourable outcomes,
n (E1) = 50
P (an odd number),
n (E1)
P (E1) = = 50 = 1 = 0.5
n (S) 100 2
Chap 14 Probability Page 579
Compute the probabilities of the following events for 173. Deepika Kumari is an Indian athlete who competes
a driver chosen at random in the city: in the event of archery, is currently ranked World
(i) E1 : being under 20 years old and having exactly No. 9, and is a former world number one. She won
three accidents in 1 year a gold medal in the 2010 Commonwealth games in
(ii) E2 : being 30–39 years old and having one or more the women’s individual recurve event. She also won a
accidents in 1 year gold medal in the same competition in the women’s
team recurve event along with Dola Banerjee and
(iii) E3 : having no accidents in 1 year
Bombayala Devi. Kumari qualified for the 2012
(iv) E4 : being under 20 years old or having exactly
Summer Olympics in London, where she competed in
three accidents in 1 year
the Women’s Individual and Women’s team events,
Sol : finishing in eighth place in the latter.
From the given table we make the following table.
Age 0 1 2 3 Over 3
Under 20 50 62 53 35 20
20–29 64 93 67 40 36
30–39 82 68 32 14 4
40–49 38 32 20 7 3
Over 49 43 50 35 28 24
Total 277 305 207 124 87
Total possible outcomes in all case is 1000 because
there are total 1000 driver and out of which we have Deepika can hit the rectangular target shown 100% of
to select one . the time at a range of 80 m. Assuming the probability
n (S) = 1000 the target is hit is related to its area, answer the
(i) E1 : being under 20 years old and having exactly following.
three accidents in 1 year (i) What is the probability the Deepika hits within
the triangle ?
Favourable outcome, n (E1) = 35
(ii) What is the probability the Deepika hits within
n (E1)
Probability, P (E1) = = 35 = 0.35 the circle ?
n (S) 1000
(iii) What is the probability the Deepika hits within
(ii) E2 : being 30–39 years old and having one or more
the circle but outside the triangle ?
accidents in 1 year
(iv) What is the probability the Deepika hits within
Favourable outcome,
the rectangle but outside the circle ?
n (E2) = 68 + 32 + 14 + 4 = 118
n (E2)
Probability, P (E2) = = 118 = 0.118
n (S) 1000
(iii) E3 : having no accidents in 1 year
Favourable outcome,
n (E3) = 277
n (E3)
Probability, P (E3) = = 277 = 0.277
n (S) 1000
(iv) E4 : being under 20 years old or having exactly
three accidents in 1 year
Favourable outcome,
n (E4) = 50 + 62 + 53 + 35 + 20 + 40 + 14 + 7 + 28 Sol :
= 309 Deepika can hit the rectangular target shown 100% of
n (E4)
Probability, P (E4) = = 309 = 0.309 the time, thus area of rectangle is sample space.
n (S) 1090
n (S) = 90 # 70 = 6300 cm2
Page 580 Probability Chap 14